277494 WHITE - CITY CLERK �•y� {� PINK - FINANCE COUflCII � /�y� CANARY - DEPARTM G I TY OF SA I NT �� lJ L BLUE - MAYOR � V File N 0. uncil Resolution Presented By � �"� Committee: te Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, The National Association For The Advancement of Colored People is the oldest and largest civil rights organization in the country; and BE IT RESOLVED, The National Association For The Advaneement of Colored People has played a significant role in the implementation of most major pieces of civil rights legislation enacted in the United States; .and BE IT RESOLVED, Dr. Benjamin L. Hooks has served The National Association For The Advancement of Colored People as its Executive Director since 1977, and has been a forceful leader --- bringing to the Executive Office a wealth of ' —� experience, ranging from the lst black Judge in Shelby County Criminal Court, Memphis, Tennessee; Assistant Public Defender, Memphis, Tennessee; and Federal Communications Commissioner, Memphis , Tennessee; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby proclaims October 1 , 1981 as "NAACP DAY" IN SAINT PAUL in recognition of the accomplishments of this great organization, and in recognition of one of the great names in the civil rights movement, Dr. Benjamin Hooks. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt l.evine [n Favor Maddox � McMahon B snowaiter - __ Against Y -- Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date O�T � 19g1 Form Appro by City Att ne Certified a_s d y Council S etary� (v v � - Approv d b :Navor. O�T Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B _ — By ��� �� �: t� ���'� � >, U, ••:;� � . � . WHKE - CITV CLERK ' 1'��( PINK - PINANCE ^ � ��/ /[j�� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT O I 'I`Y •/� SA I NT PA U L COUflC1I ��� � -z BLUE - MAVOR File N . ; ' � Gouncil Resolution � � � � Presented �3y ! " 1%� / _�f / ; , - � % �� Referred To Committee: �pate Out of Committee By Date � 8E IT RES�LVED. The Matioaal AsaociatloA Fe� Tbe Adraooe�eat of Colarad Pie�te is tbe oldest aod largest ctvtl �ights org:aizatlon ia the aa�tr�r; aad BE IT RESOLYEO, 7he Natioe�al Assoclatlo� For The Adraooe�ent of Color+ed People bu played a slgeifica�t role ie tbe toplrw�rtattoa of �t �s,�ar ptetes oi c1Y11 rtgMts 1sy1s1atioA �nacted i� the i�nittd States; u�d � � ��. �'. �1�in 1�. Hooks bas senred Tl,e Nstioaal Essociati� For Tbe Adva�a�eat of Coloned.People as its Ex�cvttre 0lrecto� siace 1977. and has beea a tor�efnt ieader --- be�l�i� Lo tl� Executire 4ffic� a w�alth of - expert�ce. raagiag fr� tde lst black Judge ia StKiby Coun�jr taMoi�al Co�rt. Memphis. Te�e�essee; Asststant Public Defe�der, 1le�pbis. Tea�essee; a�d federal Cai■w�aiutioas Ca�isstaaer, Me�Ais. Tene�essee; �iOY, TNEREFORE, 8E IT ftESOi.YEQ. tl�at #b�r Sai�t Paut Citp Co�mctl hereby p�oclaims tfctober 1, 1981 u 'ltANCA t'1AY• IN SAIliT PAt�. in necoqaition of tbe auoa�lisbnents of Lhis gr�aat organization. �d 1n recoQnitlon of o�e af the grtiat ��es iA th� tiv11 tNghts oov�t, Dr. 8e�amin Noolcs. _ 1 COUNCILMEN _ = i��quested by Department of: ' Yeas � Nays �: ' Hunt "�� Levine In Favor Maddox � McMahon B snoweiter __ Against Y Tedesco wlson �., .. OCT p� ..; ... -, 1 �;7p� Form ApprovQd by City Atto�ney�.�,:...�_. Adopted by Council: Date — 1•' � , • 1. ) ,,` '1•� � f��,:_� , , f;� ` /�, Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� �� _F -.,� -'`� ��;�.-, ���_ —,� Appruved h� 'Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Ft� _ _ — — --- -- BY --- ---- —