277490 WHITE - CITYCLERK ���A�U PINK - FINANCE y CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT ��u L COUIICII a BLUE - MAYOR File N O. cil solution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RE50LUID� that the Council o� the City of Saint Paul cloes hereby concur in the appoint�ent made by the Ma.yor, of Leonard WojtAwicz, 1918 W. County Road C, Saint Pau1, Minnesota, to fill the existing Master vacancy on the Board of �miners for Plasterers; said term to expire in aocordance with the 5aint Pau]. Legislative Code. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt t�w. In Favor Maddox ,�� Mc���� � __ Against BY �ede�ee Wilson Form A ove Ci t ne Adopted by Council: Date � � Cer4ified.Y• �sed by Counc� ecr ry BY - By SEP 3 Ap ov by Mayor for S i 'o uncil App by ;Nayor: Date By — 116us�EA 0 CT 101981 orr ol: 22/lsTs ' '' � Rtv. : �/$/'76 . LZfPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIt1E ORDERS, RESOLGTION , AI�D RDINANCES _ '�4�p �ate: s�r�� io, i9sl ����:�:..�'��D SEp `�; �1981 - . Tp: MAYOR GEORGE LATZM�R `„�;YQF� QFFICI:�. FRz THQMAS J. I�I.LE'Y, DIRECTOR OQN�JNI'I5t SERV'IC����,,,, .� gE; APPOII�TIl�I� - BOARD QF F.���ZtN�RS FOR PIASTERERS A,CTION REQtJESTEDs . APFOIl�1:[T4F1Jr TO THE BOARD QF EXAMIl�IERS FOR PLASTERS QF LD�NARD Wl�7TOWICZ. THIS RECOMMENDATZON COMES FORM THE MINNESOTA LATHING AND PLASTERING BUREAU, REPRESENTING THE TWIN CITIES AREA FOR LATHER5 AND PALSTERERS. PURP4SE AND R1�TZONA,LE' FOR THS5 ACTION: FILL F�XiSTING VACANCY FINAi�I,P,L IN.�AGT 1VOlQE ATTACHMENTS: ' OO�JNCIL RF50LUI'ION