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WMITE� - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE p �� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T �A U L COUflC1I � �LUE - MAYOR File N O. �� (r RETURN COPY TO Coun il esolution VAI�JATION BUREAU Presented By ' V ► � �C� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREA.S, The Council of the City of Saint Paul by Resolution, Council File No. 267030, adopted April 8, 1976, as amended in Council File No. 268051, adopted October 26, 1978 did vacate, among other thin�s, that portion of public street and pub].ic a11ey located in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, legally described as follows: All that portion of Conway Street lying between the East line of Hazel Street and the southerly extension of the East line of Lot 50, Block 4, Wild Rose Addition, including all those parts of Lots 55, 56 and 57 all in Block �+, Wild Rose Addition and all those parts of Lots 1 and 10 both in Block 2, Iiudson Road Gardens, lying between the North and South line of Conway Street, and a line which is the arc of a circle having a 50 foot radius, the center line of said circle lying on the center line of Conway Street and 290.0 feet West of the West line of Luella Street produced Northerly; also Vacate a11 that part of the North-South alley in Block �+, Wild Rose Addition 1.ying between Conway Street and East Third Street as widened; als o Vacate al1 that bart of the East-West a11ey in Block �+, Wild Rose Addition lying between the North-South alley in said Block 4 and the Southerly extension of a line 20 feet West oF and parallel to the East line of Lot 10, said addition; and WE�REAS, Said vacation reserved to the City of Saint Paul and other public instru- mentalities, public utility ease.ments contained therein and thereon; and WHEEiFAS, The Council has been requested by Vida Investment Co.mpany to waive the retained public utility easernent in a certain portion of said Conway Street, and COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Fin and ement Services Levine In FavOr Maddox McMahon � B snowaiter - __ Against y -- irec or Tedesco � Wilson Adopted by Council: Date — Form Approved by City Attorne Certified Yassed by Council Secretary '3/��� By —_ Approved by ;Vlayor: Date _ Ap v by Mayor for S iss' n to Council Bv - - - B � - . � ° �,���� -2- WHERF�AS, The Departments of Public Works and Water Utility of the City of Saint Paul, Northern States Power Company and Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, Public Utility Companies, each has filed a written certificate of intended non-use with the office af the City Clerk, which certificate is incorporated herein by reference; and WFiERF',AS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul by Resolution, Council File No. 267030, adopted April 8, 1976, as amended in Council File No. 268051, adopted October 26, 197�5, did retain public utility easements over and across certain properties heretofore mentioned in said Council Resolutions, and WHERF'�A,S, The said Public Utilities Companies have consented to waive their retained easements in said vacated property as fully set forth in their Certif- icate of Intended Non-Use as heretofore mentioned in said Council Files, and WI�RF.AS, They hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utility easemen� rights in the following described realty: Al1 that part of Comaay Street, as ori ginally platted in Wildsose Adclition and Hudson Road Gardens and as widened in document �+81662, which lies East of a line drawn from the Southwest corner of Lot 5, Block �+, Wildrose Addition to the Northwest corner of Lot 10, Block 2, Hudson Road Gardens and which lies West of the extension Southerly of the East line of I,ot 50, B1ock �+, Wildrose Addition, except all of the following: A 30 foot permanent wa�er main easement which lies between the North and South lines of said Conway Street and which is centered on a line drawn pex�nendicular to Lot 10, Block 2, Hudson Road Gardens and which is located 155.6�+ feet West of the East line of Lot 55, Block �+, Wildrose Addition, when measured along a line located �+1.79 feet North of and para]1el to the North line of Conway Street as originally platted in Wildrose Addition. Also, All that paxt of I,ot 56, except the South 11.79 feet thereof, and all that part of �,ot 55, Block �+, Wildrose Addition as originally platted, which lies within the arc of a circle having a radius of 50 feet and the center of said circle being located on the center line of said Conway Street and 290 feet West from the intersection of the extension Northerly of the East line of Block 2, Hudson Road Gardens, Also, A permanent water main ease.ment located in the North 32 feet of Conivay Street and which lies East of a line located 329•7 feet East of and parallel to the extension Southerly of the West line of Block �+, Wild- rose Addition and West of the e�ension Southerly of the East line of Lot 50, Black �+, Wildrose Addition, And also, All that part of a 3�+ foot Vride permanent sewer easement, centered on the center line of Conway Street, and which lies bety�een the extension Southerly of the East line of I,ot 50, Block 4, Wildsose Addition and a line which is 10 feet East of and parallel to the e�ension Southerly of the West line of Lot 50, Block 4, Wildrose Addition, subject e�ressly to the followi,ng conditions and reservations: a. That no buildings or �ermanent structures taill be allowed within the easement area. b. That no change in grade or surfacing within the ease:ment area ,aill be allowed without Vrritten .�-"7Y�t �'.3/�6/ WMIT� - CITY CLERK �• J��Q � CANARY - DEPARTMENT � COUtIC1I r�K � v��" iLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT � AUL File NO. V�ALUA IONPBUREAU. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -3- permission of the Depaxtment of Public Works Setiver Engineer or Water Utility. c. That the easement include the perpetual right of the Depart.ment of Public Works and Water Utility to construct, maintain, oberate and repair the underground se�►er together ��th a perpetual easement for ingress and egress to said easement. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RFS OLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Section 130.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, does hereby waive, release and extinguish the Water Utility easem�nt retained by the Water Department of the City of Saint Paul in Council Resolution, Council File No. 267030, adopted April 8, 1976, as amended in Council File No. 268051, adopted October 26, 1978, and BE IT FURTHER RF5 OLVED, That the above mentioned waiver and release of said ease,ments is for the Ci�y of Saint Paul and those persons for who.m the City has reserved easements in said vacated property for the installation, ,maintenance and operation of any sewer, vrater, gas or electric main, pipe or conduit of ?�ublic instrurnentality. COUfVC[LIVIEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt F`ina and Ma nt Services Levine In Favor Maddox Mc�,�O��, _ � __ Against BY irec or Tedesco Wiison �pQ, SEP 17 �� Form Approved b City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date — Certified P s- by Council , tar � �3��� sy Approved r. Date � 8 198 A r v by Mayor for ub ' si to� uncil BY - – BY � BusHEa SEP 2 6198� • � ���':G:C.,�L7 T_W :�Oi�0�F3LE i•u�YO� :zi"� :y:3�?5 ri� 1^:ic, COLI.�IL G� '=�`', - �,-�-.,� �:�.'�i�_14h1'.".' 0"' :1`I'I �i' .Siii_._' =til,�:, -�n r.• - I:-�Ei;���D :;0:?-U�� T??E unde�Sl�'."!eG here��;;� �er�_,: �:ia� �:'7C�' :.O ?:O� �?'.�E:":C �� 2.;e�C1S2 tile=l' :;�l�lt,-� ewse^�ent ri�hts in t:e =�i_o;:ir.� �escri�eci �-ealt�-: t�� tnat n2Z'� OI CO^:'S�� Street, SS 02'l�;i ;;�,=1� ^��,;,�e� ir_ i'71'��"'OS2 iiC�CLl'�?�': 2:7" :;UQSOri �O"u� 4ardens 2'_2C c'l,S " 1G�I12u 1I7 Ci^C'_l.'?'E':it ;,=L��J::G� ':?:11C': �_eS �c.S't Oi 8 'lI?(.' ��"?.'"r� �,O!: tL7e s�;;�l�?,;BS± corner �_` LOi, �� $l�C;, �}, i'�1�:i'_'�Se !-,i1�1�101: LO ��E .,OY'�i.l'!':25L C��?'?@, 0= Lot '_0, 31oc?: 2, ri�:as�;_ �oad Gar&er_s �n� ����ic� '_ies i-iest �_' t:e ex.tens�on Sou�nerl�:� Oi �nE' "2S� '_ine �� :,�� 7C'� ��OCIC �� �"lliCl;"OS� �CC�1.L?021; E;:Ce�� ?=i ^.i �!1e �011�i•�1;:�,; A 30 =oo� i�er^�ar�er�t :;�te-r ;^:.�n ease:�ent r;hic� 'ies aet�•:eer_ tne i��ortr ann Soutn 1�nes O� SulQ LO?lt•T2�J $tr2E� 2'_7::1 �:'^1C^ 1S cente�C'G Ori � �1T12 G2'G��i:1 ''2T'�enciCU�aY' '�O I,O't ��i� 310C1: 2� .aUQS�Ii �02.Q GGI'�2YlS c?.I1C� �:r_.^.i: 1S �J�2�°.��. �7i.ij�= _°2� 'ilESyi. O_ t_^_E? �=.ST. �i!:2 Of .'T,�O�i, 5j� .=,�OC�C �� i�11:12'OSe ri:C:.�� O?7; ,::'12?: .:2E�.S:1�E'.C. 2!,^,:7` � t' ;'iE' !�Ca�C'C �;� .7� 'e2� 1'i01't_. Oi 211G rar�=le1 �� trE j;�L"�� �ine �_ :,�'":;:� ' S�2"ee� �S 02"lylll�°,.!� ' �'l�^..t�E" l�? ����_�ose Acdi����. �?so, ril� '�.12't t�2T'� O� I,OL ��� 2�i�eN� �Z° a�',:tr �1.(� _`2ii. ��1E-E0;s �ri:i u�� t�lc^.t �rL �_ Lo� ;5, i,lock 1�, �rJildrose �3dition as ori�ir�i?�.; a�at�ed, �cnicn lies ;.i�hin t�e arc o: u circle having a r�dius or j0 ='eet and t'�e �er.ter o_� said c_rcle bein� located or_ the center lir.e o" s�._d y��l•?G�r Street �nu 2�?0 ieet "vles� =r�:z t'�e intersection o� tre ea�tensior_ i•<orther=;� �i �ne �,Gst line �_ �10�; 2; i:;�cson �oar� G4rder_s; Also, A �er�anert -:-ater Ma�n ease:�en� loc�ted ir_� �_.e ;;or',;: 3� =�E� �- ��;;-:-�:�� Street und �•:hich lies i,ast of G 1�re locwted 32g.7 :eet �as� �_ �:n:i ��.aralle= to the e:�er.s�on Southerl;;� of the ;Jest l�ne of 31oc1: �, i•7��drose Andi��oi-: and iaes;, o" the e:ctens�on c,,.._.__.,.- .. _ . -- - - �,__. -_ ._ . - _ _. _ _ • � �1° 3 V �`�� � A1-�. that �urt o�� a 34 ioot �;�de :�ermanent se.:�er easer.ent; centexed on the center line o= Con�aay- S�reet, and ��rhich lies between the extension Southerly ol the �ast line o= Lot 50, Block 4, j�lildrose Addition and a line :ahich is 10 feet :;ast �f ::n: �arallel to the extension Southerly of the West line of Lot 50, 3yock �+, i•lil��'ose l,ddition, subject exnressly to the foll�ring conditions 2nd reservations: a. That no buil�ings or permanent structures ?�rill be allowed t•�ithin tne easer�ent area. b. That no change in grade or surfacing �aithin the ease!nent area ;rill be allowed ti*ithout taritten �ermission o' the Denartment of Public Works Se;aer yngineer or Water Utility. c. That tne e�.sement include the �erpetual right oi the Denartment or Public Works and Water Utility to consts^act, r�aintain, o�erate and re�air the underground sewer together �aith a per�etual ease�ent �"or ingress and egress to said easement. Dated /Z , �9 8 � � � I7irector of Public 'v7 City of Saint Paul � l, �� • _ � . : General Manager, Water Department City of Saint Pau1 Nortnern States Potaer Com�any �Y (SEAL) North�aestern Bell Telephone Com�any BY (SEAL) . � � �~�n!.�� �^ ,�,_--� , - .-- _ , ,-- � _-.�. _7 _. v;:i�i� .�,r:�,1;.:-. ti.J ._.._�.�_ � �/..-, " ,�n'__• __ ' _ _. ' '_.3___ ,r-._. _ _,u �v�/�.,_..._� �;: �. - -±�'.� � . . - - -' y.....�:. �..' �..� _ 1,�: �::�_.� _.w�. _",�_��:-.-� - -• .J:_,� ,�_ -�.:=, �:�:1. .,�__..:e�'JiL'SE',�,. _SnrC" " ..��'�__� .,"�,.. v. :.Q :�� J._. .. �... „ `', ' _ ., `=F�- o-rP:" �u:. t�=�__ .,..._._� ease^�:�.>� �_^; __ ,,., ___ ,.�.e _-_-__..---� ��s�r-_ ;e� _�G- _ • . t=.�_ v_=.::t ' 'r�.. �, . ..J`!�.. ' .7.._"�':_ .,... .'�.'_„-. _""—' .. __.�.1.i.2:,. _._ �il_C'....�"v."�.E ....u�'— .� . c,. .. .... '.�:� _ " _ V� _ �� _� uJ �02.0 .:�:1^::Pi1S ..._.. .._ "_y .��i'_��. .. . _�..�.:C=_L ,- __ .., , --`--- --PS ;c.5� 0= � .:._17C' .1�''c.":?= __.,._. t:e S�_..,._::es� ..o,,,_:e,� �-: �..., ;, �1��_. .,�_:�r�s� _.w,�- ��.. ' �•-- - r�- • - � - -- i.� ..� _..,� �f-:�.��°:>i. ^_.�i'_"!=°r ..- Lo;, _'' _lo^_=: - ---.��,,._ :;��.� „�,_we_� ,_�;: .-��,,�__ �«c-� ;;es� �_ t:-:e e:�ens_o~: Soa�_�er1 O�� ,.'E �:.tiv __.. .._ i�� � , ✓-^..-' '�--.�-0.� r..�.�_L=�^. E.:.^..£�'� ...-- ..- .,'_� _.�_1.," 1: k ��� _'�ot •�e�-��:.?.e::� ,;ate_ ... _:, ease.�:ier_� ,r:�i..-- -_es ���e�-.ree:. tne _:or�h ar_:� Souti= =ines O� S2'�'? .�,0'_:?i� S�ree� �._.. -.--�.�-- -s �e`:�ered .^.i? �,. _7.::2 ^2'G;-n -,eY•-�cnr�...�C:,L_i,,T' t'J i�Ot � �� :ZOC:' c'� --aQS�.� �02.�� v�;:'_"CcC:':S c.:?C� ..__��� �S ���:.�°:. _:�... . -eet �lESL O� ��e Lc.�� �_no - � o= .��� :;, _���_> , ��i�.:rose _�:�::��_o�_, ,:�e:� :�:e��•w:�� a�� __ �. 1=-e _��catea ';_ ?� :ee'` _<O�V_^, 0� �:'1: ,�'_'�..--r-� �� �:?C _.'J?"�:? _�:iE O_ �1.".. 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'•a�8.�,_�'_ �0 �Y'i2 Ei�er.s_o:i Souther�;i of �ne �i2S''i, �=rie C=� ;��OC��: �-'� i'�1:_u�,OSe �G�l'�i.=0:"e ::�C, �r�'CSi, �_ ��?� @.l'�e17S�027 ��'.:��';C-.2'- O� -'e= �':��. 1;;,� 0= �O�"i, , :;��C_- ;t1'.:.._'7SC' _.�.�_�._•^•?��. ___�_ _�_S`^., . ^y 'r� 1 . 1 y,� ?����� r:�_ �.'1� . ., .,_ 2 3=i _00� -,--i.^.'�E �e2'..i2.?7C'21� .ee':.'e'_' c2SA--:e'�� ^P::��"E:: �.,_ i;1:" �er��,.. -_':E ^v: �`J:_,. `' v`.,�E,'�� , 2,::.� .,..y...i ��2S JET„C�e:: 1..=?P t3:�C'?�:�i0:5 S^....�,._��.-. �.= �__� ��c-- �_ � �1�_� .,= i��� ;.:. �ii.,..__ 4; ���i�.::'_"pS2 �:uG.l'`i.iCT; G:1.1 2 ��_^.a -,-:'ll��_ 1� _J �eE� �,_:SL .,_ ..,..�.. '�c:..;.�_C'. i.� �_!.ri E:��2.iS1�� .S�ll�IIE.'Y'--.J O� �:�e ��7esii. �1:E ..- T t � - -- ,�__;._. .... _ 1.,0� ��;; _O:. A::_�_:,:, s�a����t e:^�ress=y to the _'0110-,;;�?;; con�_�i:;:s �..� reserv�.��.o:s . a. i 1�.� __., -,,.�_�cir�s o�� �er:�ar.ent st?~uctares ��ri�_ ���e a� •e� �1��:, ;�tr`_�-_ t':�e ease�er:t area. -.. . �_�:;� ~o ,..-:G��e _:� �raae ox su_r�uci.a�; ;:.t_.�.._ tne e�.se:�e~:t �._�� :.��' ��� �l-�o;-ew :it�-"out ;:riuten ~�er:,�.ssio:_ .,_ ;,he De�,a^�rae�_� o= _ ��1=_ �lor..s Se-.:er �,^b�neer or Water �J�,'__ ��. c. T�.�:� �ne easeMert ,_r_��uae �he -�erpetual r-�:_� o� �'_�e �e�ar�TM�e::;, O_ ?':.'�i i C i'TO?"'_:S 2,T1C1 'rl?..te2^ �Ttl.�7.t f t0 COrS�:".AC�i., :12_:7t2.7.n� p-Ja"2'�i.E �:r:. ?'e"?�-�� t:G U:?C�2Z'b1011l'iC: SeTi°r to�ets�er , _�.. a r�e�� , �sF:�er_� �e..,_ �a4_ e- 'or �.�ress and e�ress to said e?semen�. '�tec , 1g Director oi �^.:�o_i� i��orks Ci�y or Sa�n� raw_ � � Generai y��^G:ZG���'� �/ater 17cvc�wrl��:ei:N ��ity of Sain� Paul i�or�hern S�a�es P�,:e: �o^��an�: �Y (S.�'yti=; i�orth:rester� �ell Te�_er..hone �or..-�an�� BY (S��) ' � 0 ��,�9� rr+-T ��r-n-,r - ''_�C� _.. J - -_. _� �_._.., _:v�_.�:ZtiJi.:L:� _•.r. .�, � iy; r-i--� . .-,-�-i - - - �___., t,OU_,.._... O� 1_� "-J.,,- - _ _, v.�l� G� �l1__.� �' • .i__1.��^�'v..^� �J:_ il.�. _r'.J_:.✓ .��1: -iJ.i �_�le �.l��l.��s��._�Piµ :ere.. .�.l�r:i__� li_li..v v_jc ...V �.��� .� ���� ..� G"Pi^.-� �n . , n: .V' " .. -- ._._ ,. ...�.� 4'"`" ... "_ E4..Se.�C�11' r� ��1v.C'. _._ L�'e _.i�_...�i�-(� .:.P.C..�r1:�e:.. "E,'c�..�� . V •�� y� �t _�Oj'L �O:?'�c- , S�'_"2.�i�. a.. �_"1�1:.c.�,� _ _'" 1.�: ',Lt . _ ,-..� r. � �i �. .c,.� � 0- `-' _ �.i,i,C':.: ��l!w�'CSE ri.�u.:�_J:= �:.`.'� --.,.��,.. �02Q lzi:�C12i7S 2.r� c::C .�.��!'iE�i �:: QOC'..�.."..C':iT. ,_�= ;�C):.�� .. 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'_.:� 'E2I:'c;._";E9:li. �L'::E�' E.'?,,SET:iG`.^_� ,^.G �'�. 1"� ° ^1„ _ , :��e?" O^ �:1., :E.'._ C'Y' -�.�_e .,_ .,.,.., ` .:±'_"EE�� c �::.. ;�._�l- —_�S :,2L-,:�E` �.:? el�2?.5��'; SO'.A�ie2'l,; :�: �.P_� _;c.S� ��.._. �._ �Ol, j.^i� 3�.^.�" , �iilC.Y'.^.SG f:':C�i�i,lOTl u?�: .. �1:-_2 .�!:=^I1 1S !.� feE�i,• L:ST. :�i ....� _ :.i��_�_ �i,� �_r:� e::�e..S=:�� S�ll�^_E'Y'_, O� �i,..e �Y'C-S� :_�:"?E 7� LO� �v �' , _..._. � � �_O.^,r. F'r� ' ,"� E n�::��_... , SiAD�eC't 2'l.?�Y'2SS�V t0 tl.e i0�1_O'•ii:l� Cpr:1��10*:� 22:� reserva�'�Or1S; c' . "_'�72T, :10 b'1i�Gl' <�S O�' -�er:��:1e;i� s;,ractures ?�:l_.� be �11�'C2Q , '_t:�r tne easeMer.t �1'e2.. �D. '�'�i:t ��O CI72:1�2 ='? ��F:,C:e 02' StL�"TC".^121� �:r.1�_'11:: y"i.11E e�.seWent GT'E�:. :'1.'__ De 21.10,72i "� =i,'!10'ut ;:rit�en '�eT'�.� SS10:! O' ��1E De'.2'_'t:71e::� O_ Y�uC�1C VvO;''tiS �'E';1er :�T1�1"12eI" C?" W�;.Li.e_ ;J����=�-�r. C. il:£:� �i,r2 e�.ser�ent _nCl.ude t�'12 '?2��72tU2.1. Y'i�'1� �i �?72 De�artnen� o" Pablic iaorks and Fvater Jtility to construct. �ain�air.. oner4te ur.c re�air t?�e underbround seiaer togetizer -.ri�:": a �er_^et�aal e�ser.!en� =or ingress und e�;ress to said easer�ent. �ated (O , i9 d I �rector ol Puolic i�lorks City of Saint Pau� General I�tar.agex, Water De�artment City of Saint Pau� TVOI'�nern States F�;:e� CO_".'?�4I1��' .�� � ,_,�,^' � .����� �Y G�G (S�) ��,;�,�,y��,e� _ _ KATHLEEN S. DOW ; -'�t� NOTARY PUBUC-MINNESOTA Nort!��•;ester:: �el_ Telephone Com�anyr ��t; RAMSEY COUNTY My Commission Exp.Aog.�4,1983 By �SEFi'L� � • .+ v � .ts�� ,�_'-, -_n''l--�^. - •� - . _ _ • ._-� _:'�:L.v_�r_J�,� .�a�:C�: ....� _.�.__.�:�,u.� 0-, _:._, �C':�.= .,_� C� �__. —: - -- - -r,-- ---- --- �_._.__- -�---- �- �___ C. ��----•- -....� - -_ _ - :� �'=LE _�:� .F?_°_" ?.� '_.._.. ,.�.I'�__, �___.� ., _(' :� .. _. _�__.. �_ ' ' ' .._ .. ._ .," __ �_._-_ . C' '� ease~�.e::� - , ,�� =:: -__e _.,�-„-..�. - a�:�ri ;e�. _ __._ . !.« ..�C..� �iV v_ .iv . �.Jli_�.�. ....� ..n.�_ _._�.__ Llaf'._. . . -�i �. ...0 ...,w .. �. . _ . , ` . _ . _ _. � .� �. � ._ _._.� _ ...�J..__ _1��v .it.�.w�._�C.`. . _.. �..� ... �nv.��^l ♦ ..i.J�.w _ - _� _ _' _ _ � . ,..'C�� ,� . ..�. ...._ _�_._.__ ._���� �_�ti.�. w_ �. _.�..�. � _ ..'. __. �i... L:C' S�',,...__:ES� �.,_:'y'_'' .,_ �C� �-..� - . '-_�__ _..� _...�.__�_.. _ ... _.:C . �_ "__ _, ., _.,_.___ ._ i�0� _�, _�10^:. � ...�5�:_ �0�.,_ .,�._ ._Ei'.S �.--� ---�- --E�S „F:.-, �_ ��::C- E.�_�eri5��.: u��-.;:i . E'_^ v_- �_^_E �°S�� __.=c .._ �^� j_ __..___ „_�.�_OSE' ._�.: -� ' �._^� ., --- _- .,. .. .^ � -"'-�- . - - 1C _ __ ..— ii �'� =�0� ��er:�:��-_e�.� ,;a;,er ...u�__ e�se^�er� �._�_..__ __2S �JE,'�".,��:= T,_'_G _..i?'�_i �__... .,..-.-- -_:lES OT SGii.: .�',O'_':::-�- J�'_"°E� :.?=� �.---�-- _S ^Pi11l.G'�"C':. O: . _�._.. �__...-. .- C'i''`n•-�-� . �:1^ �� - � - �, ' _ J�.li _L. �lo�_. L, :=tics�_. :io .. G�r.�e�s �:�u . ------ �.s =�„���� _;�.� =�c� ;e.� o�, :._:� ��s�� -_=e o_ ��t =,;, �_o-�-- ,;i�..i��os� ._�....=,,_o:_, -..:e__ .:ew���e:: .__ _,. � .. __.__ ___._.�e� _. =ec-, -.b2�.," 'J_ �:1: ....'_':-_°,� ... __c _.'J_''�__. __�;�' .._ .....:._ :�._ .... .. „__ _'_.._' ' .._ �... .. _.. i�r._v._�C� 1�:..�ii1'�.�..__. t'l,��J� :11 u:ii:.v �.%Grv .._ L�%'.. ^ �E:i'.. � ,..v`� . �� .. , � " , ` ' V j.v -'yr.ii ii_`l� �v __ ... ,�� ..,��:, ..._�;= .._ . ... . ..__ .._�1...' ,__ �_ I.:O� j�, ��O.^.t- �`� ri�..G.l"JSe ii�:C1�.7.0:_ 2.S O��i�1'=�„_7 _' ',�� �'"i.�E:, , ..---�.. �_°.`', ..=..�'i�._ `�,=?E3 c::�C. o_ u ,..�,-��e �a�-�. v � r�.ai�as o= �C _eet and �ne �e��e?, o= �.:i.� ,.__,._� �e=�r� _.,��.�e_. O__ +..:_E Ce:�i,EP !_"L' �f. ..�,=�'L �,0:=.'c%` Si.'_'C'�'"., c;?�'.! C1� �CE� ',JC'.`'.'� _'_":�;: ..=:G _._�f"_"SE:�_.._. ..� �"i.!?@ e.�er_sio:': _;OY'�:?P_� �_' ii,i!C- �c?.SL '11T12 �= :�O^:: !' ._...,..�C:1 _�O:�. .::2'Qe?1S. ..__.°,�. : �e2':G�:�2:_� .'2,vE2' .:2.1I1 C..�.S�:':C'":'`.. _JC:T,2G --- "-G -"''_"�-- -'�"'� �- _,.,...-. J�_"EE� °::� .:nic'_: l..es y4s� .._ �. _�.e ioc�.te:: ;%;.7 _eet ���: �_ .,-_=- ���.-�---e-_ �� �;ze e.=�.���=o:: Sout'r:e �., ? 1 e o� 3=0�_. � , ;l� d o� r.ci::,_�_,.._ _..0 , „ �_ „_ — �� o the �rTest __:: 1 r �� ;es- _t,e e.�_:,�ns`_o: . _ . ._ _ • iJ':���'lEr_ • C^ ��a _,.^.3�, -�,�C O' �O� �n� _i_�_.._ �.._ ._ ,^,�. ..�. ..._.. _ ._.. ... ... ,._c1 � . � � 7 ��� r_�� �':2i, '��:T'� O� u 3li _00� ',-�,1C- �G'_'Li2.?"ie?i� se-;;er 2t'.SP•::�:?� �°:?t°'_'eCL O^ �,.� �e�LE� _�"�2 O_ ��;?1;�� S�'_'ee�; 2?]� .:i7�C_r �;ES JE;, :ee�-: '�'�e E:�:,e:"!S�OT': SOu�.re�"�„ O'� Lt'1° �US� �1?7G. O_' LO± 5C, 3�c�__ '*, ���il:�rose r.dditior. an: a �ire -.._i�:� is _� ree� :;�st o- ._:�� ^c:.i:.�_P�. v'J �::e C-::te:iSl..�_"! �'�U�i.'?C'Y'i�J Oi �_'.'a jVESi„ _1:1E- O� i�0'"i, �1:J; �_O�^.': �=� r;i_^.`"JSE �-iC1;�:,.��0.� S1D�°Ct exr�ress�y tc the =ollo-•:�.n� CO*.:;:;�''i,1C'.:S c;:iC1 reservati:,ns: a. Tha� :�o buil�i_.os or �er:�aner.t st�-uctares �•ri�'.� ��e a_lo•::e� t•r�tr.�n t:�e easeM�er_t are�. �. "'�at no cn?::se === bra4e or s,�rTacinb ;•�t�_:: tne ease.�e.t are:. :rill be all�:ae� �rithcat .,ritten -�er^^..�ssior. o' �he DeLartment O� t'U�"J�'iC �•JOl"%iS .�'i2;aer ;P.�1.neer O'_" Ti'Tc.�2_ :l�`i.��'i.�'. c. That t��e ease�ent ir_clade t?�e -�ernetuG_ ri�;�.� o=" �:�e �e�artnent o� Public 'vlor'_.s and Water Jtilit;% to const�act, r�a_ntair., oterate and re��.ir tne under�;ro�and setaer to�et:�er -.:i�:: a rer^e�aal ease^:er_;. ��or ingress anu egress to said ease�ent. �.ted .� , 19 �` Director o� Fso�ic i�lorks City of Saint Pau� General Man2,ger, 'vlater De�artmen� City of Saint Paul Northern S��.tes Po,rer Cor��an;yr By (SE�) N�rth���estern 3 ^1ele��'r.one ��r�-�an;,�r BY (S�.L) . . . _ � > � �� . � � _ -� � � � . � . � . -.. STA'�E OF I�INNESOTA ) . ' . - . : . , .. . - . . . . . � .. ) ss. . _ . - � covrrr� oF �►cy�s�t ) . . •� _ - _ � . „ _ . • pn f-.his j"��' day of �/�� , '�. . . 19 81 , before me, a notary public t�iihin a�d for- said Coun�y, � _ � pers no ally appeared R E Luqer � _ to me , persona?ly 1cno�m, �aho bzing by me duly sc•�orn, did say tY►a�c . - he is the Di stri ct Manaqer-Di stri bution �of Iv'ORTHf�TES���N B�LI, Z'ELEPh'Di�TE -• COI�IPAI3Y, a. corpora��ion, nam�d in tY:e foregoing .ins�runent, and - that the seal affixed ico said instrura�nic is �he co=poYai.e sea� - • of said corpoYation, and rha�� said insf:rement was signed and seal�d in b�half of $aid corpora�ion by authority of i�s Board . � of Directo�s and said Corporation ackn���le��zd • said ins�rnmznt to be the free ac� ar,d deed of said corporation. � � }�� �/ � � . .:. � ` ;F'`tL-� 7 c c�/ ,�� �ii � �-.� �- X . . , �: �..__.�S • : � // � . � No�ary Public, Ramsey Coun�y, I•li»n.. � l�iy eommissia:i� expires .� r� - J'� �" • � • ' . t � . ' ��!ARGFRET riu�zr:�.;,r,;�� . . , . n�ot�ry pu�liC, R�ms�y Cou�'y, ��inn. - � 2 E�y C�tnfiiSS:�r Expire5 fri3y 24, 1°32 . � j i i ' � � ' . ; — ----- � � �----_- -- ; � _ —_--'-- ,,.� _� �i i i ---r-- � I � �,� ,, ! .s I I � � — � � � I � � � � I I I � � � � � I �, _ _____; � ,, , � � _ _ ' _ � �� � � � � � � � ;, �O� ., � _ � � , .. E � _ . ., , . -- _ _ �� � I ,� = � j � i � t �1 J ; ! ���.� � � ��� � I ` � .. .. ' . I .. I .. .. ' . ,' -. .. � v:i � , �, � ! I � � � 1I �C��/ t�C 66 6c...=° � ��..-�� '<' li�'' L'o i �- -- -- �� � `' -" � �� ��_��... ��.. 0 1 G F�f'�i o� � � � . - • ' .. � .. . f - �, ' 1r I - 6.f.4J l � '-7F 5_ �d QO . � I� I � I ' i, I i �' I ►�� % � � ' �I � �� ' � � -_._--� � 6 � 7 I 8 � � i�'' %�` ;'2 -:1 i-- !�; /o � , � ( � ' l: � � �� , � � F: ' �� � � � , �, I i � G � j I ; i � ; � t ! 2 Q � � ----� � i � � � j`; ' � � i ; , � I % ! � � ; '—�—� I ny 1 � `- ' I ��� ', '._ I \,� 1 � '� I � I ' ' '� �� �'. I , �I � i^ i i i j I ' I ! 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"531?)-,3���n"� �' ��s.> � aad �eat `�erv��e� : � g�;.; Release of �tiZitiea ease�ae�ta� ia ps�rt of;,, �ca�ay Stree� s� rse� fQa�t � " : _ C.F. 26'��30, adogted spril 8, 19'T�, ameai�.ed b�` C.F. �5�: �� �•' �6, 19►'t$. ,: ACT�ON REQUEaTE�: . i���ra app�rava�, t4 ��it resolutic� to ���r �ow�il , . PURP�SE AND R2��YflNALE FOR :THIS ACTION: s„ - , � Rel.ee«e of said easemdnts in pa�rt of Ca�y Stre��. �``' }� '� _ ! C�� t ��P•1 -� . . o°��a� t�8 '"�'� �a,�',���r� . - t� _ ��,,�� a��c�`�roR � : -. �vr�,���, - , �� . � �S ; � � `1�'I:�TAWGTAL IAfPA�T:` ^ � : : ; - I��rIIe _ A',��3: �. Co�ncil Resc�it�ion 2. Copy ot' C.F. 26'��3a aad �.�': 266051 3.. Signeci Certifieat�� c�f 1hte�ded Ncut tTse : � �. l�p of Area . _ � } `� � . . . � . . • . , � . . a ; � . . . . . ..,.. , , .... � , .. , . . _ � : �, .. ' `i ..�.�;,... .. _ . . . . . . .�. � .. .. .. :� .. . .:.:.�. . ._ �::, �! .. .. .