00-787ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To i 2 3 4 5 6 � e 9 10 11 12 13 14 Council File # O d � ��� Green Sheet # �O�aQ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1� Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Cathy Pavlak, to serve on the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission. This will be a three-year term and shall egpire on December 2, 2�03. Cathy Pavlak will be representing the Saint Paul Police Federation. 15 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �-, C�, .�a�- , Adoption Certified by Council Secretary $Y � ��.., � . 1` 0 � \ Approved by Mayor: Date `�`'�'U BY , c����ii����1�' Form Ap d by City Att By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ���,�,���� — _<<, . . , CONiACT ERSONSPHONE Lucia Lebens 6-8533 MUST BE ON COUNCILAGBJDA BY (p4iq Sept. 6, 2000 TOTAL � QF SIGNATURE PAGES ao -�t8`7 �� GREEN SHEET No 106957 U a.Ne�rowicroR .V arrca.+o._ � q1Y�nawav ❑ u1vUf11¢ ❑ wywaiu.u�ccaoa ❑ nuwau.as,eaKCrc ��uro�roR�fasT�nl ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointment of Cathy Pavlak, by Mayor Coleman, to Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMIITEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION TRANSACTION SOURCE fNwronrmoN lomwN) Has mie peraoNrirm everrnrlced under a cantract �arthls aeaartmeM7 YES NO Fiaa llut oewanlfirm aver haen a dtlr emWmfee? YES NO Dnes Mis perbanlfirm poseees e sltill iwt ndmalbWSCeasetl bY anY curtent citY emWuYee? YES NO b tM pEreonThrm e tmpMed verMOR , YES NO CO5TiREVENUE8UD6ETED/GRCLEONk� � YEE NO ACTNI7Y NUMBER Research Center AU6 2 9 2�Q0 ✓ 00 - ?�`? CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Crz� Har1 retepho„e: 6�2-3e6-ss�0 Narm Coleman, Ma}�or IS West Kellogg Bou(evmd Facsimite: 672-26G8513 Saini Paul. MN 55102 TO: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom �OLSit.^,t? �B362YCh C°'?t�f Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey A41G 2 9 2�� Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter , _ , _. _ FROiVI: Lucia Lebens Assistant to the Ma r DATE: August 29, 2000 RE: Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission PVlayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Cathy Pavlak to the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission. The term is for three-years and shall expire on December 2, 2003. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating Cathy Pavlak and a copy of her application. There is no applicant report since their were no other new applications. Feel Free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments c: Ruth Siedschlag, Commission Staff � � , . Name: HomeA PLEASERETURNTO:_ �3��,:- TOM MARVER _ � C ' P.E.A. 13TH�FLOOR ; ;; ;:: °.'., .: :. (7 ��� � D .. 25 WEST FOURTH STREET .. a� - Z j'� SAINT PAUL, NIINPIESOTA 55102 Phone: (651) 266.6610 ',�FP,Y: (651} 228.3261 . , __ ; Telephone Number(s}: p � (Include Area Codes) ��j)�t �� �J 0 ' Planning District Council: l? � S Ji/�C� � City Council Ward: ��GL4� �I Freferred 144a�►_iee A�d�ess: ��'`-� GLG�pI/�t� What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: Qb ��(.P — (' � V� ( I It,G t!1 Pi.t� �C�r�f' What skilis, training ar experience do you possess for the committee(sj for which you seek appointment? t�r�.:c �,00 a S� ��i�,� 0�r-/�..� ��a./ �in �� / 9 P� ���`:: l „ . . _ /�.. _ e _ .� � �r '�., D � / . �,� _ � , __"r o'- =�i /_ :� "_ e �:�:ti�; �ili _. � � �> �i� _:.��t l�..� � .a / ��sr�r�dic� l �i � ,� F�i./_/'/� . /! , �� ,�if I�/G,� :i'i ri���i» . _�.��:z��; _°r.s.. ��;:.: ��: . � F ; .;.; ��s 'ss� � � : 1_/, �� � CN/G �, >. . �i�-= -�� � �r�.'���..�� � � i � !Y./tt/L' . .�� i� � �i�f1 1 f./ ' � . _ / ,. . _ . _ . ,. .. � � �_� _ . _ .. _ . - - -- - .. ---. .__: .:-__ � .-» � - - - - -._.--- . - - __--- •- - ; S . . ` e information inciuded in this application is considered private data according to the Minn �Governmenf Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is nof released to the genera! pu � �' . .�>� _ _ _ • (OVER) ' � �;Re „ �. , ,_ , � h � k� � Street City "' Zip . P�;R50"�dAL REFERENCES [Reminder to Include Telephone Area Codes} Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address � 2 � f �f�lJllit� . �Jt '� �P .�07� ��s��_ Phone: (Homel���� y�a- .� y7� (Work) �/!„�� - ��- � �7 �T__ Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: �L�//��l!►�A�/�� r Piave you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If and the circumstances? -- ` �/'f�- _�... _ �" _ _ "�_�. .. � � � � - ..: ,�. �}., . _ -- . . - - . __ ... ,.. ---..:-�.---- --� _ - -- -- - - -- _�,.__ . .. _ . _ _ _ - - - - --- � �n an attempt_to_ ensure that committee represenYation reflects fhe makeup of our community, pl check the line applicable to you. This informafion is strictly voluntary. �=�` � White(Caucasian)" - Hispanic Black (APrican American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo ` -?.=� .�: . :_: Date of Birth: ��� 1� �: '�J � Maie Femalex_ - Disabled: - - • Yes -- - -• --- -i�10 _�_ --.' :� - - If special accommodafions are needed, piease specify: How did you hear about this opening? �7f 1" ll �.(�fit�LL'�ll/� � � ��— -� -. _.__: �� °5; � . `y r�C SrG�Gi� }� .� L ��__ rt � � r �H[ome�� S�� �7� � (Work) ((fi �� � `�/ �� �R�GINAL Presented By Referred To Council File # OC1 � 4g �Q�, RESOLUTION CITY O� SAINT PAUL, NIIl�iNESOTA Green Sheet # �6�454 �S Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of a the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Raymond Ogren to serve as the Mayor's a Alternate Representative to the Ramsey Action Program. 4 s ra � Raymond Ogren shall serve a two-year term which will expire on December 31, 2001. s Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �,,�, � a-ac> �� t— Form Approved by City Attorney adoption Certified by Council Secretary sy: By`���tia `l� Approved by Mayor: Date 7 l� ��U`(/ Approved by Mayor for Submission to C-���' � Council By: `^�,'"' By: ,� , v`Y 00 -'1P'7ar .. DEPARTMENttOFFICFJOOUNCIL DA1Ew1'NttnED � `Ma or�s Office s-zs-oo GREEN SHEET No 106959 :���� � N L u ci a L ebens 6-8533 �,���� d ,�� E ON COUNGLAGENDA BY (OATq •RlIGII :pt. 6th, 2000 ��� �u,r4„o.�a. emcumc_ rtounxc.. - a+nec ❑ wuxw�u�excFSwc ❑ wMxer�m �r�roRt?R�wrTwrt� ❑ TOTAL � OF SiGNATl1RE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIOMS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointment of Raymond Ogren; by MAyor Coleman„as an alternate representative to the Ramsey Action Program PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMIITEE GV1L SERVICE COMMI$SION IF APPROVED ES IF APPROVED ifOUNT OF TRANSAGTION f SOURCE INFORMA710N(IXPWM . t. ttae mie ce�saMim e�xrvrorked unaer a connau r« mis departmem? YES ND 2. Hes this 0� eMer been a dlY emPbYK� YES NO 9. Dpea this G�aoMnn P� a s1a11 rat riom�a�bP� �+Y anY ourreM eitY emdoYee? YE3 MO 4. kUutpetadYG�matuqetsdve'Ma? YES D10 COSTrttEVQ1UE BUDOE�m (pRCLE ONE) YEE NO ACTNI7Y NUMBFA l.lY;4 �Sw'.��i!��.Ll4�l � 00 -Z�"'( a1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: � 390 Cin Hal! IS Wesr Kel[ogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 5510? Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Lucia Le6ens Assistant to the Mayor August 29, 2000 Ramsey Action Programs Te[epharse: 612-266-85I0 Facsimile: 612-26Cr8513 C.�t�a� Researeh aenter �liG � � 2Q00 Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Raymond Ogren to serve as the Mayor's Alternate Representative to the Ramsey Action Program. Raymond Ogren shall serve a two-year term and his term shall expire on December 31, 2001. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating Raymond Ogren and a copy of his application. There is no applicants report since there were no other applicants.. Feei free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments c: Dale Anderson, Ramsey Action Programs Staff � 08l28/2000 10:47 6517722157 EASTWEST PAGE 02 oe-ta.at tiE:sz F'{* � PLEASE ItEppg�r TO: TOM MARyER P.E.A. 13TN FLOOR Zs SVI''ST fp�1R"I�i STREET Safi`T PAtn., MINNESOTA SSi02 Phnne; (651) 26G.6620 FAJ(: (651) 228.3261 rram�: _ � o�i�;'�Na �.,i uGncriv HomeAddress: /� ��/'�l f}(/� ; � i — Street '� �.__ _ "'-- Clty: d�T—��l ------�._ - - Zip: ��� TelepAone Number(s): �, (Include Arn Codes) � GJ / 7 7�- T1 s7 -----� � z - `z , o � >�� 3 Pienning District Cu�cil: �; v2.�_ 4Yty Counctt wara: r�c Preferted MeUiag Addres�; What;� yaur occuPe�on•' c /` � M r M•y plece of Eatploy�bt: t�t/ /�+Ji t r Commlme(e) �PPU°d Fo A11 �`"�'� �U1 /��-0/�C �bN�„�' �J V�o [�O.dSr�.Ar.n�i What skllls, tralnle�g ot eY�/rienCe dq y0v posse (or t6e commlttee(s) for which you seek appolntmeut? �� /�7 /«/o /Z / N �� L t E Gt' t.+r 9� C/`D C'Y 9�� ,/}�/ ��n/� �. v"--�_.. _.__ /�'1 b p r'Fic f f i 1� �v � t� ��� �cs's ,_..� �✓ E..i� �=� �.vr-_ �(� �Q.f PCJ� � Q; rr , �C�_� F � ,� Y , �f �� ,;. /� �t//�l,! r 1� G� !'''�E•Q �i X r 'fr✓ �rF9 /! S O� ,�....�--�.. �D/Jf�TI_�/_»��. �OM�HN�� ��i�/�t'T FX�r.«<N�,c: !l � n �„/,� , �SoA�d/_ i J� d f"•�r f p<� i aT�4. er t. !/� �6 ,7J2��'i 4 �+J; r --- •— y._. — ..._ Thc infor�A�h tpeludp'� m�hls Qp���a�Iofl �s considered p data according to the Minnesota Go�u'nmea� bata 1 'rpt��ci s '�ct, �' tH�k �hls intormation is aot released to ttte genera► public, 00 -?�'�j c� 08/28l2BB0 10:47 6517722157 EASTWEST PAGE 03 W" 19�Q� OH:74�61 1A:52 Pa!( PFRSON i RFFF FNr�c (�minder to Inctude Telephone Ares Cod¢y� Name: Addreu� 1 t L .�' - b� 0 Sf/=� M C � a2 P6one: Qiemel 7� c-� a� r ��_ �� 6 —�`� Q Nemr. _��n `Z Z (�{!� L J' l'r�/ naare,a: 7�;. � d ��+-► s P6one: fEfomel �7QJ �l�D7' (Workl j�� �tc=.a �• lVamt: C�/S `./ p {�' � / � '� �ci/� r.� s Address _ �e 7 � �� �' � C � Phane: CHomrl '�_ 7 �— / � �o � � LW�rk1 87 � - ?. yFi ca Repwes for youT Interest In thls paRlcutar cotnmit[ee: �/�'9�� ��'� � f�-/1 $ ,p�cF.�1 i•✓��tFs�� �. r�f'f a�= �t/u-�.p..i �.t✓ lrt ,�,✓�_ pyat ,�'�C�r� � p,c�l[,n�9-,✓ /J�/l•�f vr o .F � _- Have vou Ead previous contact with the committee [or which you sre matdng appHcatinn? If'ao, wheq, anQ the circunutanees? � O In �a attempt to enntte that eotttmittee representallon re(]ects the mskeup of our comqtunity, please eheck the Ilne appUcable to you. This information is strictly votantary. .� WLitc (Ceucaslsn) _ Slaclt (Atrlcae Americen) _ AmeNcan Indlan or Alaskan Eskimo Date of Birth: �° � � ` r /_ Dicabled: Yes No /\ It ipeclal �ccoa�o�odationy sre needed, please specfty: _ Hispanlc ._____ Asiae or Pacttic 7st¢nder Maie � Female How dld you h�t about ttus opentng? �� �T��� J ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To i 2 3 4 5 6 � e 9 10 11 12 13 14 Council File # O d � ��� Green Sheet # �O�aQ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1� Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Cathy Pavlak, to serve on the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission. This will be a three-year term and shall egpire on December 2, 2�03. Cathy Pavlak will be representing the Saint Paul Police Federation. 15 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �-, C�, .�a�- , Adoption Certified by Council Secretary $Y � ��.., � . 1` 0 � \ Approved by Mayor: Date `�`'�'U BY , c����ii����1�' Form Ap d by City Att By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ���,�,���� — _<<, . . , CONiACT ERSONSPHONE Lucia Lebens 6-8533 MUST BE ON COUNCILAGBJDA BY (p4iq Sept. 6, 2000 TOTAL � QF SIGNATURE PAGES ao -�t8`7 �� GREEN SHEET No 106957 U a.Ne�rowicroR .V arrca.+o._ � q1Y�nawav ❑ u1vUf11¢ ❑ wywaiu.u�ccaoa ❑ nuwau.as,eaKCrc ��uro�roR�fasT�nl ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointment of Cathy Pavlak, by Mayor Coleman, to Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMIITEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION TRANSACTION SOURCE fNwronrmoN lomwN) Has mie peraoNrirm everrnrlced under a cantract �arthls aeaartmeM7 YES NO Fiaa llut oewanlfirm aver haen a dtlr emWmfee? YES NO Dnes Mis perbanlfirm poseees e sltill iwt ndmalbWSCeasetl bY anY curtent citY emWuYee? YES NO b tM pEreonThrm e tmpMed verMOR , YES NO CO5TiREVENUE8UD6ETED/GRCLEONk� � YEE NO ACTNI7Y NUMBER Research Center AU6 2 9 2�Q0 ✓ 00 - ?�`? CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Crz� Har1 retepho„e: 6�2-3e6-ss�0 Narm Coleman, Ma}�or IS West Kellogg Bou(evmd Facsimite: 672-26G8513 Saini Paul. MN 55102 TO: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom �OLSit.^,t? �B362YCh C°'?t�f Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey A41G 2 9 2�� Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter , _ , _. _ FROiVI: Lucia Lebens Assistant to the Ma r DATE: August 29, 2000 RE: Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission PVlayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Cathy Pavlak to the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission. The term is for three-years and shall expire on December 2, 2003. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating Cathy Pavlak and a copy of her application. There is no applicant report since their were no other new applications. Feel Free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments c: Ruth Siedschlag, Commission Staff � � , . Name: HomeA PLEASERETURNTO:_ �3��,:- TOM MARVER _ � C ' P.E.A. 13TH�FLOOR ; ;; ;:: °.'., .: :. (7 ��� � D .. 25 WEST FOURTH STREET .. a� - Z j'� SAINT PAUL, NIINPIESOTA 55102 Phone: (651) 266.6610 ',�FP,Y: (651} 228.3261 . , __ ; Telephone Number(s}: p � (Include Area Codes) ��j)�t �� �J 0 ' Planning District Council: l? � S Ji/�C� � City Council Ward: ��GL4� �I Freferred 144a�►_iee A�d�ess: ��'`-� GLG�pI/�t� What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: Qb ��(.P — (' � V� ( I It,G t!1 Pi.t� �C�r�f' What skilis, training ar experience do you possess for the committee(sj for which you seek appointment? t�r�.:c �,00 a S� ��i�,� 0�r-/�..� ��a./ �in �� / 9 P� ���`:: l „ . . _ /�.. _ e _ .� � �r '�., D � / . �,� _ � , __"r o'- =�i /_ :� "_ e �:�:ti�; �ili _. � � �> �i� _:.��t l�..� � .a / ��sr�r�dic� l �i � ,� F�i./_/'/� . /! , �� ,�if I�/G,� :i'i ri���i» . _�.��:z��; _°r.s.. ��;:.: ��: . � F ; .;.; ��s 'ss� � � : 1_/, �� � CN/G �, >. . �i�-= -�� � �r�.'���..�� � � i � !Y./tt/L' . .�� i� � �i�f1 1 f./ ' � . _ / ,. . _ . _ . ,. .. � � �_� _ . _ .. _ . - - -- - .. ---. .__: .:-__ � .-» � - - - - -._.--- . - - __--- •- - ; S . . ` e information inciuded in this application is considered private data according to the Minn �Governmenf Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is nof released to the genera! pu � �' . .�>� _ _ _ • (OVER) ' � �;Re „ �. , ,_ , � h � k� � Street City "' Zip . P�;R50"�dAL REFERENCES [Reminder to Include Telephone Area Codes} Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address � 2 � f �f�lJllit� . �Jt '� �P .�07� ��s��_ Phone: (Homel���� y�a- .� y7� (Work) �/!„�� - ��- � �7 �T__ Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: �L�//��l!►�A�/�� r Piave you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If and the circumstances? -- ` �/'f�- _�... _ �" _ _ "�_�. .. � � � � - ..: ,�. �}., . _ -- . . - - . __ ... ,.. ---..:-�.---- --� _ - -- -- - - -- _�,.__ . .. _ . _ _ _ - - - - --- � �n an attempt_to_ ensure that committee represenYation reflects fhe makeup of our community, pl check the line applicable to you. This informafion is strictly voluntary. �=�` � White(Caucasian)" - Hispanic Black (APrican American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo ` -?.=� .�: . :_: Date of Birth: ��� 1� �: '�J � Maie Femalex_ - Disabled: - - • Yes -- - -• --- -i�10 _�_ --.' :� - - If special accommodafions are needed, piease specify: How did you hear about this opening? �7f 1" ll �.(�fit�LL'�ll/� � � ��— -� -. _.__: �� °5; � . `y r�C SrG�Gi� }� .� L ��__ rt � � r �H[ome�� S�� �7� � (Work) ((fi �� � `�/ �� �R�GINAL Presented By Referred To Council File # OC1 � 4g �Q�, RESOLUTION CITY O� SAINT PAUL, NIIl�iNESOTA Green Sheet # �6�454 �S Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of a the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Raymond Ogren to serve as the Mayor's a Alternate Representative to the Ramsey Action Program. 4 s ra � Raymond Ogren shall serve a two-year term which will expire on December 31, 2001. s Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �,,�, � a-ac> �� t— Form Approved by City Attorney adoption Certified by Council Secretary sy: By`���tia `l� Approved by Mayor: Date 7 l� ��U`(/ Approved by Mayor for Submission to C-���' � Council By: `^�,'"' By: ,� , v`Y 00 -'1P'7ar .. DEPARTMENttOFFICFJOOUNCIL DA1Ew1'NttnED � `Ma or�s Office s-zs-oo GREEN SHEET No 106959 :���� � N L u ci a L ebens 6-8533 �,���� d ,�� E ON COUNGLAGENDA BY (OATq •RlIGII :pt. 6th, 2000 ��� �u,r4„o.�a. emcumc_ rtounxc.. - a+nec ❑ wuxw�u�excFSwc ❑ wMxer�m �r�roRt?R�wrTwrt� ❑ TOTAL � OF SiGNATl1RE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIOMS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointment of Raymond Ogren; by MAyor Coleman„as an alternate representative to the Ramsey Action Program PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMIITEE GV1L SERVICE COMMI$SION IF APPROVED ES IF APPROVED ifOUNT OF TRANSAGTION f SOURCE INFORMA710N(IXPWM . t. ttae mie ce�saMim e�xrvrorked unaer a connau r« mis departmem? YES ND 2. Hes this 0� eMer been a dlY emPbYK� YES NO 9. Dpea this G�aoMnn P� a s1a11 rat riom�a�bP� �+Y anY ourreM eitY emdoYee? YE3 MO 4. kUutpetadYG�matuqetsdve'Ma? YES D10 COSTrttEVQ1UE BUDOE�m (pRCLE ONE) YEE NO ACTNI7Y NUMBFA l.lY;4 �Sw'.��i!��.Ll4�l � 00 -Z�"'( a1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: � 390 Cin Hal! IS Wesr Kel[ogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 5510? Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Lucia Le6ens Assistant to the Mayor August 29, 2000 Ramsey Action Programs Te[epharse: 612-266-85I0 Facsimile: 612-26Cr8513 C.�t�a� Researeh aenter �liG � � 2Q00 Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Raymond Ogren to serve as the Mayor's Alternate Representative to the Ramsey Action Program. Raymond Ogren shall serve a two-year term and his term shall expire on December 31, 2001. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating Raymond Ogren and a copy of his application. There is no applicants report since there were no other applicants.. Feei free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments c: Dale Anderson, Ramsey Action Programs Staff � 08l28/2000 10:47 6517722157 EASTWEST PAGE 02 oe-ta.at tiE:sz F'{* � PLEASE ItEppg�r TO: TOM MARyER P.E.A. 13TN FLOOR Zs SVI''ST fp�1R"I�i STREET Safi`T PAtn., MINNESOTA SSi02 Phnne; (651) 26G.6620 FAJ(: (651) 228.3261 rram�: _ � o�i�;'�Na �.,i uGncriv HomeAddress: /� ��/'�l f}(/� ; � i — Street '� �.__ _ "'-- Clty: d�T—��l ------�._ - - Zip: ��� TelepAone Number(s): �, (Include Arn Codes) � GJ / 7 7�- T1 s7 -----� � z - `z , o � >�� 3 Pienning District Cu�cil: �; v2.�_ 4Yty Counctt wara: r�c Preferted MeUiag Addres�; What;� yaur occuPe�on•' c /` � M r M•y plece of Eatploy�bt: t�t/ /�+Ji t r Commlme(e) �PPU°d Fo A11 �`"�'� �U1 /��-0/�C �bN�„�' �J V�o [�O.dSr�.Ar.n�i What skllls, tralnle�g ot eY�/rienCe dq y0v posse (or t6e commlttee(s) for which you seek appolntmeut? �� /�7 /«/o /Z / N �� L t E Gt' t.+r 9� C/`D C'Y 9�� ,/}�/ ��n/� �. v"--�_.. _.__ /�'1 b p r'Fic f f i 1� �v � t� ��� �cs's ,_..� �✓ E..i� �=� �.vr-_ �(� �Q.f PCJ� � Q; rr , �C�_� F � ,� Y , �f �� ,;. /� �t//�l,! r 1� G� !'''�E•Q �i X r 'fr✓ �rF9 /! S O� ,�....�--�.. �D/Jf�TI_�/_»��. �OM�HN�� ��i�/�t'T FX�r.«<N�,c: !l � n �„/,� , �SoA�d/_ i J� d f"•�r f p<� i aT�4. er t. !/� �6 ,7J2��'i 4 �+J; r --- •— y._. — ..._ Thc infor�A�h tpeludp'� m�hls Qp���a�Iofl �s considered p data according to the Minnesota Go�u'nmea� bata 1 'rpt��ci s '�ct, �' tH�k �hls intormation is aot released to ttte genera► public, 00 -?�'�j c� 08/28l2BB0 10:47 6517722157 EASTWEST PAGE 03 W" 19�Q� OH:74�61 1A:52 Pa!( PFRSON i RFFF FNr�c (�minder to Inctude Telephone Ares Cod¢y� Name: Addreu� 1 t L .�' - b� 0 Sf/=� M C � a2 P6one: Qiemel 7� c-� a� r ��_ �� 6 —�`� Q Nemr. _��n `Z Z (�{!� L J' l'r�/ naare,a: 7�;. � d ��+-► s P6one: fEfomel �7QJ �l�D7' (Workl j�� �tc=.a �• lVamt: C�/S `./ p {�' � / � '� �ci/� r.� s Address _ �e 7 � �� �' � C � Phane: CHomrl '�_ 7 �— / � �o � � LW�rk1 87 � - ?. yFi ca Repwes for youT Interest In thls paRlcutar cotnmit[ee: �/�'9�� ��'� � f�-/1 $ ,p�cF.�1 i•✓��tFs�� �. r�f'f a�= �t/u-�.p..i �.t✓ lrt ,�,✓�_ pyat ,�'�C�r� � p,c�l[,n�9-,✓ /J�/l•�f vr o .F � _- Have vou Ead previous contact with the committee [or which you sre matdng appHcatinn? If'ao, wheq, anQ the circunutanees? � O In �a attempt to enntte that eotttmittee representallon re(]ects the mskeup of our comqtunity, please eheck the Ilne appUcable to you. This information is strictly votantary. .� WLitc (Ceucaslsn) _ Slaclt (Atrlcae Americen) _ AmeNcan Indlan or Alaskan Eskimo Date of Birth: �° � � ` r /_ Dicabled: Yes No /\ It ipeclal �ccoa�o�odationy sre needed, please specfty: _ Hispanlc ._____ Asiae or Pacttic 7st¢nder Maie � Female How dld you h�t about ttus opentng? �� �T��� J ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To i 2 3 4 5 6 � e 9 10 11 12 13 14 Council File # O d � ��� Green Sheet # �O�aQ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1� Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Cathy Pavlak, to serve on the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission. This will be a three-year term and shall egpire on December 2, 2�03. Cathy Pavlak will be representing the Saint Paul Police Federation. 15 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �-, C�, .�a�- , Adoption Certified by Council Secretary $Y � ��.., � . 1` 0 � \ Approved by Mayor: Date `�`'�'U BY , c����ii����1�' Form Ap d by City Att By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ���,�,���� — _<<, . . , CONiACT ERSONSPHONE Lucia Lebens 6-8533 MUST BE ON COUNCILAGBJDA BY (p4iq Sept. 6, 2000 TOTAL � QF SIGNATURE PAGES ao -�t8`7 �� GREEN SHEET No 106957 U a.Ne�rowicroR .V arrca.+o._ � q1Y�nawav ❑ u1vUf11¢ ❑ wywaiu.u�ccaoa ❑ nuwau.as,eaKCrc ��uro�roR�fasT�nl ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointment of Cathy Pavlak, by Mayor Coleman, to Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMIITEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION TRANSACTION SOURCE fNwronrmoN lomwN) Has mie peraoNrirm everrnrlced under a cantract �arthls aeaartmeM7 YES NO Fiaa llut oewanlfirm aver haen a dtlr emWmfee? YES NO Dnes Mis perbanlfirm poseees e sltill iwt ndmalbWSCeasetl bY anY curtent citY emWuYee? YES NO b tM pEreonThrm e tmpMed verMOR , YES NO CO5TiREVENUE8UD6ETED/GRCLEONk� � YEE NO ACTNI7Y NUMBER Research Center AU6 2 9 2�Q0 ✓ 00 - ?�`? CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Crz� Har1 retepho„e: 6�2-3e6-ss�0 Narm Coleman, Ma}�or IS West Kellogg Bou(evmd Facsimite: 672-26G8513 Saini Paul. MN 55102 TO: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom �OLSit.^,t? �B362YCh C°'?t�f Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey A41G 2 9 2�� Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter , _ , _. _ FROiVI: Lucia Lebens Assistant to the Ma r DATE: August 29, 2000 RE: Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission PVlayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Cathy Pavlak to the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission. The term is for three-years and shall expire on December 2, 2003. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating Cathy Pavlak and a copy of her application. There is no applicant report since their were no other new applications. Feel Free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments c: Ruth Siedschlag, Commission Staff � � , . Name: HomeA PLEASERETURNTO:_ �3��,:- TOM MARVER _ � C ' P.E.A. 13TH�FLOOR ; ;; ;:: °.'., .: :. (7 ��� � D .. 25 WEST FOURTH STREET .. a� - Z j'� SAINT PAUL, NIINPIESOTA 55102 Phone: (651) 266.6610 ',�FP,Y: (651} 228.3261 . , __ ; Telephone Number(s}: p � (Include Area Codes) ��j)�t �� �J 0 ' Planning District Council: l? � S Ji/�C� � City Council Ward: ��GL4� �I Freferred 144a�►_iee A�d�ess: ��'`-� GLG�pI/�t� What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: Qb ��(.P — (' � V� ( I It,G t!1 Pi.t� �C�r�f' What skilis, training ar experience do you possess for the committee(sj for which you seek appointment? t�r�.:c �,00 a S� ��i�,� 0�r-/�..� ��a./ �in �� / 9 P� ���`:: l „ . . _ /�.. _ e _ .� � �r '�., D � / . �,� _ � , __"r o'- =�i /_ :� "_ e �:�:ti�; �ili _. � � �> �i� _:.��t l�..� � .a / ��sr�r�dic� l �i � ,� F�i./_/'/� . /! , �� ,�if I�/G,� :i'i ri���i» . _�.��:z��; _°r.s.. ��;:.: ��: . � F ; .;.; ��s 'ss� � � : 1_/, �� � CN/G �, >. . �i�-= -�� � �r�.'���..�� � � i � !Y./tt/L' . .�� i� � �i�f1 1 f./ ' � . _ / ,. . _ . _ . ,. .. � � �_� _ . _ .. _ . - - -- - .. ---. .__: .:-__ � .-» � - - - - -._.--- . - - __--- •- - ; S . . ` e information inciuded in this application is considered private data according to the Minn �Governmenf Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is nof released to the genera! pu � �' . .�>� _ _ _ • (OVER) ' � �;Re „ �. , ,_ , � h � k� � Street City "' Zip . P�;R50"�dAL REFERENCES [Reminder to Include Telephone Area Codes} Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address � 2 � f �f�lJllit� . �Jt '� �P .�07� ��s��_ Phone: (Homel���� y�a- .� y7� (Work) �/!„�� - ��- � �7 �T__ Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: �L�//��l!►�A�/�� r Piave you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If and the circumstances? -- ` �/'f�- _�... _ �" _ _ "�_�. .. � � � � - ..: ,�. �}., . _ -- . . - - . __ ... ,.. ---..:-�.---- --� _ - -- -- - - -- _�,.__ . .. _ . _ _ _ - - - - --- � �n an attempt_to_ ensure that committee represenYation reflects fhe makeup of our community, pl check the line applicable to you. This informafion is strictly voluntary. �=�` � White(Caucasian)" - Hispanic Black (APrican American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo ` -?.=� .�: . :_: Date of Birth: ��� 1� �: '�J � Maie Femalex_ - Disabled: - - • Yes -- - -• --- -i�10 _�_ --.' :� - - If special accommodafions are needed, piease specify: How did you hear about this opening? �7f 1" ll �.(�fit�LL'�ll/� � � ��— -� -. _.__: �� °5; � . `y r�C SrG�Gi� }� .� L ��__ rt � � r �H[ome�� S�� �7� � (Work) ((fi �� � `�/ �� �R�GINAL Presented By Referred To Council File # OC1 � 4g �Q�, RESOLUTION CITY O� SAINT PAUL, NIIl�iNESOTA Green Sheet # �6�454 �S Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of a the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Raymond Ogren to serve as the Mayor's a Alternate Representative to the Ramsey Action Program. 4 s ra � Raymond Ogren shall serve a two-year term which will expire on December 31, 2001. s Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �,,�, � a-ac> �� t— Form Approved by City Attorney adoption Certified by Council Secretary sy: By`���tia `l� Approved by Mayor: Date 7 l� ��U`(/ Approved by Mayor for Submission to C-���' � Council By: `^�,'"' By: ,� , v`Y 00 -'1P'7ar .. DEPARTMENttOFFICFJOOUNCIL DA1Ew1'NttnED � `Ma or�s Office s-zs-oo GREEN SHEET No 106959 :���� � N L u ci a L ebens 6-8533 �,���� d ,�� E ON COUNGLAGENDA BY (OATq •RlIGII :pt. 6th, 2000 ��� �u,r4„o.�a. emcumc_ rtounxc.. - a+nec ❑ wuxw�u�excFSwc ❑ wMxer�m �r�roRt?R�wrTwrt� ❑ TOTAL � OF SiGNATl1RE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIOMS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointment of Raymond Ogren; by MAyor Coleman„as an alternate representative to the Ramsey Action Program PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMIITEE GV1L SERVICE COMMI$SION IF APPROVED ES IF APPROVED ifOUNT OF TRANSAGTION f SOURCE INFORMA710N(IXPWM . t. ttae mie ce�saMim e�xrvrorked unaer a connau r« mis departmem? YES ND 2. Hes this 0� eMer been a dlY emPbYK� YES NO 9. Dpea this G�aoMnn P� a s1a11 rat riom�a�bP� �+Y anY ourreM eitY emdoYee? YE3 MO 4. kUutpetadYG�matuqetsdve'Ma? YES D10 COSTrttEVQ1UE BUDOE�m (pRCLE ONE) YEE NO ACTNI7Y NUMBFA l.lY;4 �Sw'.��i!��.Ll4�l � 00 -Z�"'( a1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: � 390 Cin Hal! IS Wesr Kel[ogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 5510? Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Lucia Le6ens Assistant to the Mayor August 29, 2000 Ramsey Action Programs Te[epharse: 612-266-85I0 Facsimile: 612-26Cr8513 C.�t�a� Researeh aenter �liG � � 2Q00 Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Raymond Ogren to serve as the Mayor's Alternate Representative to the Ramsey Action Program. Raymond Ogren shall serve a two-year term and his term shall expire on December 31, 2001. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating Raymond Ogren and a copy of his application. There is no applicants report since there were no other applicants.. Feei free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments c: Dale Anderson, Ramsey Action Programs Staff � 08l28/2000 10:47 6517722157 EASTWEST PAGE 02 oe-ta.at tiE:sz F'{* � PLEASE ItEppg�r TO: TOM MARyER P.E.A. 13TN FLOOR Zs SVI''ST fp�1R"I�i STREET Safi`T PAtn., MINNESOTA SSi02 Phnne; (651) 26G.6620 FAJ(: (651) 228.3261 rram�: _ � o�i�;'�Na �.,i uGncriv HomeAddress: /� ��/'�l f}(/� ; � i — Street '� �.__ _ "'-- Clty: d�T—��l ------�._ - - Zip: ��� TelepAone Number(s): �, (Include Arn Codes) � GJ / 7 7�- T1 s7 -----� � z - `z , o � >�� 3 Pienning District Cu�cil: �; v2.�_ 4Yty Counctt wara: r�c Preferted MeUiag Addres�; What;� yaur occuPe�on•' c /` � M r M•y plece of Eatploy�bt: t�t/ /�+Ji t r Commlme(e) �PPU°d Fo A11 �`"�'� �U1 /��-0/�C �bN�„�' �J V�o [�O.dSr�.Ar.n�i What skllls, tralnle�g ot eY�/rienCe dq y0v posse (or t6e commlttee(s) for which you seek appolntmeut? �� /�7 /«/o /Z / N �� L t E Gt' t.+r 9� C/`D C'Y 9�� ,/}�/ ��n/� �. v"--�_.. _.__ /�'1 b p r'Fic f f i 1� �v � t� ��� �cs's ,_..� �✓ E..i� �=� �.vr-_ �(� �Q.f PCJ� � Q; rr , �C�_� F � ,� Y , �f �� ,;. /� �t//�l,! r 1� G� !'''�E•Q �i X r 'fr✓ �rF9 /! S O� ,�....�--�.. �D/Jf�TI_�/_»��. �OM�HN�� ��i�/�t'T FX�r.«<N�,c: !l � n �„/,� , �SoA�d/_ i J� d f"•�r f p<� i aT�4. er t. !/� �6 ,7J2��'i 4 �+J; r --- •— y._. — ..._ Thc infor�A�h tpeludp'� m�hls Qp���a�Iofl �s considered p data according to the Minnesota Go�u'nmea� bata 1 'rpt��ci s '�ct, �' tH�k �hls intormation is aot released to ttte genera► public, 00 -?�'�j c� 08/28l2BB0 10:47 6517722157 EASTWEST PAGE 03 W" 19�Q� OH:74�61 1A:52 Pa!( PFRSON i RFFF FNr�c (�minder to Inctude Telephone Ares Cod¢y� Name: Addreu� 1 t L .�' - b� 0 Sf/=� M C � a2 P6one: Qiemel 7� c-� a� r ��_ �� 6 —�`� Q Nemr. _��n `Z Z (�{!� L J' l'r�/ naare,a: 7�;. � d ��+-► s P6one: fEfomel �7QJ �l�D7' (Workl j�� �tc=.a �• lVamt: C�/S `./ p {�' � / � '� �ci/� r.� s Address _ �e 7 � �� �' � C � Phane: CHomrl '�_ 7 �— / � �o � � LW�rk1 87 � - ?. yFi ca Repwes for youT Interest In thls paRlcutar cotnmit[ee: �/�'9�� ��'� � f�-/1 $ ,p�cF.�1 i•✓��tFs�� �. r�f'f a�= �t/u-�.p..i �.t✓ lrt ,�,✓�_ pyat ,�'�C�r� � p,c�l[,n�9-,✓ /J�/l•�f vr o .F � _- Have vou Ead previous contact with the committee [or which you sre matdng appHcatinn? If'ao, wheq, anQ the circunutanees? � O In �a attempt to enntte that eotttmittee representallon re(]ects the mskeup of our comqtunity, please eheck the Ilne appUcable to you. This information is strictly votantary. .� WLitc (Ceucaslsn) _ Slaclt (Atrlcae Americen) _ AmeNcan Indlan or Alaskan Eskimo Date of Birth: �° � � ` r /_ Dicabled: Yes No /\ It ipeclal �ccoa�o�odationy sre needed, please specfty: _ Hispanlc ._____ Asiae or Pacttic 7st¢nder Maie � Female How dld you h�t about ttus opentng? �� �T��� J