277441 WHITE - CITY CLERK ��� `� PINK - FINANCE T ^ n COUtICll i� CANARY - DEPARTMENT-u.Devlin G I TY lJ F SA I NT 1 �U L File NO. �� BLUE - MAYOR C uncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date F1HLR�5, the City of Saint Pau1 now provides Optional Life Insurance for its employees and employees of the Independent School District �625 at group rates through Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co?npany of Saint Pa,ul, not�r therefore be it RESOLVID, that the present life insurance contracts �1520-G and �365379-C� between the MirLnesota, Mutual Life Tnsurance Compa.ny and the Cit�T of Saint Paul and Independent School District �625 be contirnaed, in their present entire forms, for the year, October l, 1981 to September 30, �982, a,nd be it FURTHII� RFSOLVF�, that the premiums for said co:�tracts for said period are to be as fo1lo��rs: Optional �nplo�,*ee nay Covera�e - Rate Per �1,000 �plo�ree under �e 30 � .20 Per Month Thrplo�ree a�e 30 - 39 .30 Per Month �:�lofee �e ��0 - !�9 .60 Per P�Ior_th _�loyee a,ge 50 - 54 ]_.10 Per Month �rmlo,yee a.�e 55 - 59 1.60 Per P�orth �:rolo,yee a�e 60 - 6�+ ?_.�+0 Per Mc�nth ?�'m�lo�ree ane 65 - 69 3.60 Per ?�ionth and be it �'URTH�t R??�OLVr.'�, that in order to stabilize e�erience and �rovide �'or �, more consislent rattern of �rorahl_e d_ividend returns, the r�Iinnesota ?��lztual will conti�?ue to a.11ocate nart of the �ross div�dend a,va�lable, not exceeding 10°!, of roremium received in an�T one yea.r, to a stabilization reserve on such aptional insurance issued in excess of �15,000 i�.ntiJ_ such _reserve rewches a level enual to 50°1� of the current annual nremium, P�?innesota r�utuwZ credits interest to stwbilization reserves, at a rate o�' 8°f ar.nually for the ��eax 1981, and be it FI1�T1�.I�I�Y RTSOLV�, thwt the City C1erk be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to the A4innesotw Mtltual I:i fe Insurance Conmany. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon a �,�,,, __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson SEP 17 1981 Form Approve b 'ty ttorney Adopted by Council: Date — \ Certified s d by Council S creta BY . By _ Appro y :Vlavor: Date � �' 8 a) Ap by Mayor for ub s'on to Council By _ �"� s UBUSHEO SEP 2 61981 , -- CZ'I'Y OF ►�AIi�7'T PAUL ���Aq � � _ , . � . �'� I .� (�� '�'�:. O��FICE OF TSi� CITY COU�7CIL `�..�. 1 �.: `.•�.: :�� �� ��..y� ,.,� � �''"+Jr� ' pQ t g ; September 14, 1981 � _.. �. , �' • i - �-' . co �11� ;�� � � � � � o ��° I � � . . -� p : Soin�t Paul Ci�Py Cvuncii .. F R O i�F • C O�IY1 I���C O�1 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL � George McMahon , choi�man, ma�ces ihe foli•owing � ' . Ordinance report on� C.F. �-❑ (i�) x�x Resolution . � Other . T !�'LE ::� � , At its meeting of September 10, 1981, the Finance Committee recommended approval of the following. ___� � • `' l. Resolution approving settlement of an appeal of an assessment for tree removal. (12208-GM) i � � 2. Resolution approving mortgages pledged by Midwest Federal Savings and Loan Association to protect city funds held by Association. (12559-GM) _ 3. Resolution changing grade of Police Dispatcher in Section 3.8 from nresent � Grade 19 to Grade 23. . . . . 4. Resolutions for renewal of life and he�lth insurance contracts for City and School District employees from October 1, 1981 to September 30, 1982. (12227 through 12235-GM) _ S. Resolution approving issuance of revenue bonds by Port Authority to finance construction of manufacturing & warehousing facility for EMC Corporation. (12223-GM) - ' 6. Resolution approving issuance of tax exempt mortgage note by Port Authority to finance pollution control equipment at Knappen Molasses facility. (12224-GM) 7. Resolution approving issuance of revenue bonds by Port Authority to finance construction of manufacturing facility for Viking Drill and Tool, Inc. on � ' Parcel E-S in Riverview Industrial Park. (12225-GM) i 8. Resolution approving issuance of tax exempt mortgage note by Port Authority � to finance construction of inedical office building attached to Midway Hospital for tt►e University Park Building Limited Partnership. (12226-GM) � l�ii�\FSOT� �� C[TY HALL SEVE`iTH FLOOR SAI�1T Pr�►UL, . •�z,:y � . � - . i' � s � . ,; : - + . . . � yf , � : - �� _ � 1 . %,: - ' � _ � . . J�t� �fl'r 1��1. _ _ Frxsoaael Otfice � � . 2t�d Floor ' C�ty Hell. . , Dear Sirs t , , � , Att,achs4, tor yc>ur iaf'or�atioa, a.re 3.ett+�rs of tbe lfi�o�e�ote► �' A/u�ual Life Inau�eace Coa�,wny ���e�itti�r,g prea�w�_ ralree far �'° EmFloyee Optional Ltfa Zasuranae ar�d Depse�dent Optt�nal Life � ; Insnrat�ae efteativ�e Oa�ober Yst, 1'981. � �. Yers► 'tt'ut�y Y�ux��, . , _ � ` Albert� B. 01son � Gity Clerk � ; ` � �►ttaab. > � . . � � ABOtla : , - , ,, - /y � • > � � . � � t .: i ' /�' " - ; /, � ,_ � `; . a - _ . . y � '�- ^� j,� .r ;r`� d�� , 345 Cedar Street 1 �MINNESOTA St.Paul,Minnesota55101 MUfUAL LIFE 612/298-3500 . Jtme 23, 1981 The Honorable Mayor Latimer and City Cotmci 1 Members c/o Rose Mix, City Clerk City of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 POLICY NUMBER: 365379-G The City of St. Paul provides a plan of optional li�e insurance under this policy which is paid for by its employees if they elect to part- icipate in the program. Effective October 1, 1981, Minnesota Mutual will be pleased to renew this program at the present monthly rates: � Rate Per $1,000 ifider 30 $ .20 30-39 .30 40-49 .60 50-54 1.10 55-59 1.60 60-64 2.40 The Minnesota Mutual appreciates the opporttmity to serve the City of St. Paul and its employees by providing this insurance program for them. My staff and I also tha.nk the City officials and employees for the cooperation that we've received in administering this insurance program. Sincer �'`�� � � �Donald . L e Manager Group Administration DEL:sm �' � -� � cn-c �, '�� � -�r- x+.,r�s r�� '*— "� r 7c �"'� r �� w b 2.Q "`±!�j ,�`'-� «� ^+T � � F7't �