277415 WNITE - CITY CLERK �� /��1 � PINK - FINANCE � CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII �r 1 BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. o ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution e stabli shing tlze title s and class specifications for Adaptive l�ecreation A s si stant and Adaptive R.e c re ati.on Di re ctox in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Secti.on 3. L (Technical Group), by inserting the following titles in the grades indicated: Adaptive Re c re ation As si stant Grade 17 Adapta.ve Recreati.on Director Grade 28E ; and be it FURTHER RESOL VED, that the Civil Se rvi ce Rule s be furthe r amende d by inserting in Section 32, in proper alphabeti.cal order, t1�.e atta.ched Class Specifications for the new titles of Adaptive R.ecreation Assistant and Adaptive R.ecreati.on Director. App rove d: r � � Chai r Civil r ce Comrriission COUNCILME[V Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt PE SONNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor Maddox � McMahon B snoweiter - __ Against Y Tedesco Wiison p Adopted by Council: Date JGr � � I�9� Form ppro d by ity�ttorney Certified s ed by Council S tar BY , 5 P � U '� A r by Mayor for S b s�,ion to Council Appr y :Vlavor: — By — a��s�EO S E P 2 61981 � " ����� Title of class: ADAPTIVE RECREATION ASSISTANT DESCRIPTION OF WORK � General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work involving the imple- menting of a recreation and athletic program for physically and mentally handicapped persons; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close technical and administrative supervision of a higher level adaptive recreation leader. � Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMF.D The listed examples may not include all duties gerformed by all positions in this class. Organizes and supervises recreational and athletic activities, instructs participants in the skills, rules and regulations of activities. Organizes and conducts activities adapted to tfie learning abilities and skill levels of the participants; assists in organizing and directing special activities and events. Assists in maiataining order and discipline by enforcing rules of conduct and regulations. Assists with recreational or athletic activities. Assists participants in self care and self help activities; assists wfth mobility and personal hygiene problems. Transports participants to and from activities. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Physical ability to deal with the needs of handicapped persons. Ability to deal with a wide range of emotions and behaviors. Knowledge of techniques used in working with mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped people. Skill in teaching and directing recreational and athletic activities for physically and/or mentally handicapped persons. Flexibility to work irregular hours and shifts. MINIMUM QUALIPICATIONS High school graduation and completion of a two-year trafning program ia the area of the trainably mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped; or possession of a teaching certifi.cate and at least six months� experience working with the trainably mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped; or high schooZ graduation and two years' experience working with the trainably mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped. Must possess a Minnesota driver`s license at time of agpointment. � . _. Title of class: � ����� ADAPTIVE RECREATION ASSISTANT DESCRIPTION OF WORK • General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work involving the imple- menting of a recreation and athletic program for physically and mentally handicapped persons; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close technical and administrative supervision of a higher level adaptive recreation leader. Supervision Exercised: None. TXPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in . this class. Organizes and supervises recreational and athletic activities, instructs participants in the skills, rules and regulations of activities. Organizes and conducts activities adapted to the learning abilities and skill levels of the participants; assists in organizing and directing special activities and events. Assists in maintaining order and discipline by enforcing rules of conduct and regulations. Assists with recreational or athletic activities. Assists participants ia self care and self help activities; assists with mobility and personal hygiene problems. Transports participants to and from activities. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Physical ability to deal with the needs of handicapped persons. Ability to deal with a wide range of emotion.s and behaviors. Knowledge of techniques used in working with mentally retarded andJor physically handicapped people. Skill in teaching and directing recreational and athletic activities for physically and/or mentally handicapped persons. Flex�bility to work irregular hours and shifts. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and completion of a two-year training program in the area of the trainably mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped; or possession of a teaching certificate and at least six months' e�cperience working with the trainably mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped; or high school graduation a�d two years' experience working with the trainably mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped. Must possess a Minnesota driver`s license at time of agpointment. \ Title of class: � A 4�5 AAAPTIVE RECREATION ASSISTANT DESCRIPTION OF WORK � General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work involving the imple- menting of a recreation and athletic program for phqsically and mentally handicapped persons; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close technical and administrative supervision of a higher level adaptive recreation Ieader. � Supervision Exercised: None. TXPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Organizes and supervises recreational and athletic activities, instructs participants in the skills, rules and regulations of activities. Organizes and conducts activities adapted to the learning abilities and skill levels of the participants; assists in organizing and directing special activities and events. Assists in maintaining order and discipline by enforcing rules of conduct and regulations. Assists with recreational or athletic activities. Assists participants in self care and self help activities; assists with mobility and personal hygiene problems. Transports participants to and from activities. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Physical ability to deal with the needs of handicapped persons. Ability to deal with a wide range of emotions and behaviors. Knowledge of techniques used in working with mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped people. Skill in teaching and directing recreational and athletic activities for physically and/or mentally handicapped persons. Flexibility to work irregular hours and sfiifts. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and completion of a two-year training program in the area of the trainably mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped; or possession of a teaching certificate and at least six months' experience working with the trainably mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped; or high school graduation and two years' experience working with the trainably mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped. Must possess a Minnesota driver`s license at time of appointment. , Title of class: ' 8��/j�C� IG 6 `� v ADAPTIVE RECREATION ASSISTANT DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work involving the imple- menting of a recreation and athletic program for physically and mentally handicapped persons; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close technical and administrative supervision of a higher level adaptive recreation leader. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by aIl positions in . this class. Organizes and supervises recreational and athletic activities, instructs par...icipants in the skills, rules and regulations of activities. Organizes and conducts activities adapted to the learning abilities and skill levels of the participants; assists in organizing aad directing special activities and events. Assists in maintaining order and discipline by enforcing rules of conduct and regulations. Assists with recreational or athletic activities. Assists participants in self care and self help activities; assists with mobility and personal hygiene problems. Transports participants to and from activities. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Physical ability to deal with the needs of handicapped persons. Ability to deal with a wide range of emotions and behaviors. Knowledge of techniques used in working with mentally retarded aad/or physically handicapped people. Skill in teaching and directing recreational and athletic activities for physically and/or mentally handicapped persons. Flexibility to work irregular hours and shifts. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Iiigh school graduation and completion of a two-year training program in the area of the trainably mentally retarded and/or phpsically handicapped; or possession of a teaching certificate and at least six months' experience working with the trainahly mentally retarded and/or physicallp handicagped; or Iligh school graduation and two years' experience working with the trainably mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped. Must possess a Minnesota driver`s license at time of appointment. Title of class: , ADAPTIVE RECREATION DIRECTOR �'���.5 DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible work involving the planning, organizing and implementing of an adaptive recreation and athletic program; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of the Recreation Coordinator-Special Programs. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit technical and adminis- trative supervision over lower level adaptive recreational workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, organizes and directs a diversified program of recreational and athletic activities for the physically and/or mentally handicapped. Recruits, instructs and directs community volunteers to assist with programs and activities. Organizes and directs special activities, such as the Special Olympics and adaptive sports programs for the handicapped. Maintains order and discipline and enforces facility rules and regulations. Administers emergency first aid treatment to participants until medical assistance is available. Attends classes and meetings to explain programs and projects and to recruit volunteers. Orders recreational and athletic equipment and supplies necessary for the adaptive recreation program. Prepares necessary reports of activities and time-related reports. Makes arrangements for the use of facilities. Prepares and edits the bi-monthly newsletters. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowledge of the capabilities and potentials of people with specific disabilities. Rnowledge of community agencies, facilities, programs and advocacy groups dealing with the needs of handicapped people. Ability to plan and organize activities. Physicai ability to deal with the needs of handicapped persons. Ability to deal with a wide range of emotions and behaviors. Knowledge of techniques used in working with mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped persons. Skill in teaching and directing recreational and athletic activities for physically and/or mentally handicapped persons. Flexibility to work irregular hours and shifts. MINIMUM QUALIFiCATIOIvTS College graduation in adaptive recreation or recreation therapy; or two -years' experience asain Adaptive Recreation Assistant or equivalent. � "� ,... Must possess a Minnesota dzfver s license at the time �of appointment. ��'� Title of class: , ����� ADAPTIVE RECREATION DIRECTOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Dut;es: Performs responsible work involving the planning, organizing and implementing of an adaptive recreation and athletic program; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Receiyed: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of the Recreation Coordinator-Special Programs. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit technical and adminis- trative supervision over lower level adaptive recreational workers. TYPIGAL BUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, organizes and directs a diversified program of xecreational and athletic activities for the physically and/or mentally handicapped. Recruits, instructs and directs community volunteers to assist with programs and activities. Organizes and directs special activities, such as the Special Olympics and adaptive sports programs for the handicapped. Maintains order and discipline and enforces facility rules and regulations. Administers emergency first aid treatment to particigants until medical assistance is available. Attends classes and meetings to explain programs and projects and to recruit volunteers. Orders recreational and athletic equipment and supplies necessary for the adaptive recreation program. Prepares necessary reports of activities and time-related reports. Makes arrangements for the use of facilities. Prepares and edits the bi-monthly newsletters. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowledge of the capabilities and potentials of people with specific disabilities. Rn.owledge of community agencies, facilities, programs and advocacy groups dealing with the needs of handicapped people. Ability to plan and organize activities. Pfiysical ability to deal with the needs of handicapped persons. Ability to deal with a wide range of emotions and behaviors. Knowledge of techniques used in working with mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped persons. Skill in teacfiing and directing recreational and athletic activities for physically and/or mentally handicapped persons. Flexibilitp to work irregular hours and shifts. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in adaptive recreat3or_ or recreation therapy; or two years' experience as an Adaptive Recreation Assistant d�r equivalent. - - '• - - ° -' - Must possess a Minnesota driver*s license at the time of appointment. � � Title of class: , ADAPTIVE RECREATION DIRECTOR ����5 DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible work involving the planning, organizing and implementing of an. adaptive recreation and athleti�. program; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Receiyed: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of the Recreation Coordinator-Special Programs. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit technical and adminis- trative supervision over lower level adaptive recreational workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positioas in � this class. Plans, organizes and directs a diversified program of recreational and athletic activities for the physically and/or mentally handicapped. Recruits, instructs and directs community volunteers to assist with programs and activities. Organizes and directs special activities, such as the Special Olympics and adaptive sports programs for the handicapped. Maintains order and discipline and enforces facility rules and regulations. Administers emergency first sid treatment to participants until medical assistance is available. Attends classes and meetings to explain programs and pro�ects and to recruit volunteers. Orders recreational and athletic equipment and supplies necessary for the adaptive recreation program. Prepares necessary reports of activities and time-related reports. Makes arrangements for the use of facilities. Prepares and edits the bi-monthly newsletters. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Rnowledge of the capabiZities and potentials of geople with specific disabilities. Raowledge of community agencies, facilities, programs and advocacy groups dealing with the needs of handicapped people. Ability to plan and organize activities. Physical ability to deal with the needs of handicapped persons. Ability to deal with a wide range of emotions and behaviors. Knowledge of techniques used in working with mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped persons. Skill in teacfiing and directing recreational and athletic activities for physically and/or mentally handicapped persons. Elexibilitp to work irregular hours and shifts. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in adaptive recreation or recreation therapy; or two - - years' experience as.an Adaptive Recreation Assistant or eq�ivalent. ' Must possess a NLinnesota driver*s license at the time of appointment. � �` ' Title of class: • ����� ADAPTIVE RECREATION DIRECTOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible work involving the planning, organizing and implementing of an adaptive recreation and athletic program; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of the Recreation Coordinator-Special Programs. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit technical and adminis- trative supervisioa over lower level adaptive recreatioaal workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, organizes and directs a diversified program of recreational and athletic activities for the physically and/or mentally handicapped. Recruits, insrructs and directs community volunteers to assist with programs and activities. Organizes and directs special activities, such as the Special Olympics and adaptive sports programs for the handicapped. Maintains order and discipline and enforces facility rules and regulations. Administers emergency first aid treatment to participants until. medical assistance is available. Attends classes and meetings to explain programs and pro3ects and to recruit volunteers. Orders recreational and athletic equipment and supplies necessary for the adaptive recreation program. Prepares necessary reports of activities and time-related reports. Makes arrangements for the use of facilities. Prepares and edits the bi-monthly newsletters. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowledge of the capabilities and potentials of people with specific disabilities. Knowledge of commuaity agencies, facilities, programs and advocacy groups dealing with the needs of handicapped people. Ability to plan and organize activities. Physical ability to deal with the needs of handicapped persons. Ability to deal with a wide range of emotions and behaviors. Knowledge of techniques used in working with mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped persons. Skill in teaching and directing recreational and athletic activities for physically and/or mentally handicapped persons. Flexibility to work irregular hours and shifts. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in adaptive recreation or recreation therapy; or two years' experience asan Adaptive Recreation Assistant or equivalent. - Must possess a Minnesota driverTs license at the time of apgointment. � CI'.PY O� �,�Ii�7T PAUL �T;. � • .. � ,� �, ����� �. `�: . p�FICE OF TS.r.CITY COUNCZL {:;� �'�,. �: . �. ..�-� � ris •�awi��+,ny•� . . � � •��'�.`�',•l �C• - DQte : September 4, 1981 � .�= G� ��II� i 1�"�.�.. E F� E � Q �Y � . Tp : Sain�i Paul City Councii : � � . # �R� � � C o m m i t�e e �h FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL . George .Mcrlat�ony choi�man, makes the foltov�ing report on� C.F. -� .[� Ordinance � . (3) [� Resolution . [� Oth er _ ' T 1`i'L� r � At its meeting af September 3, 1981, the Finance Committ�e recommer�ded approval • of the following: . _,__.___ " . __ _.__ .._.�._._� __- =�----� - --.� _ ..___. _ . _____ _ 8. Resolution establishing title and 'class specification for title of Workers Compensation Administrative Clerk iri Grade 24 of Section 3.B of Civil Service Rules. (12215-GM) . ` 9. Resolution establishing titles and class specific�tions for titles of Adaptive Recreation Assistant in Grade 17 and Adaptive Recreation Director in Grade 28E, Section 3.L of the Civil Service Rules. (12216-GM) - • 10. Resolution changing title of Office Services Supervisor in Section 3.3.to � Office Services Administrator-Supervisor in same qroup. (12214-GM) � R CI-ry H�LL SEVE*iTH .�Z-OOR SAIYI' PAUL, 1�iI.�tiESOTA 55103 � .-�,;y : ,.—4.__ . .___....- -.s._.:L-•-<.. ....fr�+.--•-�--•-. .. ^.'..�"...,:+:::�r�:+. pQ not detach thfs memorandum from the F, �� p� � � �l l�j p�ssotytion so that this information wiil be � availabfe to the City Council. EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE �RDERS, �'�415 � RESOL'UTIONS, AND �ORDINANCES Date: July 24, 1981 - � -- --- ___ � ':� _= . , -. T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ��1� � O ���� FR• Personnel Office �L���`�f��" ��� :;' r='€w� RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION Thi s R.e soluti on e stabli she s the ti.t].e s of Adaptive Re c re aia.on As si stant in G rade 17 and Adaptive Recreation Director in Grade 28E of Section 3. L (Technical Group) and the class speci�.cations for these tit].es in Secti.on 32 of the Civil Service Rules. The bi-weekly salary range s for the se Grade s are shown below: G rade 17 A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-yr. 441.80 460. 27 480. 57 501. 50 523. 64 547. 65 564. 26 572. 79 590. 79 603. 7q Grade 28E A B C D E F 5-yr. 6-yr. 7-yr. 10-yr. 530.42 553. 18 577. ?9 604. 87 632. 56 660. 87 694. 10 726. 70 761. 16 782. 08 15-yr. �0-yr. 25-yr. FINANCIAL IMPACT 804. 85 817. 85 830. 85 The Adapti.ve Recreaia.on Assistant cost will be $0. 00. It represents a new job description at the same rate we are currently payi.ng for the positions. The Adapti.ve R.ecreation Director will represent a promotion for three people. Based on 1981 rates and their current salaries, it will cost approximately $3, 500. 00 the first year. ATTACF�Il�IENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk.