277412 WHITE - CITY CLERK � (�}��r�� . PINK - RINANCE � / � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L COUIICII � ,`�,� BLUE - MAYOR File N O. o cil Resolution Presented By Referred T Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution approving the terms and conditions of the 1981-1983 Memorandum of Settlement between the City of St. Paul and the Twin City Iron Workers, Local 512. WHEREAS, the Council pursuant to the provisions of Section 12. 09 of the St. Paul City Charter and the Public Employee s Labor Relations Act of ].971, as amended, recognizes the Twin City Iron Workers, Local 512, as exclusive representative for those classes of positions withi.n the City of St. Paul certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services under Case No. 73-PR-507-A for the purpose of ineeting and negotiating the terms and conditions of employment for all full-time personnel in the classes of positions as set forth in the Agreement between the City and the exclusive representative hereinabove referenced; and WHEREAS, the City, through designated representative�s, and the exclusive representative have met in good faith and have negotiated the terms and conditions of employment for the period May 1, 1981, through April 30, 1984, for such personnel as are set forth in the Agreement between the City of St. Paul and the exclusive representative; now, therefore, be it RESOLVEDi that the Memorandum of Settlement, cited above, dated as of the effective date of this Resolution, between the City of St. Paul and the Twin City Iron W orker s, Local 512, on file in the office of the City Clerk, is hereby approved, and the authorized administrative officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Memorandum of Settlement on behalf of the City. � Approved: ai man, C Servi e Commission COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � PERS NNEL OFFICE _ Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowaiter � __ Against Y Tedesc� Wilson SEP 15 198� Form pprove by Ci y At,o y Adopted by Council: Date — Certified P�s_ d by ounc� Secr ary BY By� Approv lNayor: D t �- 9 � Ap by May r for is�on to Council By - PUBLISNE SEP 2 6 198i � �.� . � . . , ��'4�.� tf�I0R�1NDLii�i OF SETTLEi:F.��i� This Memorandun of Settlenent by and between. the Citg of Saint F4uI �nd Twin City Iron Workers' , Locai 512. In fu11 settle�ent of 1981-1983 negotiations, th� p�ties �ereta have agreed as follows: ' (1) Except as modified by the terms af this. M�rancicu�,� the ' greviov.s uadersta.ndings betwee� the gaxti� shall zear�aix� u�.c2taa�e�d. {2) Effee�.ive 'arattedi.ately, the rates of pay far the eicglQ�ees� reYrese�ted by the Uniors shal7. b� those_ �t �art�t. in �PPendi� A hereof. _ (3) Said rates, as well as all oth�r underst�i-ugs bet�e�a; the� parties, shal.l coutinue through Apri.I 30, I984. It �ts fctrtTier understflod that the wage rates shal�. re�ai:a� in effect uatiI. tTie`parties have agreea to other rates as part of subsec�uent - bargaining, or until the undexstandings� o€ t}ze parties hav� been terrsi.IIated by eithar. � . Tr 3s understood �tha.t the above settlement shall b� reecr±*s�ded bp t�e C��, Negotiator, but .is subject to the approval by the Gitg A��stratzoa an� _ adoption by the City Council and Civil Service Coas�is�sion.. -�3 tJITNESS ��REoF, the City Negotiator has affi�red tiis sigaature.thi.s 3rd _ day of July , 198I. CITY OF SAINT PAUL TWIN CITY IRON GiO�S, LE}CAL SI2 , ,� � ^ :.� � � � � ' �� l✓ : �� f �.._�Z���,.� . La or Relations e r Bus�.ness l�f�nager � . _ APPEi7DIX A Fa W ��d.� . The basic hourly wage rates for ec►ployees covered by this SETTLENfE*IT shall be as follows: Regular, Probationary Effective Effective Effectiue . � and Provisional June 8,198I rtay I3 1°82 May 1, 1983: Iron kTorker $14.23* $I6.�1* $17.79* Iron Worker Foreman $15.19* $I6.97x $I8.75� . � Te�por.a..�y a:d F�ergency Iron War� ' $i4.8(�* $If�.65* $18..�{!* . Iron �,Torke� �are+aan $15.80* $I�.65* �19.50* The above xates tnay be decreased as long as the cog�r�.�ttiQas �.�stec� be� ar� increased by the same total amaunt. . ' It is� agread that the following contributions and deductions shaZl. be �a�e bp the Employer for each hour worked by emgloyees who are members of. this Barga�u- .. ing Unit. These contributions anc3 deductions sha7_I be sade as c�esignated UeZayr: Ef f ectiv� � June 8,Z98I_ Health and Welfare Fund $ .95 Pension Fund S_ .90 Apprenticeship Fund $ .04 Vacation Fund - Deduction $I.00 Effective May 1, 1982, an additiona.l $ .10 per hour worked is to �e i��Iuded in the above fringe benefit package. The decisiaa as to which fu� thic additional amount .will be allocated will be made at a Iater date,, - These contributions may be increased as long as the apglicable haurl.y rates shown above are decreased. by the sazne total amount. a *These rates a.nclude ti�e $1.00 Va�ation Fund deduction. - A1 - WHITS - CITY CLERK COt1I1C11 Pi.iVK - FINANC6 � �t�'�}F�''��*� . GANARY•- DEPARTMENT G.I TY O F SA I NT ��U L �, { � � BLUE - MAYOR ' . . F1I! N O. � � CITY CLERK �ouncil Res�`u�Z�n Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution approving the terms and conditions of the 1981-1983 Memorandum of Settlement between the City of St. Paul and the Twin City Iron Workers, Local 512. WHEREAS, the Council pursuant to the provisions of Sectian 12. 09 of the St. Paul City Charter and the Public Employees Labor Relationa Act of.1971, as amended, recognizes the Twin City Iron Workers, Local 512, as exclusive representative for those classes of positions within the City of St. Paul certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services under Case No. 73-PR-50?-A for the purpose of ineeting and negoti.ating the terms and conditions of employment for all full-time personnel in the classes of positions as aet forth i.n the Agreement between the City and the exclusive representative hereinabove referenced; and WHEREAS, the CityD through designated representative•s, and the exclusive representative have met in good faith and have negatiated the terms and conditions of employment for the period May 1, 1981, through April 30, 1984, for such personnel as are set forth in the Agreement between the City of St. Paul and the exclusive xepresentative; now, therefore, be zL- RESOLVED, that the Memorandum of Settlement, cited aboves dated as of the effective date of this Resolution, between the City of St. Paul and the Twin City Iron Workers, Local 512, on file in the office of the City Clerk, is hereby approved, and the authorized administrative officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Memorandum of Settlement on behalf of the City. Approved: airman, Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: H��t PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine In FavOr Maddox ���� Against BY Tedesoo �Ison Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney - Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by :Nayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci2 By . BY � r �� � TIE:fQR�NDL`?-t OF SETTLE:�IFs�iT ������ This Memorar_duci of Settlec�ent by and between the Citp of Saint P4uI and T�aia Cit� Iron W'orkers� , Local 512. � In full settlenent of 1951-1983 negotiations, the p�ti.es �ereto have agreed_ as foU.ows: � . - (I) Except as nodified by the teims o£ thi� rte�oZanctu�,. the grevi4us u�derstandi.ngs between the gart�es. shaZl re.mai� � . u���ta:a�ed. . - _ {2) Eff�etive '�ediately, the rates of pay for tbe e.neg].eyees rerresea�ed hp thA- Unioa s;�all be those s� �ssrt� ia - - Appendix A hereof. _ - - . _ (3) Said rates, as well. as all oth�r unders ?it�s. hetweea �fie - parties, s'.�all coutinue through April 3U, 2984. �t �.s fu��er unZerstood that the wage rates shaZl res���r.rc 3n ef£ect uatil_ � � . t�ie�parties have agreed to other rates as p�rt of subsegueat - bargaining, or until the understanding� a£ the parties ha.va been tern3.aated. by either. _ � . - . I* is understood �that the above settlemeat shall be �e�*±*s�nde� bp t�e ��; _ 13egQtiator, but .is subject to the approval by the Ci.tg �+_���stratioa au� . adoption by the City Council and Civil Service Coi�isgioxz. -L�T ZdITNESS �•�REQF, the City �?egotiator has a€f3.�.eeL �is s�gaztur�.tYtis 3rd _ day of July , 1981. _ CITY QF SAINT PAUL �dIN CITY IRON SvO�S, LOCAL. 522 � . . . r �„� � . • x; . , . �� � ,, ;� - . � ���,�i". ��t_._.,..._. . La or P,e].ations e r Business 1`fz�ager � � �._�_--- -�----_--.�:�:_..___ ._, .__.. ..__ ._ ...�-- - t -- - � _ _ - - - _ _.,4.. �,..__._`_•�.�_.._�.__:-.�:... . .. .z . . �.. . :.: . ___..-- --- � APPEitDIX A �',� " ` _ � ����.� The basic hourly wage rates for e�ployees cavered by this SETTLE."lEhT sha3.1 bz as follows: . Regular, Probationarq Effective Effective Effective . • - and Provisional June 8,1981 Aiay I; 198? Afay I, 1983 Iron ZLarker $14.23* $Ib.Ul* $i7.79� Iron Worker Foreman $Z5.19* $I6.97x $I8.75� - - - Te�or.a_� a,d E�ergency . Iron Wor� � $i4.84* $I6.65* $I8.50* _ Iron SJorkz�c Foreman $15.$0� $I?.65* �19,.5t1� . The� above rates nay be decr.eased. as lozi.g as the coatr�tiaas List� be� ar� increased by the sase total amaunt. : , __ . - - It is a.gre�d that the followin� contributions and dedz*.ctions sYca11. be �a�e b�r � the Emplo�er for each hour worked by employees �who are raeabers of thi.s Bargaitz . ing Unit. Thase contributions and deductio*�s sha]_2 be �ade as designated be.lotis: � ' . Effectiv� � . • � . June 8,Z98I_ . - Heaith and Welfare Fund $ e95 � Pension Fund : � $_ .9Q , aPPxenticeship Fund $ .04 . - V2cation Fund - Deduction � $I.00 � Effective May 1, 1982, an add3�tional $ .10 per hour worked 3.s to �e i.ncluded in the above fringe benefit package. The decis�au as to w�ich fua� this additional anount .wil7, be allocated will be ma�Te at a Iater date, . � These contributi.ons nay be increased as long as the 2p�licahle haur?y rates shown above are decreased. by the sazne total amounr. �, �These rates include t�e $1.00 VaCation FLnd c�eduction. - A1 - . . _ -.__.._ _..�_...: __� -- _ . . _.,____.__ . ;...- . ....x�_�:_ ..,,_ .. ..._ .. .. - - - __ . :-_...-�.- �.__ .. _ .--- ------ =- --�:. -� � � , . ����y/y.aJ�A C��� o� Sa.�iv�� �.'A.v�r.. %�• •�''� . . fM M + i.Jt►� � 'O�'FICE OF TH:� CITY CO'Ui�TCIL �t�� � � �;. ;,, � � r.. .. ,��t 3's'�� �,. . � ye.a��'s�y�S� •t.. . . � 3i� • Date : September 4, 1981 .t ��: G� �1i� � � �'� E � E �' a �T TO : Soin� P�ut City Council . . �R Q� = C o m m i t#e e �n F INANCE� MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL . George McMahon, GhdiPmQt�, makes ihe foilowing � report on GF: �i�._[� Ordiriance � (6) [x� Resolution . � Ofiher � T !'CLE : � � At its meeting of September 3, 1981, the Finance Committee recommended approval - of the following: . . , _ ___._.__ ' �:-.,.�,:,_....._�..._ -� ___ 1. Resolution transferring $40,000 from General Revenue Fund--Fund Balance-Not Dedicated to General Government Accounts-Building Trades Fringe Benefits. 2. Ordinance amending Legislative Code to clarify types of property eligible for subsidies for diseased tree removal. (12207-GM) � 3. Resolution approvi.ng 1981-1983 Agreement between the City and Plumbers Local 34. (12211-GM) � " ' 4. Resolution approving 1981-1983 Agreement between the City ar�d Sheet Metal Local No. 76.. (12212-GM) • ' �5. Resolution approving settlement between City and Twin City Iron Workers : : Local 512. (12213-GM) - � • 6. Resolution altering rule regarding promotion rights for title of Office Services Administrator-Supervisor. (12210-GM) 7. Resolution making it possible for employees off-duty on workers' compensation to return to work in lower paying classification without losing seniority or reinstatement rights to classification they were in at time injury or illness occurred. (12209-GM) , • (CONTINUED . . .) CrI'}[ Fi�I,L SEVENTH FLOOR SAIYt PAUL, �1I�i�ESOTc� S�IO? ;r,��:.�, � _ - •-• � -� Do not detach this memorandum from the �� � � p c_ ���i� 1};''l. 1��. resolution so that this information wilf be � � �j' �vai{able to #he City Council. Y EXPLANATSON OF ADMI�'ISTRATIVE ORDERS, ��L�� RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES ���.� ,. _.�._ _ _ - Date: July 16, 1981 AU� 1 � �g�'� �e��j=��� : n` �=' . T0: MAYOR GEQRGE LATIMER FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTTON REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission o£ this Resolution to the City Council, PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION This Resolution approves a settlement between the City of St. Paul a.nd the Twin City Iron Workers, Local 512. The City currently does not employ any Iron Workers on a regular basis. This Agreement establishes a City wage rate for Iron Workers in the event�the City hires an Iron Worker in the future either as a regular employee or as a temporary employee. The new rates are based on the outside Union rates. The total package rate for 1981 will be $16. 69. In 1982 it will become $18. 64, In 1983 it will become $20.49. These employees would not receive any City benefits. FINANCIAL IMPACT No immediate impact because the City has no Iron Workers as regular employees on the payroll. The se new rate s will have to be paid on the few occasions the City employs temporary Iron Workers. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution and copy for City Clerk. Memorandum of Settlement.