276662 WHITE - CITY CLERK (��fl��� PINK • FINANCE � , h CAN_ARY �-L'DEPARTMENT COUi1C1I �� V BLUE - MAYOR C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. ' RETURN COPY TO Council s lu 'on VAI,tTATION BUREAU Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHERI'AS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul by Resolution C.F. 276540, adopted Maxch 19, 1981, did va.cate, among other things, that portion of public alley located in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, legally described as follows: All of that por�ion of the �11ey lying adjacent to lots three, four, �f"ive, six,seven (3, �+, 5, 6, 7) and the west thirteen (13) feet of Lot two (2), all in Block two (2), Williams' Reaxrangement of Block 7 and part of Block �+ Nelson's Addition to the City of St. Paul and WHEREAS, said vacation reserved to �he City of Saint Paul and other �aublic instrumentalities, public utility easements contained therein and thereon; and WI�RF.AS, The Council has been requested to waive said retained easements, and the affected City Depaxt�ments, Northern States Pawer Company and Northweatern Bell Telephone Company have filed written certificates of intended non-use and waivers with the office of the City Clerk,which Certificates are incorporated herein by reference; NOW TFiER��'FORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Section 228.06 of the Saint Paul I,egislative Code, as amended, does hereby waiver, release and extinguish �he easements retained by the Water Department of the City of Saint Paul, Northern States Po�wer Co�rpany and Northwestern Bell Telephone Company in Council Resolution C.F. 2765�+o adopted Maxch 19, 1981; COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt �11& & — Levine In Favor Maddox sr;owaite _ Against BY — T�� Director wf�son Form Approved by City orney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Yassed by Co�ncil Secretary 3 -�'�! B� Approved by ;Nayor: Date _ Ap ov by Mayor fo u i3sion to Council gy _ B WHITE - CITY CLERK C PINK • FINANCE COI1tIC11 �V�s� CANARY -•� DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L � BL.�E - MAYOR . FlI@ N O. ` RETIJI�IV COPY TO Council Resolution VAIUATION BUREAU Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date _2_ BE IT �TJRTI�R RF50LVID, That the Council does hereby waive, release, and extinguish easements in the vacated public alley retained by the Fublic Works Depaxtment and the Water Works Department of the City of Saint Paul as indicated by their certificates of intended non-use. BE IT �JRTHER F�OLVID, That the Council does hereby waive, release, and extinguish Public Utility easements in the vacated public alley by Northern States Pawer Company and Northwestern Bell Telephone Company in accordance with their certificates of intended non-use and specif`ically as follows; All of that portion of the alley lying adjacent to lots three, four, f'ive, six, seven (3, �+, 5, 6, 7�� and the west thirteen (13) feet of Lot two (2), all in Block two (2), Williams' Rearrangement of Block 7 and paxt of Block �+ Nelson's Addition to the City of St. Paul. BE IT FURTHER RE50LVID, That the above mentioned waiver and release of said easements axe for the City of Saint Paul and those persons for wham the City has reserved easements in said vacated property for the installation, maintenance and operation of any sewer, water, gas or electric main, pipe or conduit of public instrumentality. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt � Fin ce and ement Services _ Levine In Favor Maddox b/ McMahon B snowaite� - -- Against — ��0 Ihrec or Tedesco IAlilsen Adopted by Council: Date APR 9 �981 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified • s-ed by Co n ' Secr ry B Z�+•� 3'3a��� t pr ed by ;Vlavor: D t APR i 3 1981 Appr v by Mayor for ' �o Council By _ B PUBUSHEO qPR 1 81981- WHITE �" CITY CLERK �py,sl,����� FINK �' - FWANCE Counci; A� .+ CAy.t's?Y - DEPARTMEFiT � S�� � '� �' BLUE _- MAY062 C� � �T�� ��F �7 A I � � � � j.I L �',.•11e �O. __. � � ,.:� � _-�-���-� _ Council �Z��a�utio�a a7� ��� � �. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � �, Out of Committee By_. Date - ��UL�, '�bat vtpc�si the �ti�ti� cb�E �hisZ�� Corp�ratio�t� ttsa�t aseti.o� of �ublic alle� �r�i�sfte�c d�+rscr�ba�d, 'b� a�cl tt� sas�ee �ara�y fe �t�c[ s� di.�a�3m�cl as a p�3r►lic a21ay: ltli o! t�et po�t#�a af t2�e alle� lYiaq �ac�t to lots tt�s�e; loar, #iv►�. •�.x, �3,4. 5. S, 7'3 �su! Lh� wst t�i�ct� � t 13} �aat of Lc�t �rv �2). all ia �lodc !�o �2},, �tilliams• A�marra�t oi �tivek 7 a�3 p�zt of �l�t 4 �el.so�°s As4diti+o� to t� City c�f �t. Pav�i,i snbj�:t 1� to t� �oiia� �itia� s�d rea�rrvstions: 1. �s# +tb.► .�t3.� be aa�b�a�t t�a a 13. t�. t�o. aad �ditia�s o� �agt�r s38 0! � st. la�ai L�isi�eti�r+e C�d�e. as , . 2. T�rt !� Cttt s���;a� f.� ia�st i.n ea a�s�- �t ��l+�d b�y Coamn�cil Pile 80. 26713�. adaPt� �3.1 2?, Z9�� llar�eribid a�ss �oll�s: '!� �tt� 2�3 �t �wf t�ot �, el�o�k 2, �iu�.' �rra� of s3.�c � �a p�rt a►! Alo� � f�e3.s�u•s lld�df.t� to t� Ci� +o! 8t. Par�,i �t �a►. i4362'.� f 1I� J� 1.4, 14?6= COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favoc Maddox McMahon A gai n s t BY Showatter - Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ..-r""-'�-� Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary B ^^- +-�" �"�''�'�"'`'" '"" ����� �I'��� � By� Approved by �Nayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ` . �Y _---- ----- -- — By _ _ � , .,.....e.. .� . CITY CLERK ��`� ^ � - FINANCE ` � � .RY - DEPARTMENT �, � - �� .sE - MAYOR C.) I T�� ��F s_7L� I .,4T ��:�I 1 L COUf1C1I e � File N 0. Council Res�lu�ion �-�� �,�.��, Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By_ Date - 7 3. ?!�t �c�esa�ary �s�ert�tcks �ncl ls�dsea�piag he r�rqair�t as past o# t1� si�:e p2aa revf�av P��� �o�' sap f�tC�ae ��ttzvc��'�f,o�a oa �.ots �-7 bo ths sstiafacti� a� t�e D�trt� o! �1s�i.nq �d Ecaac��.c �ars+aiap�a#. 4�. '1"�t t� �itie�+er pa� taQ t� �£t�► a� I aa�el�et �rlv�, th�r s�ut c�l� $3,640.40 ss t� for tb� �ac�tian. 3. ?�� t� p�titiQasr #�s�ish +t� C#.ty �rie� a D�d #,� t� a�tt af $Z,�pti.�, s�rd b�p �ce+e�latt�c� o# t�s tsr� ��d e�rdl.ti� �i tbi. �� a�r t+� ind�ilr. a� asw �essl+a� t1�a Ci°tp +e� St. �sal, it� ot��c�r s� �la�o #rv� all s�tits, a�s, +e� ela ie�ns �r!' ,�► c�a rsct�ri, i�w alo�fa�, 3�tt �t 1#a�� �o. a +cYafa� �t � a� a� #,�r�uaci�, +c� � r�cs�.� c�r s�sbir#s�d br .ag' �. p�ro�s o� ����I�. o� �c�o�n�t ot thi� �ai�vn� flr becs�ss of sap a�t oz e�is:i+a�, a�1�1t c�ac �is�ct caf sa 3d Pi"���t v�r b�t +�t :q� �laian or Iia�i1lt� �is�f� irot or � o� � �rf�lati,�oaa► o! a� � vr s�slat#�o� �e i� a�eos�s�cs �t.� fi� 1�. � br #8r �tit#� c�c �;r 0� its � �' +�lf1o�. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt � �evine In Favoi Maddox � McMahon snoWaite� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date M�R � � 1981 Form Approved by City Attor„ ney� Certified Passed by Co,unc�il S,ecr tary B ��- �'�'��' �f� .fi� "�.�..�.� V'` ' BS• ..� � �. Approved by :Nayor: Date � '2 � �9�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By � — - _ .By _.,., �„o._ a>�, � �� ' 2�6ss� THE HONORAB7�E I�fAAYOR A1�ID ML�MB&RS OF THE COUNCII, OF THE CERTIFICAT� OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL I�@TE1�ED NOft-USE The undersigned hereby certify tha.t they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in the follawing described realty: r._� Or �;2`�, ��:"v:.�_. G_ .,:'� c.�—°: -- • c. Fcjace-:i te �ots t^.ree, _e.:�. ���e, s--�: sever. (�, �+, �, , "'; �:.� �:�e wes: �."ir�e°-., (�3) `ePt of �c� �uo �.�, , � i�: 31oc:: twe (2 l , k�i�1.,��.�s' "r:e�-��e- L`leP� Gi .�'^.�C:k i 2::Q' �E:�y.. C` ��:J��= — I�e^i$.')'."i u u'a r a- ^ � t'£':�1�.. t A ..lv_O.. �O �:e ��� Or S�. eat� /o , 19 8/ � Direetor of ic s City of 3�.int ul General Manager, Nater Department City of Saint Panl Rorthern States Prnrer Conpa�r BY (15�AL) NorthWestern Bell Te3ep�oae Cc�pairy $Y (��) /i , , � � t � � �'�bb�2 9a T NORABLE MAYOR AIZD I�I�RS 'OF THE COUNCIL OF THL� CERTIFICATg OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL I�@'P�24DgD HON-USE The undersigned hereby certif"y that they do not intend to eacercise their utility eaaement rights in the follv�ing describe�d realty; Y�_ 'Jr +i..r:'2.y.. �'J'�"�i�... .,_ ..::° c.�°.. —. —.-..., a.djace�t �0 lots `_^.ree, _o�=, "_�-e, six, ," .,� seve:: (J, �+, 7. � � ; a:_� ��,A �es� �:.irteer. ('3: -`eet oi ic� �wo (2, . �� � i^ �loc�: tuo (2� , w':i��i�^.s' :;e�-���e- ."1,e::v Oi� �:i0:-k � c..^.� ��'"� O` ��C:`_ � I�e-.�so-.'s Additio=� to �:-,e ��`� o� ��. P2-,;=. �ated �, 19�_ Director oP �lic Qorks City of Saint Paul , /.�,�,��. ieral Mans,ger, er Depa.rtment City of Saint Panl _ ' � Aorthera 'St�atea F�rer =Co�npa.�r BY . ,(SZAL) North�restera Be7:l�'Telephose Ca�pa�y $Y �S�) \ � ` ' ��'. ..Q�:s, �, _ � � � %. ' ., - . .. . .. .. . � . . - `:.fi .. _�.� ... � - . . , . . . . .. - . . _ � � . . .. .. .� ... �. . .;... ,� . �...::. ..... .. : . . . . . i�-�'U�U�-� � �IGG�%, THE HONORABI.E MAYOR AND h�1�RS OF THE COUNCII, OF TFiL CEEtTIFICATS OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Il'�S1�SD HON-USE The undersigned hereby certify ti�t they do not intend to exercise their utility ease.ment rights in the follvwing described realty: ..�:. Or y..::�`.. '�'.."'ii.�v.. G= .._^.£ c..�°. —_ —`-F 8.:��SC@::� �O �OtS �::reE. �O'.;.'. _'_�E S�?:, seve^- (�, �• :, c•, "') a::� �:�e wes: �::ll"�ee: (��,) `ee� Oi :�v� `..4;0 '.�. . a'�� _.. �loc:: �ue ;2) , Wi��_a:;.� ' rie��-a-�e- l.7e^`�. Oi ��..C_V c.::,� �'2�i. C`_� .^_�Ow�_ _ 1�e�15�'itS f,.^-Q1�_.O'.": �O .,.;e �1`� �_` :''... 2'2';._. Dated � � � �� , 1980. NC'RT'HEP.N STATES PO:�;ER COMPANY :;; • (SEAL) Bv �� ' � � I t s _�'�.��� STATE OF 21IrIP1ESOTA ) } ss . ' COUNTY OF RAMSEY j On this `�_ day of ����,�, , 198Q , bef.ore me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally ; � appeared (,�, F. �.Aictlaw-' , to me per.sanally known, who, ; being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the GeneeaL /rlanu ,ee ST• PauL- of NORTHEP.N S�ATES POiaER CO�iPP.NY, a corporation, name in he ����`sto � foregoing instrunent, and that the seal affixed to said instru- ment is the corporate seal of said corporat�.on, and that sai� instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said�?. � �u��lflQ,u� acknowledged said instrt�ment to be the free act and deed of said cornoration. . ,�./�L� r N9.���•��3�b;J:,3:�-�.:.�.•._..._...R r::,.; .. ee�; ��Y.:�•',�� ..?Tr:rrv P:.:':'., t. �?:,'..... ;. � ,�., . � � � . �.l: • n.�r,.,. . . ..:i� .� - - . � �:.;��C':`.':SciOff i.aj�...5 �i:u. i i. i::•r 2 . . 4•... � . .... .� ., ..-...... . . .........�L .:� ���� THE HONORABLE I�4P.YOR A1�ID �&RS OF THE COUI�CIL OF THL� CERTIF'ICATS OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL IRrS14DED �OA-USE The undersigned hereby certify tha.t they do not intend to exercise theix utility easement rights in the follrncing described realty: '��' �S v._'C.~i. ���'�..v.. C'_ ��� G-A� —_— ^ . --C �:�,a�e::� �o lots t^ree. :o.�=. =:e . s_: , seve-� (?. �. 5, o, �l a::: �:�e �es� �,.`:Zr�e°� \�Jj _`eel.. .7i L.'��,�.. '�..Td.'� �. , . °i'� . __. 31oc�: �wo ;2) , �'i����:u° ' :;e�_ - �:e- �ie^`�. Oi .:±0:.� c.::^.. .'-',�:� C° ^�v��: - i�e�iso-:'s �,c�tior. to �:�e �i`� cr _ ... ra�,:_. Dated � , 1980 . NORTH�lESTERN B �L `?'ELEPHONE COMFAPJY (SEAL} Bv � Its STA1^E OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this �� day of ���.��� , 1980 , b�fore me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared Richard F. � �,gar , to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the District Manager of NORTHWE�TERN BELL T�LEPFiONE CODIPANY, a corporation, named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrurient was signed and sealed in behalf of said cornoration by authority of its Board of Directors and � said Corporation acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed .of said corporation. a�-,�-c� , , ., �Notary .,ublic ' MARGARc i'-(�lU'�_t,:'.::N _ Notary Public;Ramsey Ccunty, Minn. My Commission:Expires May 24, 1982 „ - ^�. J ,. �� .�O . .?8.S117 - 3� w l2s � �2s W �o t - i w Lo . � . �° V D �- aO � � �� W _ .� � � ,_ W I � � �� � N o W o D -� W �� ,�i^ {X � "i ` I _. V1 NYI��Wr O� , -� 1� (� � � w `� . � � �N'P L '�o — p � , u' '' w- - - � �„ S— —P op ro - _ .. _ p � tv • v� °. - e+ I z s N � wm - N = n � . o � r W � � _ , �, _ � � `i+ _ — Co 0 � N w I o N � -�--- �- - •� ry � - --� . R � n � : _ _ o :. .-_ f V r� �T _ �. - --N n, �� �,-- �,=- 5. ��Z4'12��W G G. __ y � � � � \- L= . i8 � " 'v �N � � � _ O _ � . N oN N . - � � °� ° !`♦ w W - _ w c „� � � � o �'•,',` �- �2S � W �' ' � ��#v, °� �1 n.> `�` I ' o _ � W � ------ -- -- I � '�.� ^� -- loS -_ � N � I r �� . w .a, � . =� N _ �� . �, . W � I - - - - - � " w _ ( � I . � W --- � - -''�, ;�� W .pN �,.� � � � � W N I — — � ~r _ cD t+7 O Cif r� � � � N I r.�- ,p � ►� ti w W I �O .A m x Fd � W °� /{�i4e../�°�iY.�,�� �^' � ' � y � H � I 2 20 / s `"' � 12 S �o r 79d � �3 • �,!'��,�„� � _ _ ___� o ,_ °0 9 �_, o G — - w � y : ,ro N zo r � N I �ZS zc � Cjf 1--� O ^ ' � � � o (N "'� ._. h7 z t�i7 0 _�N � ti o ' _ 9 H Z 9 W 4 ' - - —�- - - - tb 9 9 I � `" C � �- d 9 � `� �N,, =r � � d � i0 - � N ' � W d N � � V1 � a o ro � � • E� �' "' � _ ^' -- 9 N _ � � p� w ,�1 � �` I . 'G �� �� `"� w I '`� _ [t� ' ' - �O - N s � � � m w � -^r-�- - -- e I _ . Ca� .a � � � ' . 4M OI: 12J1975 � , Rev. ; 9!$/I5 ���� EXPLANATION OF ADMINiSTRATIVE ORDERS, , ��it�--- RECEIVED �R 2�71981 oate: ��h 2�, �9s� CITY ATTORNEY T0: MAYOR .�EORG� LATIMER��J� � �R� J. Wm. Donovan, Val. & �s . �ineer, Finance & M�nt. Serv3.ces (�t. 7019) R�� �telea�e oP utility eas�nents in vacated alley as set forth in Cauncil� File No. 276540, adopted March 19, 1981. (petition oP Whi.rlpool Corporation) AC7ION REQUESTfO: Mayor's approval for submi.s�ion to Ci�ty Cauncil. PilRPi)SE AWD RAtIONALE FOR TNiS ACTION: To release certa3n utility ease.�nents in vacated alley in Cvuncil File No. 2765�+0. - a'fTRGHMENTS: 1. Covncil Re�olution 2. Copy of Council File �2765�4 3• CertiPicates of Tntended Non-U�e fran N.S.P.,Telephone Co.,P.W. & Water Utility 4. Area Map