276640 WHITE. - CITY CLERK � ��y��� PINK ' - RINANCE COUI1C11 V cSANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L BLUE - MAYOR File N O. RETIJRDT COPY TO o n il Resolution VAIUATION BUREA � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WF3ERE�A.�, The City Council upon the petition of Pembco Real Estate Development vacated that section of public street described as All that part of Stillwater Avenue from the east right-of-way line of Birmi.ngham Street to the east line of Lot 20, Block 2, Cruickshank's Garden Lots; subject to the terms and conditions, as set forth in said vacation resolution, Council File No. 276372, approved Februaxy 13, 1981; and Wf�FtF.AS, The City Cauncil has been reguested by the Valuation Engineer to amend the description of the street vacated and the description of the retained public utility ease.ment; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the street vacation resolution, Council File No. 276372 is hereby amended by deleting the follo�wing paxagraph therefram; All that paxt of Stillwater Avenue from the east right-of-way line of Birmingham Street to the east line of Lot 20, Block 2, Cruickshank`s Garden Lots; and be i�arther amended by inserting in place of and in lieu thereof the following; South 30 feet of the North 1�2 and the North 30 feet of the South 1�2 of Lots 20, 21 and 22, Block 2, Cruickshank's Garden Lots; and be it COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Financ and Mana ement Services' Levine IR FavOr Maddox McMahon snowaite� _ Against BY rec or Tedesco �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date G Certified Vassed by Council Secretary R" �Q�'�'� ��� o ' By� • Approved by :Vlayor: Date Ap v by Mayor for ssion to Council By - WMITE - CITY CLERK 2�6s4(1 PINK � - FINANCE COl1tIC11 .QANARY - DEPARTMENT � G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L BLUE - MAYOR File N O. RET[TRN COPY TO Co nc 'l eso ution � VALUATION BUREAU Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- FURTI�R RF�SOLVED, That the street vacation resolution, Council File No. 276372, be amended by deleting the followin� paragraph therefraan: "2. That a 30 foot wide permanent easement be retained for flzture sanitary sewer and storm water drainage, said easement being centered along Stillwater Avenue and extending the �zll length of the vacated axea, subject to the following restriction," and be flirther amended by insertin� in place and in lieu thereof the following; "2. That a 30 foot wide permanent easement be retained for future sanitaxy s�wer and storm sewer drainage, said ea.sement being over the sauth 15 feet of the north 1�2 and the north 15 feet of the south 1�2 of Lots 20, 21, and 22, B].ock 2, Cruickshank's Gaxden Zots, subject to the following restrictions," and be it �TRTI�R RF50ZVID, That in all other respects, all of the terms, conditions and requirements imposed in Council Resolution, Council File No. 276372, shall remain in flzll force and effect. COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt � Fina and ent Services Levine IR Favor Maddox McMahon �/ snoweiter __ Against irec or Tedesco �Ison APR 7 ��� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified b oun . ecre ry BY 3_�y �� � v By _ . Appr v by 1�lavor: e �r�� App by Mayor for ub iss o Council B _ — BY PUB�ISHEO APR 1 8 1981 �" `I .. . P ._ . . � . . . WHIT�. ' CITY CLERK . �r �� i 1` '� L��. .� _ . , i^.�a• �a►!.� PINK - FINANCE . � i �� /�� �� CANARY DEPARTMENT �� I -r y O F S A I N T j,�L� COUfIC1I � �L.Wi^°^'�0 MAVOR File N O. " �Jr�.�;�_ �.� Council Resolution ���6��� Presented By � - - � � � � 7 � � Referred To �-� --- -- - _ - Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � - - .. �YSD, �t v�oa t!� p�litioa a! ��oo leal s,stst� . �2oprnts !!sa! s�ctioe� of pabli�e atrNt lscar�att�r � i�acrib�d. b� assd .tb� asr luac� is �t�! � di�coati�a�d � �ss a poblf�e sts�eets . �111 thst pert o! Btill�+st�z �� !r� � ths �aat rfqht-of-+�r line o! sfs�inqha■ =trs�t to ttu �set lia� o� Lot 2p, slock 2. Czniekshsalc•s H�r� Lota t sub j�ct aacpr�aslY to t!u �ollavi�g conditio�os aad rf,s�rrstians: 1. ?�st t!� �rscs t io� b� snb j�ct �o �11 th� taras and c�osrditiroas a! C�rpt�ar 228 ot t!� �e. pa� L�gialstiw Cod�� as s�d�d. ��:��.: � 2. SA�t s 30 foot �rid� p�ra�a�a� �sw�tt b� s�- ta�a�d for fbtvz� asaf tasy sa�rar��d star� s�tar arainag�, a�id Ns�nt b�i:g C�t�trd alang Stfllvst.�c ltvrao� aad �ctso�ding tt� fol� la�agt3� ot t.i�s �racst� ars�� sobject to :� t�s !°ollarfnq re,strictfoass ,,, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt ��e [n Favor Maddox � ; � McMahon . :;,::.,.. . snowei�� Against By red�o ..�- _ -+�_':- vri:o� �''~ . � � Form Approved by City Attorne}� Adopted by Council: Date - _ � !"� � Certified Passed by Council Secretary , By�--�' ` : (''� `,� ��'��` - s / sy, � �� Approved by Ylavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By ---- ----------- — BY — ---- - • � � �v`���'� � , � • � .f � 1 � 2 a) That no buildings, structures, or trees are permitted within the easement area, or any temporary ' structures, material storage, fixtures or other objects that will prohibit normal access to sewer . facilities for maintenance purposes. b) That no change from the existing grade is permitted without written permission from the Sewer Engineer. , c) That no change in surfacing within the easement area is permitted wit-h- out written permission from the Sewer Engineer. d) That the petitioner, its successors � and assigns, by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this vacation agree to fully indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of St. Paul, their officers, agents, employees, and servants from all suits, actions or claims, including a claim for landlocking, wh�ch may arise from any . injuries or damages � received or sustained by any break in � any service pipe, or connection in said reserved easement, arising out of this vacation or resulting from any action or negligence of the petitioner, its employees, agents or business invitees. � 3 . That the petitioner pay to the City as market value the sum of $10, 800 .00 as compensation for this vacation. ' .�?Y CLERK� . . ' � _. � ���F�� . ��NANCE "apEPARTMENT � T Y O F SA I N T � PA LT� COURCII ; MAYOR ; � File �'{'` � � _� Council Resolution � � � �- � �� � ��v �Sented By ' - - -Referred-To -------�-:: "` � Committee: Date --- - __ ___ . � Out of Committee By -��-- -Date - — - 3 , � s. ?h.t t.fi. �p�tfli�oa�c ,�aarai�a tb. c� �tth • �ooa i�. ' - � � o! ;S,QilO.Oft. s�1d ]� ac�pta�or o! !!a t�ss sad co�dilf�o�s o! this �seatio� a4rs�s � � ia8�itr� d�l�d asd saw Asrs2w !!a City of st. � ��i, its ottic�ca aud �ploT+�a lrc� al� wits. - setions, oac clai�s� incladiag ls�dlodcinq, ot aaY . cl�assct.�r, iasclndfaq, ba! soz ILeited to s claia b�soaght b�canse o! snp► ininri�s, aar da�q�s s�iwd � oac sastsin�d D� �� P��. Pa�� �' P�Y• o� �exvu�a! o! tIIia vacs!lo�t os b�esas� o! a� �ct or asiasioa, �qlect os aiseoa�ct o! �sid petiti�o�rs os b�caw� o! �a� atsi�e oar lfab�lftr asiainq ts+os oar basad aa �► vioLti.aat of at� la�r aar s�gnlatioa a�d� ie �ac+� rf.tb t� Ia�r� �s bY !!� � p�titLo�s os saY o! its sq�ats os �plos+as. . .:. , .. - - S. !hs! �tpo� seo�ptsae� sa+3 c�o�plisnc� witb t!r t�u� ot tDis �rscatl.oe� !t� prop�r Citr otttcials b� aathasis�d � to co�y tttl� ot t1� �aDj�ct ps�o�rtr, br t�it Clai� D�� soaainq to tt� propastY �ss ]roe�t�d oa� th� soath si+� of S�3I.Iwt�r 11�� wea�d brr�ia a� � s�qa�st�d. . � . . COUNC[L1�EN Yeas Nays ( Requestgd by Depariment of: Hunt \ L„ Levine �� In Favor . Maddox McMahon ' . sno�ite� � Against . BY _ Tedesco ,� , � '- � . �'3; ''Miiwll� _ >�., �' , FEB � 2 �98� Form Approved by Cit� ttorney , � Adopted by Council: Date . --------_ � . �Certified Passed by C unc� Secretary �- � tf �� � � ���G �/ � By, l.�.k�'`�(�� ��-i-r- � w . -- _--- _ Approved by lrlavor: Date FEB 1 3 1�8� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council [�.. E3v � � t�N dl: 1211975 + , . : Rev:: 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF' A�IINISTRATIVE ORDERS, � � �"`16�4+D � ������'1�� � : MAR 8 �1981 Date: March 23, 1981 : ��� , T0: MAYOR GEORGE LA7IMER ,� . �. d� �R: J. Wm. Donov�n, Ya1. & Assmt. En�ineer, Dept. of Fiaance & Mg�t. Serv3ces (Ext. 7019)` RE: 8ti3.lwater Avenue Vacation - 1980 #51 ACTION REQUESTED: Approval by Ma�or and submission to the City Council. PJRP85E AND R�ITIONRLE F�t YF1IS ACTItN1: To amend the l�ga1 description o�' the area vacated and"the u�ility easement therein. AiTACHMENTS: � l. Cauncil Resolution � 2. Co�py oP Caancil Resolution �276372