276630 WHITE - CITY CLERK • � PINK - FINANCE ,�• `C��O CANARY l' DEPARTMENT COUtIC1I � � BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. �� � V c- � ouncil Resolution Page 1 of 3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO REPAYN�NT OF TEMPORARY TRAN5FERS OF FUNDS TO WATERGATE SITE ACQUISITION (CF275649) AND MATTOCKS SCHOOL (CF275650) . BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of 5aint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor, that the 1974, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1980 and 1981 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted by this Council and thereafter amended, are further amended in the following particulars: A. Transfer of Capital Improvement B�nd Funds Appropriation Appropriation Project From Project To Project Neighborhood Park at Mattocks School 68,000 93081-007 Downtown People Mover 68,000 96079-001 Watergate Settlement 1,573,000 93081-001 Fire Station #14 Construction 585,000 95080-001 Battle Creek Site Design 15,000 93080-003 Dunning Recreation Area 90,000 93080-004 Homecroft Site Development 30,000 93080-005 (con t'd) COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowaiter - __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved b C ty t orne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY Bl' -- Approved by Ylavor: Date Ap r ved y ay r or Sub ' si to C�uncil Bv - — B � � . � ��6�3�0 '" Page 2 of 3 A. (continued) Project From To Great River Road Segment - P.A.D. 30,000 93080-014 Mississippi River Blvd. Reconstruction 20,000 93080-016 Spec. Contingency, Harriet Island Marina 150,000 90079-003 Hillcrest Site Work 30,000 93079-007 Downtown People Mover 400,000 96079-001 McMurray/Rice-Arlington Lighting 90,000 93077-012 Hayden Heights Library Replacement 18,000 93077-050 Londin Lane (Highwood Hills Center) 85,000 93075-001 Navy Island Acquisition 30,000 93074-028 TOTAL 1,641,000 1,641,000 B. Appropriation Analysis Unencumbered Amended Appropriation Unencumbered Project as of 2/28/81 Change Appropriation Neigh. Park at Mattocks School 93081-007 156,000 - 68,000 88,000 Watergate 5ettlement 93081-001 1,600,000 -1,573,000 27,000 Fire Station #14 95080-001 -0- + 585,000 585,000 Battle Creek Site Design 93080-003 -0- -� 15,000 15,000 Dunning Rec Area 93080-004 -0- �- 90,000 90,000 Homecroft Site Development 93080--005 60,595 + 30,000 90,595 - continued _ WMITE - CITY CLERK �►y��Ao PINK - FINANCE �i :; CANARY " DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L COUIICII BLUE ' - MAYOR V File N 0. Council Resolution Page 3 of 3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Amended Project Unencumbered Change Unencumbered Great River Road-P.A.D. 93080-014 1,660 + 30,000 31,000 Mississippi Blvd. Reconst. 93080-016 -0- + 20,000 20,000 Spec. Cont. : Harriet Isl. Marina 90079-003 -0- + 150,000 150,000 Hillcrest Site Work 93079-007 42,000 + 30,000 72,000 DPM 96079-001 2,000 + 468,000 470,000 McMurray/Rice-Arl. Light. 93077-012 2,000 + 90,000 92,000 Hayden Hts. Library 93077-050 300 + 18,000 18,300 Londin Lane Develop. 93075-001 3,949 + 85,000 88,949 Navy Island Acquis. 93074-028 -0- + 30,000 30,000 AP OVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: . BERNARD J CARLSON, Director �C/ R CHARD E. S ROEDER Finance & anagement se�i�s �, 9 4 Budget Director ��y� COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon � snowaite� - __ Against BY Tedesco Wi�son APR 7 1981 Form Approved by City tto y Adopted by Council: Date — � Certified a•_ d by Coun ' Secre y BY � B � �` A� g 1981 Ap o e by May for iss� n Council Ap o by ;Vlayor. D e — B _ BY PUB�ISHEO q�P g g 1981 ._ :-ti��_ c��T-� �� ����:�� ��.-��� . �6�3� ,- -� -� � ,. . �-;'�`�` `��:.� oFZ'zcL �: z��z�, cr.'�'Y COJ\C?"L �. u;, ... _-..��.� ���� �:� �:'� - ,., f�� � � - . �..� . �_� �"�;�`��:. Dn t e , Apri 1 2, 1981 � � �;,��`: . Ci � �'•s� lyf � � 1 � � � � � � ��� �" � : Soin� Pdu1 Ci�y Couc��ai ._ . .i� F R O � � C O�l ii11'�7��' O Cl FI NANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL _ v George McMahon; c�airman, m�kes the fotta�,�ring . report on C. F. �,{ Ordinc�nce � . �9) � Resalu�ion _ � - . � � U�t�er - � � t��� : . . At its meeting of Apri1 2, 1981 , the Finance Committee recommended approval of the following: 1�. Resolution extending Shopper Parking Program. � - � - 2. Resolution transferri'ng $100,00J from 1981 Contingent Reserve Specified budget for Sewer Inspection Program. (11817-McM) . 3. Res�lution transferring funds for repayment of temporary transfers of funds _ to Watergate Site Acquisition and Mattocks School . : 4. ResoTution approving transfer of $58,051 in 1979 Capital Improvement Bonds fr_om the .Downtown People Mover to the 1981 Capital Improvement 8udget. 5. Resolution amending the 1981 Capital Improvement Budget to provide additiona� funding within the Municipal State Aid Fund. 6. Resolution transferring $26,000 from Contingent Reserve General to pay State Auditor for EDP audit testing and some 1979 and 1980 department audits. (11845-GM) 7. Resolution opposing IRS revenue ruling disallowing deduction by banks far � � interest on public funds. (11819-GM) 8. Resolution establishing titles of School Food Service Supe�visor I, II and III. (11840-GM) 9. Resolution establishing rates of pay for new titles of School Food Service Supervisor I , II and III. (11844-GM) - . (CONTIPJUED . . .) CfTY ��L�,LL 5F.�'EhTH FLOO;t S:�I\T PALIL, iifl�\'F:SOTA S�ic�2 � ... :,.�