276626 WNITE - CITY CLERK � ��,�(�1r PINK - FINANCE � /�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L� Council � �tiiw BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10. 07 . 4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1981 Budget: From: General Government Accounts Conting�nt Reserve General 09060-536-000 Transfer to Budget Fund $26 ,000. 00 To: State Auditor 09130-216-000 Fees - Acctg. & Auditing $26 ,000. 00 Due to per diem increase, EDP audit testing and some 1979 and 1980 department audits done simultaneously, by the State Auditor. Approved as to Funding: Approved: . Director, dget Direc or D�� qf�F' n & Mgmt. Services � //J� r COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Finance and Ma e t Servises. Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B snowa�ter __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson npp �1981 Form Appr ved ity Att rn y Adopted by Council: Date 1l�R Certified •s b Coun ' Sec ary BY �p �/ � sy ; App o ed by :Vlayor: -�iLl� � 190� Appro y ayorYor ub i i n to Council B PUBLISHED qPR 1 8 1981 _- ��.�'— CIT�X" �3�' �'i.�L�?�� �.,F�.�C3L ����� f"._ ��:�.: � %f;.`�_F` �'ti�. OFF'ICE O.r r"L'="I�; CI.'1'�' COiJ'1 C?7. - �i.; ti�': . �/:�::----:.,�:� �:::, �:� s.:: :���,: ::, s��� � . ;:,. �. �::� � ���� Da t e , Apri 1 2, 1981 .� `.�`,� c � rd� y� �i�� � � � � � � ��� �' 0 : Sain� Pau! Cifi� Coun�il .. . .•= �RO � � C�7lit�t'�7�� t�ti FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL _ �. _ George McMahon; chosFinan, makes iha follcyving report on C. F. ' � Ordinance . . (g) � Resolu#ion _ � . � +nttter - . �' 1�'L� : � At its meeting of Apri� 2, 1981 , the Finance Committee recommended apprnval of the fol l owi_ng: � 1 . Resolution �extending Shopper Parking Program. ' - � 2. Resolution transferri"ng $100,000 from 1981 Contingent Reserve Specified budget for Sewer Inspection Program. {11817-McM) . 3. Resolution trans.ferring funds for repayment of temoorary transfers of funds . to Watergate Site Acquisition and Mattocks School . 4. ResoTution approving transfer of �58,051 in 1979 Capital Improvement Bonds fr.om the Downtown People Mover to the 1981 Capital Improvement Budget. 5. Resolution amending the 1981 Capital Improvement Budget to provide additional funding within the Municipal State Aid Fund. 6. Resolution transferring. $26,000 from Contingent Reserve General to pay .State Auditor for EDP audit testing and some 1979 and 1980 department audits. (11845-GM} 7. Resolution opposing IRS revenue ruling disallowing deduction by banks for � � interest on public funds. (11819-GM) 8. Resolution establishing titles of School Food Service Supervisor I, II and III. (11840-GM) 9. Resolution establishing rates of pay for new titles of School Food Service Supervisor I , II and III. (11844-GM) . (CONTIPdUED . . . ) CI'1"Y rL�1LL SE�'EhTH FL002 S:�1\T P�►*.FL, i�LIti\'�pTA S�id2 .. -- : �5 � �� � � � �� �'�� � �f� �-�"e �,�`! �v� v�� �c����►� � �� .. .• . , :F... �Rev. '9/I��7S ,� � � .. . . � . . y . . � . � .. �• �,� ` ���""��� � .. �� �- � : : EXPt.�NA N aF 140MINISTRATI�IE QRRER�, -� , : � _ � � , � ., �� � � � ��"`� Aattet March 6 , 1981 � ������� s =: : . . - �� 10 ig8f � ' T0: MAYOR GEORGE l.A7IMER ` , ; F,R: Robert W. Trudeau '� � ��T����� .: , : ,. RE: Coun�il Resolution - udget Tran��er ���r� .� : , _ . ; '�`����. '''� t"�' : : �� � � �,�,�� . ;�� �+�.�� ! � � ,, ti : ', ''� �'�f',.. : ACTIDN REQUESTEO: . , '�P ' Pass�qe of attached eouncil resolution. ' � ` - ° r . : P�,lt�PQSE AND �tATI��LE f OR�THIS ACTIQ{�I: $�64 ,OOQ in budget; projection is $8O,OQ.4 due ta p�s +diem` �t�creas�, h'bP audit te�ting and some 19-79 :a�nd 198Q - ° departmen� :audits done simultanes�usly, by the State` Audi�tor, � _ , . ; - : , ;; < . `ATTACI�NTS: . Counc�il Resolution : . _ ; � �. b