PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � . ,6�►''j��+�A
� Cou ' Resolution
Presented By '
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The improvement of White Bear Avenue fraan the Chicago
Northwestern Railroad tracks to Arlington Avenue in Saint Paul
has been approved through the Capital Improvement Budget Process;
WHEREAS, The Department of Public Works has determined that the
appropriate width for construction of this segment of White Bear
Avenue is 44 feet; and
WHEREAS, This width does not conform to current Municipal State
Aid Standards.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That we do hereby authorize the
Director of Public Works to request a Variance fro�n State Aid
Standards for this project.
COUIVC[LMEN Requested by Department of: ,/
Yeas M3ddOX Nays � ^�,
T�co In Favor p 1
Showalter ��C��� � V
McMahon � -- Against BY
Wilson 31 1gg� �
��i��-'' MAR Form Approved by Ci y At r ey :'
Adopted (yy'"Council� Date ,`
Cer ied Pa• d by Co cil Secre�,ary BY `
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Ap d by ;Vlavor: D t _ APn � lg Appr y Mayo or ubmi i t Cou
PUBLISHED qPR 1 1 1981
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' ,,,,. . Nll)C ity iI��II Annerx, S���nt I'.iul, Minnrti��i.� �ii10:
GEOR(;E LATIMIK 61l•1'18-4241
Mi1YOR .
Mr. P.ich�r:�] P, i�rauii, Commissioner F:arch 10, 1981
Minnesot�i L�p�rta�ent of '1'ransportation
Tran;;port,�tion I�uilcii.ny - Room 411
Saint Yaul, bfinnesota 55155
C.N.W. R.R. to Larpenteur Avenue
MSA #164-020-43 ri 5022 ( )
Uear Commissioner Braun:
The following is a Petition for Variance on this project. Its approved for FAU
Funding in l�j�l. 7't3e PLF,/LDSR liss been submitted and is presently being processed.
The requested Variance is for the section proposed in the LUSR.
1. Stand�rd ior ��hi.ch `✓ariance is R^_auested.
State 11id Standarci T��l�le C - "Url;an Geometric Stanclards" . I�CCOr(�IIICJ to tt�e
Urban Roaciway Clussi�ication Chart, ��iiite L'ear Avenue would be classified
anyk•here from a higii density collector to a high density arterial depending
on whether you cen:sicer facility function, desiqn character, or "ADT" range.
This gives an "undivicied, no parking lane" standard width of 50' to 52' .
We are pro�osiiig a 44' width. -
2. Reason for Y�auesr_:
A. The cxisting ric�f�t-of-k•ay is 66' . The existing street is 36' wide. There
are sidewalks o:� both sides, and grass boulevards with trees. The proposed
44' width is seen a� a nininum fror,l an enginecrin� standnoint, and a
maxitnt.ni frcm a ncighbori;ood stancp�int. The proposed width would require
the r.ernoval oL 2a large Elm trees but would still lcave room for replanting.
II. 7'he section T�ortl� of F+rli:u3to;i w�s widened to �14' width in 1961.
C. Thc C.rd.w. R.R. Liridge ��id approacY�es constructed in 1974 were constructed
to acconunodate fu�ure 44' width to the North.
D. It i.s unlikely tt��at the Saint Paul City Cotincil would approve a project
itivolving ri<�t�*_-of-w�y �cquisition and/or widening to State l,id 5tandards.
Tiiis is basecl on projec+�s ��r.oposed in previous years, and upon three
neigh�orhoocl info�r�lstiotial meetirlgs,
, ' i(r t����`�`
Commi�sioiicz C1r�un - '. - March lU, 19k31
3. Economic, :�oci�l, satety ��nci t;nvirot:r. ��ntal Ir.macts.
A. If ttic Vari;incc is not qr�intcd �incl thc ,�r.oject not donc, the City will
face i.►icre,�siri�3 maintenance costs, and t:le residerits £ace decreased
property value�. If the project proceeds based on riqht-of-way
acyui�ition �_nd/or 52' ::tr.ect, then the Cit� will hzve to oL�tain addi-
tional funding, and tne residents property values �ight go down based
on reduced front yards or complete elimination of boulevard trees,
B. The City has gained a qeneral acceptance of the proposed section
through its cit:izen particii;ation .process. P7e also have qained an
awareness of the sensitivity of tne neig:.borhood toward additional
widening, and feel that wiciening �;ore tt:an proposed would have
negative social impacts.
C. Ttie proposed increase in lane width fron 9' lanes to 11' lanes will
improve sa£ety cor.sicierablf. Snelling Avenue from I.S. 94 to f�ewitt
in Saint Pnul was recently improved based on 11' lane widths and is
working nicely. (See ;;7 below for additional discussion on safety.)
D. Twenty-four largc L•'lm trees will have to be removed because of this
project. There are a number of smaller non-Elm trees wiiich will remain.
To mitigate the effect of re:^ovals, k•e propose replacing the trees
removed, and fillinq any otner gaps in the plantings. The Environmental
Study contair�ed in tne ciraft PDR/LDSR iound ". . .that the proposed action
i� unli}:ely to F�reciF�i.tate foreseeable chanqes on the quality of the
hwnan envirorment. . .".
4, The Effect o£ thc F�ro�ect on the Deficient Trans�ortation Svstem.
1'he �ro��osed pro}ect will greatly improv.e the present hazardous lane width
deficicncies, ��oor rideaY+ility, and r�.aintenance problems on this portion
of t•�hite Fiear Avenue. While a divicieci roadway with turn slots would be
much better frem a traffic standpoint, existing develof,�ent makes the addi-
tiorial riy}it-o£-��ay that would be neecled ir�practical from an economic and
political stand�.�oint.
5. Effect on l�d�acent J,ands. '
Because no additional right-of-way is pro�:osed under this project, there
will be mitlim<Z1 af£ect on �djacent lands. Additional right-o£-�aay acquisition
woulcl aclver:;ely �.f fe:t ad�ac��nt t'�roner_ties because of the pre�ent closeness
of home construction to tt:e cxisting pro1 erty line.
G, tJwi��cr of Pcrson� �1f£ectcd.
From ttle motorists' F:oint of view, the proposal af£ects the more than 14,000
daily user.s ot �•�}�ite i3enr Avenue. It also affects aj�nroximately 80 homes
and a sinall nur,t�er of busin�sses directly abutting the improve.-nent.
y � � �����4
Cos�imissioner [3raun - . - M�rch 10, 1981
_:y` .
7. Safetv Con�id<_�rations. •
A. Pedestri�n�s: Tl�c exi�tin�� sidewal}:s will t�c repaired or replaced where
needed. ;iandicar�ued pedestrian ranps r.ill be constructed at each corner.
There will be a S' or G' k�oulevard between street and w�lk (depends on
the existing width o£ sidewalk) .
S. Bicycles: No special provisions are made for bicycles.
C. Motoring Public: The motoring puk.�lic will benefit from the proposed
i.mprovement both throuyii r„uch improved rideability and added safety
from increased lane widths. ,
D. Fire, Police, and Erergency Units: The proposed improvement will have
positive benefits for police, fire, and emergency units similar to the
motoring public.
Because of the limited number of �Jorth-South routes in this area of Saint Paul,
it is important that we coordinate this pr�ject with other proposed projects
for Johnson Parkway, Forest Street and r;r.UGT overlay on Arcade Street. We would
therefore, appreciate prompted processing of this requested Variance.
Yours very truly,
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Donald E. Nygaard
Director of Public works
cc; Elmer b7orris
Mayor George Latimer