276612 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII ����1/ . PINK � - FINANCE G I TY OF SA INT PALT L � . CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul , an agreement between the City and the County of Ramsey whereby the City and County agree to cooperate in the participation with the Twin City Area Urban Corps Program, and whereby � the County will appropriate $23,588.00 (Twenty-three thousand, five hundred eighty-eight dollars) and the City will appropriate $35,3�3.00 (Thirty-five thousand, three hundred eighty-three dollars) to this program all in accordance with the adopted Budget of the City of Saint Paul as approved by the City Council . Activity Number: 09090 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: Bernard J. Car on Director, Fina ce and Management Services G� 3��`8' . COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler �_ � � Persqnnel—Urban Cor s H za [n Favor Hu Levine Levi Maddox Ro dl McMahon a -- A gainst BY S veste Showalte� ec�esco Tedesco MaR 3 1 ��8� Y Y Form A roved b it r Adop�ed by Cou il`: WllsonDate r r Certified �:sed by Cou il S�crefar BY By Ap by 14ayor: at APR �2 19�� App e by Mayor fo io t � By . BY �uB�ISH�o pPR 1 i 198t ,� EXPLANATION OF ADMINI�STRATTVE ORDERS�, - RESQLUTIONS, AND ORUINANCES. ' . _ : ��������� DATE: March 18, 19a1 I�C Z ��98� ' �' � �� ���' 981 : T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �� FROM: Ron J. Gui l foi l e� RE: Urban Corps Agreement l�ith Ramsey Cour�ty . ACTION RE ESTED: That the City of Saint Paul enter into an Agreerr�nt w�th tfiQ Gounty of - Ramsey for parti cipation i n the Twi n Ci ty Area Urban Co�rps prograr.t: . PIfRPQSE AND RATIONALE. FOR THIS ACTION: � See attached sheet for explanation. ---`� � ;, ���„�„ - ��O ATTACHMENTS: Q F'��C�C��� "�'�AqRT �,��, r�8� � See attached sheet. _ "'r���7'�F�i,�F . / c0 � T �r�Rk�'�F �� �Y����� AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, r�ade and entered into this � day of �j°�� , i93� by and betw�en the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, hereinafter referred to as the "City", and the COUi;TY OF P.RMSEY, acting by and through its Soard of Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the "County", both acting pursuant to the provision of Minnesota Staiutes, Section 47I.59: WITNESSETH: bJHEREAS, the objectives of the program are: 1. To provide the City and County with the skills, motivat�on, - creativity, and enthusiasm of college students. 2. To provid� the coliege student with a val!�ab1e work exper�enc� in local government and at the same time expos� her/him ta some of the real i sti c, pra��;mati c prabi ems i n Ci ty and Caurtty government. � 3. To create a liaison betweer� 7oca1 government and the acader�i.c community, thereby enabling both to utilize rrnare fully the resources of the other. NOW, THEREFORE, by mutual agreement of tfie parties hereto, the � following agreement is entered into and made effective as follows: 1. An Urban Corps Intern Work Program shali be carried �n under the supervision of an Urban Corps Coordinator, �rrhose duties shall be as follotivs: a. Introduce and describe the operatiar►a1 procedures of the Intern Program to the various City and County departments. b. To deve7op within the City and Coun�y departments meaningful internships. c. To be responsible for the training and orientaziorr of the intern's direct supervisor. d. To recruit and place worthwhile interns fram �he various colleges under the Urban Corps. 2. The Urban Corps Coordinator sha11 work under the supervision of the Mayor's Office of Saint Paul , Personnel Divjsion� 3. Office space for the Saint Paul-Ramsey County Coordinator will be provided by the City. , • r�.,,91 . . � i."''; �d���� - - 4. The total administrative cost of the tasks and purposes set forth are estimated to be �58,971:�0 (Fifty-eight thousand nine hundred seventy-�ne dollars) , Of=�his .amount, the County shall pay $23,588.00 (Twenty--three thousand five hundred eighty-eight dollars) , and the City shall pay a�35,383.00 (Thirty-five thousand three hundred eighty-three dollars). The County will pay said amount in c{uarterly installments to the City beginning January I, 1981 . Should the total cost to the City be less than that stated above, the City shall return to the County 40% of the unspent sum at the expiration of the agreement. Should the total cost to the City be more than that stated abave, the County shall pay the City 40; of the sum in excess of the total stated above. 5. This Agreement shall terminate December 31, 1981 . Hov�ever, either party may terminate the Agreement prior to that time upon ninety days written notice. ShQUId such right of termination be excercised, then only the pro-rata partTOn of such installment coming due herein shall be paid or sha11 the terminating party be liable for� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partie� have caused thzs Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. � �� �-���� : C ��, �G-, THE COUNTY OF RAMSEY� � _ � . � �� r�� Chairf�an of the B�ar� of Commissioners -E�ST: � � � r / . . . � . � i � , ��,f'�,� �G�(�i° �� � . ehie lerk-County Bc�ard /- �.r ,S'=/�"�S� Approved as to Form and Execution: TNE ITY OF SAIPtT AU � � i � % /��� � Assista�,n. County Attor �y ayor . � , G� �,�-� �� ,� Approved as to Form: ,, ��=C- �(� � Director, D artment of Finance and �-- � Management S vi ces ���,;� Assistant City A torney � -------------� - n C oordinator