276578 WHIT6 — CITY CLERK �� � - s PINK - FINANCE *T COUACII CANARY — DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T �� ll L BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Council Resolution Presented By LICII�SE CO:u�ii�r�i'�;-�; RON MADDOX Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ��L:�OLVLL: That �'�pplication �19552 for the transfer of Taxicab License :�o. 90, expiring on December 31� 1981, (vehicle only) issued to :i.ichard L. Timm, doing business as �ellow Cab Corapax�y, be anci the same is h.ereby transferred to cover a 1979 Ford, Serial i�duriber F9�65r'11�9399, insured to CUi�:TII:UOliS b�T The 1'ravelers Insurance Company� Policy C�-�� 272�962-3-�0„ with the following stipulation to which the licensee consents that he will not park, store, repair, or change shifts at 1759 Selby Ave. COU[VCILMEH Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon Showatter __ Against BY Tedesco �` P1AR 2 5 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopte�.�s'y Counc� : Date — i rtified P .sed by ouncil S�cret ry BY 5 -- App v by Mavor: a 98� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY — PUBLiSHED ppR 4 1981 2�'�5�� `......����,i��R. =��`'*' °'�`�-, CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�• ,,,, '� ��: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;� uutmu �; ;� un �uu ^` ` • = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION '',:. ...• ����1,��„���„��'�` Room 203,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR itiarch 25, 1981 I�ir. President and Faonora��le �lembers of the City Council Saint Paul, I�tinnesota ��ir. President and tlonorable �°�ernbers: i4ichard L. Timm makes application for the trar�sfer of Taxicab License i�o. 90, ver.icle only. He is replacing a 1977 rord w-�tr: a 1979 'r'ord, d.oing busines s as Yellow Cab i:ompan;�. `ihis application has been reviewed by the License arid rert�it �,ivision azld the recomr,iendation is for approval with the follov�r�r� stipulation to Uahich the licensee consents, that t�e will not parh, store, repa�r or change st��_fts at 1759 Selby �'�venue. Very truly,�Jrours, ��/ Joseph r . Carcnedi License Insoector �O