276561 WHITE - CITY CLERK COUIICII "��5�� PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L BLUE - MAYOR � File N ouncil Resolution Presented B� � � d Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution abolishing the title and class specification for Director of Projects in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. K (Professional-Administrative Supervisors Group) by striking out the title of Director of Projects from Grade 29; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by striking from Section 32 the class specification for the title of Director of Projects. Approved: �---- � airm Civil Se vice Commission COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays � pERSONNEL OFFICE - �evine In Favor Maddox 'J McMahon �i� �E+z�yc.,ct� �r, _ _ Against BY Tedesco Wils MAR 2 4 i�l Form A prove y C� rne Adopted y Council: Date — � Cert �ed Passed y Counci ,ecreta,ry BY y 19 l A e by :Navor: a _ Approved ayor for Sub 'ssion to Council By gY �Jr_'L ' - �v�.�. � pUg��SHEO pP R 4 19 8 ^ �z�� o�� �.�.�rr� ��T�� , �� �- OI+'B'ICE OF TIIE CITY' Gt)II,:�II. r ��� ,; ����'�'� `� ��', `�;?, j ;;:. �.:..�:,.::,-�1 axra• fa� � . ��;� 71. K, � � ���' . i,..- ' _ - �� . ��r, -��{° Da t e , March 12, 1981 `;` � Cr t./ � �� �� i � � t"� � �° � �� T0 : Sain� Pau� Gi��r Councii �F R O � � C 0lTY t'�f t i��� O l� FIP�ANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL George P�cMahon , chai�-man, makes the fol lowing �eport cn C. F. [� Ordir►ance (8) � Resol«ti�n [,_� 0 t h 2 r � ��t..� : � At its meeting of March 5, 1981 , the Finance Committee recommended approval of the following: 1 . Resolution amending Civil Service Rules to place new division head titles in Department of Planning and Economic �evelopment in Unclassifaed Service until June 1981 . 2. Resolution establishing exempt titles of Deputy Director-Housing, Deputy Director-Development and Deputy Director-Business Revitalization in Department , of Planning and Economic Development. K_ 3. Resolution changing titles of Administrator of Planning and Administrator of Corranunity Development to conform to titles created for other three division heads in Department of Planning and Economic Development. 1 4. Resolution abolishing title of Administrative Manager--Planning and Economic Development, Section 3.K, except as to present incumbents. � 5. Resolution deleting title and class specification for Director of Projects, Grade 29, Section 3.K, of Civil Service Rules. 6. Resolution establishing title and class specification for Development Finance Specialist, Grade 22, Section 3.J, Civil Service Rules. 7. Resolution establishing title and class specification for Program Administrator, Grade 24, Section 3.K, in the Civil Service Rules. 8. Resolution approving budget amendments in CD Year VI to provide funds to assist in implementation of City's Federal Labor Standards Compliance Program. CIT1' .�LALL SEYENTH FLOOR � SAI�1T PAUL, �fI�NBSOTA ��lU2 � � ..... �C'J„ � . � � .;- - Do'not detach this r�em-�•-�^�um from the resolution so that th�s i����:: �.:a',ion will be � available to the City Council. � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES ; ��� � J, . �::�� ,. Date: February 3, 1981 FE�1 ^1981 Il���SC�� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This resolution will delete the title and class specification for Director of Projects in Grade 29 of Section 3. K (Professional-Administrative Supervisors Groupy in the Civil Service Rules. This classification will be discontinued in the new Department of Planning and Economic Development organization. There is no one working in this classification. Grade 29 (Salary Schedule D) A B C D E F G 10 yr. 15 yr. 1225. 10 1274. 16 1325. 61 1392. 03 1461. 87 1535. 90 1612. 58 1660. 60 1709. b5 $31, 962. $44,604. ATTACHI�IENTS: Resolution and copy for City Clerk. . . � . , . : . ... � �� ��/ � Tit1e of classs DIRECTOR OF PROJECTS DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible administrative a�d professional work in di�ectiag the activities of the Pro�ect Management section of the Renewal Divisioa of the Department of. Planaing aad Economic Development; and performs related dutiea as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the Adminietrator of Ren�wal. Supervision Exexcised: Exercises geaeral administrative an� technical supervision directly and through subordinate supervi.soxe over all employees in the unit; exercises technical superv3,sion over employees in other units assigned to the sectian on detached dut�►. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMF:D The liated examples may not include a11 duties per£ormed bq a11 positione fn this class. P],ane and directs Che implementation of d�velopment projects. Supervises, trains and assigns staff to specific pro�ects; requests and � assumes direcCion of staf£ personnel from other renew$1 d�viaions $s needed. Monitore and evaluates pro�ress of pro�ects and insures effectivenesa vf management performance and quality of work completed. Determines and implements policies and proc�dures for the pro3ect management sect3,on. Establishes and monitore pro�ect prior�.ties, schedules and budgeta; shifts priorities and resources as circumstances change. Coordinatea pro�ect management activities with other divisions, depaxtments, and other government agencies; maintains close liaison wi�h private developers innolved with existing ox potential pro�ecta. Iasures that complete and accurate financial r�cords are maintained on individual pro3ects and overall programs. Prepares reports relating to the st$tus of gro�ecte. Assists the �conomic Development division in initiating pro3ects by providing technical advice and services. Provides liaison and makes presentations to the Mayor, Council, and business and civic organizations. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Marked ability to plan, organize, delegate and direct development pro�ects. Considerable ability to communic�te clearl3� and eff�ctively with individual,s and gxoups. Expert knawledge of community developm�nt processes. (continued on :reners� side) � Effective September 15, 1979 , . , . _ ._. _L � DIRECTOR OF PROJECTS (continued) P�cpert knowledge of real estat�, econamic research and land acquisition and dispoeition. ::�,' Eycpert knmwledge aE the financing of development project$. Marked ability Co cc�ordiaate elements of dev�lopment pro�ecte with activities af other city agencies� aad public and private developers. Maxked skills in fiaancial administraticn and scnedul3.ng. Cmasid�rable knowledge of the principles of management and supervision. MINIMUM QUALIFICATI�NS College gxaa�uatian with ma�or course work in Public Administration, Busineas Administration, Urbaa Plamnin�, Economics, Management or a related field and two years' experience as a Pro3ect Manager TV or equiva7,ent or as a manager vf a mg�or aection of a Department of Planning and EconamaLc Developntent with at least four ye:rs of experi�nce in a reapoasi.ble manage�ent capacity. � �