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S l��t BotJ�yldes d�d11�'pl�C1�!�'fio�
Edmund'airo�►� to`'h�Dmqu�ikv�iei�e�nd
NoRd dd!oI� t�AV�SiUE from
Grottd�e�t to W��p Abet aDutting 577
N.crol�q � :
S tABtR 1Partb`�H�c�`Let1tOND'A�►ENUE
�am:(�s�3�d'fo SKelt"Slftet and
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1��eliet thFtlk�"�8uet P,aYtt��{ii4
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;*<,,.� �iiJ. �� d'� �f�� �. � 1 � 1 �#•,..! �.� xn.f G �`� ��,.+✓ d �,.. � i'� ����� �
. � � � �. � � �°°� � � � � � � �� � � � � � _
- � l � � ��L. � � � � ��' � � ��' �C� � .
� . F I �E P�0. s �og��
P�►G E��
��� � � �� To decide or. whether to oroceed with public sidewal�: construc-
t ion
�� ��� �� � North side of SIMS AVENUE from Payne Avenue to East 112' .
�' � ��� �� Tuesday March 24, 1981 10:00 f�?�t
Citv Council Chambers, 3rd F1oor Cit} Hall
p'��,'+ ��„��l�I�1�3 t IF the Counci? approves the proj ect, a portion c�f t%�e costs
mav be assessed against berefitted properties. The estz�ated
��' �����'�'��� assessmerts are as follows:
RECCi\ST1t�CTI�\ (realace existir.g walk)---VO ASSLSSLiG�T
�IRST TIME CO��STRL'CTION of �'� walk (wher� none exists)
ror i and 2 �a�il�� propert�------55.O�J per foot
For all otn�_ ^renertv-----------SS.00 per feot
In addition, charges for eVtra wor;:, such as additional ' side- �
walk width, drivewa�� co:�struction, etc. �•�ill be added to the
assessmen� for the be:�eritted propertti.
�f this is a rirst tir..e construction, the Cit� Cour.cil will
hold a pubiic hearing after the sidewalk is co�pleted. The
�urpos� of that hearing nill be to ratif.v the assessments
tor the project. You �ai11 receive a notice 2t that time
advisir.� vou of t't�e amount vou wil_' be required to pa�-.
�� � �''� � � � �' CO�STRtiCTIO� - 298-!�2�5 9SSESS*iE\T - �9�-j125
Also, Cit� staff ;ail1 be a�aailable to ans�aer anv last c��inute
questions or. tnis proiect in Room 218 Citv Hall from 9:30 -
10:00 F�'�1 the sare dav as the heari.n�.
?"otice sent March 6, 1981 b�' the �'alua*_ior, and '�ssessment Divisiun
Dznartment of Finance and 'lar.a�eme:�t Services
Roo� 218 Cit�� Hall - Court House
St. Pai�l, `:i�nesota 5510`_'
� . .��v�. � . ...' .
� � !"" � � � �y � �";�� ,"� � � -: G .y - � � �
y . � �-���� i.... �a«:.> } �i' '� ��.� �� � `S�i � . �....
�, �; ^ . , J 6 � i v r .3 t..,,
. j`�� t j ,..,� ; .,,y ` w".�.., ..y� � � �+� y y � '"�i. a 4-'°' .
� "�i c.! ',:�... � � $�r �,e.�. tr'„� i L � a�� � � � �� -r� � �� �. ����5�
. ��� � � ���,�. � � � ��� � � � � �� i� .
_ - - F l L E �Q. s losis
� � PAG E
��� � � �� To de�ide or :ahether to �roceed w;th public sidewal� constrLC-
t ion
�� ��� �� ��
Both sides of MACKUBIN STREET from Portland Avenue to
Laurel Avenue.
������' � Tuesday March 24 1981 10:00 riLi �
Citv Council Chari�ers, 3rd rloor City Ha11
�� ������i�3� I` the Council approves the aroject, a nortien o� t�e costs
ntav be assessed aga�nst be^efitted proE:erties. The estimated
�'���� ��`"���� assessments are as Follows:
R��CO\S'r�:L?CTTO'� (reaiace e=:isting walkl---tiC ySSrSS��E�T
� PIpST TI`:r COtiSTFL`CTIO\ of �' caaik (whe�� rLone e.�:ists)
ror i and 2 famil:- �r_naertv------55.0�:? �er foot
For all ethe: prerert�T-----------Sg,��� �er Tcot
• �
In addition, ci:ar�es fo: extra i.:ork, such �s adZitiona'� side- !
wal�: widt'��, drivewav co:,struction, etc. �:-i11 be adr'ed �o the ,
assessmen� for t':-�e benefitte�? prop�rt}�. �
Lt this is a rirst time cor�stru��tior., t�e Ci��° Cosncil :�ill (
hold a pubiic heariTl; afte_ t�e side��alk is cor�let2d. 1he �
i rurpose of that hearing :�i�l be �o -rati��� t'r:e assess�erts �
� �or tne pro;iect. �ou ;aill recei�:e a r.otice at that time
advis�r.�; vou o� the amour.t vou wil.l be requ,�red *_o na��.
�� � �� � �� � Co�s�,?�c"'IO�; - 298-',255 assFss�iE:;i - 298-51%5
�11s�, Cit�- sta:f ;.>i11 be a�ailabie to 3RSG'er an�: last r.�i^�.:te �
questions or. this proiecr_ in Roo:� Zi8 Citv H�11 rro:r. 9:30 -
10:00 �'�i the sare da�- as the �.�ari.n,.
':otice snnt March 6, 1981 b�- *he Valuat:.or. anu :lssess�ent Division
De�art:�er,t o� Finarce and 'tana�ement Services
�:oom 213 Cit�= i�a1' - Court ciouse
St. pU�_.l, '``.i:^�esota S;;Q?
t 1 '
, / �O
�si � 'f i
� � � ..�t L..� �,.,�.
� ..�`"' '°� .r`a' �.� '�.... � ± µ� �� ''�-d � �•.� � ;;3 � il �.,w. .
. . � ��^� :n � :.�.� :' � ;'.». 8 � "" P� �'�^� a ��� �� �h, :�r" �..w .�_ �-x� �» - ������ � .
� $ � � :..... � � � �..F., �� 3 � � � � �.� ��'� � � � ��► �,�.
� � � � �� � � � � o� i � V �� � �t.l � ' . . . .
F � LE ��. S 10819
��� � � �� To �ecide or. w'tlether to rroceed wi.th public ��dewal�: corstru�-
t ior.
�� �1�T�� t� .
West side of ARUNDEL STREET from Holly Avenue to
Ashland Avenue.
����� �� Tuesdav March 24, 19�31 10:00 A'�t �
Citv �'our.cil Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall ;
�� ��� ����� i I` the Council approves the project, a portien o;.- the COJtS
::�av be assessed against beneritted ��roperties. The esti.^.,atzd
�����������l,� assessmer.ts are as follows:
�,��ry�cT�L:CTTOti (r2a'ace existin� waik)---'�0 �SS�SS�.�°�T
rI°ST TIuE CONSTRUCTIO� of �' walk (where nor.e efists)
ror i and 2 fa�il�° propert�------55.��0 per `oot
For a11 other rro�erty-----------S8.n0 ^er :oot
In addition, charges for eVtra work, such as additional side- �
wd1.t�: (yTiC(til, drivewa�- CO:�StYllCt10P� 2tC. �•?ill be (1�^eG� t0 CC�2 I
( assess�n�nt for the benefitted propertv. �
�r this is a iirst tine censtructior., the CiL�- Coanci� w�il
hold a pu�=ic hearing after the side�.�alk is �o;::�ieted. ±he M
� '�ilr�`JS'L� n L t.iilGt hearing :�i�1 lie L� ratifv tr:e assess;�ents
Lor the project. You will recei.ve a r.otice at that ti�e
advisin; vou of the a^ount vou wi11_ be re�ui-ed to nav.
��� ,'�d,� � � � � CO^;STRLCTIO�J - 298-425� :�SSESS`fE:�T - 29S-�1"'7
iiSO� C1C� Si.2.i.f C.'1�1 be 3Vd11Svle t0 c3RS��E.'r :il�� last r�ir.ut�
c,uestions or. this proiect ir. r.00� 218 City Hal1 iron 9:30 -
10:00 F�'VI the �ame da�- as the heari.r:;.
`:��tice sent March 6, 198I b�- the. Va�uati.or, ane :'�ssessment Di�•isiea
De�art:�e:�t of rinar.:.e and `�ana�ement Services
Roo� ?18 Cit�� H_11 - Go:irt H���se
St. P4uI_, "`.innesot:a ��10^
� � , � 4 � s r��'. . ��r.
,� � . �' �� � � �`'� � �' � � �' �.,� � � � �,.., ;'
� n .,«,. i � �s*� � ,, .y.•...+ f� a 1 �1 v� `+}� A s.a� ;,,.w
:� _.�� :�; +w., � ��� , � �. � �� � �T� � �� �� : � � �' � �����
� �
� .- � � � � �;����.� ��:�� �� �� � .,� �� �
F I L E N 0. s ioszo
��� � o �� To decide on whether to oroceed with publi� sidewaln construc-
�� �� i io ��
South side of DAYTON AVENUE from St. Albans Street to
� Grotto Street at 698 & 706 Dayton only.
� � �,�� �� Tuesdav March 24, 1981 =���� �`�
' Cit� Council Chambers, 3�rd F1oor City Hall
�i� ��`7 �l��i�9� I` tne Council approves tl:e pro�ec.t, a �ortion of t�e cests
T�av be assessed against bere`it=�d ��o�erties. Tfie esti:r,atca
����� ������� assessmerts are as `ollows:
RECO\ST'�.C�CTIO:� (�ealace 2i:�st�n; waik)---ti0 ASSr.S�:�1�'.�T
rZPST' TIME CONSTFUCTIOV of �' :aa'k (where nor.e ex;sts)
+ For i and 2 familv proper*__:------S�.00 ner fc�ot I
� Fer al? otne: preperty-----------58.00 ner rcot
In addition, charges for e�ctra wori�, su�h as addit�ona' side- i
wa1L; width, drivew2v constructie:�, etc. �•�ill be added `^ t�''.P
assessmert for the benefitted �roanrt�.
�f �his is a first time censtru:tio^, t;e Cit� Counci: w�li
hold a pubiic hearing a�ter the sid2c:a1� is corpleted. The
purpose of that hearing :ai11 be to ratiF�' the assess�ents
?=or the project. You wi11 rece�-�e a r.otice at that ti:ne
advisir.; vou of the amour.t vou .�-ii' be reauired to pa�.
��� ,�� � � � � CO�STRL;CTIO?v - 298-4255 ySSF..SS`SE1T - �9$-j125
Also, Cit�• staff c;il1 be availa��e to ar,ss�2r an� last �:�inute
questior,s on tnis proiect ir. c�o;:� ?:� C�ty Hall fro^ 9: 30 -
10:00 A�t the same dav as the heari��
'�:otice sent March 6, 1981 b�' the Valuatior. anc assessr.:ent Divisien
Denart�ent �` rinar.�e and `�;ar.aaeTent Se:�:�ce;
Room 218 Ci=�� �:�1= - Court nouse
St. Palil, ``;.^.:��so�� ���0�
, 1 '
� ' r . �
d,'*► ...'.�,. � s� yd ti � � 9 �^" �� yt� �°"! � ,! ��' '��� j � �����
� � . , ' �� � "� d� !i � Y � Y y - { � ,7 �
,..� a,,,,d ��. �a' � 'x_,� _�, '.� 8 �� b,.� �i j
�µa � � � � d� ''�' y �� .!�. 3� � �� r'`"° � ' �,'w '�� � -� ;�
�� •�,y+ � �.�,... 3 i�� j� �,... � � � � �w� � �S �"+� � � �
'n�+� vm,+
: _ : � l � E `���.. � � � � ���' � � ��' �� � �
� { L � ��. S 10821
� . P�GE
�� � � � �� To �ecide or. whether to nroceed wi�.h public ;i_de4:aln construc-
t ion
�,,,� �,���� �� Bot�t► sides of GROTTO STREET from Edmund Avenue to Thomas Avenu
and North side of EDMUND AVENUE from Grotto Street to West
40' abutting 577 North Grotto.
������� Tuesda_y March 24, 1981 1C:00 :�:'�1
Citv �ouncil Chambers, 3rd rloor Cit;: Hall s
,p�� �����i ��� If the Council appr�ves the project, a portien o: tne costs
�tav be assessed against benefitted properties. The est�*�ated
� ��'���,��'���� assessm�rts are as follows:
RECO\.TRUCTIO:� (r2place existing walk)---�0 �SSiSS:�I�'�T
FIP.ST TI?V:E CO.�STF.L'CTION of �' walk (�:here none e�lists)
ror i and 2 ta�ilv propertv------5�.00 ner foot
�or all othe� ^reperty-----------$S.00 :�er fcot i
In addi=ion, charges ror. extra »ork, such as ad�itional si�e- �
�;all�: coidth, drivewac co:�struction, etc. �•�i11 be adc?ed to ti:e f
assess�nen� for t�e benefitted prcp�rt�-. `
If this is a zirst time constructior., the Cit�: Co�ncil wili �
:�old a p�lbiic hearing after the side��-a1k is co^n�eted. �he �
purpose oi th2t hearing -��11 be t� rati`�� the assess:�ents (
tor �r:e pro�ect. You �•:ill receive a r.otice. at that time �
a_dvisin, �'ou of the amount ��ou w�]_' be reqt-�ree to pa�.
��,r � �i � � �� � co`s�rRLCTro�. - 298-4255 assFss'.�E�: - 29S-�125
:Llso, Cit� sta�f will be availabie to a;;s���^r ar.�•� last �:�ir.ute
;tiestion� or: .;tnis proiect ir. Roo� ?i8 �'it�� H�li �ro� 9:30 -
1�:00 A.*�I tl�e sane da.�' as the he2ri.r�.
�.JCiC�' S�.R� P'�arch 6� 1981. �`: �ilt ��c:i_ll3C1.OT: 2I1:: _�1SSESSi?l:iZt 1�1:`'--S1^=1
� ' D��art�er.t :` rir.a^ce and ``:ana�ement Ser�ices
?toom ? i 8 Cit;� �I�1.: - �ourt riouse
St. P�:ul, '`i:�ne���a ��'.02
I . � \ • � .
� � .�
, � :- _:
� , .. .
�,,�' '.°; ;� , � � ;� ;'� r v.¢~ ��� ;°�*. ,�"°�, � 3 �t ,rh R ; (/� '
•,,.3 � . '. .."'� ',,.�° �:..�. 'w:r i � $ 7�_„r 'l,.� r.,..f i '� h„J :i �„r F
� �� � �.... ! � ��; .� .� � � ,�� '�� �'� � p� ; �� � ����
� � � � ��,L. � � � � �� � � �� �� � -
F I � E �0. s �0822
'���� � � �� �O �rC1C�L' O?? W[1ECi�^r t0 JTOC2E.G� Wl�i p11D1.1C S1C�24;31�: CO^SCii:C-
4�� �� i 9� i'� North side of LAFOND AVENUE from Galtier Street to Elfelt
Street and West side of GALTIER STREET from Lafond Avenue to
� (Como)-Blair Avenue.
�� ����� Tuesday March 24, 19$1 10;0�� i�:ti' �
Citv �ouncil Chambers, 3:d Floor City i?all
�� ��� ���3� r Ii the CoLncil aoproves t?:e proj ect, a aortion af tne cos*s
mav be assessed against benefit�ed properties. The esti^�ated �
� ���� iei� 1{ ��17 2S52SSiTl�T.?tS �T_'2 �S f011OWS:
F�CU\STRt?CTIO�; (repiace e�:isting wa�kj---�i0 ASSESS'_`r��'"
PIRST TI:�:E CO\STRUCTIOV of 7' �.��a1k (��rher� none e::i5ts)
:or i �nd 2 fa�il�� �ropert�-------55.00 oer foot i
"or al? C�RE: ^r0^t':"t;*-----------58.00 ner Teo� f
Iil addition, char�es *or c�:tTS CJOT�� SllC�'1 2S 3�G'lt?OP.3i. 5:��- I
:�all�: widt;, drivewa� co:,struction, etc. will be added to tne �
assess�ent for t�e beneiit�ea propertv. I
If this is a rirst tire c.e�structior., the Ci��° Counci'_ w��l �
hold a pubiic hearing afte.� the sidewalk is conn�.eted. '�:�� f
purpose of that h�arin�; ::'_11 be to ratif�• the assessments �
ior the pre�ect. �ou �aii? receive a r.oti;�e at that ti�;e
advisir.� �ou of the amount vou .�il_'_ be rea;:i�ed to aav.
��� �'� �'� � �' CO�ST�UCTIO�i - 298-!�255 '�SSESS�fE:�T - 29Q-j12�
t'�I.SO� �.lt� St3i f �zi11 be 3V3113�71C.' t0 2i1SC:2� 3?lV IdSt �T:ii I.ICe �
c,uestions. or tnis proiect ir. Roo:� ?18 Citv Hnll tron 9:30 -
10:00 A<'�t the sa^e da�� as th? hea�i.n�. �
�'�Otice sc�nt March 6, 1981 b�' the �'�Iuat;.or. <"iL1G ASSeSSi'.leTlC Di�-;sio�
De�artment o.` Fir.ance and '�iar.a�ement 5�-r���es
Room � 18 Git�r Ii-�L - Court ciouse
St. P�:t:l, ``.i^:�escta 5�'_0�
� • ` �, , �
�' f° .
, � � � ;° r:,
. �. ,
�.�,w ,, ; a `�.,, � �-- . . v�. � � j ;��. i
:�`4 : <� s'� � , a � �t �''�", ` 3 ' }�� � � ������
'_a✓ d n . b"�."� `,M,i+ 1.,.;. `.� x 4 �"_✓ ��.,J °�..f' y ^� �� ,} �...
.� � � �... � � �� � �'•� � � :� �'�"+ ��� � 3 � � �. .
. � � � � ���.. � � � � �� � � �� �� �
. F I L E f�1 G�. s ioa2s
�� � � � �� �o decide or. c.;h�ther to oroceed witn oublic sidewal�: construc-
�� �r��ioi� .
Both sides of WESTERN AVENUE from St. Anthony Avenue to
� Aurora Avenue.
������� Tuesday March 24, 1981 10:0�� ti:�i y
Citv Council Chambers, 3rd F1oor City Ha11 �
�� ��'.��lS�IG��l� I� the Council approves tre project, a portion of tne costs
( �av be assessed against beaeF�tted pro�erties. The estimat�d �
� �������'��� i assessmer.ts are as follows:
RECQ\'STRt�C,IO:� (r2alace e�:istin� waik)---ti0 ASSESS�1�\T
� �IDST TIME CUNSTRuCTZO� of �' walk (tahere none exists)
ror 1 and 2 �a�::i1�� �ro�ertv------5�.00 ner foo*_ ;
Fcr al? athe: nroner*_��-----------G4. rn ne'-' foot �
In addition, char�es f.or etitra �:ork, such as addit�onal s:de-. �
'.�81�r: WlClt�1, driv�wav co.^�S�rllCCl0i1� 2tC. 4T11:� be .2G�C2G� r0 t:1E' �
! assessmer.t for the benefit�e�a prcpert�•. �
�f this is a rirst tir.e constructior., the Ci�� Cour.ci� will f
hold a pubiic hearing arter the side.t.alh is cor,:pleted. The �
J purpos� of t�;at hearinF nill be to ratir�� th� assessments
� for the pro,iect. You ��ill receive a notice at that time
advisir.� ��ou of tt�e a^:oun*_ vou w�11 be re�uir�d to pav.
��� �'�� � �' � CO\�STRL'C'�IO;i - 298--',�25� �SSF.SS'iE\T - 298-312 5
��lso, Cit�� sta`f wi11 be a�,•ailabie to ansc�er anv l.ast mir.ute I
questions or. ��his pro�ect i.^. Roo� 2?a Cit� Hsll frora 9:30 - �
1U:00 :�'�1 t`:e sa�e da�• as the hea�i.n�. i
. �
`�oti�e sent March 6, 1981 ��.- the �'aluat:.o� anc: �ssess*�e.^.t Di�ision
Deaart^ent o`. ?�inance and `,anatre;�eat Services
Roo� ?18 Citv l?a:i' - Cour� nouse
St. ?t�ul, ,`.i:�nesot.� ��,0"'
r. � ! .
� J
� "`£°' � �� � b � �°' � '�'" 3+�� �' �! : � � �� ?� � � � ��' _ . � ��..
*,.�! � . � 7a�S ..wY( 14m � � � � �'s! S� '�� � (� �k,�.d� } L4r ���� �y
y r a .:-"A P �: ' '!i .,;0. f y�...' ;�4 � ,,..y.�. � ,� £,.� P'V ti ��� 7
�� `lm:� ',da�ad '�..+ '� 'a.,.✓ � � ''two .9n"°q §�a , 3 4•� �'a.� � �� a'a� � � '�+r.� �ni�..:w � . .
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F I L E �Q. s iosz4
( . PA� E
�� � � Q �� '�'o decir'.e ar. wheth�r to nroceed wit;� public sideG:al'•: corstruc-
i �;�,r �
�� ��►Ti� �
Both sides of WESTERN AVENUE from Aurora Avenue to
University Avenue.
'��i ��� �� �Tuesdav March 24, 1981 1���� �'��
Citv Cour:cil Chan�ers, 3rd Floor Cit; Ha11
a� c a� �—
i�� �� � .7���� r ; I� th� CoLncil appro��es the project, a porrior, oc t�e. costs
i ::,av be assessed 2�ains* heref�tted p,operties. T�e �st�^�at�.d
� ���� ��`���y+� � aSSesS;��ntS ar° as {ollowS:
R�.:CO\STRL'CTI��; (,r2alace e7:istir� waik/---`� °C����'``-"'��
�'?°ST TI^:� COtiSTn�CTZON of �' :.-a�k (��ner� ner:? e�:.�sts)
:�r i and 2 r'a�;l•, prop4rt��------:�.0:� ner foo` �
^cr a�'_ otae� n:o.,er��r-----------S�,nn ;,er `oc� i
Ir. addi.tion, CY�32''eS for e�:t:a wcrk, such zs addit�ona' sl:?- i
I �'dl�: L�1C��1� Gr1VE?W2L' C0:1Si.TllCi.lOil� 2CC. [•T11.1 bE a�:'tE� CO C::P- �
a�ses�-�er.� for *:�e benezit�e�' prcpert�. �
- ,
�f �his �s a �irst tir:� constructior., the: Ci�� C���r.c;l c�;I� �
�:O�Ci 2 �'L�'i1�C heari^b ��tE'-i' C[?2 sidei�alk 1S Cv;':'i2C2Ci. T�'.2 �
�Jllr�ls= �� t1i�t t:eC.11l:f .tiiil �'� t� rati`�� l.�[2 :j�ic�ss�i�nts �
for the }.roject. `icu cai11 rec�ive a notice at that ti:ne
c1-2G7V1SiP� L'OU Oi t�'!2 2TOUT�L VOL� 'v;11_7 he re�u1l"C�C rO L)2.�'•
��,,�� �7�� �� � CO\STaT„CT?O:i - 298-325� ASSESS':�::T - ??�-7:2�
�lso, Ci�-: staff :ai=1 be availab�e to answer ��n•: las� ,:�ir.ut2 I
cu�sticr.s or. t��is proiect ir. ?'�oo:�: �i8 �'it�• Hnl� �ro,�: �?: 30 - I
1C:00 �L'�1 tlie -sane da�� as the h���2rin,. I
� - }
;;CiCe sen� March 6� 1.98�. 7`: Ct1e �'1'Udtl.Oi: aL1C: _�15S°SS[?IEC:C �1�'1Si^i1
:�C7c3LC^lE.^.0 J� �1T1nRi.f' 2I1C� �i?I?�'?=.T.�'lr jZr�ri`�y
::oc�; ?18 Cita Ha�' - Court �io::se
St . Pc:�:1, ''_�tnesota ;;�0`'