D001075C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Approvetl CoPies to: . City Clerk (Originaq ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORAER: BUDGET REVISION - Finartce Oept's AcoouMing Div'vsion ^'� � � - Requesting Dept No: _�k� t'� . i� oa�: ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted in Section 70.07.3 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Budget Director to amend the 1996 budget of the Generel Fuod, the Mayor is reporting a reduction in revenue and appropriations for City Council review, thereby authorizing the Director of the Departrnent of Finance and Management Services to amend said butlget in the foUowing manner: DEPARTMENT 8 DMSION: FUND AND AC7MTY: Revenue: Department Share Appropriations: Attorney Budget Office Citizen Services Finance • Fire Human Resources Human Rights Mayor's Office Parks Police Health Public Works 007-09066•7399 fund trensfertothe GeneralFund 001-00200-0857 001-00101•0857 001-00251•0857 001-01150•0242 007-01121•0852 001-01370-0219 007A5101-0215 007-00155•0857 001-00152-0117 001-00100-0222 001-00100-0223 001-00100-0857 001-03700-0267 001-03724-0279 001-03170-0875 001-03177-0357 001-04370-0857 007-03214-0275 001-03200-0275 001-03226-0369 001-02155-0857 City Attorney Operations Budget Office Information & Complaint Accounting Cable N Risk Management Fire Human Resources Human Rights Mayor's O�ce Mayor's Office Mayor's Office Parks Administration Como Zoo and Conservatory Recreation Programming Special Rec Programs Police Systems Health �nfo Services Health Administration Property Code Enforcement Traffic Engineering CURRENT BUDGET 220,000 39,896 6,092 13,000 5,367 46,609 88,080 201,000 80,437 445,323 14,300 3,000 15,925 15,103 9,832 9,450 2,857 29.778 3,723 3,864 2,756 9,000 APPROVED AMENDEO CHANGES BUOGET (104,565) 115,435 (18,185) (1,000) (2,500) (2,480) (1,000) (1,500) (20,070) (1,500) (��`� (3,000) (2,000) (1,000) (2,925) (2,620) (1,240) (620) (29,SOD) (2,240) (1,500) (7,500) (685) (704,565) 21,791 5,092 10,500 2,881 45,609 86,580 180,930 78,931 437,823 11,300 1,000 14,925 12,178 7,272 8,210 2,231 278 7,483 2,384 1,256 8,315 (104,565) CF 96-828 authorized the implementation of the PC Replacement Program. One element of that resolution directed that department budgets contribute some portion of the cost, from $500 to $685 per machine. By making the budget reductions above, the appropriate General Fund department budgets will, in effect, be charged with that contribution. 1��rw,l tl�'y /1•�.![ Preparetl by: Date • Re4uestetl 6y: Department Director Date � rn, ` �l_dt- b Ap rov hy: yor Date Saf�rtPaul ButlgMO�fa (H:\USERSBUOGETDEPTS�FINANLENI3�PCPNAL96) WIS]/96 DEPAR'IFfEN(/OFFICFMOUNCd UAYE INrtiAIFD ��EJ � lJ r ! � BUag�io��. Z��C�.,} 10/23/96 GREEN SHEET NO. 35872 CONfACCPERSONRPHONE �1 DEPAR'[hff2I1'DQtECIOR OS CCIYCOUNCR. RonKline 266-8548 „�,�„ Q cmnrrox�r Q rnvc�.mK MOSlBEONCAUNCdAGFNDAHV(DA't� �p� BUOGELDIXECCOR O FIN.RMGI'.SERVICESDQt a MAY02(ORAS56l'nM) O4 Cf�FACCOUATAM1t TAL # OF SIC=NAT[JRE PAGES (CLiP ALL LOCATTONS FOR SIGNATURE) CIIONREQIJESIID Approwl and City Councit review of fhe attached administrative order implementing the deparfinenf General Fund budgef charges from $S00 to $685 per machine under the PC Replaceme�rt Program, as directed by CF 96-828. �co�.mauanoNS: nuy,o� (p) orr.y.u(eJ PEI2SONAL SERVICE CON'ARACTS MOSf ANSWER THE FOLLOR'II`IG Ql7RSTSONS: PL.4NIVN`GCOA419S5(ON _CNII.SEftV(CECOMhllSSION ].HasthGCpeesol✓5�mevCrwmikedu�dCracoNi2ClFrnithtSdep3itmen[? cm cocawr[Ee YES NO n_5'G�ee _ 2. ffas t6is persoNf¢m ever been a ciTy employee? n�5�wcrcouar YES NO SuePOx'IS WEnCt[ CAUNCp, os�ECIrvEP 3. Does Utis persodfi[m posse5s a slall not normallY possessed by any current ciTy empbyee? YES NO (Esplaiu all yes aoswers on separate sheet and atfach to green sheet) INfRAl1NG PROBLEM, /SSOE, OPPORNNI'IY (Mw, Wha4 Vlhw, Where, Why) CF 96-898 set the policy on the workings o£ the Ciry's PC Replacement Program. One portion of that policy d'uected that deparhnent budgets absorb a portion of the costs associated wittt leasing the PCs. By niaking the depardnent spending budget reducrions in ffie attached administraTive order, fhe appropriate General Fund department budgets will, in effecy be chazged with their contriburion. The green sheet for CF 96-828 acl�owledged that CF 96-828 would trigger other departrnent transfers. The total depar[ment shaze of the 372 PCs purchased is $205,65I, based on a shaze price of $500 to $685 per machine, with $104,565 coming from Generai Fund owner budgets, and $101,086 coming from special fund owner budgets. The attached hansfer is for onty the General Fund's owner budgets share. ADVANI'AGFSIFAPPROVED. The policy enacted by CF 96-828, relating to deparimeut chazges for PCs, will be carried out. e accouming practices recommended by the Chief Accountant will be followed. This action is different ffian that anticipated by CF 96-828. The exact practice was not completely researched by budget staff when CF 96-828 was prepared and adopted, and budget staff xecommendations reflected on CP 96-828 had the General Fund paying itself. This AO reflects the correct accounting practice, charges the General Fund owner budgets for their shaze of wst, eliminates the "intemal" General Fund payment to itself, and reduces the General Fund revenue estunate by an appropriate amount. DISADVAMCAGES R APPROVED None. D6ADVANTAGESOFNOTAPPROVED� The policy enacted by CF 96-828, relating to department chazges for PCs, will not be carried out. � ror.v.nmovrvrorrn.wsacnoN $ 104.565 casrmevsrvuesuncsrso<cmcz,aoivs> O xo e'muwcsovxce GeneralFund nrnvm�r�e various cuc me'oaannnoN: (�� e department shaze for PC costs for special funds will also be reflected in some administrative transfers and many of those transfers have already been presented for City Council informational review. �t �, 1fU SaiMPdul Budget�ce (H:WSEft51BU0GETDEVTSYFINANCEN2d�PCANAL96) 10123196 EN SHEET �� r��_ 35862 lb-1j-�� Ctl�TAGT PFASDI� A PNO!�f Cird7 Multan (2fi68i38) Ron Klir�e f26685<8) BY (DAiFj : 26,1996 g, i{ OF SIG?�ATURE PAGES pFPARTML"�'t D�RECIOR USY A'I701WEV HUDGETDIRECTDA 1.tAY0R (OR ASSISTAh'1) QiY COWCit Cf1Y iLEA1: FT.2 MGT. SEF�'iCES UIR FinanCe - ALCOU�iing {CLTP ALL IACATI0:4S FOR SIGNATURE) Apyro�al of: 7) Ehe concepi af a managed peaonai computer (pc� reptacement program, and, 2) a budget transfer! amendment for 7996 establishing spending and financfng authoriry ro ailow for the purchzse af sohware, and for the leas�ng and inscailation of �996's altotment of pc's_ rtrn�wQ.vnnavs: eac� u>a x�i� cR� p{l,hNPGCOMMI5S� ne coMMmss SfAiF CML SERYICE COMM15S10.� ontea Svpypp75q'}➢CX COVtKClt 6H)ECii�F. �uY �M cPnti4 049E� . A,^SR'ER THE FOLLO��'L�G QVE57'IO�S: 1. Hu tFus persodf sm e�er wo�d undcr a�a°� for this dcp�wnwt? yE5 NO �, }3as ihis persoiJfirm cvtt bcen a ciry wploycc7 yc� NO i. Dxs tbis D�T�Nfism po�sess a zkili not nom�aiiy possaud by any cu+reni ciry employee? Y� ND i amwers oo xoarate aLat and L�711M1Ti1uG PA081FTLlSSVE, OPPOA7VARY N�s.MTs.�M'6�. W'q} Tne city has an aging pc inventory comprised of a variety of mac}�ines of different makes, models, condition and power levels. 7he age and diversity _ of the pc's, coupled with a lapse of warrznt�es, is creating a servite defrand cost that is rapidly becoming uneconomical relative to tfie value of tt�e machines, and is limiting the transfer of employee skilis from station to s:ation. in addiiion, there is very littie tiry wide coordination and ylanning for the replacement of pc's, leading to surplus disposal probiems, unrezsarable replacement decisions, fragmented low volume purchazes, and poor budgeting pratticet. wDV/,).TAGGS IFAPPAO�'ED: ' ity pc users, who depend on a low end pc zs a phmary work tooi, w+ll move up te a suitabie machine. 7he City wiil move closer to a consistenf � .ptaiform in ptace across all deparcmenu. Many a8ed pc's will be removed from service, eliminating a high demand for maintenance staff �esources. N'e will be able to tease machines at a time when they have a short working iife and quickly become obsolete, nther tha� buy and own them. The program wiil also estabiish a more mnsisceni mxhanism for piannmg, budgeiing, and purchasing the ciry wide pc invenrory. Beaer dec+sions xbout che employment of pc's can be made on a ciry wide basis, evening the field for depanment haves and have nou. Y•SADVMTAGE( 2K APPROY�: Tfie Cicy wiit have an invesiment cost in repladng machines now ihat migfit nol have been replaced for 1 or 2 more years. �u�`�' "r�� �a�.Ts`s.�'+. �=x"•tt,' . = SAD\'ATTAGES 6 KOT APPROVED ?here wiN 'oe oppor,un7rv, losses zssociz:ec wi:i iie zovarr.ages ciiec xoove. .1�� 1 ! ..,.- Continuation oi: sfgnii(czn; in.�es;mene �a mzi.r.zir.ir.: eeing macn�nes, and the i�eS�c3encies relaied to rew generaitr, stafi trying co sen•ice a range or divene machines. The Ciry will fall ruaher behind in iu zbiii;y io use t_chnology su:cess%uily to aeiiver services to ihe titizens of Saint Pau�. -aTwtlu+o�T-to£rrsnxs�rno�� 5700.00Otrar,si_r, 5220,OODamendment COSTAtL�tNl,'L9L'DCECED(QACLEO�E} rrs �a rc: �+c somccc r 7.naow.uno:�.�vur..� payment of this iease has been budgeL as in orderto .cnhTy Nu�+ecx general fund (09056) - 5685 share of the cos� The second y� �... fully financed and balanced bas H.aVSERSBUDGETDEV751FW nMCflt