276547 WHITE - CITY CLERK ����� PINK -� FINANCE CANARY - j1EPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L COUIICII � BLUE - MAYOfl � . File N . , esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION CREATING THE BLOCK 40 DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 2) PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 472A WHEREAS, a) Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 472A (the "Act") authorizes cities to develop a program for improving a district of the city to provide impetus for commercial development; to increase employment; to protect pedestrians from vehicle traffic and inclement weather; to provide the necessary linkage between peripheral parking facilities and places of employment and shopping; to provide off-street parking to serve the shoppers and employees of the district; to provide open space relief within the district; and to provide other facilities as are outlined in the development program adopted by the City; and b) The Act further authorizes cities, after consultation with its planning agency and after a public hearing, notice of which shall have been published in the official newspaper of the city, to designate development districts within the boun- daries of the city. The city must also provide for relocation pursuant to Section 472A.12 and consult with the advisory board created by Section 472A.11 before making this designation. Within these districts the city may adopt a development program consistent with which the city may acquire, construct, reconstruct, impwbve, alter, extend, operate, maintain, or promote developments aimed at improving the physical facilities, quality of life and quality of transportation. �. The city may acquire land or easements through negotiation or through powers of " eminent domain, and it may negotiate the sale or lease of property for private development if the development is consistent with the development program for the district; and c) The staff of the Department of Planning and Economic Development, con- templating the creation of the Block 40 qevelopment District, has prepared a proposed Development Program containing several proposed projects; and COU[VCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays ,^� Hunt �� Levine [n Favo[ Maddox McMahon B sno�iter _ Against y :- Tedesco �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By —_ , Approved by 1�layor. Date _ Ap o by Mayor for b ssi Council By _ _ B � � � � �s�4� _2_ d) The proposed Development Program has been reviewed by the Downtown Community District Council and the Saint Paul Planning Commission; and e) Pursuant to a resolution of the City Council adopted February 26, 1981 , a public hearing on the proposal for the creation of the Block 40 Development District (the "Public Hearing") was held 011 March 24, 1981 � after notice was published all as required by Section 472A.03 of the Act, at which Public Hearing all those appearing at said hearing who desired to speak were heard; and f) The City of Saint Paul ("City") created an Advisory Board for the pro- posed Block 40 Commercial District on February 26, 1981 , pursuant to Section 472A.11 - of the Act. Said Advisory Board has met at least twice to review and prepare recommendations regarding the District and Program prior to the date of the Public Hearing and said recommendations have been presented to the City Council as part of the Public Hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul as follows: 1 . On the basis of information available to the City it appears, and the City hereby finds: a) The area comprising the proposed Block 40 District is potentially useful and valuable, but it is currently stagnant and unproductive because of a lack of proper utilization and lack of investment. b) A number of properties in the proposed Block 40 District are not contributing to the tax base to their full potential and all but one of the five existing buildings in the District are either underutilized or in need of rehab- ilitation. Approximately 68% of the land area of the District is not built. c) The redevelopment of the District will advance community recovery by linking the entire Lowertown area to the corr�nercial retail city center. This project will also enhance the "Seventh Place/Town Square" project by helping to create a critical mass of retail and entertainment facilities in Lowertown to complement business activity in other parts of the Business District. d) The HRA has been working with Summerset Dev. Corp, for several years seeking to make the District productive and current action is a culmination of those efforts. e) The development proposed in accordance with this revitalization would generate 140 new jobs, 140 new households and a net increase in tax collections�of $1 ,922,548 annually. f) The development proposed will serve to increase employment, to create additional housing, to stimulate development in Lowertown, and to enhance the vitality of downtown as a regional center, to protect pedestrians from vehicle traffic and inclement weather, to provide off street parking and to provide open space relief, and the actions required to assist the implementation of this devel- opment program are a public purpose and the execution and financing of the development program are a public purpose. , . . . -3- � �7654'7 g) The Block 40 mixed-use Development Program (Program) generally supports the Comprehensive Plan elements. This project will provide a multi- functional development of office, retail , housing, recreation and entertainment activities in the heart of downtown. This proposal particularly helps implement the Downtown Development Plan, Economic Development Strategy and the Goals for Saint Paul report. The Downtown Development Plan calls for a multi-functional downtown atmosphere with high intensity activities and a downtown circulation system. The Economic Development Strategy seeks major private investments and additional jobs. The Goals for Saint Paul report seeks: more housing units and a greater variety of housing choiee; integrated developments with commercial and residential uses; emphasis on the river for new developments; and a stronger down- town. The creation of the Block 40 Development District can work toward all of these objectives as follows: 1 . Downtown Development Plan A. Calls for a multi-functional downtown which is supported by the multi- purpose intent of the Program. B. Recommends that high intensity developments can be attracted to downtown. This is supported by intensive uses contemplated in the Program. C. Emphasizes a downtown pedestrian-oriented theme and is supported by the multiplicity of indoor uses. D. Calls for preserving existing assets while creating new development. The Program incorporates existing buildings into its integrated development and, therefore, supports the objective. E. Calls for climate controlled skyway system and is supported by the 3 proposed skyways in the Program. F. Seeks a community which integrates residential , commercial and enter- tainment activities. The Program is well suited to meeting this objective. G. Encourages street level pedestrian amenities and is supported by approx- imately 10,000 square feet of open space in the Program. 2. Goals for Saint Paul A. Seeks to add to Saint Paul 's housing stock which the Program does by planning at least 150 new housing units. 6. Encourages multiple unit housing buildings which this Program does via high rise development. C. Calls for a variety of housing types, especially small housing units. The Program proposes 1 and 2 bedroom units. D. Seeks to strengthen downtown as a center of social and business inter- action. The Program integrates residential and office in Lowertown. � . ^ . -4- �765�"7 E. Seeks residential development in downtown and is supported by the - proposed 150 housing units contemplated by the Program. 3. Land Use Plan - A. Recommends more intensive use of land which is supported by the high intensity of development proposed by the Program. 6. Seeks to enhance the city as a "winter city" and is supported by development of 10,000 square feet of indoor open space contemplated by the Program. C. Encourages vertical integration of uses including residential and commercial . The Program design does create vertical integration. 4. Housing Policy Plan A. Seeks 10,000 new housing units by 1990. The 150 proposed by the Program supports the objective. B. States the need for alternatives to single family homes and is, there- fore, bolstered by the NIS proposal . C. Recommends efficient use of land for housing. Building over office/ retail and parking as contemplated by the Program qualifies as efficient use of land. 5. Parks and Recreation Plan Recorrnnends improvement of recreational opportunities. The 10,000 square feet of open space and the inclusion of a new downtown YMCA in the Program will provide additional downtown recreation. 6. Economic Development Strategy A. Is supported by the Program because it will increase the city's tax base. B. Is supported by the Program because it will increase the city's job base. C. Is supported by the Program because it will provide local entrepreneurship. D. Is partially implemented by the Program in that this project will sub- stantially contribute to the city's stature as a regional center of activity. E. Is supported by the Program. This project will contribute to overall well be�ing of citizens, will place the city in the role of facilitating private econamic activity, not replacing it, and will use city funds con- servatively with favorable leveraging ratios. NITE - C�'YY CLERK ����W CANARY - �pEPAR7'MENT COUIICII �, 7 BLUE` , 1NAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -5- F. Supports Lowertown as a high priority area for downtown development. G. Supports preservation of the unique image of downtown. The Program supports that unique image. 7. UDAG Agreement Number B-80-AA-27-0015 The Program is consistent with the commitments of the City to the United States Department of HUD in the UDAG awarded for Block 40. A) The proposed Program includes an extensive Relocation Plan for potential displacee's under the proposed Program and a budget for relocation has been established under the proposed Program all as required by Section 472A.12 of the Act. 2. The City hereby adopts the Block 40 mixed-use Development Program and hereby creates the Block 40 Development District (Development District Number 2) pursuant to Section 472A.03 of the Act. The boundaries of the Block 40 Development District are Jackson Street, East Sixth Street, Sibley Street and East Fifth Street. The legal description of the District is as follows in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota: All of Block 13 CITY OF SAINT PAUL now known as SAINT PAUL PROPER including that portion of said Block 13 which has been replatted as Block 9 WHITNE'Y AND SMITH'S ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL. COU(VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine IR Favor Maddox � McMahon �„�,,,, __ A gai nst BY T sco 1Alflsartr MAR 2 4 1981 Form Approved ity Attorney opted by Counc� . Date � Certified P� _ed by Co cil Sec�ary BY MAR 2 5 1981 '� A d by ;Vlayor: at • _ . Ap o by Mayor for S ssi Council PUBIISHEO pPR 4 1981 /dg��`� ! Mozeos o�wua��ox,�r�ea �anz�.��:ar c�as ?Ht .iLOCE .�,�;{;pl�iEiT ���xa tdu'!w�ar s s�a�+e� t�x�a�ss�. r _�,.��-_.—.. _ ra&�a�+H�A[.r.ceneero: . �i�#ice is IierNqr�tlNll�e Git�'Cfe�il of#he Cit�F ed BM�k 1�N11:'1f�stsoYr^�Yili mee�-at adie'Qt�^��du�!p t�MpDer�'t� 'N+k c��Cihlo�.�lt :� c'�9 'Lf;�.�'� •sider tHr praia� d! e`'E'�tj�°5 c�!tl�e BUek N�1!►�lR�bpnt�iti�ittll�!`i (DevEioFmect#s16�i'(d"t/uds6tai''�4i�4dd�1f °prrgram 1bi L�9'di�t6vep�i Nleneof(!!ii . '!•Pte�sa'iti")"l�rlel�Gt X6 'W�eelfl�i 3tatutes,Chaptet 4t2A. - �" 17f!�6ck�i�t�istrlet%Eeldills ot the tollowip�'�yp�epwty fe 1Ye State of MinnepptR q ot All of Slxk 13 C�1'4�eNT PAU� kaown as SAtNT Pr1��tOP'LB includiait tbat�ort�on of s{�i;�ek 13 w�1d�i hMg, ';, eeplatted es 81oc�i 9 VVHI'1'Y��Y. SMTfH'3 ADD7iTOK TO 3AIN'� P Said Developnsent DIa`li'kt is�i' y Ieeksort�8tr�`�SY'�t�Bi�iR'f8� Be�P�t=Ere1!'�ir�tt�wC ' , ,. ,. 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Daili t6fa ird i�•iH IdarM.iYBk; .� � , ,., ,. , _ . _ . 8YR0�9/�('°' . �t��: . c�ra,re�.iesi� � �s��� , , 6RAi TH A, �y,; 'To G�Nfn r , �W�i��'�ArR � d�t _ ��. �, i I 6 � fll � • P sg � �CM�t �1 �' and EW; jiM �!. �� fsi r.s�oo 4i��� . mMS il•d�FVN ��4qt�.oyf,}p�p- 7S,�M. ��W"'�;b�h ��v�a}�bP� p. i�� � "'af ap� '�f@�� ` dbY.Mrb�lpk � . �� �� .�fX1M�1b 1 � �"#.:..,..� .. � ; � . CiH N�N}l �. foi` l�Uf` tMe `�':�a,�° ' . otrttlhs� '� hI6Y�tn�{+��. . �fN��MIIf Mt�W 11� ���. �����; By RbN MUf . ?'"s Clh Ckrlc Pf6K.,MU7.n0611�......,_:.�. �..;��; . ����s � v��`�� S �� 3 �7 �� �-, � ����� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL FOR A PROGRAM TO CREATE THE ' BLOCK 40 DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AND TO ADOPT A PROGRAM FOR THE IMPROVEMENT THEREOF To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota will meet at the City Council Chamber, City N of Saint Paul, Minnesota at 10 : 00 o'clock a.m. , 198 , consider the proposal that the City Council c Development District, (Development District Number 2) and adopt a program for the improvement thereof (the "Program") pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 472A. The Block 40 Development District consists of the following described property in the State of Minnesota and County of Ramsey, All of Block 13 CITY OF SAINT PAUL now known as SAINT PAUL PROPER including that portion of said Block 13 which has been replatted as Block 9 WITNEY AND SMITH' S ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL. Said Development District is bounded by Jackson Street, East Sixth Street, Sibley Street and East Fifth Street. The Block 40 Development Program will combine new construction and the renovation of existing buildings. The major project com- ponents are: a commercial development df approximately 151, 000 square feet net leaseable space, of which 73,000 square feet will be for retail use; approximately 11,634 square feet of enclosed mall space; a housing devel�pment of 148 or more units, a parking development of approximately 392 underground parking spaces; and approximately 67,500 square feet of recreational facilities and offices to be purchased by the Saint Paul YMCA. A draft copy of the proposed Program, together with all attachments and exhibits thereto, are available for public inspection beginning February 26 , 1981, from 9 o 'clock a.m. to 4 o'clock p.m. , Monday through Friday, at the offices of the Economic Development Division, Department of Planning and Economic Development, City Hall Annex, 12th floor. At the time and place fixed for said Public Hearing, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota wi11 give all persons who appear at the hearing an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal. Dated this � � day of rn�-R�� , 1981. By �� S C � / }� City Clerk k " a . .i���i�l����. �XP��Tit�f;8F RtIMI�fi�T3�7�YE .0#t£?�i2S� : �> _ f �SdLifi'I(N1S��A1V#3 ���CES �; . '.� :'- � �. .. � . . � . . — z'�� - . ,;' ... . . . , . �. :;�. . . . '� . , ,.. .��.�., . :::� ,.,.;:� � .. ..;.. ...�.:'. :'. . . ,: . , ...� .�. ,� {. �_ ` w: . . � _ ="' ,a'i�: . .. . _ _ . . . 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