276533 WHI7E - CITV CLERK ����A PINK . - FINANCE f �l CANARY - DEPARTMENT � GITY OF � SAINT PAUL COIlI1C11 BI.UE . - MAVOR � Fll@ NO. ,' � - � Ordin�cnce orainance N 0. � � /�P/ Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 13534, approved January 31, 1967 , pertaining to One-Way streets. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 13534, approved January 31, 1967, is hereby amended by adding the following to Section 1 thereof: . � DIRECTION STREET ONE-WAY ' FROM TO Reaney Ave. West' Mendota E. 7th St. Lincoln Ave. East Albert Hamline Lincoln Ave. West Syndicate Hamline Section 2 . This ordinance shall not be printed as part of the St. Paul Legislative Code but shall be incorporated therein by reference. .;� Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval, and publication. COUfVCILMEN "� n�1� Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �� 7\ Bu er Ffe�� Public o. ks Traf ic- R) H za In Favor nt Levi� � � vine �� Against. BY dler N�� yl ster �� ede o T�� Adopted by Council:y�qop.Date �CT 'rJ ��1 Form Approve by it tor Certified a y Council re BY . Ap by Mayor: D t T � Ap y M or f u m' si0 uncil By BY � PUBI.ISMED OCT 16 19$2 . �7GS�3 ��°�' '� " 1� DEPARTMENT: Public works L _�P..�:4 � �_...._ CONTACT: Robert H. Roettger $ ��2 ROUTING nr�n IXPLANAT�QN SNEET PHONE: 298-4701 GREEN SHEET ` �'f'�Fb�r�rl�'i��s�t�'�.tive Orders, Resolutioas, Ordinances and Agreements ROUTING ORI3ER - ROUTE BY ASSIGNED NUMSFR: � RECEIV I�ECTOR OF MANAGEMENT S t� 1 3 �IyCL � MAYOR � MENT DIRECT R DIRECTOR, FINANCE 8 MGT. SERVI�#�( AT?ORNEY � CITY ATTORNEY � CITY CIERK BUDGET DIRECTOR ACTION REAUES7ED �GLIP ALL LOCATION� FOR MAYO A tt NATLR )t Approve attached ordinance for designation of One-way on Lincoln Ave. and Reaney Ave. �IHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKiNG ACTtON ON THE ATTACN�n I�aTFRiAi c (p��RPAt AND RATIflNO )�; Lincoln Ave. was determined by the Southwest Area District Council to be desirable �or changing from a two-way to a one-way designation. This street was designated One-way on June 9 , 1981. Reaney Ave. - This change was planned for and constructed under U.D.A.G. Phase I. Th�.S street was designated One-way on December 5 , 1980. One-way designations must be done by ordinance. FiNANCIAL. BLIDGETARY AND PFRSONNEt IMPA-Tg ANTi iPAT ]]S NA ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): 1, Oxda.nance 2. 3, eaee nev.ceiv neceee.c.ty on a,Ltac ent o o auppan,Lcng cumen,te �e �ct Gi ty A.ttox►eey: J. Counci,� ReeoX�u�Li.on Reqwin.ed? YES NO i. Reeo.�wLi.on? YES NO 2. Ineunance Req:,,ia.edY YES NO 2. irraunance Su�b.ic�i.en.tt YES NO 3. Ineunance A.ttached? _YFS NO � '-?P[f+G1M1 �M•G/?Q/A� � . � _ _ 3 . �`"l �� � . , _ , � �arcb 19, 1gE�i � Coun�iL�aB Victc�� Tsd+�sco - . . ;' � ClM►i�n� Publia 1�orks t3oaevittee �, � 'T'�h lr3.00r� C�Ly Nsll . _ .. Aear Cbuncilmitn Tsdesca s \ � . T'�e Ci'�r ibnn�c�.l tode�y referred to t.he Pablic ik�ks ,t�as��tte� � for oonaid�ratioa eu�ul t�r.rec�eaer�dstion an ordine�nce, , ' C.!'. '7�533s arndiu6 Oz�clinaace l�o. 13� Pertslr�in� t6 Qc�- Way Str�i�s-aad addiag ps�rLions cf Rean�y Awea�-and o! Liaco� ' . _ Aveoue. - 'IFery truly y�ours r , , � , � l � " �ase )i3�c � _ " City Q.srk � A�tac�. A80 tla � ; ac t Publi� iio�ks Dept. _ - - ,: • , , , . . . , , � " �'� , y; ��,J � �✓ CITY OP` SAINT PAUL � ' OFFICE OF TRE CITY COIINCIL " ...:� .........�. '__'�� Date : September 16 , 1982 �. COMMITTEE RE PORT�:��,`;.: ,�,� �,- ,�. Fo � �, � TO = Saint PQU I City Council '� �`�� �� � -. '-�. � '; FROM � Committee on PUBLIC WORKS `:' CHAIR, CHRIS NICOSIA ��`�,ui�- � ; � C. F. 276533 - An ordinance amending Ordinance No. . 3534 i pertaining to One-Way Streets and adding parts ; of Reaney and of Lincoln Avenue. i Committee recommends approval. � i � Letter of Board of Appeals and Review regarding financial hardships caused by broken sewer lines resulting in rodent problems . ' This matter was previously resolved by ' ordinance approved by full Council . ; � � , i I ! CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � I •��►.�. i CNI Ul: 1L/1'.'i 5 _ . , Rc:v: 9/8/76 .�• � . � F�'Z,ANTTIC�; OF 11DP•�:ftQI:�`f721�TIVj' 01'�I'RS, ���� . . RI'�LtITI(?'?:�, rIID ORDP.'TI+NCl'� Date: ;�� �•1' �► � . �F � � ��t{� To: r��roR c�or� z�Tn��z . :��;�.a n. "19�1 ' . ����� FR: Robert H. Roettger RE: Designation of One-Way streets �CTTf.�T REQTJP'STF'p: . Designate the following streets as One Way: Lincoln Ave. , eastbound from Albert to Hamline � Lincoln Ave. , westbound from Syndicate to Hamline Reaney Ave. , westbound from Mendota to E. 7th St. ' �'URPO�'E PrD� P,ATI(�1AL�: Fr)R 7�'IS ACTIf?TT: � Lincoln Ave. was determined by the Southwest Area District Council to be desirable for�changing fronn a two-way to a one-caay designation. Reaney Ave. - This change was planned for and constructed under U.D.A.G. Phase I. A'IT�ICIIl��£i�TI'S: Ordinance / 1 ' � . � lst � ' � 2nd Z _ 3rd /Z Z Adopted I � S 0 �-- Yeas � Nays � . _ HUNT � / G� �, l CD � _ LEVINE �A��� b McMAHOV SHOWALTER . TEDESCO WILSON � PRESIDENT (MADDOX) � ,