276507 WHITE. iC�'Y CLERK CANAF'V - � 6�PARTM6NT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA IT L Council n[���°]. �`j BLU@ - �MAYOR File N O. ��/V� ■ • Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. / b / �� ,� Presented B �' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 10 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, pertaining to the Department of Planning and Economic Development. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 10 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amended by striking the same in its entirety and substituting, in lieu and in place thereof, the following: GHAPTER 10. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 10.01. Department �enerall . Subdivision 1. Department established. There is hereby established an executive department of the city of Saint Paul to be known as the department oY planning and economic develop- ment. The head of such department shall be the director, who, prior to such appointment, shall possess such qualifications as the council may by ordinance provide. The department of planning and economic development shall be org�nized into the divisions of business revitalization, of housing, of development, of planning, and of community development. Subd. 2. Departmental functions. The department of planning and economic development shall be responsible for all planning activities carried on in the city; for coordination of all �he planning activities carried on by other departments and agencies of the city; for development, development district, and renewal activities; for economic development and renewal for the city; for community and neighborhood development actiyities; for ro ert rehabilitation program COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon Showalter Against BY Tedesco W Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By 1 � C��ilf�� ���1?/� . � �I�VV / Page 2. activities; and for other matters related to the planning and development of the city. Subd. 3. Director, powers and duties. The director of the department of planning and economic development shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the council, and shall be in the unclassified service of the city. The director shall be accountable to the mayor and, subject to his direction and control, shall administer the affairs of the department. He shall have general authority and control over all departmental staff and shall oversee the proper fulfillment of all tasks and duties assigned to the department. Ae shall have the power to prescribe such rules and regulations as he deems necessary or expedient to the proper operation of the department and to that end shall keep himself informed of the latest administrative practices. The director shall have the power and duty to take all personnel actions, including hiring, assigning and reassigning employees, including supervisory personnel, within his department and shall supervise their performance. 10.02. Division of business revitalization. _ Within he epartment of planning and economic development, there sha11 be a division of business revitalization. The division head shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the council, and shall be in the unclassified service of the city. Under the supervision of the director, the division shall: (1) Provide technical �ssistance to new or existing industries or commercial establishments in the areas of finance, land acquisition, site location, public services, or other types of assistance needed for economic development purposes. (2) Conduct public and informational programs to promote the city for business and industrial expansion and development. (3) Assist in a liaison capacity between the private sector and government agencies to expedite and facilitate business assistance. (4) Promote opportunities for neighborhood commercial development. (5) Direct neighborhood business revitalization activities within the city. � �� � �� ��i�5��7 Page 3. (6) Monitor Saint Paul ' s private sectors' economic development delivery �ystem to determine financing gaps. (7) Develop financing programs for commercial projects and commercial areas where financing gaps exist. (8) Administrate city-funded commercial financing programs. (g) Provide assistance in the marketing of industrial revenue bonds by the housing and redevelopment authority of the city of Saint Paul for new or existing commercial establishments engaged in economic development projects. (10) Assist in the initiation and completion of development district and tax increment Yinancing district activities. (11) Provide technical assistance to neighborhood local development companies and commercial area business associations. (12) Administer city-wide local development company. (13) Package loans for commercial and industrial projects. (14) Direct one-stop business program of city services and requirements for businesses. (15) Provide technical assistance and assist in obtaining financing for economically and socially disadvantaged businesses. (16) Assist in developing policies and plans for neighborhood commercial areas. (1'7) Carry out and discharge such other duties and powers as may be reasonably necessary to achieve the functions of the department of planning and economic development, or as may otherwise be autM.orized by law. 10.03. Division of housing. Within the department of planning and economic development, there shall be a division of housing. The division h�ad shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the council, and sha11 be in the unclassified service of the city. Under the supervision of the dire�tor, the division shall: : • ..' �l�cJ+� / Page 4. (1) Be responsible for the project planning, acquisition, clearance and development, marketing, and disposition of blighted, deteriorating or deteriorated, underdeveloped, underutilized and marginal properties for housing in accordance with the state and federal 1aw, city plans and policies. (2) Assist in the provision of the financial , technical, and administrative services necessary to facilitate the rehabilitation and development of residential facilities throughout the city. (3) Be responsible for rehabilitation program activities in accordanc� with the state and federal law, city plans and policies. (4) Be responsible for the development, project design, and implementation of the community development programs assigned to the division. (5) Assist in the initiation and completion of the development and redevelopment district plans assigned to the division. (6) Be responsible for providing a11 staff services necessary to carry out the duties and functions of the Saint Paul housing and redevelopment authority board, except those which may be assigned to other public agencies, city departments or divisions by state law or council resolution. ('7) Coordinate a11 development activities of the division of housing with other public agencies and city departments. (8) Render periodic reports to the city council and other appropriate bodies concerning the status of renewal and redevelopment activities in the city. (9) Carry out and discharge such other duties and powers as may be reasonably necessary to achieve the functions of the departmen.t of planning and economic development, or as may otherwise be authorized by law. � � - ���� �����°7 Page 5. 10.04. Division of development. Within the department of planning and economic development, there shall be a division of development. The division head shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the council, and sha�l be in the unclassified service of the city. Under the supervision of the director, the division shall: (1) Be responsible for the acquisition, clearance and development, marketing, and disposition of blighted, deteriorating or deteriorated, underdeveloped, underutilized and marginal properties in accordance with the state and federal law, city plans and policies. (2) Assist in the provision of the financial , technical, and administrative services necessary to facilitate the development of large scale projects throughout the city as assigned to the division. (3) Be responsible for managing all development and redevelopment activities in the central business district of the city. (4) Be responsible for managing major redevelopment projects in neighborhood areas and in commercial strips throughout the city. (5) Be responsible for managing the city' s parking development program and skyway system. (6) Provide design and engineering services to al1 development projects carried out by the department. (7) Provide real estate acquisition, disposition, and appraisal services for all projects carried out by the department. (8) Provide relocation services and assistance as authorized and required by 1aw, when the city or any other public agency acquires real property in Saint Paul for ' public purposes. (9) Assist in the initiation and completion of the development district plans assigned to the division. (10) Be responsible, along with the sta�f of the housing division, for providing staff services necessary to carry out the duties and functions of the Saint Paul housing and redevelopment authority board, except those . �.- `��r����� Page 6. which may be assigned to other public agencies or city departments by state law or city council resolution. (11) Coordinate all development activities of the division of development with other public agencies and city departments. (12) Render periodic reports to the city council and other appropriate bodies concerning the status of renewal and redevelopment activities in the city. (13) Provide assistance in the marketing of industrial revenue bonds by the port authority of the city of Saint Paul for new or existing industries or commercial establishments engaged in economic development projects, and review and comment on all bonding proposals sent by the port authority to the council for approval. (14) Carry out and discharge such other duties and powers as may be reasonably necessary to achieve the functions of the department of planning and economic development, or as may otherwise be authorized by law. 10.Q5. Division of planning. Within the department of planning and economic development, there shall be a division of planning. The division head shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of .the council, and shall be in the unclassified service of the city. Under the supervision of the director, the division shall: (1) Prepare a comprehensive plan of development for the city, and modifications thereof, for presentation to the city council and the planning commission, for their consideration, amendment or adoption as authorized by law. (2) Coordinate the planning activities of all other departments and agencies of the city to insure conformity with the comprehensive plan, to assist in its development, and to review and coordinate the comprehensive plan. with the planning activities of adjacent units of government and other affected public and private agencies. (3) Transmit to the city council, and the planning commission, all recommendations, studies, plans, sections or amendments to such comprehensive plan as submitted by all departments and agencies of the city and other affected public and private agencies, along with an analysis and recommendations. _ � � ��� ��Yr���'7 Page 7. (4) Prepare and propose to the city council, and the planning commission, reasonable, efficient and practical means of putting comprehensive planning into effect. Such means may include, but not be limited to; (a) a proposed official map, (b) a proposed zoning code, (c) subdivision regulations, and (d) a capital improvements program, in consultation with the budget director and the capital improvements committee. (5) Collect and distribute to the council and other departments and agencies of tY�ecity all necessary research materials on population and population trends, economic trends, and the social conditions of the various sections of the city as they relate to municipal planning and development, in consultation with the division of administrative services of the department of finance and management services and the research staff of the city council. Such information shall include fact finEling and analysis of the physical, social and economic needs of the city as required for the preparation and implementation of a comprehensive development p1an. (6) Establish liaison with community groups, which may, upon request of the mayor or the city council, provide planning recommendations for consideration within the overall plan o� municipal development. ('7) Prepare, as requested by the city council, reports of the activities, plans and programs undertaken by the division of planning. (8) Provide staff services for the planning commission. (9) Carry out and discharge such other duties and powers as may be reasonably necessary to achieve the functions of the department of planning and ec�nomic development, or as may otherwise be authorized by 1aw. , '' ..,� ����V 1 Page 8. 10.06. Division of community dev:elopment. Within the department of planning and economic development, there shall be a division of community develo�iment. The division head shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the council, and shall be in the unclassified service of the city. Under the supervision of the director, the division shall: (1) Provide overall management and administration of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. (2) Ensure that implementation of the CDBG Program is in compliance with specified federal regulations. (3) Serve as the city' s liaison between the city and other units of government at the metropolitan, state and federal levels on matters related to the CDBG Program. (4) Evaluate the performance of all agencies, whether city or under contract to the city, involved in CDBG Program activities. (5) Pr� are and present reports to the mayor and city council on all program activities. (6) Oversee preparation of the annual CDBG Program application for submission to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (7) Review and evaluate the administrative and legal relationships established in order to manage the program. (8) Coordinate the development of contracts between the city and other agencies for the performance of program activities. (9) Direct implementation and operation of the citizen participation process. (10) Evaluate the results of program activities with respect to its goals and good management practices. (11) Execute all contracts and a11 departmental appropriations which involve the CDBG Program. (12) Be responsible for all budgeting, accounting, and general administrative duties for the department of planning and economic development. (13) Carry out and discharge such other duties and WHITE - CITY CLERK Y � PINK - ,RI�IANCE COUIICII �' f� � CANAR'�f`,- U6PARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L ��(��� g+1�+ 4 r MAYOR File N O. � �7 O/ WZ/`�/`CG OrdinanceNO. � C�/ / � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 9. powers as may be reasonably necessary to achieve the functions of the department of planning and economic development, or as may otherwise be authorized by law. Section 2. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Administrative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and�or section number at the time of the next revision of said Administrative Code. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUPICILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � �"'"e In Favor Maddox McMahon s�+ow�i�r �— Against By Tedesco wlson APR 2 198i For Approve y C' rne Adopted by Council: Date r. Certified a s d Co nci cre BY ' By Ap r by Mayor: t A� 2 1981 Approved yor or Submis ion to ouncil �n,. <� � gy By PUBtISHE,� A P P, 1 •� `1�8� ' . � . � � .Y ', . . � . � . _ . � . ... . . - . . � . . . � .',.. ' _ , . _ . . � . . , . . � . . � � , . � , .. . a:; �� � � :,F �. . . � _ .. . . � . #���,��:������` � , . . �.. ' . . . . .. . .- . . , ... . ,. .. . . , ..' .' : E�(ptJkNATION O��AD�tINIST�ITIV� ORf���t5, ,; � RESOLUTrflNS, AND OR�iNANGES. < - � < : . , . � � , : DATE: Marrch 12, 1.981 . .. � � . . � . � . . .. . . . . ;, . ,....,T . _ .� . . � . � �.. � . .. . . . . � . . . . ' � � . . , '»T. 70: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �� �; FROM: J�s J.;Bel l us, Di recto� ��� _ P��� : . , RE: Ordi na�Ce amer�di ng Sai nt Paul Admi ni s�r�ti we God�- �' : � . . ; c . '� . : � , ACT I Ot�t RE4�J E$'f F�i3: .,, -t : Approual by the Mayor of an ordinance amendirag GF�ap�ter I.0 c�#.the ` Sai nt Pa�ul �tdmi ni strati v� Cade, pertai ni ng tb th�"b�partan�rit � � ° of Planning ar�1' Economic Qevelopment. � � , � . . , �,..'. ..�. -. . . � . . .�.. . _ � . .. . .. . . . � . � . . , .. . :.. '�- .. ..:.`.,. , .�� �: \ �;. . � , . � -. . . . . . . . . . .. . � . . _ . . �: , � ,. - .... . ;:.. . . ..,-. .. . . . . . � . . . ., , .,� . . . . , '-�.. �.�, -, i .: PtdRPOSE A(�? RATTQNALE FOR THIS ACTI�i+i: Necessary due to the reorganization of the [�partment. ���' , , ` .� . . r , ; - t; .G � ATTACiiM£N'CS_: _ � ,.: Ordi n,ance _ ;.; _ , • , ;.: ;; . .� ::;..� V X�.i�: �.�.� �.c��.r�r.�' ..L�.E�.���. r'" �_-,-�.,q .�....z � '.'` �: `ti:.: o��rx�� o�., ��cz: c�r.�,�x co���c�r, r���c�l�' �.;;� . �;��:i � t: :` 1::: :1 ;�°., �i; .�: �:I ►�,_� .. .. � _ . R.� . �` ..\ _ _' �1; n Q�' P. - ��``�^� , � . March 12, 1�81 .t ^.�::��' G t'� �d� �'�, ��i �: �: �a � �' � � `��' � T C� : Scain� Pc��e C;ir� �����u�� -�= �� Q �� : C��71�-�ii�7�: �9�I FINANCE, MANAGEM�NT AND PERSONNEL . George ��IcMahon ; �i�airm�n� ��akes fihe folia�r�ir�c� �e�ot`i ut� G.�'. (1 ) XX �irctic�c7��c� - � R�solc��io» � � � , - � �;her ' �' ���...� : . At its meet�ng of March 5, 1981 , the Finance Committee reeommended approval �of the following: � ._ 9. Ordinance amending Chapter 10 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code � pertaining to the Department of Planning and Economic Development.. '(�'�' iI11I.L SE�'L,tiTH FLOO`.'� S:11\T P:�r.1L, i(f.�'4c:SrJT:�. S�l�� .H _.. _ _ \ � ; , . ___.__._ _ , . __- - . // �s ]st � � �- �� 2nd 3 �� - ��7 ^O � 3rd �� ` � �. - !� I Adopted_i% '�i2=-6�/ Yeas Nays � _ :H�T � � �7� /� =: � - LEVINE , . M��o� . ��65�`7 - ��. _:_,. �y: SHOWALTER �, �,::.. TEDESCO .,�.. WILSON •�� • ' ,� PRESIDENT (MADDOX) ' .>�: _ . _;.� x . -� � .,�...`r�,;�='. �,. . ,. �r', �r �-`� � � �