276150 WHITE — GTV CLERK s ���.���r� PINK — FINANCE COUIICII tij CANARV — DEPAR7MENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � BLUE — MAVOR Counc ' s u Presented By Leonard W. Levin Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes and directs the proper City officials to execute an agreement with the County of Ramsey and Face to Face Health and Counseling Service, Inc., whereby the City and County will assist in its functioning as a neighborhood health center in caring for the medical-health needs of the citizens of the city and county in the adjacent geographic area; the City's contribution for the calendar year 1981 being $59,567.50, and said agreement expiring December 31, 1981 , Funding code: 03215 COUNCILMEN Yeas Hunt Nays Requested by Department of: Levine COYY1 U11� $@PVIC@S nnaddox In Favor McMahon Showalter - __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson �p �ga1 Form ro d by 'ty t r y Adopte � Council: Date — �»� 6 c C ified P� - d by Cou cil Secrefary BY � s �. ` � _N 9 t981 Ap ve by Mayor for u ission to Council t�lp�rove� by INavor. Dat , /\ BY - – � ~ B P �,1��.D ,!A N 1 7 19II1 . ... , y: ;� _. , _ , . . _ . .. _ - _ _ .., , .. _ . �. _ . . . . . , � •>�'.- � r ,: . ' -: ;�. '< .,. � . .. _ - • I.. 3' . � '.7Y �" • •'. �• • � Y� 7'�� � '1.. , i'� .� ��. ( ��� ►� �1.Y • 1� 1� �" • '�"l�'i1 '�' ;�. 7r :'] � . � NAME AND ADDAE55 Of� AGENCY � 4 �*�� �rt�.TS�c ��x� �. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES 2j0 I�o:.-th Centrsl .ATenue g� S�T�y:atas � `�S'.�9� lErrea� Q ST. PAUL C.�4'ANIE.rai �' ���Lt�V � COMPANY Q � LETTER L.l � MAME !wD A�DRESS OF INSURED ! COMPANY � ' i FACE TO FACS HEAI+ZS � CO�k+ISELING SERYICB IETfER ( �� I�'1QI�CIO� St.2'@L�. COMPANY D Igt,. P$L:1.� Mn� ��IIJ� LETfER � � � � ��Y E This is to certify that policies of inwrdnte fisted below have been issued to the inwred named abore and aro in torce at this Gme. Notwithsbnding a�y requirement,tem�w condition m of any contrad or other document vrith respett to whith this tartifate may be issued or may pertai�,the insurance afforded by the policies desuibed herein is subject to all tfie tertns,exclusians and conditiona of such poliaes. • ( coMPe.Nr po��r im ts of Lu �li n housan s LFRER TYPE OF 1NSURANCE POLICY NUMBER �fPIRATION DATE EACH A(`,r,REGATE C OCCURRENCE j GENERAL LIABILITY . � � �COMPREMENSIVE FORM ��""�- i/�/SZ �D1LY INJURY f i j � ❑PREM15E5-OPERATIONS t PROPERTY pAMAGE f i � �ExPLOS10N AND COILAPSE r'� NAZARD � u UNDERGROUNO HAZARD � - Q PRODUCTS/CQMPIETED OPERATIONS WAU�RD BppILY IhJURY AND � ❑CONTRACTUAL �NSURANCE PROPERTY DAMAGE f � i �BROAD FORM PROPERTY COMBITfED DAMAGE � ❑INDE�ENDENT CONTRACTORS E ❑PERSONAI INJUR�' PERSONAL INJURY S E i AUTOM081LE LIABIUTY eoo��r�n�uRr (EPCHPfRSON) _ � ❑ COMPREHENSIVE FORM BOOILY INJURY � � �-7 (EACH ACCIDENT) LJ OwNED PRppERTY DAMnGE S ❑ HIRED BOOILY INlt1RY AND 7� � C�{ON-0WNED JE3JS��H 7 ' PROPERTY DAMACwE =J"� E_ c Me�nco EXCESS tiABILITY BODILY INJURY ANO � UMBRELLA fORM PROPEHTY OAMAGE = s � OTHER7HANUMBRELLA COMB�NEO . . FUitM - � � Y/ORKERS'COMPENSATION 5Tnrutoitr � a"a 6 78 81 4 A EIYSPLOYER5'LIABILITY 7 ��7 �y = 7�r���t„�„„�c,oc»r, . OTHER • $300,000 EaCh Cla�** 1� Pr�ofess3onal I,iab ity 563SK�F24$0 1/'�/82 �3�0,000 Aggrega.te �GESCe��P'iiOn OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES � OF ST. P�. .� COIINTY OF RAM3EY ARE NAM� AS A�ITIQNAL INSUR'r�?,S AS RESPECTS � � � SOLE NJGLIGE�1'�E OF NAMID INSURED • � F ,� ! Cancetlation: Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereot, the issuing com- � pany will endeavor to mail .�._days written notice to the be{ow named ce�tificate holder, but failure to mail such not�ce shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company. 1 NAME AND ADDRESS OF CERTIfICATE HOIDER: . �Q ��� � Raztt9ey County Co�ity ServiCes Dept� DATE ISSUE6Y._ C �� 160 E. Bellogg st. Pau�, r�. 55�0� -------- , AUTMOR�ZEO REPRESEN7 , gtt�s Mr. Ibnald H ACO.tD 25(1-79) - , - . ' AGREEMENT r�� � �r ��'�:�t�� AN AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of December, i980 among the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City", acting through its . Division of Public Health; the County of Ramsey, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "County", acting through iYs Departmenfi of Public Health; and Face to Face Health &. Counseling, Inc. r ' located at 730 Mendota Street , Saint Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter called "Grontee"; � _ _ WITNESSETH: In considerotion of the services of fihe Grontee functioning as a neighborhood health cEnter in caring for the medical-health needs of the citizens of the City ; and County, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: • 1. The City and County will each give to the Grantee such sum of money . as reflected on the attached Exhibit A and in the manner set forth herein. 2. The sum of money granted by the City and County is for the Grantee's use during 1981 . No additional or future funding or assurances thereof will be � provided or honored unless set forth in an amendment to this Agreement or a separote agreemenfi approved os the free act of the City and County. • •. . _ 3. The County shall pay to the City its contribution as reflected on Ex-, hibit A in equal installments before January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1, 1981 . • � . 4. The City shall pay to the Grantee its and the County's contribution in installments as follows: . , 1 e ` _�_ . . . � , (a) 25°l0 of the total contribution of both the City and County on or before January 1, 1981 . (b) 25% of the total contribution of both the City and County on o� before Apri I 1, 1981 . . (c) 25°l0 of the total contribution of both the City and Cou�ty on or before July 1, 1981 , (d) 25% of the total contribution of both the City and County on or ; � � before October 1, 1981 . , 5. The City, acting as the transmifital agent of the contribution of 6oth the City and County, as set forth in Parag�aph 4, shall not be liable to pay to the Grantee the County's confiribution if not received by it from the County � pursuant fio Paragraph 3. 6, The Grantee shall on April 20, July 20, October 20, 1981 and � January 20, 1982 submit to the City an itemiied sfiatement of al! Grantee's expenditures, �evenue and report of services on c form or forms to be provided . _ by or opproved by the City. The City shall make such reports available to the Counfiy upon receipt. Fu�the�, the Grantee shall preserve all documentation � used by it in complying with the statements and reporh required by this para- graph and.shall be available to the City and County for ifs review and audit . as des i red.= - � � 4 7. The Grantee shall, with approval of the City, develop and enforce , a fee schedule for�patienfi charges. Said fee schedule shall be made available fio the City on .lanuary 15, 1981. . . . -3- � • , . • �_� . � ' ��� ��� �'� 8. The City shall act as the liaison to the Grantee for such day-to-day administration as may be needed and shall be responsible for: (a) Reviewing and evaluating the program and fisca) activities of the Grontee and disseminating reports thereof; (b) Providing techniccl assistance to the Grantee in developing and implementing the fee schedule referenced in Parograph 7; . (c) Coordinating activities common to fihe Division of. Public Healfih of � � � the City and/or the Public Health Department of the County and fihe Grantee; (d) Rendering to the Grontee such other assistance as within the City's resources. � 9, The Grantee shall ensure that: , (a) Services provided to eligible individuals are fumished without regard to race, color, creed, sex, age, morital sfiafius or fami ly size; � � (b) Services are provided with respect for individual privacy and dignity; and . (c) Services are provided without coercion and shall not be denied on the . basis of refusa) fio participate in research projects or o#her activities of the Grantee, or on the basis of ability to pay. 10. The Grantee shall obfiain and keep in force at ifs own expense during . , the fierm of this Agreement, professional liability insurance in the amount of Three :, , . . ' Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000). A certificate eviden�ing such insuronce a's . ; being in force during 1981, and co-insuring the City ond County, shall be fur- , nished to the City �Attomey for review and approval before January 1, 1981 . 11 . ?he GrQntee shall submit to the City an operational plan of ih services to be provided during the tenn of this Agreement on .or before January 15, 1981 . . -�- 12. The Grantee shall submit to the City a tofial operating budget on forms provided by the City and an operational plan of ih services to be provided during the calendar year .1982 on or before April 30, 1981 . 13. The Grantee shall obtain a financial .and program audit for the period of fihis Agreement by a certified public accountant. This audit shall certify to compliance with the terms of this grant and budget developed for this gront period. The Grantee shal) submit a copy of the audit report to the City by April 1, 1980. _ . ' The City shall make said report avai lable to the County upon receipfi. 14. The Grantee shall make available relevanfi background and qualification summaries of both regularly employed and voluntee� staff to the City and Covnty. 15. The Gronfiee agrees that deviations of ten percent (10%) or more, up- wards or downwards, from its 1981 agency budget, and/or additions or deletions from ifs 1981 operational plan as approved by the City and County will be trans- • mitted to the City ond County in a timely fashion and in a manner to be determined by the City's clinic coordinobr, Such information shall be before the fact and shall include pertinent data relative to the planned addition, deletion, or any � other modi�cation of progroms and the subsequent projected budgetary impacfi for -� the contract year and the following year. 16. The Cirantee dec�dres Nan Sk to Executive Directq� fio be the ., . . person responsible for compliance with the terms of the Agreement, and its physician, 4 � Deb Sandberg, , M.D., as the person responsible for its` medical serviees. '.� � 17. The City declares ih Director of the Department of Community Services or such designee as noted in writing by him as the person responsible for compliance � with this Agreement. - . .. -5- / � C:� . . . . �� � 18. The County declares its Executive Director or such designee as noted in writing by him as the person responsible for compliance with this Agreement. 19. The Grantee agrees that at all times under this Agreement, it, and its employees, agents, and volunteers are independent contractors as to the City, and not employees of the City. 20. The Grantee agrees that at all times under this Agreement, it, and its , employees, agenls, and volunfieers are independent contractors as to the Counfiy, , .. and not employees of the County. 21 . The term of this Agreement shall be from January 1, 1981 through � December 31, 1981 . IN WlTNESS WHEREOF, the partie� have set their hands as follows: , CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNTY OF RAMSEY Funding Code: 03215 � By: 8y: Mayor Board Chairman By: By: � Direcfior, Department of Finance Executive Director and_Management Services Funds are avai lable � By: Account� Number. Director, Department of Community Services Amount: $ . ov s fo By: "� Budgeting and Accounting . Assistont Cit Attomey � • _ GRANTEE , ' Insurance Approval By: Risk Manager BY: " Approved as to form: By: . � Assistant County Attorney � . � � . • . , e . APPENDIX A Face to Face Health and Counseling Revenue Sources - 1981 City of Saint Paul $ 59,567.50 County of Ramsey 59,567.50 Ramsey County Human Services Department 70,164.00 . Independent School Dist. �625 59,094.00 C.E.T.A. 18,442.00 _ _ State Family Planning Grant 18,705.00 Other 23,700.00 TOTAL $ 309,240.00 , , � , � ' � o � ' ' • ' OM 41: Z2/1975 Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES t �� � �,���� Dat�: DECEMBER 3, 1980 ��t,����;� DEC 1 `��98� TO: MAYOR GEORGE LAT R ��S� �= THOMAS J. KELLEY RE: COUNCIL RESOLUTTON - FACE .TO FACE HEALTH & COUNSELING SERVICE, INC. ACTION REQUESTED: Approval and signature on attached Resolution PVRPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: To support activities of Face to Face Health & Counseling Service. ATTACHMENTS: Council Resolution C� of Agreement � �,t_.e�