276149 VMM17E - CITV CLERK f �Y�]''�� r � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT r- COUIICII �V��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Coun ' ' Presented By Leonard W. Levine Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes and directs the proper City officials to execute an agreement with the County of Ramsey and North End Health Center, whereby the City and County will assist in its functioning as a neighborhood health center in caring for the medical-health needs of the citizens of the city and county in the adjacent geographic area; the City's contribution for the calendar year 1981 being $42,503.00, and said agreement expi ring December 31, 1981 . Funding code: 03215 COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays Levine Commun i t $@I'Vi C@S Maddox In Favor McMahon � � B Showalter __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Adopte Coun il: Date _ _�aN �_�9�� Form pproved y or C ified P� ed by un '1 Sec tary BY . �civ by Mavor: D t ��`�A� � +�... App by Mayor fo u is i to Council —7 , BY , - – — BY " P���€� ,!A i� 1 7 19 31 � � + • • + �r��� "�`s x � � ..e, - 1�''i✓��� {"-.:. �'.. i . f -� r�- . .� .:r � ..f�, � � �, •� . . �, . .,r� i�� �. � a 1 f: � �.•1 1 •a� �. :�� Y ,•.. NAAIE At.D FD�r^,E�� OF A',;GN�'V - . � . . Maguir� Dale & Kelly, Inc. CON1PAi�llfS AFFORDl�VG CflVERAGES � '� �`4 � � P.O. Box 4 3316 �,;,MPAN� St. Paul, MN 55164 �F�'`R � St. Paul Fire & Marine . . . � . . COPAFF.NY � . � . LE�Eq v\'.A.�.�� r �., \ NAME '�- ���DvRE�S OF IUSURFb � CC-,".PANY � North End Health Center, Inc. � 'T�R ` 1021 Marion Street �„v��v., � ' �,�, St. Paul, MN 55117 "T't� � . � - COM?ANY � . LE?T£R This+s��carti'ry that policies of insurance listed below have be2n issued to the insured naned above and are in force at tfi�s time. Notwithstanding any requirement,term or conaitio� of any�or.tract ar other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued cr may pertain,the ir,surance afforded by the policies dexr�ed herein is subject to all the terms, ?xc!usions and conditions of such policies. coMPar,v r P���,.� Limits of Liability in Thousands{ ) _ lET7�� TYPEOFINSURANCE POl1CYNUM6FR EXPIRATIOPi DATE EACH AGGREGATE GCCURRENCE � GENERAL LtABIUTY BODILY INJURV $. S � �COMPREHENS�VE FORM . � -�7 / � A I�PREMISES—OPERATICNS 567JJ4555 /�15/ �1 PROPERTVDAMAGE $ � E � j❑EXPLOSION ANO COLLAPSE � � H AZA RD ❑ UNOERGROUNO HAZARD �PRODUCTS/COMPLEiED OP£RATIONS HAZARD � SODILY INJURY AlVD ❑CONTRACTUAI INSURANCE . PROPER7Y DAMAGE 3 S � BIYJAD FORM PROPERTY COMBINEO 1�O,O O 1�O O O� DAMAGE !❑ INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS �❑ PERSONAL INJURV � i � � . � PERSONA INJJRY T I AUTOMOSit€ LIAHiLITY ao�i�ruvauRv (EACH PERSON) ' ❑ COMPREHENSIVE FORM BODIIY tN)�IRY g A I� OwNED 5 6 7 JJ 4 5 5 5 '� 1 (EACH ACCIDENT) PROPERTY DAM4GE $ � i� HIRED � 9CDIlY INJURY-AND �� NON•OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE 5 1�OOO�� � COMF3�NED I EXCESS LiA91UTY 50DilY INJURY AND ❑ Uh1BRE1_LA FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE � E � ❑ OTHERTHANUMBRELIA . . � COMBfNED � FORM 'NORKE#tS'COMPENSATION sTAruroRv A and 767JE0341 7/15/81 EM�LOYERS'LlA81liTY 3 �EPCHACCtDEN71 A oTH�R 1,000,000 Each Claim Professional ' ability 567JJ4555 7/15/:ST 1, 000,000 Aggregate � DESCRfPTiON OF OPERATIONS/IOCATiONSNEHiCLES Ir�cludes County of Ramsey & City of St. Paul, Division of Public Health as Additional Insured. Canceilation: Shouid any of the above descr�jb�d policies be canceifed before the expiration date thereof, the issuing com- pany wiil endeavor to mail 1 days written notice to the below named certificate holder, but fail�re to mail such rotice shall impose no obligation or iiaoility of any kincJ uppn the company. � NAME AND ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOIDER: � � � County of Ramsey & City of St. Paul DATE ISSUED: JU1.� �, 198 Division of Public Health - Attn: Jame s O' Le ary C�_�� t_ �' „ � �� .��- 555 Cedar Avenue � pUiHORiZED REPRESEN?ATj St. Paul, MN 55101 � , ; . , ., . . ���� ���,;'� �r ' AGREEMENT ' AN AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of December, 1980 among the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City", acting throu�h its Division of Public Health; the County of Ramsey, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as fihe "County", acting through its Department of Public Health; and North End Health Center, Inc. , � t located at 1021 Marion Street , Saint Paul, Minnesota, � hereinaffier called "Grantee"; - WITNESSETH: In considerotion of the se�vices of the Grantee functioning �s c neighborhood health cenfier in caring for the medical-heatth needs of the citizens of the City � and County, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: � 1. The City and County will each give to the Grantee such sum of money as reflecfied on the attached Exhibit A and in the manner set forth herein. 2. The sum of money granted by the City and County is for the Grantee's use during I981 . No additional or future funding or assurances thereof wi I I be ' provided or honored unless set forth in an amendment to this Agreement or a separate agreement approved as the free act of the City and County. + ., .. . ' 3. The Coun�y shall pay to the City iti confiribution as reflected on Ex- . � hibit A in equal installments before January 1, April 1, July 1, ond October 1, , 19$l . � ' � .: 4, The City shall pay to the Grantee its and the County's contribution in installmen#s as follows; ,,,,...:�,....�..��.._�______._.__o._� __ -2- , , . , . (a) 25% of the total contribution of both the City and County on or before January 1, 1981 . (b) 25% of the total contribution of both the City and County on or before Apri I 1, 1981 . (c) 25% of the total contribution of bofih the City and County on or before July 1, 1981 . � (d) 25% of the total contri6ution of both the City and County on or t ._ before October 1, 1981 . , � 5. The City, acting as the transmittal agent of the contribution of both the City and County, as set forfih in Paragraph 4, sholl not be liable to pay to fihe Grantee the County's contribution if not received by it from the County -' pursuant to Paragraph 3. 6. The Grantee shal) on Apri) 20, July 20, October 20, 1981 and January 20, 1982 submit fio the City an itemized statement of all Grantee's expendifiures, revenue ond report of services on a form or forms to be provided by or approved by the City. The City shall make su�h reports avoilable to the County upon receipt. Further, the Grantee sholl preserve all documentation used by it in complying with the statements and reports required by this para- ,graph and .shall be available to the City and County for its review and audit , , . as desired. _ 7. The Gra�tee shall, with approva) of the City, develop ond enforce a fee schedule for patient charges. Soid fee schedule shalf be made ovailable b the City on January 15, 1981 . , , �� -3- � . � .� -�� �'�f t� , ` � 8. The City shall act as t�e liaison to the Grantee for such day-to-day administration as may be needed ond shall be responsible for: (a) Reviewing and evaluating the program and fiscal activities of the . Grontee and disseminating reports thereof; (b) P�oviding technical assistance to the Grantee in developing and. implementing the fee schedule referenced in Paragraph 7; . (c) Coordinafiing activities common to the Division of��Public Health of , the City ond/or the Public Health Department of the County and the G�antee; (c� Rendering to the Grantee such other assistance os within the City's resources. 9. The Grantee shall �nsure that: ' (a) Services provided to eligible individuals are furnished without regard - . to roce, color, creed, sex, age, marital status or fami ly size; (b) Services are provided with �espect for individual privacy and dignity; and � (c) Services are provided without coercion and shall not be denied on the basis of refusal �to participate in research projects or other activities of the . Grontee, o� on the basis of ability to pay. 10. The Grantee shall obtain and keep in force ot ih own expense during � . , ,•the fierm of this Agreement, professional liability .insurance in the amount of Three . � • Hundred Thousa�d Dollors ($30d,000). A certificate evidencing such insurance cs being in force during 1981, and co-insuring the City and County, shall be fur- nished to the City Attomey for review and approval before January t, 1981 . 11 . The Grantee shall submit to the City an operational plan of iis services fio be provided during the term of this Agreement on or before January 15, 19$1 . � .. , '�- - ' . � ' � 12. The Grantee shal) submit to the City a total operating budget on forms provided by the City and an operational plan of its services to be provided during the calendar year 1982 on or before Apri I 30, 1981 . 13. The Grantee sholl obtain a financial and program audit for the period of this Agreement by a certified public accountant. This audit sha11 certify to compliance with the terms of this grant and budget developed for this grant period. The Grantee shall submit a copy of the audit report to the City by April 1, 198Q. ' The City shall make said reporfi avai lable to the Counfiy upon receipt. 14. The Grantee shall make ovailable relevant background and qualification summaries of both regularly employed dnd volunteer sfoff to the City and County. 15. The Grantee agrees thot deviations of ten percent (109'0) or more, up- ' wards or downwards, from its 1981 agency budget, and/or additions or deletians from its 1981 operationol plon as approved by the City and County will be traru- � mitted to the City ond Counfiy in a timely fashion and ,in a manner to be determined by the City's clinic coordincfior, Such information shall be before the fact and shall include pertinent data relative to the plonned addition, deletion, or any � other modification o6 progroms a�d the subsequent projected budgetary impact for the controct year and the following year. 16, The Grantee declares Sue Ersfeld, Clinic Coordinator to be the ' ,'person responsible for compliarice with the terms of the Agreement, ond its phys�cian, _ :; Theresa Quinn , M.D., as the person responsible for its` medical'services. � 17. The City declares its Di�ector of the Department of Community Services or such designee as noted in writing by him os the person responsible for compliance with this Agreement. r�- � .�� -5- � . . . , � ' . , 18. The County declares its Executive Director or such designee as noted in writing by him as the perso� responsible for compliance with this Agreement. 19. The Grantee agrees that at all times under this Agreement, it, and its employees, agents, and volunteers are independenfi contractors as to the City, and not employees of the City. � 20. The Grantee agrees that at all times under this Agreement, it, and its employees, agents, ond volunteers are independent contractors as to the Counfiy, . and not employees of the County. 21 . The term of this Agreement sholl be f�om January 1, 1981 through December 31, 1981 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their honds as follows: • C1TY OF SAINT PAUL COUNTY OF RAMSEY � Funding Codes 03215 . `. �. . - By: By: Mayor � , Board C airman By: � � By: - Director, Deparhnent of Finance Executive Director . ond Management Services - Funds are avai lable By; Account Number: pirector, Department of � � � � Community Services Amount: $ ; , rov s fi o By: �� . Budgeting and Accounting Assistant i y Atbmey � GRANTEE • � � .; Insurance Approval . gy; . : R isk Monager � By: Approved as to form: By: � Assistant Counfiy Attorney : � . n . � � � - a �� � y� � . ' APPENDIX A North End Health Center, Inc. Revenue Sources - 1981 City of Saint Paul $ 42,503 County of Ramsey 42,503 Patient Fees 14,994 $ 100,000 The Center will begin a fund raising program for 1981. r . . ' ' ' .: OM O1: I2/Z975 Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLIITIONS, AND ORDINANCES �'���� ��������=, Date: DECEMBER 3, 1980 DEC 1 �v�� ���� ,+ T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR= TH�IAS J. KELLEY �= COUNCIL RESOLUTTON - NORTN END HEALTH CENTER ACTION REQUESTED: Approval and signatures on attached Resolution PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION; Support for activities at North End Health Center - ATTACHMENTS: Council Resolution Ca of Agreement �