00-765COUncil File # � O•+ 7`5 ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To �� Committee: Date 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 RESOLVED, that the Liquor On Sale - Over 100 Seats and Entertainment (B) licenses held by E& K Corporation d!b!a Checkers Nite Club (License ID Number 16335), for the premises located at 1066 7`� Street East in Saint Paul, is hereby suspended immediately for the violation of Pailure to Pay Delinquent License Fees and shall continue for a minimum of ten (10) days for the violation of Lapse in Liquor Liability Insurance. The suspension shall conrinue aftei the initial ten day suspension period and be in effect until such time as (1) the license fees and any late chazges or penalties have been paid in full, (2) the liquor liability insurance has been reinstated and (3) written notice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the facts contained in the July 6, 2000 Notice of Delinquent License Fees letter to the licensee and such argvxnents as may haue been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The licensee did not contest the facts of the violations. Requested by Department of: 1 �_ By: ,v Form Approved b City Attosne� By: C�L6 / Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Ma"or. Date Green Sheet # 1('� �i � $ ( By: Adopted by Council: Date �y_� �.� �p� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary W L� � {� GREEN SHEET N�106051 266-�9112 T BE ON COUNCIL AGQJOA BY (DAT� August 23, 2000 - Public Hearing .—,„-�-,,--, ��� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑ CIYAlTM1EY � tllVClatK � ❑ rNwa,LaawxcFao�. ❑ n�.,r,u.auw,�cc,o ❑ r�iaepR�uorr,wp ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution concerning adverse action against all licenses held by E& K Corpoxation, dba Checkers Nite Club, 1066 7th Street East for failure to pay delinquent license fees. PLANNMG CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �+es ure oe�swur� e�.»w�a anaa. a� r« w� a�art�m� YES ND Vias tlAS Pdeonlfirm e�er bcen a ekY emGloYee4 YES NO Ocec tFUC O��m G� a sfali rqt norm�hrP� bY anY arreM cilY emGbYee? YE3 NO le Mia C�eorVfirm a terpetetl verWaR Y . , ' YES NO ..,,,,." �v- ���� � � ���� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i cosrrt�v�r+ue euooer�o (drtaE or�q CL��L: ACTNITY NUI�ER INFORMAiION (EI�WIQ OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robinson, Jc, Ciry Aimrney d°' �5 CITY OF SAINT PAITL c�vrro;vuron - Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Hall Tetephone: 65I 266-8710 ISWutKelloggBlvd. Facsimile:651298-56l9 . , . SainS Pau1, Minnesota 55102 September 20, 2000 NOTICE OR COUNCIL HEARING Walter Engeihardt 194 S. Ilwaco Road River Falls, WI 54022 �d�',:^G13 .�'4B$°�i�r vr�,... ��� � P Z��d RE: All Licenses held by E& K Corporation, d(U(a Checkers Nite Club for the premises at 1066 7`� Street East in Saint Paul License ID #: 16335 Dear Mr. Engelhardt: Please take notice that the hearing concerning adverse action against the above-named estabiishment has been re-scheduled for 530 p.m. on Wednesday, September 27, 2000. Your letter dated September 10, 2000, (postmazked September 18, 2000) indicates that CheckPrs hzs been ci_osed since Januasy 1?, 2000, but the delinquent license fees cover the second half of last year, in addirion to the first half of 2000. Accordingly, I will stili be requesting suspension of the licenses. If you have any questions regarding this matter feel free to contact me at (651) 266-8710. Sincerely, ..��2�u.�G�� ���e� Virgima D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Daytons B1uff District Community Council, 281 Maria Avenue, Saint Paui, MN 55106 UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING °O' ��S Licensee Name: Address: Council Date; Violation: Location of Violation: License Ty�ses: E& K Corporation d/bfa Checkers Nite Ctub 1066 7t'' St East August 23, 2000 (1) Failure to Pay Second Half of 1999 License Fees and Renewal Fees for 2000 (2) Lapse in Liquor Liability Insurance Licensed Premises Liquor On Sale - Over 100 Seats and Entertainment (B) Licenses Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Immediate suspension (for a min�mum of 10 days) of all licenses unti! al) license fees and late fees have been paid in full and the liquor liability insurance has been reinstated. Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Delinquent License Fees 3. License Information Report 4. License information OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Claymn M Robinson, h., City Attorney � ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor August 2, 2000 CivilDivision 400Ciry Tetephone:651Id6-8710 ISWutKelloggBlvd Facsimile:651298-5619 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �,et sse�tc�'. �2<,- �� NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING ¢�� �?� Z��� Owner/Manager Checkers Nite Club 1066 7�' Street E. Saint Paui, Minnesota 55106 RE: All licenses held by E& K Corporation, d/b/a Checkers Nite Club, for the premises at 1066 7r StreeY East in Saint Paul License ID #: 16335 Dear Sir/Madam: Please take notice that a hearing conceming the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, August 23, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts conceming the failure to pay license fees and the expiration of your liquor liability insurance have not been denied. The recommendation of ihe license office will be for the immediate suspension of all your licenses for a minimum of ten days. You will have an opporiunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penaity, if any, to be imposed. If you have any questions, please cali me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, V - ��� ���� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Dayton's BiuffDistrict 4 Community Councii, 281 Maria Ave., St. Paul, MN 55106 OFFICE C�t THE CITY ATTOIL�tEY Clrsylon M. inson, Jc, City Aftarney O 0 ��`� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Norm Colem¢n, M¢yor July 6, 2000 Owner/Manager Checkers Nite Club 1066 7"' Street E. CivilDivisiox 400 Ciry Hal! I S Wut Kellogg Btvd Saint Pwd, Minnuota 55102 NOTICE OF DELINQLJENT LICENSE FEES Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 Telephone: 651266-8710 Fauimile: 657 298-5679 RE: All licenses held by E& K Corporation, d/b/a Checkers Nite Ciub, for the premises at 1066 7"` Street East in Saint Paul License ID #: 16335 Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the ]icenses held by E& K Corporation, d/b/a Checkers Nite Club, for the premises at 1066 7"' Street East in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as foliows: License fees for the`second half of 1999 and renewal fees for 2000 have not been paid. Currently the fees owed total �7,987. Additionaily, liquor liability insurance expired on April 30, 2000. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter admittin� that they are true. The matter will then be scheduled before the Saint Paul City Council for a hearing to determine what penaity, if any, is appropriate. You will have an opportunity to appeaz before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. The recommendation from the licensing office is for the immediate suspension of all licenses until ali license fees and late fees have been paid in full and your liquor liability insurance has been reinstated. If you wish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a notice of hearing with the date, time and place for the hearing, the name of the administrative law judge, and an explanation of the procedures. Page 2 Checkers Nite Club July 6, 2000 Qp —7fis If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, � .,�ca- `/� VQ�(i�r�/t � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Rohert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Dayton's Bluff District 4 Community Council, 281 Maria Ave., St. Paul, MN SS106 p� -'1�5 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF R�IMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on July 10, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF DELINQUENT LICENSE FEES on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Checkers Nite Club 1066 7` Street E. St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postaqe prepaid, in the Unit St tes mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. , ��� G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this lOth day of July, 2000. PETER P. pANG60RN NOTARY PUBl1C • MINNESOTA MY COMMISSpN EXPIRES JAN. 31, 2Wg i � i� i � Q�. W � a �`.. N � 0 I N �� � � I� d U � � � �M a IN t � I� � � � d I N C U � � � IQ � � w 0 c m N m v J � a N ��I� !a�il �V�y I -J�N _j Ll. o �I � � `z � I N IM c� M ��I� � O L�!o I"O I I � �� _ UI � 3 O' IL IN O I � I i � f� p �y� I W Ia �F c I I � � I° � I J m � J U W I-_' I � 'Z W Q Y m V � IS _U z O � ':z'a � C � O� i�l� a i ,w 1� U � �a I�� N� L 3; c� �' iE; IZ �, ,�' ��, a joi Ui �CI I`� h! u a� n �' � Z N �: o.� = a:� H � y n a� ^ C �!� m� � �� N Im '~ N IJ� � I ; i � i I � � j i u.i I ' ,i � ; n I � � � � � 0 I� f�l t6 I � 'id �W I� O N Q � O N J O M V 0 N w � � d � N G C � IJ � a N c N � o-�.. 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Total due on 6N 9l2040 is 57987.0�, Liquor liability expired 04/30/2000- CAR 04/1 V2000 congra4llations letter sent for passing alcohol compliance check. SS 03/� 6/2000 passed UM aicohol compliance check conducted by Vice/Ramstad. SS � �/19f99 - 2nd ha1F due letter mailed 't'Il19/89. Amount due $2,678.00 by 15/24/99/JL 4/29/99 Licensee needs 30 day to pay fees no penalty KS if paid within 30 days;4/20/99 - Liquor Liability dates incorrect (4N/99 to 4/1/2000}-agent will . cortect - LA8 3/23/99 - Kris will hand deliver reinstatement IeKer (also mailed to home address) - LAB 3/22/99 Received tax Gearance from Dept of Revenue. Bar ok to open 3/23/99. CAR 3/15/99 - Troy hand tlelivered Suspension Ietter. Mailed a copy to home address - LAB 2J18/99 Notice of license revocafion received from MN Dept of Rev.for tax hold. According to sfate law, City must revoke by 3/�9. State will send ciearance cert once delinquency is resolved. CAM 11/16/9S -$25.00 overyayment of lic fee refunded - PV #V330-1673 - LAB 'I-1498 payment 6 oF 6$606.35 CAR 12/15/97 payment 5 of 6($606.35) rec'd, balance due $606.35 ES. '11/19197 payment 4 of 6($606.35) rec'd, batance $7212.70. � 0/15/97 Paidt 3 Of 6($606.35) Rec D;Bai=y1819.05. 9/�3/97 Paid 2 Of 6($606 35) Rec'D:Ba1=2425.40 8/13/97 Paid 1 Of 6($606.35) Rec'D;Ba1=3031.75 8/6/97Sent Fine Letter (3,638.10) Due In 6 Pymnts 5/15/97 - Sent Fine And Afj Hearing Costs Letter (Fi�e-$3,000 & Alj Costs$638.10 Due 5l23l97}�Lab 5/2/97 - Letter Rec'D From Michal J Kalis Stating That He Be Removed From This License. He Has Not Had An Interest In This License Since 1982—Lk-Li� 4J23l97 C.F. #97-A17 App'D Imposing $3000 Fine And Costs Of Afj For ViofaGOn Of Entertainment-B Lic. 1/7/97—Rec'D 52,345.00 Payment For Bad Check-Lab '12/2J96-•Received License Payment Back "NsP - L'ab 8/22196—Rec'D Payment For $2,000 Bad Check - Lab 6/25/96 Home Address Info Of Officers Given To Joy Of Meshbesher 8 Spence Law Firm.—Lap-Lic 5/15/96 -$2,000.00 Check For Partial Payment Of License Fees Returned "Nsfl - Lab 062591 Ph On Appn For New Class B Gambling Location License App'D C.F. 91-1159 7l17l90 Change Of Business Name Per Resolufion Signed By RobeR Kessler �50 Seats 5-5-87 10401 00 -'16 ��� � Licensee �� � ��� �� } Type: T(ROperty f Licensee C_' Urn}f�ciel C C qp S�treet x: 066 Street Name: _"'...._"_ _".___ .__._____'____'_'_.. __._._.__.... StreetTyps � Dirediort vtlb � � lMT #. r CQY eA1b g flsk[,. 00 -�cs �nn LicenSe C property StreM #: Sireei Neme Sireet Type: Unrt tid. caY Stme JVartl: Dist Councit DBA � '� OBA KHECKFRSWTECLUB Licensee l Lic. Types �, 4tsura�ce ' 8ond , RequiremeMs � C,` Licensee �' Unofficial Prqecf Fer7astor. ASUNCION, CORiNNE I66 adwerse Action CommeMs li + S T WeGtbrc � Und p: �—� r on� e Lic¢nse Grpup CommeatS Zip: 55706 �9R0�0 To CAO for ativerse action for unpaid � ense tees for second helf 1994 end 266� rmewal. Wal due on 6119l2000 is $ 7987.00. CAR AtI1R�00 congratulations klter seM for pass'nA irnhd cwr�fiance check. SS .. L'�censee J1i98F1omeintormationforWeMerN CommeMx gelhardt gtven to Briget of Saris 8 Saris aWtVm C338.1415}-lep-GC History OO -��GS "' E �.�1��1°"- . I '°`..� . ! 1 DBA �FiECKERSWTECLUB ��� . y �� e: License �censee � Lic. Types � 4isuraxe � Brntl � Requiremerds � Stre� �icensee Neme: 8 K CARPORQTION ,_""'_'._. �_..._..__.... ._.�.___.."""'_'_....... Dire�3�D8& NISECUIB _ . �� :' Saies Tax IfF 121502 Pb�.ProfA: � Norker's Coma AOA000 �; AA CaMrad ReC2 NOiW00 x,q,q Treining Rec'd O/OOi➢000 � AA Fee Cotlectetl: NOrtlWO �Discourd Rec'@ [— Financiel Hald Reasans ���p�ta ry'{��a" y ��" �:' "�.� ; . . Stffie of MN Tax Hold Lc N p2R5/1999 �MallicerseTn i � N� To CarRect � �' License Atldress ; —MaJ Imoice To; — ' r Mad Ta CoNact ' r License Atltlress Background Check Reqwred (— � M i d O r � � C� Q � Z O N `� � C "� R ' n a m F � W F- � _ t-- ti m m O _ � � O C d � R d 0 s 0 .� � N C L H `m � O N 7 U d w J � Q M � O � 0 0 0 N n � � E @ z ¢ m � m � J U W 1-- Z � � LLI Y U w x U Z Z C 0 O �-- N � � O a � 0 U Y � W Y C � M O � � N a c- �zzzzz}ry��r»�r��r�r�r���r��r�}>}��r N G C C C C 3 N N N N N ip � 7 � 3 7 aacsva � C C G C C .� .� .� .� .� ooano N N � 00 CV chM � � O O O O O p u0000 x O O O O O W O N N N N N 00000 M1C=JM(`�� 'cY V V V V � c m � m � O ' " d c� m C {{{ (p �� � c � c � c `� � O O o � � � � '0. 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Please write fhe changes on this farm, tf your business license address is changing, piease request a new business license application. May 31, 2000 To: E & K CORPOR4TlON CHECKERS NITE CLUB 1066 7TH ST E ST PAUL MN 551063953 BUSiNESS PHONE : 651-776-7915 Transaction Description Inv: 228753 16335 Restaurant (B) - More than 12 Seats Expires: 04I30l2000 @ 1066 7TH ST E Inv: 228753 16335 Liquor On Sale - Sunday Expires: 04/30/2000 inv: 228753 16335 Liq on Safe - Over 100 Seats - B Expires: 04/30/2000 Inv:22875316335 Entertainment B Expires:04/30l2000 Inv: 236700 Late Fee 730 days late (10%) Late Fee 31-60 days late (10%) , Requirements Transaction Total Your account is overdue. Pfease mail payment today!! Please complete the following information for your First Half renewal (disregard if invoice is for the 2nd haif Company & DSA Names (if different lhan above): Business Phone #s (include fax, cell, & pager if applicable): Applicant Name, Date o Birth, Home Address, & Phone #'s: Manager Name, Date of Birth, Address & Phone #'s: Liquor is served in the following rooms: Signature & Title o4 Applicant: Submit with First Haif payment only: 'State renewal certificate *Proof of current liquor liability insurance (expiration must coincide with your license expiration date) 450.00 200.00 2,325.00 527.00 350.00 350.00 CITY OF SAINT PAUL O�ce of License, I�spections & Environmental Protection 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102-1510 PHONE: (651)266-9090 FAX: (651)266-9124 Invoice # : 238428 invoice Due Date: Upon Receipt Account Balance: $10,312.00 Pay this Amount: $4,202.00 �� , r i OO ��f�'S DOG LICENSE AND COMPETENCY CARD RENEWALS DO NOT NEED TO COMPLETE THE WORKER S COMPENSAT/ON INFORMATION FOR BUSINESS LICENSE RENEWAL ONLY: CERTIFiCATION OF W ORKERS' COMPENSATtON COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE §176.186 I hereby certify that I, or my company, am in compliance with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota statute §176.182, subdivision 2. I also understand that provision of false information in this certification constitutes sufficient grounds for adverse action against all licenses held, including revoration and suspension of said licenses. Name of Insurance Company: Policy Number: Coverage from to Remit Payment to:The City of Saint Paul O�ce of LIEP 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102-1510 Make Checks Payable to:The City of Saint Paul �`�'��'*�`*'*�'**' PAYMENT CAN NOW BE MADE BY CREDIT CARD!!! **********"*'**'�* IF PAYiNG BY CREDIT'CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING 1NFORMATION: � MasterCard �Visa v~■ EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: ❑L�/I�❑ ❑000-C1�I�C7-����-00�❑ Name of Cardholder (please print) Signature of Card Holder (required for ali charges) Date: Amount of Charge: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �b'� �� Clayton M. Robinsors, Jr., Ciry Attorrsey CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Devision 400 City Hall IS West Kellogg B/vd. Saini Paul, Minnuota 55l02 a..�. a 3 c�.�5, i�`�' ��.,� � aq Telephone: 65f 266-87l0 Facsimile: 651298-i619 August 17, 2000 NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED DATE FOR COUNCIL HEARING Owner/Manager Checkers Nite Club 1066 7�' Street East Saint Paul, MN 55106 RE: All Licenses held by E& K Corporation, d/b/a Checkers Nite Club for the premises at 1066 7t Street East in Saint Paul License ID #: 16335 Dear Sir/Madam: Please take notice that the hearing concerning adverse action against the above-named establishment has been re-scheduled 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 6, 2000. If you have any questions regarding this matter feel free to contact me at (651) 266-8710. Legal Assistant cc: Walter Engelhardt, 194 Ilwaco Road South, River Falls, WI 54022 I�ancy Anderson,,Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Daytons B1uffDistrict Community Council, 281 Maria Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55106 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co(emart, Ma}�or September 6, 2000 Walter Engelhardt 194 Ilwaco Road South River Falls, WI 54022 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY }lp� !�� Claytors �Yt. Robinsors, h., City Attorney U Civi[Division 400Cit}�Hn[1 Telephone:651166-87lp ISWes[KelloggBlvd. Fncsimr1e:651298-5619 Saiat Pnzel, Minnuota Sil02 RE: Proposed license suspension for all licenses held by E& K Corporation, d/b/a Checkers Nite Club for the premises at 1066 7"' Street East in Saint Paul Dear Mr. Engelhardt: The proposed suspension of your licenses for failure to pay license fees and failure to have liability insurance was on the September 6, 2000 City Council agenda for public hearing. You contacted me on September 5, 2000, telling me that you were closed and had been during the time since the insurance and fee lapse, and stated that you would send a letter to that effect. You also stated that you understood that you could not reopen until the license fees were paid in fuil and liquor liability insurance was in place. Based upon that information, I requested that the matter be laid over to September 27, 2000. You must send me a statement in wt that the establishment has been closed, indicating the date that it was closed and affirming that you understand that you cannot reopen unless liquor liability is in place and all fees have been paid in full. I must have that letter by next Wednesday, September 13, 2000. You can send it to me at the address above. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, �� �� ���.� Virgim Palmer Assistant City Attomey f cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP COUncil File # � O•+ 7`5 ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To �� Committee: Date 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 RESOLVED, that the Liquor On Sale - Over 100 Seats and Entertainment (B) licenses held by E& K Corporation d!b!a Checkers Nite Club (License ID Number 16335), for the premises located at 1066 7`� Street East in Saint Paul, is hereby suspended immediately for the violation of Pailure to Pay Delinquent License Fees and shall continue for a minimum of ten (10) days for the violation of Lapse in Liquor Liability Insurance. The suspension shall conrinue aftei the initial ten day suspension period and be in effect until such time as (1) the license fees and any late chazges or penalties have been paid in full, (2) the liquor liability insurance has been reinstated and (3) written notice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the facts contained in the July 6, 2000 Notice of Delinquent License Fees letter to the licensee and such argvxnents as may haue been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The licensee did not contest the facts of the violations. Requested by Department of: 1 �_ By: ,v Form Approved b City Attosne� By: C�L6 / Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Ma"or. Date Green Sheet # 1('� �i � $ ( By: Adopted by Council: Date �y_� �.� �p� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary W L� � {� GREEN SHEET N�106051 266-�9112 T BE ON COUNCIL AGQJOA BY (DAT� August 23, 2000 - Public Hearing .—,„-�-,,--, ��� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑ CIYAlTM1EY � tllVClatK � ❑ rNwa,LaawxcFao�. ❑ n�.,r,u.auw,�cc,o ❑ r�iaepR�uorr,wp ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution concerning adverse action against all licenses held by E& K Corpoxation, dba Checkers Nite Club, 1066 7th Street East for failure to pay delinquent license fees. PLANNMG CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �+es ure oe�swur� e�.»w�a anaa. a� r« w� a�art�m� YES ND Vias tlAS Pdeonlfirm e�er bcen a ekY emGloYee4 YES NO Ocec tFUC O��m G� a sfali rqt norm�hrP� bY anY arreM cilY emGbYee? YE3 NO le Mia C�eorVfirm a terpetetl verWaR Y . , ' YES NO ..,,,,." �v- ���� � � ���� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i cosrrt�v�r+ue euooer�o (drtaE or�q CL��L: ACTNITY NUI�ER INFORMAiION (EI�WIQ OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robinson, Jc, Ciry Aimrney d°' �5 CITY OF SAINT PAITL c�vrro;vuron - Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Hall Tetephone: 65I 266-8710 ISWutKelloggBlvd. Facsimile:651298-56l9 . , . SainS Pau1, Minnesota 55102 September 20, 2000 NOTICE OR COUNCIL HEARING Walter Engeihardt 194 S. Ilwaco Road River Falls, WI 54022 �d�',:^G13 .�'4B$°�i�r vr�,... ��� � P Z��d RE: All Licenses held by E& K Corporation, d(U(a Checkers Nite Club for the premises at 1066 7`� Street East in Saint Paul License ID #: 16335 Dear Mr. Engelhardt: Please take notice that the hearing concerning adverse action against the above-named estabiishment has been re-scheduled for 530 p.m. on Wednesday, September 27, 2000. Your letter dated September 10, 2000, (postmazked September 18, 2000) indicates that CheckPrs hzs been ci_osed since Januasy 1?, 2000, but the delinquent license fees cover the second half of last year, in addirion to the first half of 2000. Accordingly, I will stili be requesting suspension of the licenses. If you have any questions regarding this matter feel free to contact me at (651) 266-8710. Sincerely, ..��2�u.�G�� ���e� Virgima D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Daytons B1uff District Community Council, 281 Maria Avenue, Saint Paui, MN 55106 UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING °O' ��S Licensee Name: Address: Council Date; Violation: Location of Violation: License Ty�ses: E& K Corporation d/bfa Checkers Nite Ctub 1066 7t'' St East August 23, 2000 (1) Failure to Pay Second Half of 1999 License Fees and Renewal Fees for 2000 (2) Lapse in Liquor Liability Insurance Licensed Premises Liquor On Sale - Over 100 Seats and Entertainment (B) Licenses Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Immediate suspension (for a min�mum of 10 days) of all licenses unti! al) license fees and late fees have been paid in full and the liquor liability insurance has been reinstated. Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Delinquent License Fees 3. License Information Report 4. License information OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Claymn M Robinson, h., City Attorney � ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor August 2, 2000 CivilDivision 400Ciry Tetephone:651Id6-8710 ISWutKelloggBlvd Facsimile:651298-5619 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �,et sse�tc�'. �2<,- �� NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING ¢�� �?� Z��� Owner/Manager Checkers Nite Club 1066 7�' Street E. Saint Paui, Minnesota 55106 RE: All licenses held by E& K Corporation, d/b/a Checkers Nite Club, for the premises at 1066 7r StreeY East in Saint Paul License ID #: 16335 Dear Sir/Madam: Please take notice that a hearing conceming the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, August 23, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts conceming the failure to pay license fees and the expiration of your liquor liability insurance have not been denied. The recommendation of ihe license office will be for the immediate suspension of all your licenses for a minimum of ten days. You will have an opporiunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penaity, if any, to be imposed. If you have any questions, please cali me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, V - ��� ���� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Dayton's BiuffDistrict 4 Community Councii, 281 Maria Ave., St. Paul, MN 55106 OFFICE C�t THE CITY ATTOIL�tEY Clrsylon M. inson, Jc, City Aftarney O 0 ��`� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Norm Colem¢n, M¢yor July 6, 2000 Owner/Manager Checkers Nite Club 1066 7"' Street E. CivilDivisiox 400 Ciry Hal! I S Wut Kellogg Btvd Saint Pwd, Minnuota 55102 NOTICE OF DELINQLJENT LICENSE FEES Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 Telephone: 651266-8710 Fauimile: 657 298-5679 RE: All licenses held by E& K Corporation, d/b/a Checkers Nite Ciub, for the premises at 1066 7"` Street East in Saint Paul License ID #: 16335 Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the ]icenses held by E& K Corporation, d/b/a Checkers Nite Club, for the premises at 1066 7"' Street East in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as foliows: License fees for the`second half of 1999 and renewal fees for 2000 have not been paid. Currently the fees owed total �7,987. Additionaily, liquor liability insurance expired on April 30, 2000. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter admittin� that they are true. The matter will then be scheduled before the Saint Paul City Council for a hearing to determine what penaity, if any, is appropriate. You will have an opportunity to appeaz before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. The recommendation from the licensing office is for the immediate suspension of all licenses until ali license fees and late fees have been paid in full and your liquor liability insurance has been reinstated. If you wish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a notice of hearing with the date, time and place for the hearing, the name of the administrative law judge, and an explanation of the procedures. Page 2 Checkers Nite Club July 6, 2000 Qp —7fis If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, � .,�ca- `/� VQ�(i�r�/t � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Rohert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Dayton's Bluff District 4 Community Council, 281 Maria Ave., St. Paul, MN SS106 p� -'1�5 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF R�IMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on July 10, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF DELINQUENT LICENSE FEES on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Checkers Nite Club 1066 7` Street E. St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postaqe prepaid, in the Unit St tes mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. , ��� G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this lOth day of July, 2000. PETER P. pANG60RN NOTARY PUBl1C • MINNESOTA MY COMMISSpN EXPIRES JAN. 31, 2Wg i � i� i � Q�. W � a �`.. N � 0 I N �� � � I� d U � � � �M a IN t � I� � � � d I N C U � � � IQ � � w 0 c m N m v J � a N ��I� !a�il �V�y I -J�N _j Ll. o �I � � `z � I N IM c� M ��I� � O L�!o I"O I I � �� _ UI � 3 O' IL IN O I � I i � f� p �y� I W Ia �F c I I � � I° � I J m � J U W I-_' I � 'Z W Q Y m V � IS _U z O � ':z'a � C � O� i�l� a i ,w 1� U � �a I�� N� L 3; c� �' iE; IZ �, ,�' ��, a joi Ui �CI I`� h! u a� n �' � Z N �: o.� = a:� H � y n a� ^ C �!� m� � �� N Im '~ N IJ� � I ; i � i I � � j i u.i I ' ,i � ; n I � � � � � 0 I� f�l t6 I � 'id �W I� O N Q � O N J O M V 0 N w � � d � N G C � IJ � a N c N � o-�.. 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Total due on 6N 9l2040 is 57987.0�, Liquor liability expired 04/30/2000- CAR 04/1 V2000 congra4llations letter sent for passing alcohol compliance check. SS 03/� 6/2000 passed UM aicohol compliance check conducted by Vice/Ramstad. SS � �/19f99 - 2nd ha1F due letter mailed 't'Il19/89. Amount due $2,678.00 by 15/24/99/JL 4/29/99 Licensee needs 30 day to pay fees no penalty KS if paid within 30 days;4/20/99 - Liquor Liability dates incorrect (4N/99 to 4/1/2000}-agent will . cortect - LA8 3/23/99 - Kris will hand deliver reinstatement IeKer (also mailed to home address) - LAB 3/22/99 Received tax Gearance from Dept of Revenue. Bar ok to open 3/23/99. CAR 3/15/99 - Troy hand tlelivered Suspension Ietter. Mailed a copy to home address - LAB 2J18/99 Notice of license revocafion received from MN Dept of Rev.for tax hold. According to sfate law, City must revoke by 3/�9. State will send ciearance cert once delinquency is resolved. CAM 11/16/9S -$25.00 overyayment of lic fee refunded - PV #V330-1673 - LAB 'I-1498 payment 6 oF 6$606.35 CAR 12/15/97 payment 5 of 6($606.35) rec'd, balance due $606.35 ES. '11/19197 payment 4 of 6($606.35) rec'd, batance $7212.70. � 0/15/97 Paidt 3 Of 6($606.35) Rec D;Bai=y1819.05. 9/�3/97 Paid 2 Of 6($606 35) Rec'D:Ba1=2425.40 8/13/97 Paid 1 Of 6($606.35) Rec'D;Ba1=3031.75 8/6/97Sent Fine Letter (3,638.10) Due In 6 Pymnts 5/15/97 - Sent Fine And Afj Hearing Costs Letter (Fi�e-$3,000 & Alj Costs$638.10 Due 5l23l97}�Lab 5/2/97 - Letter Rec'D From Michal J Kalis Stating That He Be Removed From This License. He Has Not Had An Interest In This License Since 1982—Lk-Li� 4J23l97 C.F. #97-A17 App'D Imposing $3000 Fine And Costs Of Afj For ViofaGOn Of Entertainment-B Lic. 1/7/97—Rec'D 52,345.00 Payment For Bad Check-Lab '12/2J96-•Received License Payment Back "NsP - L'ab 8/22196—Rec'D Payment For $2,000 Bad Check - Lab 6/25/96 Home Address Info Of Officers Given To Joy Of Meshbesher 8 Spence Law Firm.—Lap-Lic 5/15/96 -$2,000.00 Check For Partial Payment Of License Fees Returned "Nsfl - Lab 062591 Ph On Appn For New Class B Gambling Location License App'D C.F. 91-1159 7l17l90 Change Of Business Name Per Resolufion Signed By RobeR Kessler �50 Seats 5-5-87 10401 00 -'16 ��� � Licensee �� � ��� �� } Type: T(ROperty f Licensee C_' Urn}f�ciel C C qp S�treet x: 066 Street Name: _"'...._"_ _".___ .__._____'____'_'_.. __._._.__.... StreetTyps � Dirediort vtlb � � lMT #. r CQY eA1b g flsk[,. 00 -�cs �nn LicenSe C property StreM #: Sireei Neme Sireet Type: Unrt tid. caY Stme JVartl: Dist Councit DBA � '� OBA KHECKFRSWTECLUB Licensee l Lic. Types �, 4tsura�ce ' 8ond , RequiremeMs � C,` Licensee �' Unofficial Prqecf Fer7astor. ASUNCION, CORiNNE I66 adwerse Action CommeMs li + S T WeGtbrc � Und p: �—� r on� e Lic¢nse Grpup CommeatS Zip: 55706 �9R0�0 To CAO for ativerse action for unpaid � ense tees for second helf 1994 end 266� rmewal. Wal due on 6119l2000 is $ 7987.00. CAR AtI1R�00 congratulations klter seM for pass'nA irnhd cwr�fiance check. SS .. L'�censee J1i98F1omeintormationforWeMerN CommeMx gelhardt gtven to Briget of Saris 8 Saris aWtVm C338.1415}-lep-GC History OO -��GS "' E �.�1��1°"- . I '°`..� . ! 1 DBA �FiECKERSWTECLUB ��� . y �� e: License �censee � Lic. Types � 4isuraxe � Brntl � Requiremerds � Stre� �icensee Neme: 8 K CARPORQTION ,_""'_'._. �_..._..__.... ._.�.___.."""'_'_....... Dire�3�D8& NISECUIB _ . �� :' Saies Tax IfF 121502 Pb�.ProfA: � Norker's Coma AOA000 �; AA CaMrad ReC2 NOiW00 x,q,q Treining Rec'd O/OOi➢000 � AA Fee Cotlectetl: NOrtlWO �Discourd Rec'@ [— Financiel Hald Reasans ���p�ta ry'{��a" y ��" �:' "�.� ; . . Stffie of MN Tax Hold Lc N p2R5/1999 �MallicerseTn i � N� To CarRect � �' License Atldress ; —MaJ Imoice To; — ' r Mad Ta CoNact ' r License Atltlress Background Check Reqwred (— � M i d O r � � C� Q � Z O N `� � C "� R ' n a m F � W F- � _ t-- ti m m O _ � � O C d � R d 0 s 0 .� � N C L H `m � O N 7 U d w J � Q M � O � 0 0 0 N n � � E @ z ¢ m � m � J U W 1-- Z � � LLI Y U w x U Z Z C 0 O �-- N � � O a � 0 U Y � W Y C � M O � � N a c- �zzzzz}ry��r»�r��r�r�r���r��r�}>}��r N G C C C C 3 N N N N N ip � 7 � 3 7 aacsva � C C G C C .� .� .� .� .� ooano N N � 00 CV chM � � O O O O O p u0000 x O O O O O W O N N N N N 00000 M1C=JM(`�� 'cY V V V V � c m � m � O ' " d c� m C {{{ (p �� � c � c � c `� � O O o � � � � '0. 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Please write fhe changes on this farm, tf your business license address is changing, piease request a new business license application. May 31, 2000 To: E & K CORPOR4TlON CHECKERS NITE CLUB 1066 7TH ST E ST PAUL MN 551063953 BUSiNESS PHONE : 651-776-7915 Transaction Description Inv: 228753 16335 Restaurant (B) - More than 12 Seats Expires: 04I30l2000 @ 1066 7TH ST E Inv: 228753 16335 Liquor On Sale - Sunday Expires: 04/30/2000 inv: 228753 16335 Liq on Safe - Over 100 Seats - B Expires: 04/30/2000 Inv:22875316335 Entertainment B Expires:04/30l2000 Inv: 236700 Late Fee 730 days late (10%) Late Fee 31-60 days late (10%) , Requirements Transaction Total Your account is overdue. Pfease mail payment today!! Please complete the following information for your First Half renewal (disregard if invoice is for the 2nd haif Company & DSA Names (if different lhan above): Business Phone #s (include fax, cell, & pager if applicable): Applicant Name, Date o Birth, Home Address, & Phone #'s: Manager Name, Date of Birth, Address & Phone #'s: Liquor is served in the following rooms: Signature & Title o4 Applicant: Submit with First Haif payment only: 'State renewal certificate *Proof of current liquor liability insurance (expiration must coincide with your license expiration date) 450.00 200.00 2,325.00 527.00 350.00 350.00 CITY OF SAINT PAUL O�ce of License, I�spections & Environmental Protection 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102-1510 PHONE: (651)266-9090 FAX: (651)266-9124 Invoice # : 238428 invoice Due Date: Upon Receipt Account Balance: $10,312.00 Pay this Amount: $4,202.00 �� , r i OO ��f�'S DOG LICENSE AND COMPETENCY CARD RENEWALS DO NOT NEED TO COMPLETE THE WORKER S COMPENSAT/ON INFORMATION FOR BUSINESS LICENSE RENEWAL ONLY: CERTIFiCATION OF W ORKERS' COMPENSATtON COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE §176.186 I hereby certify that I, or my company, am in compliance with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota statute §176.182, subdivision 2. I also understand that provision of false information in this certification constitutes sufficient grounds for adverse action against all licenses held, including revoration and suspension of said licenses. Name of Insurance Company: Policy Number: Coverage from to Remit Payment to:The City of Saint Paul O�ce of LIEP 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102-1510 Make Checks Payable to:The City of Saint Paul �`�'��'*�`*'*�'**' PAYMENT CAN NOW BE MADE BY CREDIT CARD!!! **********"*'**'�* IF PAYiNG BY CREDIT'CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING 1NFORMATION: � MasterCard �Visa v~■ EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: ❑L�/I�❑ ❑000-C1�I�C7-����-00�❑ Name of Cardholder (please print) Signature of Card Holder (required for ali charges) Date: Amount of Charge: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �b'� �� Clayton M. Robinsors, Jr., Ciry Attorrsey CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Devision 400 City Hall IS West Kellogg B/vd. Saini Paul, Minnuota 55l02 a..�. a 3 c�.�5, i�`�' ��.,� � aq Telephone: 65f 266-87l0 Facsimile: 651298-i619 August 17, 2000 NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED DATE FOR COUNCIL HEARING Owner/Manager Checkers Nite Club 1066 7�' Street East Saint Paul, MN 55106 RE: All Licenses held by E& K Corporation, d/b/a Checkers Nite Club for the premises at 1066 7t Street East in Saint Paul License ID #: 16335 Dear Sir/Madam: Please take notice that the hearing concerning adverse action against the above-named establishment has been re-scheduled 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 6, 2000. If you have any questions regarding this matter feel free to contact me at (651) 266-8710. Legal Assistant cc: Walter Engelhardt, 194 Ilwaco Road South, River Falls, WI 54022 I�ancy Anderson,,Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Daytons B1uffDistrict Community Council, 281 Maria Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55106 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co(emart, Ma}�or September 6, 2000 Walter Engelhardt 194 Ilwaco Road South River Falls, WI 54022 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY }lp� !�� Claytors �Yt. Robinsors, h., City Attorney U Civi[Division 400Cit}�Hn[1 Telephone:651166-87lp ISWes[KelloggBlvd. Fncsimr1e:651298-5619 Saiat Pnzel, Minnuota Sil02 RE: Proposed license suspension for all licenses held by E& K Corporation, d/b/a Checkers Nite Club for the premises at 1066 7"' Street East in Saint Paul Dear Mr. Engelhardt: The proposed suspension of your licenses for failure to pay license fees and failure to have liability insurance was on the September 6, 2000 City Council agenda for public hearing. You contacted me on September 5, 2000, telling me that you were closed and had been during the time since the insurance and fee lapse, and stated that you would send a letter to that effect. You also stated that you understood that you could not reopen until the license fees were paid in fuil and liquor liability insurance was in place. Based upon that information, I requested that the matter be laid over to September 27, 2000. You must send me a statement in wt that the establishment has been closed, indicating the date that it was closed and affirming that you understand that you cannot reopen unless liquor liability is in place and all fees have been paid in full. I must have that letter by next Wednesday, September 13, 2000. You can send it to me at the address above. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, �� �� ���.� Virgim Palmer Assistant City Attomey f cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP COUncil File # � O•+ 7`5 ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To �� Committee: Date 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 RESOLVED, that the Liquor On Sale - Over 100 Seats and Entertainment (B) licenses held by E& K Corporation d!b!a Checkers Nite Club (License ID Number 16335), for the premises located at 1066 7`� Street East in Saint Paul, is hereby suspended immediately for the violation of Pailure to Pay Delinquent License Fees and shall continue for a minimum of ten (10) days for the violation of Lapse in Liquor Liability Insurance. The suspension shall conrinue aftei the initial ten day suspension period and be in effect until such time as (1) the license fees and any late chazges or penalties have been paid in full, (2) the liquor liability insurance has been reinstated and (3) written notice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the facts contained in the July 6, 2000 Notice of Delinquent License Fees letter to the licensee and such argvxnents as may haue been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The licensee did not contest the facts of the violations. Requested by Department of: 1 �_ By: ,v Form Approved b City Attosne� By: C�L6 / Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Ma"or. Date Green Sheet # 1('� �i � $ ( By: Adopted by Council: Date �y_� �.� �p� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary W L� � {� GREEN SHEET N�106051 266-�9112 T BE ON COUNCIL AGQJOA BY (DAT� August 23, 2000 - Public Hearing .—,„-�-,,--, ��� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑ CIYAlTM1EY � tllVClatK � ❑ rNwa,LaawxcFao�. ❑ n�.,r,u.auw,�cc,o ❑ r�iaepR�uorr,wp ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution concerning adverse action against all licenses held by E& K Corpoxation, dba Checkers Nite Club, 1066 7th Street East for failure to pay delinquent license fees. PLANNMG CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �+es ure oe�swur� e�.»w�a anaa. a� r« w� a�art�m� YES ND Vias tlAS Pdeonlfirm e�er bcen a ekY emGloYee4 YES NO Ocec tFUC O��m G� a sfali rqt norm�hrP� bY anY arreM cilY emGbYee? YE3 NO le Mia C�eorVfirm a terpetetl verWaR Y . , ' YES NO ..,,,,." �v- ���� � � ���� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i cosrrt�v�r+ue euooer�o (drtaE or�q CL��L: ACTNITY NUI�ER INFORMAiION (EI�WIQ OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robinson, Jc, Ciry Aimrney d°' �5 CITY OF SAINT PAITL c�vrro;vuron - Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Hall Tetephone: 65I 266-8710 ISWutKelloggBlvd. Facsimile:651298-56l9 . , . SainS Pau1, Minnesota 55102 September 20, 2000 NOTICE OR COUNCIL HEARING Walter Engeihardt 194 S. Ilwaco Road River Falls, WI 54022 �d�',:^G13 .�'4B$°�i�r vr�,... ��� � P Z��d RE: All Licenses held by E& K Corporation, d(U(a Checkers Nite Club for the premises at 1066 7`� Street East in Saint Paul License ID #: 16335 Dear Mr. Engelhardt: Please take notice that the hearing concerning adverse action against the above-named estabiishment has been re-scheduled for 530 p.m. on Wednesday, September 27, 2000. Your letter dated September 10, 2000, (postmazked September 18, 2000) indicates that CheckPrs hzs been ci_osed since Januasy 1?, 2000, but the delinquent license fees cover the second half of last year, in addirion to the first half of 2000. Accordingly, I will stili be requesting suspension of the licenses. If you have any questions regarding this matter feel free to contact me at (651) 266-8710. Sincerely, ..��2�u.�G�� ���e� Virgima D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Daytons B1uff District Community Council, 281 Maria Avenue, Saint Paui, MN 55106 UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING °O' ��S Licensee Name: Address: Council Date; Violation: Location of Violation: License Ty�ses: E& K Corporation d/bfa Checkers Nite Ctub 1066 7t'' St East August 23, 2000 (1) Failure to Pay Second Half of 1999 License Fees and Renewal Fees for 2000 (2) Lapse in Liquor Liability Insurance Licensed Premises Liquor On Sale - Over 100 Seats and Entertainment (B) Licenses Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Immediate suspension (for a min�mum of 10 days) of all licenses unti! al) license fees and late fees have been paid in full and the liquor liability insurance has been reinstated. Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Delinquent License Fees 3. License Information Report 4. License information OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Claymn M Robinson, h., City Attorney � ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor August 2, 2000 CivilDivision 400Ciry Tetephone:651Id6-8710 ISWutKelloggBlvd Facsimile:651298-5619 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �,et sse�tc�'. �2<,- �� NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING ¢�� �?� Z��� Owner/Manager Checkers Nite Club 1066 7�' Street E. Saint Paui, Minnesota 55106 RE: All licenses held by E& K Corporation, d/b/a Checkers Nite Club, for the premises at 1066 7r StreeY East in Saint Paul License ID #: 16335 Dear Sir/Madam: Please take notice that a hearing conceming the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, August 23, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts conceming the failure to pay license fees and the expiration of your liquor liability insurance have not been denied. The recommendation of ihe license office will be for the immediate suspension of all your licenses for a minimum of ten days. You will have an opporiunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penaity, if any, to be imposed. If you have any questions, please cali me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, V - ��� ���� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Dayton's BiuffDistrict 4 Community Councii, 281 Maria Ave., St. Paul, MN 55106 OFFICE C�t THE CITY ATTOIL�tEY Clrsylon M. inson, Jc, City Aftarney O 0 ��`� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Norm Colem¢n, M¢yor July 6, 2000 Owner/Manager Checkers Nite Club 1066 7"' Street E. CivilDivisiox 400 Ciry Hal! I S Wut Kellogg Btvd Saint Pwd, Minnuota 55102 NOTICE OF DELINQLJENT LICENSE FEES Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 Telephone: 651266-8710 Fauimile: 657 298-5679 RE: All licenses held by E& K Corporation, d/b/a Checkers Nite Ciub, for the premises at 1066 7"` Street East in Saint Paul License ID #: 16335 Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the ]icenses held by E& K Corporation, d/b/a Checkers Nite Club, for the premises at 1066 7"' Street East in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as foliows: License fees for the`second half of 1999 and renewal fees for 2000 have not been paid. Currently the fees owed total �7,987. Additionaily, liquor liability insurance expired on April 30, 2000. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter admittin� that they are true. The matter will then be scheduled before the Saint Paul City Council for a hearing to determine what penaity, if any, is appropriate. You will have an opportunity to appeaz before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. The recommendation from the licensing office is for the immediate suspension of all licenses until ali license fees and late fees have been paid in full and your liquor liability insurance has been reinstated. If you wish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a notice of hearing with the date, time and place for the hearing, the name of the administrative law judge, and an explanation of the procedures. Page 2 Checkers Nite Club July 6, 2000 Qp —7fis If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, � .,�ca- `/� VQ�(i�r�/t � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Rohert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Dayton's Bluff District 4 Community Council, 281 Maria Ave., St. Paul, MN SS106 p� -'1�5 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF R�IMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on July 10, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF DELINQUENT LICENSE FEES on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Checkers Nite Club 1066 7` Street E. St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postaqe prepaid, in the Unit St tes mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. , ��� G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this lOth day of July, 2000. PETER P. pANG60RN NOTARY PUBl1C • MINNESOTA MY COMMISSpN EXPIRES JAN. 31, 2Wg i � i� i � Q�. W � a �`.. N � 0 I N �� � � I� d U � � � �M a IN t � I� � � � d I N C U � � � IQ � � w 0 c m N m v J � a N ��I� !a�il �V�y I -J�N _j Ll. o �I � � `z � I N IM c� M ��I� � O L�!o I"O I I � �� _ UI � 3 O' IL IN O I � I i � f� p �y� I W Ia �F c I I � � I° � I J m � J U W I-_' I � 'Z W Q Y m V � IS _U z O � ':z'a � C � O� i�l� a i ,w 1� U � �a I�� N� L 3; c� �' iE; IZ �, ,�' ��, a joi Ui �CI I`� h! u a� n �' � Z N �: o.� = a:� H � y n a� ^ C �!� m� � �� N Im '~ N IJ� � I ; i � i I � � j i u.i I ' ,i � ; n I � � � � � 0 I� f�l t6 I � 'id �W I� O N Q � O N J O M V 0 N w � � d � N G C � IJ � a N c N � o-�.. 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Total due on 6N 9l2040 is 57987.0�, Liquor liability expired 04/30/2000- CAR 04/1 V2000 congra4llations letter sent for passing alcohol compliance check. SS 03/� 6/2000 passed UM aicohol compliance check conducted by Vice/Ramstad. SS � �/19f99 - 2nd ha1F due letter mailed 't'Il19/89. Amount due $2,678.00 by 15/24/99/JL 4/29/99 Licensee needs 30 day to pay fees no penalty KS if paid within 30 days;4/20/99 - Liquor Liability dates incorrect (4N/99 to 4/1/2000}-agent will . cortect - LA8 3/23/99 - Kris will hand deliver reinstatement IeKer (also mailed to home address) - LAB 3/22/99 Received tax Gearance from Dept of Revenue. Bar ok to open 3/23/99. CAR 3/15/99 - Troy hand tlelivered Suspension Ietter. Mailed a copy to home address - LAB 2J18/99 Notice of license revocafion received from MN Dept of Rev.for tax hold. According to sfate law, City must revoke by 3/�9. State will send ciearance cert once delinquency is resolved. CAM 11/16/9S -$25.00 overyayment of lic fee refunded - PV #V330-1673 - LAB 'I-1498 payment 6 oF 6$606.35 CAR 12/15/97 payment 5 of 6($606.35) rec'd, balance due $606.35 ES. '11/19197 payment 4 of 6($606.35) rec'd, batance $7212.70. � 0/15/97 Paidt 3 Of 6($606.35) Rec D;Bai=y1819.05. 9/�3/97 Paid 2 Of 6($606 35) Rec'D:Ba1=2425.40 8/13/97 Paid 1 Of 6($606.35) Rec'D;Ba1=3031.75 8/6/97Sent Fine Letter (3,638.10) Due In 6 Pymnts 5/15/97 - Sent Fine And Afj Hearing Costs Letter (Fi�e-$3,000 & Alj Costs$638.10 Due 5l23l97}�Lab 5/2/97 - Letter Rec'D From Michal J Kalis Stating That He Be Removed From This License. He Has Not Had An Interest In This License Since 1982—Lk-Li� 4J23l97 C.F. #97-A17 App'D Imposing $3000 Fine And Costs Of Afj For ViofaGOn Of Entertainment-B Lic. 1/7/97—Rec'D 52,345.00 Payment For Bad Check-Lab '12/2J96-•Received License Payment Back "NsP - L'ab 8/22196—Rec'D Payment For $2,000 Bad Check - Lab 6/25/96 Home Address Info Of Officers Given To Joy Of Meshbesher 8 Spence Law Firm.—Lap-Lic 5/15/96 -$2,000.00 Check For Partial Payment Of License Fees Returned "Nsfl - Lab 062591 Ph On Appn For New Class B Gambling Location License App'D C.F. 91-1159 7l17l90 Change Of Business Name Per Resolufion Signed By RobeR Kessler �50 Seats 5-5-87 10401 00 -'16 ��� � Licensee �� � ��� �� } Type: T(ROperty f Licensee C_' Urn}f�ciel C C qp S�treet x: 066 Street Name: _"'...._"_ _".___ .__._____'____'_'_.. __._._.__.... StreetTyps � Dirediort vtlb � � lMT #. r CQY eA1b g flsk[,. 00 -�cs �nn LicenSe C property StreM #: Sireei Neme Sireet Type: Unrt tid. caY Stme JVartl: Dist Councit DBA � '� OBA KHECKFRSWTECLUB Licensee l Lic. Types �, 4tsura�ce ' 8ond , RequiremeMs � C,` Licensee �' Unofficial Prqecf Fer7astor. ASUNCION, CORiNNE I66 adwerse Action CommeMs li + S T WeGtbrc � Und p: �—� r on� e Lic¢nse Grpup CommeatS Zip: 55706 �9R0�0 To CAO for ativerse action for unpaid � ense tees for second helf 1994 end 266� rmewal. Wal due on 6119l2000 is $ 7987.00. CAR AtI1R�00 congratulations klter seM for pass'nA irnhd cwr�fiance check. SS .. L'�censee J1i98F1omeintormationforWeMerN CommeMx gelhardt gtven to Briget of Saris 8 Saris aWtVm C338.1415}-lep-GC History OO -��GS "' E �.�1��1°"- . I '°`..� . ! 1 DBA �FiECKERSWTECLUB ��� . y �� e: License �censee � Lic. Types � 4isuraxe � Brntl � Requiremerds � Stre� �icensee Neme: 8 K CARPORQTION ,_""'_'._. �_..._..__.... ._.�.___.."""'_'_....... Dire�3�D8& NISECUIB _ . �� :' Saies Tax IfF 121502 Pb�.ProfA: � Norker's Coma AOA000 �; AA CaMrad ReC2 NOiW00 x,q,q Treining Rec'd O/OOi➢000 � AA Fee Cotlectetl: NOrtlWO �Discourd Rec'@ [— Financiel Hald Reasans ���p�ta ry'{��a" y ��" �:' "�.� ; . . Stffie of MN Tax Hold Lc N p2R5/1999 �MallicerseTn i � N� To CarRect � �' License Atldress ; —MaJ Imoice To; — ' r Mad Ta CoNact ' r License Atltlress Background Check Reqwred (— � M i d O r � � C� Q � Z O N `� � C "� R ' n a m F � W F- � _ t-- ti m m O _ � � O C d � R d 0 s 0 .� � N C L H `m � O N 7 U d w J � Q M � O � 0 0 0 N n � � E @ z ¢ m � m � J U W 1-- Z � � LLI Y U w x U Z Z C 0 O �-- N � � O a � 0 U Y � W Y C � M O � � N a c- �zzzzz}ry��r»�r��r�r�r���r��r�}>}��r N G C C C C 3 N N N N N ip � 7 � 3 7 aacsva � C C G C C .� .� .� .� .� ooano N N � 00 CV chM � � O O O O O p u0000 x O O O O O W O N N N N N 00000 M1C=JM(`�� 'cY V V V V � c m � m � O ' " d c� m C {{{ (p �� � c � c � c `� � O O o � � � � '0. 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Please write fhe changes on this farm, tf your business license address is changing, piease request a new business license application. May 31, 2000 To: E & K CORPOR4TlON CHECKERS NITE CLUB 1066 7TH ST E ST PAUL MN 551063953 BUSiNESS PHONE : 651-776-7915 Transaction Description Inv: 228753 16335 Restaurant (B) - More than 12 Seats Expires: 04I30l2000 @ 1066 7TH ST E Inv: 228753 16335 Liquor On Sale - Sunday Expires: 04/30/2000 inv: 228753 16335 Liq on Safe - Over 100 Seats - B Expires: 04/30/2000 Inv:22875316335 Entertainment B Expires:04/30l2000 Inv: 236700 Late Fee 730 days late (10%) Late Fee 31-60 days late (10%) , Requirements Transaction Total Your account is overdue. Pfease mail payment today!! Please complete the following information for your First Half renewal (disregard if invoice is for the 2nd haif Company & DSA Names (if different lhan above): Business Phone #s (include fax, cell, & pager if applicable): Applicant Name, Date o Birth, Home Address, & Phone #'s: Manager Name, Date of Birth, Address & Phone #'s: Liquor is served in the following rooms: Signature & Title o4 Applicant: Submit with First Haif payment only: 'State renewal certificate *Proof of current liquor liability insurance (expiration must coincide with your license expiration date) 450.00 200.00 2,325.00 527.00 350.00 350.00 CITY OF SAINT PAUL O�ce of License, I�spections & Environmental Protection 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102-1510 PHONE: (651)266-9090 FAX: (651)266-9124 Invoice # : 238428 invoice Due Date: Upon Receipt Account Balance: $10,312.00 Pay this Amount: $4,202.00 �� , r i OO ��f�'S DOG LICENSE AND COMPETENCY CARD RENEWALS DO NOT NEED TO COMPLETE THE WORKER S COMPENSAT/ON INFORMATION FOR BUSINESS LICENSE RENEWAL ONLY: CERTIFiCATION OF W ORKERS' COMPENSATtON COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE §176.186 I hereby certify that I, or my company, am in compliance with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota statute §176.182, subdivision 2. I also understand that provision of false information in this certification constitutes sufficient grounds for adverse action against all licenses held, including revoration and suspension of said licenses. Name of Insurance Company: Policy Number: Coverage from to Remit Payment to:The City of Saint Paul O�ce of LIEP 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102-1510 Make Checks Payable to:The City of Saint Paul �`�'��'*�`*'*�'**' PAYMENT CAN NOW BE MADE BY CREDIT CARD!!! **********"*'**'�* IF PAYiNG BY CREDIT'CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING 1NFORMATION: � MasterCard �Visa v~■ EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: ❑L�/I�❑ ❑000-C1�I�C7-����-00�❑ Name of Cardholder (please print) Signature of Card Holder (required for ali charges) Date: Amount of Charge: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �b'� �� Clayton M. Robinsors, Jr., Ciry Attorrsey CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Devision 400 City Hall IS West Kellogg B/vd. Saini Paul, Minnuota 55l02 a..�. a 3 c�.�5, i�`�' ��.,� � aq Telephone: 65f 266-87l0 Facsimile: 651298-i619 August 17, 2000 NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED DATE FOR COUNCIL HEARING Owner/Manager Checkers Nite Club 1066 7�' Street East Saint Paul, MN 55106 RE: All Licenses held by E& K Corporation, d/b/a Checkers Nite Club for the premises at 1066 7t Street East in Saint Paul License ID #: 16335 Dear Sir/Madam: Please take notice that the hearing concerning adverse action against the above-named establishment has been re-scheduled 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 6, 2000. If you have any questions regarding this matter feel free to contact me at (651) 266-8710. Legal Assistant cc: Walter Engelhardt, 194 Ilwaco Road South, River Falls, WI 54022 I�ancy Anderson,,Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Daytons B1uffDistrict Community Council, 281 Maria Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55106 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co(emart, Ma}�or September 6, 2000 Walter Engelhardt 194 Ilwaco Road South River Falls, WI 54022 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY }lp� !�� Claytors �Yt. Robinsors, h., City Attorney U Civi[Division 400Cit}�Hn[1 Telephone:651166-87lp ISWes[KelloggBlvd. Fncsimr1e:651298-5619 Saiat Pnzel, Minnuota Sil02 RE: Proposed license suspension for all licenses held by E& K Corporation, d/b/a Checkers Nite Club for the premises at 1066 7"' Street East in Saint Paul Dear Mr. Engelhardt: The proposed suspension of your licenses for failure to pay license fees and failure to have liability insurance was on the September 6, 2000 City Council agenda for public hearing. You contacted me on September 5, 2000, telling me that you were closed and had been during the time since the insurance and fee lapse, and stated that you would send a letter to that effect. You also stated that you understood that you could not reopen until the license fees were paid in fuil and liquor liability insurance was in place. Based upon that information, I requested that the matter be laid over to September 27, 2000. You must send me a statement in wt that the establishment has been closed, indicating the date that it was closed and affirming that you understand that you cannot reopen unless liquor liability is in place and all fees have been paid in full. I must have that letter by next Wednesday, September 13, 2000. You can send it to me at the address above. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, �� �� ���.� Virgim Palmer Assistant City Attomey f cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP