276134 WHITE - C�TV CLERK ,6' ti PINK .y FINANCE C I OF SA I NT� PAU L COUnCIl ������ CANARV - DEPARTMENT BVUE - MAVOR � File N 0. cil solution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby consents to the appointment by the Mayor of the following named persons to the Saint Paul Manpower Planning Council: BUSINESS SECTOR Burton Baker, 3M Charles Bradley, West Publishing David Gray, Liberman Distributing Noreen Nelson, Sperry-Univac William Pinotti, Beissel, Inc. ORGANIZED LABOR ** Tony DeZiel, St. Paul Trades & Labor Bill Harder, 3M Local 6-67 John Hearle, Int' 1 Assoc. of Machinists #77 Jenny Kron, AFL-CIO Human Resources AGENCY REPRESENTATIVES Wayne Wittman, State Services for the Blind Joyce Walker, State Dept. of Economic Security, Youth Coordinato Craig Vos_ , Project Remand Victoria VanSlyke, Working Opportunities for Women Charles Routhe, State Department of Economic Security Jim Robinson, Loft Teen Center Robert Parke, Ramsey Co. Community Human Services Dept. John Metz, Goodwill Industries of Saint Paul Joe Meagher, Bureau of Apprenticeship & Training Robert Hickman, Inner City Youth League Val Hansen (Ms. ) , Division of Vocational Rehabilitation James Shelton, Urban League EDUCATION Ben Bryant, IDS #625 Gerhard Nelson, Saint Paul TVI - continued - COUIVCILME[V Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: In Favor _ __ Against BY — Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By t#pproved by IVlavor. Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii By _ BY WMITE - C�TV CIERK � PINK f FINANCE COUnCII �• CANARV - OEPARTMENT � CITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �•� ��� B.iUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date page 2 CLIENT SECTOR * Ricardo Flores, Hispanos en Minnesota Edward Benton Banai, Red School House Carolyn Carroll David Van Ness,P.AP George Woodbury, Vets Resource Center, U of M GOVERNMENT Councilwoman Joanne Showalter * indicates Chairman ** indicates Vice Chairman COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ,{�. Nays � Levine Maadox In F avor McMahon QI sno•���iter - __ Against BY — Tedesco Wi!5on DEC 3 0 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Y s-ed y Counci ecre BY � � �1pp d by iNavor: at _ Appr v by Mayor for iss n ouncil By.� `/ _ BY !AN 1 J 1981 ����?.�., ' ��fi��� ��•T' �>'''�,.. G I'T�?' O�.�' S��I I\T T �A U L �� m�� � r�' g*� OFFICE UF THE MAYQR � � �,� i�;,��� ,a � L A..1� �,� �?�,'7'p� ,�*, <•-' 347 CITY HALL "''♦�;arcr,•,s" . SAINT PAUI., NtINNBSOTA 55103 GEGRGE T.ATi4iER (622) 298-A323 3biA fOIt TO: Council President Rora Mad3ox and Mem�bers of the Saint Paul City Council FROM: Mayor George Latimer � / �� ' DATE: November 4, 1980 SUBJECT: Appointment.s to the Manpower Planning Council Attached is a resolution naming 28 persons ta serve on the Saint Paul Manpower Planning Council - for your consideration and approval. 'rheir resumes are attached. Thank you. GL/lm attachments ; ;�; ° �