276119 WHITE - CITY CLERK �,.`♦ PINK - FINANCE � `���n CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I�TY O F SA I NT PA LT L COIIRCII � ` BLUE - MAYOR � Fll@ N O. Council Resolution Presented By 1 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Resolved, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10. 07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1980 Budget: From: Department of the Mayor Division qf Human Rights Salaries, appointed 00150-114-000 $ 5, 000.00 To: Departrnent of the City Attorney City Attorney Other fees 00200-219-000 $ 5 , 000 .00 A:�;��rovecz, as to funding: Approved: . Director Finance Budget Director ��m �i'o D `�� �'Y/v/�O COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon sno�iter __ Against B Tedesco wlson pE� 2 3 1980 rm p roved by ity Attorney Adopted b ouncil: Date _ � � � Certi � d Yass y Cou .i ecrefary � . Ap r by Ulavor: D e �EC 2 � �gBQ A ro y Mayor for S iss'on to Council By BY , � {��:; �,�1.��.� i�►v ;� .., ., �1 al: 1�/�97'S� } , . .; ? �v � 9�� � . �f�,���: ,�rc-�:.�`F # . ,�y . ��PL-ANATI4�lV QF A�t NISTRAT�Y� �RS, , � _ �+�[��,�,� ' , � _ �� . ___� .._ ,� ,/ ., : r , ' � . � ���� � , < ;�a�,r$� � -- � , . „ ;fld��s 1�ove���r 25. k:980 ; �: �`Ta: MAYOR G€� LATIMER � r; FR: Ga�y �Torstrem ��� � /�� � , �;'4 . � . . . . . . ' . .. . . . - . . . . . �. , . , , ��; CQUNGIL �S€?��`It}�i�CBRTTFYIl4G �'AX LEVY FOBs �1 $S,�OQ,QE�fl �.0. R:eft�ndit�;� Bonds of 197,$ ��n�d $�r,�S��,At� G.�: �t���re.���iem�t : � Boad� of 1979, Serie� A . , :: 2) $2,Ob5,fl'�A 'G.U. P�rk Nurse�p. Developme�t Bonds af ].97�: Se�ies 'B . ! - l�'�t1M .R�: ' Psaaw�;g�s of the. atfi.ached xeeolutions will eertify complete�lev� fcr' th� a�e - ', _' boad is�ues. _ . , � ; ; . , , -a ; ; 'PU#�P�3� AMR f�14T�t�NAl.� �OR'THIS �CTION: : ` ___ ': Wtsen �� a�av� �nds-were sold, ;ottly a partiaY. ce�rtifieatic�se c�� �ti��:3�� •, ' : wae n�e tct:.the Coturfiy Audi tar �d a pledge v�s' �i��d th�t �fip�ee �►�[[].aii�e �a►o�.� ` , , : b�e oov�red ��-tax increattents. S�.nce that ti� it a�pears;that,.t�e �ax � ; , - .- incre�ent cait`exage is even stroager than exp�ct�ecL. B€�wever, to c�rt�c���t�tl� ' `. . : � State law regar�iing public i.ndebtedness the Cit3� s�u1d cert��� `t�ez ta�a�� ' `- ;. l�' �o t$e' Coumty Audit�r. : � � .�, � , . ' . � . �. � ' _ � . ' � . , . � . . .-� j:' '. , . _ � . � . . . � . ' . . ' ' . ( �. . .. . . Ai"TACHNfENTS: t, . . . . � ... . ,.. ..,.. • . r.�r .:� � '�. . . . .. . .. . . . . . :. , _�TO .I'C80�11C�0A$ _ . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . � ' . ' ., � . . �9� . . . . . . .. . . ... : �. � . .: . . �. .. .i� i,.:�fa.: a� . __ ' �'Z'I''ti'" O�` �.r1I?'�'".� �A�3I. � r'i�''"�,l ., • . r � F L ��.. OFF'7�� ar ���. c��rx co��cz�. ���'�..�....�,,.�' f ri' ._,.�!�!:�ti��� . j. :,.:,:-:;�.� }�:�� � 'i �_:�, ,�� >> �`i\ �� � �,��''''� Da�e : December 18, 1980 � ,``�-'y,y.� •�_ ~�`'-_ � Ci � �'� ���� � � �� � � �.:. i� � � � '� O : soin� Paui cit;+ Cauncit - ._- - �RO �VI = C0�'tti'ffl$`�@v Ot1 FINANCE, MANAGEMEN7 & PERSONNEL • - George P1cMahon : , ehoifman, ma�kes the fol io���ing � repori on �.F- [� Ordinanc� . � �17) Q l�esolution . - . - - ' - ' � :C�:ti er . � ��'�..� : � - At its meeting of December 18, 1980, the Finance Committee recommended approval � _ of the :fol.l owi ng: � , 1. � Resolutions .approving renewal of Health and Welfare and life insurance coverages for 1981 for city employees and employess of Independent School �District �625. _ � � (10 resolutions -- 11�83-GM, 11584-GM, 11585-GM, 11586-GM, . 115$7-GM, 11588-GM, . . 11589-GM, 11590-GM, 71591-GM and 11592-GM) . _ 2. Resolution approving transfer of funds for city's share of local match for - � �. Diagnostic �Study of Como Lake. . � 3. Resolution approving 1981 , Residential Street Paving Program: � � . 4. Reso1ution approving amended agreement extending Operating Agreement with � St. Paul Ramsey Ar.ts and Science Council for operation of the 7A Parking Ramp. ' � - 5. Resolution authorizing the destruction of cancelled goVernment bonds and _ coupons. (11561-GM) . . . 6. Resolution transferring �5,000 from Human Rights to City Attorney's Office __ to fund management and operational procedures study of City Attorney's Office. 7. Resolutions certifying tax levy for �General Obiigation Refunding Bonds of 1978, General Obligation Development Bonds of 1979, Series A; and General Obligation Park Nursery Development Bonds of 1979, Series B. (11555-GM) 8. Resolution approvinq 1981 Identfied Treatment Area (ITA) Budgets. G1TY i-IALL SEVE;�T�I �LOO;Z S_�I1iT PAUI., 14tt►1T\FSOTx1 5�10.'. '�' ..., '::r . OM O1: 32,�i975 ` Rev. : 9/8/76 � � Rev. : 5/7/80 ' EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE DRDERS, F, /J�,�P rL *�d-/� RESOLUTIONS ANd ORDINANCES ���� Date: DECENIBER 10, 1980 TO: Nip,yOR GEORGE LATIMER FROM: RICHARD SCHROEDER �= COUNCIL RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS IN' THE 1980 BUDGET. ti ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of attached resolution. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: � Su�plus funds are available in the Human Rights Degartment because of vacancies during the course of the year, and this resolution will transfer $5,000 of that surplus to the City Attorney's budget. That amount together with $10,000 from Community Development funds, would be used to fund a management and operational procedures study of the - ��� A��torney' s Of f ice. This study is one element in a comprehensive study of criminal justice agencies in Ramsey County. The total cost of the studies and related administrative costs is $92,000. Of that total, Ramsey County will pay $77,000 and Saint Paul will pay $15,000; $10,000 for the study of- the � of the City Attorney' s Office and $5,000 toward the administrative costs. Depending on the outcome of the study of the City Attorney' s Office a decision will be made on whether to participate in t he development of a county-wide computerized criminal justice information system. ,ATTACHMENTS: . Resolution _ , � � � �� � � � �°����".�°�`. ' ''� CiTY �F SA1NT PAUL r -=~Af�'+ I`A 'i:� ` . . :� ��.�� _� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ~.: ''..� J�t���1�_ >' � �_- EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY �••• ��� , 647 City Hall,Saint Paui,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-5121 MAYOR Ma.y 1, 1980 ,�ECEIVEO - MAY 2 - �nn"� �AAVOR'S O��ICE The Honorable George 0. Petersen, Chairman � Criminal Justice Information System Task Force - 480 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, MN 551Q2 � Dear Judge Petersen: I have reviewed, together with members of my staff, the Criminal Justi�e Information System Task Force �report of March 17, 1980. You arid the members of the Task Force are to be commended in your efforts to provide improvement in the processing of criminal justice information in Ramsey County. As you l�ow, the criminal division of the City Attorney' s office is r�sponsible for the prosecution of all misdemeanors and petty misdemeanors committed in the City of St. Paul. The volume of cases has been estimated to be 26,000 each year. Taking these cases from initial charging to conclusion by a plea or trial involves generating and exchanging information with a number of other criminal justice agencies, defense attorneys and witnesses. Daily, requests are made to our staff for information on the status of a particular case, including court dates, sentences, and attorney assignments. Ma.ny man hours axe spent locating this data. An area of particular concern for effective prosecution is gather- ing and retention of accurate data on criminal histories. It is the prosecutor' s obligation to provide the court with this type of information to assist in sentencing. This responsibility is difficult to fulfill when records of criminal offenses in St. Paul suburban areas are not readily accessible to my prosecution staff. I suspect a computerized information system ma.y provide the solution to the problem of retaining and exchanging crimina� justice information efficiently and accurately. However, I am ��'�'v _ . .� , � a � �� i i � �: Honorable George 0. Petersen Page 1�ao May 1, 1980 concerned that an analysis of our office be conducted by an expert in the field to determine whether the benefit to the city justifies the expense of the installation and maintenance of a computerized information system at this time. I feel this deserves priority consideration. Assuming that the result of such an analysis would be favorable � toward implementation of an automa.ted system, I support the concept of an integrated, county-wide approach as the most sensible to pursue. If the cost benefit analysis is favorable and funds can , be obtained to implement the beginning phases Qf the system, this office looks forward to participating in the establishment of an integrated computerized informa.tion system. You�s very tr�ly, � �''% ��'� �__ ✓ ,�r L�/,r�►U �'`�,�.,�'�j� '���1vTARD P.�ARR City Attorney EPS:jr cc: Polly Flynn ' Katherine Ackland � bcc: Richard Schroeder