PINK - FINANCE n ���'''yyy (((
BLUE - MAYOR File N O. `
Council Resolution
Presented By `
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The City Council by resolution has authorized the issuance of
$4,865,000 City of SainC Paul General Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds,
Series 1979, numbered 1 to 973, inclusive, and the issuance of $2,655,000
City of Saint Paul General Oblig$tion Water Pollution Abatement Bonds,
Series 1979, numbered 1 to 531, �nclusive (the Obligations) ; and
WHEREAS, The City Council by resolution haa appointed TH13 FIRST NATIONAL
BANK OF SAINT PAUL and CHEMICAL BANK, New York City to be the co-paying agents
for the Obligations; and
WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul, by its proper officers, has entered
into an Agreement with said Banks as specified in MSA 475.553 subd. 2; now
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That The First National Bank of Saint Paul and Chemical Bank,
A1ew York City, be directed to forthwith upon presentation and payment of
Obliga�ions or coupons, cancel the same by perforation or other appropriate
means and, within a reasonable time thereafter, destroy said paid and cancelled
Obligations. Such destruction is to be accomplished by cremation or shredding,
and a certification as to this action shall be sent to the City on a fully
completed standard form Consolidated Destruction Certifica�ion Report, not less
frequently than semi-annually.
COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hunt � Fina nd Services-Treasu Di ision
Levine In FavOr
Maddox � �
McMahon __ A a1I1St
Showalter - g
Wilson � 2 3 �gg0
� Form Approv by C' y or
Adopted , Council Date —
Ce ied P• •• by uncil Secretary BY
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Ap r d by 1�layor: a� �1Qf2�_ App v d by Mayor fo S sion to Council
By – BY
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���_''�Y.y'�;� Da�e : December 18, 1980
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F¢�O � = COti1�71�$�`@� �n FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL • -
George McMahon ; ei�ai�man, makes the folto+�iing .
� � report on C,F. � Ordinanc� .
_ . � �») � Resolution -
- . . � Otner . -
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At its meet%ng of December l8, 1980, the Finance Committee reeor�nended approval � _
of the fol.l owi ng: .
', . Reso7utions approving renewal of Hea1th and Welfare and life insurance coverages
for 1981 for ci.ty employees and employess of Inde�endent School �Distr.ict #625. .
' � (10 resolutions -- 11583-GM, 11584-GM, 11585-GM, 11586-GM, 11587-GM, 11588-G{N,
, : 11589-GM, 11590-GM, 1159T-GM and 11592-GM) .
�: 2. 'Resolution approving transfer. of funds for city's share of 1oca1 match for � .
Diagnos�ic�Study of Como Lake. . - �
3.� Resolution approving 1981 : Residential Street Paving Program: � -
. 4. Resolution approying amended agreement extending Operating Agreement with -
St. Paul Ramsey Ar.ts and Science Council for operation of the 7A Parki�ng Ramp. _ �
- 5. Resolution authorizing the destruction of cancelled goVernment bonds and
coupons. (11561-GM)
. 6. Resolution transferring $5,000 from Human Rights to City Attorney's Office __
to fund management and operational procedures study of City Attorney's Office.
7. Resolutions certifying tax levy for �General Obligation Refunding Bonds of 1978,
General Obligation Development Bonds of 1979, Series A; and General Obligation
Park Nursery Development Bonds of 1979, Series B. (11555-GM)
8. Resolution approving 1981 Identfied Treatment Area (ITA) Budgets.
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Date: �o�ar 25�, 198fl , ��� ._,. ,�
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F�t:A Gss�►- �. N��tr�, Dep�. o� Finaa�e �& l�gn�. Sa�icvic�s /��'" _
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a8+e�a�• �e.p�sEi�g of t.�te attached resa]:�tie�t�l�#I,is t�at otili�s�ios:��
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Untii 29�, aIl cancel;�sd �e sad bond� �or�,��Cy dfbt i.�a�iea 'i(�riM
' ` lain r�tiw�d to th�.:��nari��e D+tpart�eat fo� s�i�ing a�i �fl#.a��. . � .
This �sstrat�t+o� praesss, ss �rat2lned ia � attaehad rESe►3u����fa, i�tal�#�a$ ' �
�;:, th� cs�r.t��l.�ti+on �etorta, �ili �k'I��ima��th�.s ti.e�p-eoas�� tt�p an� . ' Y,
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