276116 �NH17E � CITV CLERK ',['yjy�n{q• ♦� PINK — FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L COUflCll !.•/ ���� C`ANARV — DEPARTMENT BLUE � MAVOR r��f iJ�.V File N 0. � Council Resolution Presented By ` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING TO SPECIFIC RESIDENTIAL STREET PAVING PROJECTS THE ADOPTED 1981 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET APPROPRIATION TO THE ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL STREET PAVING PROGRAM (RSPP) BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Saint Paul, after review by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, with the advice of the Long-Range Capital �mprove- ment Budget Committee, and upon the recommendation of the Mayor, that the streets identified below are approved for street paving and related im- provements from the funds indicated, whose source is the appropriation to the 1981 Residential Street Paving Program in the 1981 Capital Improvement Budget (log numbers S-6610 and S-6611 as further detailed on page 88 of that budget) as adopted by this Council on September 30, 1980; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Public Works is authorized to begin design work immediately on the streets identified so that bids may be sought and contracts awarded in 1981 in a timely manner subsequent, as appropriate, to receipt of proceeds of the 1981 Capital Improvement Bond sale and receipt of authorization from _the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to expend Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Year VII funds: 1981 RSPP: Approved Projects Available Funds = $1,783,000 CDBG VII Estimated Amount Cumulative Priority Log No. Project Cost Budgeted CDBG VII 1 SP-0301 Congress, Isabel, 388,400 388,400 388 ,400 Hall, Stryker 2 SP-0401 Ross 312 ,500 312 ,500 700 ,900 3 SP-0901 Nugent, Western, etc. 334 ,375 334,375 1 ,035 ,275 (historic lighting) 64 ,200 64 ,200 1 ,099,475 COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � [n Favor . - -- Against BY —_ �'"`'' � Form Approved by C' y A or Adopted by Council: Date — / Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � (,' ' By _ . Approved by ;Nayor: Date _ Appr ve y Mayor fof 5 'ss Council By _ By WHITE � GITV CLERK . � �y�.w�:���� PINK - FINANCE � COURCIl ! ! C'�ANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File� NO. ''�S BLUE �- MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Priority Log No. Project Estimated Amount Cumu a ive Cost Budgeted CDBG VII 4 SP-0801 Avon, Fisk, Milton 342 ,600 342,600 1,442 ,075 5 SP-0603 Manitoba, Winnipeg, 384 ,850 340 ,925 1,783,000 Park 6 , SP-0501 Desoto, Jessie design from CDBG VI and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event of project bids in excess of estimated project cost, the scope of project SP-0603, Manitoba, Winnipeg, Park, is to be reduced through Public Works consultation with the District 6 Planning to a point at which the preceding four listed project contracts may be awarded; and be it FINA�LY RESOLVED, that Project SP-O501, Desoto, Jessie, is to be designed in its entirety and the Administrator of Community Development is to advise the appropriate district councils and Public Works not later than September 1 , 1981, of the availability of CDBG unspecified contingency funds for both award of a contract for project SP-0501 and for completion of SP-0603, if necessary. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: � �Bernar J. C "r son, Director � R c ar E. chroe er Fin ce & Ma ement Services Budget Director Yeas OUIVCILME Na s Requested by Department of: Y Levine � Maddox [n Favor McMahon � Showalter __ Against BY Tedesco Wilso Adopted Council• Date QEC 2 3 i980 Form Approved b 'ty torney Ce fied Yas- by Cou .il ecretajy BY App ;Vlavor: Date — • DE� �_.��.�v.A� App v d by Mayor for b i �ion•to Council By _ _ By Pt�USr3�� �APS 3 1981 "'�;;''_ V�Zi� �� IJ����r� �..��L+ .r..''✓���, % f �� ; 'i':. OFF'I:,�E OF+ 1'tTI: CITX CO�'1 CzT. � ����V �, r �.`.. .:;�•;��!�.� �� �;i; `�"` f �� ���:..�.� :`,.:-_:;�►�._J� . \`� 1 Da t e . December 18, 1980 'a�• ' � F/;':'` . � � .. \�..�� _ . . . �. Q �'a� i��%� � � T � � � �: � � � � _ . ? O : Sain� Pdul Gifiy Cou��ci� � . _"•: . - F�RO� = CU��'t'it��E'� Oi1 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL • �. � ` George McMahon ; chairman, ma�kes the fol tov�iing . _ � � re�orf on C.�. [� Or-dinanee _ . - : �17� � Resotu�ion : . _ ' . • � �Dt ti er � - � �� 't' t�'LE : - . _ At its meeting of December l8, 1980, the Finance Committee recommended approva� of. the fol-1 owi ng: 1. -� Resolution� .approving renewal of Health and Welfare and life insurance coverages for 1981 for ci.ty employees and employess of Inde�endent School �District #625. . ' � (10 resolutions -- 11583-GM, 11584-GM, 11585-GM, 11586-GM, 11587-GM, 11588-GM, 11589-GM, 11590-GM, 11591-GM and 11592-GM) . _ �. 2. � Resolution approving transfer of funds for city's share of local match for � _ : � Di agnosti c �Study of Como Lake. . - - 3. Resolution approving 1981 Residential Street Paving Program: .� , - . 4. Reso1ution approvirig amended agreement extending Operating Agreement with _ St. Paul Ramsey Ar.ts and Science Council for operation of the 7A Parking Ramp. . - 5. Resolution authorizing the destruction of cancelled government bonds and coupons. (11561-GM) � . 6. Resolution transferring $5,000 from Human Rights to City Attorney's Office __ to fund management and operational procedures study of City Attorney's Office. 7. Resolutions certifying tax levy for �General Obligation Refunding Bonds of 1978, General Obligation Development Bonds of 1979, Series A; and General Obligation Park Nursery Development Bonds of 1979, Series B. (11555-GM) . 8. Resolution approving 1981 Identfied Treatment Area (ITA) Budgets. CITY iIALL S6�'E:�TH FLO�R S:11:�T P�Uf., 1LII\�tiES'JTs� 5�l0' � �h . 4��.J , . . OM O1 : 12/1975 . Revz� 9I8I76 EXPLANATION OF ADhk.iNISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTtONS, AND ORDiNANCES . - ��t9��� Date: , .;� " L"t , w#a `��I"' � OEC 1 7i98" T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ��� FR: �ublic Works Street Divi.sion RE: 1981 Residential Strset Paving 'Progra,m - � � ACTION REQUESTED: Approve program and streets listed therein PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THJS ACTION: Obtain Council approval of program as submitted by Lonc� Ranc�e Capitol Improvement Budget Committee and authorize Public Works Department to proceed. . ATTACHMENTS: � Resolution MJE:ddr . x-�,•�, � z � ��1 ,,,...>�;;^^�,:,, C I T Y O F SA I:�T T Pa U L =. °► �< �•`i '�'-. OFFICE OF THE rIAY08 ,e :; �c �; i,: ,._ ... ' "�•,••�c"'` 347 CZTY HALL 6EOBOE LaTI�EB SAII�PT PAU?.,JiIIiNEgOTA 56108 �Ya$ �e�� 898-�� RE�E�V� December 12, 1980 � t�� 1� �p . Council President Ron Maddox and OFFfCE p� SeventhrFloortCitylHallouncil ��ORGEIy�MAHON Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council President Maddox and City Council Members: RE: 1981 Residential Street Paving Program Attached you will find the report and recommendations of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) Committes regarding the 1981 Residential Street Paving Program (RSPP) . I have also attached a copy of a resol.ution for your consideration which will implement the paving recommendations of the CIB Committee. The RSPP decision-making process was conducted according to the usual format of the Unified Capital Improve�ent Proqram and Budget Process (UCIPBP) . By this I mean that project proposals were solicited by the Budget Section of the Mayor's Office; reviewed and rated by the Streets and Utilities Task Force of the CIB Committee; framed as a budget prv- posal by the CIB Connnittee and recommended by the Co�ittee to the Mayor and City Council. I have made no changes to the CIB Committee's recommendations in the attached resolution. I have asked the Finance Conuaittee chairman to bring the attached resolution to the City Council at the meeting of Thursday, Decer.�ber 23 , 1980. I have also asked Councilman George McMahon, chairperson of the Council's Finance, Management and Personnel Committee to review the resolution and take ublic comment on it at the Finance Committee meeting o Dece er 8 (room 707 Cit Ha at : 0 .m. . Copies o this etter an its attac - ments are eing sent to e � eig borhood Contact List as notice of the opportunity for public comment an both the CIB Conunittee report and on my proposed resolutioa. The letter without attachment is being provided as a notice of information availability to the larger Early Notification System (ENS) . Sincerely. ; �• f � , _� ' , � � ; � ,I.� �\ -�e o=�e���ime r Mayo cc: ENS Streets & Utilities Task Force Neighborhood Contact List CIB Committee • .�'MITE - CITV �LERK ,��`��r���� GINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I�TT �PA L L Council CAN4RV � OEPARTMENT � BLJE � MAYpR File NO• Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING TO SPECIFIC RESIDENTIAL STREET PAVING PROJECTS THE ADOPTED 1981 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET APPROPRIATION TO THE ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL STREET PAVING PROGItAM (RSPP) BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Saint Paul, after review by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, with the advice of the Long-Range Capital Improve- nuent Budget Committee, and upon the recommendation of the Mayor, that the streets identified below are approved for street paving and related im- provements from the funds indicated, whose scurce is the appropriation to the 1981 Residential Street Pavinq Program in the 1981 Capital Improvement Budget ilog numbers S-6610 and S-6611 as further detailed on page 88 of that budget) as adopted by this Council on September 30, 1980; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Departmeat of Public Works is authorized to begin design work immediately on the streets identified so that bids may be sought and contracts awarded in 1981 in a timely manner subsequent, as appropriate, to receipt of proceeds of the 1981 Capital Improvement Bond sale and receipt of authorization from _the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to expend Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Year VII funds: 1981 RSPP: Approved Projects Available Funds = $1,783,000 CDBG VII Estimated Au�ount Cumulative Priority Log No. Project Cost Budgeted CDBG VII - 1 SP-0301 Congress, Isabel, 388,400 388,400 388 ,400 Hall, Stryker 2 SP-0401 Rcss 312,500 312,500 700,900 3 SP-0901 Nuqent, Western, etc. 334,375 334,375 1,035 ,275 (historic lighting) 64,200 64,200 1,09�9,475 COUNCIL1�lEN Requested by Depanment oE: Yeas Nays � [n Favor Against BY Adopted b�• Cuuncil: Date F'orm Appcoved by City Attomey Certified Passed bt- Council Secretar}� BY Bc Appro�•ed by 1•lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By wNITE - Ci7V GLERK �,.� � PINK - FINAN�E CITY OF SAI �TT PALL Councii ��������� C4NYRY - OEPARTMENT 7 BLUE -M4YOR File �O. Council �Zesolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Priority Loq No. Project Est�.mate Amoun umu a ive Cost Budgeted CDBG VII 4 SP-0801 Avon, Fisk, Milton 342,600 342,600 1,442,075 5 SP-0603 Manitoba, Winnipeq, 384,850 340 ,925 1,783,000 Park 6 . SP-O501 Desoto, Jessie desiqn from CDBG VI and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event of project bids in excess of estimated project cost, the scope of project SP-0603, Manitoba, Winnipeg, Park, is to be reduced through Public Works consultation with the District 6 Planning to a point at which the preceding four Iisted project contracts may be awarded; and be it . FINA�,LY RESOLVED, that Project SP-O501, Desoto, Jessie, is to be designed in its entirety and the Administrator of Comntunity Development is to advise the appropriate district councils and Public Works not later than September 1, 1981, of the availability of CDBG unspecified contingency funds for both award of a contract for project SP-O501 and for completion of SP-0603, if necessary. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: ernar . ar son, Director Ri ar . roe er Finance & Management Services Budget Director COUNCIL��IEN Requested by Dep�rtment oE: Yeas Nays In Favor Against BY Focm Approved by City Attomey ,�dopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B�� Approved by titavor: Date Approved by Ulayor for Submission to Council B�• By �s�.�s SAINT PAUL LONG-RANGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET COMMITTEE 1981 RESIDENTIAL STREET PAV�NG PROGRA�M (RSPP) REPORT AA1D RECOMMENDATI�NS TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COLTNCIL December 11, I98U FROM THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE MONTHLY CIB CQMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMSER 11, 19$U {Copies of mi.nutes available on request) Mayor's Office - Budg�t Section 367 City Hall, Saint Paul, MN 55IO2 612/298-4323 � - �1��� �,_*,. C1TY Of SAINT PAUL �•�� �':,. LQNGRANGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT SUDGET COMMlTTEE �,,�,� ,� . � '� �,,+. �•� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR — BUOGET SECf10N '�,, , ,••• 367 Clry Hall.Sairtt Paul,lNinn�sota 5310Z 612-29d-4323 GEORGE UTtMER MAYOR December 11. 1980 TO: Honorable George Latimer, Mayor, and Members of the City Councii of Saint Paul RE: i�eport and Reco�r�dations on the 198i Residential Street Paving Progzam (RSPP) The 3aint Paul Lonq-Range Capital Improveiaent Sudget Co�aaitte+e (CIB : Committee) herewith trans�mits for ycur conaideration its conaaents, recom�endatione and priority li�ting of projects proposed for furid- ing as part of the 1981 Ressdential Street Paving Prngram {RSpP) , The Comeaittee wishes to thank the members of the Streets and Utilities � Ta�k Force tor their dedication to a fair and thozough evaluation of tw�nty-two pavinq proposals. Their senaitivity to n�ighborhood and operatinq departa�nt concerns i$ denwnstrated in their report, appended hereto, and made part of this document. The residential paving proj�ct priority listiaq recoaao�ended by the C2B Comanittee for implementation in 1981is: 1981 RSBP: Appr�Pro�ects , Available Funds = 1,783,404 CDB� VII . Estimated Amount Cumulative Priority �o_ Pr` o�ect Cost Budget�d CDBG VII ........ 1 SP-0301 Congre�s, Zsabel, 388,400 388,400 388,400 Hal3., Strykar 2 SP-0401 Ross 312,500 312,500 700,900 3 SP-0901 Nug�rit, West,ern, etc. 334,3'75 334,375 1,035 ,275 (hiatosiC lighting) 64,200 64,200 1,099,475 4 SP-0801 � Avon, Fiak, Milton 342,600 342,600 I,442,075 5 SP-0603 Manitoba, Winnipeg, 384,850 340,925 1,783,000 Bark 6 SP-O501 Desoto, Jessie design frcm :CDBG VI This project priority listing is �ubstantially the reccmmendatios� of the Streets and Eltilitie� Task Force. The major diffesence, hcc�ver, should be highlighteds , ����� CIB Com�ni.ttee Report & Aeconmiendations on 1981 RSPP -2- 5P-0603, M�nitoba, Winni e , Park and SP-0648, Ar 1Q, C�rcMard, Hatc The CIB Committee recomm�ends that the District 6 Planning Council's first priority project, SP-0603, be budgeted instead of SP-0608, a� suqge�ted by the Streets and Utilities Task Force. iiowever, the CIB Com4nittee recognizes, a�d asks the` District 6 � Planning Courlcil to note, that the estimated cost of SP-0603 is qreater than SP-0608. In order not to jeopardize any of the other projects reco�tnnended by the task force, the Conmtittee recommends placiag SP-0603 as the fifth priority pro�ect, with the four higher p�io=ity proje:ct contracts to be awarded prior to award of the SP-0603 contract. This ineans that SP-0603 might not be constructed in its entirety. , If that is the case, Public V�totks shauld consult with the district regarding reduction in the �cope of the project. The remaining recommendations of the task force relate to futur� Unified Capital Improvement Pzogram and Budqet Processes. They will be reviewed for possible intpl.ementation by the appropriate bodies in the course of modifying present RSPP guidelines and procedures. Respectfully submitted, ,�� � ,���� DAVID G. McDONECL Chairman . bk