276115 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE ��(�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L COUIICII ��•/1(1�� BLUE - MAYOR �� � �� � File N 0. c ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Ramsey County have submitted a grant application to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for a Diagnostic Study of Como Lake; and WHEREAS, Como Lake is located in the City of Saint Paul and is one of the city's major water resources; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to participate in the study which will result in a plan to restore or protect the lake's water quality; and [�[[iEREAS, the City Council intends to provide the necessary city funds as a part of the local match for the study grant; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the M,�ror and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , there is hereby transferred the following in the 1980 budget: FROM: General Government Accounts �ontingent Reserve - General 09060�536-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund 2,738 T0; Community Services Department Parks and Recreation Division Parks Ground Maintenance 03132-537-000 Transfer to Special Fund (Parks and Recreation Special Projects) $2,738 A ved, to funding Approved irector Fina ce u get Dire tor COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays � COMMUNTT SERVICES Levine [n Favor Maddox _/ McMahon O' snowaiter __ Against Tedeu� Wilson Adopted ouncil: Date DEC 2 3 19a� Form Approved n�y Ce ied Yasse y Co cil Secret.ary BY A v by E4layor: Da �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coun gy By �.d� I�(�1,�111�1�,r . �'t�;,�s���.�� J.�CJ a ti9�1 _ _. �z�.,� c�� ���xr;r� ���u�t ��'����.� ,�. � . . � l'`��f L �'= � D��v�i �F ..�L.'��� tiir�Y C!�l�1 Cit1� � . . . � r� ._ u:.,,l,:;\ i. �-�'-;:� s�:; �--;i t�::��:': � . , ,,.; .�� � '� • •� F_� . . . . ���_'~y•.1!':` �a�e > December 18, 1980 A1".�.�,;� . . . . ' . .. � C � �'� �� ii �i"� � f� �:. �' � � � -� . ? 0 : Soin� Pdul Gi�y Counci� `� F R O� � C O�Fi t�'t`!i'��`�� U tl .FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL • George P1cMahon ; choirman, makes ihe �ollo.y�rinq . report on C.F. _ � � Ordinance . ' _ � �17) � .�eso(ution _ . - - . . • � Ottier � ���..E : � � � At its meeting �of December 18, 1980, the Finance Committee` recommended approval of the fol.lowing: � � � : 1. � Resol�utions .approving renewal of Health and Weifare and life insurance eoverages for 1981 for city employees and employess of Independent School �Distr.ict #625. . � (10 resolutions --: 11583-GM, 11584-GM, 11585-GM, 11586-GM, 11587-GM, 115�88-GM, . . 11589-GM, 11590-GM, 1159Y-GM and 11592-GM) . �: 2. Re.solution approvang transfer of funds for city's share of local match for • . _ - Diagnostic �Study of Como Lake. . - � 3.� Resolution approving 1981 Residential Street Pavin� Program: _ - - 4. Reso1uti�on approving amended agreement extending Operating Agreement with St. Paul Ramsey Ar.ts and Science Council for operation of the 7A Parking Ramp. � - 5. Resolution authorizing the destruction of cancelled government bonds and _ � coupons. (11561-GM) . 6. Resolution transferring $5,000 from Human Rights to Ci�y Attorney's Office __ to fund management and operational procedures study of City Attorney's Office. 7. Resolutions certifying tax levy for �General Obligation Refunding Bonds of 1978, General Obligation Development Bonds o�F 1979, Series A; and General Qbligation Park Nursery Development Bonds of 1979, Series B. (11555-GM) 8. Resolution approving 1981 Identfied Treatment Area (ITA) Budgets. CITY i-I�LL 5EVE?�r'TH FL002 5:11\T PAUL, h1I�:tiESUTi� 5�10' `�' `;•::� ' ; f, �'lt t�C �''� d�-/3/ � � OM O1: Z2/1975 Rev. : 9����� EXPLAATATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, �RESOLUTIONS, ADiD ORDINANCES � � . ��\� � � Date: Dc��ier 12, 1980 �FC� .���r�i�� t:�. o<oAF�c O�c�,� ��i�c•� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER DEC 1 5 �� �0,���'�4,cry 2l9� `� �� �CFMT�O�Q� ,�.�y FR: TWOMAS J. KELLEY Ftirs�tiq�O�, �� LOCAL MATCH FOR COMO I,AKE �WATER STUDY' GRANT FR��cF� �C!�-�.– �. ACTION REQUESTED: x �, � � . Councll ac��on �o approv� trdnsfer of f�ds for city share of 1oca1 match for D1�gnostic S�udy of Cano Lake. PQRPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Federa�l funds for �he Wdte1^ s�udy haVe been requested by t-he MN• Pol1ution Control Agency. Funds need �o be made ava�lab1e for one ha1f of the local � ma�ch �Co be provided by the C��y o� Saint Paul . (Ramsey County will provi�e the other half of the local share.) ATTACBMENTS: