276114 WHITE - CITY CLERK CANARY - DEPARTMENT � J.DeRrlin � . !�j C I T Y O F s A I N T �A U L Council �'(� + BLUE - MAYOR � F1I8 N O. �` v�� � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul now provides a comprehensive Health and Welfare Insurance Pro�ram for its e�mployees and employees of the Independent School District #625, and WHIItEAS, under this pro�ram the City has negotiated a contract with Minnesota Health Maintenance Network Plan (HN�JM� to provide Hospital and Medical Surgical Coverage, and WHIItEAS, pursuant to the terms of this contract I�IJM has submitted rates for the coverage for the calendax year of 1981 as follows: l. ET+IPIAYEE COVII3AGE: �nnployee Premium $ 46.41 Family Premitun 138.�+ 2. RDGUI�AR RETIREE: (Age 65 and over) R etiree Premium 38.78 Retixee and Family Premium (Both age 65 or over) 77.86 (City Pay �67.98) Retiree and Family Premium (One not age 65 or over) 86.47 (City Pay �67.98) Retiree will pay balance of premiums not paid by City, and RESOLV�, that the City Council does hereby authorize and dire�t the proper City Officials to ratif�r said contract between the City of Saint Pa.ul and I�M, and be it FURTHIIt RESOLVID, that the City and Independent Sxhool District #625 shall pay that portion of the premiums as is agreed. upon by the process of collective baxgaining and the employee shall pay the balance of premiiuns due through payroll deduction, and be it FURTHIIt RESOLVID, that the proper city personnel be directed to pay these premiwns as they fall due, and be it FINALLY"RESOLVID, that the City Clerk shall be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to HNDM. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favot Nladdox McMahon snowa�ter � _ Against BY Tedesco wlson DEC 2 3 1980 Form prove by C� y ttorney Adopted ouncil• Date Cert ed Yass y Co cil Secretasy BY Ap by ENavor: D e �E� 2 � 8 Approved y yor for Sub ission to Council gy By � ,. p1�t!s4;� ,��,P� 31981 ;:;_ � ,,. ` �,'Z3'�.'' Ox' �i.�''s'S.x?�;n �.��T�� . fM ,�1,y��`'� 1�r�V��� �`��� L:l. �t;:.` �F'�Zv� �.r 1'Li�� �'ir�� Ci�l��CiT�+ 1. �/�..��_:�.'-��!..� } i� 5;:;�`� ;) t� � ' 5';:�`" . ,. _. l_� _ 4.'.'�;,�,.:..'f,� t�a�e . December 18, 1980 �- �„� ��::. � � ��� ��i � l �'� � � �: i� � � � _ . ? O : Snin� Rdial Gify C�u��cii � .�; . FROI� = CU�'clf�lt��'@v �n FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL • George McMahon ; ct�Qi�man, makes the fol la��ving ' . . � reporf on G,F. � Ordinanc� : . � �17) � .Resotu�tion ; . . . . � O.ti e r . . � t�i'LE : _ . . � At its meeting of December 18, 1980, the Finance Committee reco►r�nended approval of the fol.l owi ng: �- . . 1. � Reso�utions .approving renewal of Health and Weifare and life insurance coverages for 1981 for city employees and employess of Independent School District #625. . � � . �10 resolutions -- 11�83-GM, 11584-GM, 11�85-GM, 11586-GM, 115�7-GM, 11588-GM, . ` 11589-GM, 11590-GM, 1159T-GP�I and 11592-GM) . � . 2. Reso�lution approving transfer. of funds for city's share of local match for - . � Diagnostic �Study of Como Lake. . . � 3. Resolution approving 1981 Residential Street Paving Program: .� - . 4. Resolution approvinq amended agreement extending Operating Agreement with ` St. Paul Ramsey Ar.ts and Science Council for operation of the 7A Parki�ng Ramp. - 5. Resolution authorizing the destruction of cancelled government bonds and _ coupons. (11561-GM) . 6. Resolution transferring $5,000 from Human Rights to City Attorney's Office . to fund management and operational procedures study of City Attorney's Office. 7. Resolutions certifying tax levy for �Gen:eral Obligation Refunding Bonds of 1978, General Obligation Development Bonds of 1979, Series A; and General Obligation Park Nursery Development Bonds of 1979, Series B. (11555-GM) 8. Resolution approving 1981 Identfied Treatment Area (ITA) Budgets. CJTY iIALL SE�'�ttiTH FLOO;t S:1I1T PAUI., I►tI�1ESOTs� 5�10.�. !� u' ',�