276112 +�IIHITE j.- GTY CLERK pINK - FINANCE T COUIICll � BF�ARY - MA ORRTMEIVT �V.Devlin G I TY O F SA I N T PA LT L File N O. ������ � Council Resolution Presented By / : `' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHIItEAS, the City of Saint Paul and Independent School District #625 provides $5,� life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance for all their regular eligible employees, and WHIItEAS, the City received. bids f`rom various life insurance companies to provide such insurance on Bid #A8795J which wa.s opened. on November 26, 1980, and WHEREAS, the tabulation of such bids from the Purchasing Agent indicate that the low bidder to comp7,y with all the terms of the specifications is Republic Nat3.onal Life Insurance Company of Da11as, Texas with a monthly rate of $1.75 per $5,000 insurance, and WHII3FAS, the Minnesota Mutual Insurance Company has agreed. to administer the account of said Republic National Insuranee Company in the same manner as with other companies providing insurance for the City at a fee of $ .05�$�,000 insurance per month, and WHE�tEAS, the Haxry R. Ochs Agency, Inc. has agreed to service the account of the Republic National Insurance Company in the same manner as for t,he other companies providing insurance for the City at a fee of $ .02�$5,000 insurance per m�nth, and WHFREAS, the Republic National Life Insurance Company has agreed to bear the Minnesota Mutual administration fee of 5¢ per contract per month; now, therefore, be it RESOLVID, that said Republic National Life Insurance Company be directed to issue a life insurance contract to the City of Saint Paul in compliance with all the provisions oP the specifications for providing such insurance upon which said bids were ��eFeiyed to become effective the First day of January, 1981, and be it FURTHIIt RESOLVF�, that Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company wi11 bill the City at the rate of $1.77 each month for each eligible insured. and remit $1.70 to the Republic National Life Insurance Company and retain $ .05 for their administrat3.on and remit $ .02 to the Harry R. Ochs Agency for their services, and be it FURTHF�t RF�.SOLVID, that the proper City Officials are disected to pay the pr�m.iwns for this insuranee as they become due, and be it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowa�ter _ Against Y Tedesco Wilso� Form A proved y it ttorney Adopted hy Council: Date — � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By —_ Approved by :Nayor: Date _ Approved b ayor for Submi ' n to Council gy _ By � '�'� WHITE � - CITY CLERK � ` � CANARY - DEPARTMENT �J•DQ�{�Zj.Yl COUIICII j�•�'^• D gL� - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �+������ � . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 2 - FINAI.LY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be directed to send copies of this resolution to the Republic National Life Insuranee; Anchor Agency, Incorporated; Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company; and Ochs Agency, Ineorporated. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon p B Showalter - __ Agelt]St Y — Tedesco Wilson DEC 2 3 1980 Form pprove by Attorney Adopted , Counci : Date — Cer ied Pass by nc.il Secref�ry BY " g• c� DEC �+ Approved by Mayor for Submis ' o Council A d by :Vlayor. D — � e,, By �Z�' ��i1S��.: „�;; 3 1��1 _ -=.;.z-- VZ���' �� �.E1�?'^ira �C.���� ���!' � [ ,� rr'�.i=:1;C:.: . ' • %���! ``;�4'�-: 0�:+'TZ::� OF 1'�IE G�r.�Y Cfl�'�1'G77a , ,, ._ �.. �%\ !. : :.�-:;�::1 y:.:; �z, �, `' ''l �+:•� .,j 4:_! � � - . �; ` _. ��� - 4;• ,,.,��' Da t e > December 18, 1980 �.`�n,�`.�':ti� ' ' ' . (�, � �'� ���I � � � � � � �:. ►� � � � '� 0 : Sain� Pdut Gify C�un�ii � . '�: � ��QI� = GO�t'lT't'fi�?�@� �Ct EINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL • _ � � George McMahon ; ehairrr�an, makes the foitov�iing _ ' � report on G.�. � Ordinanc� . � . (17) � �esolu�ion : . - � _ _ . � Q,n�r . - �' t�'L E : : � At its meeting of December 18, 1980, the Finance Committee recorr�nended approval of the fol.l owi ng: � � 1. Resolutions approving renewal of Health und Welfare and life insurance coverages for 1981 for city employees and employess of Independent School �District #625. � � �10 resolutions -- 11583-GM, 11584-GM, 11585-GM, 11586-GM, 11587-GM, 11588-GM, 11589-GM, 11590-GM, 11591-GM and 11592-GM) . . � 2. Resolution approving transfer of funds for city's share of local match for • . Diagnostic Study of Como Lake. 3.� Resolution approving 1981 Residential Street Paving Program: - . 4. Resolution approying amended agreement extending Operating Agreement with St. Paul Ramsey Ar.ts and Science Council for operat.ion of the 7A Parki�ng Ramp. - 5. Resolution authorizing the destruction of cancelled government bonds and coupons. (11561=GM) � 6. Resolution transferring $5,000 from Human Rights to City Attorney`s Office _. to fund management and operational procedures study of City Attorney's Office. 7. Resolutions certifying tax levy for •General Obligation Refunding Bonds of 1978, General Obligation Development Bonds of 1979, Series A; and General Obliga�ion � Park Nursery Development Bonds of 1979, Series 6. (11555-GM) 8. Resolution approvinq 1981 Identfied Treatment Area (ITA) Budgets. CITY iir1LL SEVEI',�T�I FLCJOR S:1I:tiT P�UI., lilI\\'ESUTrti 5�10' `� ` y�