276111 WHITE - CITY CLERK �,��� O � CANARY - DEPARTMEN'I��J�DQj/1� COIlIICli Z , BLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � � ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHIItEAS, The City of Saint Paul now :'provides Optional Life Insurance for its employees and employees of the Independent School District #625 at group rates through Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company of Saint Paul, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the present life insurance contracts #1520-G ana #365379-G between the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company and the City of Saint Paul and Independent School District #625 be continued, in their present entire forms, for the calendar year of 1981, and be it FURTHII� RESOLVID, that the pre�niums for said contracts for the year of 1981 are to be as follows: Optional E4nployee Pay Coverage - Rate Per $1,000 Employee under age 30 $ .20 Per Nbnth F�nployee age 30 - 39 .30 Per Month E�nployee age 40 - �+9 .60 Per I�nth gnployee age 50 - 54 1.10 Per Nbnth Employee age 55 - 59 1.60 Per Month E�nployee age 60-64 2.40 Per Month bnployee a�e 65 - 69 3.60 Per N14nth and be it FURTHgt RESOLVED, that in order to stabilize experience and provide for a more consistent pattern of probable dividend returns, the Minnesota Mutual will continue to allocate part of the gross dividend available, not exceeding 10°� of premiwn received in any one year, to a stabilization reserve on such optional insurance issued in excess of $15,000 until such reserve reaches a level equal. to 50�0 of the current annual premiiun. Minnesota Mutual cred.its interest to stabilization reserves, at a rate of � annua]..l,y for the year 1981, and be it FINALLY RESOLVID, that the City Clerk be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company. COU[VCILME[V Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �ev�ne [n Favor Maddox McMahon � _ A ainst BY Showalter g T�e� �Lqg� wi�son DEC � 3 � For Approv d b i t rney Adopted by ounci Date Certi d Vas• by Co cil Secretaf BY A d by ;Navor: / DEC 2 9 1980 Approved b Mayor for Submission ouncil By $Y "'°'— . ��� !A►� 3 1��1 . ;; , , / �� . , l� �i'�� NES , _ � � a�., N o � �� � . �G `�W � A L �' THE MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 345 Cedar Street, Sarnt Pau/, Minrzesata SS101 • Telephone 298-3500 Area 612 August 26, 1980 The Honorable Mayer Latimer and City Council Members c/o Rose Mix, City Clerk City of St. Paul St. Paul, I�IlV 55102 POLICY NUMBER: 365379-G The City of St. Paul provides a plan of optional life insurance under this policy which is paid for by its employees if they elect to participate in the program. Effective January 1, 1981, Minnesota Mutual will be pleased to renew this program at the present monthly rates: Age Rate Per $1,000 ihider 30 $ .20 30-39 .30 40-49 .60 50-54 1.10 ` 55-59 1.60 60-64 2.40 The Minnesota Mutual appreciates the opportunity to serve the City of St. Paul and its employees by providing this insurance program for them. My . staff and I o thank the City officials and employees for the cooperation that we've .:� eceived in administering this insurance program. f,.-.,` Since �. , } �, � Donald E. L se Manager Group Administration DEL:ma =_�:.�-.- ' CzZ,� o� ���.x�� ?�..�.u� ;������ ,=::�-�� • %::i F:t •�':, OFTZ�� 0�E+' �•.tZ1�. C�'1'�.'' COII1C;t7. ,� ._�u:.:_.1,..� � _:�'•` t:.:.� •iI 1;;:':- ��: ..FI y � • \ .:�_: `���\`' ~y ;`% Da�e : December l8, 1980 ,, '�,;;;,;��� 1{ti`,. . . � � ' . , C C� �'�# i��� i I T � �' f� �: �' C� � � ? O : Soin� Pau1 Gi�;� C�uncil � .�� - . ��OI�fI = C0�'fli7![$i'@� �Ci FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL - - George P9cMahon ; �hai�man, makes fihe folto4��ing � . � � report on C. F. � Ordinance . . . (17) � t4eso(u�ion ' . . • � t�;ti er . �' t�i'LE : . . At its meeting of December �8, 1980, the Finance Committee' recommended approval of the fol.l owi ng: �- . . �1. Resolutions approving renewal of Health and Welfare and life insurance coverages for �1981 for city employees and employess of Independent School �District #625. . � - (10 resolutions -- 11583-GM, 11584-GM, 11585-GM, 11586-GM, 11587-GlM, 11588-GM, . 11589-GM, 11590-GM, 1159T-GM and 11592-GM) . _ � 2. Resolution approvang transfer of funds for city's share of local match for - . Diagnos�ic �Study of Como Lake. : . - � 3.� Resolution approving 1981 Residentiai Street Paving Program: - . 4. Reso'lution approving amended agreement extending Operating Agreement with � St. Paul Ramsey Arts and Science Council for operation of the 7A Parking Ramp. � - 5. Resolution authorizing the destruction of cancelled government bonds and coupons. (11561-GM) _ 6. Resolution transferring $5,000 from Human Rights to City Attorney's Office __ to fund management and operational procedures study of City Attorney's Office. 7. Resolutions certifying tax levy for �General Obligation Refunding Bonds of 1978, General Obligation Development Bonds of 1979, Series A; and General Obligation � Park Nursery Development Bonds of 1979, Series 6. (11555-GM} . 8. Resolution approving 1981 Identfied Treatment Area (ITA) Budgets. CiTY 'rIr1LL SE�'E?�TH FI,OOT.Z SA1tiT PAUf., �[I\'�ESrJ�r1 5�l02 :� ..-��. ,: ..,...:;.,._, •...�. _