PINK - FINANCE T -t: 1,.'t /'
CANARY - DEPARTMENT�t/.De�vlin G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L � Council ��..rb���
File N .
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the City oP Saint Paul and Independent School District #625 provides
life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance to equal annual salary less $5,000
for certain employees, whose baxgaining unit ne�otiated such insurance for their entire
unit, and
WHEREAS, Fidelity Mutusl Life Insurance Company, represented by the First Agency
of Hastings with a monthly rate of $ .32 life and $ .0�+ accidenta7. death and dismemberment
for a total of $ .36/$�,00o currently provides this insvrance, now therePore be it
RESOLVID, that said Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company be directed to rene�r
this contract with the City of Saint Pau]. in its entirety and at the same rates afore-
mentioned for the yeax 1981, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVID, that the proper City Officials are directed to pay the premiums
for this insurance as they become due, and be it
FINALLY RESOLVID, that the City Clerk be directed to send copies of this resolu-
tion to Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company and the F3xst Agency of Hastings.
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
Hunt � In Favor
McMahon � B
snowaiter __ Against Y
DEC 2 3 �� Form pprov d by 'ty Attorney
Adopted o cil: Date —
Cert ed Pas- d by ouncil Secrgtar BY
A ed by Ylavor: a e -�� 2 9 198 Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council
By �
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`��`�` '`!'`=� Date : December 18, 1980
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� George F1cMahon ; �hc�irman, makes the fol lo���inq
� � reporf on C.F. [� O�dinanee
. . ���) � Resolufiion . . -
• . • � O�tier
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� At its meeting of December 18, 1980, the Finance Committee recommended approval
of the fol-lowing: - �
1. � Resolutions .approving renewa7 of Health and Welfare and �life insurance coverages
for 1981 for city employees and employess of Independent School �Distr.ict #,625.
� � . (10 resolutions -- 11583-GM, 11584-GM, 11585-GM, 11586-.GM, 11587-GM, 11588--GM,
� 11589-GM, 11590-GM, 11591-GM and 11592-GM) ' . . �
�. 2. Resolution approvang transfer of funds for city's share of local match for - . _ -
Diagnostic �Study of Como Lake. . . �
3. Resolation approving 1981 Residential Street Paving Program: _� :- . -
. 4. Reso1ution approving amended agreement extending Operating Agreement with �
St. Paul Ramsey Ar.ts and Science Council for operation of the 7A Parki�ng Ramp. �
- 5. Resolution authorizing the destruction of cancelled goVernment bonds and
coupons. (11561-GM)
6. Resolution transferring $5,000 from Human Rights to City Attorney's Office _.
to fund management and operational procedures study of City Attorney's Office.
7. Resolutions certifying tax levy for �General Obliga�ion Refunding Bonds of 1978,
General Obligation Development Bonds of 1979, Series A; and General O�ligation
Park Nursery Development Bonds of 1979, Series B. (11555-GM)
8. Resolution approving 1981 Identfied Treatment Area (ITA) Budgets.
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