276109 WHITE -' CITY CLERK °� �
G I T Y O F S A I N T �A LT L Council �j �
File N 0.
ouncil Resolution
Presented By . �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul and Independent Sxhool District �25 provides
optional insurance for the spouse and family of their employees through the Minnesota Mutual
Life Insurance, now therefore be it
RESOLVID, that the present life insurance Contract No. 2881-G between the
Minnesota Nfutua.t Life Insurance Company and the City of Saint Pa.ul and Independent School
District #625 be continued, in its present form, for the calendax year 1981, and be it
F[JRTHER RESOLVED, that the premiums for said contract for the year of 1981 axe to
be as follows:
A. Optional �ployee Pay Coverage on Spouse - Rate per $5,000
l. E�nployee under age 30 $ 1.00 Per NSonth
baployee age 30 - 39 1.50 Per l�bnth
Eacployee age 40 - 49 3.00 Per Nbnth
FSnployee age 50 - 5�+ 5•50 Per Nbnth
�ployee age 55 - 59 8.00 Per Month
F�aployee age 60-64 12.00 Per Month
2. Dependent Coverage
$1,000 $ 1.00 Per Month
2,000 2.00 Per Nbnth
3,� 3•� P� P'bnth
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVID, that the e�nployee shall pay the premiums due through payroll
deduction, and be it
FINALLY RESOLVID, that the City Clerk be instructed to send a copy of this
resolution to the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company.
COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Levine In Favor
Maddox J
McMahon B
snowaiter _ Against Y
DEC 2 3 �g�p Form Ap roved by it ttorney
Adopted b ounc� : Date
Certif� d Pas• by ncil Secre�ary BY �
Ap r by ;Vlayor: D Approve or for Submiss' Council
By _ BY
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345 Cedar� Street, Saint Paz�l, Minnesota �5101 • Telephone 198-3500 Area 612
August 26, 1980
The Honorable Ma.yor Latimer
and City Council Members
c/o Rose Mix, City Clerk
City of St. Paul
St. Paul, NIl�1 55102
This policy allows City employees to purchase life insurance coverage for
their dependents at their own expense. Minnesota Mutual-will be pleased
to renew this coverage at the present monthly rate of $1.00 per $1,000 of
dependent life insurance.
The policy also provides a program of life insurance coverage for the spouse
of an employee. The present premium rates are being renewed for the policy
year beginning January 1, 1981. These rates are as followso
Age Rate Per $1,000
Under' 30 $ .2b
3b-39 .3.0
40-49 .60
50-54 1.1D
55-59 1.60
60-64 2.40
The Minnesota Mutual appreciates the opportunity to serve the City of St.
Paul and its employees by providing this insurance program for them. My
staff and I o thank the City officials and employees for the cooperation
that we've eceived in administering this insurance program.
Sinc , �
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Donald E. Lease
Group Administration
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� � N � 14 Da� e . December 18, 1980
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'i" O : Soin� P��al Gif� Cvur�ci� � ��; -
F R O � � C 03't1i1'1�'�?`�'y Oi7 .FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL • �
George M1cMahon ` ; ehairman, ma�kes the foito�,ving :
� t'eport on C. �. � Ordinanc� _
� . ���� � .�esotu�ion . .
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At its meeting of December 18, 1980, the Finance Committee recommended approval _
of the fol.lowing: �
�1. � Resolutions approving renewal of Nealth and Welfare and life insurance coverages
for 1981 for city employees and employess of Indeoendent School �Distr.ict #625.
� (10 resolutions -- 11�83-GM, 11584-GM, 11585-GM, 11586-GM, 11587-GM, 11588-GM,
1.1589-GM, 11590-GM, 11591-GM and 11592-GM) � .
�: 2. Reso�lution approving transfer of funds for city's share of-local match for - . �
Diagnos�ic �Study of Como lake. . - �
3. Resolution approving 1981 Residential Street Paving Program. . -
. 4. Reso1ution approying amended agreement extending Operating Agreement with
St. Paul Ramsey Ar.ts and Science Council for operation of the 7A Parki�ng Ramp.
- 5. Resolution authorizing the destruction o�F cancelled government bonds and -
coupons. (11561-GM)
. 6. Resolution transferring $5,000 from Human Rights to City Attorney's Office __
to fund management and operational procedures study of City Attorney's Office.
7. Resolutions certifying tax levy for •General Obligation Refunding Bonds of 1978,
General Obligation Development Bonds of 1979, Series A; and General Obligation
Park Nurser?� Development Bonds of 1979, Series B. (11555-GM)
8. Resolution approving 1981 Identfied Treatment Area (ITA) Budgets.
CiTY iiALL SEt'ENTI-1 FL002 S:1I�i2 P�LFL, 1L[I��ESOTrs 5�102
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