276107 WHITE - CITY CLERK .r�• �
GITY OF .SAINT �ALTL Council ��b�i��
ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHFREAS, the City of Saint Paul now provides a comprehensive Health and Welfare
Insurance Program for its employees and e�mployees of the Independent School District #625, and
WF�REAS, under this program, the City has a contract with SHARE to provide Hospital
and Medical Surgical coverage, and
WHIItEAS, pursuant to the terms of this contract SHARE has submitted. rates for the
eoverage for the nine �nth period ending September 30, 1981 as follows:
�Cployee Premium $ 37.51*
Family Premium 114.02*
*�ployee with Medicaxe will receive a $12.00�Month reduction.
Retiree Premium (Retiree on Medicare A and B) 18.75 City Pay
RESOLVID, that the City Council does hereby authorize and direct the proper City
Officials to renew the existing contract between the City of Saint Paul and SHARE, and be it
FuRTHIIt RESOLVID, that the City and Ind�pendent School District #625 sha11 pay that
portion of the premiums as is agreed upon by the process of collective baxgaining and the
employee shall pay the balance of pr�miums due through payroll deduetion, and be it
�TRTHIIt RESOLVID, that the proper city personnel be directed to pay these prem3.ums
as they fall due, and be it
FINALLY RF�SOLVED, that the City C1erk shall be instructed to send a copy of this
resolution to SHARE.
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
Levine In Favor
McMahon l� B
Showalter _ AgalnSt Y
Df C` r� � ,�O Form Ap roved y Ci rney
Adopt _ Coun . Date �
ertified _sed by Council�ecret BY
Ap v by Ylayor: Date DEC 2 9 1980 Approve yor for Submission to Council
By _ BY �J ��.�C�
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�� �� Da t e . December 18, 1980
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� FRO � � C��tli�'fl$�eL OC! .FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSO(VNEL = -
George P�cMahon ; ehoiFinan, m�kes ihe foliav��inq _ .
� repo�t on C. F. �� drdinance .
� (17) � �esotu#ion - -
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� At its meeting of December l8, 1980, the Finance Committee recommended approval
of the fol.l owi ng:
�1. � Resol�ution� .approving renewal of Health and Welfare and life insurance coverages
for 1981 for city employees and employess of Independ�nt School �District #625.
' . � � (10 resolutions -- 11583-GM, 11584-GM, 11585-GM, 11586-GM, 11587-GM, 11588-GM, .
11589-GM, 11590-GM, 11591-GM and 11592-GM). . _
�. 2. Reso�lution approving transfer of funds for city's share of local match for - .
Diagnostic Study of Como Lake. : : . � -
3. Resolution approving 1981 : Residential Street Paving Program: � - - _
. 4. Reso1uti�on approving amended agreemen� extending Operating Agreement with �` =
St. Paul Ramsey Ar.ts and Science Council for operation of the 7A Parking Ramp. �
• 5. Resolution authorizing the destruction of cancelled government bonds and _
coupons. (11561-GM) �
. 6. Resolution transferring $5,000 from Human Rights to City Attorney's Office .
to fund management and operational procedures study of City Attorney's Office.
7. Resolutions certifying tax levy for �General Obligation Refunding Bonds of 1978,
General Obligation Development Bonds of 1979, Series A; and General Obligation
� Park Nursery Development Bonds of 1979, Series B. (11555-GM)
8. Resolution approvinq 1981 Identfied Treatment Area (ITA) Budgets.
CfTY "r'aALL SEZ'E;`TH FLn02 S:1I�\T PAUL, 1►�II�\'ES�J�'t1 5�102
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