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00-762�RiG1NAL Presented By Referred To Committeec Date � WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has appro�mately 29.63 miles (141.09 equivalent lane miles) of desia ated trunk lughways � located wittrin the city limits which require annual rourine maintenance. 4 WHEREAS, the original two year Trunk Highway Routine Maintenance Aa eement No. 78299 effective from July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2001 has been negotiated and approved in November 1999 between the City of Saint Paul and the State of � Minnesota which details the terms and limits of city force participation towazd the rouGne maintenance of the avnk highway 6 system within the City of Saint Paul; and 7 g WHEREAS, the original agreement indicates in Section XI that the agreement shall remain in effect from the date of its execution g unfil amended or superseded by joint Mn/DOT and City of St. Paul agreement; and 10 i1 12 13 14 15 16 17 �$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 WHEREAS, the original agreement with the City provides for the routine maintenance for a portion of Trunk Highway 49 from the north city limits to University Avenue, which portion includes bridge #62008 and #9470 over BNSF railroad, comprising a total of 9.91 equivalent lane miles, was tumed over to Ramsey County by a Commissioners Order # 84478 effective Apri124, 2000; and WHEREAS, the portion of Trunk Highway 952A including Robert Sffeet from I-94 to University Avenue, then on University Avenue to T2ice St, comprising 0.602 equivalent lane miles, together with bridge 9250 (carrying Cedaz Avenue over Trunk Highway 952A) comprising 0.075 equivalent lane miles, was turned over to Ramsey County by Commissioners Order # 84544 effective May 25, 2000; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Article XI of Trunk Highway Routine Maintenance Agreement No. 78299, and in recognition of the uansfer of these portions of Trunk Highway 49 and Trunk Highway 952A to Ramsey County, Mn/DOT and the City desire to enter into this amendment to said original agreement, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the original Trunk Highway Routine Maintenance Agreement No. 78299 shall be adjusted to reflect the fact that Mn/DOT will no longer be paying the City to provide maintenance on these portions of Trunk Highway 49 and Trnnk Highway 952A, and this amendment will decrease the total payment to the City by $39,901.73 for the duration of the present a�reement ending June 30, 2001. The City will no longer have mainte�nce responsibility for the aforeme�6iQned exclusions. Reques�ed by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: `�,� 4'� 0 - Approved by Ma�o�: Da `� ��' N By: CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA council File # Oo — �l � a RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 102816 at Public Works By: • Thomas Egg D're o Form Approved by City Attorney �,�,,, � • (��'�A� p .1G • 00 By : --� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � Adopted by Council: Date ne_r/�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICECOUNCIL DATEINITIATED ^nn G E SHEET NO. 102816 �� P�LIC WO�S AUgRSY 8� ZVW y INITIAUDAiE INIiIAVDATE CONTACT PEFiSON & PHONE � DEP R!fr � CIN COUNCIL GARYL.ERICHSON � 266-6229 �� Oq CINATfOfiNEY P. ,.60 �qTYCLERK NUMBER PoR MUSTBEON COUNpC AGENOA BY (OATE) pOIJf7NG Q �� � BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FlN, & MCaT. SERVICES DI0. AUGUST 23. 2000 �nuvoa�oanssisruar� � TOTAL i OF SIGNATUflE PAGES � (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS f-0R SIGNANR� � ASSOCIATE ❑1 DFFf. ACCOUM � HCiION REQUESTED Council approval of the attached amendment to Trunk Highway Routine Maintenance Agreement No. 78299 (effective July 1, 1999 thru June 30, 2001) between the City of St. Paul and the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation. The original agreement was adopted by Council and approved by the Mayor in November 1999. FiECAMMENDATIONS: Apprwe (A) or Re�ect (R) PERSONAL SEHVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER T}iE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL $ERVICE COMMISSION 1- Has Mis perso�rtn ever worked under a contrac[ for this tlepaKment? — — YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rt� ever been a ciry empbyee? — — YES NO _ S7aFP 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill no[ nortnally possessetl by any curtent ciTy — employee? DISTRICTCAUNCIL YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Expiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: The original Trunk Highway Routine Maintenance Agreement #78299 stipulates costs and terms for City forces to provide routine maintenance on the trunk highway system within St. Paul. The following roadway segments were transferred to Ramsey County by Comsnissioners Order: T.H. # 49 (Rice St) from north city limits to University Avenue, C.O.#84478 effective 4/24/00; and T.H. # 952A (Robert St) from I-94 to University Avenue, C.O. #84544 effective 5/25/00. This amendment will decrease the total payment to the City by $39,901.73 for the duration of the present agreement. The City will no longer have the maintenance responsibility for the above noted exclusions to this agreement. ADVAN7AGES IF APPF30VE�: Amendment is signed and the adjusted quarterly payments to the City from Mn/DOT will continue for our maintenance on atl remaining roadway segments included in the ri•uuk highway system within St. Paul. Cao�� ,p�s�a� C�nt�' DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �ySP , � None ��� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � Delay our receipt of quarterly payment from the State. TOTALAMOUMOFIRANSACTION$ �$39901.73 COSLREVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Minnesota Deparlment of TransportaUOn ACENIN NUMBEB 225-4Z310-3450,240-12005/12006Q2009-3417 FINANCIALINFOFiMATION:(EXPLAIN) " L'r�/�Z Oo -� G a- MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROUTINE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 1 PREPARED 8Y TO Mn/DOT METRO DIVISION AGREEMENT NO. MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS 78299 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STAZ'E OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMEP7T OF TRANSPOR AND THE L;ITY OF SAIN"f PAUL FOR ftoutine maintenance of ceriain portions of trunk highway(s) and bridges �vithin the corporate !imits of the City of St. Paul upon terms and conditions set forth in thi.s agreement. Amount Encumbered NONE � Oo -7ti 3- MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT N0. 78299 THIS AGREEMENT, which shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, is by and between the State of Minnesota through its Commissioner of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "Mn/DO�, and the City of Saint Paul, a body politic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City". WHEREAS, Mn/DOT and the City have an agreement, identified as Mn/DOT Agreement No. 78299, hereinafter referred to as the "Originai Agreement°, for the City to provide routine maintenance of certain portions of trunk highways and bridges within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Original Agreement indicates in Section XI that the agreement shali remain in effect from the date of its execution until amended or superseded by joint Mn/DOT and City agreement; and WHEREAS, the Original Agreement with the City, provides for the routine maintenance of portions of Trunk Highway 49 including bridges 62008 and 9470, and Trunk Highway 952A including bridge number 9250 over Trunk Highway 952A; and UVHEREAS, the portion of Trunk Highway 49 from the north city limits to University Avenue, which portion includes bridges 62008 and 9470 over BNSF railroad, comprising a totai of 9.91 Equivalent Lane Miles, was turned over to Ramsey County by a Commissioner's Order 84478 effective April 24"', 2000; and �JFiERFAS, the portion of Trunk Highway 952A including Robert Street from 4-�J4 to University Avenue, then on University Avenue to Rice Street, comprising 0.602 Equivalent Lane i�liles, together with bridge 9250 (carrying Cedar Avenue over Trunk Highway 952A) comprising 0.075 Equivalent Lane Miles, was *.urned ovar to Ramsey County by a Gommissi�ner's Order 84544 effective May 25t", 2000; and +NNFR =AS, in accordance with Article XI of Mn/DOT Agreement No. 78299, and in recognition of the 'ransfer of these portions of Trunk Highway 49 and Trunk tiighway 952A to Ramsey County, Mn/DOT and fhe City desire to enter into this amendment to said Original Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Mn/DOT Agreement # 78299 shall be adjusted to reflect the fact that Mn/DOT will no Ionger be paying the City to provide maintenance on these portions of Trunk Highway 49 and Trunk Highway 952A turned over to Ramsey County by the above-referenced Commissioner's Orders.. Revision 1 ARicle 1A is amended as follows: The paragraph relating to Trunk Highway 49 is deleted in iYs entirety as of the effective date of Commissione�'s Order #84478 and the City will have no further obligation to maintain that roadway segment under this contract. Mn/DOT will pay the City for maintenance performed under this contract up to the effective date of Commissioner's Order #84478. Commissioner's Order #84478 isincorporated herein by reference. Revision 2 Article 1A is amended as follows: The roadway segment described in the paragraph relating to Trunk Highway 952A is amended as of the effective date of CommissionePs Order #84544 to exciude the portion of the roadway turned over to Ramsey County by such Commissioner's Order, which is incorporated herein by reference. The City will have no further duty to maintain the excluded portion of 00 _'t `a- Mn/DOT Agreement No. 78299 Amendment No. 1 such roadway segment under this contract. Mn/DOT wiil pay the City for maintenance pertormed under this contract up to the effective date ot Commissioners Order #84544. Revision 3 The fourth quarter payment to the City during fiscai year 2000, shall be $104,083.37. This is calculated as fo(lows: $109,979.66 — ((9.91 x $3,118.00 x (114) x (67/91}] — [(0.602 + 0.075) x $3,118.00 x (1/4) x (36/91}] _ $104,083.37 Each quarterly payment to the City during the fiscal year 2001 shall be a$104,793.91 payment. This is calculated as follows: $113,295.27 — [(9.91 + 0.602 + 0.075) x $3,212.00 x (1/4)] _ $104,793.91 [This a total payment reduction of $5896.29 +(4 x$8501.36) _$39,901.73] No other terms or conditions of the Original Agreement are amended or altered in any manner. 2 oo_�� Mn/DOT Agreement No. 78299 Amendment No. 1 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement through their duly authorized officials: DEpARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION . - .-. . _.. . �� / ���� , � ./ ��.. �l �� � u- . � . ADE, Maintenance COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION By Authorized Signature OFFfCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Approved as to Form and Execution: � COMMfSSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION By Authorized Signature CITY OF SAlNT PRUL � Mayor Date 8}r �� bl.�,.v� Dire r of Finance and management Services Date l � � � � > Approved as to form and execution: BY ��� ����-P AssistanY City Attorney Date �•lr°� OV 3 Countersigned: . po -�` �-- Mn/DOT Agreement No. 78299 Amendment No. 1 CITY'S StGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGMENT This Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of , 2000, by and , the Mayor (Name) (Name) and the Director of Finance and Management Services of the City of Saint Paui, and did execute this Agreement on behalf of the City intending to be bound thereby. Notary Public My Commission Expires N{3TARY STAi41F � �RiG1NAL Presented By Referred To Committeec Date � WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has appro�mately 29.63 miles (141.09 equivalent lane miles) of desia ated trunk lughways � located wittrin the city limits which require annual rourine maintenance. 4 WHEREAS, the original two year Trunk Highway Routine Maintenance Aa eement No. 78299 effective from July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2001 has been negotiated and approved in November 1999 between the City of Saint Paul and the State of � Minnesota which details the terms and limits of city force participation towazd the rouGne maintenance of the avnk highway 6 system within the City of Saint Paul; and 7 g WHEREAS, the original agreement indicates in Section XI that the agreement shall remain in effect from the date of its execution g unfil amended or superseded by joint Mn/DOT and City of St. Paul agreement; and 10 i1 12 13 14 15 16 17 �$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 WHEREAS, the original agreement with the City provides for the routine maintenance for a portion of Trunk Highway 49 from the north city limits to University Avenue, which portion includes bridge #62008 and #9470 over BNSF railroad, comprising a total of 9.91 equivalent lane miles, was tumed over to Ramsey County by a Commissioners Order # 84478 effective Apri124, 2000; and WHEREAS, the portion of Trunk Highway 952A including Robert Sffeet from I-94 to University Avenue, then on University Avenue to T2ice St, comprising 0.602 equivalent lane miles, together with bridge 9250 (carrying Cedaz Avenue over Trunk Highway 952A) comprising 0.075 equivalent lane miles, was turned over to Ramsey County by Commissioners Order # 84544 effective May 25, 2000; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Article XI of Trunk Highway Routine Maintenance Agreement No. 78299, and in recognition of the uansfer of these portions of Trunk Highway 49 and Trunk Highway 952A to Ramsey County, Mn/DOT and the City desire to enter into this amendment to said original agreement, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the original Trunk Highway Routine Maintenance Agreement No. 78299 shall be adjusted to reflect the fact that Mn/DOT will no longer be paying the City to provide maintenance on these portions of Trunk Highway 49 and Trnnk Highway 952A, and this amendment will decrease the total payment to the City by $39,901.73 for the duration of the present a�reement ending June 30, 2001. The City will no longer have mainte�nce responsibility for the aforeme�6iQned exclusions. Reques�ed by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: `�,� 4'� 0 - Approved by Ma�o�: Da `� ��' N By: CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA council File # Oo — �l � a RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 102816 at Public Works By: • Thomas Egg D're o Form Approved by City Attorney �,�,,, � • (��'�A� p .1G • 00 By : --� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � Adopted by Council: Date ne_r/�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICECOUNCIL DATEINITIATED ^nn G E SHEET NO. 102816 �� P�LIC WO�S AUgRSY 8� ZVW y INITIAUDAiE INIiIAVDATE CONTACT PEFiSON & PHONE � DEP R!fr � CIN COUNCIL GARYL.ERICHSON � 266-6229 �� Oq CINATfOfiNEY P. ,.60 �qTYCLERK NUMBER PoR MUSTBEON COUNpC AGENOA BY (OATE) pOIJf7NG Q �� � BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FlN, & MCaT. SERVICES DI0. AUGUST 23. 2000 �nuvoa�oanssisruar� � TOTAL i OF SIGNATUflE PAGES � (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS f-0R SIGNANR� � ASSOCIATE ❑1 DFFf. ACCOUM � HCiION REQUESTED Council approval of the attached amendment to Trunk Highway Routine Maintenance Agreement No. 78299 (effective July 1, 1999 thru June 30, 2001) between the City of St. Paul and the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation. The original agreement was adopted by Council and approved by the Mayor in November 1999. FiECAMMENDATIONS: Apprwe (A) or Re�ect (R) PERSONAL SEHVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER T}iE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL $ERVICE COMMISSION 1- Has Mis perso�rtn ever worked under a contrac[ for this tlepaKment? — — YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rt� ever been a ciry empbyee? — — YES NO _ S7aFP 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill no[ nortnally possessetl by any curtent ciTy — employee? DISTRICTCAUNCIL YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Expiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: The original Trunk Highway Routine Maintenance Agreement #78299 stipulates costs and terms for City forces to provide routine maintenance on the trunk highway system within St. Paul. The following roadway segments were transferred to Ramsey County by Comsnissioners Order: T.H. # 49 (Rice St) from north city limits to University Avenue, C.O.#84478 effective 4/24/00; and T.H. # 952A (Robert St) from I-94 to University Avenue, C.O. #84544 effective 5/25/00. This amendment will decrease the total payment to the City by $39,901.73 for the duration of the present agreement. The City will no longer have the maintenance responsibility for the above noted exclusions to this agreement. ADVAN7AGES IF APPF30VE�: Amendment is signed and the adjusted quarterly payments to the City from Mn/DOT will continue for our maintenance on atl remaining roadway segments included in the ri•uuk highway system within St. Paul. Cao�� ,p�s�a� C�nt�' DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �ySP , � None ��� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � Delay our receipt of quarterly payment from the State. TOTALAMOUMOFIRANSACTION$ �$39901.73 COSLREVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Minnesota Deparlment of TransportaUOn ACENIN NUMBEB 225-4Z310-3450,240-12005/12006Q2009-3417 FINANCIALINFOFiMATION:(EXPLAIN) " L'r�/�Z Oo -� G a- MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROUTINE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 1 PREPARED 8Y TO Mn/DOT METRO DIVISION AGREEMENT NO. MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS 78299 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STAZ'E OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMEP7T OF TRANSPOR AND THE L;ITY OF SAIN"f PAUL FOR ftoutine maintenance of ceriain portions of trunk highway(s) and bridges �vithin the corporate !imits of the City of St. Paul upon terms and conditions set forth in thi.s agreement. Amount Encumbered NONE � Oo -7ti 3- MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT N0. 78299 THIS AGREEMENT, which shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, is by and between the State of Minnesota through its Commissioner of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "Mn/DO�, and the City of Saint Paul, a body politic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City". WHEREAS, Mn/DOT and the City have an agreement, identified as Mn/DOT Agreement No. 78299, hereinafter referred to as the "Originai Agreement°, for the City to provide routine maintenance of certain portions of trunk highways and bridges within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Original Agreement indicates in Section XI that the agreement shali remain in effect from the date of its execution until amended or superseded by joint Mn/DOT and City agreement; and WHEREAS, the Original Agreement with the City, provides for the routine maintenance of portions of Trunk Highway 49 including bridges 62008 and 9470, and Trunk Highway 952A including bridge number 9250 over Trunk Highway 952A; and UVHEREAS, the portion of Trunk Highway 49 from the north city limits to University Avenue, which portion includes bridges 62008 and 9470 over BNSF railroad, comprising a totai of 9.91 Equivalent Lane Miles, was turned over to Ramsey County by a Commissioner's Order 84478 effective April 24"', 2000; and �JFiERFAS, the portion of Trunk Highway 952A including Robert Street from 4-�J4 to University Avenue, then on University Avenue to Rice Street, comprising 0.602 Equivalent Lane i�liles, together with bridge 9250 (carrying Cedar Avenue over Trunk Highway 952A) comprising 0.075 Equivalent Lane Miles, was *.urned ovar to Ramsey County by a Gommissi�ner's Order 84544 effective May 25t", 2000; and +NNFR =AS, in accordance with Article XI of Mn/DOT Agreement No. 78299, and in recognition of the 'ransfer of these portions of Trunk Highway 49 and Trunk tiighway 952A to Ramsey County, Mn/DOT and fhe City desire to enter into this amendment to said Original Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Mn/DOT Agreement # 78299 shall be adjusted to reflect the fact that Mn/DOT will no Ionger be paying the City to provide maintenance on these portions of Trunk Highway 49 and Trunk Highway 952A turned over to Ramsey County by the above-referenced Commissioner's Orders.. Revision 1 ARicle 1A is amended as follows: The paragraph relating to Trunk Highway 49 is deleted in iYs entirety as of the effective date of Commissione�'s Order #84478 and the City will have no further obligation to maintain that roadway segment under this contract. Mn/DOT will pay the City for maintenance performed under this contract up to the effective date of Commissioner's Order #84478. Commissioner's Order #84478 isincorporated herein by reference. Revision 2 Article 1A is amended as follows: The roadway segment described in the paragraph relating to Trunk Highway 952A is amended as of the effective date of CommissionePs Order #84544 to exciude the portion of the roadway turned over to Ramsey County by such Commissioner's Order, which is incorporated herein by reference. The City will have no further duty to maintain the excluded portion of 00 _'t `a- Mn/DOT Agreement No. 78299 Amendment No. 1 such roadway segment under this contract. Mn/DOT wiil pay the City for maintenance pertormed under this contract up to the effective date ot Commissioners Order #84544. Revision 3 The fourth quarter payment to the City during fiscai year 2000, shall be $104,083.37. This is calculated as fo(lows: $109,979.66 — ((9.91 x $3,118.00 x (114) x (67/91}] — [(0.602 + 0.075) x $3,118.00 x (1/4) x (36/91}] _ $104,083.37 Each quarterly payment to the City during the fiscal year 2001 shall be a$104,793.91 payment. This is calculated as follows: $113,295.27 — [(9.91 + 0.602 + 0.075) x $3,212.00 x (1/4)] _ $104,793.91 [This a total payment reduction of $5896.29 +(4 x$8501.36) _$39,901.73] No other terms or conditions of the Original Agreement are amended or altered in any manner. 2 oo_�� Mn/DOT Agreement No. 78299 Amendment No. 1 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement through their duly authorized officials: DEpARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION . - .-. . _.. . �� / ���� , � ./ ��.. �l �� � u- . � . ADE, Maintenance COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION By Authorized Signature OFFfCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Approved as to Form and Execution: � COMMfSSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION By Authorized Signature CITY OF SAlNT PRUL � Mayor Date 8}r �� bl.�,.v� Dire r of Finance and management Services Date l � � � � > Approved as to form and execution: BY ��� ����-P AssistanY City Attorney Date �•lr°� OV 3 Countersigned: . po -�` �-- Mn/DOT Agreement No. 78299 Amendment No. 1 CITY'S StGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGMENT This Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of , 2000, by and , the Mayor (Name) (Name) and the Director of Finance and Management Services of the City of Saint Paui, and did execute this Agreement on behalf of the City intending to be bound thereby. Notary Public My Commission Expires N{3TARY STAi41F � �RiG1NAL Presented By Referred To Committeec Date � WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has appro�mately 29.63 miles (141.09 equivalent lane miles) of desia ated trunk lughways � located wittrin the city limits which require annual rourine maintenance. 4 WHEREAS, the original two year Trunk Highway Routine Maintenance Aa eement No. 78299 effective from July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2001 has been negotiated and approved in November 1999 between the City of Saint Paul and the State of � Minnesota which details the terms and limits of city force participation towazd the rouGne maintenance of the avnk highway 6 system within the City of Saint Paul; and 7 g WHEREAS, the original agreement indicates in Section XI that the agreement shall remain in effect from the date of its execution g unfil amended or superseded by joint Mn/DOT and City of St. Paul agreement; and 10 i1 12 13 14 15 16 17 �$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 WHEREAS, the original agreement with the City provides for the routine maintenance for a portion of Trunk Highway 49 from the north city limits to University Avenue, which portion includes bridge #62008 and #9470 over BNSF railroad, comprising a total of 9.91 equivalent lane miles, was tumed over to Ramsey County by a Commissioners Order # 84478 effective Apri124, 2000; and WHEREAS, the portion of Trunk Highway 952A including Robert Sffeet from I-94 to University Avenue, then on University Avenue to T2ice St, comprising 0.602 equivalent lane miles, together with bridge 9250 (carrying Cedaz Avenue over Trunk Highway 952A) comprising 0.075 equivalent lane miles, was turned over to Ramsey County by Commissioners Order # 84544 effective May 25, 2000; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Article XI of Trunk Highway Routine Maintenance Agreement No. 78299, and in recognition of the uansfer of these portions of Trunk Highway 49 and Trunk Highway 952A to Ramsey County, Mn/DOT and the City desire to enter into this amendment to said original agreement, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the original Trunk Highway Routine Maintenance Agreement No. 78299 shall be adjusted to reflect the fact that Mn/DOT will no longer be paying the City to provide maintenance on these portions of Trunk Highway 49 and Trnnk Highway 952A, and this amendment will decrease the total payment to the City by $39,901.73 for the duration of the present a�reement ending June 30, 2001. The City will no longer have mainte�nce responsibility for the aforeme�6iQned exclusions. Reques�ed by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: `�,� 4'� 0 - Approved by Ma�o�: Da `� ��' N By: CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA council File # Oo — �l � a RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 102816 at Public Works By: • Thomas Egg D're o Form Approved by City Attorney �,�,,, � • (��'�A� p .1G • 00 By : --� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � Adopted by Council: Date ne_r/�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICECOUNCIL DATEINITIATED ^nn G E SHEET NO. 102816 �� P�LIC WO�S AUgRSY 8� ZVW y INITIAUDAiE INIiIAVDATE CONTACT PEFiSON & PHONE � DEP R!fr � CIN COUNCIL GARYL.ERICHSON � 266-6229 �� Oq CINATfOfiNEY P. ,.60 �qTYCLERK NUMBER PoR MUSTBEON COUNpC AGENOA BY (OATE) pOIJf7NG Q �� � BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FlN, & MCaT. SERVICES DI0. AUGUST 23. 2000 �nuvoa�oanssisruar� � TOTAL i OF SIGNATUflE PAGES � (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS f-0R SIGNANR� � ASSOCIATE ❑1 DFFf. ACCOUM � HCiION REQUESTED Council approval of the attached amendment to Trunk Highway Routine Maintenance Agreement No. 78299 (effective July 1, 1999 thru June 30, 2001) between the City of St. Paul and the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation. The original agreement was adopted by Council and approved by the Mayor in November 1999. FiECAMMENDATIONS: Apprwe (A) or Re�ect (R) PERSONAL SEHVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER T}iE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL $ERVICE COMMISSION 1- Has Mis perso�rtn ever worked under a contrac[ for this tlepaKment? — — YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rt� ever been a ciry empbyee? — — YES NO _ S7aFP 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill no[ nortnally possessetl by any curtent ciTy — employee? DISTRICTCAUNCIL YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Expiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: The original Trunk Highway Routine Maintenance Agreement #78299 stipulates costs and terms for City forces to provide routine maintenance on the trunk highway system within St. Paul. The following roadway segments were transferred to Ramsey County by Comsnissioners Order: T.H. # 49 (Rice St) from north city limits to University Avenue, C.O.#84478 effective 4/24/00; and T.H. # 952A (Robert St) from I-94 to University Avenue, C.O. #84544 effective 5/25/00. This amendment will decrease the total payment to the City by $39,901.73 for the duration of the present agreement. The City will no longer have the maintenance responsibility for the above noted exclusions to this agreement. ADVAN7AGES IF APPF30VE�: Amendment is signed and the adjusted quarterly payments to the City from Mn/DOT will continue for our maintenance on atl remaining roadway segments included in the ri•uuk highway system within St. Paul. Cao�� ,p�s�a� C�nt�' DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �ySP , � None ��� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � Delay our receipt of quarterly payment from the State. TOTALAMOUMOFIRANSACTION$ �$39901.73 COSLREVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Minnesota Deparlment of TransportaUOn ACENIN NUMBEB 225-4Z310-3450,240-12005/12006Q2009-3417 FINANCIALINFOFiMATION:(EXPLAIN) " L'r�/�Z Oo -� G a- MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROUTINE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 1 PREPARED 8Y TO Mn/DOT METRO DIVISION AGREEMENT NO. MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS 78299 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STAZ'E OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMEP7T OF TRANSPOR AND THE L;ITY OF SAIN"f PAUL FOR ftoutine maintenance of ceriain portions of trunk highway(s) and bridges �vithin the corporate !imits of the City of St. Paul upon terms and conditions set forth in thi.s agreement. Amount Encumbered NONE � Oo -7ti 3- MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT N0. 78299 THIS AGREEMENT, which shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, is by and between the State of Minnesota through its Commissioner of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "Mn/DO�, and the City of Saint Paul, a body politic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City". WHEREAS, Mn/DOT and the City have an agreement, identified as Mn/DOT Agreement No. 78299, hereinafter referred to as the "Originai Agreement°, for the City to provide routine maintenance of certain portions of trunk highways and bridges within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Original Agreement indicates in Section XI that the agreement shali remain in effect from the date of its execution until amended or superseded by joint Mn/DOT and City agreement; and WHEREAS, the Original Agreement with the City, provides for the routine maintenance of portions of Trunk Highway 49 including bridges 62008 and 9470, and Trunk Highway 952A including bridge number 9250 over Trunk Highway 952A; and UVHEREAS, the portion of Trunk Highway 49 from the north city limits to University Avenue, which portion includes bridges 62008 and 9470 over BNSF railroad, comprising a totai of 9.91 Equivalent Lane Miles, was turned over to Ramsey County by a Commissioner's Order 84478 effective April 24"', 2000; and �JFiERFAS, the portion of Trunk Highway 952A including Robert Street from 4-�J4 to University Avenue, then on University Avenue to Rice Street, comprising 0.602 Equivalent Lane i�liles, together with bridge 9250 (carrying Cedar Avenue over Trunk Highway 952A) comprising 0.075 Equivalent Lane Miles, was *.urned ovar to Ramsey County by a Gommissi�ner's Order 84544 effective May 25t", 2000; and +NNFR =AS, in accordance with Article XI of Mn/DOT Agreement No. 78299, and in recognition of the 'ransfer of these portions of Trunk Highway 49 and Trunk tiighway 952A to Ramsey County, Mn/DOT and fhe City desire to enter into this amendment to said Original Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Mn/DOT Agreement # 78299 shall be adjusted to reflect the fact that Mn/DOT will no Ionger be paying the City to provide maintenance on these portions of Trunk Highway 49 and Trunk Highway 952A turned over to Ramsey County by the above-referenced Commissioner's Orders.. Revision 1 ARicle 1A is amended as follows: The paragraph relating to Trunk Highway 49 is deleted in iYs entirety as of the effective date of Commissione�'s Order #84478 and the City will have no further obligation to maintain that roadway segment under this contract. Mn/DOT will pay the City for maintenance performed under this contract up to the effective date of Commissioner's Order #84478. Commissioner's Order #84478 isincorporated herein by reference. Revision 2 Article 1A is amended as follows: The roadway segment described in the paragraph relating to Trunk Highway 952A is amended as of the effective date of CommissionePs Order #84544 to exciude the portion of the roadway turned over to Ramsey County by such Commissioner's Order, which is incorporated herein by reference. The City will have no further duty to maintain the excluded portion of 00 _'t `a- Mn/DOT Agreement No. 78299 Amendment No. 1 such roadway segment under this contract. Mn/DOT wiil pay the City for maintenance pertormed under this contract up to the effective date ot Commissioners Order #84544. Revision 3 The fourth quarter payment to the City during fiscai year 2000, shall be $104,083.37. This is calculated as fo(lows: $109,979.66 — ((9.91 x $3,118.00 x (114) x (67/91}] — [(0.602 + 0.075) x $3,118.00 x (1/4) x (36/91}] _ $104,083.37 Each quarterly payment to the City during the fiscal year 2001 shall be a$104,793.91 payment. This is calculated as follows: $113,295.27 — [(9.91 + 0.602 + 0.075) x $3,212.00 x (1/4)] _ $104,793.91 [This a total payment reduction of $5896.29 +(4 x$8501.36) _$39,901.73] No other terms or conditions of the Original Agreement are amended or altered in any manner. 2 oo_�� Mn/DOT Agreement No. 78299 Amendment No. 1 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement through their duly authorized officials: DEpARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION . - .-. . _.. . �� / ���� , � ./ ��.. �l �� � u- . � . ADE, Maintenance COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION By Authorized Signature OFFfCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Approved as to Form and Execution: � COMMfSSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION By Authorized Signature CITY OF SAlNT PRUL � Mayor Date 8}r �� bl.�,.v� Dire r of Finance and management Services Date l � � � � > Approved as to form and execution: BY ��� ����-P AssistanY City Attorney Date �•lr°� OV 3 Countersigned: . po -�` �-- Mn/DOT Agreement No. 78299 Amendment No. 1 CITY'S StGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGMENT This Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of , 2000, by and , the Mayor (Name) (Name) and the Director of Finance and Management Services of the City of Saint Paui, and did execute this Agreement on behalf of the City intending to be bound thereby. Notary Public My Commission Expires N{3TARY STAi41F �