276104 � WHITE - CITY CLERK ,�, , PINK - FINANCE (� j �, ''� BLUE�Y - MAYOR MENT � V I T F SA I NT PA U L COUt1C1I Ip����� File N 0. � v cil Resolution Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement for the lease of Town Square Park to Beverly Eri�kson for a wedding reception December 27, 1980; ` a copy of said Agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt CONP4UNITY E Levine , [n Favor Maddox McMahon snowaite� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson DEC 2 3 19R0 Form pprove y C' ey Adopted b uncil: Date — � Cert� ed Pas- y Coun 'I Secretary � BY t Appro b :Vlavor: Dat D Ap ed by Mayor fo ub ission to Council 8D BY — � �SxE� �4�� 3 1981 • _`� .. � ' . . .-- , ' � ' � ��`��+U� � � � TOWN SQUARE RENTAL CONTRACT . (ST. PAUL HOTEL) � . ' THIS IS AN AGREEMENT, Dated this (1 , day of �o` D�{--�-- 1980, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Minnesota, hereinafter . � . , � called "City", and �-KS�cw� C-{�-�l�c-�-�u,J,q-� �E��ro�6 ����q�► (Name of Organization) _ �-�r� c�,,���,,� �C,j�,�}v � ��4� SS�i�v, hereinafter called "Tenant"; � (Address ) � . WITNESSETH: ! . . �IT IS MTJTUAL�Y AGREEL BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY AND TENANT AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the City does hereby let and lease to Tenant that . portion of Town- Square Park as identified on the attached Exhibit A Floors G-h��S � for the hours of .��� A.M. .M to ��� 'o� (Designate #� � • - : A.M. P.M and Floors `''�- for the hours of - A.M:/P.M. (Designate #) \ _ ' to �- A.M./P.M. for the date of �JFc�`' ��� �7 , 19��. 2. That Tenant has estimated the number of persons attending its function under this lease to be ��o and, accordingly, will pay to the City the sum of $,�am •°� `-- • �'�iis sum repre- ' . sents the total of established City hourly rates for the above -- --- times--and--further--includes-,,.an additional- amount� �representing -twb -•° - (2) hours time to cover the City' s cost in providing set-up�, take- down, security and janitorial services for this lease. 1.. . .�. � 'i . . . ` .. . ' � . ,!. ����■ (� . �'I V � ' 3. That Tenant will pay the above sum to the City upon execution of this lease and as further consideration, if Tenant . contracts for food catering services to be provided during this . lease, shall pay to the City the sum of $ �- � upon the execution of this lease. This sum is intended to represent I596 of said caterer' s gross b ill to Tenant, and Tenant shall furnish a copy of said b ill to the City in verification thereof. Both parties shall pay or refund, as the�case may be, such monies as are necessary to reflect payment �of the above percentage. 4. That the City will furnish all labor nec�ssary for the maintenance and good order of the leased premises including such secur�.ty personnel as in the City' s .opinion would be needed for the term of the _lease, but this paragraph shall not be construed as obliging the City to furnish bartenders, waiters, waitresses or entertainment personnel. . ' 5. That Tenant will not bring into the leased premises any liquor, beer or non-intoxicating beverages of any kind unless con- - sented to by the City, nor will Tenant permit the same among its . guests and invitees. ' � 6. - That Tenant- will not construe -this- lease as permitting - 'any activity which would contravene any statute or ordinance. 7. That Tenant shall save .and hold harmless the City from any and all claims arising out of the Tenant' s use herein and as 2) „ _._.�;k ; . � � ' such claims are attributable to the negligence of the Tenant, its guests or invitees. � g. That this agreement may be terminated by either party upon • written notice and for good cause shown. 9. That for the purposes of administering this agreement, the City' s liaison is John Poor. � . � • � � � TENANT . • B 6 Nane . f � /-i ��s-� �� �r-�t� ��_-� Address - . . � �� �-���- Phone C TY OF SAINT A � B . Ap d as t Form: � or , C � i � , . ' . Depar nt o Co ity_ Assistant C ty Attorn y Services n, (� � BY . Dir. , Department of Finance and Management Services _ 3) �—__.__.. . _.�,.o, , . - .`.. y �E . • � � TOWN SQUARE PARK, , , L I OUOR CATER I NG ���-��4 � r LIQUOR MAY BE CONSUMED IN TOWN SQUARE PARK ONLY IF IT IS PURCHASED ON TNE SITE FROM ONE OF THE VENDORS LISTED BELOW. LI�UOR MAY BE SERVED AT PRIVATE PARTIES WHEN THE PARK }iAS BEEN RENTED FOR A SPECIAL EVENT- A BANQUET, RECEPTION, ETC, _ ALL LAWS GOVERNING THE SALE-PURCHASE AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WILL BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO AT ALL TIMES , LI�UOR SERVICE ENDS AT I:OO AM WITH THE LAST CALL BEING MADE AT IZ:45 AM. ' YOU ARE FREE TO CONTACT EITHER OF THESE VENDORS TO HANDLE YOUR LI�UOR NEEDS , RADISSON PLAZA NOTEL�, , �,�MARK RUDOLPH, . ,291-8g00 PROM CATERING, , , ,HARRY� GIVEN, . .�645-0596- --_ ' . � � � . THE RADISSOti IS THE ONL`.' CATERER AVAILABLE FOR SUNDAY LIGlUOR $ERVICE. . � UPON DETERMINING WHO _WILL CATER THE LTGtUOR AT YOUR EVENT, YOU MUST SIGN A RENTAL CONTRACT FOR USE OF THE PARK THAT ' LISTS WHICH LI�UOR CATERER YOU WILL 8E USING � i TOIj�N SQUARE PARK, „FOOD CATER I NG . . ;. _ . , . FOOD- FULL SIT DOWN DINNER, BUFFET OR HORS D�OEUVRES MAY ' � BE �SERVED AT ANY EVENT WHEN TOWN SGIUARE .PARK IS RENTED ; ; TO A N I N D I V I D U A L O R GROUP� I ' � I . .; i � YOU- THE RENTER ARE FREE TO CONTRACT WITH ANY FOOD CATERER � YOU DESIRE PROVIDING THE CATERER HAS _A- LICEN,�E TO DO BUS�NESS II I . WITHIN THE= CITY OF _ST. . PAUL. �� _ - 1 � i � AS A PART� OF TNE TOWN; SaUARE PARK �RENTAL fEE- °IS�� OF THE , TOTAL- FOOD CATER I NG B I LL MUST BE :SUBM I i'TED TO THE C I TY BY _ THE- RENTER�� .:�_ AN ESTiMATE_OF =THI��AMOUNT�W I I ' AT TNE TI ME THE RENTAL- CONTRACT�-I S S I GNED I L ANY OVER U H T E D. __ i ; O R S H O R T F A L L S WILL BE ADJUSTED WITHIN �A ` REASONABLE°• TI A R G E S ; � ME AFTER. . . � - T H E E V E N T, WITH AN ADDITIONAL PAYMENT TO THE CITY OR A REFUND ! TO THE RENTER, WHICHEVER THE CASE MAY BE. THESE PAYMENTS SHALL BE INTEREST FREE� .- -h 2'�s1�4 "� � v OM O1: I2/3.975 Ren. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: DECEMBER 9, 1980 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER T � ������� :� �= THOMAS J. KELLEY � DFe 1 1 �� �= COUNCIL RESOLUTION � � �� ACTION REQUESTED: Approval and signatures on attached Resolution PURPOSE AND RATI�NALE FQR THIS ACTION: Execute Agreement for lease of Town Square Park - ATTACHMENTS: Council Resolution Copy of Agreement