276093 WMITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE y � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F SA I N T �PA U L COUIICII BLUE - MAYOR , FIIe N O. � �} Cou � esolution Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proposed REGISTERED LAND SURVEY (tentatively entitled 80-01) as recommended and approved by the Director of Public Works be and the same is hereby accepted. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: �enf � Pub 1 i c Works ����e [n Favor �� Maddox � L��Z'v"�`'° McMahon A ainst BY �101"'���� — g DOrtald E. Nygaard T JH/dll Tedesco M�'ilcm D�C 1 g �pR� Form Approv d by City A orney Adopted ounci Date — Cert ied Pas- b ouncil Secretary BY Appr by fNayor: Dat • . 2 198� Appro y ay r Su m' Council By BY ��t� D E C 2 71980 �e r'� 41: �12/i91S .. , , _ .;� " 1tev:. 3/8f76 " EXPLANATION OF aUMINlST4tATfUE ORDERS, RESOLUT i ONS, AiVD ORD!NANCES _ t]►+j6 � . IG� , - Date: pecember 3. 1980 T0: MAYOR &EORGE LATIMER � � � FR: �;�� 7� ��� ��� Donald E. Nygaard, Director of Public Works OE� 1 _19� R�� Proposed REGISTERED LAND SURVEY (tent. entitled 80-Q1) ���� . , � ACTfON REQUESTED: Approved for submission to Council PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Council approval is necessary prior to the filing of the P�oposed R.L.S. ATTACHMENTS: 1 Council Resolution � ' 1 Copy of proposed Registered Land Survey , dll � REGISTERED LAND SURVEY � � : � N0. � � RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA Y E I , Edward N. Sunde, Surveyor, do r�ereby certify that in accordance witt� the �tatutes of 1949, as amended, have surveyed the followin d� �'� ov ; sions of Chapter 5� `, Minnesata Sta�e of Minnesota to wit : 9 scribed tract of land in the County of He�, ,epin, Parcel i . Lots 18, 19, 20 and 23, Block 6, Scenic Hills. Parcel 2. Lots 21 and 22 exce t those � r P par�s lying South and East o� lines described a - follows : Beginning at a point on the East line of Section 35, iownship 29, Range 22 d � Stant 143.82 feet North of the Southeast corner of said :ection; thence running West at right an5les to said East line, 103 feet; thence West para11e1 with �he South lines of said loT.s to a noin� distant 225 feet West of the East line of said L o t 2 2; t h e n c e� S o ut n 2 2 to an intersection with the Sou th l i n e o f s a i d L o t 2 1 P aexcep t t he hEast�45afeetlth�rt Let a l l in Block 6, Scenic Hilis . eot: Parcel 3. That part of Lot 17 lying tast ot a line 150 feet West and Lot 17 and lying south of a line 100 feet North and parallePawithethe1Southelinetoflsaidf s,:id � �' Lot Lot 24; all in Block 6, Scenic Hills. together with Those parts of Lots t�venty-one (21 ) and twenty-two (22) , Block six !6) , Scenic Hills 1 in S and EaSt of lines described as follows: B�ginning at a point on the East line ot Section thirty-five (35) Towrshi twent Y 9 outh P y-nine (29) , Range twenty-two (22) , distant one hundred forty-three and eighty-tw� hundredths ( 143.82) feet North of the Southeast corner of said section; line, one hundred three ( 103) feet; thence West thence run �ing West at right angles to said East two hundred twenty-five (225) feet Wes� ot the Eastdline oftsaideLotUtwent11e `�f said lots to a point distant with said E.�st line of Lot twenty-t�vo (22) to an intersection �v�tn the So�rth�l �ne2o?�saidnLotstwentPar-allel except thF East forty-five (45� feet thereof, according to� the plat thereot filed of record in the office (of } � the Regi�trar of Titles within anc+ ior said County. Except hose parts of t!�e said property described above taken for trunk highwa ur os Certific.�te Number 68�L88 as recorded in the Office of the Registrar o�� TitlesyiP apd foraccording to the Final ,�. .: . - �: -,I �hereb ' y Ramsey County, Minnesota. _ y ce�,-t��_that _tf�is is a correct delineation of said surve dated this day of 19�"s___` . __��..... ,� _�:;� �.__ CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA A�proved and accepted by the City Council of th� ��ity of St . Paul , P�innesota thi 19_, � s d ;y of - M ayor - -------- , ��,-T, DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATICh � No d�l i nquent taxes and transr�r enr.et ��; t���s day of . 19 , � �J-�i,�rto�� gy epartmPnt o roperty axatio�� Deputy RAMSEY COUNTY SURVEYOR Pursuant to Chapter 7, Minnesot �; La►,s of 19�6 this plat has beer appr�oved this , 19 , day of . vi era F,cting Ramsey County Surveyo�� REGISTRAR OF T?TLES, COUNTY OF �„P'SEY, STATE :iF MiNPJESOTA ? nereby certify that this Regi:,r.,red L�nd S��rvey No. was rilt�:: in thi ° 19 � ar __ c'clock. .M. , as ocum�nt No. s o�iice the __ day of th H. ��Jh'J, e�15�rar' ���1—t-iE�— Sy - __ _: __ Leputy P ��� .. � �� , ,NOT:�CHECKED � , �, � SUNDE LAND SURVEYING, IN� � �� I � �` � � � � L �►I� � � Ui�VEY N0. RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA 7G --�- EAST LINE OF THE S.E I/4 OF SEC 35,T.29N.R.22W., RAMSFY CO., MN:-- ,\ -�-^ T }�-`�I �-11 �-�..���I -T —4 f� /�--�" 2 4 6.10 � L_ /-1 � � � V I �/ I \ I V � ".J I I p���,�5.00 I \ `'' �'� �tj° ��;15.00�- - 143.82 100.00 � °� " � ° � ��EAST LINE OF LOT 22, BLOCK _----�- - � � I 26 i �'�- °'��202 27 _�_��,.; SCENIC HILLS. -- ----- ;� - --- -- — --- --- -- - _ _ _ ___- ---_ ___--- ---- - --�-� - ---- ------- -- � � � � � ol. � � \� � i � � N � � ��` _` � � ° � � �� �EP��� o � � /� `_ � 00 � � E SO°30�03°W I� ° lo �I N 89°29�57��E� I 13.15 �� � -U.S.TRUNK HWY. N0.94 PER. DOC. N0. 689288 � 2rj.00 ��- '� �� AS RECORDED IN THE RAMSEY C0. REGISTRAR OF � . �� � h� � �Gj TITLES OFFICE,3-3-1980. � �� �� � 1 �' Q oh�O ;_-- -_ ---- SO°30� 03��W 202.27 ---�� �, � ' i 1,�� `�j p,,�O�6 .g� ' „�, � � �`�,,1 � `"r0�\ � � � � I O , o � �� I i cn i � W � � C� 1 ��� — = N � - -- --�— -- N i� �_ �J F��— � � �� 88 C_� i� `\I�� S � . � i/�� ��� �� i � F- a p� Q N �j�- � � 3 N o! � - C\ �/ I J �j'� N J II J � N I tn �,J � V� I \�� ' � � � °� ao � L � � I a O /�� � � ' ��� � `n z z II, w � � �' � �� � � � �� ? ` J �' c N � �__ _�I = _� � \-' � I � �' � ~ � � J i !_ �; o � A �(V — _ � J , � v� ,` -� � ' . � ! j ,; I � —�__ �.- ---- ---- -- -- ---— - �r ; EqsT — -__ � _ __ r� 0�1/ SCFN���NE �F �pT�� _ � LINE PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF-� �� Q� H���S. � B�O�K 6 �, � --_.f LOT 22, BLOCK 6, SCENIC HIL�S. ��� `° ;' ' \ � ;� � �7 � � � --- - �, - o � o �� o , � �, � , �, � , , ; ---- --- —_— ---- � � � � � � � �� i � `� � � w � ' i-� ° \ � � i w � J Z � ''' ' J � \ J S 3 Q � �L�NE �SpJO�2S��JruE '---� � o ,,,� qN p p� FEE � a ^ � /� � PQRA�� T wES � a - � ' ` . -� EAST ��NE pF L T�T� 7-�E F � Q o � � <�� . � � � r , �i'l \ O li v I V � d�„ � � 100.00 \ \ � — � Z \;'_ Z J P � � _ ��—� w w � , �/ ' ' � � o � \ � \ ` 1�/\ � � w " ` r J \ ° o � — -- � �'� � w H � z z - � J3 / 1 / ,2�9' R= 181.66 Q,sso ' 02 N 40°4 3'30" �` L SS' w 3.68-r-===- -- � 29'� / � U � / � ` � / � V �'' ` O �` � �� � \ \ �� \ I ✓ Z V � / � � .�` ^ �-' �_ ' .3 w . �,) ° � � \ 'o �is�,��3 0 ��� `�` / �� \ /,Q ��� J 3 O �o�,F J , S �s � � SCALE� I inch= 50 feet \ i I cP��c�j � � 5� � 5� ��� �. � ��� � � � y`��` cy�����°0 , -- , �� � J S � SCALE IN FEET \ \ � , � -- g 6ASIS FOR BEARINGS IS THE EAST LINE �OT,�CHECKED ` /`� ,�o �\ �3 O� � OF THE S.E. I/4 OF SEC.35 WHICH IS � /� �- 1 � I /� I� I I I C�\ � �'�.2��0� ASSUMED TO BEAR N 0°30 03 E. � \i L_ I V I \i I I I L_ L_� \ 26�0 o DENOTES I/2�� IRON PIPE � � � r-� "�° D� MONUMENT SET WITH A PLASTIC I V �J. � \ CAP STAMPED REG.N0.8612 SUNDE LAND SURVEYI SHEET 2 OF 2 ;