276092 .. •,G - l.1 i T l L L�Y I� ' `-
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Ci:NARV - [�[PARTMENT ( ) 1 �i�, �� �' �L� 1 ♦\ 1` �,�� �T l• File NQ. � � V ����
• Gou ' , esolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Dale
RESOLVED, By the City Council of the City of Saint Paul,
that Chapter 612, Sections 3, 4, 6 and 7, Laws of Minnesota for
1980, approved April 24, 1980, entitled:
"An Act relating to local government; regulating
zoning of certain facilities; authorizing certain
actions by the City of Saint Paul; setting conditions
of employment for certain Washington County employees;
providing for membership and dues to the Ramsey County
League of Local Governments; amending Minnesota
Statutes 1978, Sections 245.812, subdivision 2; and
252.28, subdivision 3; and Laws 1959, Chapter 690,
Section 2, as amended; and Laws 1963, Chapter 728,
Section l, as amended. " • ,.
a copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said Act is
� hereby �,n all things approved;
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the City Clerk, as the chief clerical
- officer of the City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith file with the
Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the
Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said
approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this
resolution of approval of said Act. �
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
Hunt �
Levine [n Favor
McMahon �/ B
snowa�ter A gai n s t Y
DEC 1 g �� Form A rove y City Attorney
Adopted h�• nci : Date
Cert�(� Pas� y uncil Se retar � y 8TA1`E OF N'iSNNE�JTA
Qf.PARTMr'�T C= :.'=.T�
App' by 1lavor: D < <� 2 2 1980 Approved by Mayor for Submis��A►ta �deAStWI
B,. __ By
, a� � � � �.
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;� unruw ,;
=• �����.!!�t!�: �� BUREAU OF RECORDS
' : -
- 386 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
December 22, 1980
Secretary of State's Office
Attn: Peggy Steineck
Room 180, State Office Bldg.
st. Paul, rRn. 55155
Dear Ms. Steineck:
Attached for filing in the office of Secretary of State is a
Certificate of Approva.l by the City of St. Paul for Sections
3, 4, 6 and 7 of Chapter 612, Laws of Minnesota for 1980 as
approved by C. F. 276092, adopted December 18, 1980. Will ,
you please time stamp a copy" of this letter and return it to
the City Clerk's office at 386 City Hall, St. Paul, Mn. 55102.
- Yours very truly,
Rose Mix
City Clerk
OEC 2 91980
�ry of st�ta
I n
�— (Pursuant Co Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021)
STATE OF� MINNESOTA t: ��`� ° ° r �
. , .�.�n � .
.� , ..�"�" �: ��
Ramsey � _ '�} � � �
County of ' , .,�-. �
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the
City of Saint Paul
(name of governmental unit) .
DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 19 � . Chapter
612 req�g approval by a • majority vote of the governing body of said local governmental
unit before it becomes effective, the , � City Council
: ° (deaignate governing body)
at a meeting duly held on the 18thday of . December , 19 � , by resoludon
Council File 275092 did approve said Laws, 19 � , Chapter 612
(If other than resolution,spe�ity) Seetions 3, �+, 6 and 7 .
by a ma'ori vote of atl of the members thereof `
(Ayes 6 ; Noes � ; Absent or not voting 1 ) and the following additional steps, if any,
required by statute or charter were taken:
Resolution published in the official paper of the City
A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a art of this certificate by reference.
Signe . r-�-
' ., ' City Cl rk
(Official designation of officer)
(This form prescribed by the Attomey General and furnished by
the Secretary of State as required in Minnesota Statutes 645.021)
, STA7E OF M:";�+��^�;�
"If extraordinary majority is required by the special law, insert fraction or percentd��t�i�'.'•=��� =� ���;�_
. � FIL � �
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. • H.?�'.:;o. 1873
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- 2 retatinq to tocaE govern�ent; regutatT�g zon[ng o�
3 certain tacEt �ties; authoriz�ng certain actions by
4 the citY at' Saint Paut : setticng conditions of
5 emp(oYment far certain i�ashington county
6 e�nptoyees's Prov Ed ing far the membersh ip and dues
7 of the Ratnsey courtty teague oi focaE gorrernme�►ts; �
8 amertding Minn�sota Statutes 1g78, Sections
4 245.BI2, Subdiv �sEon 2: and 252 .28s SubdivisEOn 3;
ZQ and LaHS I454, Chapter 690, Section 2 , as aa�ectded; .
I1 and Laus 1963, Chaptec 728 * Secti on I � as a�ended.
12 �
24 Sec ti on I . Mi nnesata Statutes I478 , Sect �orr 245_SI2,
15 SubdEVisEOn 2, is amended to read= �
I6 Subd. 2. ln determining rrhether a � icense shai [ 6e
17 issued > the commissioner sha ! [ specificatlY consider the
I8 popu( ation : size , land use ptan , avaitabiLitY of com�unity
I9 servECes and the numbe� and size of ex isting pubt ic and
2Q priv3te com�unity residentiat fiacitities �n the tar+r� •
21 a�unic i pa t i ty o r countY in xh ich; a� spF t i car�t seeks tn
22 opec�te a residence . E�rc�t-�s-aR��'�'rec+-t-rt-sec�-i-crs
23 �s�;�6-1- Under no �ircumstances may the comm�5sioc�er neuty
24 f i cense any g roup res ident Ta t f ace t ity pur suant to La►�s
25 I976, Chapter 243 i t such resident ia f fa�ci t ity rri t t be
I ,
. • • : .:�-_.
, . .zY$ .,
� � . ; �,���
-- �. • , . ' . � "
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. ►'.r::<o. 1°73
` 1 �+itfiin 1 ,320 feet of any exIst�ng cc�-crr. 'rtr aroup
2 resi �entiat facitity untess the appropriaie to�n,
3 c�unicipaiity or county zoning authority gcaRts the iacitity �
4 a cond i tionat use oc special use pere�it . ilith the
S exception af foster f�mity horr�es the requirerzents of this : _
6 subdtvis�on applY to aEt licensed residentEaf tacitities,
7 and for cit�es of the ficst ctass app( y e� en if a facitity
8 is consFde�ed a .pec�nEtted singfa taeitY residentiat use of -
_ _ __ .��...._
g Rcopsrty according to subdfvisian 3_
• IO Sec . 2� Hinnesota Statutes I978s Section 252 �28 ,-- _
I1 Subd i vi si on 3. i s arnended to cead_
I2 Subd.. 3. t I) Ho nerr t icense shai t be gcanted pursuant
I3 to th T s se� tt on when the essuance ai the [ icense wou td
' 14 substantia! [Y contre6�cte to an excess�ve concenttation of
I S co��un i ty cesEdentia f tac i i Et ies K cthi n any toun,
I6 munic i pa [ i ty or county of the state. .
I7 [2) In detera�in E ng rrhether a E icer►se sha[ t be issued
I8 pursuant to this subaivision , the com� iss�one� of pubE ic .
I9 Ke �tare sha t E speci� �Ga! ty eoasider the poputat ion, s ize,
20 Eand use pfan, avaitabi ( ety of cammunity ser�rices and the
2�. nva�bec and size of existing publ ic and psivate community _
22 tesi3enti� t iaci I ities in the torrn , m�nicipat ity oc county
23 in Kh ich s t ecensee �eeks to operate a ces idence. Undec Ro
�' 24 ci tcua�sta�nces maY the co�►a�oss�onec ne►rty . E icense anY
2 S f a c i ( i t y p u r s u a n t t o t h i s s e c t i o n if-tFr c-�f�ac�i-E-i#�►-u�-E�'fre' �
26 �rtt-;r"s-rr-3$&-f-e�tt-cf--a-rrr`-txt�xerS�-ce'c.�tr-rtt�r-resic�rrt�i�at
27 f-s-�-��-r-�rrt-ss�-#�Ere-a�Frt�r�*ate�-�crtrr-crctrt�tpai-�-ct
2 8 c-Q�rrf-�►-reRirra�-satkcrrt-�-5�'t�--�'frr-f-a�ctf-s-�r--a-c�rtd-irt-"rerra�t
24 crsc-er-3pcci-a-�F--a��--P�Kt� except as prov ided in M innesota
30 Statutes, Section 245 .8I2. The co�missio�ter of p�rbl ic
32 rrelfare shatE @St8� IE5F1 uctifo�a �utes and regutations to
32 i�►Dlesrent the provisioRS of this subdEVision .
33 t3) L �censes tor cor��unity tacilities and secvices
> ..
, , 2
_ ,,:�:
� . , .
- . - . . _ .�.1����
� •' } ::o. 187�
:... .
� sh3 t i be i ssued pucsu4nt to sect fon 245 .821 .
Z Sec . 3_ [S�INT PAUL, C171f OE; Et!PLOYF4ENT OF
3 U!iIHERSITY aR COLLEGE ST�DEPlTS .1 Kotr+ithstanding anY -
4 Contr� ry ptovi s�oct of the S� int Paut c Ety cha�tec, a �
5 statute , includingathe veteracts preiecence act , or a cirri l "
_------- ------- ----------------------- -- -
6 service rute or regufatio�: t�E gorerr� €ng body oc any boacd
T o� con� ission of the citY of Saint. Paui having autharity to �
8 hi ie eu�p[oyees may e�np[oy university , cail ege, oc .
9 Protessiona ! schoat students pursuant to an intern or other ;
�,_ �_ _��_ - --
10 traiRing program retated to theer academic ende�vors kheR
-- -------._..__._._- ------- --- -
I1 the program is sponsored or su�st$ntiatty fenanced by the
- ------� — - ------- ---
12 state oc the Uni ted States or by a phi tanth�op fc foundat ton
� — --------------- � - -- �_.._�. -- —
13 or argan[zation. . Persons hired un�er a pro9cam shait Ise in
14 the unc [asscfied service ot the city and serve at the
IS pleasuce of t�e bodY emptQY� R9 them_ ho �ut i - time
_._._-__-____ ---- - - -- __----------�-
f 16 appointc�ent under this section sha [' E exceed one yeac. _ •
i7 Persons e�ptoyed undec this section shatt be excluded from
18� the provisi ons af kinnesota Statutes , Sect Eons 266.03 to �
I9 268.24 . -
2� + Sec . 4 . Subdiv i sian 1. If the c cty of St. Pau ! .
�_r.__._.___ ----- -----------
2I issues a bue tding permit in v iotat ion of f ar� * ch�rtec or -
22 ocdinance, it c�aY. uPon discoverY of the erroc , revoke the .
23 pe �mit and �equire cemavat of the constructQOn _ The city
24 maY indec+nifY the pecsonHto Khom the pecmit rras 'essued for
�� ��___.._�_.._ _ _ _��._� �_r._..___
25 costs i ncu� ted beca use ot the ee �vneou s �ssuan ce_
2S � I� constcuctiu� En the cfty af St . Paut has been
27 in3dvectentt � entered an Iand orrned by t�e citY of ,
_ _ ___--_---_ __._.__,-
2E dedicated to a pubf ec use and no ether iega� or equita6fe
.r._._____- - - - _�.� ------- -- --
29 re�►zdY is satistactory to the citY ,^the_city maY as5uire
30 and rea�orre aIE or part ot_the�structure_hy eminent domain
3I en actocdance r+ith_Fiinnesota_St�t�tes :_Chapter I27r__A
32 taking oi pcopertY Fu�suant to this section is a takin9 toc
33 a p�b t i c pu rROSe .
__,__._- - --
�_=- 3
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a . ' . . . . . . .
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' h.F.I:o. 1873
1 Subd.. 2. Th I s sect ion is ei tect ��r e rettoact ive ty npon
--- --------- ---------------- ---- --------
2 approrat bY the governen9 body ot the city of St_ Paul and
3 co�pl eance Ni th N�nnesota Statutes t Sect ion 645.OZZ and
4 . expires Juty lr 1g81.
S �� Sec . 5 _ fiot�+fthstandiag any contracY [aN oe "charter
__..__r.��_ - ---- _ _-- _._._
6 provision, cor��nettcing Nith the budget year statting Januacy
------------------� _____�� ----------_-- ---
7 1: I982 : and cont inu i nq thereat tec , the expense ot keep ing
8 the court house .and city �ai f fcc the caunty ot RaerseY and --
9 ct ty of S� int PauE ire norcost repair and the neeess�ry ,
-- -- - ---------------------� ...�__
. IO expense of heating and ma inta€n{ng �t shai t be pa ed by.. the
� .._ -------�--------- - - - ---
13 cau�ty of RamseY and the citY af Saent Paui based upon
I2 their � respective exciu�ive us�3e or occupancy ot the
23 bui tding. No tatec than Septea�ber I af esch yea� the 1oiRt
- ---- - ------ . -----
' 14 court hous� and city hatt comcaittee shat E determine the
--- -------- -- --------=--�-- ----
I5 vcoportionate sQUare foot exctusive usage oc occupancy of
26 the bue tding 6y the caunty and c �ty cespective [Y and shal i , _
17 subsntt the determina�tion to t�e county boafd and city
_._. ��_____._—...__ ---------------- ---
28 caunc i [ together with the reco�rmended annuaE budget for the .
I9 next yea c's expenses. .
20 ' Sec . 6.. Lsws 2454, ChaPter 6g0 , Sect ion 2, as amended
21 bY L3*rs I963, Chapter 729 , Section 1 , and Larrs 197I , _
22 Chaptec 544, Section 1* is amended to Fead:
23 Sec . 2. [ST_ PQUCx CTT� CIF ; IWDEPENDE�.� SCH(lUL
" 24 DISTRICT t�0. 625� EKPLOYEES SEYERQECCE PAY_I The Pt�ov isions,
25 rules and regutations undec any such aRdinance for such
26 paYsent of severance pay by s�Ed c"ety, authacazed undec the
27 foregQing p�o�risions ai sect Fon I heceof , shal ! be
28 app � icabte to atl emPtoYees ot said city othec than its
29 etected city afiiciafs.� Such severance pa.y shat ! 6e
30 excluded fcam reteremeret deductions and f�om any
3I c� tcutations in retirement beneiits , and shall be paid over
32 a Deriod nat to exceed tive years fcon tecminatiort of
33 esnptvyrent_ The amount ot such severa�ce pay a! l.or�able oc
+, ' _ -
• ' _ _ - ��t'������' � -
� . ..�;
� � f-:.�'.'�o. 157;
I to �ecome paY$� � e in respect af any ssch Ex.pfoyr.�er�t o� to
2 any such ea►PloYee �f-ter�-Stct .r,b-e�r--3�-�-S�3�r sha 1 t Rot exceed
3 f-;rr�3- an a�rount ectuivatent to ane year oi p�y ..
4 Sec T� Laws t963, Chapter 728, SectTon I , as 2mencfed
5 bY L3rrs 1965, Chapter 577, Section 1 , �s amertded ta tead-
7 G Q Y E R N!�E N T S .I 7h e e� t i e s o f �ai-ctt--Fztri--a-e�-kh-'#�r&�at-�rfre�r .
B f4r-ir��gts-�f- _Atden H I ! ! s, Ea{ can He is�ts: Gem �.ake, __
9 Littte Canada : Lauderdate , Haple�,00d , Kounds Yter+ , New
• IO Brtghton, Hvrth Oaks , Ho�th St.. Paut , Rose�riEte: St_ Paut, . .
I I Shorev f ex, a-rr� YadRa i s He ights, and Kh ite Bea� Lake* the
. ._._- ._�i
22 town o� Khite Bear* Raa�sey county, watcrshed d�stciats;
_ __ __._.
13 soit and aater ca�servation districts, schaot distcicts artd
_-�---_._. __...,..... -- _ . _._.,._._ _-____...
24 alt othe� governme�tat subdivisioRS iY �ng �n whote or in �
15 part rrithin Ras�seY caunty, are hereby empowered to
I6 p3cticipate In the or9anfzation ot a 2amseY county teague . �
i7 vf l4tt�t�sp��t�tts locaf governarents and to �e u�ernbers
18 thefeot . E�ch s�sek--rtr�t-Fa�t-r governmentat su�d`eviscon .
� I9 may apPropFiate through its gorern fng body , out of its .
20 geneca I f und , money to pay the annua � dues *er-sttch-�E-za�gtre
2� � t-�a4--srrc}-�et-e�ssxr�-t��crrsra-af-arreEt--�t-f-t5ats�ra-s
2 2 stsch-ge t►et-Ri-etg�-Ere�-ara-X--c�esi-�-esartc a n d �t�o- c o n t r �bu t e �le�--tht
23 funds af-s�e�r to the league to 6e used foc research and
� 24 othec prolects of sis�itar nature reEating to probteras
25 commvn to the se��re�mi--�asrrrre-�r�titt�s-"�'art*z��t�-e�n�-lhtt�-rn�
2 6 �r.�,r�-fz-r�s-h-c+rcir-r r f-tkz�-t-Ere—t��r� r e�b e r s. T h e a c t u a I a n d
27 necessa �y expenses ofi the detegates of the goverr��entat
28 subdivisFons may atso be �ei�bursed aut oT the generat
r�.�� � �.� �..�.����r��.�.����.��.L�������.��.����r�����.�..�.� .
29 funds of the gove �nmenta ( subd"cvisions .
30 7he raaximu�n aa�ount of �oney paid by arry s�
31 � ;�i-��-f-i-�3� c i t y ,o r t o u n t o s�cF t h e t e a g u e f a s d u e s,
32 contributions ar othecr+ise shat ! not exceed: �
33 la } F� ve cents per capita based �n the population of
� .Y:':°t �,. . � ' � � .
r •
_ � • � . __-. -
' . . , f, _
. . ,• '.
. • �
� 2''_.�._.0.. i�73 . ..
2 e3ch respectirre erG:1-�e�c��`�r cEtY oc Lawn zccording to the
2 f�z�-f-ze-e�t�e-f-t�rrzrtst-af►�-frsrt�r�r-�tc��cdj-ttc.rc+►rfi--thc
3 .r..�i-r�--a�-s�--f-ar-rrte�Ee-s-�h if►-f-ers-er�-c a g rsr-d Ge s�rt-t h�e--F�
4 af-rrrY--rrt�rre-ci-P�{-'r#�t-ska{^�I--tro-l--txe�cee�-t-ht-setGr-ef
S metcopolitan council poputatian estinafe ot the Yeac
— - ---------- - -- - - -�- -
6 previous ta the estabt �shnent of dues; or
7 i a) S I .2 5 0 t.te�r�;
8 whichever is �ess. • - -
9 The �ninimuc� amount af strtFr the dues shai t be 550.. .
20 The dues ior Ra�nsey county and gcvernmec�tat .
_-____--- -- - _.�.. _
I1 subd�vF sFons othet than c tties and toans sf�al i be
12 detera�ined Dy• cndtv6duat negotiat�an ►� cth the Ieague. Eaeh
---- --�.��. _�- ------
I3 s�s-c�-�etrrtei-P��r soveFnraentaL s�ubdivisio� bas the pouers
14 and duties provided bY Laus I961, Chaptec 728, iar a�em6ers
I 5 of th t s Eeasue_
16 Sec . 8. Sections 3, 4, and b are efiective upon the - �:'
�__._...._._._. ...__.._. ----- --� - - -
17 daY ot co�pl Fance by the c ':ty at St_ Paut Hith sect ioa
��_�_��_�___.,._._ -- - -�-- ---�--
18� 6'+5.02i , subdi ve sion 3. Sect �ans 1 s 2 , and 5 ace etfect ive
I9 the daY after�� inat enactment .. SectEOn 7 cs effective tor
.. - ---�--__..__----- - ----- -
20 Rac�sey county and each othec subd i v f si on sub.�ect to it upon
ZI its approvat by the governEng 6ody of the county or
22 subdiv'tsion and comPtisnce with Minnesota Statutes, Section
-- ----------- ------� �.�_--___..__� _
23 645 .02I . Far the purposes ot this section the govecn �nq
24 bodY of the tokn 'is the town doard _
_____--- ---_--._--___._.------------ :
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. .. . , T-
. . . ��«„�,� y.�� -
. H. �.No. 13 7 3
Fred C. Norton
Speaker of thc House of Rcpresentasiaes.
' E ward J carty
r�sidtnt o f t e Senau.
Passed the �Iouse of Representatives this 12 t h day of Ap r i 1 in the year of Qur Lord on�
thousand ninc hundred and e i�ht y
Edward A. Burdick
Chi�f Clcrk,Housc of Rcpresentatiucs.
Passed the Senate this 11 t h day of Ap r i 1 in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine
hundred and e i gh t y
_ � �
Patrick E.Flahavcn
Stcretary of the Senate.
r � ~� '� �
J % ,�-//,� l ��.� � _ G�'
Z� �" �
/ �
i Albert H.Quie
� Governor of thc State of Minnesota.
. , . � " ��,�`�,�
,,� �, � � � <
�,� , __ � t=`� .� > .
Filed �
Joan Anderson Growe
. Surctary of State.
., .«,.
. ' �
�.i_�.'i' X �7.�a' i.:�.�l.t.1� '�' =C"JE'�.U J_�
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`���`�\�, .!`.�' � Da t e . December 11 , 1980
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C � �j�i ��� �`�i � �= f� �. � c� � �
� O : �ainf Pa�l Ci�� Caur�cil
�ROi� = CO�sii?)1�7�� Oil LEGISLATION .
William L. Wilson ; choi�-man, mc��ces the fol lo�,ving
reporf on C.F. ,:t� [� Ordinance
[]X Resolution
� • �] Oi�her .
�' �'�'L� ; Local Adoption of Sections 3, 4, 6 and 7 �
The Legislation Committee at its November 25, 1980 meeting recommended approval
of the resolution adopting Sections 3, 4, 6 and 7 of Chapter 612, Laws of Minn. 1980.
Section 3 gives the City of Saint Paul the authority to hire students �
as part of an intern or trainee program when the program is sponsored
� or financed by the federal. or state governmen� or by a philanthropic
foundation. Persons so hired will be in the unclassified service and
full time employment is limited to one year. �
Section 4 provides that if a building permit is erroneously issued by
the City of Saint Paul , it may be revoked and construction ordered re-
moved. It provides for indemnification by the City to the person to
whom the permit was erroneously issued.
Section 4 provides that if construction has inadvertently included land
owned by the City, the City may acquire the construction by eminent domain,
� providing such an acquisition to be a public purpose. .
• Section 6 relates to the payment of severance pay to employees of the
City of Saint Paul and Independent School District 625. Previously,
. severance pay could not exceed $4,000.00. This legi�slation alters the
maximum which could be paid by the City to an amount equivalent to one
year of pay. .
Section 7 relates to membership in the Ramsey County League of Local Govern-
ments. It empowers Ramsey County and other governmental subdivisions , pre-
viously exeluded, which are located within the boundaries of Ramsey County
to participate in the League. In most other respects, this legislation is
but a re-enactment of the statui:e in effect since 1963.
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