276080 WHITE - CITY CLERK +�, CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICll ��6�.� � BLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. , , Co cil Resolution Presented By �C.� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RE90LVED, That the Co�cil of the City of Saint Paul hereby oertifies and approves the action of the City of Sai.nt Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertain- ing tA the follaving listed property and as sYiown by the Excerpted Minutes of sa.id Board of Appeals and Review, dated Nov�mber 18, 1980, and marked E}�iIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE QF BQARD r�1:�iUI'ES CASE N0. PROPII2TY APPELI�ANT 11/18/80 51-80-H 61 W. Delos Shirley M. Mart�nek (four units) �OARD ACTICL�T: Granted tune extension to June 1, 1981 , t�o c:a�lete work orders designat�ed in city's letter of 11/7/80, on oonditian that ast�exisked it�ns in said lett�x be ooa�let�ed by Devember 1,1980, and the city's Order t� Vacate be lifted. Property Descriptiari: West St. Paul Blocks 1 thnz 99 W. 2/3 of Lot 5, Block 26 COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favo[ Maddox � McMahon B snowaite� __ Against Y --�-bde�e wilson DEC � g �qg� Form Approved b City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date — CertifiE:d a-_ by Counci creta B �� � A ro by ;Vlayor. � C ,i g ��$O Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By _ sy au�s.tst�o p�C 2 71980 w - �- 11 /1R/R� - Meeting No. I67 � � � � �= �1 / �3 / T � X � ��5�:���J CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLA.NT 51- 80-H 61 W. Delos Shirley M. Martinek (four units) SUBJECT: Request extension of time to complete repai.xs listed in city's letter of lI/7/80 , which als.o included a copy of an Order to Vacate , because the work is in process and several items have been completed. Owner is awaiting funds from a government program due in February 1981. �;, , -g- 11/18/80 - Meeting i�o. 167 • � � . ;���b���� APPEARA.NCE : Shirley M. Martinek PROCEEDINGS : A�s . Martinek stated that the four units in the building were occupie y S.E. Asian refugee families . She said she had applied in 1979 for Section 312 rehabilitation money but had not qualified in time before the funds were depleted. An allocation of $116 ,000 to finance a comple�e reno- vation had been approved for the new allocation due in February, 1981. There were some items , such as furnace renair and roof revair, that could not tiaait until February, and she had gone ahead to have the work done. All remaining items needembermmediShe askedtthatWthe Order tokVacateebef and would be done by Dec lifted. Ms . Bijjani said there were twelve items that rec{uired prompt attention. If these were completed by December l, she said the city would lift the condemnation order and would be willing to wait on the less urgent items until Ms . Martinek received her expected allocation in February. i rir. Naibi asked if the owner intended to rent to S.E. Asian families after the building was completely renovated. Ms . Martinek said that was her firm intention, that except for a problem of communication which was improving with time , she had found the refugees to be excellent tenants . _ . - 19 81 BOARD ACTION: Mr. Glassman moved that an extension of time to June 1 , , e grante to complete work designat�d in city' s letter of November 7 , 1980 , on condition that asterisked items in the letter are completed by December 1 , 1980 , and the condemnation is lifted. Chairman Tieso seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE 1�OTE : Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 � 11/18/80 - �leeting No. 167 , , . . . NiIiVUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEW Tuesday, November 18 , 1980 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT : Arthur Tieso , Act.ing Chairman Estyr B. Peake Glenn Gausman A. Wali Naibi Ron Glassman ABSENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman Thomas� Reiter AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept. - Division of Housing and Building Cod� Enforcement Alice Bi j j ani � `� OTHERS PRESEI�T : Edward Wittenberg Richard A. Nelsan Harry Steinb auer Jerome Wlymcyzk Tom Kernan W.J. Uhlenkott Paul W. Larson A.W. Uhlenkott Leroy L. Meyersen Craig Miller Beverly Vavoulis Thomas J. McNamara Mr. � Mrs . Clarence Curley Shirley Martinek Ann Copeland STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Tieso at 1: 50 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of 10/14/80 were approved as distributed to the members . CASE N0. �ROPERTY APPELLANT 34- 80-H 951 W. 7th St . Michael Roach (14 units) SUBJECT: Request by St. Paul Division of Public Health to add more specific wo�r ing to motion passed at meeting of 9/9/80 and subsequently ratified by City Council (C. F. 275816) , as proposed in letter of 10/9/80 from SVilliam McCausland. APPEARANCE : None