276074 . . �„�� . '�.1 ' �, - ... ���� �� � CITY OF ST.PAVC'�0.,�:,�,,! COUNCIL FILE NO. FI NAL ORDER ,,°�,,,� � :� gy ��Tar Ie�,e5C.L7 File No. I8172 A .� I the Ma t r of �de aa1 �r �r! tr t +�Onar"�te__a__a b a�! k�.�rr, sp�d s'�on �r��r dr��eiag� t�ai�it�es�n N�� sT�i! �rat lte�irasiEa Arnaw to RQyt J►�waua. ..,.�:,:� . M S �" •• under Administrative Order approved under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City of�cers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date �E����� Yeas Nays Certified ssed by Council Secretary ��Z2a Hunt n � In Favor y Levine }� • L @ Maddox 'u DEC 1 Against M dpX McMahon Mayor �hon Showalter ? �gg� Ch0�4� Itgf..._.Tedesco DEC Z Wilson �CC��;,^,� .-�:. �7 6 �l�- . � . . � „�,,,,,,, ,: �Z �P CITY OF SAINT PAUL � INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM Tc�; Ron I��.d:o.:, Caunc ry 1 Presiden� � ana ?�iem�ers o�' tne City Councii 1 �C � 1�� �rom: J. „:����-a� Dono�ran �,�alua;,icn ana Assessment Engineer COUNCIk.PJ�AN D--�te : td�n�hrcp Street In�p-rovement �pN MA��X � ;'ub1�c rie�,rin� continued to Decer�her �_��, �9tiC The fol;o�ain� is a ?is� ci the estimate3 assessments a�ong witr, a discussion o-�' �ne assessable ,ron�a�;e . �'or you._r infor�.tion a md.p is attached with the o�;nershi�s outlined in b�_ue and the assessa.ble irontages circled in red. G�T�'� ASSESSABLE FRONTAGE ESTI�IATED ASSESSM.,�'N'I' Daigle (y) 0 � This property was previousi.y assessed for the paving of Ho,�t Avenue; �the assessment polic;y ca11s for an exemption of the 1'irs� 125 feet o� the second side of a property to be assess- ed; this property is 11J feet deep, tnus the entire side is exempted from assessment. � Hillstead (2) j0 feet $3,290.00 This proper�y is li0 feet along i�7inthro�n Street by 70 feet deep. Sznce this is a shallow depth lot, the policy cails for assessing the shar� side. This treats tr,is property like �he simil�r property immediatel;r to the north which was assessed ;0 feet for Hoy� �ven�e. _;ac'_.e-r �) 139.1 ieet 6 537.00 .ine full iron�age of this pr�pert;�� is to be assessed. This propert;r has enough area �.nd street fronta.ge to be split in�o 2 buiiding sites. Pro�.. 4) li5 feet �7,�+05.0� The lorlg side of �he property fronts on ti�7inthrop Street. The policv ca11s �or an exemption cf i25 feet on the long side; " the rer,x'�inder is assessed in ful1. Hillcrest ;59•1 feet �2n,277.00 Country Club The frontage S'or this parcei is the same as the total assess- Inc. 5 able and City Aid frontage on the tilest side of �he street. This is standard policy in �.ssessing 7�.rge tracts of land that extend beyond the limits of the proposed improvements. _ ....___, � I trust �his information is helpful to you. � � � ��_ �/�� � �c wv� C'��—'�—�_ ' � % Jt��D:P`��T:drs - ' - ��------ ----- -- . _.._ _ _ _ _ ___-- _. ._. -- --- _---- --- � . "___� ._._.. . ._._._....—_--___-_ fJ I . c , \ �I 1% 7. 'A i !r n,; v• I I C �o �-{-�— -�-- � � � �c � m . ; `J �� ° e' o ` I� ---_-- -.�. __._ _ .� �� -� O �-li F�' �� \,� . �--- N --�---' �'° , � ; � � � . a � � i ^ � o n � � � _� , IF S.57 : � �x- O t� � i Cb 6� .: - ----- - � �`. �-- -, ,�-�— �us 3 eC -°----.._------------------- ...,.........wrn.s�+.werw�w.. _..---- ' - ��c+s �t'— ' Z � �� � tr� _ • � �... O - + �, r� a�3 (�e - J �- � . �1 ———-----—- l9 'T U �� 4 o ��y+ y^ �_ � � U — . q V � i rnU i O h N � f, � � � � `' O N `{ ' •1 r. ��`'.,, 'b �� A � ad„� O! � ° � ''�`.;� �o � a - �- o cr► �� � W °�a � rr °„� I i o C'�" � � � ' " �� � ' � CD�. C- � . i CO 2 ;i 55 � � - � �` -- �00 .I Z� l rI' , �,1.J _ . � _ 1 _, � ��Y i��� O Yrrr7 K�� �� 0 — GO 2JJ.SS 2�-�`=.5_5 �O i l i I � , r i I � I ! � �� � � � � � � N �N o� p �,i � � a� u�i (� �,1 " w tn �'; � fn � ~ H v�i � � i � H cn :=� � � f I � t� ,.0 [�3 � � �G ? v�i G (� ^ � � � I _� �'� d � �> r --- --" ' , � �- i � � � �` �� ; � � - � � m �. � � i � i � � :v �l �: i �� � c n r � � n i I o :� _n � � � r � � � I 0 0� '� (� ' � � i - z .� � �� I� � i y , � rT, � � n � 1� m � � i ��` h J � I � � � _ � � -n 0� ' \ � � `n `'� � -� ; I z � � � w J I i i =� � � �l � c � � I I � I � � � x � � � �3' I N � � J � J � --} N I � -- -- -- I --- - G � o c I R, I � __�---�._ �- ( _ � � � i�,, �� +� I I I N � �g � �, � I i ! �' � � ��W ' � � � i I �� ' � � p �1 �" � � � �. � �- cr� I "� ;' �, � o o ? _� � i' - � ^. ;" ,....._,., �y o � � ac� � c � . � -� �rt� � � � �7 �.: ��� �� �f ...,,�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM To: Ron l�ddox, Council President and Members of the City Council From: J. Willi.am Donovan 'Valuation and Assessment Engineer Date; Winthrop Street Itnprovemen� Public Hea.ring continusd to December 16, 1980 The foll�wing is a list of the estimated assessments along with a discussion of the assessable fronta�e. For youx inform�tion a m�p is attaehed with the ownerships autlined in blue and the assessa.ble fronta.ges circled iu red. py,1�ER ASSESSABLE FRONTAGE ESTIMATED ASSESS� Da,i�le (1) p 0 This property was previausly assessed for the p�ving of Hoyt Avenue; the assessment policy ca11s for an exemption of the first 125 feet of the second side of a praperty to be assess- ed; this property is 11:� feet deep, thus the entire side is exempted from assessment. Hillstead (2) 70 feet 3 2 •� This property is 110 feet along Wi.nthrop Street by 70 feet deep. Since this is a sha.11a�r depth lot, the policy calls for assessing the short side. This treats this property like the similar property immediately to the north which was assessed 70 feet for Hoyt Avenue. Decker 3) 139.1 �eet 6 537.04 The full frontage of this property is to be assessed. �his property Yzas enough area and street frontage to be split into 2 building sites. Prom 1+) 115 feet 5 �+05.00 . The 1on� side of the property f�onts on W3.nthrap Street. The policy calls for an exemption of 125 feet on the lon� side; the remainder is assessed in full. � Hillcrest 559•1 feet �26,277.00 Countr Club The frontage for this pa.rcel is the same as the total assess- Inc. 5 " able and City Aid froutage on the West side of the street. This is sta.ndard policy in assessir� large tracts of land that extend beyond the limits of the proposed improvements. _---- I trust this i.nformation is helpful to you. � r , : � �:�:� s,�; � - - ---____ ._. _----- _---- ---- ---__ ---------- -------- ___�---- , �M U i �� i �r r„ � - V� - � � ' �� � .:� Z.�.: , , . ..,,� , �s ` ,) m —-—--- --- -- � V o N ° �' . � _ `� O ��-„•�.� r�0° = L-- N �--_`�'.° ' � � � � � _ ; _ � i „ o � o� � o `6 z .�F S,57 : � x- O� � i Ct�6� - - - - ----- - ``r_._ . L . c �us3 t� � � - � � - --------------------- ..---- — � � .- _- � ', � U _ , � � o - � + -, o 4:�' Oe — � J n � . �s1 --—- -—-- 1 �9 n v� � N Cr�, O ° �. � _ + ( o �' � � � , � �� �o � , m � h � � � n � N � � ' O N ; 0� p � ' j � — � I a'i"=-y a �,� � � P � � v r � o w �� � � � �� � � �� ro w �1 °�,, � � o=;�' �1 � � � � � �: � �v_. C�� � . � r`` ' �O ` . 55 - 9 -- ' t'o0 � Z> I 3�/, - � ' -" 4�.�I����%��� $'�� � i„e 2J�.SS Zy��.�-S �O I � - - � � I � , � � I I � � I �� � � � � � ��` � �� � , �,� � � � �i �n �,1 " w tr "; � In I ~ rA+ t�i� ',''�v � i I � �' "C � � � � f I � .n cn ,-t ^ C 9 tn G �• ^ � "� � ! ( fa r-+ 9 �.: 1�� � 1 � �• d � F------ i _t �. �r � � C� � ^ � � O � II i a , � � � � � r-' � � i �'1 � c � r � � � 1 O 'z7 ;`r i "- o � � � i � � � � � n r R�i � y I � I rn � ` � J n � � � �' � � � o � I t� � � _� E _ ,� � � � _� -� i ,y i 1 , � > � � .� .� � I � �' � -� �,' J � -I� I I � I � `� � O � ' ► i � �' � x � x � N � � � I N � -� — - — � -- J ';.� J � ----� {�y � � � � � c I n, I � __�—y��- I � � i �_— I �� ,, �� �� i � � � � i N � � � � i i � � � �� �, U i � � �� � �J � I -P � O � I � C _i � I_ � l v �, � o � 3 =� � .�. , ,,.....�„ o o� � � � ,, - � � . ,_ . � .,,`�-,� .. ��k.�Y,.� ��� , ?�,I�i![J "°'F` �� �`,.E " . ''.':'1G :�6'►�.,Fisr �,�t!.`'.�.�`:t. Tadnoo.�.,,rsttkr:iliift ��,.-;s,•aa:_.: Tn the llatbee ot 4klc�lt I�i�'avt.�et ��!IID'� . _ a1�'' - �t.��_ ..:� Yepm�`ldle;j�i!!A�,i!- � ,_. � ,� Th�Eampdi�l lh�(i�+�l�Q�S recetved tLe tapoet of t6�.�IlqOtay�IR+�. abov4,�•.1�-�� aald sxport.herebz retot��s..c ..��;-� 1.That the tdd repbet•i�f�7� hs�by appt+aved w�t�;��' ' mA that tht.¢�i(R,?��c�M',;�s ls�AOU.aa ,�,� :1,�,,�,. s iro�i'a�bu�i�iag ea��o�a t�,- r��t�:�• 1990.at 10:00 o`eipcic a.m� eea�neers ot t� eity �' , x��,��te,ecur��i. 3.�'b91,4ROtiee"Ot'�itid publlc Slven to ti�,peesoos end ia-t�tr�� provided i�16�S�}�}'.st�t�e- aad P�`e a0C I�rLDt�1the na�14�'�m" provmleot fwd tha pQst titet,g�as atLeat�. . .- File l�i;:�l171 G. . Adopted by the COUecil Movember 6.18e0. APPi'4�ed November T 19eQ.; - . (November 15 � � ... - .. � .f� �.. ; �. � - � , _ !-�c'!,� _. . .. t:...._ . . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES . . ,�,� ASSESSMENT DIVISfON �t��� � ,� 218 CITY HALL 5T.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 November 14, 1980 File 18172 G Page Z8172 S The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 A. M. on December 9, 1980, on the advisability of proceeding with the following City project: Grade and pave, construct concrete curb and gutter, and storm water drainage facilities in WINTHROP STREET from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue. Also, condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in grading and paving the above referenced street. Total estimated costs and financing are as follows: Direct Assessment $43,390.00 City Aid $10,610,00 Total Estimated Cost $54,000,00 Estimated Assessable rate per Front Foot is $47.00. If you wish detailed information regarding this proposed improvement, you may telephone 292-6281 for construction information (Public Works) or 298-5241 for assessment information (Department of Finance and Management Services). In addition the City Technical Advisors will be available to meet witl� you and discuss this proposed improvement in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing, ' While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want [o help you to learn fully about any improvements, that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I sin cerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or a ga ins t. J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER __.���- �,'IT�k fl�.� �.r�.I�':' ���JL - r ��'-``A�` ;��b �l� ' � F� �1 '��:� tt�: '`�� � o�,�x�� a� �e�i�: c�-rti� co��c7x. r' ._-. � ��:� �. 1/,�::, -:.�:.� e:::1 , , . � • �;�• ' i' 1 � •. ,��": .`�;•. t . ��.: :y.,�r ��._� y•_;�` s-J • �. y �=f . D O t e . December 9, 1980 .;� . `,-'•�=_, C U �>� �'� 1��"' � r €� �. �' 0 � � . � � �,:. � - ,; . . r, - �' Q : � Sttin� Paui Cify Council '-= �RO � • CCl�il�31���'y Oi'1 PUBLIC WORKS - . _- . . Victor J. Tedesco ; tf�airman, mcske,s ihe.�fol [o�r�ing � - � � repor� on � C.F. `�♦ � 4rdinance : . � Resolu�ion �- - � ' - � Oi 3t Er' - � ��L� : IMpROVEMENT OF WINTHROP STREET FROM NEBRASKA TO HOYT WITH CURB AND GUTTER AND STORM WATER DRAINAGE FACILITIES. - " The Public� Works Committee at its December 5, 1980 meeting recommended to - • , the City Council approval of the above improvement. • - . . .. .: . ' � , � . - � � .. - - . : s'=,: CtTY ;r�LL. SEVE?�"I�i F7_OOR S�1I�T P1►UFy i�i1��FSpT.1 S�IO� .�. �':� - .