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�To: Ron Maddax, Cauncil President
and Members of the City Council �
From: J. William D onovan
Valua.tion and Assessment Engineer
Date : October 21, 1980
Sub j ect: Petition of Ma.rgaret Malmberg and Ma.lmberg
Manufacturing Campa.r�y for the vacation of the
West 20 feet of Lot 16, Pea.se Brothers Rearrange-
ment of Block 1, Hersey Woolsey Addition.
Public Hearing - October 28, 1980
The petitioners request that this vacation be granted so tha.t the va.cated
area ma,y be returned to I,ot 16 from which it wa.s origin�ally ta.ken and
placed back on the tax roll. The petitioners p]�.n to cor�struct a new
loa.ding dock that would extend into the proposed va.cation area., The City
is fee holder of the subject property that wa.s i.ntended to be used for
alley purposes. The proposed va.cat�on area is 117 feet by 20 feet
(2,340 squa.re feet) and zoned I-1.
The District 11 Planning Council expressed concern over the storage of '
junk cars and other debris on the property. The petitioner responded to
this concern by letter sta.tir�: 'fihe other debris which is present on
•�he�roperty is equipment and ma.terials da�.ged in the fire of ]�.st year,
whi will be disposed of or moved into the buildin� as soon as the new
construction can be completed."
Northern States Power Compaq}r purchased an overhang easement in November,
1956 that shauld be retained.
The Depa.rtment of Public Works ha.s reviewed the proposed va.cation and reports
it .has no objection to it.
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The I�epartment of Planning and Economic Development has reviewed this va-
c�.tion and finds no objection to the va.cation as proposed.
There were no other objections or recommendations from any other public
or priva.te agencies involved.
In view of the foregoing, I recouanend tha.t the �a.cation be approved, subject
to the following terms and conditions ;
1. Tha.t the description of the alley to be vacated rea.d
as follows:
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Sub�ect to the Pierce Butler�Road and
subject to an easement to the Northern
States Power Compar�y, the West twenty �
(W. 20) feet of Lot sixteen (16), Pease
Bros' Rearrangement� of Block One Hersey-
Woolsey Add. to the Ci�y of St. Pa.ul,
according to the recorded plat thereof
on file and record in the office of the
Register of Deeds in and for the County
of Ramsey and State of Minnesota..
I 2. That the va.ca.tion be subject _to all theterms and
conditions of Chapter 228 of the St. Pa.ul Legislative
Code, as amended.
� 3, That the petitionerSpay to the City the sum of $2,340•00
as compensation for the va.cation.
�; �+. That the petitione� furnish the City wit�} a bond in the
amount of $2,000.00, and indemnifies, defends and sa.ves
Y�a.rmless the City of Sa.int Faul, its officers and employees
from all suits, actions, or claims of ar�y character, in-
cluding, but not limited to, a claim brought because of
aqy injuries, or damages received or sustained by ar�y person,
persons or property, on account of this va.cation; or be-
cause of any act or omission, ne�lect or misconduct of said
petitioner; or because of ar�y claim or liability arising _
�`�'" from or based on ar�y violation of any law or regulation me.de
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,=w�� in accordance with the law, whether by the petitione� or ar�y
' of �-s agents or employees.
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I further recommend that the proper City officials be authorized and directe
to convey, by Quit Clai.m Deed, the City of St. Pa.ul's interest in said alley
being vacated to Margaret I. Ma.lmberg.
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cc: Mayor George Ir�.ti.mer