276062 WMITE - CITY CLERK � CANAF.M► - DE ARTMENT COUIICII �� r� � e 'BLUB - MAYOR I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L File N O. � ��� � ouncil Resolution . Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �'�F��, t1�e Division of Housing and Building Code Enforoement has requ�ested the City Council to hold a public hearing t�o consider th,e advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of tY�e follawing descr�bed building, sai.d str�rocture having been reported to c�onstitute a public hazard: 308 W. Rose E. 66 Ft. of Lots 11 and 12, Block 8, Garage (garage only) Auerbach and Hands Ad.dition to tl� City of St. Paul T�1f�ID.�EAS, it appears that as of Nov�mber 10, 1980 the last reoord awner and other ��+;es of interest of said building are as follaws: Daniel R. Wann, R.R. #2, Box #275, Hinckley, NN 55037 - Fee Owner H.R.A. - mortr�agee in amount of $17,400 dated July 7, 1976 Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co. in amr�unt of $14,000 datred Septe��ber 15, 1964 Old Republic Ins. Co, Greensburg, Pennsylvania �EAS, the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforaement, an behalf of the City Council did notify by mail the above not�ed parties of intrerest at their last �c�m addresses: �REAS, a public hearing was held by and before the Co�cil for the City of Saint Paul, in the Council Chamb�xs of tl�e Court House in said city at 10:00 a.m. on '1'hursd.ay, Dece�nber 11, 1980 to c�onsider the advisability and neaessity of o�ering the correction or wrecking and remr�val of said structure on the above described property in,asmuch as said structure is reported to constitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfare; T�1F�S, �on the facts presneted at the said hearing, consisting of photographs, inspection reports and the rec�xneridation of the Building Departrnent, it is further de+�erntirbed that the above builcling oonstitut,es a hazard.ous building within the clefini- tion of Minnesota Statutes 463.15 for the follawing reasons: COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt i Levine [n Favor Maddox • McMahon B snowatter - ` __ A gai n s t Y Tedesco ' Wilson Form Approv b City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date — CertifiE:d Passed by Council Secretary � ///°��� By —_ � Approved by :Vlayor. Date _ Approved yor for Submi " n t Council BY - – BY s , ' ._�..� ��e . ...t ,/ � 1 .. ' �;? ��'{��'�,� l. The build:ing has not been boarded up either by the City or the awner; 2. This building has a missing roof and is structurally weak; 3. The aonditions outlined. above constitut�e a public hazard; 4. 'I�e awn�er has made no at�t to satisfactorily repair the damage; 5. 'I'he contineud vacant and boaxded up condition contributes a blighting influenoe on the neighborhood; now, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That in acaordanoe with Minnesota Statut�es Section 463.15 through 463.25, and based upon the foregoing findings of the City Council, the Cotmcil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby make the follawing Order: ORDER 1. 'I'he owners of the above descri}�ed building shall make the same safe and not detriurental to the public peaoe, health, safety and welfare by ha.ving the said builcling razed and the materials therefrcm remov�d from the pr�nises within thirty (30) days fran the dat�e of the servioe of this Order; 2. Unless such corrective action is taken to comply with this Orc7�x or an Answer served upon the City of Saint Paul and filed in the office of the Clerk of District Court of Ramsey County, Miruiesota within twenty (20) days from the date of the servioe of this Order,a Motion for Stnm�y Enforcement of this Order to raze and re.mr�v� the said builcling will be made to the R�n.sey County District Court; 3. In the event that the building is to be razed by the City of Saint Paul pursuant to judgment of the District Court, all personal propexty or fixtures of any kind which may unreasonably interfere with the razing and rem�val of this builcling shall be removed. within t�en (10) da.ys froan the entry of judgme,nt; and if not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall re,mr�ve and disp�se of such personal property and fixtures as provided by law; 4. If the City of Saint Paul is c�lled to take any correctiv� action herein, all neoessary costs expended b_y the City will be assessed against the above described real estate and collected as other t.ax�es; -2- WHITE - CITY CLERK �,1 �� y � PINK - FINANCE CANARY�- DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L . Council `�.L'�� Bl.UE - MAYOR � �V File N 0. ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � RESOLVID, that a oertifi�l oopy of this resolution and inoorporated Order herein be served upon the last record owners of the above described property in the manner provided by la.w. -3- COUNCILMEN Requestgd by partment of: Yeas Nays �, Hunt CO �t Service -�e,rnE � In Favor Maddox aYlellAsaeR � � snowaite� _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson DEC � 1 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �/—/z—�v Certified as y C unc� ecr � r � sy Ap r by Navor. EC 1 rJ �9QQ App ve y Mayor for Su iss' to Council By BY � Ig� r f�'�;���:� ;;�C 2 � J �����"R��"`J� R0�Cj7Y �'� �, � � � CITY (JF SA.INT PAUL�� o � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES s -- a9 `°� . ^° DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENfORCEMENT ... City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer 6�2_ygg-4212 M�ayor December 9, 1980 Mr. President and Members of the City Cotmcil RE: 308 W. Rr�se, GARAGE ONLY File #3781 Hanora.ble Colmcil: The Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the stri.�cture at the location referred to above. The owner of record is Daniel C. Wann, ET AL, R.R. #2, Box #275, Hinkley, MN 55037. The legal description of the prop�rty is: E' 66 Ft, of Lats 11 and 12, Block 8, Auerbach and Hands Addition, parcel.code 08-12800-121-08. The building is a gara.ge and has not been boarded up by either the City or the owner. This buildi�g has a missing roof and is structu�ally' weak. Inasm�roch as #�� cond3.t�ons outYi.r��ec� abov� constil;ute a�pub�ic.hazard and the owner has ma.de no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage despite our warnings, and the continued vacant and boarded up condition contributes a blighting influence on the neighborhood, it. is the reco�'neiidation of�€his 1livision that this matter be referred to the City`Attorney's offi:ce for razing` and removal through District Court proceedings. Your���ruly, _.; :' ;, i' G enn A. Erickson Supervisor of Code Enforcement GAE:TAS:bmf cc: Messrs. George Latimer, Ma.yor Walter A. Bowser, Asst. City Attorney Dan Norrgran, Fire Marshal Frank Staffenson, Housing Code Len Levine, CoLmcilman �°0