276061 WNITE - CITY CLERK '`�, f� PINK - FINANCE COURCll �J.�/ ` �n CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY SA I NT PAU L /�J {� ��JY� BL.UE - MAYOR F1Ie N O. Co c ' s ution Presented By LICENSE COA4fITTEE Referred To Committee: Date - Out of Committee By Date RESOLVIDa That Application Q 17091 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 98b0, expiring January 31, 1981, issued to Louis Nf. Reyes, Inc. at l�26-8 S. Wabasha Street (inactive), be and the same is hereby transferred to Midway-Hamline Investors at a proposed site, I-91� azd Hamline Avenwe, approximate7,y l�00 N. Hamline Avenue, with the foLlowing conditions: 1. There shall be no operation under the authority of the license at the praposed site, I-91� and Hamline �ivenue, approximately lt00 N. Hamline A�enue, without prior approval of the required bond by the License Inspector and City Attorney, and 2. That there sha71 be no transfer of the license to any other location without prior approval of the City Council as required by laH. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt � �a [n Favor Maddox � McMahon B snowaiter - __ Against Y — Tedesco - Wil DEC 1 0 1960 Form Approved by City Attorney Ado ed bv Coun � . Date — ertifie •_sed b Council Secreta BY Approved by Mayor. ate C �g8O Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii By -. BY PtlB'LtS1�Eb n t=C �,� 19�0 � � a` w�..',� �r'� ,�.�'y,.��,'�.�_ ` ..��tv�n�. '���`'tV °'�'''�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL _,� . . _� ;--,,, '� i�: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %: ii�ii°ii ': ��`>�° '�=c DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ���"i'im����o�°�`` ROOfII?O3, City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR December 10, 1980 Mr. President and Honorable A�mbers of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Mr. President and Honorable Members: Louis M. Reyes, Inc. and Midway-Hamline Investors request that the On Sale Liquor License issued to Louis M. Reyes, Inc. at 1�26-8 S. Wabasha Street (inactive) be trans- ferred to Midway-Hamline Investors at a proposed site of a hotel at I-9�t and Hamline Avenue. The general partners are Donald R. Staley, JoAnne Jankowski, Leonard Jankowski and Parlim Realty Coxporation of New York. They will be doing business as the Rodeway Inn, and it will be managed by Hotel �Ianagers and Hosts, Incorporated� of rlilwaukee, Wisconsin. This application has been reviewed by the I�icense and Permit Division and the City Attorney's office. The recommend- ation is for approval. Qery truly yours, ���, ���ar�t Joseph F. Caxchedi License Inspector �O