00-756ORIGlNAL Council File # Green Sheet # Presented By: RESOLUT'ION ? SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� � "l 5 ` 107041 �� Referred To: ` Committee:Date: 1 2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has the opportunity to partnerslup with Ra�usey County on an 3 East Metro-Ramsey/St. Paul Task Force for the period January 1, 20�0 through December 31, 2��0; and 4 5 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the Saint Paul Police 6 Department to enter into an agreement with Ramsey County. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 � 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Requested by Department of: Benanav B/akey Bostrom Co/eman Nanis Laniry Reite� Adopted by ( Adoptfon Ce� B Y' �� Approved by s by Council RamseyCtyNarco.cc00 Poli By: � Form ed by y Attorne : By: —� Approved by Mayor for Su mission to Council: s Q��� J m _ . < . ..,f$��� DEPAR7 'ENTlOFFICElCOUNqL DATE iP11TIATED ' � PoliceDepartment vsvoo GREEN SHEET No. 107041 CONTA PERS N&PHONE INmauDA INf�IAUDA7E C1tiefFinney 292-3588 1 oeennmetrwnECron 4 �ouxa� MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DA ) QO�7S�s Please process ASAP �.,ro�_� ❑an� � �eavn�w�SERVICE4qR_ ❑FIIipNC1ALS£RVf0.CCTG i�J / � � rnYOR(ORKSSL1TANf)�// � puey�wRK,1{}5 �i L�l TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C'f10N REQUESTm Signatures requested on the attached council resolution authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to enter into an agreement with Ramsey Couniy for an East Metro-Ramsey/St Paul Task Force for the period January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000. RECOMMENDATION AppfOVe (A) o! REjEC[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this departmeM? PIANNING COMMISSION vES No CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION reS No 3 Does this personffrm possess a sWll not normally possessed by any curterrt city employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on sepa2te sheet and attach to green sheet INITIA7ING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY �WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Department has the opporiunity to partnership with Ranisey County on a East Metro-Ramsey/St. Paul Task Force. Ramsey County is the fiscal agent for the Minnesota Department of Public Safety grant funds used for this narcotics task force. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED A nazcotics task force with Ramsey County. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. ���C�\ /�� C \� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED , au� 0 4 2oao Inability to partnership wiih Ramsey County on a narcorics task force. � lR��rch Center ClTY ATTORl�9E1( TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION $ 101,053.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE RffitLSOj' C011Rt}' SY3YC GTBnY ACTNI7Y NUMBER 436-34127 FlNANCIAL INFORMATION (DCPLAIM ✓ EAST METRO COORDINATED NARCOTICS TASK FORCE Q p— 7$f� TNTERAGENCY AGREEMENT This agreement is entered into between Ramsey County, by and through its Sheriffls Department and the County Attomey's Office and the City of St. Paul, by and through its police department (Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are collectively referred to hereln as "the Parties"). WHEREAS, the Parties are each respectively chazged with the enforcement of the laws of the State of Minnesota in their respective jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to promote the effective enforcement of such laws as they relate to high potential drug activities and related crimes, through coordinated, multi- jurisdictional efforts; NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Purpose The purpose of this Agreement is to describe the staffing, revenue allocation, information shazing, accounting, and other responsibilities of each of the Parties in relation to the operation of the East Metro-Ramsey/St. Paul Task Force (hereinafter "Task Force"), a cooperative law enforcement effort by the Parties related to the identification and investigation of high potential drug activities and the prosecution of related crimes. 2. Advisory Board a. The East Metro-Ramsey(St. Paul Nazcotics Task Force Advisory Board ("Board") is hereby estahlished, to be comprised of the Narcotics Unit Commanders for each of the Parties and the director of the prosecution division of the Ramsey County Attomey's Office. b. Each member of the Advisory Board shall have one vote. East Metro Task Force Agreement D�-�S6 c. d. e. 3. a. b. c. � The Chair of the Advisory Boazd shall be detemuned by a majority of the votes. Decisions of the Advisory Board shall be by a majority of the votes. The Advisory Board shall meet reb larly, on a schedule to be mutually determined. Staffing St. Paul wiil assign one investigator/peace officer from its Narcotics Unit to the Nazcotics Unit of the Ramsey County Sheriff s Office ("RCSO"). RCSO will assign one investigatorlpeace officer from its Nazcotics Unit to the Narcotics Unit of the Saint Paul Police Department ("SPPD"). These two assigned officers will work closely together, and be the case agents for those cases designated as High Potential Drug Tazget Investigations. Both Narcotics Units will assign additional personnel to assist in these cases, as available and needed. All personnel performing Task Force activities shall remain employees and agents of the party providing the personnel ("Originating Party"). Such employees sha11 remain under the ultimate direction and control of the Originating Party, shall be compensated by the Originating Party, inciuding workers' compensation, shall be indemnified and defended by tne Originating P� and shall oe deemedlo be acting in the course and scope of employment of the Originating Party. All persons assigned to work a Task Force High Potential Arug case shall work under the direct supervision of the designated case agent. Each of the Parties will provide the personnel for the Task Force operations at its own cost, without seeking reimbursement from the other party. East Metro Task Force Agreement 2 o a _�s� 4. Equipment and Supplies Each party shall provide equipment, office space and supplies for Task Force operations at its own cost, without seeking reimbursement from the other party. Each party is solely responsible for any debts incurred in providing above. Each party is authorized to expend funds per the amounts listed in the Byme Grant Contract for their respective agencies. 5. Funding/Resources a. Upon execution of this Agreement, the Parties will contribute the following in cash to the Task Force account to be maintained by the Fiscal Agency: 1) City of Saint Paul: $25,263.00 in local match funds. 2) Ramsey County: $35,263.00 in local match funds. b. Grant proposals and maintenance of statistics on operations, will be the responsibility of the Fiscal Agency Drug Task Force Commander. c. Throughout the term of this Agreement, or any renewal hereof, upon receipt of subsequent Byrne Grant funds, each party shall contribute to the Task Force account the required local match iunds. d. Any portion of match funds which are unused at the end of the grant period will be returned to the contributing party within 30 days of the end of the grant period. 6. Liability a. Each party shall be responsible and liable for its own personnel, equipment and supplies and shall have sole title and interest in any equipment and supplies it utilizes as a party to this agreement unless some alternative arrangement is provided for in the form of an amenpment to this Agreement. East Metro Task Force Agreement Ob-�S6 b. Licensed peace officers and licensed part-time peace officers who act under the terms of this agreement shall be granted peace officer authority to the full extent authorized by Minnesota Statutes, inciuding, but not limited to Minn. Stat. §§626.04 to 626.17, 626A.01, Subd. 7, 629.34, and 629_40. To the extent necessary for the operations of the Task Force, the Parties hereby grant peace officer authority to licensed peace officers and licensed part-time peace officers already employed in that capacity by the other party who are assigned by the other party to perform Task Force duties. In such cases the officer so appointed shall for all purposes other than peace officer authority, remain an employee of the initlal appointing party for the purposes of this agreement. 7. Coordinating Agency a. The Ramsey County SherifPs Department is hereby designated as the Coordinating Agency for the Task Force. b. As the Coordinating Agency, the Ramsey County Sheriff's Department is responsible for coordinating the day to day operations of the Task Force, including supervision of staff, intelligence sharing, management of confidential funds, coordination with other agencies regard"ang high potential drug cases, and developing and iznplementing Task Fa�ce policies and procedures. 8. Fiscal Agency a. Ramsey County is hereby designated as the Fiscal Agency for the Task Force. b. As the Fiscal Agency, Ramsey County will be responsible for fiscal management of the Task Force grants and other resources, such as cash contributions, program income from forfeitures, restitution and fines, and general oversight of confidential funds. East Metro Task Force Agreement 4 O o -?S 6 a The duties of the Fiscal Agency shail include, but not be limited to, accounting for funds, keeping all financial records, and preparing and submitting all forms and reports in connection with all audits or grant applications. St. Paul will cooperate fully in providing timely informatlon about its quarterly statistics and expenditures as requested by the Fiscal Agency for Task Force purposes. d. As Fiscal Agency for the Task Force, Ramsey County will receive outside funding as well as matching local funds from the Parties. Each of the Parties who transfers matching local funds to the Fiscal Agency will receive, at a minimum, reimbarsement for Task Force-related costs incurred by the party up to the amount of the matching local funds so transferred. e. Any subgrantee is responsible for the same accounting, auditing_and records retention responsibilities as the original grantee is obligated to. 9. Termination a. Either party may terminate this agreement by giving a thirty (30) days written notice to the other Party. b. upon temunation, eacn of the Parties shali be entitied to any Tasx Fozce resources that were purchased for their respective agency under a Task Force grant agreement or contract. c. Upon termination, neither party will have any claim upon the equipment purchased by the other party under a Task Force grant agreement or contract. d. Upon termination, all Task Force obi_igations shali be met and each of the Parties shall be entitled to receive any operating and forfeiture funds received during their participation dates, in proportion to the parry's levei of participation. East Metro Task Force Agreement 10. Forfeiture a Any assets or property received through forfeiture as a result of enforcement acuons of the Task Force shall be distributed to the Parties as follows: Ali forfeitures and seizures obtained as a result of the Task Force efforts on joindy 0 0 -�s� designated cases and cases initiated and worked up by the designated task force agents will be divided equally among the participating agencies. All forfeitures and seizures obtained on cases initiated and worked sepazately by the Parties' units, even with minimal help from the other unit, will helong wholly to the initiating agency. Items that are seiaed by the Task Force can be used to support the Task Force efforts if approved by the Advisory Board. In cases subject to federal forfeiture proceedings, distribution of assets or proceeds shall be governed by appiicabla federal statutes, regulations and procedures. b. The law enfozcement agency which commenced the particular investigation will be considered the "appropriate agency", as defined by Minnesota Statutes, and asset and proceeds distribution between law enforcement prosecution agencies and state authorities wi;l be pursuant to the requirements oi ivlinnesota 5tatutes. c. In all cases where the Task Force cooperates with another jurisdiction, the supervising investigators at the scene of the arrest wiil negotiate a split based on the amount of effort expended in the investigation and document their agreement. d. Notwithstanding section G-1, the Joint Fowers Agreement section 10-A and 10-B will supersede any discrepancy between the above agreement and the Joint Powers Agreement or Minnesota Statute 609.5315. East Metro Task Force Agreement 0 oo-?s� 11. Term The initial term of this Agreement shall be from January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000. This Agreement shall automaticaily renew from year to year so long as the parties receive Bryne Grant Funds, unless one of the Parties gives the other par[y 90 days' written notice of ats intent not to renew. IN WTI'NESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the dates set forth below. c�� ��.C9� Glfee✓� ���� J / City of Saint Paul �( �e . �� �d J �� By: ^ Paul County County Manager Norm Coleman, & Management Services Approval Recommended: Bob Fletcher, Sheriff Susan (iaertner, County Approved as to Assistant C,�unty Attorney East Metro Task Force Agreement Approval Recommended: Chief of Rpiice Department of an Rights Approved as to Form: Assistant City Attorney 7 ORIGlNAL Council File # Green Sheet # Presented By: RESOLUT'ION ? SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� � "l 5 ` 107041 �� Referred To: ` Committee:Date: 1 2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has the opportunity to partnerslup with Ra�usey County on an 3 East Metro-Ramsey/St. Paul Task Force for the period January 1, 20�0 through December 31, 2��0; and 4 5 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the Saint Paul Police 6 Department to enter into an agreement with Ramsey County. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 � 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Requested by Department of: Benanav B/akey Bostrom Co/eman Nanis Laniry Reite� Adopted by ( Adoptfon Ce� B Y' �� Approved by s by Council RamseyCtyNarco.cc00 Poli By: � Form ed by y Attorne : By: —� Approved by Mayor for Su mission to Council: s Q��� J m _ . < . ..,f$��� DEPAR7 'ENTlOFFICElCOUNqL DATE iP11TIATED ' � PoliceDepartment vsvoo GREEN SHEET No. 107041 CONTA PERS N&PHONE INmauDA INf�IAUDA7E C1tiefFinney 292-3588 1 oeennmetrwnECron 4 �ouxa� MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DA ) QO�7S�s Please process ASAP �.,ro�_� ❑an� � �eavn�w�SERVICE4qR_ ❑FIIipNC1ALS£RVf0.CCTG i�J / � � rnYOR(ORKSSL1TANf)�// � puey�wRK,1{}5 �i L�l TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C'f10N REQUESTm Signatures requested on the attached council resolution authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to enter into an agreement with Ramsey Couniy for an East Metro-Ramsey/St Paul Task Force for the period January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000. RECOMMENDATION AppfOVe (A) o! REjEC[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this departmeM? PIANNING COMMISSION vES No CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION reS No 3 Does this personffrm possess a sWll not normally possessed by any curterrt city employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on sepa2te sheet and attach to green sheet INITIA7ING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY �WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Department has the opporiunity to partnership with Ranisey County on a East Metro-Ramsey/St. Paul Task Force. Ramsey County is the fiscal agent for the Minnesota Department of Public Safety grant funds used for this narcotics task force. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED A nazcotics task force with Ramsey County. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. ���C�\ /�� C \� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED , au� 0 4 2oao Inability to partnership wiih Ramsey County on a narcorics task force. � lR��rch Center ClTY ATTORl�9E1( TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION $ 101,053.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE RffitLSOj' C011Rt}' SY3YC GTBnY ACTNI7Y NUMBER 436-34127 FlNANCIAL INFORMATION (DCPLAIM ✓ EAST METRO COORDINATED NARCOTICS TASK FORCE Q p— 7$f� TNTERAGENCY AGREEMENT This agreement is entered into between Ramsey County, by and through its Sheriffls Department and the County Attomey's Office and the City of St. Paul, by and through its police department (Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are collectively referred to hereln as "the Parties"). WHEREAS, the Parties are each respectively chazged with the enforcement of the laws of the State of Minnesota in their respective jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to promote the effective enforcement of such laws as they relate to high potential drug activities and related crimes, through coordinated, multi- jurisdictional efforts; NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Purpose The purpose of this Agreement is to describe the staffing, revenue allocation, information shazing, accounting, and other responsibilities of each of the Parties in relation to the operation of the East Metro-Ramsey/St. Paul Task Force (hereinafter "Task Force"), a cooperative law enforcement effort by the Parties related to the identification and investigation of high potential drug activities and the prosecution of related crimes. 2. Advisory Board a. The East Metro-Ramsey(St. Paul Nazcotics Task Force Advisory Board ("Board") is hereby estahlished, to be comprised of the Narcotics Unit Commanders for each of the Parties and the director of the prosecution division of the Ramsey County Attomey's Office. b. Each member of the Advisory Board shall have one vote. East Metro Task Force Agreement D�-�S6 c. d. e. 3. a. b. c. � The Chair of the Advisory Boazd shall be detemuned by a majority of the votes. Decisions of the Advisory Board shall be by a majority of the votes. The Advisory Board shall meet reb larly, on a schedule to be mutually determined. Staffing St. Paul wiil assign one investigator/peace officer from its Narcotics Unit to the Nazcotics Unit of the Ramsey County Sheriff s Office ("RCSO"). RCSO will assign one investigatorlpeace officer from its Nazcotics Unit to the Narcotics Unit of the Saint Paul Police Department ("SPPD"). These two assigned officers will work closely together, and be the case agents for those cases designated as High Potential Drug Tazget Investigations. Both Narcotics Units will assign additional personnel to assist in these cases, as available and needed. All personnel performing Task Force activities shall remain employees and agents of the party providing the personnel ("Originating Party"). Such employees sha11 remain under the ultimate direction and control of the Originating Party, shall be compensated by the Originating Party, inciuding workers' compensation, shall be indemnified and defended by tne Originating P� and shall oe deemedlo be acting in the course and scope of employment of the Originating Party. All persons assigned to work a Task Force High Potential Arug case shall work under the direct supervision of the designated case agent. Each of the Parties will provide the personnel for the Task Force operations at its own cost, without seeking reimbursement from the other party. East Metro Task Force Agreement 2 o a _�s� 4. Equipment and Supplies Each party shall provide equipment, office space and supplies for Task Force operations at its own cost, without seeking reimbursement from the other party. Each party is solely responsible for any debts incurred in providing above. Each party is authorized to expend funds per the amounts listed in the Byme Grant Contract for their respective agencies. 5. Funding/Resources a. Upon execution of this Agreement, the Parties will contribute the following in cash to the Task Force account to be maintained by the Fiscal Agency: 1) City of Saint Paul: $25,263.00 in local match funds. 2) Ramsey County: $35,263.00 in local match funds. b. Grant proposals and maintenance of statistics on operations, will be the responsibility of the Fiscal Agency Drug Task Force Commander. c. Throughout the term of this Agreement, or any renewal hereof, upon receipt of subsequent Byrne Grant funds, each party shall contribute to the Task Force account the required local match iunds. d. Any portion of match funds which are unused at the end of the grant period will be returned to the contributing party within 30 days of the end of the grant period. 6. Liability a. Each party shall be responsible and liable for its own personnel, equipment and supplies and shall have sole title and interest in any equipment and supplies it utilizes as a party to this agreement unless some alternative arrangement is provided for in the form of an amenpment to this Agreement. East Metro Task Force Agreement Ob-�S6 b. Licensed peace officers and licensed part-time peace officers who act under the terms of this agreement shall be granted peace officer authority to the full extent authorized by Minnesota Statutes, inciuding, but not limited to Minn. Stat. §§626.04 to 626.17, 626A.01, Subd. 7, 629.34, and 629_40. To the extent necessary for the operations of the Task Force, the Parties hereby grant peace officer authority to licensed peace officers and licensed part-time peace officers already employed in that capacity by the other party who are assigned by the other party to perform Task Force duties. In such cases the officer so appointed shall for all purposes other than peace officer authority, remain an employee of the initlal appointing party for the purposes of this agreement. 7. Coordinating Agency a. The Ramsey County SherifPs Department is hereby designated as the Coordinating Agency for the Task Force. b. As the Coordinating Agency, the Ramsey County Sheriff's Department is responsible for coordinating the day to day operations of the Task Force, including supervision of staff, intelligence sharing, management of confidential funds, coordination with other agencies regard"ang high potential drug cases, and developing and iznplementing Task Fa�ce policies and procedures. 8. Fiscal Agency a. Ramsey County is hereby designated as the Fiscal Agency for the Task Force. b. As the Fiscal Agency, Ramsey County will be responsible for fiscal management of the Task Force grants and other resources, such as cash contributions, program income from forfeitures, restitution and fines, and general oversight of confidential funds. East Metro Task Force Agreement 4 O o -?S 6 a The duties of the Fiscal Agency shail include, but not be limited to, accounting for funds, keeping all financial records, and preparing and submitting all forms and reports in connection with all audits or grant applications. St. Paul will cooperate fully in providing timely informatlon about its quarterly statistics and expenditures as requested by the Fiscal Agency for Task Force purposes. d. As Fiscal Agency for the Task Force, Ramsey County will receive outside funding as well as matching local funds from the Parties. Each of the Parties who transfers matching local funds to the Fiscal Agency will receive, at a minimum, reimbarsement for Task Force-related costs incurred by the party up to the amount of the matching local funds so transferred. e. Any subgrantee is responsible for the same accounting, auditing_and records retention responsibilities as the original grantee is obligated to. 9. Termination a. Either party may terminate this agreement by giving a thirty (30) days written notice to the other Party. b. upon temunation, eacn of the Parties shali be entitied to any Tasx Fozce resources that were purchased for their respective agency under a Task Force grant agreement or contract. c. Upon termination, neither party will have any claim upon the equipment purchased by the other party under a Task Force grant agreement or contract. d. Upon termination, all Task Force obi_igations shali be met and each of the Parties shall be entitled to receive any operating and forfeiture funds received during their participation dates, in proportion to the parry's levei of participation. East Metro Task Force Agreement 10. Forfeiture a Any assets or property received through forfeiture as a result of enforcement acuons of the Task Force shall be distributed to the Parties as follows: Ali forfeitures and seizures obtained as a result of the Task Force efforts on joindy 0 0 -�s� designated cases and cases initiated and worked up by the designated task force agents will be divided equally among the participating agencies. All forfeitures and seizures obtained on cases initiated and worked sepazately by the Parties' units, even with minimal help from the other unit, will helong wholly to the initiating agency. Items that are seiaed by the Task Force can be used to support the Task Force efforts if approved by the Advisory Board. In cases subject to federal forfeiture proceedings, distribution of assets or proceeds shall be governed by appiicabla federal statutes, regulations and procedures. b. The law enfozcement agency which commenced the particular investigation will be considered the "appropriate agency", as defined by Minnesota Statutes, and asset and proceeds distribution between law enforcement prosecution agencies and state authorities wi;l be pursuant to the requirements oi ivlinnesota 5tatutes. c. In all cases where the Task Force cooperates with another jurisdiction, the supervising investigators at the scene of the arrest wiil negotiate a split based on the amount of effort expended in the investigation and document their agreement. d. Notwithstanding section G-1, the Joint Fowers Agreement section 10-A and 10-B will supersede any discrepancy between the above agreement and the Joint Powers Agreement or Minnesota Statute 609.5315. East Metro Task Force Agreement 0 oo-?s� 11. Term The initial term of this Agreement shall be from January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000. This Agreement shall automaticaily renew from year to year so long as the parties receive Bryne Grant Funds, unless one of the Parties gives the other par[y 90 days' written notice of ats intent not to renew. IN WTI'NESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the dates set forth below. c�� ��.C9� Glfee✓� ���� J / City of Saint Paul �( �e . �� �d J �� By: ^ Paul County County Manager Norm Coleman, & Management Services Approval Recommended: Bob Fletcher, Sheriff Susan (iaertner, County Approved as to Assistant C,�unty Attorney East Metro Task Force Agreement Approval Recommended: Chief of Rpiice Department of an Rights Approved as to Form: Assistant City Attorney 7 ORIGlNAL Council File # Green Sheet # Presented By: RESOLUT'ION ? SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� � "l 5 ` 107041 �� Referred To: ` Committee:Date: 1 2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has the opportunity to partnerslup with Ra�usey County on an 3 East Metro-Ramsey/St. Paul Task Force for the period January 1, 20�0 through December 31, 2��0; and 4 5 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the Saint Paul Police 6 Department to enter into an agreement with Ramsey County. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 � 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Requested by Department of: Benanav B/akey Bostrom Co/eman Nanis Laniry Reite� Adopted by ( Adoptfon Ce� B Y' �� Approved by s by Council RamseyCtyNarco.cc00 Poli By: � Form ed by y Attorne : By: —� Approved by Mayor for Su mission to Council: s Q��� J m _ . < . ..,f$��� DEPAR7 'ENTlOFFICElCOUNqL DATE iP11TIATED ' � PoliceDepartment vsvoo GREEN SHEET No. 107041 CONTA PERS N&PHONE INmauDA INf�IAUDA7E C1tiefFinney 292-3588 1 oeennmetrwnECron 4 �ouxa� MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DA ) QO�7S�s Please process ASAP �.,ro�_� ❑an� � �eavn�w�SERVICE4qR_ ❑FIIipNC1ALS£RVf0.CCTG i�J / � � rnYOR(ORKSSL1TANf)�// � puey�wRK,1{}5 �i L�l TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C'f10N REQUESTm Signatures requested on the attached council resolution authorizing the Saint Paul Police Department to enter into an agreement with Ramsey Couniy for an East Metro-Ramsey/St Paul Task Force for the period January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000. RECOMMENDATION AppfOVe (A) o! REjEC[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this departmeM? PIANNING COMMISSION vES No CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION reS No 3 Does this personffrm possess a sWll not normally possessed by any curterrt city employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on sepa2te sheet and attach to green sheet INITIA7ING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY �WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Department has the opporiunity to partnership with Ranisey County on a East Metro-Ramsey/St. Paul Task Force. Ramsey County is the fiscal agent for the Minnesota Department of Public Safety grant funds used for this narcotics task force. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED A nazcotics task force with Ramsey County. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. ���C�\ /�� C \� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED , au� 0 4 2oao Inability to partnership wiih Ramsey County on a narcorics task force. � lR��rch Center ClTY ATTORl�9E1( TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION $ 101,053.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE RffitLSOj' C011Rt}' SY3YC GTBnY ACTNI7Y NUMBER 436-34127 FlNANCIAL INFORMATION (DCPLAIM ✓ EAST METRO COORDINATED NARCOTICS TASK FORCE Q p— 7$f� TNTERAGENCY AGREEMENT This agreement is entered into between Ramsey County, by and through its Sheriffls Department and the County Attomey's Office and the City of St. Paul, by and through its police department (Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are collectively referred to hereln as "the Parties"). WHEREAS, the Parties are each respectively chazged with the enforcement of the laws of the State of Minnesota in their respective jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to promote the effective enforcement of such laws as they relate to high potential drug activities and related crimes, through coordinated, multi- jurisdictional efforts; NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Purpose The purpose of this Agreement is to describe the staffing, revenue allocation, information shazing, accounting, and other responsibilities of each of the Parties in relation to the operation of the East Metro-Ramsey/St. Paul Task Force (hereinafter "Task Force"), a cooperative law enforcement effort by the Parties related to the identification and investigation of high potential drug activities and the prosecution of related crimes. 2. Advisory Board a. The East Metro-Ramsey(St. Paul Nazcotics Task Force Advisory Board ("Board") is hereby estahlished, to be comprised of the Narcotics Unit Commanders for each of the Parties and the director of the prosecution division of the Ramsey County Attomey's Office. b. Each member of the Advisory Board shall have one vote. East Metro Task Force Agreement D�-�S6 c. d. e. 3. a. b. c. � The Chair of the Advisory Boazd shall be detemuned by a majority of the votes. Decisions of the Advisory Board shall be by a majority of the votes. The Advisory Board shall meet reb larly, on a schedule to be mutually determined. Staffing St. Paul wiil assign one investigator/peace officer from its Narcotics Unit to the Nazcotics Unit of the Ramsey County Sheriff s Office ("RCSO"). RCSO will assign one investigatorlpeace officer from its Nazcotics Unit to the Narcotics Unit of the Saint Paul Police Department ("SPPD"). These two assigned officers will work closely together, and be the case agents for those cases designated as High Potential Drug Tazget Investigations. Both Narcotics Units will assign additional personnel to assist in these cases, as available and needed. All personnel performing Task Force activities shall remain employees and agents of the party providing the personnel ("Originating Party"). Such employees sha11 remain under the ultimate direction and control of the Originating Party, shall be compensated by the Originating Party, inciuding workers' compensation, shall be indemnified and defended by tne Originating P� and shall oe deemedlo be acting in the course and scope of employment of the Originating Party. All persons assigned to work a Task Force High Potential Arug case shall work under the direct supervision of the designated case agent. Each of the Parties will provide the personnel for the Task Force operations at its own cost, without seeking reimbursement from the other party. East Metro Task Force Agreement 2 o a _�s� 4. Equipment and Supplies Each party shall provide equipment, office space and supplies for Task Force operations at its own cost, without seeking reimbursement from the other party. Each party is solely responsible for any debts incurred in providing above. Each party is authorized to expend funds per the amounts listed in the Byme Grant Contract for their respective agencies. 5. Funding/Resources a. Upon execution of this Agreement, the Parties will contribute the following in cash to the Task Force account to be maintained by the Fiscal Agency: 1) City of Saint Paul: $25,263.00 in local match funds. 2) Ramsey County: $35,263.00 in local match funds. b. Grant proposals and maintenance of statistics on operations, will be the responsibility of the Fiscal Agency Drug Task Force Commander. c. Throughout the term of this Agreement, or any renewal hereof, upon receipt of subsequent Byrne Grant funds, each party shall contribute to the Task Force account the required local match iunds. d. Any portion of match funds which are unused at the end of the grant period will be returned to the contributing party within 30 days of the end of the grant period. 6. Liability a. Each party shall be responsible and liable for its own personnel, equipment and supplies and shall have sole title and interest in any equipment and supplies it utilizes as a party to this agreement unless some alternative arrangement is provided for in the form of an amenpment to this Agreement. East Metro Task Force Agreement Ob-�S6 b. Licensed peace officers and licensed part-time peace officers who act under the terms of this agreement shall be granted peace officer authority to the full extent authorized by Minnesota Statutes, inciuding, but not limited to Minn. Stat. §§626.04 to 626.17, 626A.01, Subd. 7, 629.34, and 629_40. To the extent necessary for the operations of the Task Force, the Parties hereby grant peace officer authority to licensed peace officers and licensed part-time peace officers already employed in that capacity by the other party who are assigned by the other party to perform Task Force duties. In such cases the officer so appointed shall for all purposes other than peace officer authority, remain an employee of the initlal appointing party for the purposes of this agreement. 7. Coordinating Agency a. The Ramsey County SherifPs Department is hereby designated as the Coordinating Agency for the Task Force. b. As the Coordinating Agency, the Ramsey County Sheriff's Department is responsible for coordinating the day to day operations of the Task Force, including supervision of staff, intelligence sharing, management of confidential funds, coordination with other agencies regard"ang high potential drug cases, and developing and iznplementing Task Fa�ce policies and procedures. 8. Fiscal Agency a. Ramsey County is hereby designated as the Fiscal Agency for the Task Force. b. As the Fiscal Agency, Ramsey County will be responsible for fiscal management of the Task Force grants and other resources, such as cash contributions, program income from forfeitures, restitution and fines, and general oversight of confidential funds. East Metro Task Force Agreement 4 O o -?S 6 a The duties of the Fiscal Agency shail include, but not be limited to, accounting for funds, keeping all financial records, and preparing and submitting all forms and reports in connection with all audits or grant applications. St. Paul will cooperate fully in providing timely informatlon about its quarterly statistics and expenditures as requested by the Fiscal Agency for Task Force purposes. d. As Fiscal Agency for the Task Force, Ramsey County will receive outside funding as well as matching local funds from the Parties. Each of the Parties who transfers matching local funds to the Fiscal Agency will receive, at a minimum, reimbarsement for Task Force-related costs incurred by the party up to the amount of the matching local funds so transferred. e. Any subgrantee is responsible for the same accounting, auditing_and records retention responsibilities as the original grantee is obligated to. 9. Termination a. Either party may terminate this agreement by giving a thirty (30) days written notice to the other Party. b. upon temunation, eacn of the Parties shali be entitied to any Tasx Fozce resources that were purchased for their respective agency under a Task Force grant agreement or contract. c. Upon termination, neither party will have any claim upon the equipment purchased by the other party under a Task Force grant agreement or contract. d. Upon termination, all Task Force obi_igations shali be met and each of the Parties shall be entitled to receive any operating and forfeiture funds received during their participation dates, in proportion to the parry's levei of participation. East Metro Task Force Agreement 10. Forfeiture a Any assets or property received through forfeiture as a result of enforcement acuons of the Task Force shall be distributed to the Parties as follows: Ali forfeitures and seizures obtained as a result of the Task Force efforts on joindy 0 0 -�s� designated cases and cases initiated and worked up by the designated task force agents will be divided equally among the participating agencies. All forfeitures and seizures obtained on cases initiated and worked sepazately by the Parties' units, even with minimal help from the other unit, will helong wholly to the initiating agency. Items that are seiaed by the Task Force can be used to support the Task Force efforts if approved by the Advisory Board. In cases subject to federal forfeiture proceedings, distribution of assets or proceeds shall be governed by appiicabla federal statutes, regulations and procedures. b. The law enfozcement agency which commenced the particular investigation will be considered the "appropriate agency", as defined by Minnesota Statutes, and asset and proceeds distribution between law enforcement prosecution agencies and state authorities wi;l be pursuant to the requirements oi ivlinnesota 5tatutes. c. In all cases where the Task Force cooperates with another jurisdiction, the supervising investigators at the scene of the arrest wiil negotiate a split based on the amount of effort expended in the investigation and document their agreement. d. Notwithstanding section G-1, the Joint Fowers Agreement section 10-A and 10-B will supersede any discrepancy between the above agreement and the Joint Powers Agreement or Minnesota Statute 609.5315. East Metro Task Force Agreement 0 oo-?s� 11. Term The initial term of this Agreement shall be from January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000. This Agreement shall automaticaily renew from year to year so long as the parties receive Bryne Grant Funds, unless one of the Parties gives the other par[y 90 days' written notice of ats intent not to renew. IN WTI'NESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the dates set forth below. c�� ��.C9� Glfee✓� ���� J / City of Saint Paul �( �e . �� �d J �� By: ^ Paul County County Manager Norm Coleman, & Management Services Approval Recommended: Bob Fletcher, Sheriff Susan (iaertner, County Approved as to Assistant C,�unty Attorney East Metro Task Force Agreement Approval Recommended: Chief of Rpiice Department of an Rights Approved as to Form: Assistant City Attorney 7