00-755Council File # �p �. h 55 OR�GINAL Presented By Refened To Gzeen Sheet# 106056 14 Committee: Date 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHEREAS, Ellis Gottlieb, on behalf ofNationwide Group, made application pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 62.108 in Zoning File No. 99-247 for review of a site plan for the purpose of constructing a mini-storage facility on property located east of Case between Agate and I-35E and legally described as shown in the records maintained in the Zoning Administtator's office; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission [the Commission] conducted a pubiic hearing on the application on May 4, 2000, after having given notice to interested persons. The Zoning Committee heard testimony, closed the public hearing and laid the matter over to May 18, 2000, so that staff could provide additional information conceming a past application for the subject site. After having received the information from staff on May 18, 2000, the Zoning Committee recommended that the site plan be denied and forwarded this recommendation to the Saint Paul Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, on May 26, 2000, the Saint Paul Planning Commission received the report and recommendation of the zoning committee and, after considering afl the records, recommendations and discussions contained in the file, moved that the site ptan for the construction of the mini-storage facility be denied for the following reasons as set forth in its Resolution No. 99-247: The site plan is not consistent with City's adopted comprehensive plan. The Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan states that "the City supports the green corridors project of the state DNR, which plans to fund the restoration and protection of land with native habitats and to connect them with parks and trails. In Saint Paul, the river valley and the Trout Brook Reach are parts of the DNR plan. (Page 8) This site is located in the Trout Brook Reach. The proposed facility would extend across almost the entire width of the property leaving only a narrow corridor undeveloped between the facility and the railroad track to the east. This is not consistent with restoring this land as called for in the comprehensive Plan. 2. The site plan is not consistent with the preservation of environmentally sensitive areas. The site has been degraded by years of use by the railroad. However, it is geologically part of an ancient river bed and part of the Trout Brook Reach that the DNR has said should be restored. The state has authorized $900,000 for the City to purchase this land so it can be RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA oo-�ss 2 restored as a nature preserve and the City is looking for additional funding. The 3 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has authorized $20,000, which will 4 be matched by the City, for a study of how the site can be developed as green 5 space. 7 3. The site plan is consistent with the protection of the existing neighboring 8 properties. However, it would have a substantial effect on future use of 9 the site as part of a Greenway and wildlife habitat. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 4. The arrangement of buildings, uses and facilities of the proposed development will unreasonably affect abutting properiy andlor its occupants. The site is arranged so that the buildings and paved areas extend across almost the entire width of the sate. In addition, the site is located adjacent to a pond. Both of these features would have a negative effect on future development of the azea as a Greenway and wildlife habitat. 5. The site plan is not consistent with the satisfactory capacity of storm sewers, including solutions to any drainage problems in the area of the development. The large pond immediately south of the site is used by Public Works for storing storm water during heavy rain storms. This pond must be moved in a few yeazs due to the pianned construction of a new interchange for I-35E. The exact location and configuration of the pond cannot be determined until the interchange is designed but one scenario would shift the pond to the north where the mini-storage is proposed. 6. The site plan does not provide sufficient landscaping to screen and buffer the site if a Greenway corridor is developed adjacent to it as cailed far in the comprehensive plan. The plan calls for little or no landscaping on the north and south sides and shows just 8 feet for landscaping on these sides between the properry and the fence where landscaping could be added. On the east side of the site, most of the available land cannot be used for planring or screening because it is either in a public sewer easement or needed for a private storm water pond for this project. This would leave a limited strip of land on the east side of the site for landscaping which is not sufficient to screen the facility. 39 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saant Paul Legislative Code § 64.206, 40 Nationwide Group duly filed an appeal from the May 26, 2000 decSsions of the Commission and 41 requested a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council for the purpose of cansidering the actions 42 taken by the said commission; and 43 44 45 46 47 48 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.206 through §64.208, and upon notice to affected parties, the Saint Paul City Council on June 28, 2000, duly conducted a public hearing on the appeal where all interested par[ies were given an opportunity to be heard; and 49 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, having heard the statements made and 50 having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the 51 Saint Paul Planning Commission, does hereby RESOLVE, to affirm the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission in this matter. 6 0 �� SS There has been no showing that the Planning Coxnmission committed an error as to fact, finding or procedure; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul adopts as its own the findings and conditions in this matter as set forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 00-34; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul derues in all things the application of Nationwide Group; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of tlus resolution to Nationwide Group, the Zoning Administrator and the Saint Paul Planning Commission. oR����A� Requested by Department of: By: Foxm App d by City Attorney By: if�� GJL�an.w�� T! / YnJ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: Approved by 1 or: e' ' —f�'� By: �--�--� Adopted by Council: Date _��i�,., _,�'�_C���f7� %� Adoption Certified by Council Sc�etary oc-�ss Peter Wamer 266-8710 f BE OtJ COUNCiL AG@J�A BY @4T� August 23, 20Q0 - Consent RWTY16 ORDER TOTAL # OF SICaNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oE..a,+�r owee.we No106056 ❑ CRYAiiOqEY � p1YMIK ❑ nu��auxcuon ❑ w�we�uuavi�tro ❑1MYO11(q[AiiifAl/1) ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution memorialazing City Council action taken June 28, 2000, denying the appeal by Nationwide Group from a decision of the Planning Commission denying site plan approval for property located east of Case Avenue beriveen Agate Street and I-35E. PUINNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION S SOURCE Hae thie peisoNrrm eHe.wuriced unae. a c«rtract Rx uits aepartment7 VES NO F�s tliis PrsaJfirm ever baen a cqy emdoYee7 YES N� Dpes Mis peBONfifm po�eas a sla7i nM no/maliypossessed by anY n+�M city empbyee9 VES NO la Mie peraoNfiim a tarYetetl ventbrt YES NO CO3T/itEVENUB BUDQETED (GRCLE ON� ACTN�TY NUMBER YES NO INFORAl4TION (IXPWln OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M Robiruon, Jr., City Attorney ad -�st� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor HAND DELZVERED August 14, 2000 c�vtt Drvrsron 400 City Hal! IS West Kellogg Blvd. S¢int Paul, MinneSOta 55102 Telephone: 657 266-8710 Focsimile: 651298-5679 �'iOURC(� �P39°u'�C�fi .�'i�.r AUG 15 2440 Nancy Anderson Council Secretary Room 310 City Hall RE: Resolution memorializing City Council acrion denyingthe appeal by Narionwide Group from a decision of the Pianning Commission denying site plan approval for property located east of Case between Agate and I-35E. Dear Nancy: Attached please find a signed resolution memorializing the decision of the city council to denying the appeal by Nationwide Group from a decision of the Planning Commission denying site plan approval for a mini-storage facility on property located east of Case between Agate and I-35E. If you have any questions, do nat hesitate to wntact me„ Sincerely, �.� v�� Peter W. Warner attachment DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT $nan Sweeney, Dnec(or CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DATE: 6/22/00 25 WestFounh Street SamtPau[,14N SSIO2 T0: Council President Bostrom and Member of the City Council FROM: Lazry Soderhokfi�ED, Plaiming Aduiiuistrator ��� �J Telephone: 651-26G 6655 Facs:mile: 651-228-33I4 ItE: TROUT BROOK GREENWAY PLANNING: Relationship to the zoning appeal by Nationwide Group and REF LLC of Planning Commission denial of mini-storage site plan at "Trillium siYe" (east of 35-E between Cayuga and NTaryland) Public hearing on Councfl agenda for 6/28/00. The Plam�iiig Commission denied the site plan for the proposed mini-storage facility primarily because the Comprehensive Plan says that a greenway should run through or along this site and should provide a natural habitat corridor from the river up into the North End. The site plan as proposed does not accommodate space for the greenway corridor. The purpose of this memo is to update you on what work is being done to implement the green comdor. The Green Corridor Concept The green corridor concept derives from the convergence of work by neighborhood leaders concemed about environmental quality and by river planners who explained how the topography of the city connects most Samt Paul neighborhoods to the river. In 1997 a DNR task force put out a report called Metro Greenprint: Planning for Nature in the Face of Urban Growth. Although most of the opporluniries for greenway preservation shown in the report aze on the suburban fringe, the Phalen Creek/Swede Hollow and Trout Bxook corridors aze shown in Saint Paul, plus, of course, the river valley. Based on this inventory work by DNR and the detennination by the Port Authority that the "Trillium site" was a poor candidate for industrial redevelopment, the green corridor was put into the Land Use Plan as part of the new Comprehensive Plan, which the City Council approved in Mazch 1999. The proposed green corridor is priuiarily for the benefit of wild plants and critters and is also an urban amenity. Much of it would be along railroad rightswf-way and would not have recreational trails, but trails would cross through the three lazger public parcels along the green corridor. The attached map shows the proposal. Previous City Council Approvals for the Lower Phalen Creek/Trout Brook Concept K\Slured\SODERHOUZONING\TroutBrookGreenwayspr.mem 1 Oo-�ss Before the proposal for the green corridor evolved, the City Council denied several previous wning applications between Cayuga and Marylaad, including the Trillium proposal, the Comfort Bus yazd, and Clean Soils. Given the poor soil conditions and the difficult access to the azea, the Council approved the Land Use Plan for a green corridor. "I'he Councd has also approved PED's applicarion for a DNR planuing grant and supported neighborhood applications for DNR acquisition funding for the Lower Phalen Creek site and the Trillium site. The Council designated the Trust for Public Land to help the City with the acquisition of the Lower Phalen Creek site. Current Steps Toward Implementation of the Greenway The City has partial funding (hundreds of thousands of dollars) comsnitted for both the Lower Phalen Creek site and the Trillium site. The City received the $20,000 plauning grant for the green corridor, which will be matched by City staff time. We have signed a contiact with the DNR and we aze begimiing to select a consultant to do the plan. Prelimn�ary site development plans have been done by staff and students at the University of Minnesota. Pazks and Recreation, the Upper Swede Hollow Association, and a consultant are working on the Lower Phalen Creek site. The Mayor's Office and the Real Estate Division aze working on funding, appraisals, and the acquisition process for both sites. cc: Susan Kimberly Tom Harren Bill Huepenbecker Tom Beach Nancy Anderson K:\SUazedVSODERHOL�ZONING\TroutBiookCneznwayspr.mem CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Nana Coteman, Mayor 7une 14, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 Ciry Ha11 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: OFFICE OF LICENSE, IlVSPECTIONS AND �_� � ENVIl20NMENTAL PROTECTION Ra6ert KeSSZer, Director � � BUIIJ)INGZNSPECI70NAND Teiephone:612-266-4Q01 DESIGN FacsimiZe: 672-2669099 350 St Peter 5lreet Suite 370 Sauet Pau1, Mrnnesota SSIO2-Z5Z0 ��9�� C� ;,; � � ���� I would like to confum that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, 7une 28, 2000 for the following zoning case: Appellants: Nationwide Group and REF LLC File Number: 99-247 Purpose: Location: Appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to deny a site plan for a mini- storage facility. Former railroad property between Agate and 35E and between Case and Sims I have confirmed this date with the o�ce of Councilmember Reiter. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda of the City Council at your earliest convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Piease cali me at 651-266-9086 if you have any questions. Sinc F � i �� Tom Beach Zoning Section cc: Jan Keran • EYRS7' RUN i , � AiOTICE OF PUBLIC �+'aR*�G ,. The Saint Pavl City �ouncil will con- duct a public heaiing on Wednesday, June 2S. 2000, 'at 5:30 p.m, in the City Councii` Chambers, Third Floor GYty Hall, 15 West Ke7logg Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN, to �con= sider the appeals of Nationwide Group and REF.LI,C to a-decision of the Plazxning Commission d'enying a site plan for a mfni- stnrage facility on the former railroadprop- erty�between Agate Street and 35E and between Case and Sims Avenues. .� Dated: June 15, 2000 NANGY AssisJant Ciry Councll Secretary - - - tJune T9),,:, � _-�-�-= S1: PAiiL LSGAL IEDGBR �--�--�_ 02008498 Council Appeal From: Tom Beach To: Erickson, Mary; Keran, Janice Date: 6/12/00 8:41AM Subjeet: City Council Appeal Mary, we talked about scheduling a public hearing for June 28 for the following case: Appeal by Nationwide Group and REF LLC of the Planning Commission's decision to deny a site plan for a proposed mini-storage located on former railroad property between Jackson and 35E and south of Maryland. (Site plan file #99-247) Jan, Can you confirm ff this date is OK with Councilmember Reitef? OFFSCE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND � J'S5 ENVIItONMENTAL PROTECTION Robert Kusler, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor LOWRY PROFESS70NAL Bl7ILDING Suire 300 350 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, Mvuusota 55102-ISIO Zelephone: 672-2669090 F¢csimile: 672-266-9099 612-266-9I24 June20,2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Seeretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Appeal of the Plaaning Commission's decision to deny the site plan for a proposed mini- stoxage on former railroad property between Agate and 35 E and between Case and Sims Public hearing at City Council scheduled for Wednesday, 3une 28, 2000 Deaz Ms. Anderson: TI� PLP,NNING COMNIISSION DEl�TIED THE SITE PLAN On May 2b the Planning Commission denied the site plan for a mini-storage on a vote of 14 to 1. The • site plan submitted by Nationwide Group calls for three buildinas with 98,000 square feet of storage space plus an office. The property is zoned I-2 (Industrial). The applicant anticipates there will be approximately 75 vehicles per day goina to the ministorage when the project is completed. The site covers approximately 4 acres on the south end of a lazger parcel that was once raikoad property. The railroad filled the site yeazs ago but before that it was geologically part of an ancient river bed and a stream ran through the site. The stream bed is part of what is know as the Trout Brook Reach. The DNR has idenrified the Trout Brook Reach as an area for restoration as part of a metro-wide greenway and open sgace system. The City received a matching gant of $20,000 from the State for planning for restoration of the site. Last year the State authorized $900,000 for the City to use to�vard acquiring the mini-storage site and the rest of the larger 38 acre property. However, the property owner (REF LLC) believes that the property is worth considerably more than $900,�Q� and so no agreement has been reached on a sale of the property. THE PLANJNG CONIlI�IISSION �Oi3ND TfiAT THE PLAN IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Planning Commission found that the site plan for a ministorage at this location woutd not be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Land Use section of the Comprehensive Plan states that "the City supports the green corridors project of the state DNR, which plans to fund the restoration and protection of land with native habitau and to connect them with pazks and trails. In Saint Paul, the river valley and the Trout Brook Reach aze parts of the DNR plan." This site is located in the Trout Btook Keach and the proposed facility would extend across almost the entire width of the progerty leaving only a narrow corridor undeveloped between the facility and the raikoad track to the east. � City staff and the District 6 Planning Council zecommended denial of the site plan. At the public heazing Nationwide and the properry owner spoke in support of the project. Two people � spoke in opposition. Seventeen letters were received in expressing either opposirion to tke project or support ofthis azea being restored as part of a tazger a eenway project. APPEALS HAVE BEEN FILED BY THE MIlVISTORAGE COMPANY (NATIONWIDE) AND THE PROPERTY OR'NER (REF LLC) The appeals state that a miuistotage is a permitted use under the properry's Indush zoning and that site ptan meets aIl of the requirements of the zoning code. The appeaIs also state that the site plan is consistent with development of a geenway and that the seven findings for denial made by the Planning Commission are "based upon eshablishing an altemative public use or the pmperty." A PUBLIC $EARING ON THE APPEALS IS SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 28 Please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public heazing. Sincerely, �� Tom Beach Zoning Specialist AT°I'ACHD'�NTS page 1 Appeals from JLT Crroup and Hatnline Midway Coalition page 7 Planning Commission resolution denying the site plan page 8 Planning Commission and Zoning Committee minutes page 20 Staff report and recommendarions page 24 Land Use Chapter ofthe Comprehensive Plan page 27 City Council resolufion about planning for Trout Brook areenway page 34 Letters to the Planning Commission page 46 Location map and site plan u � ; APPLfCATfON FOR APPEAL tG, Department of Planning and Economfc Devetopment • � Zoning SeMion II00 Cir}• HalF Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 2b6-6589 APPELLANT PROPERTY LOCATION Name_ �oNwIDE c[Kxm Address 1724 Doualas Drive North City idPn vaii y St.�Zip 55 422 Daytime phonebl2-512-772� Zoning File Name ��7 N�NI S'1�ORAGE (99-247) AddresslLocation Foxt�x railroad property between Agate and 35E arad between Case and Sims TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeal to the: � Board of Zoning Appeals C� City Council � under the provisions of Chapter fi4, Section 2 � , Pasagraph 9 of the Zoning Code, to appeai a decision made by the Plannin� C1i[ani �SiOn on May 26. 2000 ,�. File number: 99-247 (date of decisionJ "� c`: -ZS'S -2 'z-�( 2. GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Expfain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusai made by an administrative o�cial, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Soard ot Zoning Appeats or the Pianning Commission. tia� a Mv «.i�. � Attach addrfiona/ fieet rf ApplicanYs signa e_ City agent f� �`�,�° � 6�lY��o / APPEAL OF NATIONR�IDE GROUP In support of its appeal to the St. Pavl Ciry Council from the decision made May 26, 2000 � by the St. Paul Planning Commission, Nationwide Group submits this statemen� REF LLC is the owner of properry located within the City of St. Paui generally lying west of Interstate 35, south of Maryland Streez and north of Sims Avenue. Nationwide has agreed to gurchase a poriion of the Property as a site for a mini storage facifity. The portion of the site for which zoning approvals were sought is bounded by Agate, 35E and Case and Sims. Nationwide has consulted e�rtensively with staff and revised its plans several times. The current application meets all technical requirements of the Zoning Code. Zoning Code Issaes Under the City's Zotting Code, site plan review is the applicable approvals process for consideration of the establishment of a mini-storage facility on this industrial property. In the site plan review process, staff has reviewed conformance with technical requirements. All requirements of the wning ordinance haue been met. After Applicant's submittal, it was ctiscovered that the City's Comprehensive Plan has a goal of supporting the Depariment of Nahual Resources Metro Greenways Program. Staff concluded that this provision sfiould control development of this industrial property. Cturenfly, the Metro Cneenways Project is merely a concept without specific definition. The concept is to establish open space uses in the vicinity of the properry. No specific plans have been developed. The Planning Conunission's denial is, however, based upon a conclusion that the provision in the City's Comprehensive Plan � supporting the Metro Greenways Program mandates that the subject property not be used for any use that is not part of the Crreenways project. When the applicarion was made awaze of the Greenways project they redesigned the project by adding landscaping, creating more green space and reducing the pmject size. Although s�ta£f and the Zoning Committee enumerated seven reasons for deuial, each of those seven reasons were based upon establishing an altemative public use for the properry. The propased development was characterized as incompatible with Greenways development because it cut off access to the pond to the south. This ignored the existence of an 80 to 100 foot undeveloped greenspace and wallcway proposed in the site plan. This was also inconsistent with the conclusion that the pond to the south was likely to need to be relocated to accommodate some future MnDOT construction. The project was criticized as not having sufficient landscaping, however the proposed project contains more landscaping than is required under the City's ordinances. Staff guidance on the level of acceptable landscaping was sought but not received. Failure to allow tUis development has created a hardslrip for the Applicant. AppIicant has been working on the project for over 2 years. The Applicant has redesigned this site plan a number of iimes in order to meet staff requests. Applicant has downsized the project by 25% to be more compatibie for possibie future uses. The Applicant has and continues to agree to revise the site plan to conform to City requirements, but they have not been specified. Applicant has offered to relocate on-site if the pond is an issue. Applicant will enhance landscaping, however, the city has not pmvided Applicant with any landscaping requirements. � 00•755 Relief Reauested • Applicant requests approval of its site plan as revised to include the 80-100 foot undeveloped greenspace as consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 0584814.01 • u 2. c ; APPLtCATION FOR APPEAL Depamnent of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section IZ00 Cit}� Hall Annez 25 li°est Founh Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 266-6589 APPEtLANT PROPERTY LOCATION ►Vame i� Li,C I Address 3066 Spruce Street I City st. Paul St. N&�T Zip 55117 Daytime Zoning Fi{e Name ACORN MIIQI STORAGE (99-247) Address/Location Forn�r rai.lra�d timpez between Aaate and 35E and between Case and Sims - L Z �E Z- ob2- ( 'tYPE OF APREAL: Apptication is fiereby made for an appeal to the: �: Board of Zoning Appeais f� City Council under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section 206 , Paragraph _� of the Zoning Code, to appeal a decision made by ths Pla�m;.� �m,;�s,an on Mav 26. 2000 ,�. Fiie number. 99-247 (date of decision) GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative official, or an eROr in fact, procedure or findirtg made by the 8oard of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission. � • w « ��s Attach additional sheet AppiicanYs for ApAlic�nt REE LL�C � • � 1 � Date City agent I - 611�j �8a cm-75S APPEAL OF REF LLC • In support of its appeal to the St. Paul City Council from the decision made May 26, 2000 by the St. Paul Planuing Commission, REF LLC submits this statement. REF LLC is the owner of properiy located within the City of St. Paul generally lying west of Interstate 35, south of Maryland Street and norfh of Sims Avenue. The portion of the site for which zoning approvals were derued by the Planuing Commission is a smaller portion of the REF LLC property bounded by Agate, 35E and Case and Sims. Zoning Code Issues Under the City's Zoning Code, site pian review is the applicable approvals process for considerarion of the establishment of a mini-storage facility on this industrial properry. In the site plan review process, staff has reviewed conformance with technical requirements. All requirements of the zoning ordinance have been met. During staffreview, it was discovered that the City's Comprehensive Plan has a goal of supporting the Department of Natural Resources Metro Crreenways Program. StafF concluded that this provision should control development of this indushzal property. Currently, the Metro Greenways Project is merely a concept without specific definition. The concept is to establish open space uses in the vicinity of the properry. No specific plans have been developed. The Piamiing Commission's denial is, however, based upon a conclusion that the provision in the City's Comprehensive Plan supporting the Metro Greenways Program mandates that the subject property not be used for any • use that is not part of the Greenways project. Aithough stafF and the Zoning Committee enumerated seven reasons for denial, each of those seven reasons were based upon establishing an alternative public use for the property. The proposed development was chazacterized as incompatible with Greenways development because it cut ofFaccess to the pond to the south. This ignored the existence of an 80 to 100 foot undeveloped greenspace and walkway proposed in the site plan. This was also inconsistent with the conclusion that the pond to the south was likely to need to be relocated to accommodate some future MnDOT construction. The project was criticized as not having sufficient landscaping, however the proposed project contains more landscaping than is required under the City's ordinances. 5taff guidance on the level of acceptable landscaping was sought but not received. Development Efforts Since REF LLC's acquisition of the property it has sought approvals for other land uses allowable under the current Zoning Code. These uses have been denied in ozder to accommodate proposed public uses of the subject properiy. This is an improper application of the zoning power. This effectively converts the properiy from private ownership to pubiic use without compensation for the loss of the private ownership rights. C� ,� � It is necessary that the City Council provide guidance to staff and the Planning Commission as to whether this property is to be public or private. If it is private, it should be � developed. If it is to be public, it should be acquired by the CiTy. 0584810.OI • � Z. �,�0-7 5S S ci�y of sain� paut planning commission resolution file number o�-�� _ _ date s/Z61oo R'HEREAS, Nationwide Group, file; 99-247, has applied for a Site Plan Re��iew under the provisions of Section of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code, for che pucpose of cons[ructin� a mini- stora�e facility on property located east of Case between A�ate and 3�E, le�ally described as sho�vn on the attached le�al description; and �VHEREAS, the Zonin� Committee on �/18(00, held a pubiic hearin� at which all persons present wet�e given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance ���ith the reGuirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code; and �VHEREAS, Saint Paul Plannin� Commission on �l26/00, based on the evidznce presented at the pubiic hearing as substantialfy reflected in the minutes, made the follo�vin� findinas of fact: i. The site plan is not consistent �vith c+ty's adopted comprehensive plan. The Land Use Chapter of the Comprzhensiti�e Plan states that "the City supports ihe areen corridors project � of the state DNR, ti��hich plans to fund the restoration and protection of land «•ith native habita[s 1nd to connect them with parks and trails. In Saint Paui, the ri�er �•aUey and the Trou: Brook Reach are parts of the DNR ptan. `' (Pa�e 8) This site is loc2ted in the Trout Brook Reach. The proposed facili.}� would extend across almost the entire ���idth of the property lea� in� only a nan�o�v co�idor unde� eloped bet�ueen the facilit} and the railroad track to the east. This is not consis�ent with res�orin� this land as calied fo; in the Comprehensive Pian. 2. The site plan is not consis[ent ���itn the preser� ation of environmentall� sensitive areas. The site has been de�raded by years of use by the railroad. Hotive��er, it is geolo�ically part of an ancient river bed and �art of the Trout Brooh Reach that the D;1R h1s said should be restored. The state has authorizzd �a900,000 for the City to purchase this land so it can be restored as a nature preser�e and tne C�[y is lookin� for additional funding. The Minnesota Department of i�'atura! Resources has authorized 520,000, ��hich n�ill be matched b�� the City, for a study of ho« the site czn be deve]oped as green space. The site plan is consistent ��:ith the protec[ion of the exis[ing neiQhbo�ne properties. Ho���e��er, it �t'ould ha�e a substanaai eFfect on future use of the site as part o` a �reenway and �ti•ildlifz habitat. a The arr,�n�efnent of builcfin�s, uses and tacilities oF the proposed de� z'•o; ricnt �vi11 • unreasonably altect atiiuting p�u,;:n� anci/o� �u o;;cupanu. �I�i�, sn� `. �.:_...:. zc! so i��at [}�_� buildin�s and pa�'ed areas extend across almost the entire ���idth of tn� si�e. In <iddition, the site is located adjacent to n pond. Both of these featurzs «ould hai�e a r,z;ati�•e effect on future de�'clopmen[ of the area •s; a �reem�a} .tnd �vildiiEz habiiat. t ZoningFile; 99-247 Resolution Pa�e T�vo of T�co � 5. The site plan is not consistent �vith the satisfactory capacity of storm se���ers, induding solutions to any draina�e problems in the area of the development. The lar�e pond immediately south of the site is used by Public �Vorks for storin� storm �i•ater during heavy rain stonns. This pond must he moved in a fe�i• pears due to the planned construction of a new interchan�e for I-3>E. The exact location and confi�uration of the pond cannot be determined until the interchan�e is desi�ned but one scenario would shift the pond to the north where the mini-storage is proposed. 6. The site plan does not provide sufficient landscapin� to screen and buffer the site if a greenway corridor is developed adjacent to it as caiied for in [he comprehensive piaa. The p[an calls for little or no landscapin� on the north and south sides and sho«•s just 8 feet for landscapin� on these sides between the property and the fence �vhere landscaping coufd be added. On the east side of the site, most of the available iand cannot be used for plantin� or screenin� because it is either in a public sewer easement or needed for a private storm water pond for this project This �vould leave a limited strip of land on the east side of the site for landscapiri� «•hich is not sufficient to screen the facility. \O�V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paui Planning Commission, that under the au[hori[y of the City's Legislative Code, the site plan for construction of a mini-storaaz facilit}' by i�Tatiom��ide Group on property located east of Case between AQace and 3�E and le�ally described as sho��•n on the at[ached le�al descripcion, is hereb}� denied. • moved by �'ield seconded by in favor 14 Oppose 1 Abstain 2 Conmissioners MardeZl, Field • � '�s . •'t G�-7 5 5 i Saiflt Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg BouIevard West Minutes of May 26, 2000 A meeting o£the Flanning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was heid Friday, May 26, 2000, at $:3D e.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioaers Mmes. Donnefiy-Cohen, Duarte, Fericy, Zimmer Lonetti, McCall, and Nfarton Present: and Messrs. Aiton, Anfang, Dandrea, Field, Fotsch, Gervais, Gordon, Ir.ramer, Mazde)1, Mazgulies and Sha�r. Commisaioners Mmes. *Engh, and Messrs. *Kwig, Corbey, and Johnson. Absent: *Excused � L Apgroval af Minntes of May iZ, 20U0 Corrections: Amend paga 2 under section 1V of Zaning Committee, first Pa ��pb, �� !ate "Commias�nner Gordan" reported and state "Commiasioner FYeld reported that...... " Amend page 4 paTagraPh 3 �ftb �'°e t° read "Fourplexcs are heing bnilt at HoYt and Montuaa� near Westm�nister Aveuue, where ................: ' MpTION• Cammissioaet Furicy moroed aPProvaT of the minutes of May I2, 20A11 with Jhe amentlme�ets• Caxtn++ss�oner Gordon secanded the motiom The mocion earried unanimousty on a voire note. Gnnection iu Nlinutes of Apri114, 2060 • Alsa Frasen� Larry Sodediolm, Planning Administrator, Tom Beach (LIEP), Nancy Homans, Af Lovejoy, Elvira Barnes-Wycough, Lucy'I7iompson, Allan Torstenson, Virginia $urke, Nancy Frick snd MadHa Faust Department of Planning end E¢onornic Development staff; Councilmember Jerry Blakey and Csreg Blees, Fiscal Policy birector for Gonncil Researth. Vicmr Catiandro and Andrew Dresdner from the Cuningham Graop and Bob Close fram Clase Landscape Architecture. �ti20'd TEe conclnsion of the public hearing on the Seven Corners Gateway smsll a*ea pisn h¢Id on Apri114 did nat anclude a motion. Mr. SoderLelar cirenlated t6e follawiag: g��a� �eLaugfllia and Lnay Thompson respunded to 9IIestions frum the eommissioners. \ bti££8�SS9 h10�3 '� �JNIhB�Jd'ld l(ltid 15 zO:ZL 90&'-SO-Ntlt . II. tt MQTTON: Coxuxissianer Faricy moved ro etnse rha public hea�ir{�, ro keep tke hp,p�in� secaTq opere j,or yorift¢n cornnrenis unYii 4:00 p.m oa Monday April I T, 200tl, med w rejer the Senen Corners Gareway Plan bark ro thelYeighboshond and Currenr Ftunning Cn»mtitCee. Chair Mortan catled for a motion to accept ttte sddition ta Yhe miuRtes of Apxi[ !4. Moved by Commissioner SLalon The motion carried on a nnanimous voice vote. Chair's Annauncements Chair Morton announced that tLe microphoaes are pioking up side conversations during commission meetings. She eawuraged membars to cover d+e microphones when conversing with someone during the meetin� as these conversations are being picked up ot� tape attd wili remain on public record- Pianui�tg Admiuistcator's Annouacemente Mr. Soderhoim said he talked with Gene Corbey on the phone yesre�daY• He was back in the haspital for a few days instead of being hern for our last meeting, bvt is in pretty goal spirits and is now doing weli. He sends greetings m all tke Planning Cammission members and he �xpects to be back next time. Mr. Soderkolm r�orted ort Gity Cawwvccit edions fRt tfte tast week: The Trust for Fnblic Land, a non-profrt organization, was desigiated to lietg the city with the aequisition of the lawer Phalen Creek property, which witl ire parc of the Trout Brook-Lower Phaten Creek GreenwaY P�P�sed in the Compre6ensive Plan. The lang- ronning zoning case about the cazriage house b?' Nathan Hail Par1c, neaz' Sutt[mit Avenue and PorUaad, was resolved. There ware acfualiy three actions on appeal: an action of this Commissioa, an actton of the Heriiage Presarvation Commission and an aetio++ of the SoaTd of 2oTdng Appeals• All of the actions of dtese bpdies were upheld by the City Councit. The Herimge Preservation Commission had app*oved two different plans as meeting ttie hiscoric guidelines, for a 3 S or a 36-foot buitding. The-38 £oot building reqa+red wme variances which were denied by tlie Board of Zoning Appeals> and site plan revieu' bY the Planning Commission. In effect, ihe 36-foot building was the rn+e apPrm'ed by the City Cauneil. The City's staff's inte,tpreration is that the buildiag needs no variances; hpwever, the opponents of buiiding the CsrriaBe House, who are f� We do t kaow Commissioner Mazk Vaugh� bel�e�'e �t some vaziances aze req cted that whether they will take the Cauncil's decision to court. Mr. Sederholm expe the C+ty wi[L now isrne buitd�ng permits for that building. There will be no CSiy Council meeting �� We��ay, May 31 because it is the fifth R'ednesday ia ihe monffi. .'� rSi£0"d 4L££5�2�5� ram3 ��trea�d �ned ls za:zt aeez-s�-rinr � • c�-755 • 'I'here are still cvnversatians betrveen the City Councii, the developer, and the neighbors about Victoria Piaza, Grand Avenue and V ictoria, so there hssn't been a finai resolution preser�ted to the City Council. Feople from PED are uying to figure aut how mucfi �ndergmund parking might cost 2F�ere and whether there couFd be a sohrtion everyone could live with that is better than the one the developer is proposing. That is still up in the air. We don't laow how soon that resolution witl be forthcoming. Mr. Soderhotin lirted npcoming p�ojects the Commission will be working an this summer: Ri�erview Corrtdor Basvar - The Gdmprehensive Ftanning Committee will bs urorking on thaY issue. Kaver Carridor Plan - Tne draft is now nndergoing staff review and the Committee in June. . University nf 3t Thama S,�ecial Condition Use Permit - Meeting5 bettveen tha I3niversity and the neighborhood are going on. PEb expeets an appNeation from the schao! by the end of the summer. Advestisiag Siqns Studv - The ordinances will be written in ]une. � Des�n Distriets - The (egistaWre pmvided for the City W create design districts. 'fhe sections of thc Seven Corners Gateway Plan uea that are not part of the Historia Irvirie S'ark District aze requesting design guidelines. Lucy Thompson wili be workieg on developing an ordinance for how that can be implemented. Lega��y, design dish'icis could be created anywhere in the city. Mr. Sodecho�m distributed a memo regazding the criteria for when the Planning Commission shauld xeview a site plan appl+cation and s resolutian regarding any "Request for Planning Comm�ssion Review of Site Plans" to be udded to !he Flanning Commission Handbook in the Zon'sng Brief section as page 1 T3. iVlr. Soderhofm spoke with the Minneapolis cansultant far their Uppar River Mastar Pian this week attd was pleased to hear that Minneapolis is now having success in their conversatians witki the D23R. 'C'he DNR staff person, SCevo Johnson, is working with them on uadeoffe about hefght versus views m the river and access to the siver aztd inereased landscaPmg• We have worked on all these same mpies with Steve Johnson in the River Coaidor Design wrn'kin8 Group, and we wi{1 hear a presentarion about that this moming. VI Zoning Committee Report gg 2�7 A eorn Mini St2�s�e - 3ite A1as review for a proposed mini-storage facility. 35 E..Tenks, east of Case between Agate and 35E. CornmiSSioner Field reported that Dirnict 5� opposed to the establishmant of the � � � '-� �i/b0'd bSS£822LS9 N0�3 '� �JNIMJFJId - Ifitld 15 £0:25 06[Z-S�-f�1fiL C� Acom Mini Storage at that site, and that one person spoke in supporf, two in opposition. The public hearing was closed. IO 4: Corn»rissfaner Fi¢fd mwed rhat rhe site ptan for cortictractiors oj'a mind- staragefrrcitity by NatioxwideGmup ox property located east of Case 1�nveenAg'afe and 35E be de�ued Mr. Soderholm shared with the commission the memo &om Vic Wittgenstein ca Tom Beach. Mr. Wittgenstairt is the Director of the Parks and Recreation Division and he urges the Planning Commission to dany the site plan. Responding to a question from Commissioner Fieid oa an eartier statement, Mr• Soderholm said that the Trust for Public I.and (TPL} is going Yo work as the City's agent in helping to acquire tha lower Phaien Creek site, which is beiow baytan's $luff. IYs part of tha same �reenway, but iYs noY the same parcel of land where this mini-storage is proposed. The legislature did budget moaey toward the acqvisition of this site, but it is not eaoagh. The C�ty is worl3ng to increase �is bodgei or to decfde ufist it can afford to buy in regard ta this parcct. Commissioner Field st3ted that on ffie advice of Mr. Warner he abstained at the Zoning Committee due W a�nflict of interest. One of the azguments, for the commissionezs wHo have not had a chanoe m read t6e minutes of the Zoning Committee, is tt+at the awner af this land is between a rock attd a hard place. I3e would encourage the City either to pmeeed and buy the [and or let the owner proceed aad develog the parcel. Mr. Soderholm stated that the City has budgeted mose money thao the owner Paid to bny this land two or t6ree years ago, but tha Cii�' 1� nowhere near the amount of money the owner now asks. Commissionei Alton asked if the oWner is willmg to selt the property, but not at a price the City is willittg w pay. Mr. Sode�holm confirmed. Commissione�' Shaidr asked how much the owner is asking and what the City is willing to pay? Mr• 5oderholm stated he did not reeuember the nnmbers and did not want to give out the wrong numbers. In any cass, the primary issue before the Commission is the relationship to the Comprehensiue P1an- It is not really an issue for the Planning Commission whether the PropertY is being wndemned a purchased. We axe supPase to be looking at the zonin� and Campreheasive Pian and how well the site plan �nfornts, Commissioner A(ton said he had d+Q same absat'�'a�i°n as Commissioner Field. He is curious about thc response of the Zonmg Committee memhers to Commissioner Pield's statement. Commissioner TCrame�' statad that a lot af the diseussion in the Zaning Cotnmittee h��g w�s to the Comprehensive Plan• There `� multiple reasans for the deniai oP the site p[att, 4 � r 7 L.� FSi50'd bS££8Z2SS9 NOJ3 � 9NINNdId �(ldd 15 £0:2i H�9Z—SQ—NRt C?�-755 � C.eaunissioner Margulies, not being a mem6er of the Zoning Committee, stated that he was trying to figure out the fads. Ae asked wbether there was discuss'son about how the site plan could be mocl�ed ta make it acceptaltle to the City and Zoning Committee, or is the decision essentia{ly that no site plan modiFcation is gaing to be acceptahle, given the requireroents of the Compreheasive Pian? Commissioner Kremer stat�d that there wa5 some back and forth a6out that issue and the committee spent two meetin�s on this matter. In snmmary, this sQecific development dces noi seem to fit Whichevsr way you tried to rotate the building tn avoid one probiem, you swung it into another probiem. Mr. Beach said that we aze [ooking at a specific site plan that was proposed. The main pro6iem was tfiat it e?ctends from one side of the propecty to the other. ff we aze trying to create a curcidor for �vildlife or li�7cing trails here, that mal:es it difficuit. There needs to be a nattow carridor along the side. It is a big site. f'erhaps they coutd corae back with a different site plan, somewhete else on the property ot a different bnild'mg configuration, but this particuler site plan does not c4nform to the Comprehensive Plan• u Mr_ Beach stated that originalty this application was going to be considered last fall and since then, the applicarn had some discussions with the City about look'sng at a completely different site, doing some land aades. There rvas also discussion of doing the mini-storage at the north end of the site. But the applicant chose to resubmit this one. The bnildings are somewhat smaller, but the site itself, B+e area that is fenced in and paved, is esserrtially the same ss we had originalfy last fait. Commissioner Gordon statedtl�atthis space has beea designated in a Comprehensive P(en m become part of the Traut Brook Greea Con�dor, and tha City has undeitaketi to acquire the land and is in negatiarion with tlie owner to purchase it He sssumes �1+at �� they dan't reacli an agmement it wilt culminate in a condemnation proceedin�. 'Che site pian provided by the applicusrt raises a number of issaes and craates a number of pmblems. For exarnple, in the stsff'report under finding 1, the site ptan would have iefr only a very nanow carridor for the green space, too narcow in the opinion of tha staff and in the opinion of the Zoning Cammirtee to be consistent with the Cpmprehensive 7tan. Commissioner Gordon stated that t8ere was also a problem aith respect to thc location of the holding pond- Tl�e constructian of 35E is going to require relocating that hoiding pond, which would ba a probiem, given this site pian. There aze a numbor of very Segitimate prob�ems tivitkt this site plan> but overall, the bicgesi probtem is that this property has been dasigiated to become a green spaae and th� City is movittg in that direetion. Afong comes this uppiicant and wants to develop it, a pmject within that area, knowing ali of this. He stated the explanation for him is that this property owner is engaged in negotiations with tha CitY over the vaiue of his piece of pmperiy 8nd he wattts the value of the pmpesty to be as high as possfble. In that connection, this application is pert af an effort w create evidence in support of the azgument that the land 9s more vatuable than it really is. • �� iS�90'd bS£.2' N�3 '8 °JNINNd�d 'lfldd 1S b0:2i 906z-S0-N�it � Commissioner Gordon believes this applicant and this owner know from the previous appf ications that the Zoning Committee and the Plsnning Commissior+ are concemed about develnping this land, given that the Comprehensive Plan cal(s for it to be geen space• �ie 8elieves the unaaimous dwisioR of the committee is correcY and the application should 6e denied. Commissianer Dandrea asked if the sta�ng at PED aflows far proactive approaches wiffi the o.mer to 6elp him wid� site pien preparation before h�ets ta this point. ibtr. Soder6oim scated thst some of thaz has been done. Site plans are nat rcwiewed by PED. Tom Beach works in the Oiiice of Licence Inspecdon and Environmenta! Protection He has spent tune working on alternateves and lhis is sn interdegarimentai issue. The City's Real Estate 3ection has been doing the negotiatian on land acqvisition. The Mayar's Qftice has b�n caordinating the intergwernmeIItal funding, tryie� to g� the money to acquire. ft ham't primarilY been in PED, but there have been a iot of other diseussions going on. He 53ated that he wasn't clear on how mueh discnssion was going on with the iand ownec abam alternative site plat�s. Mr. Dandtea asked whettser it was fair m say that there ace opportanities available if an owner desired7 Mr. Soderholm a�reed wi�th the statem�t Commissioner Almtt staTCd thai his concern was not whether we should ascribe moNves to the City or the developer in this case and he doesn't think we shoald be specnlating abo�t motives when we vote on this case• His concem was that we were denying a site plan because of something that might happen to this property �n the future and we don't I�ave any idea if it actualty evec willIiappen. �or example, there was a finding in the site pten that the visual sc�ning cvas noi adequate because if the property adjacent was developed imo a geen ooaidor, then the scmening wouldn't be good enough. Commissioner Mazgnties asked Mr. Beach whether diere was anY Siie A��' for devetopment that a o�mer could bting in that svould be aoceptable on this site, or is any develppmec�t precluded in your mind, by virtue of ihe fact that it has been designazed as it is in the Caittprehensive Plan? Mr. 8each replied that an alttrnativc +Has sketched up thst he rhou�h wouid have iess impach, whether it is enough to �et app�Yed would be np to the Planning Commission. [t «an aliernative he discussed w+th the aPPl�cant at one point T�ote to Dexy: A rolt calt vote ww' takatt on the mntivrr to derry arul to adnP; =ize resolution to deny ihe site pTan for consh'uctfnn of a mini-srorage faci�ity I�� Natiams'Tde Groxp on prop�'ry tacatad east of Care behveen Agate and 35E. T7te moiion passed on a vnle of 74 in fatvor,l agalnst, witk two nbstehtions (Comm7ssioxers xieG1 ar�d Mardelt botk annnanred they had conf7frts ofinterest). Commissioner Anfang stated that ha made ivs vote based on the Zoning Commiceee's ,� ,; C � � �T/L0'd trS£�'tS9 hi0�3 8`JNi�d�d �f�d � bO:EF 909Z-S6-Nflt aa-� 55 � � V repart, nat the comments of Commissioner Gordon, v+hen he specutated that the applicanYs reat purpose is m in£late the land value. CommissSoner Gordon responded that he tried to make it clear that it was his own penonal opinion, and he realized that fiis opmion may not be shared by other Planning Commissian members. He agreed that it need not and should no# be #he basis far the Commission's decision. #ltip.124-884 Harriet Islanti�edecfrian Levee Gatewae - Site Cortidor Specisl CandiYion IIse Permit to sllow for constraction of n pedestrian levee gatetvay opening to Aarriet Tsland Regional park. Harriet Island; northwest af Plata snd Water streets MATION Cornaassloner Fiefd moved the aomneiuee rerommendation for apprnvat of tke Special Conditian Use Permet for the pedestriau gttteway throug<< the Levee. The tnntionFassed ott a+usanimaus voice vote. #00-I24 300 Ccnadian Pacitc Railwav - River Corradar Spcciul Condition Use Permit ta rtflow gtading and filt alnx8 the sattlt@�n portion of the raitroad yard lncared ulong the noRhern perimeter of ikaformer kig's Eye dump. SOD.�igs Eye Lake RoarL Commissioner Fieid said this case has kaid over in committee. Hocke�,�rena SSgnc 7,on9nQ Studv MOTION: Cummissioner Fietd moved tkat the Sockey Arena Signs Zoning Sludy be initiated and the drafi be reteased for a pubtic /te�fng ��p PlanKU'g Commission on Jane 23. The molion passed unanimnusiy River Corridor Design Working Grottp Report - M3rtha Faust Ms. Faust introduced the consultanu tca the River Design Working Group, Cuninghsm Group and Close Landscape Atchitects: Mr. Victnr Caliandm, Bob Close and Andrew Dcesdner. The purpase of the study �s to assist the City af 5a�nt Paul in the completion of the River Cotridor Ptan update bY creating design suidclines that balance the demaads of firture development with the needs of protecting the river wrridor as a resource to the entiTe �g�on and state. The study area is the Mississipp� �ver Corridor in fit. Paul, and specificaify five potentia! redevelopment sites located in the River Corridor (Shepard Davem, Archer Daniels Midland, former site of Koch Aqo6il, Upper Landin5 and W est Sida Flats). s � �ti80'd bT££8Z2S59 N0�3 8�JF{IF�1 "UlHd J.S bp:2L 9�0Z-SC�-N�t MtNUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, May 18, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3` Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Engh, Faricy, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton Mardel! Peter Warner and Tom Beach of LIEP Caroi Martineau, Allan Torstenson of PED The meeting was cha+red by Commissioner Field. Acom Mini Storage - 99-247 Site Pian Review for a proposed mini-storage facility. Former railroad property befween Agate and 35 E and between Case and Sims Tom Beach presented the staff report. Mr. Beach stated the City has $9�0,000 authorized by the StaYe one-year ago for the acquisition of this land for the Trout Brook Reach project. Mr. Beach also explained the City has a$20,000 grant from the Department of Natural R�sources for planning in this area. The City has submitted an application for funds to Mefro Green Way, and is (ooking into funding from the following sources: Ramsey County, MNDOT, Board of Water and Soil Resources, Trust for Public Lands. Tfie City has initiated condemnation proceedings on the Soo Line Railroad property west of this area, which was recently purchased by Frank Fratalone who also owns tf�e site for the proposed mini-storage). Mr. Beach aiso stated the zorting. staff is recommending deniai of this site plan because it is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Kramer moved to adopt the staff recommendation to deny the Site P(an for a mini- storage facitity. Commissioner Faricy seconded the motion. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Beech stated the City is doing all it can to purchase this property. If there was a mini-storage on this site, tfie organizations might not be as e�thusiastic about funding this project. Adopted Drafted by: Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 Submitted by: Tom Beach Zoning Section Abstention -1 (Fiefd) Approved by: Litton Field Chair � � � � 1� 00-7 5 5 M1NtlTES OF THE ZONING COMMtTiEE Thursday, May 4, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. • • � City Councii Chambers, 3` Floor City Hali and Court House '15 West Keliogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, Mardeil and Morton Faricy Tom Beach, LIEP Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson of PER The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Fieid. Acorn Mini Storage (99-247) Site Plan Review for a proposed mini-storage facility. Former railroad property between Agate and 35 E and between Case and Sims. Tom Beach showed slides and presented the staff report. Mr. Beach stated the staff recommends denial of the Site Plan and District 6 is opposed to the Mini-storage facility. Mr. Beach also explained the mini-storage faciiity does not conflict with the sewer easement to the east as stated in the staff report. Mr. Eilis Gottlieb, of Nationwide Corporation, appeared and stated Nationwide Corporation had numerous conversations with the City in June of1988. At that time Mr. Beach informed them the properiy was zoned properly fos the use of a mini-storage facility. The City requested six substantial revisions to the site pian to make the project more compatible when they were aware of the Green Corridors Project Ordinance (ihe City did not inform the applicant that the s+te prohibits development). The grading of the site was started in August of1999 when the City accepted an appiication and issued a grading permit. Mr. Gottfieb also stated if the Green Corridor Ordinance prohibits development the City shoutdn't have accepted the application or granted a grading permit. The relocation of the Public Works Pond is speculative and may never occur and is an ofE-site issue which has no bearing on the proposed site plan. Mr. Gottiieb aiso explained Nationwide Corporation spent thousands of doliars developing plans at the City's request in order to obtain a building permit. Nationwide Corporation has complied with all the Gity's requirements and the building permit has not been issued. At the City's request Nationwide Corporation voiurrteered to build on the north end of the property, site pians were drawn up to comply with the City's issue, then the C'ity informed them a permit for the north end would not be granted so they revised the site pians to the south ofi the property. The proposai is a high quality development that will compliment the area. Mr. Gottlieb passed photos around depicting a quatiTy masonry building with fandscaping. The proposed buitding is one-quarter of the 400,000 square feet of building permitted on the I-2 zoned properiy. On the east end of the property there will be 80 to 100 feet of open space to accommodate a bike/pedestrian path down to a pond pianned in the site review. An eight foot high cedar fence to screen the property will also be installed. The City was informed on their intension to landscape but never issued landscape requirements. The compteted project would only generate 70 cars a day and 5 cars in peak periods. In comparison, an industria{ bui4ding would generate over 700 cars. The appiicant owns 6 mini-storages in Eagan, Minneapolis, Maptewood, fnver Grove Heights that abut single family residents and there has never been a complaint. The operating hours are restricted so there is no traffic at night. Mr. Gregory Korstad, 7900 Xerxes Avenue S., representing Frank Frattalone, owner of the property, stated Mr Frattaione would fike to se{I this property and have it devefoped. The site plan E, :a Zoning Commitfee Minutes May 5, 2000 File #: 99-247 Page 2 is a development that is in conformance with all the City code requirements and shouid be approved. He also addressed points in ihe sYaff report that are not in conformance 1). Finding Number 1 states the area is to be used for the devetopment of green space for animal habitat, trails and park type projects this statement is incompatibie with privafe ownersfiip of the site. 2) Finding Number 3 talks about resioring this site as a nature preserve which is incompatible with private ownership of the property. 3) Finding iUumber 8 states the property should be reserved so the City can use it for purposes for meeting storm owner drainage requirements at sometime in the future if necessary. Development should occur or the property should be acquired by the city. Negotiations to seil the property for its appraised value have been unsuccessful because the City cannot find the funds to buy tfiis parcef of property. The site pian review presents a use of the property that is compatible with future green space developmenf. Upon question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Frattalone stated there was an offer from the City to purchase the property at about 40% of the appraised vatue based upon funding the City had from ihe legislature. Mr. Frank Frattalone, Owner of the property appeared and stated the issue of contaminafed soil took place before he purchased the properry two years ago. • Ms. Linda Jungwirth, representing the 16 Square Block Tri Area Block Club, stated they oppose approvai of the site pian based on the strength of pubtic purpose. The City Comprehensive Plan calls for linking neighborhoods and the river via trails and greenways. An environmental learning � reserve incorporating a wetland and technology to control runoff and to improve water quality which would benefit everyone. The proposed I-35E interchange may result in the relocation of the Munger Gateway Trail and reconfiguration of the holding pond for the Trout Brook L'+ne. MNDOT has not made any definite boundaries because this is a future project and the p(ans are not comptete at this time. The Munger Gateway Trail has been selected as one of this Country's legacy trails and this site ptan woufd put that in jeopardy. There is a need to incorporate greenspace, water quality, the Monger Traii, and connections with fhe Phalen Corridor to the south east, the central corridor to the southwest, and the Trout BrookTraii to the north and sfi(I accommodate existing businesses, the integrity of the neighborhood and future public purpose. Currently there are too many variables with which fo contend and the need exists to plan for future possibilities instead of locking into development now that may adversely affect future public purpose. Ms. Carol Kusmieret, Member of District 6 Land Use Committee and Pfanning Council, appeared and stated they support the City's comprehensive plan for a greenway and environmenta( fearning preserve on the Trifiman site. Restoration of this brown field area to a greenway and learning preserve would enhance the community and benefit sfudents of numerous north-end area schools. Mr. Gregory Korstad reappeared and stated the City has never made a formal offer to Mr. Frattalone to purchase the property. The City could not raise the money for the property last year and they were told to proceed with the site plan review after (ast years tegislature. The uses thaf the respondents mentioned are public uses Yhat don't have a bearing on the application. (f the property is to be used for pubiic uses the City should buy the property. The Pubiic Hearing is closed. • ,� can-7 55 Zoning Cots�m+ttee Minutes May 5, 2000 • File #: 99-247 Page 3 Upon questions of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Beach stated there was a public hearing for storage by Mr. Frattalone on that property and it was denied. 7he City is stifl working on purchasing the property from Mr. Frattafone. After further discussion Commissio�er Gordon made a motion to lay the case over until May 18, 2000. Commissioner Gervais seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted by: �,aJ1.o--� ��,��uxz-cC1 . Carol Martineau Recording Secretary � Nays - 0 Submitted by: ` /( f>-G�� Tom Beach Zoning Section Approved Litton Chair :� OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Robert Kessler, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUILDINGINSPEC770NRND Telephorse: 612-266-909a Norm Coieman, Mnyor DESIGN Facsimile: 6l2-266-9099 350 St Peter Street Suite 300 SaintPaul,�nnesota 55102-I510 i DATE: May 1 l, 2000 TO: Zoning Committee PROM: Tom Beach, LIEP RE: Additional information for Acom Ministorage site platt review The Zoning Committee held a public hearing on the Acorn Ministorage project on May 4 and voted to lay the matter over to May 18 so that staff could provide addirional information. Deniat of au earlier site plan for outside storage Last yeaz Frank Fratalone, the property owner, submitted a site plan to use property immediately north of the proposed ministorage for outside storage of sand and gravel and construction equipment for his excavating business. The Planning Committee denied a site plan based on findings that the site plan: — Was not consistent with two sections of the Comprehensive Plan: a section supporting the restorarion the site to its natural condirion and another dealina with minimizing negative impacts of industrial uses. — Did not preserve an environmentally sensitive azea — Would unreasonably affect neazby property — W ould result in traffic safety problems — Would encroach on easements for public utilities — Did not provide sufficient landscaping and screenina (See attached copy of the resolution.) Greenway proposal The City has received state fizuds to be used toward acquiring this property so that it can be restored Yo its natival condirion and become part of a metro-wide greenway system. A staff meetina is scheduied for later this week to review the status of the greenway project and efforts Yo acquire properry for it. I will update the Committee at the meeting on May I8. If you have any questions, you can reach me at 651-266-9086. G.ICOMMOMSite PIan199247aeomlzCmemom00 � • 00-755 � u �� 1. APPLiCANT: ZONING COMMI'iTEE STAFF REPORT FILE #99-247 Eliis Gottlieb for Nationwide Group DATE OF HEARING: 5i4i99 2. CIASSIFICATION: Site Plan Review 3. LOCA710N: Former railroad property east of Case between Agate and 35E 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 6 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See file 6. PRESENT ZONING: I-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 62.108�c) 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 10l2�/99 BY: Tom Beach 8. DATE RECEIVED: 4/3/00 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 6/2J00 A. PURPOSE: Site pfan review for construction of a mini-storage facility. B. PARCEL SIZE: Nationwide pians to purchase 4 acres of land for the facility. The site is currently part of a larger 38-acre parcel owned by Frank Fratalone that stretches north to Maryland Avenue. The buildings and pavement for the mini-storage would cover approximately 3 acres. C. EXISTING LAND USE: The land was used by the railroad in the past. it is currently vacant. D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Vacant and industrial (t-2) West: industrial (1-2) South: A storm water pond owned by Public Works (I-2) and industrial (I-1) East: Railroad tracks and industrial (I-1) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 62.108(c) lists a number of findings that the Planning Commission must make in order to approve a site plan. These findings are iisted and discussed in Section I below. F. WSTORY: The raiiroad used the property for many years. Since they sold the property about 10 years ago there have been other proposals to use the properry but none of them have been built: A. A schooi bus company submitted a site pian for a school bus yard and garage in 1995. B. A company submitted a site pian for outside storage of contaminated soil in 1996. C. There was discussion about locating a Metro Transit 6us facility here. in eariy 1999 Frank Fratalone, the current property owner, brought in a targe amount of fill to correct soil conditions and prepare the site for development. tn August 1999 Nationwide submitted a site plan for mini-storage facifity at this location with siightly larger building. A pubfic fiearing was scheduled at the Zoning Committee in October but Nationwide asked that the hearing be iaid over so that altematives designs and locations could be looked into. This site is Qart of a larger 38 acre parcei. Last year the State authorized $900,000 for the City to use �;,Q foward purchasing the ministorage site and the rest 38 acre parcel so it can be restored as part of a metro-wide greenway system. 7he City has been in discussions with the current owner, Frank � Fratalone, about purchasing the property. However, Mr. Fratalone is not willing to seli the property for ihe amount authorized by the State and the Ciiy is seeking additionai funding sources. G. DISTRICT COUNCfL RECOMMENDATfON: The District 6 Pfanning Council requested that a pubiic hearing be held on this site plan, However, they have not taken a formal position at the fime the staff report was prepared. H. PROJECT DESCRIPTiON: 1. Mini-storage The site plan calis for a mini-storage facility with three buiidings with 98,000 square feet of storage space plus an office. Most of the space would be in the largest building which would have two stories and 81,000 square feet of floor area. The plan calis for building the iwo smaller buildings first and the larger building later as phase 2. Metal panels and rock faced block wouid be used for fhe exferior of the building. 2. Location The site is located on land that was once owned by the raiiroad. immediately to the south is a large pond used for storm water drainage by Public Works. The site is geologically part of an ancient river bed and a stream ran through the site before the railroad filled the land. The stream bed is part of what is know as the Trout Brook Reach. The DNR has identified the Trout Brook Reach as an area for restoration as part of a metro-wide greenway and open space system. The State has authorized funds for the City to use toward acquiring the mini-storage site and the rest of the larger 38 acre property. 3. Access The site does not have frontage on a City street. However, the property has an easement across adjacenf private property owned by Modemistic, an industrial company, that allows it to use Jenks Street for access. 4. Traffic The applicanY anticipates there will be minimal traffic during phase 1 and approximately 75 vehicles per day when phase 2 if built. � 5. Utitities The site is not currendy served by City sewer and water. The property owner can bring these in to the site aithough the details have not been worked out yet. There is an existing City storm sewer iine through the site but the buildings have been designed to avoid the sewer easementCHowever, at the northeast corner of the site pavemeni and a fence encroaches on an easementfora Metropoiitart Council storm sewer. t�k wis r.vtf.� � etiw;..tt eqc�oacMw.k� 6. Outside storage The applicant may store some cars and boats on the properiy. These woutd �(A. be stored beiween the proposed buildings so they wouid be screened from view. G1t�eo � 7. Drainage Storm water for the site would be diverted to a private settling pond before going to the large City storm pond immediately south ot the site. 8. Landscaping The landscape plan cails for Vees near the entrance to the site and two rows of Spruce trees spaced 30 feet apart along the east side of the site. FlNDINGS: Section 62.108(c) of the Zoning Code says that in °order to approve the siYe plan, the pianning crommission shalf consider and find that fhe site plan is consistent with° the following: (1) The city's adopted comprehensive plan and development or project plans for sub-areas of fhe city. 'fhe site plan is not consistent with city's adopted comprehensive ptan. The Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan states that `the City supports the green corridors project of fhe sfafe DNR, which plans to fund the restoration and protection of land with native habitats and to connect them with parks and trails. !n Saint Paul, the river vapey and the Trout-Brook Reach are parts of the DNR plan. "(Page 8) This site is located in the Trout Brook Reach. The proposed facilify would exfend across aimost the entire width of the properfy leaving onty a narrow corridor undeveloped between the facility and the railroad track to the east. This is not consistent with restoring this land as called for in the Comprehensive Plan. (2} Applicable ordinances of the City of Saint PauL � �: ap-7 55 � The site plan is consistent with applicabie ordinances. The property is zoned I-2 and mini-sforage facilities are a permitted use. The property does not have frontage on an improved street as required by ordinance but Pubiic Works indicated that it would grant a waiver of that requirement based on the private access easement from Jenks. (3) Preservation of unique geo%gic, geographic or historical/y sign�cant characteristics of the city and environmentally sensitive areas. The site pian is not consistent with the preservation of environmentally sensitive areas. The site has been degraded by years of use by the reilroad. However, it is geologically part of an ancient river bed and part of the Trout Brook Reach that the DNR has said shouid be restored. The state has authorized $900,000 for the City to purchase this land so it can be restored as a nature preserve and the City is looking for additionai funding. The City has authorized $25,000 for a study of how the site couid be developed as greenspace. (4) Protection of adjacent and neighbonng properties through reasonable p�ovision for such matters as su�face water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air, and those aspects of design which may have substantia! effects on neighboring land uses. The site plan is consistent with the protection of the existing neighboring properties. However, it would have a substantial effect on future use of the site as part of a greenway and wifdiife habitat (5) The amangement of buildings, uses and faciliYies of the proposed development in order to assure abutfing property and/or its occupartts wi!! not 6e unreasonably afiected. • The site plan is not consistent with this fi�ding. The site is arranged so that the buildings and paved areas extend across almost the entire width ot the site. In addition, the site is located adjacent to a pond. This would have a negative etfect on future development of the area as a greenway and wiidlife habitat. (6) Creafion of energy-conserving design fhrough landscaping and location, orientation and elevafion of structures. The site pian is consistent with this finding. (7) Safety and convenience of both vehicular and pedestrian tra�c both within the site and in relafion to access streets, induding fraffic circuJafron features, the locations and design of entrances and exifs and parking areas within the site. The site plan is consistent with this finding. Access would be via a private driveway from Jenks Avenue. Detaiied pians for access have not been submitted bui Pubiic Works has determined that access can be designed to accommodate the Ievei of traffic that the mini-storage would generate. (8) The satisfactory availability and capacity of storm and sanifary sewers, including solutions to any drainage problems in the area of the development. The site plan is not consistent with this finding. The large pond immediately south of the site is used by Public Works for storing storm water during heavy rain storms. This pond must be moved in a few years due to the planned construction of a new interchange for i-35E. The exact � location and configuration of the pond cannot be determined until the interchange is designed but one scenario wouid shift the pond to the north where the mini-storage is proposed. Otherwise it appears that the site can meet the requirements for sanitary sewer and storm water �? drainage but final pfans showing fhe detaits fiave nof been submitfed yet There is sanitary sewer avaiiabie in Case for the property. The app(icanf fias submitted a concepfuai ptan for hand(ing • sform wafer that shows a detention pond on fhe property fhat woufd slow down ffie rate of run-off from fhe site. Trie site has been revised so that it avoids sewer easements for City and Metropolitan Counci( storm sewers. (9) Sufficient (andscaping, fences, walls and parking necessary to meef the above objectives. The site plan is not consistent with this finding. It does not provide sufficient landscaping to screen and buffer the site if a greenway corridor is developed adjacent to it as called for in the comprehensive plan. The plan calls for Iittle or no landscaping on the north and south sides and shows just 8 feet for landscaping on the north and south sides between the property and the fence where landscaping could be added. On the east side of the site, most of the available land cannot be used for planting or screening because it is either in a pubiic sewer easement or needed for a private storm water pond for this project This would leave a limited strip of land on the east side of the site for landscaping which is not sufficient to screen the faciiity. (10) Site accessibilify in accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including parking spaces, passengerloading zones and accessible routes. The site pian is consistent with this finding. {11) Provision forerosion and sediment control as spec�ed in the "Ramsey Erosion Sediment and Control Handbook" The site plan is consistent with this finding. Sediment from the site during consWction is a concem because the site is located next to a City storm water pond. However, an erosion • control pJan has been prepared by an engineer. J. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the site pian be denied based on findings 1, 3, 4,5,8and9. � � � • � � SAINT PAUL � LAND USE PLAN � A Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan Draft for City Council Action �� Recommended by the Saint Paut Pianning Commission, September 25, 7998 � �c��� � �.'it�( �VNc;�� �e�braw .2y, ►99q � � � L� �' � f � Co �prahensivs FTan i �4k Gb-755 Strategy 4: Environmenta( Stewardship • In the River Corridor, the Ciry reco�nizes that there will be a shift from industry and toward recreation, housin�, an@ mixed use. Th�r wi11 continue to be a workin� river and industries, especially river- depenQent industries, will continue to be located along segments of Shepard Road and downstream from the Robert Street brid�e. • The city's natural topo�raphy relates most of the city Yo the river. Bluffs, ravines, and tivetlands should be protected and enhanced as urban amenities. • The City supports the �reen corridors project of the state DNR, which plans to fund the restoration and protection of Iand with native habitats and ta connect them with parks and trails. In Saint Paul, the river vatley and the 'I7outbr� oo�k R�e�a�h are parts of the DNR plan. Implementation Neighborhood planning is essential to refine and implement citywide laad use policies. But with dozens of existing fuli-length neighborhood plans, the City's Comprehensive P]an has become unmanageable and difficult to understand. In the future, the City Council, on recommendation from � Planning Commission, will adopt summaries of neighborhood (or other sub-area) plans that highiight decisions appropriate to Ciry development policy. When nei�hborhood plans are adopted, discrepancies betweett adopted citywide plans and neighborhood plans mnst be reconciled so that the Comprehensive Plan is intemaIly consutent. As soon as this plan is adopYed, the City wi11 undertake revision of the Zoning Code to make its maps and regulations consistent with the plan. There witi be public participation in the zoning revisions. Public investments are needed to initiate major ]and use changes. The Land Use Plan contains a list of capital budget investments for redeve!- opment projecLS aad neighborhood revitalization activities. Inter�ov-em- mental funding is needed for poilution clean-up, pub]ic transit, housin�, redevelopment and major infrastructure costs, Urban desi�n concepts need to be effectively appiied to development projects in the city. The Saint Paui Desi?n Center has recently been estabtished through the collaboration of a number of or;anizations. Its mission can be advanced through utilization of this Land Use Plan as � well as through pubiic education, nei�hborhood plannin�, and desi�n guidefines or re�ulations. 8 �� CiYy� Or Sc. f�uvt C►�� CovNC�l i�¢snEvt%aa �t yi" _ /� �os�_���o- = DVI Wta'GC�trr� �►"Gk� �tjr �AkN►� t��► s�� �pv^ ��'0u�. �roo�C ��� G_e�- 5:^eet � f G C�, 1 1 ? 3 4 � 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 f� 16 17 18 19 20 21 �� >> �Y Presea�e3 By Referred io �^ c RESOLUTION OF SAlNT PAUL, MlNNESOTA _--• Cor.ntitte�: Date WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Naturat Resources (DNR) has matchina fuads available for n:: resource invento:ies and natural resource andlor grezmvay plans ifirou�h the Mecro Greem�•ays Plannin_ Grant Program, and �VHEREAS the City of Saint Paul is committed to inte�rating its plans with the metro regionat greem�•a� and natural azeas collaborati4�e; and R'HEREAS, the DNR Mefro Greem�•ays Pro�ran has allocated funds to�vazd the acquisition of land fo- : Lower Phalen Creet: Project; and WHEREAS, ihe Cit}� of Saint Paul and its partnzrs hzve identified the Troutbrook area as an ogportun;:} extend this greenecay; Iti'O�V THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul is applyin� for a 520,000 Metro Greenw�ays Plannin� Grant to continue detaited plaar:in� for habitat p*otection and restoration in t�o-= Phalen and Troutbrook areas; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Szint Pzul and its partners �cill share in the coss o` tl:e proposed p;oject �;•ith the D\R by p:oviding a cas� or in-kind match totatin� at teast �0 gercent oi the proposed project cost; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon approcai oi its application, the Depafinent of Pi�'ming a:�c Economie Development ma}• enter into a�rzement �cith the State of Minnesota for th� abo��e project z-::: tne City ceRifies that it �cilt compiy �rith all aspects oi Ehe grant aQreement. - 7ecia_s�ed b� C_?a_�ner.[ o`: p�a-.^.Sr.c e Ecoaoenc D_v?2oo.-e^C 3/: (((��� =o_ct :�»ro':ed Sy C_cp :._�_cn>_y :.?o?:e3 by Couac-l: Da.> �� v -9o�L._n C^r['_ ^ `:7 Co:ncc' S_crec>^r . ' 7 " _�_ov_d 5y Mayor: Da:e � C �/'"./ . / '� 3/; ` , �� 3y: 1\ �. F" r��1 /� , —T � :.��ravec �/ :!3,+oc `_a' Sc' zssar. to Z co-7 55 NATIONWIDE GROUP 7 724 DOUGLAS DRIVE NORTH O GOLDEN VALLEY� MINNESOTA 55422 • 6 1 2.5 7 2.7720 0 FAX 6 7 2.51 2.7723 Apri126, 2000 Mr. Tom Beach Department of Planning & Economic Development 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Acorn Mini Storage facility (your Case Number: 99-247) Dear Tom, Pursuant to our conversations, Acorn Mini Storage has made an effort to address all concerns you previously mentioned. The attached site plan reflects our proposed pian as we have discussed: 1) 2) � 3) 4) 1� J We wiil not have any buildings on any easements. We will have a retention pond in the location you requested. Building A wi11 have a masonry exterior to screen the project from the west. An 8' cedar fence will be installed along the east properry line to screen the project. 5) In connecfion with the green corridors project we haue made the following revisions: The size of the project has been reduced from 120,000 SF to 98,000 SP We will heavily landscape the azea on the west side of the project We will heavily landscape the azea on the west side of the project We have a reserved a 80 to 100 foot wide green space along the east side The site has over 45,000 SF of landscaped/undeveloped area Tom, I must again state that we have bent over backward to comply with all city requirements. We have reduced the scope of the project by 20% while increasing the azea of undeveloped/ landscaped area to over 45,000 SF which represents over 25% of the total site. We wili agree to resirict the hours of operafion so as not to disrupt the neighborhood. tra�c generated by the development is faz below that for any other type of use. We estnnated less than 5 peak period trips in Phase 1. Sincere , E 'LIS OTT'LIEB Vice Presi ent �� �,�•.� . . . �f• : : � .� „< �!N KATHY LANTRY CouacOmc.^ibc: Nfarch 29, 1999 AI Sin�er, Direc[or Metro Gceenways Program GZT'iT OF SATN'I' PAUL OFFICE OF TEiE CITY COU�ICIL hletro Departmeat Natural Resources 1200 �Varner Road - Saint Paul MN 55106 Dear Mr. Singer: • On behali of �he S2int Paul Cicy Coancil, we are writin� to express our suppor fo* che nominacion of �ne I.ower Ph21en Cree'.< Project to the �Ietro Greemvays Proo �.n. ZVe believe tnis is a criticzl tirLk ia t:�� Mississipgi River's ecolo�icai corridor and we recoa ize [he potentizl of tnis sice to restore si�itu�;« F.abuat in our urbzn environment. Ic wi11 provide a unique opportunity for all our zesidents ir,' neighborhoods and downtown to exgerience na[ure and open space and its rescoracion wiIl furtners ciry's �oal of reclaimin� the Mississippi riverfront. —As r.oced in the �Ie�ro Greaprinc, pa�e 36, che community alon� with � sta�: support has been 2�d �..i: concinue �o be activeiy involved in pIannin� 2R� [eStoRng Fhe 2re2. WeS[roa; suppor t'ae co�.r•.ura:� . CliV B�BP.C18S 2Sld F12T2RCL OLo2RIZ8C10AS IR [Ue Le211Z2C10R OL Lf105Z o02I5. � CII CO¢r2gz the Deo�~:�e'= � Na�r� i Resources co acquire the Lowet Pnzlen Lreek proper:y to comptemenc ine o eenways zne na`�_ a zea ne[�vorks in [he city and the reQion. , Sincerely, �Ya;d �� �B�,�Y � Cou�ci!^ember - �Vasd 4 ' r ' , '\. ';� <���� ✓/��LC� � ��hy Lan�cy Councilmembec - �Ya:d 7 C_TY H?.r L SUITL 3?OC ;� Chris Coleman Conncilmember - Ward 2 � ` ��. .� J,tn Reite_ Counciimember - �Vud 5 ,- �/ �'L� • : !/'.'" 2,E ��� Mi`.<e Harris Councilmembe; - «'z� � �'���� D�R BOStCORI Cotncil President - �'«� = � SAINT PAUL. LSIN�FSOT?, 55!0_-l015 3� zi�1a N +� hn:c_ on A::.::.'- ?.:r. "ee : Cb-�55 Interdepartmentat Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL May 25, 2000 TO: Tom Beech � FROM: Vic Wittgenstein�� RE: Mini storage on Frattalone property On Friday May 26, the Planning Commission will make a recommendation on the Site Plan Review for a proposed mini-storage on the Frattalone property located south of Maryland and west of 35E, also known as the Trillium site. To assist the Planning Commission in making its recommendation we would like to • provide our input on the value we see in this property for parks. The site in question is part of and ancient river bed where a stream, known as Trout Brook, meandered before the railroad filled the land. The stream ultimately emptied into the Mississippi River. We see uemendous potential in developing the entire Trout Brook stream bed as a trail in the same way the Swede Hoilow trail follows the Phalen Creek bed. It is not unrealistic to envision possibilities for day lighting portions of the creek, restoring the wet area near the Trillium site and developing an educational nature area. The Trout Brook Trail would connect the existing and planned Mississippi River trails up through the North End, to the Munger Trail and into the entire Roseville Trail system. It would also connect to the proposed Great Northem Corridor. The Trout Brook section which includes the Trillium site is a critical connection. If it is lost ta development, it will be very difficult to regain. That is why we are so interesied in supporting efforts by the city and the state to keep the Trillium site in the public domain. We have had the opportunity to walk the proposed Trout Brook trail segment and are excited by the possibilities, not only of the connections to already existing trail systems, but also with potential partnerships with landowners along the Trout Brook trail se�ment. The Metropolitan Transit Commission is building a facility along side the trail corridor; Williams Hill Business Center borders the corridor; North End Elementary School is close by. There are tremendous opportunities for ecological and • stewardship projects with these groups. �� May 25, 2000 Memo - Tom Beach Pa�e two • Ten yeazs ago, it seemed an impossibility that Swede Iiollow could ever be reclaimed. Yet today it is a significant recreationat amenity as welt as an ecologicatly strengthened area. The Trout Brook corridor has the same potential. We are anxious that we maintain that potenrial by preventing private development of what should be a city amenity. cc: Rep. Tom Osthoff Linda 7ungwirth L� u 2� ti; �-�55 � DistriCt 6 Councii 1061 Rice St St. Paul, MN 55117 Phone 612 488-4485 Fax 612 488-U343 Apri4 27, 2000 St. Paul Planning Commission Zoning Committee City of St. Paul 14�0 Gity liall Annex 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul, MN 55102 FILE # 99-247 Dear Members of the Zoning Committee, The District 6 Planning Council received a request for Site Plan approval for Acorn Mini � Storage on the former railroad property between Agate and 35 E and between Case and Sims (aka the Trillium site). The position of the District 6 Planning Council is to support the city's comprehensive plan for a greenway and an environmental learning preserve that wouid include the Trillium Site. Developing this site into a greenway and learning preserve would enhance this community and improve the quality of life for area residents and business owners. Since ely, ( � �� Kathy Cole Executive Director C, � cc: �orn Beach Linda Jungwirth, Tri-Area Block Club 32 Di�trict 6 Planning Council _ _ _ _ _ _: -. _. - : � . �-���.._:.:_:� :: �:� �<-.:: : February 16, 1999 Department of Naturat Resources iosi �« SY. Paul, MN 55'iT! Phone 651 488-4485 Fax 651 488-0343 The District 6 Pfanning Council strongiy supports the Tri-Area 8lock Club's request for the development of an environmentai learning preserve in conjunction with the Munger/Gateway Trail. - fhis parce! of land is located south of Maryland Ave., west of 35 E and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad, east of Agate Street, and north of Cayuga. A development of this type will enhance the surrounding neighborhood, preserve green space, and be an attractive access to tfie Munger Trail. There are current(y five schools within waiking distance of this site. A preserve of this type cou(d be used as an educational tool and give inne� city youth the opportunity to (earn about the natural environment. The North End is a community in transition and we applaud the efforts of the Tri-Area Block C(ub in their attempt to stabilize and strengthen their neighborhood by being proactive, We pledge our support to this project and fook forward to the development of this site. Thank you for your consideration of this proposai. Sincerely, : �� 1 � � �:� Kathy �e Executive Director � LJ � Qo-7 55 • January 22, 1999 �l3ER�VI�Ti� a�weo ezv�,:u n�o ce+�.vexm:e r-crf:a.ce:es s:�ce � s�a Linda Jun�wirth, Chair Tri Area Biock Club 111 I Abel Street St. Paul, NI�i i 55117 Dear Linda, Modernistic Inc. and our associates support the efforts to preserve the Trillium Site as a naturalarea. I a�ree that the geology of the area would require extensive soil correction measures if buildinJ constn:ction or comm2rciaUindustrial uses were permitted for the site. For al1 the potential uses stated in your letter; educational, recreational and natural open • space adjacent to the Mun�er Trail, «�e lend our support and encoura�ement. I w•ould also like someday to see Trout Brook a�ain above ground and seeing the li�ht of day. My grandfather, �vho ��as born in 1873, fished irout in that brook as a youngster. Best of �vishes to you and your fine Tri-Area Block Ciub members for your �z�ork and efforts on behalf of those of us who live and work in this area. Thank you nei�hbor Sincerely, v ---- 7ohn Sch te, CEO Modernistic, Inc. � � a� - - - �»:.' o� ':?1-70�; ,_, — —�.. =.;XoS'/%=� _`— i GC )3.^•k3 :..v9^.��3 � �-- ..,.....c__. . � = � _, �� ,^.,:. =a>:...e ?J�_�i �..�.' i�:.= � <i� ?'. loC<,� R�>35'.� ,,:.ro cor�=_z FA2_'.v [t�`r.R r.:�.5_':. JO�?:+ �.t SJ COLO':.:•� �.o�•,>so� e�s•� cxro a. oee�s,�.. ,cr•. c ie: � 5;_�:=_� a. s,•: [.:rd� Su pJ>'. 32�a� 2.:.•.�.`- ., R°'_:C.�J "cC�""" S•==>=>.. � �<=�: , .:>.,_�<ss>��o=� n�:=.�:.. � c-.xcc:o �;.. _ _° -- ,-e=.=_>, a,. <o: .__...<�_= ._ �' �,', : _;'__=_-� :.e.> e �� �=._s � . :p��. a _v Lc G �v::i� ._, __- C `_° v ` . `. � _o s::��- ,.. .. ,. e= m:^, _..�_ , r.:r.r.=;� .�. 5"-, = 0:2 '_13 0 •• PAP,S(NEN KAPLAN LEVY ROSBERG & GOTLIEB P. A. c"are.s a•:C. Febniary 12, 1999 Linda 7ungwirth, Cliair Tri Area BIock Chib 1111 Abell Street St. Paul, MN 55117 RE: Trittium Site Development Dear Ms. Junawirth: _ • John S. De Lano� (612) 342-0367 jdelanoy�pbkLcum 0 As counse] for and on behalf of Tilsner Carton Company ("TCC"} and Cayu�a Street, LLC ("CS, LLC"), we «roald lil:e to endorse the development of the parczt of land comcnonly known as the `�TCLIIIIIIII Site" as a Greenway/natural presen�e. As you I:now, the TCC and CS. LLC properties are located immediateiy to the tc�es: and south of the Trillium Site. The development of the TrilIium Site. Greenway/preserve would be beneficial not only to the nei;hborhood as a who. Uut would also be compatible with our current faciIities. As such, we �vould loo� very favorably i�pon any such development. ShouId you require additionaI infonnation or assistance in this tuatter, ptease do no: hesitate to contact us. Very tnily yours, ..� � - JqZn S. De Lanoy � 7$D:tb cc: Joe1 S. Tilsner David A. Gotlieb, Esq. � �'d� c�-� s5 � February 9, 1999 Linda 7un�tivir[h, Chair Tri Area Block Club 1111 Abell St. St. Paul, M\ 55117 tiVe, members of the Conservation Committee of the St. Paul Audubon Society, reviewed your letter dated February 5, 1999 which talks about the future use of the Trillium Site located at the south west corner of I 35E and Maryland Ave. We support the concept of restoring the area to its natural settin� and possibly creatmg an environmental learning preserve similaz to the North St. Paul Ecology Center currently under development. Preservin� this area is especially ideal with its close vicinity to the Munger/Gateway Trail. tVe encoura�e you to continue to advocate for the restoration of the Triliium Site. Let me kno�v if we can be of further help. • � Sincerely, n , � - ` � � (��\�Y�LAi �i� St. Paul Audubon Society 30 East lOth Stree� St. Paul h1N 5�101-226� John A. Bauhs, Conservation Comrnittee Cha� a� co. �,e,.�� co«�i, ���:a v Lcno?at Cornu:i;7Coc.ci( � D.�xK; Sicn Ce:H %u Grt Lue Oi�r'c i Conr�W iqCn::.cl D�s:::c?Corm�ni.yCcwsil , o:�: r, a eu. ��ca.Kat a� se� �:�a�e�«a - Or.elcpenenlCor.{nny . r�:aYZ�e;.zyco,�;�: F:; urdkaCcr,.rcr:ry Cm.r.c� ltxEag•.o .YanGrc Qr.rur.in� Ca rcit n�cr,'a:er-Gat�ar.d Cor..^u^c!Cac:s�i � sY�-.^ z;,rx ccnru.::, ccu ct .cc. as:.et;�'a:iccc; C°,eE�cr..er..Co. � Pl;'t�Pha!fn �i56iC i P:a^nng Ca.n6I $: r.f.cg.F:anir..e "Ccmnc.^.iq Ccok:l ' S:.,t:sa: ?a•': Cesr..w:;; Ccs:.. �,,_>:: H�ii.V;cc�Eo, $�,.-C�iFCr.i:�58'( �he.: ibtr.35�D1!t Q�s��c 7 P:,r.nla3Cccrc P:�; ;i:.Fu: Rc:a ia; P.es: Stc Gr.:zr.s 0•yizKia;. : ±\,o E-:'.o,>. _..�• . I'f �� � h4a:ch3, 1999� i,inda Jungwinh Tri Area $loci: Club 1111 Abell Street. Saint Paut, IvIN 5�117 Dear Linda; The Saint Paul Nei�hborhood Energy Corisortium (\`EC} supports tfie nominatior. of the "Trillium" site for b4etro Greem�'ays Si'te Protection. The site i§ one of only a fe�v natural areas �vithin the city of Sainc Pau1. « its proxiinity to a resideniial area, the Mzinoer Trail and the Trout Brook Trail, the "Trillium" sit an important locale for rzcreation and education opporuntties «_ithin anu*ba� SettinL. , � � - . The NEC is a coalition of community or�anizations ser�'in� Saint Pzul area residents and businesses. Its.purpose is to pro�'ide information, ser�ices and pro=rams that contribu�e to an environmentall}' responsio!e conummit}'. Pleasz calt me at 6� 1-221-4462 if y�ou haz�e questions. S;ncerelv, ) � / ��C/ e,fl�.�L ���^`� � Sheliey Shreffler � \aturat Resources Pro= �m Mana�er C J J Saint Paul I`Ieighborhood En.ergy Consortiur 475 I`lorth Cleveland Avenue, =`100 • Saint Paul, MI`I 55104 • 651 j644-5436 . co-755 � � ::� JAVICE RETihiA\ Coun�y Conm¢sior.cr Datricc 3 RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIO�E� March 4, 1999 Al/en Garber, Commissioner Minnesofa Departmenf of Natural Resources 500 Lafayette Road, 6` Floor St. Paul, Minnesota 559b5 Dear Commissioner Garber.• ! have been serving as Ramsey County Commissioner or Cify Councilmember for the North End area of St. Pau( for the pasf 93 years. � 1 am aware of the concerns and needs of the communify near fhe Trillium property and support the etforts to preserve tnis site. The projecf would have a positive impact by enhancing the Munger Trail, providing green space, and creating an environmenfal learning experience for area chiidren. if you would like addifiona( information, please feel free to confact me. Janice Rettman Ramsey County Commrssioner District 3 � C[TI" HALL'COL'RT NOL'SE SOITE?30 SAIXT PAliL. �tl\'\ESOTA »103 �!mn?sota's Firs' Home Rule Counh� , r:a:o-•:c�r,c:a.a "ti_ • �� � . .. _ • January 28. 2000 Upper On behalF of i�e Upper Swede Hollow Nelphborhoods Associafion (USNNA), t w Qs�d� ��The express our suppo�i of the Saint Paul Trout BrooklLower Phaien GreanwaY ProP �'We�e apPiication by SaintPaul Departrnentof Planning and Economic Developmentis compiementary to the grant USHNA received for the Lower Phalen Creek Pmject H O1.lOW � USHNA looks fonxard to the oppo�tunities the project wiil offer to iudher sb'engthen ihe tj ]� partnership among commundy organ�zations, city government, and state agencies t� 312�OT�OOI.ts ! demonsttate that the natural environment and city neighbahoods can suppat ane � b , another. Associatian � LdS: �2�1'R S�I2°i i Sai, � P>_�s , 4S` ��i0o i �-,�:: L��H�a �. r u �d �;�..��:-.�:5 � P:oreo�.711.265g � �aY CJ'.IT n['r: � We encourage you m suppatthe ProPasai a�d Promote guality of life in vrban neighbofioods. Sin ly, Carol Carey, Executive Direttar LJ Z� � 55 • January 27, 2000 To Whom It May Concern: The Tri Area Block Ciub supports the City of St. Paul's application tos a planning grant. This is consistent with plans to preserve the °Trifiivm" Site and estabiish a Greenway along the Trout Srook Corridor. Tri Area submitted a nomination for site protection to Metro Greenways by the January 1, 2000 deadline. This is one of the last remaining privately hetd segments and is under imminent threat of development. The value of this site is as a connection to nearby recreational trails and a migratory link to the Mississippi River. {t is the goa! of those involved to transform this vision into an asset benefitting everyone. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, � � �� , � f��. Linda Jungwirth, Chair Tri Area Biock Ciub � 1 i 11 Abel! Street St. Paui, MN 55117 � �! / � ,;�u r — . .:4�� "� . f �,d _. t__. -. Gmm 16"'1 Be�xhwood Ave. Sc. Peul, biN 55116 651-698-45�33 March 24; 1999 wx,v. fn en dsoP�hepaA�org COPY _ • Presidzr.t A1 Singer Perry R. Bolin Metro Greenways Vice Przsidents Department of Natural Resources � Izanne Weigum t?(1!J � g0'� Ta�u`r 3t. Paul, IvIN 55106 Incnc� R. Brichtr Directors � Craig Andresen RE: Grant for acquisirion of the Tiiliium Site. Liz Mdeson Ann Cieslalc Deaz Al , Dan ColIins � Thomas T. Dwight An a hcation for a t was made to Metro Greenwa s to ac ll1IC ro e west of I Nz�1 Franey PP � 8ran Y �l P P nY �+ii!iam Fc�.n.k south of Maryland Ave., east of Agate Streec, and north of Cayuga Ave. This propery is Et��n� Johnson known as the Trillium Site. b;_�yn Lundberg Robzct Netheccuc �ple B oard of the Friends o£ the Pazks and Trails of St Paul and Ramsey County he� st�x bi. Notan resentation b Linda 7unawitth, Chair of the Tri Area B!ock Club conceminQ this s: Saacc o(son P Y Sco:c Ramsay our board meeting on Mareh 18. The propercy is now owned by a private eompany, ith : Pi<r.e Regnier pocenrial for industrial developmenc 1tTy sz�x bfarsha Soucheray �e Friends voted to support the acquisition of the site for pazks and open spaces, with t�� V ice Pmsident Emeritus Sanue! H. biorgan determinadon of the use of the site to be deterrruned at a 12ter date. D'seaor Emeritus D-�:�t Lsty We suppon the grant appHcation co the Meuo Greenways Proa am for the Triitium Si.e. Trcnan W. Porcer Ez o�u�ro Sineerely, Dcnnis Asmussen � Tnomss Eggum � , •;.�c G��s � ,'��� �� Pa•3l L. Kirkwo[d G::g �fack peggy Lynch Vic Wittgenstein =_ze:.u:i�z Diree[o; r..d Sac:ecary peggy Lyneh ' 1 L J ... • x^ €' ao-? 55 � North End Area Revi�alizati=. 1061 Rice Street • St. Paul, hSinnesct2 5= (612i �aS- Fax (0121 =3S-; 1 March 1999 Linda June��'irtL ` Tri .Srea Block Club I 111 Abell Street St Paul, Ivt� 5�117 De2r Linda: � On behalf of the Board of Directors of North End Area Revitalization (I�IEAR), I want to express our support for your work in developin� sn environmzntal learning preserve in conjunction with the ��un�edGate«•ay Recreational Trail. This project «'ould be a valuable asset to the North End communit} �vhich covld be used ov both businesses and residents. Thank you for your ���ork in mo�in� this project fonvard. If «�e can bz of assistance in the future as your �vork advances, please let me know. Sinczrely, � �'._"�. � 1 , \/ _ � ; ��,v '- L C C (.` i � �, � Dawn Stoc4:mo E�ecutive Director �m Dz t:onLr.S :et :1'orcc Er.: Comr,:e.^.:^. �tihii�� i� � : � 'S� - ° i.:_.....: �' / ��i�-� �tI\�ESOT:�`P:�f:I�S �C TR:�tI,S COL ` ?(, Ei.nt E�ch:mgt S,_ � "" S(. Paul. \IiNtc,ota i� t rbill_'.ti(-0_08 • 1-�tiqrJ.•-' Fa.r r�,; t � . __'--..- _----_—:______--_____�--___—'_--------. f=nt�ti(_<d'lr7(e?�� " r.�t:ct�t�i�rco.�r.�irrrrr_ Ti: :;a. T. D���i��ht. �hui+' f�.i_..:i� C. �1'in> PI"('�flfCRf 1, :-�� L� i nan. J r.. 1'ic'c !'re sidc•nt \I.''. S[rnbcl, I�irC l'�•CSi�lCrtt .l C_ a.i� 1 I'rirU:�rd. Trcus�u \L :': Elugunin. Srcrrt<u_r �f.•::� Clarl.c ' (�: :::t 3larrit[ :\:..n Ru�clson. Jr. ylI,�ORAIZ S" DlRECTORS t-:., cr L. �\ndzrscn K, •:in t3i:hup \t:!iiam Firchncr �:!:�.�n�a, �t:�rst,:�tt S,:nuaf H. �lorean �(... Titomas C. fBett� l Sacagc Hrnr� Sutn.en AI R1iC7'ORS I�_I Cii�rknz:, K. (iLtCk��'cll B�`.t Br�,on [;.;�cr� Dunn . I.::n� Edd� � ��c:n Farroit T_«� Fiero .._.: Fii�; (:, :��rt FIoICCR i:.�Gr:n E'...:i H;irsc.hciri�cr I ): •. nl FLer[�«II '.Li.:in f:ellu_g ti�,.� i:ir�hn�r �,;.,.� [.�nrh [ crr. \(.G:m�ha� i:�:ii;tr�t \iciu � ::c�_ \lurra� . ,�.i \:I.un :-,.! ��. \ol[aR � . .:11'i� n��t�il . _ . � (1 i.Ul1 �'.... �iU.� . :: i. �• �� i1J� i�i 1 . , r Sf�cr�� u,�.t . �:�.:: : S!;;.il�, -. �,i�;.,_�. �..,,�,, � . . ..._: 't,_;�i_ l. \ CC'1'7'1l "!i Ulli 1?C7'OR ... �, G: ili.� : .. ..,.,,.."� .._,�._.. ; . , ta:�_ �� February 12. 19?9 To �Vhor,i It P�Iay Ccnccm: The blinnesotz ?arks sd Traits Counci: a-uppors the efiort te prescrve thc Trillium site. T'he r.cot;mity of this pro�Y.�+ to the A4un;er,`Gatcn•a}� Ttai1 would �11ow for ea+.snce�en. o; th� tr::i! snd � an assa �e me nei=hbor:i; .L'itTl:li'.+T1ii�. 5�ncercly, Uorian Gril;ey � Execuu� Directer nlinnesotz Par.l•s ar;d Tr�ils Councit A � \ J oo-� 55 � Septembcr 9,1999 Dear City of St. Paui Plaaaing Commiss��n and City Council pn bchalf of New H�ony Case Center, I would like to express that we are greatty ia favor of the development proposal foz a nature resu've, which would be within e9sy acc�s for our be"igbbo: fiood, not to mention the patients and residentv of New garmuny, 'I'his concept would not oalp cnhance the neig�xborhood zres from a landscape stsudpoint, but would cnable many local FoLks to enjoy aa eavironment of reczrzrion, leamiae, znd relaxation that is otheawisc very limited in tuis pz-t t fwn. This endeavo: Would not only benefit the inmedia�e communihes bu w'ould be an idca groject w involvc several non-profrt agencies tha*. choose to focvs'�heu resources on n3tuzc and par}c developmcnt A prairie meadow with a waL�ing p� > for example � t ,,. o �Q ��� { this par�cuL3r azea, not to mention tbe scores of other aearive optinnc tha*. cauld be sponsored for tr.� zcscrve. Most importantly, a res�`e v,vi:ld do great things in tnc zrea of balancing thc wmm�cial businesscs and industiz zcaviau with our neighbo:hood. I und:rs�ad tk�at tha property in quesrion is sonewhat of a marsi�, ��s y preserve is somcthin> ti�t wouldbcst be suited long ter,n- This proposod ptroject would be s very noticcable laudmzrk, primariiY due to iu loeation, beia; nearthe hi�hway, major wd res�dential streets. On the othcr side of thc coin, wt x•ould not be suppo:tive of addinor2'• ��n��'�8. consL'uction, or bus�ncsses th� would produce hcavy truck ��nc, iarn'—ssizl reIazed , • t :...:.:,. roise, and 5�.isUsmokc e�usnons. i: is my opinion flut innw�ia:�i:on�,==�=u ��..�...=��z> do fit into com.mLnities; wiv,in moderatioa My point is that o�* r�gh5orhood is max� out , and �•ould geatly R'e:comc a pr�'c, aad wouid treat it as a pn�'ilegc. I thz_nk you for takin� thc ^-=z to co:�sider this lettrs oi apinion. Ncu' Ii2.�ony Caze Cente: is e non —profit subulrte�rehab and nv*rsing homc sen-in3 th= local community, cJinics and z�ca hospitzl;. Sincs��y, Treaton C�*l;o.^. � G �." !;S i.:�: ��:;. ...�n•�.�.�c; 1':.:�: A'.A� SSll�SO�)�• u'.3':titi-GG�ti :1 juint mini�U_r uf 7�i+in Ci�s C!u'ictian F/nutcs �i F.lim C1:rr North End Business A.ssociation, Inc Post OfFice Bos 17014 5�=-�--� 3 Saint Paul, b(irmeso� i E To: State of YIinnesota The Department of 1V'aturai Resources To �Vhom It May Concern: The iVorth End Business Association esists to promote, support and mainYain the integrity of the Norfh End Business Communit�•, financially contribute to deservina neiahborhood service organizations, activities and events, lobby for legislation beneficial to the local community and assist in neighborhood communit}• efforts to improve its homes, streets, schools and transportation facilities. The �iorth End Business Association supports the concept of a Greentivay/environmental learning presen'e at the Triflium site. Such a � decelopment would be an assef to the North End communih�, enhance the adjacent Nlunger Trail, and benefit the } attendina our schools. This project �could ha�•e a positice influence on the direction and goaIs of the community. `Ve encouraae your selection of this site. Sincerelr, � � �� i Bruce A. son President cc Linda 3una virth • �� !Ll!�i . �5:.1 ��� 1 �l�L�L;! . < < ` � � �, � � y ' 1 �1�;, .. ,, , ��% ;� ,� � , �, i r./ .. "'�+-:�� �',` Iut c:�� �•. - .f - �-�-:,:..-- 0�=1�_' :=:I ; z= .,�........ . 's. a �;n�.�!.....,a �� . ,;. ?�,b =<: \-� ��_�� -�, o., . ;; , �.� �=- ,..\ t- �.;�; , s `y! . � /�-.� �,.---: tl:=�- _ <uuuuLU�u �ti C�CI! i��l� C��L1 �D��i���U�(� :.����L1��D�C �000cor�o�❑ ❑�ULJ,!JrJUC!O❑ � � � �.,`l.� J'� �''� � y ' �'�R2� � - I 'i/,L � u �-.V i�:.a J � 'n���C=�. � � �=� �.� u G� � ��OLI; . ���c r. ��I i �ao �I._;�� � `� ` � �' 1 � � �ESTE M �r, �_:..��- .sl ���� �� ���a'��:n � 3 �:: . � � uoa�oc a � )���acoo�_o - J� I �--- ��:u`u� ¢C � ���_``�� � - - °C;OC,O�O= `G t J�r'`°�� � =r:-°r�C;� '[�O❑ �"_]0�"J�:� g`��IC_1`U� :�°L"��(� �i-L;;�LJ � _ ,�.....���e=f���C!��l""`_e�;� ^; r -�-- � atJt r =L r l LJ LJ LI L:�"� L� � LL'L'� (�m=�U �'; � � "l� Ct��`; u LJU L � .J L: - __' _ _ - ���� - r.7,� � � o a - S'ack,san �. ;� ; �L�—�I `; � C:� , .:�r"� i; r� � `u/ , � _. .>':. � I _; ,-- ,'` -'--.: =., - ..,.,,. -_ -�,�--` �- _ _: L..,_=._ „_. : � , � _ �: -� ��� 35-E �-.. �=� ._`;.I(: i,t ='�C� ������su�:—�=��: ���JL�_ �` wFSiMiNSTFR r Si� / r nn5ifq C�C� • 9 � C � : �� � LJ L~� e \ i `4- � `� t �= ^��'�_,�_ '/ \ I �� �z ��o aL�� j��r���� >_ -� :[�[_� '` � I �-- _ ^<;� �� � C-7 U� J u O L��L.-- r"�CI(���iv �• CI�C°�=00 � � `� _ ��; �I� __ ^�°-�Lra� �' ,....� r� r-i rt �':� � O �" f ro i �l i I. 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V �" C> � V �p N W w U LL V � � LL V �� LL _ V L � n a r- U � " ., � �, _ _ � $q" $ � '�'� i LI-�_ :�, .M - I p ir � . y i ;_ , % V ... ,. � i` I $ $ :�': �� Y��=' � �: { � al �I • � 1 �11 � i J � I U f �I . � Y :�i �,::,:.. � ' i��� a;C; � �� - i 1 - ' � i $ $ ' '�%U Oi ' � 1 z vl_' "�` V :;j'c j ;� ;r: �'f�i.a.,_ ` r:- � � y - i f � � ';...W.. , �� (� ;'_'',� _."— � I >I �F:r+_�C LJ�`a' 1 I .' L � V �� � � � � . � �� .� T 1 ' I � ;... u� �'� �5 ��b�s� ���.� ,� � ��� , ._.,, , � 1; _� ,. oa �� JANICE RETTMAN Couuty Commissio¢er Distria 3 RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS June 28,2000 Saint Paul City Council President Dan Bostrom and Members of the Saint Paul City Council City/County Courthouse 3` Floor Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear President Bostrom and Members of the Saint Paul City Council: On your City Council agenda this aftemoon, you have an appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of the petitioner's site plan for the Trillium site. I thought it would be appropriate if I shared with you two key points to assist in your deliberations. Although the Capitol Region Watershed has been in existence less than 2 years, they have been most active in creating the Draft Watershed Management Plan for the next five years. As part of that plan, they are currently in contact with both the Metropolitan Council and the City of Saint Paul regarding the main interceptor called the "Trout Brook Interceptor". For years the ownership and the responsibility of the Trout Brook Interceptor has been the focus of many discussions by the Administration and the Saint Paul City Council. With the creation of the new Watershed District, the talks have begun anew. The site you are discussing is in and adjacent too and part of the Trout Brook Interceptor area. It is a vital part of the wetlands, storm retention, and environmental aspects of the Trout Brook Interceptor and provides an opportunity for an environmental ecosystem, which also provides educational components for the area. This area is critical for the interceptor discussions. Secondly, Representative Tom Osthoff was able to secure $900,000 from the Legislature for the aforementioned purposes as they pertain to the wetlands, storm retention, and environmental aspects---notxhe ownership per se of the Trout Brook. The dollars are for commencing the acquisition of the abandoned rail property as well as the adjacent area—i.e. the Trillium site. There is currently part of the Munger/Gateway Trail adjacent to the area you are discussing which will eventually connect the north and south to downtown Saint CITY HALL� COURT HOUSE SUITE 220 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/266-8360 Minnesota's First Home Rule County printed on recycied paper ofl-�55 Paul. The District 6 Planning Council and the North End Business Association joined with the Block Club in their attempts to return this property to a wetlands preserve. The Block Club has worked on this project for almost five years and is also working with the DNR and the U of MN greenway peopfe. As the Ramsey County Board of Commissioner's representative to the Capitol Region Watershed District and as the County Commissioner serving this area, t believe the appeat should be denied as recommended by the Zoning Committee, Planning Commission, and staff. Sincerely, J�fiice Rettman Ramsey County Commissioner District 3 Council File # �p �. h 55 OR�GINAL Presented By Refened To Gzeen Sheet# 106056 14 Committee: Date 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHEREAS, Ellis Gottlieb, on behalf ofNationwide Group, made application pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 62.108 in Zoning File No. 99-247 for review of a site plan for the purpose of constructing a mini-storage facility on property located east of Case between Agate and I-35E and legally described as shown in the records maintained in the Zoning Administtator's office; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission [the Commission] conducted a pubiic hearing on the application on May 4, 2000, after having given notice to interested persons. The Zoning Committee heard testimony, closed the public hearing and laid the matter over to May 18, 2000, so that staff could provide additional information conceming a past application for the subject site. After having received the information from staff on May 18, 2000, the Zoning Committee recommended that the site plan be denied and forwarded this recommendation to the Saint Paul Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, on May 26, 2000, the Saint Paul Planning Commission received the report and recommendation of the zoning committee and, after considering afl the records, recommendations and discussions contained in the file, moved that the site ptan for the construction of the mini-storage facility be denied for the following reasons as set forth in its Resolution No. 99-247: The site plan is not consistent with City's adopted comprehensive plan. The Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan states that "the City supports the green corridors project of the state DNR, which plans to fund the restoration and protection of land with native habitats and to connect them with parks and trails. In Saint Paul, the river valley and the Trout Brook Reach are parts of the DNR plan. (Page 8) This site is located in the Trout Brook Reach. The proposed facility would extend across almost the entire width of the property leaving only a narrow corridor undeveloped between the facility and the railroad track to the east. This is not consistent with restoring this land as called for in the comprehensive Plan. 2. The site plan is not consistent with the preservation of environmentally sensitive areas. The site has been degraded by years of use by the railroad. However, it is geologically part of an ancient river bed and part of the Trout Brook Reach that the DNR has said should be restored. The state has authorized $900,000 for the City to purchase this land so it can be RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA oo-�ss 2 restored as a nature preserve and the City is looking for additional funding. The 3 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has authorized $20,000, which will 4 be matched by the City, for a study of how the site can be developed as green 5 space. 7 3. The site plan is consistent with the protection of the existing neighboring 8 properties. However, it would have a substantial effect on future use of 9 the site as part of a Greenway and wildlife habitat. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 4. The arrangement of buildings, uses and facilities of the proposed development will unreasonably affect abutting properiy andlor its occupants. The site is arranged so that the buildings and paved areas extend across almost the entire width of the sate. In addition, the site is located adjacent to a pond. Both of these features would have a negative effect on future development of the azea as a Greenway and wildlife habitat. 5. The site plan is not consistent with the satisfactory capacity of storm sewers, including solutions to any drainage problems in the area of the development. The large pond immediately south of the site is used by Public Works for storing storm water during heavy rain storms. This pond must be moved in a few yeazs due to the pianned construction of a new interchange for I-35E. The exact location and configuration of the pond cannot be determined until the interchange is designed but one scenario would shift the pond to the north where the mini-storage is proposed. 6. The site plan does not provide sufficient landscaping to screen and buffer the site if a Greenway corridor is developed adjacent to it as cailed far in the comprehensive plan. The plan calls for little or no landscaping on the north and south sides and shows just 8 feet for landscaping on these sides between the properry and the fence where landscaping could be added. On the east side of the site, most of the available land cannot be used for planring or screening because it is either in a public sewer easement or needed for a private storm water pond for this project. This would leave a limited strip of land on the east side of the site for landscaping which is not sufficient to screen the facility. 39 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saant Paul Legislative Code § 64.206, 40 Nationwide Group duly filed an appeal from the May 26, 2000 decSsions of the Commission and 41 requested a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council for the purpose of cansidering the actions 42 taken by the said commission; and 43 44 45 46 47 48 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.206 through §64.208, and upon notice to affected parties, the Saint Paul City Council on June 28, 2000, duly conducted a public hearing on the appeal where all interested par[ies were given an opportunity to be heard; and 49 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, having heard the statements made and 50 having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the 51 Saint Paul Planning Commission, does hereby RESOLVE, to affirm the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission in this matter. 6 0 �� SS There has been no showing that the Planning Coxnmission committed an error as to fact, finding or procedure; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul adopts as its own the findings and conditions in this matter as set forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 00-34; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul derues in all things the application of Nationwide Group; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of tlus resolution to Nationwide Group, the Zoning Administrator and the Saint Paul Planning Commission. oR����A� Requested by Department of: By: Foxm App d by City Attorney By: if�� GJL�an.w�� T! / YnJ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: Approved by 1 or: e' ' —f�'� By: �--�--� Adopted by Council: Date _��i�,., _,�'�_C���f7� %� Adoption Certified by Council Sc�etary oc-�ss Peter Wamer 266-8710 f BE OtJ COUNCiL AG@J�A BY @4T� August 23, 20Q0 - Consent RWTY16 ORDER TOTAL # OF SICaNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oE..a,+�r owee.we No106056 ❑ CRYAiiOqEY � p1YMIK ❑ nu��auxcuon ❑ w�we�uuavi�tro ❑1MYO11(q[AiiifAl/1) ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution memorialazing City Council action taken June 28, 2000, denying the appeal by Nationwide Group from a decision of the Planning Commission denying site plan approval for property located east of Case Avenue beriveen Agate Street and I-35E. PUINNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION S SOURCE Hae thie peisoNrrm eHe.wuriced unae. a c«rtract Rx uits aepartment7 VES NO F�s tliis PrsaJfirm ever baen a cqy emdoYee7 YES N� Dpes Mis peBONfifm po�eas a sla7i nM no/maliypossessed by anY n+�M city empbyee9 VES NO la Mie peraoNfiim a tarYetetl ventbrt YES NO CO3T/itEVENUB BUDQETED (GRCLE ON� ACTN�TY NUMBER YES NO INFORAl4TION (IXPWln OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M Robiruon, Jr., City Attorney ad -�st� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor HAND DELZVERED August 14, 2000 c�vtt Drvrsron 400 City Hal! IS West Kellogg Blvd. S¢int Paul, MinneSOta 55102 Telephone: 657 266-8710 Focsimile: 651298-5679 �'iOURC(� �P39°u'�C�fi .�'i�.r AUG 15 2440 Nancy Anderson Council Secretary Room 310 City Hall RE: Resolution memorializing City Council acrion denyingthe appeal by Narionwide Group from a decision of the Pianning Commission denying site plan approval for property located east of Case between Agate and I-35E. Dear Nancy: Attached please find a signed resolution memorializing the decision of the city council to denying the appeal by Nationwide Group from a decision of the Planning Commission denying site plan approval for a mini-storage facility on property located east of Case between Agate and I-35E. If you have any questions, do nat hesitate to wntact me„ Sincerely, �.� v�� Peter W. Warner attachment DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT $nan Sweeney, Dnec(or CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DATE: 6/22/00 25 WestFounh Street SamtPau[,14N SSIO2 T0: Council President Bostrom and Member of the City Council FROM: Lazry Soderhokfi�ED, Plaiming Aduiiuistrator ��� �J Telephone: 651-26G 6655 Facs:mile: 651-228-33I4 ItE: TROUT BROOK GREENWAY PLANNING: Relationship to the zoning appeal by Nationwide Group and REF LLC of Planning Commission denial of mini-storage site plan at "Trillium siYe" (east of 35-E between Cayuga and NTaryland) Public hearing on Councfl agenda for 6/28/00. The Plam�iiig Commission denied the site plan for the proposed mini-storage facility primarily because the Comprehensive Plan says that a greenway should run through or along this site and should provide a natural habitat corridor from the river up into the North End. The site plan as proposed does not accommodate space for the greenway corridor. The purpose of this memo is to update you on what work is being done to implement the green comdor. The Green Corridor Concept The green corridor concept derives from the convergence of work by neighborhood leaders concemed about environmental quality and by river planners who explained how the topography of the city connects most Samt Paul neighborhoods to the river. In 1997 a DNR task force put out a report called Metro Greenprint: Planning for Nature in the Face of Urban Growth. Although most of the opporluniries for greenway preservation shown in the report aze on the suburban fringe, the Phalen Creek/Swede Hollow and Trout Bxook corridors aze shown in Saint Paul, plus, of course, the river valley. Based on this inventory work by DNR and the detennination by the Port Authority that the "Trillium site" was a poor candidate for industrial redevelopment, the green corridor was put into the Land Use Plan as part of the new Comprehensive Plan, which the City Council approved in Mazch 1999. The proposed green corridor is priuiarily for the benefit of wild plants and critters and is also an urban amenity. Much of it would be along railroad rightswf-way and would not have recreational trails, but trails would cross through the three lazger public parcels along the green corridor. The attached map shows the proposal. Previous City Council Approvals for the Lower Phalen Creek/Trout Brook Concept K\Slured\SODERHOUZONING\TroutBrookGreenwayspr.mem 1 Oo-�ss Before the proposal for the green corridor evolved, the City Council denied several previous wning applications between Cayuga and Marylaad, including the Trillium proposal, the Comfort Bus yazd, and Clean Soils. Given the poor soil conditions and the difficult access to the azea, the Council approved the Land Use Plan for a green corridor. "I'he Councd has also approved PED's applicarion for a DNR planuing grant and supported neighborhood applications for DNR acquisition funding for the Lower Phalen Creek site and the Trillium site. The Council designated the Trust for Public Land to help the City with the acquisition of the Lower Phalen Creek site. Current Steps Toward Implementation of the Greenway The City has partial funding (hundreds of thousands of dollars) comsnitted for both the Lower Phalen Creek site and the Trillium site. The City received the $20,000 plauning grant for the green corridor, which will be matched by City staff time. We have signed a contiact with the DNR and we aze begimiing to select a consultant to do the plan. Prelimn�ary site development plans have been done by staff and students at the University of Minnesota. Pazks and Recreation, the Upper Swede Hollow Association, and a consultant are working on the Lower Phalen Creek site. The Mayor's Office and the Real Estate Division aze working on funding, appraisals, and the acquisition process for both sites. cc: Susan Kimberly Tom Harren Bill Huepenbecker Tom Beach Nancy Anderson K:\SUazedVSODERHOL�ZONING\TroutBiookCneznwayspr.mem CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Nana Coteman, Mayor 7une 14, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 Ciry Ha11 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: OFFICE OF LICENSE, IlVSPECTIONS AND �_� � ENVIl20NMENTAL PROTECTION Ra6ert KeSSZer, Director � � BUIIJ)INGZNSPECI70NAND Teiephone:612-266-4Q01 DESIGN FacsimiZe: 672-2669099 350 St Peter 5lreet Suite 370 Sauet Pau1, Mrnnesota SSIO2-Z5Z0 ��9�� C� ;,; � � ���� I would like to confum that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, 7une 28, 2000 for the following zoning case: Appellants: Nationwide Group and REF LLC File Number: 99-247 Purpose: Location: Appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to deny a site plan for a mini- storage facility. Former railroad property between Agate and 35E and between Case and Sims I have confirmed this date with the o�ce of Councilmember Reiter. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda of the City Council at your earliest convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Piease cali me at 651-266-9086 if you have any questions. Sinc F � i �� Tom Beach Zoning Section cc: Jan Keran • EYRS7' RUN i , � AiOTICE OF PUBLIC �+'aR*�G ,. The Saint Pavl City �ouncil will con- duct a public heaiing on Wednesday, June 2S. 2000, 'at 5:30 p.m, in the City Councii` Chambers, Third Floor GYty Hall, 15 West Ke7logg Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN, to �con= sider the appeals of Nationwide Group and REF.LI,C to a-decision of the Plazxning Commission d'enying a site plan for a mfni- stnrage facility on the former railroadprop- erty�between Agate Street and 35E and between Case and Sims Avenues. .� Dated: June 15, 2000 NANGY AssisJant Ciry Councll Secretary - - - tJune T9),,:, � _-�-�-= S1: PAiiL LSGAL IEDGBR �--�--�_ 02008498 Council Appeal From: Tom Beach To: Erickson, Mary; Keran, Janice Date: 6/12/00 8:41AM Subjeet: City Council Appeal Mary, we talked about scheduling a public hearing for June 28 for the following case: Appeal by Nationwide Group and REF LLC of the Planning Commission's decision to deny a site plan for a proposed mini-storage located on former railroad property between Jackson and 35E and south of Maryland. (Site plan file #99-247) Jan, Can you confirm ff this date is OK with Councilmember Reitef? OFFSCE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND � J'S5 ENVIItONMENTAL PROTECTION Robert Kusler, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor LOWRY PROFESS70NAL Bl7ILDING Suire 300 350 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, Mvuusota 55102-ISIO Zelephone: 672-2669090 F¢csimile: 672-266-9099 612-266-9I24 June20,2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Seeretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Appeal of the Plaaning Commission's decision to deny the site plan for a proposed mini- stoxage on former railroad property between Agate and 35 E and between Case and Sims Public hearing at City Council scheduled for Wednesday, 3une 28, 2000 Deaz Ms. Anderson: TI� PLP,NNING COMNIISSION DEl�TIED THE SITE PLAN On May 2b the Planning Commission denied the site plan for a mini-storage on a vote of 14 to 1. The • site plan submitted by Nationwide Group calls for three buildinas with 98,000 square feet of storage space plus an office. The property is zoned I-2 (Industrial). The applicant anticipates there will be approximately 75 vehicles per day goina to the ministorage when the project is completed. The site covers approximately 4 acres on the south end of a lazger parcel that was once raikoad property. The railroad filled the site yeazs ago but before that it was geologically part of an ancient river bed and a stream ran through the site. The stream bed is part of what is know as the Trout Brook Reach. The DNR has idenrified the Trout Brook Reach as an area for restoration as part of a metro-wide greenway and open sgace system. The City received a matching gant of $20,000 from the State for planning for restoration of the site. Last year the State authorized $900,000 for the City to use to�vard acquiring the mini-storage site and the rest of the larger 38 acre property. However, the property owner (REF LLC) believes that the property is worth considerably more than $900,�Q� and so no agreement has been reached on a sale of the property. THE PLANJNG CONIlI�IISSION �Oi3ND TfiAT THE PLAN IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Planning Commission found that the site plan for a ministorage at this location woutd not be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Land Use section of the Comprehensive Plan states that "the City supports the green corridors project of the state DNR, which plans to fund the restoration and protection of land with native habitau and to connect them with pazks and trails. In Saint Paul, the river valley and the Trout Brook Reach aze parts of the DNR plan." This site is located in the Trout Btook Keach and the proposed facility would extend across almost the entire width of the progerty leaving only a narrow corridor undeveloped between the facility and the raikoad track to the east. � City staff and the District 6 Planning Council zecommended denial of the site plan. At the public heazing Nationwide and the properry owner spoke in support of the project. Two people � spoke in opposition. Seventeen letters were received in expressing either opposirion to tke project or support ofthis azea being restored as part of a tazger a eenway project. APPEALS HAVE BEEN FILED BY THE MIlVISTORAGE COMPANY (NATIONWIDE) AND THE PROPERTY OR'NER (REF LLC) The appeals state that a miuistotage is a permitted use under the properry's Indush zoning and that site ptan meets aIl of the requirements of the zoning code. The appeaIs also state that the site plan is consistent with development of a geenway and that the seven findings for denial made by the Planning Commission are "based upon eshablishing an altemative public use or the pmperty." A PUBLIC $EARING ON THE APPEALS IS SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 28 Please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public heazing. Sincerely, �� Tom Beach Zoning Specialist AT°I'ACHD'�NTS page 1 Appeals from JLT Crroup and Hatnline Midway Coalition page 7 Planning Commission resolution denying the site plan page 8 Planning Commission and Zoning Committee minutes page 20 Staff report and recommendarions page 24 Land Use Chapter ofthe Comprehensive Plan page 27 City Council resolufion about planning for Trout Brook areenway page 34 Letters to the Planning Commission page 46 Location map and site plan u � ; APPLfCATfON FOR APPEAL tG, Department of Planning and Economfc Devetopment • � Zoning SeMion II00 Cir}• HalF Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 2b6-6589 APPELLANT PROPERTY LOCATION Name_ �oNwIDE c[Kxm Address 1724 Doualas Drive North City idPn vaii y St.�Zip 55 422 Daytime phonebl2-512-772� Zoning File Name ��7 N�NI S'1�ORAGE (99-247) AddresslLocation Foxt�x railroad property between Agate and 35E arad between Case and Sims TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeal to the: � Board of Zoning Appeals C� City Council � under the provisions of Chapter fi4, Section 2 � , Pasagraph 9 of the Zoning Code, to appeai a decision made by the Plannin� C1i[ani �SiOn on May 26. 2000 ,�. File number: 99-247 (date of decisionJ "� c`: -ZS'S -2 'z-�( 2. GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Expfain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusai made by an administrative o�cial, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Soard ot Zoning Appeats or the Pianning Commission. tia� a Mv «.i�. � Attach addrfiona/ fieet rf ApplicanYs signa e_ City agent f� �`�,�° � 6�lY��o / APPEAL OF NATIONR�IDE GROUP In support of its appeal to the St. Pavl Ciry Council from the decision made May 26, 2000 � by the St. Paul Planning Commission, Nationwide Group submits this statemen� REF LLC is the owner of properry located within the City of St. Paui generally lying west of Interstate 35, south of Maryland Streez and north of Sims Avenue. Nationwide has agreed to gurchase a poriion of the Property as a site for a mini storage facifity. The portion of the site for which zoning approvals were sought is bounded by Agate, 35E and Case and Sims. Nationwide has consulted e�rtensively with staff and revised its plans several times. The current application meets all technical requirements of the Zoning Code. Zoning Code Issaes Under the City's Zotting Code, site plan review is the applicable approvals process for consideration of the establishment of a mini-storage facility on this industrial property. In the site plan review process, staff has reviewed conformance with technical requirements. All requirements of the wning ordinance haue been met. After Applicant's submittal, it was ctiscovered that the City's Comprehensive Plan has a goal of supporting the Depariment of Nahual Resources Metro Greenways Program. Staff concluded that this provision sfiould control development of this industrial property. Cturenfly, the Metro Cneenways Project is merely a concept without specific definition. The concept is to establish open space uses in the vicinity of the properry. No specific plans have been developed. The Planning Conunission's denial is, however, based upon a conclusion that the provision in the City's Comprehensive Plan � supporting the Metro Greenways Program mandates that the subject property not be used for any use that is not part of the Crreenways project. When the applicarion was made awaze of the Greenways project they redesigned the project by adding landscaping, creating more green space and reducing the pmject size. Although s�ta£f and the Zoning Committee enumerated seven reasons for deuial, each of those seven reasons were based upon establishing an altemative public use for the properry. The propased development was characterized as incompatible with Greenways development because it cut off access to the pond to the south. This ignored the existence of an 80 to 100 foot undeveloped greenspace and wallcway proposed in the site plan. This was also inconsistent with the conclusion that the pond to the south was likely to need to be relocated to accommodate some future MnDOT construction. The project was criticized as not having sufficient landscaping, however the proposed project contains more landscaping than is required under the City's ordinances. Staff guidance on the level of acceptable landscaping was sought but not received. Failure to allow tUis development has created a hardslrip for the Applicant. AppIicant has been working on the project for over 2 years. The Applicant has redesigned this site plan a number of iimes in order to meet staff requests. Applicant has downsized the project by 25% to be more compatibie for possibie future uses. The Applicant has and continues to agree to revise the site plan to conform to City requirements, but they have not been specified. Applicant has offered to relocate on-site if the pond is an issue. Applicant will enhance landscaping, however, the city has not pmvided Applicant with any landscaping requirements. � 00•755 Relief Reauested • Applicant requests approval of its site plan as revised to include the 80-100 foot undeveloped greenspace as consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 0584814.01 • u 2. c ; APPLtCATION FOR APPEAL Depamnent of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section IZ00 Cit}� Hall Annez 25 li°est Founh Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 266-6589 APPEtLANT PROPERTY LOCATION ►Vame i� Li,C I Address 3066 Spruce Street I City st. Paul St. N&�T Zip 55117 Daytime Zoning Fi{e Name ACORN MIIQI STORAGE (99-247) Address/Location Forn�r rai.lra�d timpez between Aaate and 35E and between Case and Sims - L Z �E Z- ob2- ( 'tYPE OF APREAL: Apptication is fiereby made for an appeal to the: �: Board of Zoning Appeais f� City Council under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section 206 , Paragraph _� of the Zoning Code, to appeal a decision made by ths Pla�m;.� �m,;�s,an on Mav 26. 2000 ,�. Fiie number. 99-247 (date of decision) GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative official, or an eROr in fact, procedure or findirtg made by the 8oard of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission. � • w « ��s Attach additional sheet AppiicanYs for ApAlic�nt REE LL�C � • � 1 � Date City agent I - 611�j �8a cm-75S APPEAL OF REF LLC • In support of its appeal to the St. Paul City Council from the decision made May 26, 2000 by the St. Paul Planuing Commission, REF LLC submits this statement. REF LLC is the owner of properiy located within the City of St. Paul generally lying west of Interstate 35, south of Maryland Street and norfh of Sims Avenue. The portion of the site for which zoning approvals were derued by the Planuing Commission is a smaller portion of the REF LLC property bounded by Agate, 35E and Case and Sims. Zoning Code Issues Under the City's Zoning Code, site pian review is the applicable approvals process for considerarion of the establishment of a mini-storage facility on this industrial properry. In the site plan review process, staff has reviewed conformance with technical requirements. All requirements of the zoning ordinance have been met. During staffreview, it was discovered that the City's Comprehensive Plan has a goal of supporting the Department of Natural Resources Metro Crreenways Program. StafF concluded that this provision should control development of this indushzal property. Currently, the Metro Greenways Project is merely a concept without specific definition. The concept is to establish open space uses in the vicinity of the properry. No specific plans have been developed. The Piamiing Commission's denial is, however, based upon a conclusion that the provision in the City's Comprehensive Plan supporting the Metro Greenways Program mandates that the subject property not be used for any • use that is not part of the Greenways project. Aithough stafF and the Zoning Committee enumerated seven reasons for denial, each of those seven reasons were based upon establishing an alternative public use for the property. The proposed development was chazacterized as incompatible with Greenways development because it cut ofFaccess to the pond to the south. This ignored the existence of an 80 to 100 foot undeveloped greenspace and walkway proposed in the site plan. This was also inconsistent with the conclusion that the pond to the south was likely to need to be relocated to accommodate some future MnDOT construction. The project was criticized as not having sufficient landscaping, however the proposed project contains more landscaping than is required under the City's ordinances. 5taff guidance on the level of acceptable landscaping was sought but not received. Development Efforts Since REF LLC's acquisition of the property it has sought approvals for other land uses allowable under the current Zoning Code. These uses have been denied in ozder to accommodate proposed public uses of the subject properiy. This is an improper application of the zoning power. This effectively converts the properiy from private ownership to pubiic use without compensation for the loss of the private ownership rights. C� ,� � It is necessary that the City Council provide guidance to staff and the Planning Commission as to whether this property is to be public or private. If it is private, it should be � developed. If it is to be public, it should be acquired by the CiTy. 0584810.OI • � Z. �,�0-7 5S S ci�y of sain� paut planning commission resolution file number o�-�� _ _ date s/Z61oo R'HEREAS, Nationwide Group, file; 99-247, has applied for a Site Plan Re��iew under the provisions of Section of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code, for che pucpose of cons[ructin� a mini- stora�e facility on property located east of Case between A�ate and 3�E, le�ally described as sho�vn on the attached le�al description; and �VHEREAS, the Zonin� Committee on �/18(00, held a pubiic hearin� at which all persons present wet�e given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance ���ith the reGuirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code; and �VHEREAS, Saint Paul Plannin� Commission on �l26/00, based on the evidznce presented at the pubiic hearing as substantialfy reflected in the minutes, made the follo�vin� findinas of fact: i. The site plan is not consistent �vith c+ty's adopted comprehensive plan. The Land Use Chapter of the Comprzhensiti�e Plan states that "the City supports ihe areen corridors project � of the state DNR, ti��hich plans to fund the restoration and protection of land «•ith native habita[s 1nd to connect them with parks and trails. In Saint Paui, the ri�er �•aUey and the Trou: Brook Reach are parts of the DNR ptan. `' (Pa�e 8) This site is loc2ted in the Trout Brook Reach. The proposed facili.}� would extend across almost the entire ���idth of the property lea� in� only a nan�o�v co�idor unde� eloped bet�ueen the facilit} and the railroad track to the east. This is not consis�ent with res�orin� this land as calied fo; in the Comprehensive Pian. 2. The site plan is not consis[ent ���itn the preser� ation of environmentall� sensitive areas. The site has been de�raded by years of use by the railroad. Hotive��er, it is geolo�ically part of an ancient river bed and �art of the Trout Brooh Reach that the D;1R h1s said should be restored. The state has authorizzd �a900,000 for the City to purchase this land so it can be restored as a nature preser�e and tne C�[y is lookin� for additional funding. The Minnesota Department of i�'atura! Resources has authorized 520,000, ��hich n�ill be matched b�� the City, for a study of ho« the site czn be deve]oped as green space. The site plan is consistent ��:ith the protec[ion of the exis[ing neiQhbo�ne properties. Ho���e��er, it �t'ould ha�e a substanaai eFfect on future use of the site as part o` a �reenway and �ti•ildlifz habitat. a The arr,�n�efnent of builcfin�s, uses and tacilities oF the proposed de� z'•o; ricnt �vi11 • unreasonably altect atiiuting p�u,;:n� anci/o� �u o;;cupanu. �I�i�, sn� `. �.:_...:. zc! so i��at [}�_� buildin�s and pa�'ed areas extend across almost the entire ���idth of tn� si�e. In <iddition, the site is located adjacent to n pond. Both of these featurzs «ould hai�e a r,z;ati�•e effect on future de�'clopmen[ of the area •s; a �reem�a} .tnd �vildiiEz habiiat. t ZoningFile; 99-247 Resolution Pa�e T�vo of T�co � 5. The site plan is not consistent �vith the satisfactory capacity of storm se���ers, induding solutions to any draina�e problems in the area of the development. The lar�e pond immediately south of the site is used by Public �Vorks for storin� storm �i•ater during heavy rain stonns. This pond must he moved in a fe�i• pears due to the planned construction of a new interchan�e for I-3>E. The exact location and confi�uration of the pond cannot be determined until the interchan�e is desi�ned but one scenario would shift the pond to the north where the mini-storage is proposed. 6. The site plan does not provide sufficient landscapin� to screen and buffer the site if a greenway corridor is developed adjacent to it as caiied for in [he comprehensive piaa. The p[an calls for little or no landscapin� on the north and south sides and sho«•s just 8 feet for landscapin� on these sides between the property and the fence �vhere landscaping coufd be added. On the east side of the site, most of the available iand cannot be used for plantin� or screenin� because it is either in a public sewer easement or needed for a private storm water pond for this project This �vould leave a limited strip of land on the east side of the site for landscapiri� «•hich is not sufficient to screen the facility. \O�V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paui Planning Commission, that under the au[hori[y of the City's Legislative Code, the site plan for construction of a mini-storaaz facilit}' by i�Tatiom��ide Group on property located east of Case between AQace and 3�E and le�ally described as sho��•n on the at[ached le�al descripcion, is hereb}� denied. • moved by �'ield seconded by in favor 14 Oppose 1 Abstain 2 Conmissioners MardeZl, Field • � '�s . •'t G�-7 5 5 i Saiflt Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg BouIevard West Minutes of May 26, 2000 A meeting o£the Flanning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was heid Friday, May 26, 2000, at $:3D e.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioaers Mmes. Donnefiy-Cohen, Duarte, Fericy, Zimmer Lonetti, McCall, and Nfarton Present: and Messrs. Aiton, Anfang, Dandrea, Field, Fotsch, Gervais, Gordon, Ir.ramer, Mazde)1, Mazgulies and Sha�r. Commisaioners Mmes. *Engh, and Messrs. *Kwig, Corbey, and Johnson. Absent: *Excused � L Apgroval af Minntes of May iZ, 20U0 Corrections: Amend paga 2 under section 1V of Zaning Committee, first Pa ��pb, �� !ate "Commias�nner Gordan" reported and state "Commiasioner FYeld reported that...... " Amend page 4 paTagraPh 3 �ftb �'°e t° read "Fourplexcs are heing bnilt at HoYt and Montuaa� near Westm�nister Aveuue, where ................: ' MpTION• Cammissioaet Furicy moroed aPProvaT of the minutes of May I2, 20A11 with Jhe amentlme�ets• Caxtn++ss�oner Gordon secanded the motiom The mocion earried unanimousty on a voire note. Gnnection iu Nlinutes of Apri114, 2060 • Alsa Frasen� Larry Sodediolm, Planning Administrator, Tom Beach (LIEP), Nancy Homans, Af Lovejoy, Elvira Barnes-Wycough, Lucy'I7iompson, Allan Torstenson, Virginia $urke, Nancy Frick snd MadHa Faust Department of Planning end E¢onornic Development staff; Councilmember Jerry Blakey and Csreg Blees, Fiscal Policy birector for Gonncil Researth. Vicmr Catiandro and Andrew Dresdner from the Cuningham Graop and Bob Close fram Clase Landscape Architecture. �ti20'd TEe conclnsion of the public hearing on the Seven Corners Gateway smsll a*ea pisn h¢Id on Apri114 did nat anclude a motion. Mr. SoderLelar cirenlated t6e follawiag: g��a� �eLaugfllia and Lnay Thompson respunded to 9IIestions frum the eommissioners. \ bti££8�SS9 h10�3 '� �JNIhB�Jd'ld l(ltid 15 zO:ZL 90&'-SO-Ntlt . II. tt MQTTON: Coxuxissianer Faricy moved ro etnse rha public hea�ir{�, ro keep tke hp,p�in� secaTq opere j,or yorift¢n cornnrenis unYii 4:00 p.m oa Monday April I T, 200tl, med w rejer the Senen Corners Gareway Plan bark ro thelYeighboshond and Currenr Ftunning Cn»mtitCee. Chair Mortan catled for a motion to accept ttte sddition ta Yhe miuRtes of Apxi[ !4. Moved by Commissioner SLalon The motion carried on a nnanimous voice vote. Chair's Annauncements Chair Morton announced that tLe microphoaes are pioking up side conversations during commission meetings. She eawuraged membars to cover d+e microphones when conversing with someone during the meetin� as these conversations are being picked up ot� tape attd wili remain on public record- Pianui�tg Admiuistcator's Annouacemente Mr. Soderhoim said he talked with Gene Corbey on the phone yesre�daY• He was back in the haspital for a few days instead of being hern for our last meeting, bvt is in pretty goal spirits and is now doing weli. He sends greetings m all tke Planning Cammission members and he �xpects to be back next time. Mr. Soderkolm r�orted ort Gity Cawwvccit edions fRt tfte tast week: The Trust for Fnblic Land, a non-profrt organization, was desigiated to lietg the city with the aequisition of the lawer Phalen Creek property, which witl ire parc of the Trout Brook-Lower Phaten Creek GreenwaY P�P�sed in the Compre6ensive Plan. The lang- ronning zoning case about the cazriage house b?' Nathan Hail Par1c, neaz' Sutt[mit Avenue and PorUaad, was resolved. There ware acfualiy three actions on appeal: an action of this Commissioa, an actton of the Heriiage Presarvation Commission and an aetio++ of the SoaTd of 2oTdng Appeals• All of the actions of dtese bpdies were upheld by the City Councit. The Herimge Preservation Commission had app*oved two different plans as meeting ttie hiscoric guidelines, for a 3 S or a 36-foot buitding. The-38 £oot building reqa+red wme variances which were denied by tlie Board of Zoning Appeals> and site plan revieu' bY the Planning Commission. In effect, ihe 36-foot building was the rn+e apPrm'ed by the City Cauneil. The City's staff's inte,tpreration is that the buildiag needs no variances; hpwever, the opponents of buiiding the CsrriaBe House, who are f� We do t kaow Commissioner Mazk Vaugh� bel�e�'e �t some vaziances aze req cted that whether they will take the Cauncil's decision to court. Mr. Sederholm expe the C+ty wi[L now isrne buitd�ng permits for that building. There will be no CSiy Council meeting �� We��ay, May 31 because it is the fifth R'ednesday ia ihe monffi. .'� rSi£0"d 4L££5�2�5� ram3 ��trea�d �ned ls za:zt aeez-s�-rinr � • c�-755 • 'I'here are still cvnversatians betrveen the City Councii, the developer, and the neighbors about Victoria Piaza, Grand Avenue and V ictoria, so there hssn't been a finai resolution preser�ted to the City Council. Feople from PED are uying to figure aut how mucfi �ndergmund parking might cost 2F�ere and whether there couFd be a sohrtion everyone could live with that is better than the one the developer is proposing. That is still up in the air. We don't laow how soon that resolution witl be forthcoming. Mr. Soderhotin lirted npcoming p�ojects the Commission will be working an this summer: Ri�erview Corrtdor Basvar - The Gdmprehensive Ftanning Committee will bs urorking on thaY issue. Kaver Carridor Plan - Tne draft is now nndergoing staff review and the Committee in June. . University nf 3t Thama S,�ecial Condition Use Permit - Meeting5 bettveen tha I3niversity and the neighborhood are going on. PEb expeets an appNeation from the schao! by the end of the summer. Advestisiag Siqns Studv - The ordinances will be written in ]une. � Des�n Distriets - The (egistaWre pmvided for the City W create design districts. 'fhe sections of thc Seven Corners Gateway Plan uea that are not part of the Historia Irvirie S'ark District aze requesting design guidelines. Lucy Thompson wili be workieg on developing an ordinance for how that can be implemented. Lega��y, design dish'icis could be created anywhere in the city. Mr. Sodecho�m distributed a memo regazding the criteria for when the Planning Commission shauld xeview a site plan appl+cation and s resolutian regarding any "Request for Planning Comm�ssion Review of Site Plans" to be udded to !he Flanning Commission Handbook in the Zon'sng Brief section as page 1 T3. iVlr. Soderhofm spoke with the Minneapolis cansultant far their Uppar River Mastar Pian this week attd was pleased to hear that Minneapolis is now having success in their conversatians witki the D23R. 'C'he DNR staff person, SCevo Johnson, is working with them on uadeoffe about hefght versus views m the river and access to the siver aztd inereased landscaPmg• We have worked on all these same mpies with Steve Johnson in the River Coaidor Design wrn'kin8 Group, and we wi{1 hear a presentarion about that this moming. VI Zoning Committee Report gg 2�7 A eorn Mini St2�s�e - 3ite A1as review for a proposed mini-storage facility. 35 E..Tenks, east of Case between Agate and 35E. CornmiSSioner Field reported that Dirnict 5� opposed to the establishmant of the � � � '-� �i/b0'd bSS£822LS9 N0�3 '� �JNIMJFJId - Ifitld 15 £0:25 06[Z-S�-f�1fiL C� Acom Mini Storage at that site, and that one person spoke in supporf, two in opposition. The public hearing was closed. IO 4: Corn»rissfaner Fi¢fd mwed rhat rhe site ptan for cortictractiors oj'a mind- staragefrrcitity by NatioxwideGmup ox property located east of Case 1�nveenAg'afe and 35E be de�ued Mr. Soderholm shared with the commission the memo &om Vic Wittgenstein ca Tom Beach. Mr. Wittgenstairt is the Director of the Parks and Recreation Division and he urges the Planning Commission to dany the site plan. Responding to a question from Commissioner Fieid oa an eartier statement, Mr• Soderholm said that the Trust for Public I.and (TPL} is going Yo work as the City's agent in helping to acquire tha lower Phaien Creek site, which is beiow baytan's $luff. IYs part of tha same �reenway, but iYs noY the same parcel of land where this mini-storage is proposed. The legislature did budget moaey toward the acqvisition of this site, but it is not eaoagh. The C�ty is worl3ng to increase �is bodgei or to decfde ufist it can afford to buy in regard ta this parcct. Commissioner Field st3ted that on ffie advice of Mr. Warner he abstained at the Zoning Committee due W a�nflict of interest. One of the azguments, for the commissionezs wHo have not had a chanoe m read t6e minutes of the Zoning Committee, is tt+at the awner af this land is between a rock attd a hard place. I3e would encourage the City either to pmeeed and buy the [and or let the owner proceed aad develog the parcel. Mr. Soderholm stated that the City has budgeted mose money thao the owner Paid to bny this land two or t6ree years ago, but tha Cii�' 1� nowhere near the amount of money the owner now asks. Commissionei Alton asked if the oWner is willmg to selt the property, but not at a price the City is willittg w pay. Mr. Sode�holm confirmed. Commissione�' Shaidr asked how much the owner is asking and what the City is willing to pay? Mr• 5oderholm stated he did not reeuember the nnmbers and did not want to give out the wrong numbers. In any cass, the primary issue before the Commission is the relationship to the Comprehensiue P1an- It is not really an issue for the Planning Commission whether the PropertY is being wndemned a purchased. We axe supPase to be looking at the zonin� and Campreheasive Pian and how well the site plan �nfornts, Commissioner A(ton said he had d+Q same absat'�'a�i°n as Commissioner Field. He is curious about thc response of the Zonmg Committee memhers to Commissioner Pield's statement. Commissioner TCrame�' statad that a lot af the diseussion in the Zaning Cotnmittee h��g w�s to the Comprehensive Plan• There `� multiple reasans for the deniai oP the site p[att, 4 � r 7 L.� FSi50'd bS££8Z2SS9 NOJ3 � 9NINNdId �(ldd 15 £0:2i H�9Z—SQ—NRt C?�-755 � C.eaunissioner Margulies, not being a mem6er of the Zoning Committee, stated that he was trying to figure out the fads. Ae asked wbether there was discuss'son about how the site plan could be mocl�ed ta make it acceptaltle to the City and Zoning Committee, or is the decision essentia{ly that no site plan modiFcation is gaing to be acceptahle, given the requireroents of the Compreheasive Pian? Commissioner Kremer stat�d that there wa5 some back and forth a6out that issue and the committee spent two meetin�s on this matter. In snmmary, this sQecific development dces noi seem to fit Whichevsr way you tried to rotate the building tn avoid one probiem, you swung it into another probiem. Mr. Beach said that we aze [ooking at a specific site plan that was proposed. The main pro6iem was tfiat it e?ctends from one side of the propecty to the other. ff we aze trying to create a curcidor for �vildlife or li�7cing trails here, that mal:es it difficuit. There needs to be a nattow carridor along the side. It is a big site. f'erhaps they coutd corae back with a different site plan, somewhete else on the property ot a different bnild'mg configuration, but this particuler site plan does not c4nform to the Comprehensive Plan• u Mr_ Beach stated that originalty this application was going to be considered last fall and since then, the applicarn had some discussions with the City about look'sng at a completely different site, doing some land aades. There rvas also discussion of doing the mini-storage at the north end of the site. But the applicant chose to resubmit this one. The bnildings are somewhat smaller, but the site itself, B+e area that is fenced in and paved, is esserrtially the same ss we had originalfy last fait. Commissioner Gordon statedtl�atthis space has beea designated in a Comprehensive P(en m become part of the Traut Brook Greea Con�dor, and tha City has undeitaketi to acquire the land and is in negatiarion with tlie owner to purchase it He sssumes �1+at �� they dan't reacli an agmement it wilt culminate in a condemnation proceedin�. 'Che site pian provided by the applicusrt raises a number of issaes and craates a number of pmblems. For exarnple, in the stsff'report under finding 1, the site ptan would have iefr only a very nanow carridor for the green space, too narcow in the opinion of tha staff and in the opinion of the Zoning Cammirtee to be consistent with the Cpmprehensive 7tan. Commissioner Gordon stated that t8ere was also a problem aith respect to thc location of the holding pond- Tl�e constructian of 35E is going to require relocating that hoiding pond, which would ba a probiem, given this site pian. There aze a numbor of very Segitimate prob�ems tivitkt this site plan> but overall, the bicgesi probtem is that this property has been dasigiated to become a green spaae and th� City is movittg in that direetion. Afong comes this uppiicant and wants to develop it, a pmject within that area, knowing ali of this. He stated the explanation for him is that this property owner is engaged in negotiations with tha CitY over the vaiue of his piece of pmperiy 8nd he wattts the value of the pmpesty to be as high as possfble. In that connection, this application is pert af an effort w create evidence in support of the azgument that the land 9s more vatuable than it really is. • �� iS�90'd bS£.2' N�3 '8 °JNINNd�d 'lfldd 1S b0:2i 906z-S0-N�it � Commissioner Gordon believes this applicant and this owner know from the previous appf ications that the Zoning Committee and the Plsnning Commissior+ are concemed about develnping this land, given that the Comprehensive Plan cal(s for it to be geen space• �ie 8elieves the unaaimous dwisioR of the committee is correcY and the application should 6e denied. Commissianer Dandrea asked if the sta�ng at PED aflows far proactive approaches wiffi the o.mer to 6elp him wid� site pien preparation before h�ets ta this point. ibtr. Soder6oim scated thst some of thaz has been done. Site plans are nat rcwiewed by PED. Tom Beach works in the Oiiice of Licence Inspecdon and Environmenta! Protection He has spent tune working on alternateves and lhis is sn interdegarimentai issue. The City's Real Estate 3ection has been doing the negotiatian on land acqvisition. The Mayar's Qftice has b�n caordinating the intergwernmeIItal funding, tryie� to g� the money to acquire. ft ham't primarilY been in PED, but there have been a iot of other diseussions going on. He 53ated that he wasn't clear on how mueh discnssion was going on with the iand ownec abam alternative site plat�s. Mr. Dandtea asked whettser it was fair m say that there ace opportanities available if an owner desired7 Mr. Soderholm a�reed wi�th the statem�t Commissioner Almtt staTCd thai his concern was not whether we should ascribe moNves to the City or the developer in this case and he doesn't think we shoald be specnlating abo�t motives when we vote on this case• His concem was that we were denying a site plan because of something that might happen to this property �n the future and we don't I�ave any idea if it actualty evec willIiappen. �or example, there was a finding in the site pten that the visual sc�ning cvas noi adequate because if the property adjacent was developed imo a geen ooaidor, then the scmening wouldn't be good enough. Commissioner Mazgnties asked Mr. Beach whether diere was anY Siie A��' for devetopment that a o�mer could bting in that svould be aoceptable on this site, or is any develppmec�t precluded in your mind, by virtue of ihe fact that it has been designazed as it is in the Caittprehensive Plan? Mr. 8each replied that an alttrnativc +Has sketched up thst he rhou�h wouid have iess impach, whether it is enough to �et app�Yed would be np to the Planning Commission. [t «an aliernative he discussed w+th the aPPl�cant at one point T�ote to Dexy: A rolt calt vote ww' takatt on the mntivrr to derry arul to adnP; =ize resolution to deny ihe site pTan for consh'uctfnn of a mini-srorage faci�ity I�� Natiams'Tde Groxp on prop�'ry tacatad east of Care behveen Agate and 35E. T7te moiion passed on a vnle of 74 in fatvor,l agalnst, witk two nbstehtions (Comm7ssioxers xieG1 ar�d Mardelt botk annnanred they had conf7frts ofinterest). Commissioner Anfang stated that ha made ivs vote based on the Zoning Commiceee's ,� ,; C � � �T/L0'd trS£�'tS9 hi0�3 8`JNi�d�d �f�d � bO:EF 909Z-S6-Nflt MtNUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, May 18, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3` Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Engh, Faricy, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton Mardel! Peter Warner and Tom Beach of LIEP Caroi Martineau, Allan Torstenson of PED The meeting was cha+red by Commissioner Field. Acom Mini Storage - 99-247 Site Pian Review for a proposed mini-storage facility. Former railroad property befween Agate and 35 E and between Case and Sims Tom Beach presented the staff report. Mr. Beach stated the City has $9�0,000 authorized by the StaYe one-year ago for the acquisition of this land for the Trout Brook Reach project. Mr. Beach also explained the City has a$20,000 grant from the Department of Natural R�sources for planning in this area. The City has submitted an application for funds to Mefro Green Way, and is (ooking into funding from the following sources: Ramsey County, MNDOT, Board of Water and Soil Resources, Trust for Public Lands. Tfie City has initiated condemnation proceedings on the Soo Line Railroad property west of this area, which was recently purchased by Frank Fratalone who also owns tf�e site for the proposed mini-storage). Mr. Beach aiso stated the zorting. staff is recommending deniai of this site plan because it is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Kramer moved to adopt the staff recommendation to deny the Site P(an for a mini- storage facitity. Commissioner Faricy seconded the motion. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Beech stated the City is doing all it can to purchase this property. If there was a mini-storage on this site, tfie organizations might not be as e�thusiastic about funding this project. Adopted Drafted by: Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 Submitted by: Tom Beach Zoning Section Abstention -1 (Fiefd) Approved by: Litton Field Chair � � � � 1� 00-7 5 5 M1NtlTES OF THE ZONING COMMtTiEE Thursday, May 4, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. • • � City Councii Chambers, 3` Floor City Hali and Court House '15 West Keliogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, Mardeil and Morton Faricy Tom Beach, LIEP Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson of PER The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Fieid. Acorn Mini Storage (99-247) Site Plan Review for a proposed mini-storage facility. Former railroad property between Agate and 35 E and between Case and Sims. Tom Beach showed slides and presented the staff report. Mr. Beach stated the staff recommends denial of the Site Plan and District 6 is opposed to the Mini-storage facility. Mr. Beach also explained the mini-storage faciiity does not conflict with the sewer easement to the east as stated in the staff report. Mr. Eilis Gottlieb, of Nationwide Corporation, appeared and stated Nationwide Corporation had numerous conversations with the City in June of1988. At that time Mr. Beach informed them the properiy was zoned properly fos the use of a mini-storage facility. The City requested six substantial revisions to the site pian to make the project more compatible when they were aware of the Green Corridors Project Ordinance (ihe City did not inform the applicant that the s+te prohibits development). The grading of the site was started in August of1999 when the City accepted an appiication and issued a grading permit. Mr. Gottfieb also stated if the Green Corridor Ordinance prohibits development the City shoutdn't have accepted the application or granted a grading permit. The relocation of the Public Works Pond is speculative and may never occur and is an ofE-site issue which has no bearing on the proposed site plan. Mr. Gottiieb aiso explained Nationwide Corporation spent thousands of doliars developing plans at the City's request in order to obtain a building permit. Nationwide Corporation has complied with all the Gity's requirements and the building permit has not been issued. At the City's request Nationwide Corporation voiurrteered to build on the north end of the property, site pians were drawn up to comply with the City's issue, then the C'ity informed them a permit for the north end would not be granted so they revised the site pians to the south ofi the property. The proposai is a high quality development that will compliment the area. Mr. Gottlieb passed photos around depicting a quatiTy masonry building with fandscaping. The proposed buitding is one-quarter of the 400,000 square feet of building permitted on the I-2 zoned properiy. On the east end of the property there will be 80 to 100 feet of open space to accommodate a bike/pedestrian path down to a pond pianned in the site review. An eight foot high cedar fence to screen the property will also be installed. The City was informed on their intension to landscape but never issued landscape requirements. The compteted project would only generate 70 cars a day and 5 cars in peak periods. In comparison, an industria{ bui4ding would generate over 700 cars. The appiicant owns 6 mini-storages in Eagan, Minneapolis, Maptewood, fnver Grove Heights that abut single family residents and there has never been a complaint. The operating hours are restricted so there is no traffic at night. Mr. Gregory Korstad, 7900 Xerxes Avenue S., representing Frank Frattalone, owner of the property, stated Mr Frattaione would fike to se{I this property and have it devefoped. The site plan E, :a Zoning Commitfee Minutes May 5, 2000 File #: 99-247 Page 2 is a development that is in conformance with all the City code requirements and shouid be approved. He also addressed points in ihe sYaff report that are not in conformance 1). Finding Number 1 states the area is to be used for the devetopment of green space for animal habitat, trails and park type projects this statement is incompatibie with privafe ownersfiip of the site. 2) Finding Number 3 talks about resioring this site as a nature preserve which is incompatible with private ownership of the property. 3) Finding iUumber 8 states the property should be reserved so the City can use it for purposes for meeting storm owner drainage requirements at sometime in the future if necessary. Development should occur or the property should be acquired by the city. Negotiations to seil the property for its appraised value have been unsuccessful because the City cannot find the funds to buy tfiis parcef of property. The site pian review presents a use of the property that is compatible with future green space developmenf. Upon question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Frattalone stated there was an offer from the City to purchase the property at about 40% of the appraised vatue based upon funding the City had from ihe legislature. Mr. Frank Frattalone, Owner of the property appeared and stated the issue of contaminafed soil took place before he purchased the properry two years ago. • Ms. Linda Jungwirth, representing the 16 Square Block Tri Area Block Club, stated they oppose approvai of the site pian based on the strength of pubtic purpose. The City Comprehensive Plan calls for linking neighborhoods and the river via trails and greenways. An environmental learning � reserve incorporating a wetland and technology to control runoff and to improve water quality which would benefit everyone. The proposed I-35E interchange may result in the relocation of the Munger Gateway Trail and reconfiguration of the holding pond for the Trout Brook L'+ne. MNDOT has not made any definite boundaries because this is a future project and the p(ans are not comptete at this time. The Munger Gateway Trail has been selected as one of this Country's legacy trails and this site ptan woufd put that in jeopardy. There is a need to incorporate greenspace, water quality, the Monger Traii, and connections with fhe Phalen Corridor to the south east, the central corridor to the southwest, and the Trout BrookTraii to the north and sfi(I accommodate existing businesses, the integrity of the neighborhood and future public purpose. Currently there are too many variables with which fo contend and the need exists to plan for future possibilities instead of locking into development now that may adversely affect future public purpose. Ms. Carol Kusmieret, Member of District 6 Land Use Committee and Pfanning Council, appeared and stated they support the City's comprehensive plan for a greenway and environmenta( fearning preserve on the Trifiman site. Restoration of this brown field area to a greenway and learning preserve would enhance the community and benefit sfudents of numerous north-end area schools. Mr. Gregory Korstad reappeared and stated the City has never made a formal offer to Mr. Frattalone to purchase the property. The City could not raise the money for the property last year and they were told to proceed with the site plan review after (ast years tegislature. The uses thaf the respondents mentioned are public uses Yhat don't have a bearing on the application. (f the property is to be used for pubiic uses the City should buy the property. The Pubiic Hearing is closed. • ,� can-7 55 Zoning Cots�m+ttee Minutes May 5, 2000 • File #: 99-247 Page 3 Upon questions of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Beach stated there was a public hearing for storage by Mr. Frattalone on that property and it was denied. 7he City is stifl working on purchasing the property from Mr. Frattafone. After further discussion Commissio�er Gordon made a motion to lay the case over until May 18, 2000. Commissioner Gervais seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted by: �,aJ1.o--� ��,��uxz-cC1 . Carol Martineau Recording Secretary � Nays - 0 Submitted by: ` /( f>-G�� Tom Beach Zoning Section Approved Litton Chair :� OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Robert Kessler, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUILDINGINSPEC770NRND Telephorse: 612-266-909a Norm Coieman, Mnyor DESIGN Facsimile: 6l2-266-9099 350 St Peter Street Suite 300 SaintPaul,�nnesota 55102-I510 i DATE: May 1 l, 2000 TO: Zoning Committee PROM: Tom Beach, LIEP RE: Additional information for Acom Ministorage site platt review The Zoning Committee held a public hearing on the Acorn Ministorage project on May 4 and voted to lay the matter over to May 18 so that staff could provide addirional information. Deniat of au earlier site plan for outside storage Last yeaz Frank Fratalone, the property owner, submitted a site plan to use property immediately north of the proposed ministorage for outside storage of sand and gravel and construction equipment for his excavating business. The Planning Committee denied a site plan based on findings that the site plan: — Was not consistent with two sections of the Comprehensive Plan: a section supporting the restorarion the site to its natural condirion and another dealina with minimizing negative impacts of industrial uses. — Did not preserve an environmentally sensitive azea — Would unreasonably affect neazby property — W ould result in traffic safety problems — Would encroach on easements for public utilities — Did not provide sufficient landscaping and screenina (See attached copy of the resolution.) Greenway proposal The City has received state fizuds to be used toward acquiring this property so that it can be restored Yo its natival condirion and become part of a metro-wide greenway system. A staff meetina is scheduied for later this week to review the status of the greenway project and efforts Yo acquire properry for it. I will update the Committee at the meeting on May I8. If you have any questions, you can reach me at 651-266-9086. G.ICOMMOMSite PIan199247aeomlzCmemom00 � • 00-755 � u �� 1. APPLiCANT: ZONING COMMI'iTEE STAFF REPORT FILE #99-247 Eliis Gottlieb for Nationwide Group DATE OF HEARING: 5i4i99 2. CIASSIFICATION: Site Plan Review 3. LOCA710N: Former railroad property east of Case between Agate and 35E 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 6 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See file 6. PRESENT ZONING: I-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 62.108�c) 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 10l2�/99 BY: Tom Beach 8. DATE RECEIVED: 4/3/00 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 6/2J00 A. PURPOSE: Site pfan review for construction of a mini-storage facility. B. PARCEL SIZE: Nationwide pians to purchase 4 acres of land for the facility. The site is currently part of a larger 38-acre parcel owned by Frank Fratalone that stretches north to Maryland Avenue. The buildings and pavement for the mini-storage would cover approximately 3 acres. C. EXISTING LAND USE: The land was used by the railroad in the past. it is currently vacant. D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Vacant and industrial (t-2) West: industrial (1-2) South: A storm water pond owned by Public Works (I-2) and industrial (I-1) East: Railroad tracks and industrial (I-1) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 62.108(c) lists a number of findings that the Planning Commission must make in order to approve a site plan. These findings are iisted and discussed in Section I below. F. WSTORY: The raiiroad used the property for many years. Since they sold the property about 10 years ago there have been other proposals to use the properry but none of them have been built: A. A schooi bus company submitted a site pian for a school bus yard and garage in 1995. B. A company submitted a site pian for outside storage of contaminated soil in 1996. C. There was discussion about locating a Metro Transit 6us facility here. in eariy 1999 Frank Fratalone, the current property owner, brought in a targe amount of fill to correct soil conditions and prepare the site for development. tn August 1999 Nationwide submitted a site plan for mini-storage facifity at this location with siightly larger building. A pubfic fiearing was scheduled at the Zoning Committee in October but Nationwide asked that the hearing be iaid over so that altematives designs and locations could be looked into. This site is Qart of a larger 38 acre parcei. Last year the State authorized $900,000 for the City to use �;,Q foward purchasing the ministorage site and the rest 38 acre parcel so it can be restored as part of a metro-wide greenway system. 7he City has been in discussions with the current owner, Frank � Fratalone, about purchasing the property. However, Mr. Fratalone is not willing to seli the property for ihe amount authorized by the State and the Ciiy is seeking additionai funding sources. G. DISTRICT COUNCfL RECOMMENDATfON: The District 6 Pfanning Council requested that a pubiic hearing be held on this site plan, However, they have not taken a formal position at the fime the staff report was prepared. H. PROJECT DESCRIPTiON: 1. Mini-storage The site plan calis for a mini-storage facility with three buiidings with 98,000 square feet of storage space plus an office. Most of the space would be in the largest building which would have two stories and 81,000 square feet of floor area. The plan calis for building the iwo smaller buildings first and the larger building later as phase 2. Metal panels and rock faced block wouid be used for fhe exferior of the building. 2. Location The site is located on land that was once owned by the raiiroad. immediately to the south is a large pond used for storm water drainage by Public Works. The site is geologically part of an ancient river bed and a stream ran through the site before the railroad filled the land. The stream bed is part of what is know as the Trout Brook Reach. The DNR has identified the Trout Brook Reach as an area for restoration as part of a metro-wide greenway and open space system. The State has authorized funds for the City to use toward acquiring the mini-storage site and the rest of the larger 38 acre property. 3. Access The site does not have frontage on a City street. However, the property has an easement across adjacenf private property owned by Modemistic, an industrial company, that allows it to use Jenks Street for access. 4. Traffic The applicanY anticipates there will be minimal traffic during phase 1 and approximately 75 vehicles per day when phase 2 if built. � 5. Utitities The site is not currendy served by City sewer and water. The property owner can bring these in to the site aithough the details have not been worked out yet. There is an existing City storm sewer iine through the site but the buildings have been designed to avoid the sewer easementCHowever, at the northeast corner of the site pavemeni and a fence encroaches on an easementfora Metropoiitart Council storm sewer. t�k wis r.vtf.� � etiw;..tt eqc�oacMw.k� 6. Outside storage The applicant may store some cars and boats on the properiy. These woutd �(A. be stored beiween the proposed buildings so they wouid be screened from view. G1t�eo � 7. Drainage Storm water for the site would be diverted to a private settling pond before going to the large City storm pond immediately south ot the site. 8. Landscaping The landscape plan cails for Vees near the entrance to the site and two rows of Spruce trees spaced 30 feet apart along the east side of the site. FlNDINGS: Section 62.108(c) of the Zoning Code says that in °order to approve the siYe plan, the pianning crommission shalf consider and find that fhe site plan is consistent with° the following: (1) The city's adopted comprehensive plan and development or project plans for sub-areas of fhe city. 'fhe site plan is not consistent with city's adopted comprehensive ptan. The Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan states that `the City supports the green corridors project of fhe sfafe DNR, which plans to fund the restoration and protection of land with native habitats and to connect them with parks and trails. !n Saint Paul, the river vapey and the Trout-Brook Reach are parts of the DNR plan. "(Page 8) This site is located in the Trout Brook Reach. The proposed facilify would exfend across aimost the entire width of the properfy leaving onty a narrow corridor undeveloped between the facility and the railroad track to the east. This is not consistent with restoring this land as called for in the Comprehensive Plan. (2} Applicable ordinances of the City of Saint PauL � �: ap-7 55 � The site plan is consistent with applicabie ordinances. The property is zoned I-2 and mini-sforage facilities are a permitted use. The property does not have frontage on an improved street as required by ordinance but Pubiic Works indicated that it would grant a waiver of that requirement based on the private access easement from Jenks. (3) Preservation of unique geo%gic, geographic or historical/y sign�cant characteristics of the city and environmentally sensitive areas. The site pian is not consistent with the preservation of environmentally sensitive areas. The site has been degraded by years of use by the reilroad. However, it is geologically part of an ancient river bed and part of the Trout Brook Reach that the DNR has said shouid be restored. The state has authorized $900,000 for the City to purchase this land so it can be restored as a nature preserve and the City is looking for additionai funding. The City has authorized $25,000 for a study of how the site couid be developed as greenspace. (4) Protection of adjacent and neighbonng properties through reasonable p�ovision for such matters as su�face water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air, and those aspects of design which may have substantia! effects on neighboring land uses. The site plan is consistent with the protection of the existing neighboring properties. However, it would have a substantial effect on future use of the site as part of a greenway and wifdiife habitat (5) The amangement of buildings, uses and faciliYies of the proposed development in order to assure abutfing property and/or its occupartts wi!! not 6e unreasonably afiected. • The site plan is not consistent with this fi�ding. The site is arranged so that the buildings and paved areas extend across almost the entire width ot the site. In addition, the site is located adjacent to a pond. This would have a negative etfect on future development of the area as a greenway and wiidlife habitat. (6) Creafion of energy-conserving design fhrough landscaping and location, orientation and elevafion of structures. The site pian is consistent with this finding. (7) Safety and convenience of both vehicular and pedestrian tra�c both within the site and in relafion to access streets, induding fraffic circuJafron features, the locations and design of entrances and exifs and parking areas within the site. The site plan is consistent with this finding. Access would be via a private driveway from Jenks Avenue. Detaiied pians for access have not been submitted bui Pubiic Works has determined that access can be designed to accommodate the Ievei of traffic that the mini-storage would generate. (8) The satisfactory availability and capacity of storm and sanifary sewers, including solutions to any drainage problems in the area of the development. The site plan is not consistent with this finding. The large pond immediately south of the site is used by Public Works for storing storm water during heavy rain storms. This pond must be moved in a few years due to the planned construction of a new interchange for i-35E. The exact � location and configuration of the pond cannot be determined until the interchange is designed but one scenario wouid shift the pond to the north where the mini-storage is proposed. Otherwise it appears that the site can meet the requirements for sanitary sewer and storm water �? drainage but final pfans showing fhe detaits fiave nof been submitfed yet There is sanitary sewer avaiiabie in Case for the property. The app(icanf fias submitted a concepfuai ptan for hand(ing • sform wafer that shows a detention pond on fhe property fhat woufd slow down ffie rate of run-off from fhe site. Trie site has been revised so that it avoids sewer easements for City and Metropolitan Counci( storm sewers. (9) Sufficient (andscaping, fences, walls and parking necessary to meef the above objectives. The site plan is not consistent with this finding. It does not provide sufficient landscaping to screen and buffer the site if a greenway corridor is developed adjacent to it as called for in the comprehensive plan. The plan calls for Iittle or no landscaping on the north and south sides and shows just 8 feet for landscaping on the north and south sides between the property and the fence where landscaping could be added. On the east side of the site, most of the available land cannot be used for planting or screening because it is either in a pubiic sewer easement or needed for a private storm water pond for this project This would leave a limited strip of land on the east side of the site for landscaping which is not sufficient to screen the faciiity. (10) Site accessibilify in accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including parking spaces, passengerloading zones and accessible routes. The site pian is consistent with this finding. {11) Provision forerosion and sediment control as spec�ed in the "Ramsey Erosion Sediment and Control Handbook" The site plan is consistent with this finding. Sediment from the site during consWction is a concem because the site is located next to a City storm water pond. However, an erosion • control pJan has been prepared by an engineer. J. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the site pian be denied based on findings 1, 3, 4,5,8and9. � � � • � � SAINT PAUL � LAND USE PLAN � A Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan Draft for City Council Action �� Recommended by the Saint Paut Pianning Commission, September 25, 7998 � �c��� � �.'it�( �VNc;�� �e�braw .2y, ►99q � � � L� �' � f � Co �prahensivs FTan i �4k Gb-755 Strategy 4: Environmenta( Stewardship • In the River Corridor, the Ciry reco�nizes that there will be a shift from industry and toward recreation, housin�, an@ mixed use. Th�r wi11 continue to be a workin� river and industries, especially river- depenQent industries, will continue to be located along segments of Shepard Road and downstream from the Robert Street brid�e. • The city's natural topo�raphy relates most of the city Yo the river. Bluffs, ravines, and tivetlands should be protected and enhanced as urban amenities. • The City supports the �reen corridors project of the state DNR, which plans to fund the restoration and protection of Iand with native habitats and ta connect them with parks and trails. In Saint Paul, the river vatley and the 'I7outbr� oo�k R�e�a�h are parts of the DNR plan. Implementation Neighborhood planning is essential to refine and implement citywide laad use policies. But with dozens of existing fuli-length neighborhood plans, the City's Comprehensive P]an has become unmanageable and difficult to understand. In the future, the City Council, on recommendation from � Planning Commission, will adopt summaries of neighborhood (or other sub-area) plans that highiight decisions appropriate to Ciry development policy. When nei�hborhood plans are adopted, discrepancies betweett adopted citywide plans and neighborhood plans mnst be reconciled so that the Comprehensive Plan is intemaIly consutent. As soon as this plan is adopYed, the City wi11 undertake revision of the Zoning Code to make its maps and regulations consistent with the plan. There witi be public participation in the zoning revisions. Public investments are needed to initiate major ]and use changes. The Land Use Plan contains a list of capital budget investments for redeve!- opment projecLS aad neighborhood revitalization activities. Inter�ov-em- mental funding is needed for poilution clean-up, pub]ic transit, housin�, redevelopment and major infrastructure costs, Urban desi�n concepts need to be effectively appiied to development projects in the city. The Saint Paui Desi?n Center has recently been estabtished through the collaboration of a number of or;anizations. Its mission can be advanced through utilization of this Land Use Plan as � well as through pubiic education, nei�hborhood plannin�, and desi�n guidefines or re�ulations. 8 �� CiYy� Or Sc. f�uvt C►�� CovNC�l i�¢snEvt%aa �t yi" _ /� �os�_���o- = DVI Wta'GC�trr� �►"Gk� �tjr �AkN►� t��► s�� �pv^ ��'0u�. �roo�C ��� G_e�- 5:^eet � f G C�, 1 1 ? 3 4 � 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 f� 16 17 18 19 20 21 �� >> �Y Presea�e3 By Referred io �^ c RESOLUTION OF SAlNT PAUL, MlNNESOTA _--• Cor.ntitte�: Date WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Naturat Resources (DNR) has matchina fuads available for n:: resource invento:ies and natural resource andlor grezmvay plans ifirou�h the Mecro Greem�•ays Plannin_ Grant Program, and �VHEREAS the City of Saint Paul is committed to inte�rating its plans with the metro regionat greem�•a� and natural azeas collaborati4�e; and R'HEREAS, the DNR Mefro Greem�•ays Pro�ran has allocated funds to�vazd the acquisition of land fo- : Lower Phalen Creet: Project; and WHEREAS, ihe Cit}� of Saint Paul and its partnzrs hzve identified the Troutbrook area as an ogportun;:} extend this greenecay; Iti'O�V THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul is applyin� for a 520,000 Metro Greenw�ays Plannin� Grant to continue detaited plaar:in� for habitat p*otection and restoration in t�o-= Phalen and Troutbrook areas; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Szint Pzul and its partners �cill share in the coss o` tl:e proposed p;oject �;•ith the D\R by p:oviding a cas� or in-kind match totatin� at teast �0 gercent oi the proposed project cost; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon approcai oi its application, the Depafinent of Pi�'ming a:�c Economie Development ma}• enter into a�rzement �cith the State of Minnesota for th� abo��e project z-::: tne City ceRifies that it �cilt compiy �rith all aspects oi Ehe grant aQreement. - 7ecia_s�ed b� C_?a_�ner.[ o`: p�a-.^.Sr.c e Ecoaoenc D_v?2oo.-e^C 3/: (((��� =o_ct :�»ro':ed Sy C_cp :._�_cn>_y :.?o?:e3 by Couac-l: Da.> �� v -9o�L._n C^r['_ ^ `:7 Co:ncc' S_crec>^r . ' 7 " _�_ov_d 5y Mayor: Da:e � C �/'"./ . / '� 3/; ` , �� 3y: 1\ �. F" r��1 /� , —T � :.��ravec �/ :!3,+oc `_a' Sc' zssar. to Z co-7 55 NATIONWIDE GROUP 7 724 DOUGLAS DRIVE NORTH O GOLDEN VALLEY� MINNESOTA 55422 • 6 1 2.5 7 2.7720 0 FAX 6 7 2.51 2.7723 Apri126, 2000 Mr. Tom Beach Department of Planning & Economic Development 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Acorn Mini Storage facility (your Case Number: 99-247) Dear Tom, Pursuant to our conversations, Acorn Mini Storage has made an effort to address all concerns you previously mentioned. The attached site plan reflects our proposed pian as we have discussed: 1) 2) � 3) 4) 1� J We wiil not have any buildings on any easements. We will have a retention pond in the location you requested. Building A wi11 have a masonry exterior to screen the project from the west. An 8' cedar fence will be installed along the east properry line to screen the project. 5) In connecfion with the green corridors project we haue made the following revisions: The size of the project has been reduced from 120,000 SF to 98,000 SP We will heavily landscape the azea on the west side of the project We will heavily landscape the azea on the west side of the project We have a reserved a 80 to 100 foot wide green space along the east side The site has over 45,000 SF of landscaped/undeveloped area Tom, I must again state that we have bent over backward to comply with all city requirements. We have reduced the scope of the project by 20% while increasing the azea of undeveloped/ landscaped area to over 45,000 SF which represents over 25% of the total site. We wili agree to resirict the hours of operafion so as not to disrupt the neighborhood. tra�c generated by the development is faz below that for any other type of use. We estnnated less than 5 peak period trips in Phase 1. Sincere , E 'LIS OTT'LIEB Vice Presi ent �� �,�•.� . . . �f• : : � .� „< �!N KATHY LANTRY CouacOmc.^ibc: Nfarch 29, 1999 AI Sin�er, Direc[or Metro Gceenways Program GZT'iT OF SATN'I' PAUL OFFICE OF TEiE CITY COU�ICIL hletro Departmeat Natural Resources 1200 �Varner Road - Saint Paul MN 55106 Dear Mr. Singer: • On behali of �he S2int Paul Cicy Coancil, we are writin� to express our suppor fo* che nominacion of �ne I.ower Ph21en Cree'.< Project to the �Ietro Greemvays Proo �.n. ZVe believe tnis is a criticzl tirLk ia t:�� Mississipgi River's ecolo�icai corridor and we recoa ize [he potentizl of tnis sice to restore si�itu�;« F.abuat in our urbzn environment. Ic wi11 provide a unique opportunity for all our zesidents ir,' neighborhoods and downtown to exgerience na[ure and open space and its rescoracion wiIl furtners ciry's �oal of reclaimin� the Mississippi riverfront. —As r.oced in the �Ie�ro Greaprinc, pa�e 36, che community alon� with � sta�: support has been 2�d �..i: concinue �o be activeiy involved in pIannin� 2R� [eStoRng Fhe 2re2. WeS[roa; suppor t'ae co�.r•.ura:� . CliV B�BP.C18S 2Sld F12T2RCL OLo2RIZ8C10AS IR [Ue Le211Z2C10R OL Lf105Z o02I5. � CII CO¢r2gz the Deo�~:�e'= � Na�r� i Resources co acquire the Lowet Pnzlen Lreek proper:y to comptemenc ine o eenways zne na`�_ a zea ne[�vorks in [he city and the reQion. , Sincerely, �Ya;d �� �B�,�Y � Cou�ci!^ember - �Vasd 4 ' r ' , '\. ';� <���� ✓/��LC� � ��hy Lan�cy Councilmembec - �Ya:d 7 C_TY H?.r L SUITL 3?OC ;� Chris Coleman Conncilmember - Ward 2 � ` ��. .� J,tn Reite_ Counciimember - �Vud 5 ,- �/ �'L� • : !/'.'" 2,E ��� Mi`.<e Harris Councilmembe; - «'z� � �'���� D�R BOStCORI Cotncil President - �'«� = � SAINT PAUL. LSIN�FSOT?, 55!0_-l015 3� zi�1a N +� hn:c_ on A::.::.'- ?.:r. "ee : Cb-�55 Interdepartmentat Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL May 25, 2000 TO: Tom Beech � FROM: Vic Wittgenstein�� RE: Mini storage on Frattalone property On Friday May 26, the Planning Commission will make a recommendation on the Site Plan Review for a proposed mini-storage on the Frattalone property located south of Maryland and west of 35E, also known as the Trillium site. To assist the Planning Commission in making its recommendation we would like to • provide our input on the value we see in this property for parks. The site in question is part of and ancient river bed where a stream, known as Trout Brook, meandered before the railroad filled the land. The stream ultimately emptied into the Mississippi River. We see uemendous potential in developing the entire Trout Brook stream bed as a trail in the same way the Swede Hoilow trail follows the Phalen Creek bed. It is not unrealistic to envision possibilities for day lighting portions of the creek, restoring the wet area near the Trillium site and developing an educational nature area. The Trout Brook Trail would connect the existing and planned Mississippi River trails up through the North End, to the Munger Trail and into the entire Roseville Trail system. It would also connect to the proposed Great Northem Corridor. The Trout Brook section which includes the Trillium site is a critical connection. If it is lost ta development, it will be very difficult to regain. That is why we are so interesied in supporting efforts by the city and the state to keep the Trillium site in the public domain. We have had the opportunity to walk the proposed Trout Brook trail segment and are excited by the possibilities, not only of the connections to already existing trail systems, but also with potential partnerships with landowners along the Trout Brook trail se�ment. The Metropolitan Transit Commission is building a facility along side the trail corridor; Williams Hill Business Center borders the corridor; North End Elementary School is close by. There are tremendous opportunities for ecological and • stewardship projects with these groups. �� May 25, 2000 Memo - Tom Beach Pa�e two • Ten yeazs ago, it seemed an impossibility that Swede Iiollow could ever be reclaimed. Yet today it is a significant recreationat amenity as welt as an ecologicatly strengthened area. The Trout Brook corridor has the same potential. We are anxious that we maintain that potenrial by preventing private development of what should be a city amenity. cc: Rep. Tom Osthoff Linda 7ungwirth L� u 2� ti; �-�55 � DistriCt 6 Councii 1061 Rice St St. Paul, MN 55117 Phone 612 488-4485 Fax 612 488-U343 Apri4 27, 2000 St. Paul Planning Commission Zoning Committee City of St. Paul 14�0 Gity liall Annex 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul, MN 55102 FILE # 99-247 Dear Members of the Zoning Committee, The District 6 Planning Council received a request for Site Plan approval for Acorn Mini � Storage on the former railroad property between Agate and 35 E and between Case and Sims (aka the Trillium site). The position of the District 6 Planning Council is to support the city's comprehensive plan for a greenway and an environmental learning preserve that wouid include the Trillium Site. Developing this site into a greenway and learning preserve would enhance this community and improve the quality of life for area residents and business owners. Since ely, ( � �� Kathy Cole Executive Director C, � cc: �orn Beach Linda Jungwirth, Tri-Area Block Club 32 Di�trict 6 Planning Council _ _ _ _ _ _: -. _. - : � . �-���.._:.:_:� :: �:� �<-.:: : February 16, 1999 Department of Naturat Resources iosi �« SY. Paul, MN 55'iT! Phone 651 488-4485 Fax 651 488-0343 The District 6 Pfanning Council strongiy supports the Tri-Area 8lock Club's request for the development of an environmentai learning preserve in conjunction with the Munger/Gateway Trail. - fhis parce! of land is located south of Maryland Ave., west of 35 E and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad, east of Agate Street, and north of Cayuga. A development of this type will enhance the surrounding neighborhood, preserve green space, and be an attractive access to tfie Munger Trail. There are current(y five schools within waiking distance of this site. A preserve of this type cou(d be used as an educational tool and give inne� city youth the opportunity to (earn about the natural environment. The North End is a community in transition and we applaud the efforts of the Tri-Area Block C(ub in their attempt to stabilize and strengthen their neighborhood by being proactive, We pledge our support to this project and fook forward to the development of this site. Thank you for your consideration of this proposai. Sincerely, : �� 1 � � �:� Kathy �e Executive Director � LJ � Qo-7 55 • January 22, 1999 �l3ER�VI�Ti� a�weo ezv�,:u n�o ce+�.vexm:e r-crf:a.ce:es s:�ce � s�a Linda Jun�wirth, Chair Tri Area Biock Club 111 I Abel Street St. Paul, NI�i i 55117 Dear Linda, Modernistic Inc. and our associates support the efforts to preserve the Trillium Site as a naturalarea. I a�ree that the geology of the area would require extensive soil correction measures if buildinJ constn:ction or comm2rciaUindustrial uses were permitted for the site. For al1 the potential uses stated in your letter; educational, recreational and natural open • space adjacent to the Mun�er Trail, «�e lend our support and encoura�ement. I w•ould also like someday to see Trout Brook a�ain above ground and seeing the li�ht of day. My grandfather, �vho ��as born in 1873, fished irout in that brook as a youngster. Best of �vishes to you and your fine Tri-Area Block Ciub members for your �z�ork and efforts on behalf of those of us who live and work in this area. Thank you nei�hbor Sincerely, v ---- 7ohn Sch te, CEO Modernistic, Inc. � � a� - - - �»:.' o� ':?1-70�; ,_, — —�.. =.;XoS'/%=� _`— i GC )3.^•k3 :..v9^.��3 � �-- ..,.....c__. . � = � _, �� ,^.,:. =a>:...e ?J�_�i �..�.' i�:.= � <i� ?'. loC<,� R�>35'.� ,,:.ro cor�=_z FA2_'.v [t�`r.R r.:�.5_':. JO�?:+ �.t SJ COLO':.:•� �.o�•,>so� e�s•� cxro a. oee�s,�.. ,cr•. c ie: � 5;_�:=_� a. s,•: [.:rd� Su pJ>'. 32�a� 2.:.•.�.`- ., R°'_:C.�J "cC�""" S•==>=>.. � �<=�: , .:>.,_�<ss>��o=� n�:=.�:.. � c-.xcc:o �;.. _ _° -- ,-e=.=_>, a,. <o: .__...<�_= ._ �' �,', : _;'__=_-� :.e.> e �� �=._s � . :p��. a _v Lc G �v::i� ._, __- C `_° v ` . `. � _o s::��- ,.. .. ,. e= m:^, _..�_ , r.:r.r.=;� .�. 5"-, = 0:2 '_13 0 •• PAP,S(NEN KAPLAN LEVY ROSBERG & GOTLIEB P. A. c"are.s a•:C. Febniary 12, 1999 Linda 7ungwirth, Cliair Tri Area BIock Chib 1111 Abell Street St. Paul, MN 55117 RE: Trittium Site Development Dear Ms. Junawirth: _ • John S. De Lano� (612) 342-0367 jdelanoy�pbkLcum 0 As counse] for and on behalf of Tilsner Carton Company ("TCC"} and Cayu�a Street, LLC ("CS, LLC"), we «roald lil:e to endorse the development of the parczt of land comcnonly known as the `�TCLIIIIIIII Site" as a Greenway/natural presen�e. As you I:now, the TCC and CS. LLC properties are located immediateiy to the tc�es: and south of the Trillium Site. The development of the TrilIium Site. Greenway/preserve would be beneficial not only to the nei;hborhood as a who. Uut would also be compatible with our current faciIities. As such, we �vould loo� very favorably i�pon any such development. ShouId you require additionaI infonnation or assistance in this tuatter, ptease do no: hesitate to contact us. Very tnily yours, ..� � - JqZn S. De Lanoy � 7$D:tb cc: Joe1 S. Tilsner David A. Gotlieb, Esq. � �'d� c�-� s5 � February 9, 1999 Linda 7un�tivir[h, Chair Tri Area Block Club 1111 Abell St. St. Paul, M\ 55117 tiVe, members of the Conservation Committee of the St. Paul Audubon Society, reviewed your letter dated February 5, 1999 which talks about the future use of the Trillium Site located at the south west corner of I 35E and Maryland Ave. We support the concept of restoring the area to its natural settin� and possibly creatmg an environmental learning preserve similaz to the North St. Paul Ecology Center currently under development. Preservin� this area is especially ideal with its close vicinity to the Munger/Gateway Trail. tVe encoura�e you to continue to advocate for the restoration of the Triliium Site. Let me kno�v if we can be of further help. • � Sincerely, n , � - ` � � (��\�Y�LAi �i� St. Paul Audubon Society 30 East lOth Stree� St. Paul h1N 5�101-226� John A. Bauhs, Conservation Comrnittee Cha� a� co. �,e,.�� co«�i, ���:a v Lcno?at Cornu:i;7Coc.ci( � D.�xK; Sicn Ce:H %u Grt Lue Oi�r'c i Conr�W iqCn::.cl D�s:::c?Corm�ni.yCcwsil , o:�: r, a eu. ��ca.Kat a� se� �:�a�e�«a - Or.elcpenenlCor.{nny . r�:aYZ�e;.zyco,�;�: F:; urdkaCcr,.rcr:ry Cm.r.c� ltxEag•.o .YanGrc Qr.rur.in� Ca rcit n�cr,'a:er-Gat�ar.d Cor..^u^c!Cac:s�i � sY�-.^ z;,rx ccnru.::, ccu ct .cc. as:.et;�'a:iccc; C°,eE�cr..er..Co. � Pl;'t�Pha!fn �i56iC i P:a^nng Ca.n6I $: r.f.cg.F:anir..e "Ccmnc.^.iq Ccok:l ' S:.,t:sa: ?a•': Cesr..w:;; Ccs:.. �,,_>:: H�ii.V;cc�Eo, $�,.-C�iFCr.i:�58'( �he.: ibtr.35�D1!t Q�s��c 7 P:,r.nla3Cccrc P:�; ;i:.Fu: Rc:a ia; P.es: Stc Gr.:zr.s 0•yizKia;. : ±\,o E-:'.o,>. _..�• . I'f �� � h4a:ch3, 1999� i,inda Jungwinh Tri Area $loci: Club 1111 Abell Street. Saint Paut, IvIN 5�117 Dear Linda; The Saint Paul Nei�hborhood Energy Corisortium (\`EC} supports tfie nominatior. of the "Trillium" site for b4etro Greem�'ays Si'te Protection. The site i§ one of only a fe�v natural areas �vithin the city of Sainc Pau1. « its proxiinity to a resideniial area, the Mzinoer Trail and the Trout Brook Trail, the "Trillium" sit an important locale for rzcreation and education opporuntties «_ithin anu*ba� SettinL. , � � - . The NEC is a coalition of community or�anizations ser�'in� Saint Pzul area residents and businesses. Its.purpose is to pro�'ide information, ser�ices and pro=rams that contribu�e to an environmentall}' responsio!e conummit}'. Pleasz calt me at 6� 1-221-4462 if y�ou haz�e questions. S;ncerelv, ) � / ��C/ e,fl�.�L ���^`� � Sheliey Shreffler � \aturat Resources Pro= �m Mana�er C J J Saint Paul I`Ieighborhood En.ergy Consortiur 475 I`lorth Cleveland Avenue, =`100 • Saint Paul, MI`I 55104 • 651 j644-5436 . co-755 � � ::� JAVICE RETihiA\ Coun�y Conm¢sior.cr Datricc 3 RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIO�E� March 4, 1999 Al/en Garber, Commissioner Minnesofa Departmenf of Natural Resources 500 Lafayette Road, 6` Floor St. Paul, Minnesota 559b5 Dear Commissioner Garber.• ! have been serving as Ramsey County Commissioner or Cify Councilmember for the North End area of St. Pau( for the pasf 93 years. � 1 am aware of the concerns and needs of the communify near fhe Trillium property and support the etforts to preserve tnis site. The projecf would have a positive impact by enhancing the Munger Trail, providing green space, and creating an environmenfal learning experience for area chiidren. if you would like addifiona( information, please feel free to confact me. Janice Rettman Ramsey County Commrssioner District 3 � C[TI" HALL'COL'RT NOL'SE SOITE?30 SAIXT PAliL. �tl\'\ESOTA »103 �!mn?sota's Firs' Home Rule Counh� , r:a:o-•:c�r,c:a.a "ti_ • �� � . .. _ • January 28. 2000 Upper On behalF of i�e Upper Swede Hollow Nelphborhoods Associafion (USNNA), t w Qs�d� ��The express our suppo�i of the Saint Paul Trout BrooklLower Phaien GreanwaY ProP �'We�e apPiication by SaintPaul Departrnentof Planning and Economic Developmentis compiementary to the grant USHNA received for the Lower Phalen Creek Pmject H O1.lOW � USHNA looks fonxard to the oppo�tunities the project wiil offer to iudher sb'engthen ihe tj ]� partnership among commundy organ�zations, city government, and state agencies t� 312�OT�OOI.ts ! demonsttate that the natural environment and city neighbahoods can suppat ane � b , another. Associatian � LdS: �2�1'R S�I2°i i Sai, � P>_�s , 4S` ��i0o i �-,�:: L��H�a �. r u �d �;�..��:-.�:5 � P:oreo�.711.265g � �aY CJ'.IT n['r: � We encourage you m suppatthe ProPasai a�d Promote guality of life in vrban neighbofioods. Sin ly, Carol Carey, Executive Direttar LJ Z� � 55 • January 27, 2000 To Whom It May Concern: The Tri Area Block Ciub supports the City of St. Paul's application tos a planning grant. This is consistent with plans to preserve the °Trifiivm" Site and estabiish a Greenway along the Trout Srook Corridor. Tri Area submitted a nomination for site protection to Metro Greenways by the January 1, 2000 deadline. This is one of the last remaining privately hetd segments and is under imminent threat of development. The value of this site is as a connection to nearby recreational trails and a migratory link to the Mississippi River. {t is the goa! of those involved to transform this vision into an asset benefitting everyone. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, � � �� , � f��. Linda Jungwirth, Chair Tri Area Biock Ciub � 1 i 11 Abel! Street St. Paui, MN 55117 � �! / � ,;�u r — . .:4�� "� . f �,d _. t__. -. Gmm 16"'1 Be�xhwood Ave. Sc. Peul, biN 55116 651-698-45�33 March 24; 1999 wx,v. fn en dsoP�hepaA�org COPY _ • Presidzr.t A1 Singer Perry R. Bolin Metro Greenways Vice Przsidents Department of Natural Resources � Izanne Weigum t?(1!J � g0'� Ta�u`r 3t. Paul, IvIN 55106 Incnc� R. Brichtr Directors � Craig Andresen RE: Grant for acquisirion of the Tiiliium Site. Liz Mdeson Ann Cieslalc Deaz Al , Dan ColIins � Thomas T. Dwight An a hcation for a t was made to Metro Greenwa s to ac ll1IC ro e west of I Nz�1 Franey PP � 8ran Y �l P P nY �+ii!iam Fc�.n.k south of Maryland Ave., east of Agate Streec, and north of Cayuga Ave. This propery is Et��n� Johnson known as the Trillium Site. b;_�yn Lundberg Robzct Netheccuc �ple B oard of the Friends o£ the Pazks and Trails of St Paul and Ramsey County he� st�x bi. Notan resentation b Linda 7unawitth, Chair of the Tri Area B!ock Club conceminQ this s: Saacc o(son P Y Sco:c Ramsay our board meeting on Mareh 18. The propercy is now owned by a private eompany, ith : Pi<r.e Regnier pocenrial for industrial developmenc 1tTy sz�x bfarsha Soucheray �e Friends voted to support the acquisition of the site for pazks and open spaces, with t�� V ice Pmsident Emeritus Sanue! H. biorgan determinadon of the use of the site to be deterrruned at a 12ter date. D'seaor Emeritus D-�:�t Lsty We suppon the grant appHcation co the Meuo Greenways Proa am for the Triitium Si.e. Trcnan W. Porcer Ez o�u�ro Sineerely, Dcnnis Asmussen � Tnomss Eggum � , •;.�c G��s � ,'��� �� Pa•3l L. Kirkwo[d G::g �fack peggy Lynch Vic Wittgenstein =_ze:.u:i�z Diree[o; r..d Sac:ecary peggy Lyneh ' 1 L J ... • x^ €' ao-? 55 � North End Area Revi�alizati=. 1061 Rice Street • St. Paul, hSinnesct2 5= (612i �aS- Fax (0121 =3S-; 1 March 1999 Linda June��'irtL ` Tri .Srea Block Club I 111 Abell Street St Paul, Ivt� 5�117 De2r Linda: � On behalf of the Board of Directors of North End Area Revitalization (I�IEAR), I want to express our support for your work in developin� sn environmzntal learning preserve in conjunction with the ��un�edGate«•ay Recreational Trail. This project «'ould be a valuable asset to the North End communit} �vhich covld be used ov both businesses and residents. Thank you for your ���ork in mo�in� this project fonvard. If «�e can bz of assistance in the future as your �vork advances, please let me know. Sinczrely, � �'._"�. � 1 , \/ _ � ; ��,v '- L C C (.` i � �, � Dawn Stoc4:mo E�ecutive Director �m Dz t:onLr.S :et :1'orcc Er.: Comr,:e.^.:^. �tihii�� i� � : � 'S� - ° i.:_.....: �' / ��i�-� �tI\�ESOT:�`P:�f:I�S �C TR:�tI,S COL ` ?(, Ei.nt E�ch:mgt S,_ � "" S(. Paul. \IiNtc,ota i� t rbill_'.ti(-0_08 • 1-�tiqrJ.•-' Fa.r r�,; t � . __'--..- _----_—:______--_____�--___—'_--------. f=nt�ti(_<d'lr7(e?�� " r.�t:ct�t�i�rco.�r.�irrrrr_ Ti: :;a. T. D���i��ht. �hui+' f�.i_..:i� C. �1'in> PI"('�flfCRf 1, :-�� L� i nan. J r.. 1'ic'c !'re sidc•nt \I.''. S[rnbcl, I�irC l'�•CSi�lCrtt .l C_ a.i� 1 I'rirU:�rd. Trcus�u \L :': Elugunin. Srcrrt<u_r �f.•::� Clarl.c ' (�: :::t 3larrit[ :\:..n Ru�clson. Jr. ylI,�ORAIZ S" DlRECTORS t-:., cr L. �\ndzrscn K, •:in t3i:hup \t:!iiam Firchncr �:!:�.�n�a, �t:�rst,:�tt S,:nuaf H. �lorean �(... Titomas C. fBett� l Sacagc Hrnr� Sutn.en AI R1iC7'ORS I�_I Cii�rknz:, K. (iLtCk��'cll B�`.t Br�,on [;.;�cr� Dunn . I.::n� Edd� � ��c:n Farroit T_«� Fiero .._.: Fii�; (:, :��rt FIoICCR i:.�Gr:n E'...:i H;irsc.hciri�cr I ): •. nl FLer[�«II '.Li.:in f:ellu_g ti�,.� i:ir�hn�r �,;.,.� [.�nrh [ crr. \(.G:m�ha� i:�:ii;tr�t \iciu � ::c�_ \lurra� . ,�.i \:I.un :-,.! ��. \ol[aR � . .:11'i� n��t�il . _ . � (1 i.Ul1 �'.... �iU.� . :: i. �• �� i1J� i�i 1 . , r Sf�cr�� u,�.t . �:�.:: : S!;;.il�, -. �,i�;.,_�. �..,,�,, � . . ..._: 't,_;�i_ l. \ CC'1'7'1l "!i Ulli 1?C7'OR ... �, G: ili.� : .. ..,.,,.."� .._,�._.. ; . , ta:�_ �� February 12. 19?9 To �Vhor,i It P�Iay Ccnccm: The blinnesotz ?arks sd Traits Counci: a-uppors the efiort te prescrve thc Trillium site. T'he r.cot;mity of this pro�Y.�+ to the A4un;er,`Gatcn•a}� Ttai1 would �11ow for ea+.snce�en. o; th� tr::i! snd � an assa �e me nei=hbor:i; .L'itTl:li'.+T1ii�. 5�ncercly, Uorian Gril;ey � Execuu� Directer nlinnesotz Par.l•s ar;d Tr�ils Councit A � \ J oo-� 55 � Septembcr 9,1999 Dear City of St. Paui Plaaaing Commiss��n and City Council pn bchalf of New H�ony Case Center, I would like to express that we are greatty ia favor of the development proposal foz a nature resu've, which would be within e9sy acc�s for our be"igbbo: fiood, not to mention the patients and residentv of New garmuny, 'I'his concept would not oalp cnhance the neig�xborhood zres from a landscape stsudpoint, but would cnable many local FoLks to enjoy aa eavironment of reczrzrion, leamiae, znd relaxation that is otheawisc very limited in tuis pz-t t fwn. This endeavo: Would not only benefit the inmedia�e communihes bu w'ould be an idca groject w involvc several non-profrt agencies tha*. choose to focvs'�heu resources on n3tuzc and par}c developmcnt A prairie meadow with a waL�ing p� > for example � t ,,. o �Q ��� { this par�cuL3r azea, not to mention tbe scores of other aearive optinnc tha*. cauld be sponsored for tr.� zcscrve. Most importantly, a res�`e v,vi:ld do great things in tnc zrea of balancing thc wmm�cial businesscs and industiz zcaviau with our neighbo:hood. I und:rs�ad tk�at tha property in quesrion is sonewhat of a marsi�, ��s y preserve is somcthin> ti�t wouldbcst be suited long ter,n- This proposod ptroject would be s very noticcable laudmzrk, primariiY due to iu loeation, beia; nearthe hi�hway, major wd res�dential streets. On the othcr side of thc coin, wt x•ould not be suppo:tive of addinor2'• ��n��'�8. consL'uction, or bus�ncsses th� would produce hcavy truck ��nc, iarn'—ssizl reIazed , • t :...:.:,. roise, and 5�.isUsmokc e�usnons. i: is my opinion flut innw�ia:�i:on�,==�=u ��..�...=��z> do fit into com.mLnities; wiv,in moderatioa My point is that o�* r�gh5orhood is max� out , and �•ould geatly R'e:comc a pr�'c, aad wouid treat it as a pn�'ilegc. I thz_nk you for takin� thc ^-=z to co:�sider this lettrs oi apinion. Ncu' Ii2.�ony Caze Cente: is e non —profit subulrte�rehab and nv*rsing homc sen-in3 th= local community, cJinics and z�ca hospitzl;. Sincs��y, Treaton C�*l;o.^. � G �." !;S i.:�: ��:;. ...�n•�.�.�c; 1':.:�: A'.A� SSll�SO�)�• u'.3':titi-GG�ti :1 juint mini�U_r uf 7�i+in Ci�s C!u'ictian F/nutcs �i F.lim C1:rr North End Business A.ssociation, Inc Post OfFice Bos 17014 5�=-�--� 3 Saint Paul, b(irmeso� i E To: State of YIinnesota The Department of 1V'aturai Resources To �Vhom It May Concern: The iVorth End Business Association esists to promote, support and mainYain the integrity of the Norfh End Business Communit�•, financially contribute to deservina neiahborhood service organizations, activities and events, lobby for legislation beneficial to the local community and assist in neighborhood communit}• efforts to improve its homes, streets, schools and transportation facilities. The �iorth End Business Association supports the concept of a Greentivay/environmental learning presen'e at the Triflium site. Such a � decelopment would be an assef to the North End communih�, enhance the adjacent Nlunger Trail, and benefit the } attendina our schools. This project �could ha�•e a positice influence on the direction and goaIs of the community. `Ve encouraae your selection of this site. Sincerelr, � � �� i Bruce A. son President cc Linda 3una virth • �� !Ll!�i . �5:.1 ��� 1 �l�L�L;! . < < ` � � �, � � y ' 1 �1�;, .. ,, , ��% ;� ,� � , �, i r./ .. "'�+-:�� �',` Iut c:�� �•. - .f - �-�-:,:..-- 0�=1�_' :=:I ; z= .,�........ . 's. a �;n�.�!.....,a �� . ,;. ?�,b =<: \-� ��_�� -�, o., . ;; , �.� �=- ,..\ t- �.;�; , s `y! . � /�-.� �,.---: tl:=�- _ <uuuuLU�u �ti C�CI! i��l� C��L1 �D��i���U�(� :.����L1��D�C �000cor�o�❑ ❑�ULJ,!JrJUC!O❑ � � � �.,`l.� J'� �''� � y ' �'�R2� � - I 'i/,L � u �-.V i�:.a J � 'n���C=�. � � �=� �.� u G� � ��OLI; . ���c r. ��I i �ao �I._;�� � `� ` � �' 1 � � �ESTE M �r, �_:..��- .sl ���� �� ���a'��:n � 3 �:: . � � uoa�oc a � )���acoo�_o - J� I �--- ��:u`u� ¢C � ���_``�� � - - °C;OC,O�O= `G t J�r'`°�� � =r:-°r�C;� '[�O❑ �"_]0�"J�:� g`��IC_1`U� :�°L"��(� �i-L;;�LJ � _ ,�.....���e=f���C!��l""`_e�;� ^; r -�-- � atJt r =L r l LJ LJ LI L:�"� L� � LL'L'� (�m=�U �'; � � "l� Ct��`; u LJU L � .J L: - __' _ _ - ���� - r.7,� � � o a - S'ack,san �. ;� ; �L�—�I `; � C:� , .:�r"� i; r� � `u/ , � _. .>':. � I _; ,-- ,'` -'--.: =., - ..,.,,. -_ -�,�--` �- _ _: L..,_=._ „_. : � , � _ �: -� ��� 35-E �-.. �=� ._`;.I(: i,t ='�C� ������su�:—�=��: ���JL�_ �` wFSiMiNSTFR r Si� / r nn5ifq C�C� • 9 � C � : �� � LJ L~� e \ i `4- � `� t �= ^��'�_,�_ '/ \ I �� �z ��o aL�� j��r���� >_ -� :[�[_� '` � I �-- _ ^<;� �� � C-7 U� J u O L��L.-- r"�CI(���iv �• CI�C°�=00 � � `� _ ��; �I� __ ^�°-�Lra� �' ,....� r� r-i rt �':� � O �" f ro i �l i I. 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V �" C> � V �p N W w U LL V � � LL V �� LL _ V L � n a r- U � " ., � �, _ _ � $q" $ � '�'� i LI-�_ :�, .M - I p ir � . y i ;_ , % V ... ,. � i` I $ $ :�': �� Y��=' � �: { � al �I • � 1 �11 � i J � I U f �I . � Y :�i �,::,:.. � ' i��� a;C; � �� - i 1 - ' � i $ $ ' '�%U Oi ' � 1 z vl_' "�` V :;j'c j ;� ;r: �'f�i.a.,_ ` r:- � � y - i f � � ';...W.. , �� (� ;'_'',� _."— � I >I �F:r+_�C LJ�`a' 1 I .' L � V �� � � � � . � �� .� T 1 ' I � ;... u� �'� �5 ��b�s� ���.� ,� � ��� , ._.,, , � 1; _� ,. oa �� JANICE RETTMAN Couuty Commissio¢er Distria 3 RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS June 28,2000 Saint Paul City Council President Dan Bostrom and Members of the Saint Paul City Council City/County Courthouse 3` Floor Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear President Bostrom and Members of the Saint Paul City Council: On your City Council agenda this aftemoon, you have an appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of the petitioner's site plan for the Trillium site. I thought it would be appropriate if I shared with you two key points to assist in your deliberations. Although the Capitol Region Watershed has been in existence less than 2 years, they have been most active in creating the Draft Watershed Management Plan for the next five years. As part of that plan, they are currently in contact with both the Metropolitan Council and the City of Saint Paul regarding the main interceptor called the "Trout Brook Interceptor". For years the ownership and the responsibility of the Trout Brook Interceptor has been the focus of many discussions by the Administration and the Saint Paul City Council. With the creation of the new Watershed District, the talks have begun anew. The site you are discussing is in and adjacent too and part of the Trout Brook Interceptor area. It is a vital part of the wetlands, storm retention, and environmental aspects of the Trout Brook Interceptor and provides an opportunity for an environmental ecosystem, which also provides educational components for the area. This area is critical for the interceptor discussions. Secondly, Representative Tom Osthoff was able to secure $900,000 from the Legislature for the aforementioned purposes as they pertain to the wetlands, storm retention, and environmental aspects---notxhe ownership per se of the Trout Brook. The dollars are for commencing the acquisition of the abandoned rail property as well as the adjacent area—i.e. the Trillium site. There is currently part of the Munger/Gateway Trail adjacent to the area you are discussing which will eventually connect the north and south to downtown Saint CITY HALL� COURT HOUSE SUITE 220 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/266-8360 Minnesota's First Home Rule County printed on recycied paper ofl-�55 Paul. The District 6 Planning Council and the North End Business Association joined with the Block Club in their attempts to return this property to a wetlands preserve. The Block Club has worked on this project for almost five years and is also working with the DNR and the U of MN greenway peopfe. As the Ramsey County Board of Commissioner's representative to the Capitol Region Watershed District and as the County Commissioner serving this area, t believe the appeat should be denied as recommended by the Zoning Committee, Planning Commission, and staff. Sincerely, J�fiice Rettman Ramsey County Commissioner District 3 Council File # �p �. h 55 OR�GINAL Presented By Refened To Gzeen Sheet# 106056 14 Committee: Date 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHEREAS, Ellis Gottlieb, on behalf ofNationwide Group, made application pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 62.108 in Zoning File No. 99-247 for review of a site plan for the purpose of constructing a mini-storage facility on property located east of Case between Agate and I-35E and legally described as shown in the records maintained in the Zoning Administtator's office; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission [the Commission] conducted a pubiic hearing on the application on May 4, 2000, after having given notice to interested persons. The Zoning Committee heard testimony, closed the public hearing and laid the matter over to May 18, 2000, so that staff could provide additional information conceming a past application for the subject site. After having received the information from staff on May 18, 2000, the Zoning Committee recommended that the site plan be denied and forwarded this recommendation to the Saint Paul Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, on May 26, 2000, the Saint Paul Planning Commission received the report and recommendation of the zoning committee and, after considering afl the records, recommendations and discussions contained in the file, moved that the site ptan for the construction of the mini-storage facility be denied for the following reasons as set forth in its Resolution No. 99-247: The site plan is not consistent with City's adopted comprehensive plan. The Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan states that "the City supports the green corridors project of the state DNR, which plans to fund the restoration and protection of land with native habitats and to connect them with parks and trails. In Saint Paul, the river valley and the Trout Brook Reach are parts of the DNR plan. (Page 8) This site is located in the Trout Brook Reach. The proposed facility would extend across almost the entire width of the property leaving only a narrow corridor undeveloped between the facility and the railroad track to the east. This is not consistent with restoring this land as called for in the comprehensive Plan. 2. The site plan is not consistent with the preservation of environmentally sensitive areas. The site has been degraded by years of use by the railroad. However, it is geologically part of an ancient river bed and part of the Trout Brook Reach that the DNR has said should be restored. The state has authorized $900,000 for the City to purchase this land so it can be RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA oo-�ss 2 restored as a nature preserve and the City is looking for additional funding. The 3 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has authorized $20,000, which will 4 be matched by the City, for a study of how the site can be developed as green 5 space. 7 3. The site plan is consistent with the protection of the existing neighboring 8 properties. However, it would have a substantial effect on future use of 9 the site as part of a Greenway and wildlife habitat. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 4. The arrangement of buildings, uses and facilities of the proposed development will unreasonably affect abutting properiy andlor its occupants. The site is arranged so that the buildings and paved areas extend across almost the entire width of the sate. In addition, the site is located adjacent to a pond. Both of these features would have a negative effect on future development of the azea as a Greenway and wildlife habitat. 5. The site plan is not consistent with the satisfactory capacity of storm sewers, including solutions to any drainage problems in the area of the development. The large pond immediately south of the site is used by Public Works for storing storm water during heavy rain storms. This pond must be moved in a few yeazs due to the pianned construction of a new interchange for I-35E. The exact location and configuration of the pond cannot be determined until the interchange is designed but one scenario would shift the pond to the north where the mini-storage is proposed. 6. The site plan does not provide sufficient landscaping to screen and buffer the site if a Greenway corridor is developed adjacent to it as cailed far in the comprehensive plan. The plan calls for little or no landscaping on the north and south sides and shows just 8 feet for landscaping on these sides between the properry and the fence where landscaping could be added. On the east side of the site, most of the available land cannot be used for planring or screening because it is either in a public sewer easement or needed for a private storm water pond for this project. This would leave a limited strip of land on the east side of the site for landscaping which is not sufficient to screen the facility. 39 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saant Paul Legislative Code § 64.206, 40 Nationwide Group duly filed an appeal from the May 26, 2000 decSsions of the Commission and 41 requested a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council for the purpose of cansidering the actions 42 taken by the said commission; and 43 44 45 46 47 48 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.206 through §64.208, and upon notice to affected parties, the Saint Paul City Council on June 28, 2000, duly conducted a public hearing on the appeal where all interested par[ies were given an opportunity to be heard; and 49 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, having heard the statements made and 50 having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the 51 Saint Paul Planning Commission, does hereby RESOLVE, to affirm the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission in this matter. 6 0 �� SS There has been no showing that the Planning Coxnmission committed an error as to fact, finding or procedure; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul adopts as its own the findings and conditions in this matter as set forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 00-34; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul derues in all things the application of Nationwide Group; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of tlus resolution to Nationwide Group, the Zoning Administrator and the Saint Paul Planning Commission. oR����A� Requested by Department of: By: Foxm App d by City Attorney By: if�� GJL�an.w�� T! / YnJ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: Approved by 1 or: e' ' —f�'� By: �--�--� Adopted by Council: Date _��i�,., _,�'�_C���f7� %� Adoption Certified by Council Sc�etary oc-�ss Peter Wamer 266-8710 f BE OtJ COUNCiL AG@J�A BY @4T� August 23, 20Q0 - Consent RWTY16 ORDER TOTAL # OF SICaNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oE..a,+�r owee.we No106056 ❑ CRYAiiOqEY � p1YMIK ❑ nu��auxcuon ❑ w�we�uuavi�tro ❑1MYO11(q[AiiifAl/1) ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution memorialazing City Council action taken June 28, 2000, denying the appeal by Nationwide Group from a decision of the Planning Commission denying site plan approval for property located east of Case Avenue beriveen Agate Street and I-35E. PUINNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION S SOURCE Hae thie peisoNrrm eHe.wuriced unae. a c«rtract Rx uits aepartment7 VES NO F�s tliis PrsaJfirm ever baen a cqy emdoYee7 YES N� Dpes Mis peBONfifm po�eas a sla7i nM no/maliypossessed by anY n+�M city empbyee9 VES NO la Mie peraoNfiim a tarYetetl ventbrt YES NO CO3T/itEVENUB BUDQETED (GRCLE ON� ACTN�TY NUMBER YES NO INFORAl4TION (IXPWln OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M Robiruon, Jr., City Attorney ad -�st� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor HAND DELZVERED August 14, 2000 c�vtt Drvrsron 400 City Hal! IS West Kellogg Blvd. S¢int Paul, MinneSOta 55102 Telephone: 657 266-8710 Focsimile: 651298-5679 �'iOURC(� �P39°u'�C�fi .�'i�.r AUG 15 2440 Nancy Anderson Council Secretary Room 310 City Hall RE: Resolution memorializing City Council acrion denyingthe appeal by Narionwide Group from a decision of the Pianning Commission denying site plan approval for property located east of Case between Agate and I-35E. Dear Nancy: Attached please find a signed resolution memorializing the decision of the city council to denying the appeal by Nationwide Group from a decision of the Planning Commission denying site plan approval for a mini-storage facility on property located east of Case between Agate and I-35E. If you have any questions, do nat hesitate to wntact me„ Sincerely, �.� v�� Peter W. Warner attachment DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT $nan Sweeney, Dnec(or CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DATE: 6/22/00 25 WestFounh Street SamtPau[,14N SSIO2 T0: Council President Bostrom and Member of the City Council FROM: Lazry Soderhokfi�ED, Plaiming Aduiiuistrator ��� �J Telephone: 651-26G 6655 Facs:mile: 651-228-33I4 ItE: TROUT BROOK GREENWAY PLANNING: Relationship to the zoning appeal by Nationwide Group and REF LLC of Planning Commission denial of mini-storage site plan at "Trillium siYe" (east of 35-E between Cayuga and NTaryland) Public hearing on Councfl agenda for 6/28/00. The Plam�iiig Commission denied the site plan for the proposed mini-storage facility primarily because the Comprehensive Plan says that a greenway should run through or along this site and should provide a natural habitat corridor from the river up into the North End. The site plan as proposed does not accommodate space for the greenway corridor. The purpose of this memo is to update you on what work is being done to implement the green comdor. The Green Corridor Concept The green corridor concept derives from the convergence of work by neighborhood leaders concemed about environmental quality and by river planners who explained how the topography of the city connects most Samt Paul neighborhoods to the river. In 1997 a DNR task force put out a report called Metro Greenprint: Planning for Nature in the Face of Urban Growth. Although most of the opporluniries for greenway preservation shown in the report aze on the suburban fringe, the Phalen Creek/Swede Hollow and Trout Bxook corridors aze shown in Saint Paul, plus, of course, the river valley. Based on this inventory work by DNR and the detennination by the Port Authority that the "Trillium site" was a poor candidate for industrial redevelopment, the green corridor was put into the Land Use Plan as part of the new Comprehensive Plan, which the City Council approved in Mazch 1999. The proposed green corridor is priuiarily for the benefit of wild plants and critters and is also an urban amenity. Much of it would be along railroad rightswf-way and would not have recreational trails, but trails would cross through the three lazger public parcels along the green corridor. The attached map shows the proposal. Previous City Council Approvals for the Lower Phalen Creek/Trout Brook Concept K\Slured\SODERHOUZONING\TroutBrookGreenwayspr.mem 1 Oo-�ss Before the proposal for the green corridor evolved, the City Council denied several previous wning applications between Cayuga and Marylaad, including the Trillium proposal, the Comfort Bus yazd, and Clean Soils. Given the poor soil conditions and the difficult access to the azea, the Council approved the Land Use Plan for a green corridor. "I'he Councd has also approved PED's applicarion for a DNR planuing grant and supported neighborhood applications for DNR acquisition funding for the Lower Phalen Creek site and the Trillium site. The Council designated the Trust for Public Land to help the City with the acquisition of the Lower Phalen Creek site. Current Steps Toward Implementation of the Greenway The City has partial funding (hundreds of thousands of dollars) comsnitted for both the Lower Phalen Creek site and the Trillium site. The City received the $20,000 plauning grant for the green corridor, which will be matched by City staff time. We have signed a contiact with the DNR and we aze begimiing to select a consultant to do the plan. Prelimn�ary site development plans have been done by staff and students at the University of Minnesota. Pazks and Recreation, the Upper Swede Hollow Association, and a consultant are working on the Lower Phalen Creek site. The Mayor's Office and the Real Estate Division aze working on funding, appraisals, and the acquisition process for both sites. cc: Susan Kimberly Tom Harren Bill Huepenbecker Tom Beach Nancy Anderson K:\SUazedVSODERHOL�ZONING\TroutBiookCneznwayspr.mem CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Nana Coteman, Mayor 7une 14, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 Ciry Ha11 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: OFFICE OF LICENSE, IlVSPECTIONS AND �_� � ENVIl20NMENTAL PROTECTION Ra6ert KeSSZer, Director � � BUIIJ)INGZNSPECI70NAND Teiephone:612-266-4Q01 DESIGN FacsimiZe: 672-2669099 350 St Peter 5lreet Suite 370 Sauet Pau1, Mrnnesota SSIO2-Z5Z0 ��9�� C� ;,; � � ���� I would like to confum that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, 7une 28, 2000 for the following zoning case: Appellants: Nationwide Group and REF LLC File Number: 99-247 Purpose: Location: Appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to deny a site plan for a mini- storage facility. Former railroad property between Agate and 35E and between Case and Sims I have confirmed this date with the o�ce of Councilmember Reiter. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda of the City Council at your earliest convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Piease cali me at 651-266-9086 if you have any questions. Sinc F � i �� Tom Beach Zoning Section cc: Jan Keran • EYRS7' RUN i , � AiOTICE OF PUBLIC �+'aR*�G ,. The Saint Pavl City �ouncil will con- duct a public heaiing on Wednesday, June 2S. 2000, 'at 5:30 p.m, in the City Councii` Chambers, Third Floor GYty Hall, 15 West Ke7logg Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN, to �con= sider the appeals of Nationwide Group and REF.LI,C to a-decision of the Plazxning Commission d'enying a site plan for a mfni- stnrage facility on the former railroadprop- erty�between Agate Street and 35E and between Case and Sims Avenues. .� Dated: June 15, 2000 NANGY AssisJant Ciry Councll Secretary - - - tJune T9),,:, � _-�-�-= S1: PAiiL LSGAL IEDGBR �--�--�_ 02008498 Council Appeal From: Tom Beach To: Erickson, Mary; Keran, Janice Date: 6/12/00 8:41AM Subjeet: City Council Appeal Mary, we talked about scheduling a public hearing for June 28 for the following case: Appeal by Nationwide Group and REF LLC of the Planning Commission's decision to deny a site plan for a proposed mini-storage located on former railroad property between Jackson and 35E and south of Maryland. (Site plan file #99-247) Jan, Can you confirm ff this date is OK with Councilmember Reitef? OFFSCE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND � J'S5 ENVIItONMENTAL PROTECTION Robert Kusler, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor LOWRY PROFESS70NAL Bl7ILDING Suire 300 350 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, Mvuusota 55102-ISIO Zelephone: 672-2669090 F¢csimile: 672-266-9099 612-266-9I24 June20,2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Seeretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Appeal of the Plaaning Commission's decision to deny the site plan for a proposed mini- stoxage on former railroad property between Agate and 35 E and between Case and Sims Public hearing at City Council scheduled for Wednesday, 3une 28, 2000 Deaz Ms. Anderson: TI� PLP,NNING COMNIISSION DEl�TIED THE SITE PLAN On May 2b the Planning Commission denied the site plan for a mini-storage on a vote of 14 to 1. The • site plan submitted by Nationwide Group calls for three buildinas with 98,000 square feet of storage space plus an office. The property is zoned I-2 (Industrial). The applicant anticipates there will be approximately 75 vehicles per day goina to the ministorage when the project is completed. The site covers approximately 4 acres on the south end of a lazger parcel that was once raikoad property. The railroad filled the site yeazs ago but before that it was geologically part of an ancient river bed and a stream ran through the site. The stream bed is part of what is know as the Trout Brook Reach. The DNR has idenrified the Trout Brook Reach as an area for restoration as part of a metro-wide greenway and open sgace system. The City received a matching gant of $20,000 from the State for planning for restoration of the site. Last year the State authorized $900,000 for the City to use to�vard acquiring the mini-storage site and the rest of the larger 38 acre property. However, the property owner (REF LLC) believes that the property is worth considerably more than $900,�Q� and so no agreement has been reached on a sale of the property. THE PLANJNG CONIlI�IISSION �Oi3ND TfiAT THE PLAN IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Planning Commission found that the site plan for a ministorage at this location woutd not be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Land Use section of the Comprehensive Plan states that "the City supports the green corridors project of the state DNR, which plans to fund the restoration and protection of land with native habitau and to connect them with pazks and trails. In Saint Paul, the river valley and the Trout Brook Reach aze parts of the DNR plan." This site is located in the Trout Btook Keach and the proposed facility would extend across almost the entire width of the progerty leaving only a narrow corridor undeveloped between the facility and the raikoad track to the east. � City staff and the District 6 Planning Council zecommended denial of the site plan. At the public heazing Nationwide and the properry owner spoke in support of the project. Two people � spoke in opposition. Seventeen letters were received in expressing either opposirion to tke project or support ofthis azea being restored as part of a tazger a eenway project. APPEALS HAVE BEEN FILED BY THE MIlVISTORAGE COMPANY (NATIONWIDE) AND THE PROPERTY OR'NER (REF LLC) The appeals state that a miuistotage is a permitted use under the properry's Indush zoning and that site ptan meets aIl of the requirements of the zoning code. The appeaIs also state that the site plan is consistent with development of a geenway and that the seven findings for denial made by the Planning Commission are "based upon eshablishing an altemative public use or the pmperty." A PUBLIC $EARING ON THE APPEALS IS SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 28 Please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public heazing. Sincerely, �� Tom Beach Zoning Specialist AT°I'ACHD'�NTS page 1 Appeals from JLT Crroup and Hatnline Midway Coalition page 7 Planning Commission resolution denying the site plan page 8 Planning Commission and Zoning Committee minutes page 20 Staff report and recommendarions page 24 Land Use Chapter ofthe Comprehensive Plan page 27 City Council resolufion about planning for Trout Brook areenway page 34 Letters to the Planning Commission page 46 Location map and site plan u � ; APPLfCATfON FOR APPEAL tG, Department of Planning and Economfc Devetopment • � Zoning SeMion II00 Cir}• HalF Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 2b6-6589 APPELLANT PROPERTY LOCATION Name_ �oNwIDE c[Kxm Address 1724 Doualas Drive North City idPn vaii y St.�Zip 55 422 Daytime phonebl2-512-772� Zoning File Name ��7 N�NI S'1�ORAGE (99-247) AddresslLocation Foxt�x railroad property between Agate and 35E arad between Case and Sims TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeal to the: � Board of Zoning Appeals C� City Council � under the provisions of Chapter fi4, Section 2 � , Pasagraph 9 of the Zoning Code, to appeai a decision made by the Plannin� C1i[ani �SiOn on May 26. 2000 ,�. File number: 99-247 (date of decisionJ "� c`: -ZS'S -2 'z-�( 2. GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Expfain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusai made by an administrative o�cial, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Soard ot Zoning Appeats or the Pianning Commission. tia� a Mv «.i�. � Attach addrfiona/ fieet rf ApplicanYs signa e_ City agent f� �`�,�° � 6�lY��o / APPEAL OF NATIONR�IDE GROUP In support of its appeal to the St. Pavl Ciry Council from the decision made May 26, 2000 � by the St. Paul Planning Commission, Nationwide Group submits this statemen� REF LLC is the owner of properry located within the City of St. Paui generally lying west of Interstate 35, south of Maryland Streez and north of Sims Avenue. Nationwide has agreed to gurchase a poriion of the Property as a site for a mini storage facifity. The portion of the site for which zoning approvals were sought is bounded by Agate, 35E and Case and Sims. Nationwide has consulted e�rtensively with staff and revised its plans several times. The current application meets all technical requirements of the Zoning Code. Zoning Code Issaes Under the City's Zotting Code, site plan review is the applicable approvals process for consideration of the establishment of a mini-storage facility on this industrial property. In the site plan review process, staff has reviewed conformance with technical requirements. All requirements of the wning ordinance haue been met. After Applicant's submittal, it was ctiscovered that the City's Comprehensive Plan has a goal of supporting the Depariment of Nahual Resources Metro Greenways Program. Staff concluded that this provision sfiould control development of this industrial property. Cturenfly, the Metro Cneenways Project is merely a concept without specific definition. The concept is to establish open space uses in the vicinity of the properry. No specific plans have been developed. The Planning Conunission's denial is, however, based upon a conclusion that the provision in the City's Comprehensive Plan � supporting the Metro Greenways Program mandates that the subject property not be used for any use that is not part of the Crreenways project. When the applicarion was made awaze of the Greenways project they redesigned the project by adding landscaping, creating more green space and reducing the pmject size. Although s�ta£f and the Zoning Committee enumerated seven reasons for deuial, each of those seven reasons were based upon establishing an altemative public use for the properry. The propased development was characterized as incompatible with Greenways development because it cut off access to the pond to the south. This ignored the existence of an 80 to 100 foot undeveloped greenspace and wallcway proposed in the site plan. This was also inconsistent with the conclusion that the pond to the south was likely to need to be relocated to accommodate some future MnDOT construction. The project was criticized as not having sufficient landscaping, however the proposed project contains more landscaping than is required under the City's ordinances. Staff guidance on the level of acceptable landscaping was sought but not received. Failure to allow tUis development has created a hardslrip for the Applicant. AppIicant has been working on the project for over 2 years. The Applicant has redesigned this site plan a number of iimes in order to meet staff requests. Applicant has downsized the project by 25% to be more compatibie for possibie future uses. The Applicant has and continues to agree to revise the site plan to conform to City requirements, but they have not been specified. Applicant has offered to relocate on-site if the pond is an issue. Applicant will enhance landscaping, however, the city has not pmvided Applicant with any landscaping requirements. � 00•755 Relief Reauested • Applicant requests approval of its site plan as revised to include the 80-100 foot undeveloped greenspace as consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 0584814.01 • u 2. c ; APPLtCATION FOR APPEAL Depamnent of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section IZ00 Cit}� Hall Annez 25 li°est Founh Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 266-6589 APPEtLANT PROPERTY LOCATION ►Vame i� Li,C I Address 3066 Spruce Street I City st. Paul St. N&�T Zip 55117 Daytime Zoning Fi{e Name ACORN MIIQI STORAGE (99-247) Address/Location Forn�r rai.lra�d timpez between Aaate and 35E and between Case and Sims - L Z �E Z- ob2- ( 'tYPE OF APREAL: Apptication is fiereby made for an appeal to the: �: Board of Zoning Appeais f� City Council under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section 206 , Paragraph _� of the Zoning Code, to appeal a decision made by ths Pla�m;.� �m,;�s,an on Mav 26. 2000 ,�. Fiie number. 99-247 (date of decision) GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative official, or an eROr in fact, procedure or findirtg made by the 8oard of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission. � • w « ��s Attach additional sheet AppiicanYs for ApAlic�nt REE LL�C � • � 1 � Date City agent I - 611�j �8a cm-75S APPEAL OF REF LLC • In support of its appeal to the St. Paul City Council from the decision made May 26, 2000 by the St. Paul Planuing Commission, REF LLC submits this statement. REF LLC is the owner of properiy located within the City of St. Paul generally lying west of Interstate 35, south of Maryland Street and norfh of Sims Avenue. The portion of the site for which zoning approvals were derued by the Planuing Commission is a smaller portion of the REF LLC property bounded by Agate, 35E and Case and Sims. Zoning Code Issues Under the City's Zoning Code, site pian review is the applicable approvals process for considerarion of the establishment of a mini-storage facility on this industrial properry. In the site plan review process, staff has reviewed conformance with technical requirements. All requirements of the zoning ordinance have been met. During staffreview, it was discovered that the City's Comprehensive Plan has a goal of supporting the Department of Natural Resources Metro Crreenways Program. StafF concluded that this provision should control development of this indushzal property. Currently, the Metro Greenways Project is merely a concept without specific definition. The concept is to establish open space uses in the vicinity of the properry. No specific plans have been developed. The Piamiing Commission's denial is, however, based upon a conclusion that the provision in the City's Comprehensive Plan supporting the Metro Greenways Program mandates that the subject property not be used for any • use that is not part of the Greenways project. Aithough stafF and the Zoning Committee enumerated seven reasons for denial, each of those seven reasons were based upon establishing an alternative public use for the property. The proposed development was chazacterized as incompatible with Greenways development because it cut ofFaccess to the pond to the south. This ignored the existence of an 80 to 100 foot undeveloped greenspace and walkway proposed in the site plan. This was also inconsistent with the conclusion that the pond to the south was likely to need to be relocated to accommodate some future MnDOT construction. The project was criticized as not having sufficient landscaping, however the proposed project contains more landscaping than is required under the City's ordinances. 5taff guidance on the level of acceptable landscaping was sought but not received. Development Efforts Since REF LLC's acquisition of the property it has sought approvals for other land uses allowable under the current Zoning Code. These uses have been denied in ozder to accommodate proposed public uses of the subject properiy. This is an improper application of the zoning power. This effectively converts the properiy from private ownership to pubiic use without compensation for the loss of the private ownership rights. C� ,� � It is necessary that the City Council provide guidance to staff and the Planning Commission as to whether this property is to be public or private. If it is private, it should be � developed. If it is to be public, it should be acquired by the CiTy. 0584810.OI • � Z. �,�0-7 5S S ci�y of sain� paut planning commission resolution file number o�-�� _ _ date s/Z61oo R'HEREAS, Nationwide Group, file; 99-247, has applied for a Site Plan Re��iew under the provisions of Section of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code, for che pucpose of cons[ructin� a mini- stora�e facility on property located east of Case between A�ate and 3�E, le�ally described as sho�vn on the attached le�al description; and �VHEREAS, the Zonin� Committee on �/18(00, held a pubiic hearin� at which all persons present wet�e given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance ���ith the reGuirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code; and �VHEREAS, Saint Paul Plannin� Commission on �l26/00, based on the evidznce presented at the pubiic hearing as substantialfy reflected in the minutes, made the follo�vin� findinas of fact: i. The site plan is not consistent �vith c+ty's adopted comprehensive plan. The Land Use Chapter of the Comprzhensiti�e Plan states that "the City supports ihe areen corridors project � of the state DNR, ti��hich plans to fund the restoration and protection of land «•ith native habita[s 1nd to connect them with parks and trails. In Saint Paui, the ri�er �•aUey and the Trou: Brook Reach are parts of the DNR ptan. `' (Pa�e 8) This site is loc2ted in the Trout Brook Reach. The proposed facili.}� would extend across almost the entire ���idth of the property lea� in� only a nan�o�v co�idor unde� eloped bet�ueen the facilit} and the railroad track to the east. This is not consis�ent with res�orin� this land as calied fo; in the Comprehensive Pian. 2. The site plan is not consis[ent ���itn the preser� ation of environmentall� sensitive areas. The site has been de�raded by years of use by the railroad. Hotive��er, it is geolo�ically part of an ancient river bed and �art of the Trout Brooh Reach that the D;1R h1s said should be restored. The state has authorizzd �a900,000 for the City to purchase this land so it can be restored as a nature preser�e and tne C�[y is lookin� for additional funding. The Minnesota Department of i�'atura! Resources has authorized 520,000, ��hich n�ill be matched b�� the City, for a study of ho« the site czn be deve]oped as green space. The site plan is consistent ��:ith the protec[ion of the exis[ing neiQhbo�ne properties. Ho���e��er, it �t'ould ha�e a substanaai eFfect on future use of the site as part o` a �reenway and �ti•ildlifz habitat. a The arr,�n�efnent of builcfin�s, uses and tacilities oF the proposed de� z'•o; ricnt �vi11 • unreasonably altect atiiuting p�u,;:n� anci/o� �u o;;cupanu. �I�i�, sn� `. �.:_...:. zc! so i��at [}�_� buildin�s and pa�'ed areas extend across almost the entire ���idth of tn� si�e. In <iddition, the site is located adjacent to n pond. Both of these featurzs «ould hai�e a r,z;ati�•e effect on future de�'clopmen[ of the area •s; a �reem�a} .tnd �vildiiEz habiiat. t ZoningFile; 99-247 Resolution Pa�e T�vo of T�co � 5. The site plan is not consistent �vith the satisfactory capacity of storm se���ers, induding solutions to any draina�e problems in the area of the development. The lar�e pond immediately south of the site is used by Public �Vorks for storin� storm �i•ater during heavy rain stonns. This pond must he moved in a fe�i• pears due to the planned construction of a new interchan�e for I-3>E. The exact location and confi�uration of the pond cannot be determined until the interchan�e is desi�ned but one scenario would shift the pond to the north where the mini-storage is proposed. 6. The site plan does not provide sufficient landscapin� to screen and buffer the site if a greenway corridor is developed adjacent to it as caiied for in [he comprehensive piaa. The p[an calls for little or no landscapin� on the north and south sides and sho«•s just 8 feet for landscapin� on these sides between the property and the fence �vhere landscaping coufd be added. On the east side of the site, most of the available iand cannot be used for plantin� or screenin� because it is either in a public sewer easement or needed for a private storm water pond for this project This �vould leave a limited strip of land on the east side of the site for landscapiri� «•hich is not sufficient to screen the facility. \O�V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paui Planning Commission, that under the au[hori[y of the City's Legislative Code, the site plan for construction of a mini-storaaz facilit}' by i�Tatiom��ide Group on property located east of Case between AQace and 3�E and le�ally described as sho��•n on the at[ached le�al descripcion, is hereb}� denied. • moved by �'ield seconded by in favor 14 Oppose 1 Abstain 2 Conmissioners MardeZl, Field • � '�s . •'t G�-7 5 5 i Saiflt Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg BouIevard West Minutes of May 26, 2000 A meeting o£the Flanning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was heid Friday, May 26, 2000, at $:3D e.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioaers Mmes. Donnefiy-Cohen, Duarte, Fericy, Zimmer Lonetti, McCall, and Nfarton Present: and Messrs. Aiton, Anfang, Dandrea, Field, Fotsch, Gervais, Gordon, Ir.ramer, Mazde)1, Mazgulies and Sha�r. Commisaioners Mmes. *Engh, and Messrs. *Kwig, Corbey, and Johnson. Absent: *Excused � L Apgroval af Minntes of May iZ, 20U0 Corrections: Amend paga 2 under section 1V of Zaning Committee, first Pa ��pb, �� !ate "Commias�nner Gordan" reported and state "Commiasioner FYeld reported that...... " Amend page 4 paTagraPh 3 �ftb �'°e t° read "Fourplexcs are heing bnilt at HoYt and Montuaa� near Westm�nister Aveuue, where ................: ' MpTION• Cammissioaet Furicy moroed aPProvaT of the minutes of May I2, 20A11 with Jhe amentlme�ets• Caxtn++ss�oner Gordon secanded the motiom The mocion earried unanimousty on a voire note. Gnnection iu Nlinutes of Apri114, 2060 • Alsa Frasen� Larry Sodediolm, Planning Administrator, Tom Beach (LIEP), Nancy Homans, Af Lovejoy, Elvira Barnes-Wycough, Lucy'I7iompson, Allan Torstenson, Virginia $urke, Nancy Frick snd MadHa Faust Department of Planning end E¢onornic Development staff; Councilmember Jerry Blakey and Csreg Blees, Fiscal Policy birector for Gonncil Researth. Vicmr Catiandro and Andrew Dresdner from the Cuningham Graop and Bob Close fram Clase Landscape Architecture. �ti20'd TEe conclnsion of the public hearing on the Seven Corners Gateway smsll a*ea pisn h¢Id on Apri114 did nat anclude a motion. Mr. SoderLelar cirenlated t6e follawiag: g��a� �eLaugfllia and Lnay Thompson respunded to 9IIestions frum the eommissioners. \ bti££8�SS9 h10�3 '� �JNIhB�Jd'ld l(ltid 15 zO:ZL 90&'-SO-Ntlt . II. tt MQTTON: Coxuxissianer Faricy moved ro etnse rha public hea�ir{�, ro keep tke hp,p�in� secaTq opere j,or yorift¢n cornnrenis unYii 4:00 p.m oa Monday April I T, 200tl, med w rejer the Senen Corners Gareway Plan bark ro thelYeighboshond and Currenr Ftunning Cn»mtitCee. Chair Mortan catled for a motion to accept ttte sddition ta Yhe miuRtes of Apxi[ !4. Moved by Commissioner SLalon The motion carried on a nnanimous voice vote. Chair's Annauncements Chair Morton announced that tLe microphoaes are pioking up side conversations during commission meetings. She eawuraged membars to cover d+e microphones when conversing with someone during the meetin� as these conversations are being picked up ot� tape attd wili remain on public record- Pianui�tg Admiuistcator's Annouacemente Mr. Soderhoim said he talked with Gene Corbey on the phone yesre�daY• He was back in the haspital for a few days instead of being hern for our last meeting, bvt is in pretty goal spirits and is now doing weli. He sends greetings m all tke Planning Cammission members and he �xpects to be back next time. Mr. Soderkolm r�orted ort Gity Cawwvccit edions fRt tfte tast week: The Trust for Fnblic Land, a non-profrt organization, was desigiated to lietg the city with the aequisition of the lawer Phalen Creek property, which witl ire parc of the Trout Brook-Lower Phaten Creek GreenwaY P�P�sed in the Compre6ensive Plan. The lang- ronning zoning case about the cazriage house b?' Nathan Hail Par1c, neaz' Sutt[mit Avenue and PorUaad, was resolved. There ware acfualiy three actions on appeal: an action of this Commissioa, an actton of the Heriiage Presarvation Commission and an aetio++ of the SoaTd of 2oTdng Appeals• All of the actions of dtese bpdies were upheld by the City Councit. The Herimge Preservation Commission had app*oved two different plans as meeting ttie hiscoric guidelines, for a 3 S or a 36-foot buitding. The-38 £oot building reqa+red wme variances which were denied by tlie Board of Zoning Appeals> and site plan revieu' bY the Planning Commission. In effect, ihe 36-foot building was the rn+e apPrm'ed by the City Cauneil. The City's staff's inte,tpreration is that the buildiag needs no variances; hpwever, the opponents of buiiding the CsrriaBe House, who are f� We do t kaow Commissioner Mazk Vaugh� bel�e�'e �t some vaziances aze req cted that whether they will take the Cauncil's decision to court. Mr. Sederholm expe the C+ty wi[L now isrne buitd�ng permits for that building. There will be no CSiy Council meeting �� We��ay, May 31 because it is the fifth R'ednesday ia ihe monffi. .'� rSi£0"d 4L££5�2�5� ram3 ��trea�d �ned ls za:zt aeez-s�-rinr � • c�-755 • 'I'here are still cvnversatians betrveen the City Councii, the developer, and the neighbors about Victoria Piaza, Grand Avenue and V ictoria, so there hssn't been a finai resolution preser�ted to the City Council. Feople from PED are uying to figure aut how mucfi �ndergmund parking might cost 2F�ere and whether there couFd be a sohrtion everyone could live with that is better than the one the developer is proposing. That is still up in the air. We don't laow how soon that resolution witl be forthcoming. Mr. Soderhotin lirted npcoming p�ojects the Commission will be working an this summer: Ri�erview Corrtdor Basvar - The Gdmprehensive Ftanning Committee will bs urorking on thaY issue. Kaver Carridor Plan - Tne draft is now nndergoing staff review and the Committee in June. . University nf 3t Thama S,�ecial Condition Use Permit - Meeting5 bettveen tha I3niversity and the neighborhood are going on. PEb expeets an appNeation from the schao! by the end of the summer. Advestisiag Siqns Studv - The ordinances will be written in ]une. � Des�n Distriets - The (egistaWre pmvided for the City W create design districts. 'fhe sections of thc Seven Corners Gateway Plan uea that are not part of the Historia Irvirie S'ark District aze requesting design guidelines. Lucy Thompson wili be workieg on developing an ordinance for how that can be implemented. Lega��y, design dish'icis could be created anywhere in the city. Mr. Sodecho�m distributed a memo regazding the criteria for when the Planning Commission shauld xeview a site plan appl+cation and s resolutian regarding any "Request for Planning Comm�ssion Review of Site Plans" to be udded to !he Flanning Commission Handbook in the Zon'sng Brief section as page 1 T3. iVlr. Soderhofm spoke with the Minneapolis cansultant far their Uppar River Mastar Pian this week attd was pleased to hear that Minneapolis is now having success in their conversatians witki the D23R. 'C'he DNR staff person, SCevo Johnson, is working with them on uadeoffe about hefght versus views m the river and access to the siver aztd inereased landscaPmg• We have worked on all these same mpies with Steve Johnson in the River Coaidor Design wrn'kin8 Group, and we wi{1 hear a presentarion about that this moming. VI Zoning Committee Report gg 2�7 A eorn Mini St2�s�e - 3ite A1as review for a proposed mini-storage facility. 35 E..Tenks, east of Case between Agate and 35E. CornmiSSioner Field reported that Dirnict 5� opposed to the establishmant of the � � � '-� �i/b0'd bSS£822LS9 N0�3 '� �JNIMJFJId - Ifitld 15 £0:25 06[Z-S�-f�1fiL C� Acom Mini Storage at that site, and that one person spoke in supporf, two in opposition. The public hearing was closed. IO 4: Corn»rissfaner Fi¢fd mwed rhat rhe site ptan for cortictractiors oj'a mind- staragefrrcitity by NatioxwideGmup ox property located east of Case 1�nveenAg'afe and 35E be de�ued Mr. Soderholm shared with the commission the memo &om Vic Wittgenstein ca Tom Beach. Mr. Wittgenstairt is the Director of the Parks and Recreation Division and he urges the Planning Commission to dany the site plan. Responding to a question from Commissioner Fieid oa an eartier statement, Mr• Soderholm said that the Trust for Public I.and (TPL} is going Yo work as the City's agent in helping to acquire tha lower Phaien Creek site, which is beiow baytan's $luff. IYs part of tha same �reenway, but iYs noY the same parcel of land where this mini-storage is proposed. The legislature did budget moaey toward the acqvisition of this site, but it is not eaoagh. The C�ty is worl3ng to increase �is bodgei or to decfde ufist it can afford to buy in regard ta this parcct. Commissioner Field st3ted that on ffie advice of Mr. Warner he abstained at the Zoning Committee due W a�nflict of interest. One of the azguments, for the commissionezs wHo have not had a chanoe m read t6e minutes of the Zoning Committee, is tt+at the awner af this land is between a rock attd a hard place. I3e would encourage the City either to pmeeed and buy the [and or let the owner proceed aad develog the parcel. Mr. Soderholm stated that the City has budgeted mose money thao the owner Paid to bny this land two or t6ree years ago, but tha Cii�' 1� nowhere near the amount of money the owner now asks. Commissionei Alton asked if the oWner is willmg to selt the property, but not at a price the City is willittg w pay. Mr. Sode�holm confirmed. Commissione�' Shaidr asked how much the owner is asking and what the City is willing to pay? Mr• 5oderholm stated he did not reeuember the nnmbers and did not want to give out the wrong numbers. In any cass, the primary issue before the Commission is the relationship to the Comprehensiue P1an- It is not really an issue for the Planning Commission whether the PropertY is being wndemned a purchased. We axe supPase to be looking at the zonin� and Campreheasive Pian and how well the site plan �nfornts, Commissioner A(ton said he had d+Q same absat'�'a�i°n as Commissioner Field. He is curious about thc response of the Zonmg Committee memhers to Commissioner Pield's statement. Commissioner TCrame�' statad that a lot af the diseussion in the Zaning Cotnmittee h��g w�s to the Comprehensive Plan• There `� multiple reasans for the deniai oP the site p[att, 4 � r 7 L.� FSi50'd bS££8Z2SS9 NOJ3 � 9NINNdId �(ldd 15 £0:2i H�9Z—SQ—NRt C?�-755 � C.eaunissioner Margulies, not being a mem6er of the Zoning Committee, stated that he was trying to figure out the fads. Ae asked wbether there was discuss'son about how the site plan could be mocl�ed ta make it acceptaltle to the City and Zoning Committee, or is the decision essentia{ly that no site plan modiFcation is gaing to be acceptahle, given the requireroents of the Compreheasive Pian? Commissioner Kremer stat�d that there wa5 some back and forth a6out that issue and the committee spent two meetin�s on this matter. In snmmary, this sQecific development dces noi seem to fit Whichevsr way you tried to rotate the building tn avoid one probiem, you swung it into another probiem. Mr. Beach said that we aze [ooking at a specific site plan that was proposed. The main pro6iem was tfiat it e?ctends from one side of the propecty to the other. ff we aze trying to create a curcidor for �vildlife or li�7cing trails here, that mal:es it difficuit. There needs to be a nattow carridor along the side. It is a big site. f'erhaps they coutd corae back with a different site plan, somewhete else on the property ot a different bnild'mg configuration, but this particuler site plan does not c4nform to the Comprehensive Plan• u Mr_ Beach stated that originalty this application was going to be considered last fall and since then, the applicarn had some discussions with the City about look'sng at a completely different site, doing some land aades. There rvas also discussion of doing the mini-storage at the north end of the site. But the applicant chose to resubmit this one. The bnildings are somewhat smaller, but the site itself, B+e area that is fenced in and paved, is esserrtially the same ss we had originalfy last fait. Commissioner Gordon statedtl�atthis space has beea designated in a Comprehensive P(en m become part of the Traut Brook Greea Con�dor, and tha City has undeitaketi to acquire the land and is in negatiarion with tlie owner to purchase it He sssumes �1+at �� they dan't reacli an agmement it wilt culminate in a condemnation proceedin�. 'Che site pian provided by the applicusrt raises a number of issaes and craates a number of pmblems. For exarnple, in the stsff'report under finding 1, the site ptan would have iefr only a very nanow carridor for the green space, too narcow in the opinion of tha staff and in the opinion of the Zoning Cammirtee to be consistent with the Cpmprehensive 7tan. Commissioner Gordon stated that t8ere was also a problem aith respect to thc location of the holding pond- Tl�e constructian of 35E is going to require relocating that hoiding pond, which would ba a probiem, given this site pian. There aze a numbor of very Segitimate prob�ems tivitkt this site plan> but overall, the bicgesi probtem is that this property has been dasigiated to become a green spaae and th� City is movittg in that direetion. Afong comes this uppiicant and wants to develop it, a pmject within that area, knowing ali of this. He stated the explanation for him is that this property owner is engaged in negotiations with tha CitY over the vaiue of his piece of pmperiy 8nd he wattts the value of the pmpesty to be as high as possfble. In that connection, this application is pert af an effort w create evidence in support of the azgument that the land 9s more vatuable than it really is. • �� iS�90'd bS£.2' N�3 '8 °JNINNd�d 'lfldd 1S b0:2i 906z-S0-N�it � Commissioner Gordon believes this applicant and this owner know from the previous appf ications that the Zoning Committee and the Plsnning Commissior+ are concemed about develnping this land, given that the Comprehensive Plan cal(s for it to be geen space• �ie 8elieves the unaaimous dwisioR of the committee is correcY and the application should 6e denied. Commissianer Dandrea asked if the sta�ng at PED aflows far proactive approaches wiffi the o.mer to 6elp him wid� site pien preparation before h�ets ta this point. ibtr. Soder6oim scated thst some of thaz has been done. Site plans are nat rcwiewed by PED. Tom Beach works in the Oiiice of Licence Inspecdon and Environmenta! Protection He has spent tune working on alternateves and lhis is sn interdegarimentai issue. The City's Real Estate 3ection has been doing the negotiatian on land acqvisition. The Mayar's Qftice has b�n caordinating the intergwernmeIItal funding, tryie� to g� the money to acquire. ft ham't primarilY been in PED, but there have been a iot of other diseussions going on. He 53ated that he wasn't clear on how mueh discnssion was going on with the iand ownec abam alternative site plat�s. Mr. Dandtea asked whettser it was fair m say that there ace opportanities available if an owner desired7 Mr. Soderholm a�reed wi�th the statem�t Commissioner Almtt staTCd thai his concern was not whether we should ascribe moNves to the City or the developer in this case and he doesn't think we shoald be specnlating abo�t motives when we vote on this case• His concem was that we were denying a site plan because of something that might happen to this property �n the future and we don't I�ave any idea if it actualty evec willIiappen. �or example, there was a finding in the site pten that the visual sc�ning cvas noi adequate because if the property adjacent was developed imo a geen ooaidor, then the scmening wouldn't be good enough. Commissioner Mazgnties asked Mr. Beach whether diere was anY Siie A��' for devetopment that a o�mer could bting in that svould be aoceptable on this site, or is any develppmec�t precluded in your mind, by virtue of ihe fact that it has been designazed as it is in the Caittprehensive Plan? Mr. 8each replied that an alttrnativc +Has sketched up thst he rhou�h wouid have iess impach, whether it is enough to �et app�Yed would be np to the Planning Commission. [t «an aliernative he discussed w+th the aPPl�cant at one point T�ote to Dexy: A rolt calt vote ww' takatt on the mntivrr to derry arul to adnP; =ize resolution to deny ihe site pTan for consh'uctfnn of a mini-srorage faci�ity I�� Natiams'Tde Groxp on prop�'ry tacatad east of Care behveen Agate and 35E. T7te moiion passed on a vnle of 74 in fatvor,l agalnst, witk two nbstehtions (Comm7ssioxers xieG1 ar�d Mardelt botk annnanred they had conf7frts ofinterest). Commissioner Anfang stated that ha made ivs vote based on the Zoning Commiceee's ,� ,; C � � �T/L0'd trS£�'tS9 hi0�3 8`JNi�d�d �f�d � bO:EF 909Z-S6-Nflt aa-� 55 � � V repart, nat the comments of Commissioner Gordon, v+hen he specutated that the applicanYs reat purpose is m in£late the land value. CommissSoner Gordon responded that he tried to make it clear that it was his own penonal opinion, and he realized that fiis opmion may not be shared by other Planning Commissian members. He agreed that it need not and should no# be #he basis far the Commission's decision. #ltip.124-884 Harriet Islanti�edecfrian Levee Gatewae - Site Cortidor Specisl CandiYion IIse Permit to sllow for constraction of n pedestrian levee gatetvay opening to Aarriet Tsland Regional park. Harriet Island; northwest af Plata snd Water streets MATION Cornaassloner Fiefd moved the aomneiuee rerommendation for apprnvat of tke Special Conditian Use Permet for the pedestriau gttteway throug<< the Levee. The tnntionFassed ott a+usanimaus voice vote. #00-I24 300 Ccnadian Pacitc Railwav - River Corradar Spcciul Condition Use Permit ta rtflow gtading and filt alnx8 the sattlt@�n portion of the raitroad yard lncared ulong the noRhern perimeter of ikaformer kig's Eye dump. SOD.�igs Eye Lake RoarL Commissioner Fieid said this case has kaid over in committee. Hocke�,�rena SSgnc 7,on9nQ Studv MOTION: Cummissioner Fietd moved tkat the Sockey Arena Signs Zoning Sludy be initiated and the drafi be reteased for a pubtic /te�fng ��p PlanKU'g Commission on Jane 23. The molion passed unanimnusiy River Corridor Design Working Grottp Report - M3rtha Faust Ms. Faust introduced the consultanu tca the River Design Working Group, Cuninghsm Group and Close Landscape Atchitects: Mr. Victnr Caliandm, Bob Close and Andrew Dcesdner. The purpase of the study �s to assist the City af 5a�nt Paul in the completion of the River Cotridor Ptan update bY creating design suidclines that balance the demaads of firture development with the needs of protecting the river wrridor as a resource to the entiTe �g�on and state. The study area is the Mississipp� �ver Corridor in fit. Paul, and specificaify five potentia! redevelopment sites located in the River Corridor (Shepard Davem, Archer Daniels Midland, former site of Koch Aqo6il, Upper Landin5 and W est Sida Flats). s � �ti80'd bT££8Z2S59 N0�3 8�JF{IF�1 "UlHd J.S bp:2L 9�0Z-SC�-N�t MtNUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, May 18, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3` Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Engh, Faricy, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton Mardel! Peter Warner and Tom Beach of LIEP Caroi Martineau, Allan Torstenson of PED The meeting was cha+red by Commissioner Field. Acom Mini Storage - 99-247 Site Pian Review for a proposed mini-storage facility. Former railroad property befween Agate and 35 E and between Case and Sims Tom Beach presented the staff report. Mr. Beach stated the City has $9�0,000 authorized by the StaYe one-year ago for the acquisition of this land for the Trout Brook Reach project. Mr. Beach also explained the City has a$20,000 grant from the Department of Natural R�sources for planning in this area. The City has submitted an application for funds to Mefro Green Way, and is (ooking into funding from the following sources: Ramsey County, MNDOT, Board of Water and Soil Resources, Trust for Public Lands. Tfie City has initiated condemnation proceedings on the Soo Line Railroad property west of this area, which was recently purchased by Frank Fratalone who also owns tf�e site for the proposed mini-storage). Mr. Beach aiso stated the zorting. staff is recommending deniai of this site plan because it is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Kramer moved to adopt the staff recommendation to deny the Site P(an for a mini- storage facitity. Commissioner Faricy seconded the motion. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Beech stated the City is doing all it can to purchase this property. If there was a mini-storage on this site, tfie organizations might not be as e�thusiastic about funding this project. Adopted Drafted by: Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 Submitted by: Tom Beach Zoning Section Abstention -1 (Fiefd) Approved by: Litton Field Chair � � � � 1� 00-7 5 5 M1NtlTES OF THE ZONING COMMtTiEE Thursday, May 4, 2000 - 3:30 p.m. • • � City Councii Chambers, 3` Floor City Hali and Court House '15 West Keliogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: OTHERS PRESENT: Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, Mardeil and Morton Faricy Tom Beach, LIEP Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson of PER The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Fieid. Acorn Mini Storage (99-247) Site Plan Review for a proposed mini-storage facility. Former railroad property between Agate and 35 E and between Case and Sims. Tom Beach showed slides and presented the staff report. Mr. Beach stated the staff recommends denial of the Site Plan and District 6 is opposed to the Mini-storage facility. Mr. Beach also explained the mini-storage faciiity does not conflict with the sewer easement to the east as stated in the staff report. Mr. Eilis Gottlieb, of Nationwide Corporation, appeared and stated Nationwide Corporation had numerous conversations with the City in June of1988. At that time Mr. Beach informed them the properiy was zoned properly fos the use of a mini-storage facility. The City requested six substantial revisions to the site pian to make the project more compatible when they were aware of the Green Corridors Project Ordinance (ihe City did not inform the applicant that the s+te prohibits development). The grading of the site was started in August of1999 when the City accepted an appiication and issued a grading permit. Mr. Gottfieb also stated if the Green Corridor Ordinance prohibits development the City shoutdn't have accepted the application or granted a grading permit. The relocation of the Public Works Pond is speculative and may never occur and is an ofE-site issue which has no bearing on the proposed site plan. Mr. Gottiieb aiso explained Nationwide Corporation spent thousands of doliars developing plans at the City's request in order to obtain a building permit. Nationwide Corporation has complied with all the Gity's requirements and the building permit has not been issued. At the City's request Nationwide Corporation voiurrteered to build on the north end of the property, site pians were drawn up to comply with the City's issue, then the C'ity informed them a permit for the north end would not be granted so they revised the site pians to the south ofi the property. The proposai is a high quality development that will compliment the area. Mr. Gottlieb passed photos around depicting a quatiTy masonry building with fandscaping. The proposed buitding is one-quarter of the 400,000 square feet of building permitted on the I-2 zoned properiy. On the east end of the property there will be 80 to 100 feet of open space to accommodate a bike/pedestrian path down to a pond pianned in the site review. An eight foot high cedar fence to screen the property will also be installed. The City was informed on their intension to landscape but never issued landscape requirements. The compteted project would only generate 70 cars a day and 5 cars in peak periods. In comparison, an industria{ bui4ding would generate over 700 cars. The appiicant owns 6 mini-storages in Eagan, Minneapolis, Maptewood, fnver Grove Heights that abut single family residents and there has never been a complaint. The operating hours are restricted so there is no traffic at night. Mr. Gregory Korstad, 7900 Xerxes Avenue S., representing Frank Frattalone, owner of the property, stated Mr Frattaione would fike to se{I this property and have it devefoped. The site plan E, :a Zoning Commitfee Minutes May 5, 2000 File #: 99-247 Page 2 is a development that is in conformance with all the City code requirements and shouid be approved. He also addressed points in ihe sYaff report that are not in conformance 1). Finding Number 1 states the area is to be used for the devetopment of green space for animal habitat, trails and park type projects this statement is incompatibie with privafe ownersfiip of the site. 2) Finding Number 3 talks about resioring this site as a nature preserve which is incompatible with private ownership of the property. 3) Finding iUumber 8 states the property should be reserved so the City can use it for purposes for meeting storm owner drainage requirements at sometime in the future if necessary. Development should occur or the property should be acquired by the city. Negotiations to seil the property for its appraised value have been unsuccessful because the City cannot find the funds to buy tfiis parcef of property. The site pian review presents a use of the property that is compatible with future green space developmenf. Upon question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Frattalone stated there was an offer from the City to purchase the property at about 40% of the appraised vatue based upon funding the City had from ihe legislature. Mr. Frank Frattalone, Owner of the property appeared and stated the issue of contaminafed soil took place before he purchased the properry two years ago. • Ms. Linda Jungwirth, representing the 16 Square Block Tri Area Block Club, stated they oppose approvai of the site pian based on the strength of pubtic purpose. The City Comprehensive Plan calls for linking neighborhoods and the river via trails and greenways. An environmental learning � reserve incorporating a wetland and technology to control runoff and to improve water quality which would benefit everyone. The proposed I-35E interchange may result in the relocation of the Munger Gateway Trail and reconfiguration of the holding pond for the Trout Brook L'+ne. MNDOT has not made any definite boundaries because this is a future project and the p(ans are not comptete at this time. The Munger Gateway Trail has been selected as one of this Country's legacy trails and this site ptan woufd put that in jeopardy. There is a need to incorporate greenspace, water quality, the Monger Traii, and connections with fhe Phalen Corridor to the south east, the central corridor to the southwest, and the Trout BrookTraii to the north and sfi(I accommodate existing businesses, the integrity of the neighborhood and future public purpose. Currently there are too many variables with which fo contend and the need exists to plan for future possibilities instead of locking into development now that may adversely affect future public purpose. Ms. Carol Kusmieret, Member of District 6 Land Use Committee and Pfanning Council, appeared and stated they support the City's comprehensive plan for a greenway and environmenta( fearning preserve on the Trifiman site. Restoration of this brown field area to a greenway and learning preserve would enhance the community and benefit sfudents of numerous north-end area schools. Mr. Gregory Korstad reappeared and stated the City has never made a formal offer to Mr. Frattalone to purchase the property. The City could not raise the money for the property last year and they were told to proceed with the site plan review after (ast years tegislature. The uses thaf the respondents mentioned are public uses Yhat don't have a bearing on the application. (f the property is to be used for pubiic uses the City should buy the property. The Pubiic Hearing is closed. • ,� can-7 55 Zoning Cots�m+ttee Minutes May 5, 2000 • File #: 99-247 Page 3 Upon questions of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Beach stated there was a public hearing for storage by Mr. Frattalone on that property and it was denied. 7he City is stifl working on purchasing the property from Mr. Frattafone. After further discussion Commissio�er Gordon made a motion to lay the case over until May 18, 2000. Commissioner Gervais seconded it. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted by: �,aJ1.o--� ��,��uxz-cC1 . Carol Martineau Recording Secretary � Nays - 0 Submitted by: ` /( f>-G�� Tom Beach Zoning Section Approved Litton Chair :� OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Robert Kessler, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUILDINGINSPEC770NRND Telephorse: 612-266-909a Norm Coieman, Mnyor DESIGN Facsimile: 6l2-266-9099 350 St Peter Street Suite 300 SaintPaul,�nnesota 55102-I510 i DATE: May 1 l, 2000 TO: Zoning Committee PROM: Tom Beach, LIEP RE: Additional information for Acom Ministorage site platt review The Zoning Committee held a public hearing on the Acorn Ministorage project on May 4 and voted to lay the matter over to May 18 so that staff could provide addirional information. Deniat of au earlier site plan for outside storage Last yeaz Frank Fratalone, the property owner, submitted a site plan to use property immediately north of the proposed ministorage for outside storage of sand and gravel and construction equipment for his excavating business. The Planning Committee denied a site plan based on findings that the site plan: — Was not consistent with two sections of the Comprehensive Plan: a section supporting the restorarion the site to its natural condirion and another dealina with minimizing negative impacts of industrial uses. — Did not preserve an environmentally sensitive azea — Would unreasonably affect neazby property — W ould result in traffic safety problems — Would encroach on easements for public utilities — Did not provide sufficient landscaping and screenina (See attached copy of the resolution.) Greenway proposal The City has received state fizuds to be used toward acquiring this property so that it can be restored Yo its natival condirion and become part of a metro-wide greenway system. A staff meetina is scheduied for later this week to review the status of the greenway project and efforts Yo acquire properry for it. I will update the Committee at the meeting on May I8. If you have any questions, you can reach me at 651-266-9086. G.ICOMMOMSite PIan199247aeomlzCmemom00 � • 00-755 � u �� 1. APPLiCANT: ZONING COMMI'iTEE STAFF REPORT FILE #99-247 Eliis Gottlieb for Nationwide Group DATE OF HEARING: 5i4i99 2. CIASSIFICATION: Site Plan Review 3. LOCA710N: Former railroad property east of Case between Agate and 35E 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 6 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See file 6. PRESENT ZONING: I-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 62.108�c) 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 10l2�/99 BY: Tom Beach 8. DATE RECEIVED: 4/3/00 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 6/2J00 A. PURPOSE: Site pfan review for construction of a mini-storage facility. B. PARCEL SIZE: Nationwide pians to purchase 4 acres of land for the facility. The site is currently part of a larger 38-acre parcel owned by Frank Fratalone that stretches north to Maryland Avenue. The buildings and pavement for the mini-storage would cover approximately 3 acres. C. EXISTING LAND USE: The land was used by the railroad in the past. it is currently vacant. D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Vacant and industrial (t-2) West: industrial (1-2) South: A storm water pond owned by Public Works (I-2) and industrial (I-1) East: Railroad tracks and industrial (I-1) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 62.108(c) lists a number of findings that the Planning Commission must make in order to approve a site plan. These findings are iisted and discussed in Section I below. F. WSTORY: The raiiroad used the property for many years. Since they sold the property about 10 years ago there have been other proposals to use the properry but none of them have been built: A. A schooi bus company submitted a site pian for a school bus yard and garage in 1995. B. A company submitted a site pian for outside storage of contaminated soil in 1996. C. There was discussion about locating a Metro Transit 6us facility here. in eariy 1999 Frank Fratalone, the current property owner, brought in a targe amount of fill to correct soil conditions and prepare the site for development. tn August 1999 Nationwide submitted a site plan for mini-storage facifity at this location with siightly larger building. A pubfic fiearing was scheduled at the Zoning Committee in October but Nationwide asked that the hearing be iaid over so that altematives designs and locations could be looked into. This site is Qart of a larger 38 acre parcei. Last year the State authorized $900,000 for the City to use �;,Q foward purchasing the ministorage site and the rest 38 acre parcel so it can be restored as part of a metro-wide greenway system. 7he City has been in discussions with the current owner, Frank � Fratalone, about purchasing the property. However, Mr. Fratalone is not willing to seli the property for ihe amount authorized by the State and the Ciiy is seeking additionai funding sources. G. DISTRICT COUNCfL RECOMMENDATfON: The District 6 Pfanning Council requested that a pubiic hearing be held on this site plan, However, they have not taken a formal position at the fime the staff report was prepared. H. PROJECT DESCRIPTiON: 1. Mini-storage The site plan calis for a mini-storage facility with three buiidings with 98,000 square feet of storage space plus an office. Most of the space would be in the largest building which would have two stories and 81,000 square feet of floor area. The plan calis for building the iwo smaller buildings first and the larger building later as phase 2. Metal panels and rock faced block wouid be used for fhe exferior of the building. 2. Location The site is located on land that was once owned by the raiiroad. immediately to the south is a large pond used for storm water drainage by Public Works. The site is geologically part of an ancient river bed and a stream ran through the site before the railroad filled the land. The stream bed is part of what is know as the Trout Brook Reach. The DNR has identified the Trout Brook Reach as an area for restoration as part of a metro-wide greenway and open space system. The State has authorized funds for the City to use toward acquiring the mini-storage site and the rest of the larger 38 acre property. 3. Access The site does not have frontage on a City street. However, the property has an easement across adjacenf private property owned by Modemistic, an industrial company, that allows it to use Jenks Street for access. 4. Traffic The applicanY anticipates there will be minimal traffic during phase 1 and approximately 75 vehicles per day when phase 2 if built. � 5. Utitities The site is not currendy served by City sewer and water. The property owner can bring these in to the site aithough the details have not been worked out yet. There is an existing City storm sewer iine through the site but the buildings have been designed to avoid the sewer easementCHowever, at the northeast corner of the site pavemeni and a fence encroaches on an easementfora Metropoiitart Council storm sewer. t�k wis r.vtf.� � etiw;..tt eqc�oacMw.k� 6. Outside storage The applicant may store some cars and boats on the properiy. These woutd �(A. be stored beiween the proposed buildings so they wouid be screened from view. G1t�eo � 7. Drainage Storm water for the site would be diverted to a private settling pond before going to the large City storm pond immediately south ot the site. 8. Landscaping The landscape plan cails for Vees near the entrance to the site and two rows of Spruce trees spaced 30 feet apart along the east side of the site. FlNDINGS: Section 62.108(c) of the Zoning Code says that in °order to approve the siYe plan, the pianning crommission shalf consider and find that fhe site plan is consistent with° the following: (1) The city's adopted comprehensive plan and development or project plans for sub-areas of fhe city. 'fhe site plan is not consistent with city's adopted comprehensive ptan. The Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan states that `the City supports the green corridors project of fhe sfafe DNR, which plans to fund the restoration and protection of land with native habitats and to connect them with parks and trails. !n Saint Paul, the river vapey and the Trout-Brook Reach are parts of the DNR plan. "(Page 8) This site is located in the Trout Brook Reach. The proposed facilify would exfend across aimost the entire width of the properfy leaving onty a narrow corridor undeveloped between the facility and the railroad track to the east. This is not consistent with restoring this land as called for in the Comprehensive Plan. (2} Applicable ordinances of the City of Saint PauL � �: ap-7 55 � The site plan is consistent with applicabie ordinances. The property is zoned I-2 and mini-sforage facilities are a permitted use. The property does not have frontage on an improved street as required by ordinance but Pubiic Works indicated that it would grant a waiver of that requirement based on the private access easement from Jenks. (3) Preservation of unique geo%gic, geographic or historical/y sign�cant characteristics of the city and environmentally sensitive areas. The site pian is not consistent with the preservation of environmentally sensitive areas. The site has been degraded by years of use by the reilroad. However, it is geologically part of an ancient river bed and part of the Trout Brook Reach that the DNR has said shouid be restored. The state has authorized $900,000 for the City to purchase this land so it can be restored as a nature preserve and the City is looking for additionai funding. The City has authorized $25,000 for a study of how the site couid be developed as greenspace. (4) Protection of adjacent and neighbonng properties through reasonable p�ovision for such matters as su�face water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air, and those aspects of design which may have substantia! effects on neighboring land uses. The site plan is consistent with the protection of the existing neighboring properties. However, it would have a substantial effect on future use of the site as part of a greenway and wifdiife habitat (5) The amangement of buildings, uses and faciliYies of the proposed development in order to assure abutfing property and/or its occupartts wi!! not 6e unreasonably afiected. • The site plan is not consistent with this fi�ding. The site is arranged so that the buildings and paved areas extend across almost the entire width ot the site. In addition, the site is located adjacent to a pond. This would have a negative etfect on future development of the area as a greenway and wiidlife habitat. (6) Creafion of energy-conserving design fhrough landscaping and location, orientation and elevafion of structures. The site pian is consistent with this finding. (7) Safety and convenience of both vehicular and pedestrian tra�c both within the site and in relafion to access streets, induding fraffic circuJafron features, the locations and design of entrances and exifs and parking areas within the site. The site plan is consistent with this finding. Access would be via a private driveway from Jenks Avenue. Detaiied pians for access have not been submitted bui Pubiic Works has determined that access can be designed to accommodate the Ievei of traffic that the mini-storage would generate. (8) The satisfactory availability and capacity of storm and sanifary sewers, including solutions to any drainage problems in the area of the development. The site plan is not consistent with this finding. The large pond immediately south of the site is used by Public Works for storing storm water during heavy rain storms. This pond must be moved in a few years due to the planned construction of a new interchange for i-35E. The exact � location and configuration of the pond cannot be determined until the interchange is designed but one scenario wouid shift the pond to the north where the mini-storage is proposed. Otherwise it appears that the site can meet the requirements for sanitary sewer and storm water �? drainage but final pfans showing fhe detaits fiave nof been submitfed yet There is sanitary sewer avaiiabie in Case for the property. The app(icanf fias submitted a concepfuai ptan for hand(ing • sform wafer that shows a detention pond on fhe property fhat woufd slow down ffie rate of run-off from fhe site. Trie site has been revised so that it avoids sewer easements for City and Metropolitan Counci( storm sewers. (9) Sufficient (andscaping, fences, walls and parking necessary to meef the above objectives. The site plan is not consistent with this finding. It does not provide sufficient landscaping to screen and buffer the site if a greenway corridor is developed adjacent to it as called for in the comprehensive plan. The plan calls for Iittle or no landscaping on the north and south sides and shows just 8 feet for landscaping on the north and south sides between the property and the fence where landscaping could be added. On the east side of the site, most of the available land cannot be used for planting or screening because it is either in a pubiic sewer easement or needed for a private storm water pond for this project This would leave a limited strip of land on the east side of the site for landscaping which is not sufficient to screen the faciiity. (10) Site accessibilify in accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including parking spaces, passengerloading zones and accessible routes. The site pian is consistent with this finding. {11) Provision forerosion and sediment control as spec�ed in the "Ramsey Erosion Sediment and Control Handbook" The site plan is consistent with this finding. Sediment from the site during consWction is a concem because the site is located next to a City storm water pond. However, an erosion • control pJan has been prepared by an engineer. J. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the site pian be denied based on findings 1, 3, 4,5,8and9. � � � • � � SAINT PAUL � LAND USE PLAN � A Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan Draft for City Council Action �� Recommended by the Saint Paut Pianning Commission, September 25, 7998 � �c��� � �.'it�( �VNc;�� �e�braw .2y, ►99q � � � L� �' � f � Co �prahensivs FTan i �4k Gb-755 Strategy 4: Environmenta( Stewardship • In the River Corridor, the Ciry reco�nizes that there will be a shift from industry and toward recreation, housin�, an@ mixed use. Th�r wi11 continue to be a workin� river and industries, especially river- depenQent industries, will continue to be located along segments of Shepard Road and downstream from the Robert Street brid�e. • The city's natural topo�raphy relates most of the city Yo the river. Bluffs, ravines, and tivetlands should be protected and enhanced as urban amenities. • The City supports the �reen corridors project of the state DNR, which plans to fund the restoration and protection of Iand with native habitats and ta connect them with parks and trails. In Saint Paul, the river vatley and the 'I7outbr� oo�k R�e�a�h are parts of the DNR plan. Implementation Neighborhood planning is essential to refine and implement citywide laad use policies. But with dozens of existing fuli-length neighborhood plans, the City's Comprehensive P]an has become unmanageable and difficult to understand. In the future, the City Council, on recommendation from � Planning Commission, will adopt summaries of neighborhood (or other sub-area) plans that highiight decisions appropriate to Ciry development policy. When nei�hborhood plans are adopted, discrepancies betweett adopted citywide plans and neighborhood plans mnst be reconciled so that the Comprehensive Plan is intemaIly consutent. As soon as this plan is adopYed, the City wi11 undertake revision of the Zoning Code to make its maps and regulations consistent with the plan. There witi be public participation in the zoning revisions. Public investments are needed to initiate major ]and use changes. The Land Use Plan contains a list of capital budget investments for redeve!- opment projecLS aad neighborhood revitalization activities. Inter�ov-em- mental funding is needed for poilution clean-up, pub]ic transit, housin�, redevelopment and major infrastructure costs, Urban desi�n concepts need to be effectively appiied to development projects in the city. The Saint Paui Desi?n Center has recently been estabtished through the collaboration of a number of or;anizations. Its mission can be advanced through utilization of this Land Use Plan as � well as through pubiic education, nei�hborhood plannin�, and desi�n guidefines or re�ulations. 8 �� CiYy� Or Sc. f�uvt C►�� CovNC�l i�¢snEvt%aa �t yi" _ /� �os�_���o- = DVI Wta'GC�trr� �►"Gk� �tjr �AkN►� t��► s�� �pv^ ��'0u�. �roo�C ��� G_e�- 5:^eet � f G C�, 1 1 ? 3 4 � 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 f� 16 17 18 19 20 21 �� >> �Y Presea�e3 By Referred io �^ c RESOLUTION OF SAlNT PAUL, MlNNESOTA _--• Cor.ntitte�: Date WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Naturat Resources (DNR) has matchina fuads available for n:: resource invento:ies and natural resource andlor grezmvay plans ifirou�h the Mecro Greem�•ays Plannin_ Grant Program, and �VHEREAS the City of Saint Paul is committed to inte�rating its plans with the metro regionat greem�•a� and natural azeas collaborati4�e; and R'HEREAS, the DNR Mefro Greem�•ays Pro�ran has allocated funds to�vazd the acquisition of land fo- : Lower Phalen Creet: Project; and WHEREAS, ihe Cit}� of Saint Paul and its partnzrs hzve identified the Troutbrook area as an ogportun;:} extend this greenecay; Iti'O�V THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul is applyin� for a 520,000 Metro Greenw�ays Plannin� Grant to continue detaited plaar:in� for habitat p*otection and restoration in t�o-= Phalen and Troutbrook areas; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Szint Pzul and its partners �cill share in the coss o` tl:e proposed p;oject �;•ith the D\R by p:oviding a cas� or in-kind match totatin� at teast �0 gercent oi the proposed project cost; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon approcai oi its application, the Depafinent of Pi�'ming a:�c Economie Development ma}• enter into a�rzement �cith the State of Minnesota for th� abo��e project z-::: tne City ceRifies that it �cilt compiy �rith all aspects oi Ehe grant aQreement. - 7ecia_s�ed b� C_?a_�ner.[ o`: p�a-.^.Sr.c e Ecoaoenc D_v?2oo.-e^C 3/: (((��� =o_ct :�»ro':ed Sy C_cp :._�_cn>_y :.?o?:e3 by Couac-l: Da.> �� v -9o�L._n C^r['_ ^ `:7 Co:ncc' S_crec>^r . ' 7 " _�_ov_d 5y Mayor: Da:e � C �/'"./ . / '� 3/; ` , �� 3y: 1\ �. F" r��1 /� , —T � :.��ravec �/ :!3,+oc `_a' Sc' zssar. to Z co-7 55 NATIONWIDE GROUP 7 724 DOUGLAS DRIVE NORTH O GOLDEN VALLEY� MINNESOTA 55422 • 6 1 2.5 7 2.7720 0 FAX 6 7 2.51 2.7723 Apri126, 2000 Mr. Tom Beach Department of Planning & Economic Development 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Acorn Mini Storage facility (your Case Number: 99-247) Dear Tom, Pursuant to our conversations, Acorn Mini Storage has made an effort to address all concerns you previously mentioned. The attached site plan reflects our proposed pian as we have discussed: 1) 2) � 3) 4) 1� J We wiil not have any buildings on any easements. We will have a retention pond in the location you requested. Building A wi11 have a masonry exterior to screen the project from the west. An 8' cedar fence will be installed along the east properry line to screen the project. 5) In connecfion with the green corridors project we haue made the following revisions: The size of the project has been reduced from 120,000 SF to 98,000 SP We will heavily landscape the azea on the west side of the project We will heavily landscape the azea on the west side of the project We have a reserved a 80 to 100 foot wide green space along the east side The site has over 45,000 SF of landscaped/undeveloped area Tom, I must again state that we have bent over backward to comply with all city requirements. We have reduced the scope of the project by 20% while increasing the azea of undeveloped/ landscaped area to over 45,000 SF which represents over 25% of the total site. We wili agree to resirict the hours of operafion so as not to disrupt the neighborhood. tra�c generated by the development is faz below that for any other type of use. We estnnated less than 5 peak period trips in Phase 1. Sincere , E 'LIS OTT'LIEB Vice Presi ent �� �,�•.� . . . �f• : : � .� „< �!N KATHY LANTRY CouacOmc.^ibc: Nfarch 29, 1999 AI Sin�er, Direc[or Metro Gceenways Program GZT'iT OF SATN'I' PAUL OFFICE OF TEiE CITY COU�ICIL hletro Departmeat Natural Resources 1200 �Varner Road - Saint Paul MN 55106 Dear Mr. Singer: • On behali of �he S2int Paul Cicy Coancil, we are writin� to express our suppor fo* che nominacion of �ne I.ower Ph21en Cree'.< Project to the �Ietro Greemvays Proo �.n. ZVe believe tnis is a criticzl tirLk ia t:�� Mississipgi River's ecolo�icai corridor and we recoa ize [he potentizl of tnis sice to restore si�itu�;« F.abuat in our urbzn environment. Ic wi11 provide a unique opportunity for all our zesidents ir,' neighborhoods and downtown to exgerience na[ure and open space and its rescoracion wiIl furtners ciry's �oal of reclaimin� the Mississippi riverfront. —As r.oced in the �Ie�ro Greaprinc, pa�e 36, che community alon� with � sta�: support has been 2�d �..i: concinue �o be activeiy involved in pIannin� 2R� [eStoRng Fhe 2re2. WeS[roa; suppor t'ae co�.r•.ura:� . CliV B�BP.C18S 2Sld F12T2RCL OLo2RIZ8C10AS IR [Ue Le211Z2C10R OL Lf105Z o02I5. � CII CO¢r2gz the Deo�~:�e'= � Na�r� i Resources co acquire the Lowet Pnzlen Lreek proper:y to comptemenc ine o eenways zne na`�_ a zea ne[�vorks in [he city and the reQion. , Sincerely, �Ya;d �� �B�,�Y � Cou�ci!^ember - �Vasd 4 ' r ' , '\. ';� <���� ✓/��LC� � ��hy Lan�cy Councilmembec - �Ya:d 7 C_TY H?.r L SUITL 3?OC ;� Chris Coleman Conncilmember - Ward 2 � ` ��. .� J,tn Reite_ Counciimember - �Vud 5 ,- �/ �'L� • : !/'.'" 2,E ��� Mi`.<e Harris Councilmembe; - «'z� � �'���� D�R BOStCORI Cotncil President - �'«� = � SAINT PAUL. LSIN�FSOT?, 55!0_-l015 3� zi�1a N +� hn:c_ on A::.::.'- ?.:r. "ee : Cb-�55 Interdepartmentat Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL May 25, 2000 TO: Tom Beech � FROM: Vic Wittgenstein�� RE: Mini storage on Frattalone property On Friday May 26, the Planning Commission will make a recommendation on the Site Plan Review for a proposed mini-storage on the Frattalone property located south of Maryland and west of 35E, also known as the Trillium site. To assist the Planning Commission in making its recommendation we would like to • provide our input on the value we see in this property for parks. The site in question is part of and ancient river bed where a stream, known as Trout Brook, meandered before the railroad filled the land. The stream ultimately emptied into the Mississippi River. We see uemendous potential in developing the entire Trout Brook stream bed as a trail in the same way the Swede Hoilow trail follows the Phalen Creek bed. It is not unrealistic to envision possibilities for day lighting portions of the creek, restoring the wet area near the Trillium site and developing an educational nature area. The Trout Brook Trail would connect the existing and planned Mississippi River trails up through the North End, to the Munger Trail and into the entire Roseville Trail system. It would also connect to the proposed Great Northem Corridor. The Trout Brook section which includes the Trillium site is a critical connection. If it is lost ta development, it will be very difficult to regain. That is why we are so interesied in supporting efforts by the city and the state to keep the Trillium site in the public domain. We have had the opportunity to walk the proposed Trout Brook trail segment and are excited by the possibilities, not only of the connections to already existing trail systems, but also with potential partnerships with landowners along the Trout Brook trail se�ment. The Metropolitan Transit Commission is building a facility along side the trail corridor; Williams Hill Business Center borders the corridor; North End Elementary School is close by. There are tremendous opportunities for ecological and • stewardship projects with these groups. �� May 25, 2000 Memo - Tom Beach Pa�e two • Ten yeazs ago, it seemed an impossibility that Swede Iiollow could ever be reclaimed. Yet today it is a significant recreationat amenity as welt as an ecologicatly strengthened area. The Trout Brook corridor has the same potential. We are anxious that we maintain that potenrial by preventing private development of what should be a city amenity. cc: Rep. Tom Osthoff Linda 7ungwirth L� u 2� ti; �-�55 � DistriCt 6 Councii 1061 Rice St St. Paul, MN 55117 Phone 612 488-4485 Fax 612 488-U343 Apri4 27, 2000 St. Paul Planning Commission Zoning Committee City of St. Paul 14�0 Gity liall Annex 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul, MN 55102 FILE # 99-247 Dear Members of the Zoning Committee, The District 6 Planning Council received a request for Site Plan approval for Acorn Mini � Storage on the former railroad property between Agate and 35 E and between Case and Sims (aka the Trillium site). The position of the District 6 Planning Council is to support the city's comprehensive plan for a greenway and an environmental learning preserve that wouid include the Trillium Site. Developing this site into a greenway and learning preserve would enhance this community and improve the quality of life for area residents and business owners. Since ely, ( � �� Kathy Cole Executive Director C, � cc: �orn Beach Linda Jungwirth, Tri-Area Block Club 32 Di�trict 6 Planning Council _ _ _ _ _ _: -. _. - : � . �-���.._:.:_:� :: �:� �<-.:: : February 16, 1999 Department of Naturat Resources iosi �« SY. Paul, MN 55'iT! Phone 651 488-4485 Fax 651 488-0343 The District 6 Pfanning Council strongiy supports the Tri-Area 8lock Club's request for the development of an environmentai learning preserve in conjunction with the Munger/Gateway Trail. - fhis parce! of land is located south of Maryland Ave., west of 35 E and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad, east of Agate Street, and north of Cayuga. A development of this type will enhance the surrounding neighborhood, preserve green space, and be an attractive access to tfie Munger Trail. There are current(y five schools within waiking distance of this site. A preserve of this type cou(d be used as an educational tool and give inne� city youth the opportunity to (earn about the natural environment. The North End is a community in transition and we applaud the efforts of the Tri-Area Block C(ub in their attempt to stabilize and strengthen their neighborhood by being proactive, We pledge our support to this project and fook forward to the development of this site. Thank you for your consideration of this proposai. Sincerely, : �� 1 � � �:� Kathy �e Executive Director � LJ � Qo-7 55 • January 22, 1999 �l3ER�VI�Ti� a�weo ezv�,:u n�o ce+�.vexm:e r-crf:a.ce:es s:�ce � s�a Linda Jun�wirth, Chair Tri Area Biock Club 111 I Abel Street St. Paul, NI�i i 55117 Dear Linda, Modernistic Inc. and our associates support the efforts to preserve the Trillium Site as a naturalarea. I a�ree that the geology of the area would require extensive soil correction measures if buildinJ constn:ction or comm2rciaUindustrial uses were permitted for the site. For al1 the potential uses stated in your letter; educational, recreational and natural open • space adjacent to the Mun�er Trail, «�e lend our support and encoura�ement. I w•ould also like someday to see Trout Brook a�ain above ground and seeing the li�ht of day. My grandfather, �vho ��as born in 1873, fished irout in that brook as a youngster. Best of �vishes to you and your fine Tri-Area Block Ciub members for your �z�ork and efforts on behalf of those of us who live and work in this area. Thank you nei�hbor Sincerely, v ---- 7ohn Sch te, CEO Modernistic, Inc. � � a� - - - �»:.' o� ':?1-70�; ,_, — —�.. =.;XoS'/%=� _`— i GC )3.^•k3 :..v9^.��3 � �-- ..,.....c__. . � = � _, �� ,^.,:. =a>:...e ?J�_�i �..�.' i�:.= � <i� ?'. loC<,� R�>35'.� ,,:.ro cor�=_z FA2_'.v [t�`r.R r.:�.5_':. JO�?:+ �.t SJ COLO':.:•� �.o�•,>so� e�s•� cxro a. oee�s,�.. ,cr•. c ie: � 5;_�:=_� a. s,•: [.:rd� Su pJ>'. 32�a� 2.:.•.�.`- ., R°'_:C.�J "cC�""" S•==>=>.. � �<=�: , .:>.,_�<ss>��o=� n�:=.�:.. � c-.xcc:o �;.. _ _° -- ,-e=.=_>, a,. <o: .__...<�_= ._ �' �,', : _;'__=_-� :.e.> e �� �=._s � . :p��. a _v Lc G �v::i� ._, __- C `_° v ` . `. � _o s::��- ,.. .. ,. e= m:^, _..�_ , r.:r.r.=;� .�. 5"-, = 0:2 '_13 0 •• PAP,S(NEN KAPLAN LEVY ROSBERG & GOTLIEB P. A. c"are.s a•:C. Febniary 12, 1999 Linda 7ungwirth, Cliair Tri Area BIock Chib 1111 Abell Street St. Paul, MN 55117 RE: Trittium Site Development Dear Ms. Junawirth: _ • John S. De Lano� (612) 342-0367 jdelanoy�pbkLcum 0 As counse] for and on behalf of Tilsner Carton Company ("TCC"} and Cayu�a Street, LLC ("CS, LLC"), we «roald lil:e to endorse the development of the parczt of land comcnonly known as the `�TCLIIIIIIII Site" as a Greenway/natural presen�e. As you I:now, the TCC and CS. LLC properties are located immediateiy to the tc�es: and south of the Trillium Site. The development of the TrilIium Site. Greenway/preserve would be beneficial not only to the nei;hborhood as a who. Uut would also be compatible with our current faciIities. As such, we �vould loo� very favorably i�pon any such development. ShouId you require additionaI infonnation or assistance in this tuatter, ptease do no: hesitate to contact us. Very tnily yours, ..� � - JqZn S. De Lanoy � 7$D:tb cc: Joe1 S. Tilsner David A. Gotlieb, Esq. � �'d� c�-� s5 � February 9, 1999 Linda 7un�tivir[h, Chair Tri Area Block Club 1111 Abell St. St. Paul, M\ 55117 tiVe, members of the Conservation Committee of the St. Paul Audubon Society, reviewed your letter dated February 5, 1999 which talks about the future use of the Trillium Site located at the south west corner of I 35E and Maryland Ave. We support the concept of restoring the area to its natural settin� and possibly creatmg an environmental learning preserve similaz to the North St. Paul Ecology Center currently under development. Preservin� this area is especially ideal with its close vicinity to the Munger/Gateway Trail. tVe encoura�e you to continue to advocate for the restoration of the Triliium Site. Let me kno�v if we can be of further help. • � Sincerely, n , � - ` � � (��\�Y�LAi �i� St. Paul Audubon Society 30 East lOth Stree� St. Paul h1N 5�101-226� John A. Bauhs, Conservation Comrnittee Cha� a� co. �,e,.�� co«�i, ���:a v Lcno?at Cornu:i;7Coc.ci( � D.�xK; Sicn Ce:H %u Grt Lue Oi�r'c i Conr�W iqCn::.cl D�s:::c?Corm�ni.yCcwsil , o:�: r, a eu. ��ca.Kat a� se� �:�a�e�«a - Or.elcpenenlCor.{nny . r�:aYZ�e;.zyco,�;�: F:; urdkaCcr,.rcr:ry Cm.r.c� ltxEag•.o .YanGrc Qr.rur.in� Ca rcit n�cr,'a:er-Gat�ar.d Cor..^u^c!Cac:s�i � sY�-.^ z;,rx ccnru.::, ccu ct .cc. as:.et;�'a:iccc; C°,eE�cr..er..Co. � Pl;'t�Pha!fn �i56iC i P:a^nng Ca.n6I $: r.f.cg.F:anir..e "Ccmnc.^.iq Ccok:l ' S:.,t:sa: ?a•': Cesr..w:;; Ccs:.. �,,_>:: H�ii.V;cc�Eo, $�,.-C�iFCr.i:�58'( �he.: ibtr.35�D1!t Q�s��c 7 P:,r.nla3Cccrc P:�; ;i:.Fu: Rc:a ia; P.es: Stc Gr.:zr.s 0•yizKia;. : ±\,o E-:'.o,>. _..�• . I'f �� � h4a:ch3, 1999� i,inda Jungwinh Tri Area $loci: Club 1111 Abell Street. Saint Paut, IvIN 5�117 Dear Linda; The Saint Paul Nei�hborhood Energy Corisortium (\`EC} supports tfie nominatior. of the "Trillium" site for b4etro Greem�'ays Si'te Protection. The site i§ one of only a fe�v natural areas �vithin the city of Sainc Pau1. « its proxiinity to a resideniial area, the Mzinoer Trail and the Trout Brook Trail, the "Trillium" sit an important locale for rzcreation and education opporuntties «_ithin anu*ba� SettinL. , � � - . The NEC is a coalition of community or�anizations ser�'in� Saint Pzul area residents and businesses. Its.purpose is to pro�'ide information, ser�ices and pro=rams that contribu�e to an environmentall}' responsio!e conummit}'. Pleasz calt me at 6� 1-221-4462 if y�ou haz�e questions. S;ncerelv, ) � / ��C/ e,fl�.�L ���^`� � Sheliey Shreffler � \aturat Resources Pro= �m Mana�er C J J Saint Paul I`Ieighborhood En.ergy Consortiur 475 I`lorth Cleveland Avenue, =`100 • Saint Paul, MI`I 55104 • 651 j644-5436 . co-755 � � ::� JAVICE RETihiA\ Coun�y Conm¢sior.cr Datricc 3 RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIO�E� March 4, 1999 Al/en Garber, Commissioner Minnesofa Departmenf of Natural Resources 500 Lafayette Road, 6` Floor St. Paul, Minnesota 559b5 Dear Commissioner Garber.• ! have been serving as Ramsey County Commissioner or Cify Councilmember for the North End area of St. Pau( for the pasf 93 years. � 1 am aware of the concerns and needs of the communify near fhe Trillium property and support the etforts to preserve tnis site. The projecf would have a positive impact by enhancing the Munger Trail, providing green space, and creating an environmenfal learning experience for area chiidren. if you would like addifiona( information, please feel free to confact me. Janice Rettman Ramsey County Commrssioner District 3 � C[TI" HALL'COL'RT NOL'SE SOITE?30 SAIXT PAliL. �tl\'\ESOTA »103 �!mn?sota's Firs' Home Rule Counh� , r:a:o-•:c�r,c:a.a "ti_ • �� � . .. _ • January 28. 2000 Upper On behalF of i�e Upper Swede Hollow Nelphborhoods Associafion (USNNA), t w Qs�d� ��The express our suppo�i of the Saint Paul Trout BrooklLower Phaien GreanwaY ProP �'We�e apPiication by SaintPaul Departrnentof Planning and Economic Developmentis compiementary to the grant USHNA received for the Lower Phalen Creek Pmject H O1.lOW � USHNA looks fonxard to the oppo�tunities the project wiil offer to iudher sb'engthen ihe tj ]� partnership among commundy organ�zations, city government, and state agencies t� 312�OT�OOI.ts ! demonsttate that the natural environment and city neighbahoods can suppat ane � b , another. Associatian � LdS: �2�1'R S�I2°i i Sai, � P>_�s , 4S` ��i0o i �-,�:: L��H�a �. r u �d �;�..��:-.�:5 � P:oreo�.711.265g � �aY CJ'.IT n['r: � We encourage you m suppatthe ProPasai a�d Promote guality of life in vrban neighbofioods. Sin ly, Carol Carey, Executive Direttar LJ Z� � 55 • January 27, 2000 To Whom It May Concern: The Tri Area Block Ciub supports the City of St. Paul's application tos a planning grant. This is consistent with plans to preserve the °Trifiivm" Site and estabiish a Greenway along the Trout Srook Corridor. Tri Area submitted a nomination for site protection to Metro Greenways by the January 1, 2000 deadline. This is one of the last remaining privately hetd segments and is under imminent threat of development. The value of this site is as a connection to nearby recreational trails and a migratory link to the Mississippi River. {t is the goa! of those involved to transform this vision into an asset benefitting everyone. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, � � �� , � f��. Linda Jungwirth, Chair Tri Area Biock Ciub � 1 i 11 Abel! Street St. Paui, MN 55117 � �! / � ,;�u r — . .:4�� "� . f �,d _. t__. -. Gmm 16"'1 Be�xhwood Ave. Sc. Peul, biN 55116 651-698-45�33 March 24; 1999 wx,v. fn en dsoP�hepaA�org COPY _ • Presidzr.t A1 Singer Perry R. Bolin Metro Greenways Vice Przsidents Department of Natural Resources � Izanne Weigum t?(1!J � g0'� Ta�u`r 3t. Paul, IvIN 55106 Incnc� R. Brichtr Directors � Craig Andresen RE: Grant for acquisirion of the Tiiliium Site. Liz Mdeson Ann Cieslalc Deaz Al , Dan ColIins � Thomas T. Dwight An a hcation for a t was made to Metro Greenwa s to ac ll1IC ro e west of I Nz�1 Franey PP � 8ran Y �l P P nY �+ii!iam Fc�.n.k south of Maryland Ave., east of Agate Streec, and north of Cayuga Ave. This propery is Et��n� Johnson known as the Trillium Site. b;_�yn Lundberg Robzct Netheccuc �ple B oard of the Friends o£ the Pazks and Trails of St Paul and Ramsey County he� st�x bi. Notan resentation b Linda 7unawitth, Chair of the Tri Area B!ock Club conceminQ this s: Saacc o(son P Y Sco:c Ramsay our board meeting on Mareh 18. The propercy is now owned by a private eompany, ith : Pi<r.e Regnier pocenrial for industrial developmenc 1tTy sz�x bfarsha Soucheray �e Friends voted to support the acquisition of the site for pazks and open spaces, with t�� V ice Pmsident Emeritus Sanue! H. biorgan determinadon of the use of the site to be deterrruned at a 12ter date. D'seaor Emeritus D-�:�t Lsty We suppon the grant appHcation co the Meuo Greenways Proa am for the Triitium Si.e. Trcnan W. Porcer Ez o�u�ro Sineerely, Dcnnis Asmussen � Tnomss Eggum � , •;.�c G��s � ,'��� �� Pa•3l L. Kirkwo[d G::g �fack peggy Lynch Vic Wittgenstein =_ze:.u:i�z Diree[o; r..d Sac:ecary peggy Lyneh ' 1 L J ... • x^ €' ao-? 55 � North End Area Revi�alizati=. 1061 Rice Street • St. Paul, hSinnesct2 5= (612i �aS- Fax (0121 =3S-; 1 March 1999 Linda June��'irtL ` Tri .Srea Block Club I 111 Abell Street St Paul, Ivt� 5�117 De2r Linda: � On behalf of the Board of Directors of North End Area Revitalization (I�IEAR), I want to express our support for your work in developin� sn environmzntal learning preserve in conjunction with the ��un�edGate«•ay Recreational Trail. This project «'ould be a valuable asset to the North End communit} �vhich covld be used ov both businesses and residents. Thank you for your ���ork in mo�in� this project fonvard. If «�e can bz of assistance in the future as your �vork advances, please let me know. Sinczrely, � �'._"�. � 1 , \/ _ � ; ��,v '- L C C (.` i � �, � Dawn Stoc4:mo E�ecutive Director �m Dz t:onLr.S :et :1'orcc Er.: Comr,:e.^.:^. �tihii�� i� � : � 'S� - ° i.:_.....: �' / ��i�-� �tI\�ESOT:�`P:�f:I�S �C TR:�tI,S COL ` ?(, Ei.nt E�ch:mgt S,_ � "" S(. Paul. \IiNtc,ota i� t rbill_'.ti(-0_08 • 1-�tiqrJ.•-' Fa.r r�,; t � . __'--..- _----_—:______--_____�--___—'_--------. f=nt�ti(_<d'lr7(e?�� " r.�t:ct�t�i�rco.�r.�irrrrr_ Ti: :;a. T. D���i��ht. �hui+' f�.i_..:i� C. �1'in> PI"('�flfCRf 1, :-�� L� i nan. J r.. 1'ic'c !'re sidc•nt \I.''. S[rnbcl, I�irC l'�•CSi�lCrtt .l C_ a.i� 1 I'rirU:�rd. Trcus�u \L :': Elugunin. Srcrrt<u_r �f.•::� Clarl.c ' (�: :::t 3larrit[ :\:..n Ru�clson. Jr. ylI,�ORAIZ S" DlRECTORS t-:., cr L. �\ndzrscn K, •:in t3i:hup \t:!iiam Firchncr �:!:�.�n�a, �t:�rst,:�tt S,:nuaf H. �lorean �(... Titomas C. fBett� l Sacagc Hrnr� Sutn.en AI R1iC7'ORS I�_I Cii�rknz:, K. (iLtCk��'cll B�`.t Br�,on [;.;�cr� Dunn . I.::n� Edd� � ��c:n Farroit T_«� Fiero .._.: Fii�; (:, :��rt FIoICCR i:.�Gr:n E'...:i H;irsc.hciri�cr I ): •. nl FLer[�«II '.Li.:in f:ellu_g ti�,.� i:ir�hn�r �,;.,.� [.�nrh [ crr. \(.G:m�ha� i:�:ii;tr�t \iciu � ::c�_ \lurra� . ,�.i \:I.un :-,.! ��. \ol[aR � . .:11'i� n��t�il . _ . � (1 i.Ul1 �'.... �iU.� . :: i. �• �� i1J� i�i 1 . , r Sf�cr�� u,�.t . �:�.:: : S!;;.il�, -. �,i�;.,_�. �..,,�,, � . . ..._: 't,_;�i_ l. \ CC'1'7'1l "!i Ulli 1?C7'OR ... �, G: ili.� : .. ..,.,,.."� .._,�._.. ; . , ta:�_ �� February 12. 19?9 To �Vhor,i It P�Iay Ccnccm: The blinnesotz ?arks sd Traits Counci: a-uppors the efiort te prescrve thc Trillium site. T'he r.cot;mity of this pro�Y.�+ to the A4un;er,`Gatcn•a}� Ttai1 would �11ow for ea+.snce�en. o; th� tr::i! snd � an assa �e me nei=hbor:i; .L'itTl:li'.+T1ii�. 5�ncercly, Uorian Gril;ey � Execuu� Directer nlinnesotz Par.l•s ar;d Tr�ils Councit A � \ J oo-� 55 � Septembcr 9,1999 Dear City of St. Paui Plaaaing Commiss��n and City Council pn bchalf of New H�ony Case Center, I would like to express that we are greatty ia favor of the development proposal foz a nature resu've, which would be within e9sy acc�s for our be"igbbo: fiood, not to mention the patients and residentv of New garmuny, 'I'his concept would not oalp cnhance the neig�xborhood zres from a landscape stsudpoint, but would cnable many local FoLks to enjoy aa eavironment of reczrzrion, leamiae, znd relaxation that is otheawisc very limited in tuis pz-t t fwn. This endeavo: Would not only benefit the inmedia�e communihes bu w'ould be an idca groject w involvc several non-profrt agencies tha*. choose to focvs'�heu resources on n3tuzc and par}c developmcnt A prairie meadow with a waL�ing p� > for example � t ,,. o �Q ��� { this par�cuL3r azea, not to mention tbe scores of other aearive optinnc tha*. cauld be sponsored for tr.� zcscrve. Most importantly, a res�`e v,vi:ld do great things in tnc zrea of balancing thc wmm�cial businesscs and industiz zcaviau with our neighbo:hood. I und:rs�ad tk�at tha property in quesrion is sonewhat of a marsi�, ��s y preserve is somcthin> ti�t wouldbcst be suited long ter,n- This proposod ptroject would be s very noticcable laudmzrk, primariiY due to iu loeation, beia; nearthe hi�hway, major wd res�dential streets. On the othcr side of thc coin, wt x•ould not be suppo:tive of addinor2'• ��n��'�8. consL'uction, or bus�ncsses th� would produce hcavy truck ��nc, iarn'—ssizl reIazed , • t :...:.:,. roise, and 5�.isUsmokc e�usnons. i: is my opinion flut innw�ia:�i:on�,==�=u ��..�...=��z> do fit into com.mLnities; wiv,in moderatioa My point is that o�* r�gh5orhood is max� out , and �•ould geatly R'e:comc a pr�'c, aad wouid treat it as a pn�'ilegc. I thz_nk you for takin� thc ^-=z to co:�sider this lettrs oi apinion. Ncu' Ii2.�ony Caze Cente: is e non —profit subulrte�rehab and nv*rsing homc sen-in3 th= local community, cJinics and z�ca hospitzl;. Sincs��y, Treaton C�*l;o.^. � G �." !;S i.:�: ��:;. ...�n•�.�.�c; 1':.:�: A'.A� SSll�SO�)�• u'.3':titi-GG�ti :1 juint mini�U_r uf 7�i+in Ci�s C!u'ictian F/nutcs �i F.lim C1:rr North End Business A.ssociation, Inc Post OfFice Bos 17014 5�=-�--� 3 Saint Paul, b(irmeso� i E To: State of YIinnesota The Department of 1V'aturai Resources To �Vhom It May Concern: The iVorth End Business Association esists to promote, support and mainYain the integrity of the Norfh End Business Communit�•, financially contribute to deservina neiahborhood service organizations, activities and events, lobby for legislation beneficial to the local community and assist in neighborhood communit}• efforts to improve its homes, streets, schools and transportation facilities. The �iorth End Business Association supports the concept of a Greentivay/environmental learning presen'e at the Triflium site. Such a � decelopment would be an assef to the North End communih�, enhance the adjacent Nlunger Trail, and benefit the } attendina our schools. This project �could ha�•e a positice influence on the direction and goaIs of the community. `Ve encouraae your selection of this site. Sincerelr, � � �� i Bruce A. son President cc Linda 3una virth • �� !Ll!�i . �5:.1 ��� 1 �l�L�L;! . < < ` � � �, � � y ' 1 �1�;, .. ,, , ��% ;� ,� � , �, i r./ .. "'�+-:�� �',` Iut c:�� �•. - .f - �-�-:,:..-- 0�=1�_' :=:I ; z= .,�........ . 's. a �;n�.�!.....,a �� . ,;. ?�,b =<: \-� ��_�� -�, o., . ;; , �.� �=- ,..\ t- �.;�; , s `y! . � /�-.� �,.---: tl:=�- _ <uuuuLU�u �ti C�CI! i��l� C��L1 �D��i���U�(� :.����L1��D�C �000cor�o�❑ ❑�ULJ,!JrJUC!O❑ � � � �.,`l.� J'� �''� � y ' �'�R2� � - I 'i/,L � u �-.V i�:.a J � 'n���C=�. � � �=� �.� u G� � ��OLI; . ���c r. ��I i �ao �I._;�� � `� ` � �' 1 � � �ESTE M �r, �_:..��- .sl ���� �� ���a'��:n � 3 �:: . � � uoa�oc a � )���acoo�_o - J� I �--- ��:u`u� ¢C � ���_``�� � - - °C;OC,O�O= `G t J�r'`°�� � =r:-°r�C;� '[�O❑ �"_]0�"J�:� g`��IC_1`U� :�°L"��(� �i-L;;�LJ � _ ,�.....���e=f���C!��l""`_e�;� ^; r -�-- � atJt r =L r l LJ LJ LI L:�"� L� � LL'L'� (�m=�U �'; � � "l� Ct��`; u LJU L � .J L: - __' _ _ - ���� - r.7,� � � o a - S'ack,san �. ;� ; �L�—�I `; � C:� , .:�r"� i; r� � `u/ , � _. .>':. � I _; ,-- ,'` -'--.: =., - ..,.,,. -_ -�,�--` �- _ _: L..,_=._ „_. : � , � _ �: -� ��� 35-E �-.. �=� ._`;.I(: i,t ='�C� ������su�:—�=��: ���JL�_ �` wFSiMiNSTFR r Si� / r nn5ifq C�C� • 9 � C � : �� � LJ L~� e \ i `4- � `� t �= ^��'�_,�_ '/ \ I �� �z ��o aL�� j��r���� >_ -� :[�[_� '` � I �-- _ ^<;� �� � C-7 U� J u O L��L.-- r"�CI(���iv �• CI�C°�=00 � � `� _ ��; �I� __ ^�°-�Lra� �' ,....� r� r-i rt �':� � O �" f ro i �l i I. 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V �" C> � V �p N W w U LL V � � LL V �� LL _ V L � n a r- U � " ., � �, _ _ � $q" $ � '�'� i LI-�_ :�, .M - I p ir � . y i ;_ , % V ... ,. � i` I $ $ :�': �� Y��=' � �: { � al �I • � 1 �11 � i J � I U f �I . � Y :�i �,::,:.. � ' i��� a;C; � �� - i 1 - ' � i $ $ ' '�%U Oi ' � 1 z vl_' "�` V :;j'c j ;� ;r: �'f�i.a.,_ ` r:- � � y - i f � � ';...W.. , �� (� ;'_'',� _."— � I >I �F:r+_�C LJ�`a' 1 I .' L � V �� � � � � . � �� .� T 1 ' I � ;... u� �'� �5 ��b�s� ���.� ,� � ��� , ._.,, , � 1; _� ,. oa �� JANICE RETTMAN Couuty Commissio¢er Distria 3 RAMSEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS June 28,2000 Saint Paul City Council President Dan Bostrom and Members of the Saint Paul City Council City/County Courthouse 3` Floor Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear President Bostrom and Members of the Saint Paul City Council: On your City Council agenda this aftemoon, you have an appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of the petitioner's site plan for the Trillium site. I thought it would be appropriate if I shared with you two key points to assist in your deliberations. Although the Capitol Region Watershed has been in existence less than 2 years, they have been most active in creating the Draft Watershed Management Plan for the next five years. As part of that plan, they are currently in contact with both the Metropolitan Council and the City of Saint Paul regarding the main interceptor called the "Trout Brook Interceptor". For years the ownership and the responsibility of the Trout Brook Interceptor has been the focus of many discussions by the Administration and the Saint Paul City Council. With the creation of the new Watershed District, the talks have begun anew. The site you are discussing is in and adjacent too and part of the Trout Brook Interceptor area. It is a vital part of the wetlands, storm retention, and environmental aspects of the Trout Brook Interceptor and provides an opportunity for an environmental ecosystem, which also provides educational components for the area. This area is critical for the interceptor discussions. Secondly, Representative Tom Osthoff was able to secure $900,000 from the Legislature for the aforementioned purposes as they pertain to the wetlands, storm retention, and environmental aspects---notxhe ownership per se of the Trout Brook. The dollars are for commencing the acquisition of the abandoned rail property as well as the adjacent area—i.e. the Trillium site. There is currently part of the Munger/Gateway Trail adjacent to the area you are discussing which will eventually connect the north and south to downtown Saint CITY HALL� COURT HOUSE SUITE 220 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/266-8360 Minnesota's First Home Rule County printed on recycied paper ofl-�55 Paul. The District 6 Planning Council and the North End Business Association joined with the Block Club in their attempts to return this property to a wetlands preserve. The Block Club has worked on this project for almost five years and is also working with the DNR and the U of MN greenway peopfe. As the Ramsey County Board of Commissioner's representative to the Capitol Region Watershed District and as the County Commissioner serving this area, t believe the appeat should be denied as recommended by the Zoning Committee, Planning Commission, and staff. Sincerely, J�fiice Rettman Ramsey County Commissioner District 3