00-752ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To committee: nate i Resolved, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of a the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Richard Beeson, Jr. to serve on the a Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority. s Richard Beesan, Jr. shall served the remainder of Mark Shields unexpired 6 term. This term shall expire on July 1, 2003. lo i i Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date � 'aOc�� ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Y --- �+ - BY. By: � ,_._c `�- _ Approved by or: D ��i�'Oc) 7approved by Mayor £or Submission to Counci By: �j�J� By: ��-'"� Council File # O O � � $'.L creen Sheet # 106896 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �` _ e bo-'15�. DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCWNCIL DA7EIxrtu�TED . . � �� �` ' � GREEN SHEET No 106896 � Mayor's Office 8-14-00''```' ' COPITACT PERSOH & PIiONE NNYN.b M�Nrlort. Lucia LEbens 6-8533 � wrun�row�crw ancowa. MUSfBEONCOUNCILAGENOABY(OA'f� � � � ❑ �- $—�I.�J—OO - . MSIf:N MIMBERFOR QIYAiiOqEY G1YC{iRK RWSIIIG �� , ❑1i11111CPLf6RY1CUOIR RIY1CIiLaiRV/kCTO � � - � aw���.,� ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREj EQUESTW . � . Approving the appointment of Richard Beeson,3r., by Mayor Coleman, to the Saint Pau1 RiverCent� PLANNING COMMISSION Ct6 COMMfITEE CML SERVICE COMM45SION � � Has thia ae�aoM�m everxoncea uiwer a conuact tormis Aeaahment? YES NO Hae pus pataanllUm evM 6een a c�J emPbYee?. ,. YE3 NQ . _ � Dces this GeisoNflrtn poesesc a elall nat namaOYQ� DY anY curreM a7Y emploYee9 VES NO IB this peleonl(Mm e �efpMetl vetMOYt ' . , YES Pq iAOUNS OF TRANSACTION sou� INFORMA710N (IXPL/JN) COSTIREVENUE8U06ETED{GRCLECNEI YES " NO �cmnn Nu�e fCfl C:�iltEt' AUG �. 5 2009 aa--ZSa CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: '� 390 Ciry Ha1[ IS West Kettogg Boutevard Saint Pau1, MN 55102 Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councitmember James Reiter Lucia Lebens� Assistant to the Mayor August 15, 2000 Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority Telephone: 612-266-8510 Facsimile: 612-266-8513 COUti�� �ES�3�f�� r vi�":," ' Ffi Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Richard Beeson, Jr. to serve on the Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority. Richard Beeson, Jr. shall serve the unexpired term of Mark Shields. His term shall expire on July 1, 2003. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating Richard Beeson, Jr., a copy of his application and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 1999. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments c: Erich Mishe, Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority Staff � 00 -�s a. �• � �� • � � � •�- . .. r . C.�JIJP�IITI'EE : CCA Civic Center Authority FOR APPLIC�'IONS DATID AFTER O1J01J99 1•ee��i� APPLIC�NT / RF'�`F'RF'nTCE COP��Fi'S YT�ARD PLZ�TIIQG SII�TE APP DATE ETH GIIJ DIS DISTRICI' DIS�RICT (PRIOR) ((7PF�R �M'ffTTEES SEE2VING ON) ------------------------------ --- ------- ------- -------- -- -- --- 003563 1-linley, Sohn A. 2 17 03/12/99 W M #1815 111 E. Kellogg Boulevard St. Pau1, MC�TT 55101 G�[c¢rnznication Consultant 002425 Beeson, Jr., Richard B. 899 Linw�od Avenue St. Paul, MN 551D5 2 16 03f15/99 W M Bank President 003579 Ludemaxui, L�ebra 1504 Se1by Avenue St. Paul, MDTT 55104 Slrall Business Oomer 003312 Udoibok, Kenneth U. 1606 Highland Parkway St. Paul, NIlV 55116 Attorney 4 13 3 15 03/26/99 W F 04J19/99 B M 003578 Unstad, Jan 5432 Morgan Avenue S. Minneapolis, MM[QT 55419 Public Policy Manager 03/29/99 W F 003600 Zdrazil, Andre J. 7 4 04/13/99 W M 1208 McClean Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 7�wyer :, r ���`� �� OFFICE OF T'HE MAYOR 390 CTTY HALL SAINT YAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Name: Richard B. Beeson, Jr. Home Address: 1210 Sheffier Street Telephone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: �i%hat is your occupation? Place of Empioyment: Committee(s) Applied For: St. Paul Cify Zip �� 651-696-1996 or 651-523-7830 ����651-523-7885 District St. Antho City Council Ward: Park Bank, 2265 Como Avenue, St. Paul, MN Commuriitv Bank President / CEO St. Anthony Park Bank St. Paul RiverCenter Authori W hat sl:ilis, training or experience do you possess for the commiYtee(s) for which you seek appointment? President/CEO of an $80 million St. Paul-community bank working closely with business, government and non-profits. Actively involved in sales and promotion of business resulting in a doubling of the bank's size in four and one-half ,years. Formerly Senior Project PAanager with St. Paul Department of PED from 1978-1988 focusing on redevelopment and growth of downtown�5t. Paul Riverfront, Neighborhood Development and Housing. Int rac ed los 1 wi h all d w tow of Summit Hill Association/District 16 and active in a multitude of other Sf. Paul not-- for-profits. I have spent over 20 years as a community builder and economic - of St. Paul. The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Aata Yractices Act. As a result, this information is not released to t6e generai public. (OVER) Rev. 5-5-97 DO �'15 2� RECEIVED �4 MAR 15.]999 �1tAY0R'S OFFICE � :�L^ - RICHARD B. BEESON, JR. DO - 7.5� ` 1219 Scheffer Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-696-1996 rick�a park-bank.com EXPERIENCE 1988 to Present Saint Anthony Park Bank PRESIDENT/CEO Saint Paul, M\T btanage S8� million FDIC-insured commercial bank. Oversee the Ban}:'s safety, soundness, key commercial accounts and business developmen[ pro�ram. Hired as senior commercial lender in May 1933 and promoczd to President in February 199�. The Bank is a well-capitalized institution with hi�h credit quality alon� wi[h a stron� communiry focus. Investment Ofticer, Board member, Asset/Liabiliry and Loan Committee member. A conununi[y buiider with ]eadership and fundraisin� responsibilities on imponant communiry initiatives. 1978 to 1988 City of Saint Paul SE��IOR PROJECT MANAGER Department of Planning and Economic Development Senior project mana�er in downtown, riverfront, housing and neighborhood development divisions durin� the administration of hiayor George Latimer. Devised and implemented $10 million tax increment financing plan and redevelopment agreement for the Saint Paul Riverfront. Successfully negotiated purchase of Amhoist, Harvest States and Kaplan propzrties. Obtained necessary administrative and le�islative approvals. Arranged city financial assistance for �Vorld Trade Center Ramp, World Theater, Ordway Music 'SUeater and Film- In-The-Cities projects. Obtained 52.4 million federal UDAG for citywide energy loan program. Structured S4 million tax increment financing for then �Valdorf Corporation retainin� 800 industrial jobs. Managed finzen commercial revenue-bond projects, re-developed three surplus school sites and co-managed a�0 million housin� revenue bond program. Created marketing pro�razn for all ciry-housing pro�rams. 1977 to 1978 vlinnesota Housing Finance Agency LOAN OFFICER Recruited outstate and metropolitan tinancial institutions for program participation. Trained and managed bank oY'Yicers of thirry Title I lenders to originate home improvement loans. Evaluated loans for approval and purchase by Agency. 1977 Mianesota State Senate, Energy & Housing Committee LEGTSLATIVE AIDE Staffed Senate Coaunittee providing necessary administrative, research and communication services. 1976 Senator Franl:lin J. Iinoll CAMPATGN MAl\'AGER Directed a core group of field managzrs to win the Minnesota Senate seat with 58%o of the south Minneapolis voters. Strateeized and launched the caznpai�n conducted by 300 volunteers to a population base of 56,000. Achieved the first party turnover in district history and unseated faur-term incumbent. EDUCATION 1993 Universicv of Wisconsin - Graduate School of Bankin� - Diploma 1984 Universiev of Sain� "Ihomas - Masters of Business Adminiscraeion 1976 Universiri of Minnesota - Bachelor of Aru - Political Science 1971 �Vashbum Hieh School, Minneapolis - Dipioma FAAfILY Married with two dau�hters, residing in Saint Pau1; St. Lukes Pazish(Nativiry SchooV Cretin-Derham Hall School h. �scafftcbh /resumz99 RICHARD B. BEESON, JR. � 1210 Scheffer Avenue Saint Paul, MN 5�116 651-696-1996 COMNIU�TITY SERVICE RESUME Civic 1999 - Present 1998 1993 1989 - 199� 199A - 1994 St. Pau1 River&ont Deve]opment Corporation - Annual Meeting Committee Member Mayor Coteman's City/School Task Force - Member St. Paul School Superintendent Search Advisory Committee - Member Communiry Reinvestment Fund (CRF) Lenders Advisory Committee - Member iviayor Colemari s ll2 Cent Sales Tax Committee - biember Nei�hU orhood/Comm uni ty 1998 - 1999 Indianhead Council I Boy Scouts of Amzrica - Chair of Friends of Scoutin� Campaign 1998 - Present H-MARC (Hamline-biidway Development Corp) - Advisory Committee 1998 St. Anthony Park Community Foundation - Foundin� Committee 1991 - 1994 5ain[ Paui Tennis Club - Director, President 1990 - 1992 1939 - 1991 1938 - 1993 1984 - 198� 1980 - 1982 Human Services 1998 - Present 1998 - Present 1997 1992 - 1993 1988 - 1989 1983 - 1984 Business 1999 - Fresent 1995 - 1996 1991 - 1991 1491 - 1944 1988 - 1996 Trade 1997 - Present 1997 - Present 1996 - Present 1996 - Presen[ 1991 - 1992 1990 - 1992 1980 - 1982 Cultural 1990 - 1995 hdstaff7rbhfen99 Church of St. Luke's - Finaflce Conunittee - Membec Disvict 12 NPP ComnveteefRaymond & University - Member Sumccut Hill Assoc./Districc 16 Planning Councii, Saint Paut - Director, Treasurer, President Dayton's Bluff Nei�hborhoad Housin� Services (NHS) - Directar Snellin�-Hamline Enerey Consortium - Director Midway YMCA - Direc[or, Co-Chair of "Y" Parmers Campaign Deva House Hospice Center - Director, Treasurer Ministry By Design - Advisory Committee Suaunit Hill Block Nurse Prograrn - Founder, Director Central Towers of St. Paul - Director Minneapolis Handicapped Advisory Com[nittee - Member S[. Pau] Downtown Rotary t{IO - ivlember St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce - Dicee[oc SBA(East Mecro 504 Economic Development Corporation (SPEDCO) - Direccor, President Sc. Anthony Park Business Association - Treasurer, Direccor bfidway Chamber of Commerce - Director, President Sta[e of Minnesata Non-profit Advisory Bondin� Committee - Member Graduate School of Bankin� (University of Wisconsin) Adcisory Committee - Nlember Minnesota Bankers' Association - Airector, biember Con�ressman Bruce Vento Banking Advisory Coaunit[ee - ivlember Housing Altematives Development Corporation - Director Minnesota lndustrial Development Association (bIIDA) - Diember Na[ional Association of Housing and Redevelopment OfYicials (NAHRO) - biember Northern Clay Cenrer Finance Committee - bfember, Finance Committee DO -'kT�` oo-?•�a ParkBank St. Anthony Park State Bank 2265 Como Avenue • St. Paul, MN 55108 65I-523-7800 • FAX 651-523-7885 RECE(VED MAR 1 5 tgg9 MAYOR'S OFf��E March 11, 1999 Ms. Darlyne Monow Citizen Committee Secretary Ciry of St. Paul 390 City Hall 15 West Kello�� Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Morrow: Please find enclosed my application for a seat on [he RiverCenter Authocity board. Please feel free to contact me at 651-523-7830 should you have any questions regardin� my interest in this position. Sincerely, �� �� Richard B. Beeson, Jr. President HJStaff/tbbflzttedri vercenrer TeleBank St. Anthony Park Bank 24-Hour Banl:ing 651fi47-0438, Ezt. 100 website: www.park-bank.com • e-mail: info@park-bank.com — Member ojthe Aftnnesota Kri stone Program — ParkBank St. Anthony Park State Bank 2265 Como Avenue � St. Paul, MN 55108 651-523-7800• FAX 6S1-S23-7885 :��iarch S, 1999 The Honorable Mayor Iv'om� Coleman City of St. Paul 2-�0 City Hall St. Paul. MN 55102 RE: RiverCentre Board Dear Norm: 1 /� � � i �, , , As ���e briefly discussed last week, I would like to be considered for � position on the RiverCentre Soa � ---- I have an interest in providin� service, ]eadership and credibility to this important community institution as it continues to deal with the quickened pace of change and evolvin� roles of the publiclprivate sectors, The business worid is chan�in� so quickly, as is �overnment, and I believe orQanizations like RiverCentre need to be continuously en�a�ed in strate�ic plannin� and chal(engino old assumptions. T also have a desire to become more im:olved in downtown activities, which is where I spent ovcr ien years buildin� fi�iendships an:l business relationships. My qualifications are several, inciudinQ a unique combination uf busine�s and government worh back�rounds. I am currently PresidenUCEO of an $85 million St. Paul bank wi[h a stron� communit} tiocus and servin� over 500 St. Paul area businesses and not-for-profits. I previously �vas employed with PED under the Latimer administration workin� on many downto�vn, riverfront and neiahborhood projects and programs. I have served on numerous community, business and service boards in St. Paul. I take board work seriously, work we11 with diverse groups and encouraQe stronQ discussions as a means to achievins optimal results. I have a areat affection for St. Paul and a desire to help maintain the momentum tnat you and others have worked so hard to �enecate. I'm endosin� a copy of m}• resume. Please call me at 651-523-7830 so that we can talk about how my capabilities mi�ht fit in �vithin your needs_ Personal regards, (1�l� �-,. Richard B. Beeson,3r. President H:/statf/rbb/lettzd97-2.gd Enc. cc: William S. FLeiling Richard H. Zehrina W. AIldCOW BOS�eleBank St. Anthonc Park Bank 24-Hour Banking 651-6�7-0938, Est. 100 website: ww��v.park-bank.com • e-mail: infoLdpark-bank.com � I � f �� �:a� � '`,_ ."��, 1 ;,f i=��( � 4O-�sr . � � N "� � RECEIVED �,� � - MAR 8 - lggg R'S OFFICE �. — h[ember ojthe hfinuesota Kevstane Program — RICHARD B. BEESON, JR. 1219 Scheffer Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-696-1996 rick@park-bank.com EXPERIENCE 1988 to Present Saint Anthony Park Bank Saint Paul, MN 00—�=?- PRESIDENT/CEO Manage S85 million FDIC-insured commercial bank. Oversee the Bank's safety, soundness, key commerciat accounts and business development pro�ram. Hired as senior commercial lender in May 1988 and promoted to President in February 199�. The Bank is a weli-capitalized institution with high credit quality along with a strong communicy focus. Investment Ofticer, Soard member, AssedLiabiliry and Loan Committee member, A communiry builder with leadership and fundraising responsibilities on unportant communiry initiatives. 197� to 1°$8 Cit}� cf Saia± Pau'. SENIOR P'�20JECT MANAGER Department of Planning and Economic Development Senior project manager in downtown, riverfront, housin� and neighborhood development divisions durina [he administration of Mayor George Latimer. Devised and implemented $10 million tax increment Financin� plan and redevelopment agreement for the Saint Paul Riverfront. Successfully negotiated purchase of Amhoist, Harvest States and Kaptan properties. Obcained necessary administrative and legislative approvals. revenue bond pro�ram. Created marketin� pro�ram Y'or ail city-housin� programs. Arranged city tinancial assistance for �Vorld Trade Center Ramp, World Theater, Ordway Music Theater and Film- In-The-Cities projec[s. Obtained 52.4 million federal UDAG for citywide energy loan program. Strucmred S4 million tax increment tinancing ibr then Waldorf Corporation retainin� 800 industrial jobs. Managed fifreen commercial revenue-bond projects, re-developed three surplus school sires and co-managed a$40 miltion housin� 1977 to 1978 Minnesota Housing Finance Agency LOAN OFFICER Recrui[ed ouatate and metropolitan financial institutions for prograzn pazticipation. Trained and managed banl ofticers of thirty Title I lenders [o originate home improvement loans. Bvaluated loans for approval and purchase by Agency. 1977 Minnesota State Senate, Energy & Housing Committee LEGISLATIVE AIDE Staffed Senate Comcnitree providing necessary administrative, reseuch and communication services. 1976 Senator Franl:lin J. Knoll CAMPAIGN MANAGER Direc[ed a core groun of tield managers to win the Minneso[a Senare seat with 58�7 of the south Minneapolis votzrs. Strategized and launched the campaign conducted by 300 volunteers to a population base of 56,000. Achieved the first party tumover in district history and unseated four-term incumbent. EDUCATION 1993 1984 1976 1971 FAbiILY Universiry of Wisconsin - Graduate School of Bankin� - Diploma Universi[v of Saint Thomas - btasters of Business Administration Universitv of Minnesota - Bachelor of Arts - Political Science Washbum Hish School, Minneapolis - Diploma Married with two dau�h[ers, residing in Saint Paul; St. Lukes Pazish/Nativity SchooU Cretin-Derham Hall School h: /sraff/rbbhesume99 ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To committee: nate i Resolved, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of a the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Richard Beeson, Jr. to serve on the a Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority. s Richard Beesan, Jr. shall served the remainder of Mark Shields unexpired 6 term. This term shall expire on July 1, 2003. lo i i Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date � 'aOc�� ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Y --- �+ - BY. By: � ,_._c `�- _ Approved by or: D ��i�'Oc) 7approved by Mayor £or Submission to Counci By: �j�J� By: ��-'"� Council File # O O � � $'.L creen Sheet # 106896 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �` _ e bo-'15�. DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCWNCIL DA7EIxrtu�TED . . � �� �` ' � GREEN SHEET No 106896 � Mayor's Office 8-14-00''```' ' COPITACT PERSOH & PIiONE NNYN.b M�Nrlort. Lucia LEbens 6-8533 � wrun�row�crw ancowa. MUSfBEONCOUNCILAGENOABY(OA'f� � � � ❑ �- $—�I.�J—OO - . MSIf:N MIMBERFOR QIYAiiOqEY G1YC{iRK RWSIIIG �� , ❑1i11111CPLf6RY1CUOIR RIY1CIiLaiRV/kCTO � � - � aw���.,� ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREj EQUESTW . � . Approving the appointment of Richard Beeson,3r., by Mayor Coleman, to the Saint Pau1 RiverCent� PLANNING COMMISSION Ct6 COMMfITEE CML SERVICE COMM45SION � � Has thia ae�aoM�m everxoncea uiwer a conuact tormis Aeaahment? YES NO Hae pus pataanllUm evM 6een a c�J emPbYee?. ,. YE3 NQ . _ � Dces this GeisoNflrtn poesesc a elall nat namaOYQ� DY anY curreM a7Y emploYee9 VES NO IB this peleonl(Mm e �efpMetl vetMOYt ' . , YES Pq iAOUNS OF TRANSACTION sou� INFORMA710N (IXPL/JN) COSTIREVENUE8U06ETED{GRCLECNEI YES " NO �cmnn Nu�e fCfl C:�iltEt' AUG �. 5 2009 aa--ZSa CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: '� 390 Ciry Ha1[ IS West Kettogg Boutevard Saint Pau1, MN 55102 Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councitmember James Reiter Lucia Lebens� Assistant to the Mayor August 15, 2000 Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority Telephone: 612-266-8510 Facsimile: 612-266-8513 COUti�� �ES�3�f�� r vi�":," ' Ffi Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Richard Beeson, Jr. to serve on the Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority. Richard Beeson, Jr. shall serve the unexpired term of Mark Shields. His term shall expire on July 1, 2003. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating Richard Beeson, Jr., a copy of his application and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 1999. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments c: Erich Mishe, Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority Staff � 00 -�s a. �• � �� • � � � •�- . .. r . C.�JIJP�IITI'EE : CCA Civic Center Authority FOR APPLIC�'IONS DATID AFTER O1J01J99 1•ee��i� APPLIC�NT / RF'�`F'RF'nTCE COP��Fi'S YT�ARD PLZ�TIIQG SII�TE APP DATE ETH GIIJ DIS DISTRICI' DIS�RICT (PRIOR) ((7PF�R �M'ffTTEES SEE2VING ON) ------------------------------ --- ------- ------- -------- -- -- --- 003563 1-linley, Sohn A. 2 17 03/12/99 W M #1815 111 E. Kellogg Boulevard St. Pau1, MC�TT 55101 G�[c¢rnznication Consultant 002425 Beeson, Jr., Richard B. 899 Linw�od Avenue St. Paul, MN 551D5 2 16 03f15/99 W M Bank President 003579 Ludemaxui, L�ebra 1504 Se1by Avenue St. Paul, MDTT 55104 Slrall Business Oomer 003312 Udoibok, Kenneth U. 1606 Highland Parkway St. Paul, NIlV 55116 Attorney 4 13 3 15 03/26/99 W F 04J19/99 B M 003578 Unstad, Jan 5432 Morgan Avenue S. Minneapolis, MM[QT 55419 Public Policy Manager 03/29/99 W F 003600 Zdrazil, Andre J. 7 4 04/13/99 W M 1208 McClean Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 7�wyer :, r ���`� �� OFFICE OF T'HE MAYOR 390 CTTY HALL SAINT YAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Name: Richard B. Beeson, Jr. Home Address: 1210 Sheffier Street Telephone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: �i%hat is your occupation? Place of Empioyment: Committee(s) Applied For: St. Paul Cify Zip �� 651-696-1996 or 651-523-7830 ����651-523-7885 District St. Antho City Council Ward: Park Bank, 2265 Como Avenue, St. Paul, MN Commuriitv Bank President / CEO St. Anthony Park Bank St. Paul RiverCenter Authori W hat sl:ilis, training or experience do you possess for the commiYtee(s) for which you seek appointment? President/CEO of an $80 million St. Paul-community bank working closely with business, government and non-profits. Actively involved in sales and promotion of business resulting in a doubling of the bank's size in four and one-half ,years. Formerly Senior Project PAanager with St. Paul Department of PED from 1978-1988 focusing on redevelopment and growth of downtown�5t. Paul Riverfront, Neighborhood Development and Housing. Int rac ed los 1 wi h all d w tow of Summit Hill Association/District 16 and active in a multitude of other Sf. Paul not-- for-profits. I have spent over 20 years as a community builder and economic - of St. Paul. The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Aata Yractices Act. As a result, this information is not released to t6e generai public. (OVER) Rev. 5-5-97 DO �'15 2� RECEIVED �4 MAR 15.]999 �1tAY0R'S OFFICE � :�L^ - RICHARD B. BEESON, JR. DO - 7.5� ` 1219 Scheffer Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-696-1996 rick�a park-bank.com EXPERIENCE 1988 to Present Saint Anthony Park Bank PRESIDENT/CEO Saint Paul, M\T btanage S8� million FDIC-insured commercial bank. Oversee the Ban}:'s safety, soundness, key commercial accounts and business developmen[ pro�ram. Hired as senior commercial lender in May 1933 and promoczd to President in February 199�. The Bank is a well-capitalized institution with hi�h credit quality alon� wi[h a stron� communiry focus. Investment Ofticer, Board member, Asset/Liabiliry and Loan Committee member. A conununi[y buiider with ]eadership and fundraisin� responsibilities on imponant communiry initiatives. 1978 to 1988 City of Saint Paul SE��IOR PROJECT MANAGER Department of Planning and Economic Development Senior project mana�er in downtown, riverfront, housing and neighborhood development divisions durin� the administration of hiayor George Latimer. Devised and implemented $10 million tax increment financing plan and redevelopment agreement for the Saint Paul Riverfront. Successfully negotiated purchase of Amhoist, Harvest States and Kaplan propzrties. Obtained necessary administrative and le�islative approvals. Arranged city financial assistance for �Vorld Trade Center Ramp, World Theater, Ordway Music 'SUeater and Film- In-The-Cities projects. Obtained 52.4 million federal UDAG for citywide energy loan program. Structured S4 million tax increment financing for then �Valdorf Corporation retainin� 800 industrial jobs. Managed finzen commercial revenue-bond projects, re-developed three surplus school sites and co-managed a�0 million housin� revenue bond program. Created marketing pro�razn for all ciry-housing pro�rams. 1977 to 1978 vlinnesota Housing Finance Agency LOAN OFFICER Recruited outstate and metropolitan tinancial institutions for program participation. Trained and managed bank oY'Yicers of thirry Title I lenders to originate home improvement loans. Evaluated loans for approval and purchase by Agency. 1977 Mianesota State Senate, Energy & Housing Committee LEGTSLATIVE AIDE Staffed Senate Coaunittee providing necessary administrative, research and communication services. 1976 Senator Franl:lin J. Iinoll CAMPATGN MAl\'AGER Directed a core group of field managzrs to win the Minnesota Senate seat with 58%o of the south Minneapolis voters. Strateeized and launched the caznpai�n conducted by 300 volunteers to a population base of 56,000. Achieved the first party turnover in district history and unseated faur-term incumbent. EDUCATION 1993 Universicv of Wisconsin - Graduate School of Bankin� - Diploma 1984 Universiev of Sain� "Ihomas - Masters of Business Adminiscraeion 1976 Universiri of Minnesota - Bachelor of Aru - Political Science 1971 �Vashbum Hieh School, Minneapolis - Dipioma FAAfILY Married with two dau�hters, residing in Saint Pau1; St. Lukes Pazish(Nativiry SchooV Cretin-Derham Hall School h. �scafftcbh /resumz99 RICHARD B. BEESON, JR. � 1210 Scheffer Avenue Saint Paul, MN 5�116 651-696-1996 COMNIU�TITY SERVICE RESUME Civic 1999 - Present 1998 1993 1989 - 199� 199A - 1994 St. Pau1 River&ont Deve]opment Corporation - Annual Meeting Committee Member Mayor Coteman's City/School Task Force - Member St. Paul School Superintendent Search Advisory Committee - Member Communiry Reinvestment Fund (CRF) Lenders Advisory Committee - Member iviayor Colemari s ll2 Cent Sales Tax Committee - biember Nei�hU orhood/Comm uni ty 1998 - 1999 Indianhead Council I Boy Scouts of Amzrica - Chair of Friends of Scoutin� Campaign 1998 - Present H-MARC (Hamline-biidway Development Corp) - Advisory Committee 1998 St. Anthony Park Community Foundation - Foundin� Committee 1991 - 1994 5ain[ Paui Tennis Club - Director, President 1990 - 1992 1939 - 1991 1938 - 1993 1984 - 198� 1980 - 1982 Human Services 1998 - Present 1998 - Present 1997 1992 - 1993 1988 - 1989 1983 - 1984 Business 1999 - Fresent 1995 - 1996 1991 - 1991 1491 - 1944 1988 - 1996 Trade 1997 - Present 1997 - Present 1996 - Present 1996 - Presen[ 1991 - 1992 1990 - 1992 1980 - 1982 Cultural 1990 - 1995 hdstaff7rbhfen99 Church of St. Luke's - Finaflce Conunittee - Membec Disvict 12 NPP ComnveteefRaymond & University - Member Sumccut Hill Assoc./Districc 16 Planning Councii, Saint Paut - Director, Treasurer, President Dayton's Bluff Nei�hborhoad Housin� Services (NHS) - Directar Snellin�-Hamline Enerey Consortium - Director Midway YMCA - Direc[or, Co-Chair of "Y" Parmers Campaign Deva House Hospice Center - Director, Treasurer Ministry By Design - Advisory Committee Suaunit Hill Block Nurse Prograrn - Founder, Director Central Towers of St. Paul - Director Minneapolis Handicapped Advisory Com[nittee - Member S[. Pau] Downtown Rotary t{IO - ivlember St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce - Dicee[oc SBA(East Mecro 504 Economic Development Corporation (SPEDCO) - Direccor, President Sc. Anthony Park Business Association - Treasurer, Direccor bfidway Chamber of Commerce - Director, President Sta[e of Minnesata Non-profit Advisory Bondin� Committee - Member Graduate School of Bankin� (University of Wisconsin) Adcisory Committee - Nlember Minnesota Bankers' Association - Airector, biember Con�ressman Bruce Vento Banking Advisory Coaunit[ee - ivlember Housing Altematives Development Corporation - Director Minnesota lndustrial Development Association (bIIDA) - Diember Na[ional Association of Housing and Redevelopment OfYicials (NAHRO) - biember Northern Clay Cenrer Finance Committee - bfember, Finance Committee DO -'kT�` oo-?•�a ParkBank St. Anthony Park State Bank 2265 Como Avenue • St. Paul, MN 55108 65I-523-7800 • FAX 651-523-7885 RECE(VED MAR 1 5 tgg9 MAYOR'S OFf��E March 11, 1999 Ms. Darlyne Monow Citizen Committee Secretary Ciry of St. Paul 390 City Hall 15 West Kello�� Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Morrow: Please find enclosed my application for a seat on [he RiverCenter Authocity board. Please feel free to contact me at 651-523-7830 should you have any questions regardin� my interest in this position. Sincerely, �� �� Richard B. Beeson, Jr. President HJStaff/tbbflzttedri vercenrer TeleBank St. Anthony Park Bank 24-Hour Banl:ing 651fi47-0438, Ezt. 100 website: www.park-bank.com • e-mail: info@park-bank.com — Member ojthe Aftnnesota Kri stone Program — ParkBank St. Anthony Park State Bank 2265 Como Avenue � St. Paul, MN 55108 651-523-7800• FAX 6S1-S23-7885 :��iarch S, 1999 The Honorable Mayor Iv'om� Coleman City of St. Paul 2-�0 City Hall St. Paul. MN 55102 RE: RiverCentre Board Dear Norm: 1 /� � � i �, , , As ���e briefly discussed last week, I would like to be considered for � position on the RiverCentre Soa � ---- I have an interest in providin� service, ]eadership and credibility to this important community institution as it continues to deal with the quickened pace of change and evolvin� roles of the publiclprivate sectors, The business worid is chan�in� so quickly, as is �overnment, and I believe orQanizations like RiverCentre need to be continuously en�a�ed in strate�ic plannin� and chal(engino old assumptions. T also have a desire to become more im:olved in downtown activities, which is where I spent ovcr ien years buildin� fi�iendships an:l business relationships. My qualifications are several, inciudinQ a unique combination uf busine�s and government worh back�rounds. I am currently PresidenUCEO of an $85 million St. Paul bank wi[h a stron� communit} tiocus and servin� over 500 St. Paul area businesses and not-for-profits. I previously �vas employed with PED under the Latimer administration workin� on many downto�vn, riverfront and neiahborhood projects and programs. I have served on numerous community, business and service boards in St. Paul. I take board work seriously, work we11 with diverse groups and encouraQe stronQ discussions as a means to achievins optimal results. I have a areat affection for St. Paul and a desire to help maintain the momentum tnat you and others have worked so hard to �enecate. I'm endosin� a copy of m}• resume. Please call me at 651-523-7830 so that we can talk about how my capabilities mi�ht fit in �vithin your needs_ Personal regards, (1�l� �-,. Richard B. Beeson,3r. President H:/statf/rbb/lettzd97-2.gd Enc. cc: William S. FLeiling Richard H. Zehrina W. AIldCOW BOS�eleBank St. Anthonc Park Bank 24-Hour Banking 651-6�7-0938, Est. 100 website: ww��v.park-bank.com • e-mail: infoLdpark-bank.com � I � f �� �:a� � '`,_ ."��, 1 ;,f i=��( � 4O-�sr . � � N "� � RECEIVED �,� � - MAR 8 - lggg R'S OFFICE �. — h[ember ojthe hfinuesota Kevstane Program — RICHARD B. BEESON, JR. 1219 Scheffer Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-696-1996 rick@park-bank.com EXPERIENCE 1988 to Present Saint Anthony Park Bank Saint Paul, MN 00—�=?- PRESIDENT/CEO Manage S85 million FDIC-insured commercial bank. Oversee the Bank's safety, soundness, key commerciat accounts and business development pro�ram. Hired as senior commercial lender in May 1988 and promoted to President in February 199�. The Bank is a weli-capitalized institution with high credit quality along with a strong communicy focus. Investment Ofticer, Soard member, AssedLiabiliry and Loan Committee member, A communiry builder with leadership and fundraising responsibilities on unportant communiry initiatives. 197� to 1°$8 Cit}� cf Saia± Pau'. SENIOR P'�20JECT MANAGER Department of Planning and Economic Development Senior project manager in downtown, riverfront, housin� and neighborhood development divisions durina [he administration of Mayor George Latimer. Devised and implemented $10 million tax increment Financin� plan and redevelopment agreement for the Saint Paul Riverfront. Successfully negotiated purchase of Amhoist, Harvest States and Kaptan properties. Obcained necessary administrative and legislative approvals. revenue bond pro�ram. Created marketin� pro�ram Y'or ail city-housin� programs. Arranged city tinancial assistance for �Vorld Trade Center Ramp, World Theater, Ordway Music Theater and Film- In-The-Cities projec[s. Obtained 52.4 million federal UDAG for citywide energy loan program. Strucmred S4 million tax increment tinancing ibr then Waldorf Corporation retainin� 800 industrial jobs. Managed fifreen commercial revenue-bond projects, re-developed three surplus school sires and co-managed a$40 miltion housin� 1977 to 1978 Minnesota Housing Finance Agency LOAN OFFICER Recrui[ed ouatate and metropolitan financial institutions for prograzn pazticipation. Trained and managed banl ofticers of thirty Title I lenders [o originate home improvement loans. Bvaluated loans for approval and purchase by Agency. 1977 Minnesota State Senate, Energy & Housing Committee LEGISLATIVE AIDE Staffed Senate Comcnitree providing necessary administrative, reseuch and communication services. 1976 Senator Franl:lin J. Knoll CAMPAIGN MANAGER Direc[ed a core groun of tield managers to win the Minneso[a Senare seat with 58�7 of the south Minneapolis votzrs. Strategized and launched the campaign conducted by 300 volunteers to a population base of 56,000. Achieved the first party tumover in district history and unseated four-term incumbent. EDUCATION 1993 1984 1976 1971 FAbiILY Universiry of Wisconsin - Graduate School of Bankin� - Diploma Universi[v of Saint Thomas - btasters of Business Administration Universitv of Minnesota - Bachelor of Arts - Political Science Washbum Hish School, Minneapolis - Diploma Married with two dau�h[ers, residing in Saint Paul; St. Lukes Pazish/Nativity SchooU Cretin-Derham Hall School h: /sraff/rbbhesume99 ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To committee: nate i Resolved, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of a the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Richard Beeson, Jr. to serve on the a Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority. s Richard Beesan, Jr. shall served the remainder of Mark Shields unexpired 6 term. This term shall expire on July 1, 2003. lo i i Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date � 'aOc�� ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Y --- �+ - BY. By: � ,_._c `�- _ Approved by or: D ��i�'Oc) 7approved by Mayor £or Submission to Counci By: �j�J� By: ��-'"� Council File # O O � � $'.L creen Sheet # 106896 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �` _ e bo-'15�. DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCWNCIL DA7EIxrtu�TED . . � �� �` ' � GREEN SHEET No 106896 � Mayor's Office 8-14-00''```' ' COPITACT PERSOH & PIiONE NNYN.b M�Nrlort. Lucia LEbens 6-8533 � wrun�row�crw ancowa. MUSfBEONCOUNCILAGENOABY(OA'f� � � � ❑ �- $—�I.�J—OO - . MSIf:N MIMBERFOR QIYAiiOqEY G1YC{iRK RWSIIIG �� , ❑1i11111CPLf6RY1CUOIR RIY1CIiLaiRV/kCTO � � - � aw���.,� ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREj EQUESTW . � . Approving the appointment of Richard Beeson,3r., by Mayor Coleman, to the Saint Pau1 RiverCent� PLANNING COMMISSION Ct6 COMMfITEE CML SERVICE COMM45SION � � Has thia ae�aoM�m everxoncea uiwer a conuact tormis Aeaahment? YES NO Hae pus pataanllUm evM 6een a c�J emPbYee?. ,. YE3 NQ . _ � Dces this GeisoNflrtn poesesc a elall nat namaOYQ� DY anY curreM a7Y emploYee9 VES NO IB this peleonl(Mm e �efpMetl vetMOYt ' . , YES Pq iAOUNS OF TRANSACTION sou� INFORMA710N (IXPL/JN) COSTIREVENUE8U06ETED{GRCLECNEI YES " NO �cmnn Nu�e fCfl C:�iltEt' AUG �. 5 2009 aa--ZSa CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: '� 390 Ciry Ha1[ IS West Kettogg Boutevard Saint Pau1, MN 55102 Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councitmember James Reiter Lucia Lebens� Assistant to the Mayor August 15, 2000 Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority Telephone: 612-266-8510 Facsimile: 612-266-8513 COUti�� �ES�3�f�� r vi�":," ' Ffi Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Richard Beeson, Jr. to serve on the Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority. Richard Beeson, Jr. shall serve the unexpired term of Mark Shields. His term shall expire on July 1, 2003. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating Richard Beeson, Jr., a copy of his application and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 1999. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments c: Erich Mishe, Saint Paul RiverCentre Authority Staff � 00 -�s a. �• � �� • � � � •�- . .. r . C.�JIJP�IITI'EE : CCA Civic Center Authority FOR APPLIC�'IONS DATID AFTER O1J01J99 1•ee��i� APPLIC�NT / RF'�`F'RF'nTCE COP��Fi'S YT�ARD PLZ�TIIQG SII�TE APP DATE ETH GIIJ DIS DISTRICI' DIS�RICT (PRIOR) ((7PF�R �M'ffTTEES SEE2VING ON) ------------------------------ --- ------- ------- -------- -- -- --- 003563 1-linley, Sohn A. 2 17 03/12/99 W M #1815 111 E. Kellogg Boulevard St. Pau1, MC�TT 55101 G�[c¢rnznication Consultant 002425 Beeson, Jr., Richard B. 899 Linw�od Avenue St. Paul, MN 551D5 2 16 03f15/99 W M Bank President 003579 Ludemaxui, L�ebra 1504 Se1by Avenue St. Paul, MDTT 55104 Slrall Business Oomer 003312 Udoibok, Kenneth U. 1606 Highland Parkway St. Paul, NIlV 55116 Attorney 4 13 3 15 03/26/99 W F 04J19/99 B M 003578 Unstad, Jan 5432 Morgan Avenue S. Minneapolis, MM[QT 55419 Public Policy Manager 03/29/99 W F 003600 Zdrazil, Andre J. 7 4 04/13/99 W M 1208 McClean Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 7�wyer :, r ���`� �� OFFICE OF T'HE MAYOR 390 CTTY HALL SAINT YAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Name: Richard B. Beeson, Jr. Home Address: 1210 Sheffier Street Telephone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: �i%hat is your occupation? Place of Empioyment: Committee(s) Applied For: St. Paul Cify Zip �� 651-696-1996 or 651-523-7830 ����651-523-7885 District St. Antho City Council Ward: Park Bank, 2265 Como Avenue, St. Paul, MN Commuriitv Bank President / CEO St. Anthony Park Bank St. Paul RiverCenter Authori W hat sl:ilis, training or experience do you possess for the commiYtee(s) for which you seek appointment? President/CEO of an $80 million St. Paul-community bank working closely with business, government and non-profits. Actively involved in sales and promotion of business resulting in a doubling of the bank's size in four and one-half ,years. Formerly Senior Project PAanager with St. Paul Department of PED from 1978-1988 focusing on redevelopment and growth of downtown�5t. Paul Riverfront, Neighborhood Development and Housing. Int rac ed los 1 wi h all d w tow of Summit Hill Association/District 16 and active in a multitude of other Sf. Paul not-- for-profits. I have spent over 20 years as a community builder and economic - of St. Paul. The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Aata Yractices Act. As a result, this information is not released to t6e generai public. (OVER) Rev. 5-5-97 DO �'15 2� RECEIVED �4 MAR 15.]999 �1tAY0R'S OFFICE � :�L^ - RICHARD B. BEESON, JR. DO - 7.5� ` 1219 Scheffer Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-696-1996 rick�a park-bank.com EXPERIENCE 1988 to Present Saint Anthony Park Bank PRESIDENT/CEO Saint Paul, M\T btanage S8� million FDIC-insured commercial bank. Oversee the Ban}:'s safety, soundness, key commercial accounts and business developmen[ pro�ram. Hired as senior commercial lender in May 1933 and promoczd to President in February 199�. The Bank is a well-capitalized institution with hi�h credit quality alon� wi[h a stron� communiry focus. Investment Ofticer, Board member, Asset/Liabiliry and Loan Committee member. A conununi[y buiider with ]eadership and fundraisin� responsibilities on imponant communiry initiatives. 1978 to 1988 City of Saint Paul SE��IOR PROJECT MANAGER Department of Planning and Economic Development Senior project mana�er in downtown, riverfront, housing and neighborhood development divisions durin� the administration of hiayor George Latimer. Devised and implemented $10 million tax increment financing plan and redevelopment agreement for the Saint Paul Riverfront. Successfully negotiated purchase of Amhoist, Harvest States and Kaplan propzrties. Obtained necessary administrative and le�islative approvals. Arranged city financial assistance for �Vorld Trade Center Ramp, World Theater, Ordway Music 'SUeater and Film- In-The-Cities projects. Obtained 52.4 million federal UDAG for citywide energy loan program. Structured S4 million tax increment financing for then �Valdorf Corporation retainin� 800 industrial jobs. Managed finzen commercial revenue-bond projects, re-developed three surplus school sites and co-managed a�0 million housin� revenue bond program. Created marketing pro�razn for all ciry-housing pro�rams. 1977 to 1978 vlinnesota Housing Finance Agency LOAN OFFICER Recruited outstate and metropolitan tinancial institutions for program participation. Trained and managed bank oY'Yicers of thirry Title I lenders to originate home improvement loans. Evaluated loans for approval and purchase by Agency. 1977 Mianesota State Senate, Energy & Housing Committee LEGTSLATIVE AIDE Staffed Senate Coaunittee providing necessary administrative, research and communication services. 1976 Senator Franl:lin J. Iinoll CAMPATGN MAl\'AGER Directed a core group of field managzrs to win the Minnesota Senate seat with 58%o of the south Minneapolis voters. Strateeized and launched the caznpai�n conducted by 300 volunteers to a population base of 56,000. Achieved the first party turnover in district history and unseated faur-term incumbent. EDUCATION 1993 Universicv of Wisconsin - Graduate School of Bankin� - Diploma 1984 Universiev of Sain� "Ihomas - Masters of Business Adminiscraeion 1976 Universiri of Minnesota - Bachelor of Aru - Political Science 1971 �Vashbum Hieh School, Minneapolis - Dipioma FAAfILY Married with two dau�hters, residing in Saint Pau1; St. Lukes Pazish(Nativiry SchooV Cretin-Derham Hall School h. �scafftcbh /resumz99 RICHARD B. BEESON, JR. � 1210 Scheffer Avenue Saint Paul, MN 5�116 651-696-1996 COMNIU�TITY SERVICE RESUME Civic 1999 - Present 1998 1993 1989 - 199� 199A - 1994 St. Pau1 River&ont Deve]opment Corporation - Annual Meeting Committee Member Mayor Coteman's City/School Task Force - Member St. Paul School Superintendent Search Advisory Committee - Member Communiry Reinvestment Fund (CRF) Lenders Advisory Committee - Member iviayor Colemari s ll2 Cent Sales Tax Committee - biember Nei�hU orhood/Comm uni ty 1998 - 1999 Indianhead Council I Boy Scouts of Amzrica - Chair of Friends of Scoutin� Campaign 1998 - Present H-MARC (Hamline-biidway Development Corp) - Advisory Committee 1998 St. Anthony Park Community Foundation - Foundin� Committee 1991 - 1994 5ain[ Paui Tennis Club - Director, President 1990 - 1992 1939 - 1991 1938 - 1993 1984 - 198� 1980 - 1982 Human Services 1998 - Present 1998 - Present 1997 1992 - 1993 1988 - 1989 1983 - 1984 Business 1999 - Fresent 1995 - 1996 1991 - 1991 1491 - 1944 1988 - 1996 Trade 1997 - Present 1997 - Present 1996 - Present 1996 - Presen[ 1991 - 1992 1990 - 1992 1980 - 1982 Cultural 1990 - 1995 hdstaff7rbhfen99 Church of St. Luke's - Finaflce Conunittee - Membec Disvict 12 NPP ComnveteefRaymond & University - Member Sumccut Hill Assoc./Districc 16 Planning Councii, Saint Paut - Director, Treasurer, President Dayton's Bluff Nei�hborhoad Housin� Services (NHS) - Directar Snellin�-Hamline Enerey Consortium - Director Midway YMCA - Direc[or, Co-Chair of "Y" Parmers Campaign Deva House Hospice Center - Director, Treasurer Ministry By Design - Advisory Committee Suaunit Hill Block Nurse Prograrn - Founder, Director Central Towers of St. Paul - Director Minneapolis Handicapped Advisory Com[nittee - Member S[. Pau] Downtown Rotary t{IO - ivlember St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce - Dicee[oc SBA(East Mecro 504 Economic Development Corporation (SPEDCO) - Direccor, President Sc. Anthony Park Business Association - Treasurer, Direccor bfidway Chamber of Commerce - Director, President Sta[e of Minnesata Non-profit Advisory Bondin� Committee - Member Graduate School of Bankin� (University of Wisconsin) Adcisory Committee - Nlember Minnesota Bankers' Association - Airector, biember Con�ressman Bruce Vento Banking Advisory Coaunit[ee - ivlember Housing Altematives Development Corporation - Director Minnesota lndustrial Development Association (bIIDA) - Diember Na[ional Association of Housing and Redevelopment OfYicials (NAHRO) - biember Northern Clay Cenrer Finance Committee - bfember, Finance Committee DO -'kT�` oo-?•�a ParkBank St. Anthony Park State Bank 2265 Como Avenue • St. Paul, MN 55108 65I-523-7800 • FAX 651-523-7885 RECE(VED MAR 1 5 tgg9 MAYOR'S OFf��E March 11, 1999 Ms. Darlyne Monow Citizen Committee Secretary Ciry of St. Paul 390 City Hall 15 West Kello�� Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Morrow: Please find enclosed my application for a seat on [he RiverCenter Authocity board. Please feel free to contact me at 651-523-7830 should you have any questions regardin� my interest in this position. Sincerely, �� �� Richard B. Beeson, Jr. President HJStaff/tbbflzttedri vercenrer TeleBank St. Anthony Park Bank 24-Hour Banl:ing 651fi47-0438, Ezt. 100 website: www.park-bank.com • e-mail: info@park-bank.com — Member ojthe Aftnnesota Kri stone Program — ParkBank St. Anthony Park State Bank 2265 Como Avenue � St. Paul, MN 55108 651-523-7800• FAX 6S1-S23-7885 :��iarch S, 1999 The Honorable Mayor Iv'om� Coleman City of St. Paul 2-�0 City Hall St. Paul. MN 55102 RE: RiverCentre Board Dear Norm: 1 /� � � i �, , , As ���e briefly discussed last week, I would like to be considered for � position on the RiverCentre Soa � ---- I have an interest in providin� service, ]eadership and credibility to this important community institution as it continues to deal with the quickened pace of change and evolvin� roles of the publiclprivate sectors, The business worid is chan�in� so quickly, as is �overnment, and I believe orQanizations like RiverCentre need to be continuously en�a�ed in strate�ic plannin� and chal(engino old assumptions. T also have a desire to become more im:olved in downtown activities, which is where I spent ovcr ien years buildin� fi�iendships an:l business relationships. My qualifications are several, inciudinQ a unique combination uf busine�s and government worh back�rounds. I am currently PresidenUCEO of an $85 million St. Paul bank wi[h a stron� communit} tiocus and servin� over 500 St. Paul area businesses and not-for-profits. I previously �vas employed with PED under the Latimer administration workin� on many downto�vn, riverfront and neiahborhood projects and programs. I have served on numerous community, business and service boards in St. Paul. I take board work seriously, work we11 with diverse groups and encouraQe stronQ discussions as a means to achievins optimal results. I have a areat affection for St. Paul and a desire to help maintain the momentum tnat you and others have worked so hard to �enecate. I'm endosin� a copy of m}• resume. Please call me at 651-523-7830 so that we can talk about how my capabilities mi�ht fit in �vithin your needs_ Personal regards, (1�l� �-,. Richard B. Beeson,3r. President H:/statf/rbb/lettzd97-2.gd Enc. cc: William S. FLeiling Richard H. Zehrina W. AIldCOW BOS�eleBank St. Anthonc Park Bank 24-Hour Banking 651-6�7-0938, Est. 100 website: ww��v.park-bank.com • e-mail: infoLdpark-bank.com � I � f �� �:a� � '`,_ ."��, 1 ;,f i=��( � 4O-�sr . � � N "� � RECEIVED �,� � - MAR 8 - lggg R'S OFFICE �. — h[ember ojthe hfinuesota Kevstane Program — RICHARD B. BEESON, JR. 1219 Scheffer Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-696-1996 rick@park-bank.com EXPERIENCE 1988 to Present Saint Anthony Park Bank Saint Paul, MN 00—�=?- PRESIDENT/CEO Manage S85 million FDIC-insured commercial bank. Oversee the Bank's safety, soundness, key commerciat accounts and business development pro�ram. Hired as senior commercial lender in May 1988 and promoted to President in February 199�. The Bank is a weli-capitalized institution with high credit quality along with a strong communicy focus. Investment Ofticer, Soard member, AssedLiabiliry and Loan Committee member, A communiry builder with leadership and fundraising responsibilities on unportant communiry initiatives. 197� to 1°$8 Cit}� cf Saia± Pau'. SENIOR P'�20JECT MANAGER Department of Planning and Economic Development Senior project manager in downtown, riverfront, housin� and neighborhood development divisions durina [he administration of Mayor George Latimer. Devised and implemented $10 million tax increment Financin� plan and redevelopment agreement for the Saint Paul Riverfront. Successfully negotiated purchase of Amhoist, Harvest States and Kaptan properties. Obcained necessary administrative and legislative approvals. revenue bond pro�ram. Created marketin� pro�ram Y'or ail city-housin� programs. Arranged city tinancial assistance for �Vorld Trade Center Ramp, World Theater, Ordway Music Theater and Film- In-The-Cities projec[s. Obtained 52.4 million federal UDAG for citywide energy loan program. Strucmred S4 million tax increment tinancing ibr then Waldorf Corporation retainin� 800 industrial jobs. Managed fifreen commercial revenue-bond projects, re-developed three surplus school sires and co-managed a$40 miltion housin� 1977 to 1978 Minnesota Housing Finance Agency LOAN OFFICER Recrui[ed ouatate and metropolitan financial institutions for prograzn pazticipation. Trained and managed banl ofticers of thirty Title I lenders [o originate home improvement loans. Bvaluated loans for approval and purchase by Agency. 1977 Minnesota State Senate, Energy & Housing Committee LEGISLATIVE AIDE Staffed Senate Comcnitree providing necessary administrative, reseuch and communication services. 1976 Senator Franl:lin J. Knoll CAMPAIGN MANAGER Direc[ed a core groun of tield managers to win the Minneso[a Senare seat with 58�7 of the south Minneapolis votzrs. Strategized and launched the campaign conducted by 300 volunteers to a population base of 56,000. Achieved the first party tumover in district history and unseated four-term incumbent. EDUCATION 1993 1984 1976 1971 FAbiILY Universiry of Wisconsin - Graduate School of Bankin� - Diploma Universi[v of Saint Thomas - btasters of Business Administration Universitv of Minnesota - Bachelor of Arts - Political Science Washbum Hish School, Minneapolis - Diploma Married with two dau�h[ers, residing in Saint Paul; St. Lukes Pazish/Nativity SchooU Cretin-Derham Hall School h: /sraff/rbbhesume99