00-751ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i Whereas, the Mayor appointed John Mohr to serve as a One-Stop Partner representative z to the Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board (WIB); 4 Whereas, this appointment was consistent with and relied upon advice received from the s State of Minnesota regarding appointments to the WIB; and � Whereas, the State has changed its interpretation of the federal Workforce Investment Act s (WIA) upon which its earlier advice was based, reqniring that a different One-Stop 9 Partner representative be appointed to the WIB; and io ii Whereas, Ramsey County has agreed to appoint John Mohr, as a Business Representative, iz to the WIB; 13 14 Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, that the City Council consents to and approves of the is appointment, made by the Mayor, of Thomas Macy, State Rehabilitation Services, to serve i6 on the Workforce Investment Board (WIB) as a One-Stop Partner representative, for a i� two-year term that espires on June 3Q, 2002. 1a 19 20 21 22 23 Requested by Department o£: Adopted by Council: Date �.3 OO Adoption Certified by Council Secretary sy. -�� �_:—�� _ h�,-,-J�R�_� Approved b ayor: Date �4� / v By: Covncil File # �Q � �SL Green Sheet # 106897 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA � A �b Hy: Form Approved by City Attorney By: p'�---- p-t6•ce _ �. A- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council s '� �e� oo_�S� �.�._-_, .. Mayor's Office s-ia-oo � ' " GREEN SHEET No 106897 Lucia Lebens 6-8533 - � ovM�ro�[e�art ancauuz_ BE ON CWNCIL AGENDA BY (Q4TE7 � $—Z3—�� � ��C NUMBERPoR { �QIYAiTMIEY CRYCtGK 0.� � . ❑w4wr.w�acx�cnow. nuxou�wvaeera � . '� �wroRfdtAtasuxr) ❑ � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL IOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointment of Thomasj�J�acy, by Mayor Coleman, to the City-Gounty Workforce Investment Board (WIB) PLANNING CAMMlSS10N CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SOURCE e Hae thia ce�mM�rm e.m wwked unaer a cono-aot r« this departmeM? res rio Has Mie parowuArtn c.er been a uH empbyee? YES , Pq Doec thk Oe�rm P�eees a sldll not rwrmaliYP� M�Y curteM citY emPloyee7 VES NO Isl�icpnsoNfirmn-farpeteOVa�WM . YES NO COSTrttEVENUEBUDOETED(CIRCLEON� YES 11CTi111'!Y NUMBER NO INFORMATION (EXPWM � arch Cant�r oo-�s� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor 7'�: FROM: DATE: RE: 390 Ciry Ha[! IS West Kellogg Baulevard Saint Paut, MN 55702 Saint Paul City Cuuncilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Lucia Lebens Assistant to the M ar August 15, 2000 Telephone: 612-?66-8510 Facsimile: 612-266-8513 �n t���!L�1 ��R`µi' ��G �. � 20DD City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Thomas Macy to the City- County Workforce Investment Board (WIB). Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating this individual and a copy of his application. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions reaarding these appointments. Attachments c: Terry Zurn, Workforce Investment Board Staff � Consolidated Program Workforce In vestment Board (N'IB) � p_•? 5� Membership Application Home Street City What skills, trainin� and experience do you possess for WTB membership? County Zip Jr� �,c�tvvd�,l�oa��s Q,r.� ,��4 A n rn�4_�o m�trsSro�t � r�� u�a�s PYdQr�trt�e n Length of initial term you aze interested in: one-year Are you a Veteran?: C� Yes �+-No two-year � Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolidated Proeram tYorkforce Investment Board (WIB) Cnteoory Aescriplions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the WIB. Mail or FaX WIB Menubership.App]ication to: Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk - Counry Board,<Suite 250, I S FVest Kellagg Boulevarcl, Saint Puzrl, Minnesota »102 (FaY: 6� 1-266-8039; Phone: 6� 1-Zb6=801 �). Applications must lie received by Nfay I2, 2000. ," We will hold two orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB. These sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask d�at members attend one of these two sessions. P4ease reserve these dates on your calendar. \\'e espect that applicants will be officially notified mid-June on the status of their application. Thank you for your inferest. T/re infornrutio�: on this npplicution tiuill be used to evaluate and se[ecf +nernbers af t/ee IYIB. Applica�rts n:r�r• rejuse to supplr tlrr �equested iitfarmation. �cceptfor vofnntrery information, /ioweves, the fai(ure to compiete tl�e app[icatiae: may ruu/t in it ber�r; discarded Tkis datu may be �eviewed and trsed by Ramsey Caunty and Suint Paut staff. The dnta oit t1:is pnge mtJ Hce reversz sid� is public aad, tl:erejore, availuble to the public. For Office Use only Commissioner District Plannin� Distcict Counci! tn City Council Ward April d. ?WO ( (OYER) Consolidated Proaram Workforce Invesiment Board (YYIB) Category Desctiptions ^n ��G ��� Oc-'�sl If you are applying for Business, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to your application as, described below. -- ..____..._......_. _. __....... _.... ......_....._....___...._._...._._.._......._..._ ...............__.._...__. ..... Business, defined as for proft (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associations - attach your nomination letter): C1 Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, attd other esecutive or employer with optimum policymakin� or hiring authority G Represent business 4vith emp(oyment opportunities that reflect the iocai area Also please indicate if you represent: O large business O small business (fetiver than 500 emptoyezs� Community-Based Organizations, defined as nonprofit organi:ations: Cl Representative of communities or si�nificant se�ments of communities p�o�'iding job trainin� Q A?ency serving youth C1 A�ency serving displaced homemakers ❑ Union-relatzd organization ❑ Employer-related nonprofit otganization C1 Organization servin� nonreservation Indian and tribal government ❑ A;ency representin� veterans C� A�ency representin� individuals with disabilities ❑ Other: _ Economic Development Rgency: Q Private Sector ❑ Public Sector Education (nominated by re�ional or local educational a�encies, institutions, or organizations representina such local educationa( entities - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Locaf educational entities (includin� K-12) C� Local school boards ❑ Entities providin� adult education and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educational institutions U Other. _ _ Labor G Nominated by reco�nized state and/or toca( tabor federations (attach your nomination letter) One-Stop YVorkforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the follo�vin� ac[ivities/pro�rams): C1 Adult, Disfocated tiVorker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans` bVorkforce (�VIA Titte ❑ �Va�ner-Peyser Act 0 Adu(t Education and Literacy (�VIA Title II) �f Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Titte I) C� ❑ ❑ G C� G Deparcment of Housin� and Urban Development G State Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance with applicable federa( ta�v) �Velfare-to-�Vork Pro�rams (Social Security Act) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technolo�y Education Acc) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1914 Titfe II) Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreacfi (Title 33, U.S.C.) Community Services Siock Grant Cnnsolidated Prooram Workforce Investment Board (YYIB) Membership Application � O -�1 S � Privafe Information Name: a �, ac. Place of Employment: i-�etf Wc��-+ Wo�� �o rcc [e n�er' Work City Zip TelephoneNumber: (`Vork)/ai� �G�{�/`u r J�S (I (FAX)!oS! E-Mai1 JobTitle: ,Pe�4���tt4'hot�. Aret�, �CittiG.�CPI" Personai References (include azea code) i) Name: ."rac S�'on�.Y - Address: a098 11 Ae� �. /I�Dr'f'k 5-f' �au� Phone:{Homel �Vork) �5(' 7S " 55�5� 2� �3Rle: 41! E� � G!1'�t � GL� � Address: 6 �.«� �" 5� p� SSl e/ — Phone:(Nnmel �Workl �3t r�s�' J�/!o� Optional: In an attempt to ensure that Boazd representation reflects the makeup of our community> know�ledge of the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluntary. / White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Other Male: Y Female: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes C! No If special accommodations are needed, please specify: The injormaiion on this applicatian wil! be used to evaluate and select members of t8e WIB. Appficavts »:ay reJuse ta supp�}' Ihe reyuesled injnrmatioir. Excepl fo� voluntan' »formation, /�owever, the jailure to complete t/re app/icariou may resutt iir it beiitg discarded Tl+is datu n:ay be revierved and used br Ramsey Corrnty and Saint Paul staJf. Tlie dara on this page is private. April d. 200U What aze your reasons for wantin� to serve on the WIB? t �r- 1_ _ ( _.1 ... 1L„ �,d,�.(.,...�.P..-t dl nw.ae/D4w�e!�- e�,.�c,� -F�iK�K�, ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i Whereas, the Mayor appointed John Mohr to serve as a One-Stop Partner representative z to the Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board (WIB); 4 Whereas, this appointment was consistent with and relied upon advice received from the s State of Minnesota regarding appointments to the WIB; and � Whereas, the State has changed its interpretation of the federal Workforce Investment Act s (WIA) upon which its earlier advice was based, reqniring that a different One-Stop 9 Partner representative be appointed to the WIB; and io ii Whereas, Ramsey County has agreed to appoint John Mohr, as a Business Representative, iz to the WIB; 13 14 Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, that the City Council consents to and approves of the is appointment, made by the Mayor, of Thomas Macy, State Rehabilitation Services, to serve i6 on the Workforce Investment Board (WIB) as a One-Stop Partner representative, for a i� two-year term that espires on June 3Q, 2002. 1a 19 20 21 22 23 Requested by Department o£: Adopted by Council: Date �.3 OO Adoption Certified by Council Secretary sy. -�� �_:—�� _ h�,-,-J�R�_� Approved b ayor: Date �4� / v By: Covncil File # �Q � �SL Green Sheet # 106897 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA � A �b Hy: Form Approved by City Attorney By: p'�---- p-t6•ce _ �. A- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council s '� �e� oo_�S� �.�._-_, .. Mayor's Office s-ia-oo � ' " GREEN SHEET No 106897 Lucia Lebens 6-8533 - � ovM�ro�[e�art ancauuz_ BE ON CWNCIL AGENDA BY (Q4TE7 � $—Z3—�� � ��C NUMBERPoR { �QIYAiTMIEY CRYCtGK 0.� � . ❑w4wr.w�acx�cnow. nuxou�wvaeera � . '� �wroRfdtAtasuxr) ❑ � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL IOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointment of Thomasj�J�acy, by Mayor Coleman, to the City-Gounty Workforce Investment Board (WIB) PLANNING CAMMlSS10N CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SOURCE e Hae thia ce�mM�rm e.m wwked unaer a cono-aot r« this departmeM? res rio Has Mie parowuArtn c.er been a uH empbyee? YES , Pq Doec thk Oe�rm P�eees a sldll not rwrmaliYP� M�Y curteM citY emPloyee7 VES NO Isl�icpnsoNfirmn-farpeteOVa�WM . YES NO COSTrttEVENUEBUDOETED(CIRCLEON� YES 11CTi111'!Y NUMBER NO INFORMATION (EXPWM � arch Cant�r oo-�s� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor 7'�: FROM: DATE: RE: 390 Ciry Ha[! IS West Kellogg Baulevard Saint Paut, MN 55702 Saint Paul City Cuuncilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Lucia Lebens Assistant to the M ar August 15, 2000 Telephone: 612-?66-8510 Facsimile: 612-266-8513 �n t���!L�1 ��R`µi' ��G �. � 20DD City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Thomas Macy to the City- County Workforce Investment Board (WIB). Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating this individual and a copy of his application. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions reaarding these appointments. Attachments c: Terry Zurn, Workforce Investment Board Staff � Consolidated Program Workforce In vestment Board (N'IB) � p_•? 5� Membership Application Home Street City What skills, trainin� and experience do you possess for WTB membership? County Zip Jr� �,c�tvvd�,l�oa��s Q,r.� ,��4 A n rn�4_�o m�trsSro�t � r�� u�a�s PYdQr�trt�e n Length of initial term you aze interested in: one-year Are you a Veteran?: C� Yes �+-No two-year � Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolidated Proeram tYorkforce Investment Board (WIB) Cnteoory Aescriplions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the WIB. Mail or FaX WIB Menubership.App]ication to: Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk - Counry Board,<Suite 250, I S FVest Kellagg Boulevarcl, Saint Puzrl, Minnesota »102 (FaY: 6� 1-266-8039; Phone: 6� 1-Zb6=801 �). Applications must lie received by Nfay I2, 2000. ," We will hold two orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB. These sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask d�at members attend one of these two sessions. P4ease reserve these dates on your calendar. \\'e espect that applicants will be officially notified mid-June on the status of their application. Thank you for your inferest. T/re infornrutio�: on this npplicution tiuill be used to evaluate and se[ecf +nernbers af t/ee IYIB. Applica�rts n:r�r• rejuse to supplr tlrr �equested iitfarmation. �cceptfor vofnntrery information, /ioweves, the fai(ure to compiete tl�e app[icatiae: may ruu/t in it ber�r; discarded Tkis datu may be �eviewed and trsed by Ramsey Caunty and Suint Paut staff. The dnta oit t1:is pnge mtJ Hce reversz sid� is public aad, tl:erejore, availuble to the public. For Office Use only Commissioner District Plannin� Distcict Counci! tn City Council Ward April d. ?WO ( (OYER) Consolidated Proaram Workforce Invesiment Board (YYIB) Category Desctiptions ^n ��G ��� Oc-'�sl If you are applying for Business, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to your application as, described below. -- ..____..._......_. _. __....... _.... ......_....._....___...._._...._._.._......._..._ ...............__.._...__. ..... Business, defined as for proft (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associations - attach your nomination letter): C1 Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, attd other esecutive or employer with optimum policymakin� or hiring authority G Represent business 4vith emp(oyment opportunities that reflect the iocai area Also please indicate if you represent: O large business O small business (fetiver than 500 emptoyezs� Community-Based Organizations, defined as nonprofit organi:ations: Cl Representative of communities or si�nificant se�ments of communities p�o�'iding job trainin� Q A?ency serving youth C1 A�ency serving displaced homemakers ❑ Union-relatzd organization ❑ Employer-related nonprofit otganization C1 Organization servin� nonreservation Indian and tribal government ❑ A;ency representin� veterans C� A�ency representin� individuals with disabilities ❑ Other: _ Economic Development Rgency: Q Private Sector ❑ Public Sector Education (nominated by re�ional or local educational a�encies, institutions, or organizations representina such local educationa( entities - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Locaf educational entities (includin� K-12) C� Local school boards ❑ Entities providin� adult education and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educational institutions U Other. _ _ Labor G Nominated by reco�nized state and/or toca( tabor federations (attach your nomination letter) One-Stop YVorkforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the follo�vin� ac[ivities/pro�rams): C1 Adult, Disfocated tiVorker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans` bVorkforce (�VIA Titte ❑ �Va�ner-Peyser Act 0 Adu(t Education and Literacy (�VIA Title II) �f Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Titte I) C� ❑ ❑ G C� G Deparcment of Housin� and Urban Development G State Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance with applicable federa( ta�v) �Velfare-to-�Vork Pro�rams (Social Security Act) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technolo�y Education Acc) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1914 Titfe II) Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreacfi (Title 33, U.S.C.) Community Services Siock Grant Cnnsolidated Prooram Workforce Investment Board (YYIB) Membership Application � O -�1 S � Privafe Information Name: a �, ac. Place of Employment: i-�etf Wc��-+ Wo�� �o rcc [e n�er' Work City Zip TelephoneNumber: (`Vork)/ai� �G�{�/`u r J�S (I (FAX)!oS! E-Mai1 JobTitle: ,Pe�4���tt4'hot�. Aret�, �CittiG.�CPI" Personai References (include azea code) i) Name: ."rac S�'on�.Y - Address: a098 11 Ae� �. /I�Dr'f'k 5-f' �au� Phone:{Homel �Vork) �5(' 7S " 55�5� 2� �3Rle: 41! E� � G!1'�t � GL� � Address: 6 �.«� �" 5� p� SSl e/ — Phone:(Nnmel �Workl �3t r�s�' J�/!o� Optional: In an attempt to ensure that Boazd representation reflects the makeup of our community> know�ledge of the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluntary. / White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Other Male: Y Female: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes C! No If special accommodations are needed, please specify: The injormaiion on this applicatian wil! be used to evaluate and select members of t8e WIB. Appficavts »:ay reJuse ta supp�}' Ihe reyuesled injnrmatioir. Excepl fo� voluntan' »formation, /�owever, the jailure to complete t/re app/icariou may resutt iir it beiitg discarded Tl+is datu n:ay be revierved and used br Ramsey Corrnty and Saint Paul staJf. Tlie dara on this page is private. April d. 200U What aze your reasons for wantin� to serve on the WIB? t �r- 1_ _ ( _.1 ... 1L„ �,d,�.(.,...�.P..-t dl nw.ae/D4w�e!�- e�,.�c,� -F�iK�K�, ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i Whereas, the Mayor appointed John Mohr to serve as a One-Stop Partner representative z to the Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board (WIB); 4 Whereas, this appointment was consistent with and relied upon advice received from the s State of Minnesota regarding appointments to the WIB; and � Whereas, the State has changed its interpretation of the federal Workforce Investment Act s (WIA) upon which its earlier advice was based, reqniring that a different One-Stop 9 Partner representative be appointed to the WIB; and io ii Whereas, Ramsey County has agreed to appoint John Mohr, as a Business Representative, iz to the WIB; 13 14 Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, that the City Council consents to and approves of the is appointment, made by the Mayor, of Thomas Macy, State Rehabilitation Services, to serve i6 on the Workforce Investment Board (WIB) as a One-Stop Partner representative, for a i� two-year term that espires on June 3Q, 2002. 1a 19 20 21 22 23 Requested by Department o£: Adopted by Council: Date �.3 OO Adoption Certified by Council Secretary sy. -�� �_:—�� _ h�,-,-J�R�_� Approved b ayor: Date �4� / v By: Covncil File # �Q � �SL Green Sheet # 106897 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA � A �b Hy: Form Approved by City Attorney By: p'�---- p-t6•ce _ �. A- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council s '� �e� oo_�S� �.�._-_, .. Mayor's Office s-ia-oo � ' " GREEN SHEET No 106897 Lucia Lebens 6-8533 - � ovM�ro�[e�art ancauuz_ BE ON CWNCIL AGENDA BY (Q4TE7 � $—Z3—�� � ��C NUMBERPoR { �QIYAiTMIEY CRYCtGK 0.� � . ❑w4wr.w�acx�cnow. nuxou�wvaeera � . '� �wroRfdtAtasuxr) ❑ � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL IOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointment of Thomasj�J�acy, by Mayor Coleman, to the City-Gounty Workforce Investment Board (WIB) PLANNING CAMMlSS10N CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SOURCE e Hae thia ce�mM�rm e.m wwked unaer a cono-aot r« this departmeM? res rio Has Mie parowuArtn c.er been a uH empbyee? YES , Pq Doec thk Oe�rm P�eees a sldll not rwrmaliYP� M�Y curteM citY emPloyee7 VES NO Isl�icpnsoNfirmn-farpeteOVa�WM . YES NO COSTrttEVENUEBUDOETED(CIRCLEON� YES 11CTi111'!Y NUMBER NO INFORMATION (EXPWM � arch Cant�r oo-�s� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor 7'�: FROM: DATE: RE: 390 Ciry Ha[! IS West Kellogg Baulevard Saint Paut, MN 55702 Saint Paul City Cuuncilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Lucia Lebens Assistant to the M ar August 15, 2000 Telephone: 612-?66-8510 Facsimile: 612-266-8513 �n t���!L�1 ��R`µi' ��G �. � 20DD City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Thomas Macy to the City- County Workforce Investment Board (WIB). Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating this individual and a copy of his application. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions reaarding these appointments. Attachments c: Terry Zurn, Workforce Investment Board Staff � Consolidated Program Workforce In vestment Board (N'IB) � p_•? 5� Membership Application Home Street City What skills, trainin� and experience do you possess for WTB membership? County Zip Jr� �,c�tvvd�,l�oa��s Q,r.� ,��4 A n rn�4_�o m�trsSro�t � r�� u�a�s PYdQr�trt�e n Length of initial term you aze interested in: one-year Are you a Veteran?: C� Yes �+-No two-year � Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolidated Proeram tYorkforce Investment Board (WIB) Cnteoory Aescriplions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the WIB. Mail or FaX WIB Menubership.App]ication to: Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk - Counry Board,<Suite 250, I S FVest Kellagg Boulevarcl, Saint Puzrl, Minnesota »102 (FaY: 6� 1-266-8039; Phone: 6� 1-Zb6=801 �). Applications must lie received by Nfay I2, 2000. ," We will hold two orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB. These sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask d�at members attend one of these two sessions. P4ease reserve these dates on your calendar. \\'e espect that applicants will be officially notified mid-June on the status of their application. Thank you for your inferest. T/re infornrutio�: on this npplicution tiuill be used to evaluate and se[ecf +nernbers af t/ee IYIB. Applica�rts n:r�r• rejuse to supplr tlrr �equested iitfarmation. �cceptfor vofnntrery information, /ioweves, the fai(ure to compiete tl�e app[icatiae: may ruu/t in it ber�r; discarded Tkis datu may be �eviewed and trsed by Ramsey Caunty and Suint Paut staff. The dnta oit t1:is pnge mtJ Hce reversz sid� is public aad, tl:erejore, availuble to the public. For Office Use only Commissioner District Plannin� Distcict Counci! tn City Council Ward April d. ?WO ( (OYER) Consolidated Proaram Workforce Invesiment Board (YYIB) Category Desctiptions ^n ��G ��� Oc-'�sl If you are applying for Business, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to your application as, described below. -- ..____..._......_. _. __....... _.... ......_....._....___...._._...._._.._......._..._ ...............__.._...__. ..... Business, defined as for proft (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associations - attach your nomination letter): C1 Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, attd other esecutive or employer with optimum policymakin� or hiring authority G Represent business 4vith emp(oyment opportunities that reflect the iocai area Also please indicate if you represent: O large business O small business (fetiver than 500 emptoyezs� Community-Based Organizations, defined as nonprofit organi:ations: Cl Representative of communities or si�nificant se�ments of communities p�o�'iding job trainin� Q A?ency serving youth C1 A�ency serving displaced homemakers ❑ Union-relatzd organization ❑ Employer-related nonprofit otganization C1 Organization servin� nonreservation Indian and tribal government ❑ A;ency representin� veterans C� A�ency representin� individuals with disabilities ❑ Other: _ Economic Development Rgency: Q Private Sector ❑ Public Sector Education (nominated by re�ional or local educational a�encies, institutions, or organizations representina such local educationa( entities - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Locaf educational entities (includin� K-12) C� Local school boards ❑ Entities providin� adult education and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educational institutions U Other. _ _ Labor G Nominated by reco�nized state and/or toca( tabor federations (attach your nomination letter) One-Stop YVorkforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the follo�vin� ac[ivities/pro�rams): C1 Adult, Disfocated tiVorker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans` bVorkforce (�VIA Titte ❑ �Va�ner-Peyser Act 0 Adu(t Education and Literacy (�VIA Title II) �f Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Titte I) C� ❑ ❑ G C� G Deparcment of Housin� and Urban Development G State Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance with applicable federa( ta�v) �Velfare-to-�Vork Pro�rams (Social Security Act) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technolo�y Education Acc) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1914 Titfe II) Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreacfi (Title 33, U.S.C.) Community Services Siock Grant Cnnsolidated Prooram Workforce Investment Board (YYIB) Membership Application � O -�1 S � Privafe Information Name: a �, ac. Place of Employment: i-�etf Wc��-+ Wo�� �o rcc [e n�er' Work City Zip TelephoneNumber: (`Vork)/ai� �G�{�/`u r J�S (I (FAX)!oS! E-Mai1 JobTitle: ,Pe�4���tt4'hot�. Aret�, �CittiG.�CPI" Personai References (include azea code) i) Name: ."rac S�'on�.Y - Address: a098 11 Ae� �. /I�Dr'f'k 5-f' �au� Phone:{Homel �Vork) �5(' 7S " 55�5� 2� �3Rle: 41! E� � G!1'�t � GL� � Address: 6 �.«� �" 5� p� SSl e/ — Phone:(Nnmel �Workl �3t r�s�' J�/!o� Optional: In an attempt to ensure that Boazd representation reflects the makeup of our community> know�ledge of the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluntary. / White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Other Male: Y Female: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes C! No If special accommodations are needed, please specify: The injormaiion on this applicatian wil! be used to evaluate and select members of t8e WIB. Appficavts »:ay reJuse ta supp�}' Ihe reyuesled injnrmatioir. Excepl fo� voluntan' »formation, /�owever, the jailure to complete t/re app/icariou may resutt iir it beiitg discarded Tl+is datu n:ay be revierved and used br Ramsey Corrnty and Saint Paul staJf. Tlie dara on this page is private. April d. 200U What aze your reasons for wantin� to serve on the WIB? t �r- 1_ _ ( _.1 ... 1L„ �,d,�.(.,...�.P..-t dl nw.ae/D4w�e!�- e�,.�c,� -F�iK�K�,