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` ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL �-�•�;�r;-y��b:�
To; Ron Maddax, Council President
and Members� the City Council
From: J. William Donova
Valuation and Asse sment Engineer
Date; December ll, 1980 !
Subject: Petition of Pa.ul and Susan Hendrickson, et al
for the va.cation of Hillwood Drive �om South
McKnight Road to 128 feet westerly of McKnight
Public Hearing - January 6, 1981
The petitioners desire the vacation of a 30 foot portion of Hillwood Drive,
beginning at South McKnight Roa.d and Westerly 128 feet, as shvwn on the
atta.ched plan. The petitioners request this vaca.tion in order to enlarge
their yard for priva.te enjoyment. The area. embraced by the petition is
zoned R-2 (8ingle-family Residential) and measures 30 feet by 128 feet, con-
sisting of 3,8i+0 squaxe feet.
Northern States Power Company reports the existence of an overhead electric �
distribution line within the va.cation area. and requests that a ten foot strip
abutting the north property line of Lot 1, Leonard Oa.k Hills, be reta.ined for
a utility easement.
The Department of Public Works and the Depa.rtment of Planning and Economic
Development have reviewed the va.cation and have no ob�ections or recommen-
dations re�arding this matter.
The Nei�hborhood Community Council District #1 has reviewed and supports the
vaca.tion as pro�posed.
There were no objections from ar�y other public or private agencies iavolved. .
In view of the foregoing, I recomunend the vacation be approved, subject to the
following terms and conditions: .
l. Tha.t the description of the va.cation read as follaws:
Al1 of Hillwood Drive lying between the
extended East and West lines of Lot l,
Block 1, Leonard Oa.k Hills. �
I �, That the vacation be sub�ect to all the terms and �
conditions of Chapter 228 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code, as amended.
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a `�. That the specific easement be retained to protect the
interest of Northern Sta.tes Power Company. �
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3 `1d�. That the petitioners pa.y to the City the sum of $3;�6E��0 � pc�, � :•...,.. �
as compensa.tion for the va.cation. a`7, �
c.� �. That the petitioners flzrnish the Ci�y with a bond in the J
amount of $5,000.00, and by accepta.nce of the terms and
conditions of this va.cation agrees to indemnify, defend
and save ha,rmless the City of Saint Pa.ul, its officers
and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of ar�y
character, including, but not limited to, a cla.im brought
because of ar�y injuries, or da.mages received or sustai.ned
by ar�y person, persons, or property, on account of this
vacation; or because of any act or omission, neglect or
misconduct of sa.id petitioner5; or because of ar�y clai.m or
liability arising from or based on any violation of any la.w
or regula.tion a�de in accordance with the law, whether by
the petitionerS or any of � agents or employees.
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cc; Mayor George Latimer '``�
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