276260 WHITE - CITY CLERK •- PINK "- FINANCE C,/1NARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY SA I T PA U L COUqC1I r ����0 BLUE - MAYOR File N 0. s Co l e ution Presented By LICENSE COMMLTTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That �TOn Sale 7�iquor" licenses, applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted, that the bonds filed by each licensee axe hereby approved, and the License Tnspector is directed to issue said licenses. Robert E. Jensen and Allen D. Doriott 586 Rice Street R,estaurant Appn. Q17L�].l Renewal Herbert L. Howe 202 Concord Street Restaurant �� Q17la.1.8 " Quinn Creative, Inc. 738 Thomas Avenue Restaurant " �.7552 " G & M Bar, Inc. I�60 St. Peter Street IZestaurant '� Q17563 '� HIOA, Inc. 161 St. Anthony Avenue Hotel " • Q17575 " The i�anor, Inc. 2550 W. Seventh Street ',:estaurant " Q17599 " Glyn Triviski, Jr. 2209-2221 Ford Parkway Restaurant " Q17629 " Phalen Park Liquors, Inc. 1199 Payne Avenue Restaurant r� Q17623 r� Geno's Cafe, Inc. 668-670 Payne Avenue Restaurant " �17662 " Gannon�s, Inc. 2728 Gannon Road. Restaurant " �17672 " J & L Liquors, Inc. 1537 University Avenue l�staurant " Q17677 " The riinnesota Club 317 N. YJashington Street Club " Q17681 " Nlounds Park Lounge, Inc. 1067 Hudson Road Restaurant « Q177l�6 �� (].la.) Chickett�s, Inc. 1�67-1�69 St. Peter Street Restaurant " Q17756 " COUI�ICILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favo[ Maddox McMahon � snowe�ter _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� Approved by 1�layor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - BY WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE n s "� �y�o C1►NARY�- DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T 1 �u L COUI/CII � ; r BLUE� - MAYOR A File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMI�TTEE � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date On Sale Liquor I,icenses - Page 2 Bram Corporation 932-�. Axcade Street Restaurant Appn. Q17762 Renewal The Coachman, Inc. 1192 Pd. Da1e Street Restaurant " Q17767 " Tom YJallace Bar� Inc. l�29 S. Robert Street R,estaurant " Q�,777? �� Janice, Inc. 2l�1 E. Kellogg Blvd. Restaurant �� Q17801 " Minnehaha Tavern, Inc. 735 t�ihi.te Bear Avenue Restaurant " Q17788 " Viner and Baker, Inc. ' 2210 Hudson Road Restaurant " Q17791� �' Associated Hosts of Minnesota, Inc. 111 E. Kellogg Blvd. R,estaurant �� Q17798 �� St. Paul Lodge Pdo. 59 B.P.O.E., Inc. 72 Concord. Street Club " q�„7827 rt Bataglia, Inc. 117lt ,W. Senenth Street Restaurant " Q17837 �� Bowl-Rite, Inc. 15�.8 University Avenue I�staurant " Q1781�8 �� Dayton�s, A Division of Dayton-Hudson Corporation 2 E. Seventh Street Restaurant " Q1785Lt " O�Gara Bar & Grill, Inc. 161� N. Snelling Avenue Restaurant '� Q17$5$ �r The Brass Raa.l of St. Paul, Inc. 225 W. Seventh Street Restaurant " Q17862 '� Sun R,�y Lounge, Inc. 2245 Hudson I�toad Restaurant " Q17876 �� Eddleston �nterprises, Inc. 2251 University Avenue Nsstaurant �' Q�7880 " `� St. paul Ramsey Art� and S�ience �ouncil (16) 75 W. F`i.fth Street Restaurant l� Qa.7886 " COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon snowaite� - __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date s Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� -- Approved by ;Nayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ — BY � ' v � 7��� � ;ti`��Tr'o;�<..:, , � CITY OF SR[NT PAUL ' ~P `"' '"�� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT .. �� _�:: �� as +, �';IIt'11It11 >' '�: L� ^:: - DtVlSION OF PLANNING .r`�`r=������'�` 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paut,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR - April 25, 1980 Rose ��1ix, City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 � RE: Zoning File No. 8435 - Corrections to Zoning Maps 27 and 28 Dear Madam: V!e are forwarding to you for City Council action the recommendatian of the St. Paul Board of Zoning Appeals pertaining to clarifying certain zoning designation and boundary discrepancies on Zoning Maps 27 and 28. This matter was first heard by the Board of Zoning Appeals on April 2��, 1979, pursuant to Section 60.402(f) of the Zoning Ordinance which authorizes the Board to review and make recommendation to City Council regarding uncertainty, contradiction or confliction of any zoning district boundaries. The existing discrepancies are shown in Exhibit B and the recommended corrections are shown in Exhibit C. Also included is the zoning staff report, minutes and resolution of the Board and map showing property owners within 350 feet. This was not a public hearing matter, however. City Council on May 31 , 1979 heard the recommendations and determined that a public hearing date be set so that property owners within 350 fee� of the subject properties could be notified of the corrections. Notices were sent on April 11 , 198Q stating that City Council would hold a public hearirrg on this matter on May 1 , 1980. Sincerely, �,.�u��.��. �. �U� ��._. Laurence J, Jung City Planner LJJ/mb Enc. �O WNITE - CITY CLERK . PINK `- FINANCE . ������Q C,ANARY - DEPARTMENT COU[ICII . �'��.%,a-� BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA IT L File N O. '`� ' �� '� � Council Resolution Presented By �CENSE CONIhffTT� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date On Sale Liquor Licenses - Page 3 Pavlick Holding Co., Inc. 1318 'r�. Larpenteur Ave. R,estaurant Appn. Q�..7889 Renewal Damico, Inc. 230 Front Avenue �estaurant '� Q17903 " Mi.nnehaha Bowling Center, Inc. 955 seminary Avenwe Restaurant " Qa.7908 " Will, Inc. 956 .Payne Avenue Restaurant '1 Q�.7915 " Mikate, Inc. l�75 Td. Wabasha Street Restaurant " Q17919 " St. Paul-Ramsey Arts & Science Counci.l 30 E. Tenth Str. 1Zestaurant " Q17925 " Ronco Corporation 879 �ce Street Restaurant �' Q17929 " McLeans, Inc. 1096 Grand Avenue R,estaurant " Q�7935 " The Janet Corp oration and �onval, Inc. 1I�7.l�-18 White Bear Avenue Restaurant '� Q17976 " Lavearl's, Inc. 77 E. Ninth Street Restaurant " �11.7938 " L & T,Inc. 901 Payne Avenue Restaurant " Q�791�1 " Andrew Kappas, Inc. 21G1 E. Seventh Street Restaurant " Q17951� " DeGidio, Inc. lt25 W. Seventh Street Restaurant " @17961 " Lou�s Viaduct Inn, Inc. 1056 E. Seventh Street Restaurant �� Q�7967 �� Lendway's Bar, Inc. 609 University Avenue Restaurant " Q17980 " Esteban�s On Grand, Inc. and Saji-Ya� Inc. 16 �� �� COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox • McMahon B snoWaiter __ Against Y — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY Bl' -- Approved by ;Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY WHITE - CITY CLERK PiNK �- FINANCE '{����Q C,ANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L COUIICII BL,UE - MAYOR File N O. � Y �"� Council Resolution Presented By LICEN5E COA�LLTT�;E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date On Sale Liquor Licenses - P age !� Silver Mist Corporation 728 Armstrong Avenue Restaurant Appn. Q17996 Nenewal Gallivan�s Restaurant, Inc. 354 rr. �°rabasha Street Restaurant �� Q18000 " St. Pau1 Aerie No. 33, F.O.E. 733 1'ierce F3utler tZoute Club " Q18006 " The Cromwell, Inc. ?S11 University Avenue Restaurant " Q18010 " Bi-Geo, Inc. 1373 E• M�gnolia Avenue R,estaurant �� Q18023 " Rafferty, Inc. 111.�1 Ftice Street Restaurant �� Ql$p32 �r Parkway Tavern, Inc. 1900 Stillwater Avenue Restaurant " �1.8035 " Town and Country �lub, Inc. 2279 Marshall Avenue Club " Q�.80lt7 " Ma11et,Inc. 738 University Avenue Restaurant " Q18050 " Eugene D. Ricci 1082 Arcade Street Restaurant " Q�.805l� �� McCann Bros. Chatterbox, Inc. 393 Selby Avenue Restaurant " Q�8o58 'r Nickel Joint, Inc. & Martha O�Connor 501 Blair Avenue Restaurant " Q18062 " Dahl's 620 Club, Inc. 620 b�i. Seventh Street Restaurant " Q�8070 " Mancini. Bar, Inc. 531 W. Seventh Street R.estaurant " Q18071� " Glass Bar, lnc. 299 �aria Avenue Restaurant " Q18077 " Service Systems Corporation 355 �. i�.obert Street Restaurant " Q18082 " (17) BAL, Inc. �27 S. ti�labasha Street Restaurant " c�18086 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B showa�ter __ Against Y — Tedesco - Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY WNITE - CITY CLERK A� PINK - FINANCE F �ANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COUIIC11 �`���� LUE - MAYOR File N O. � ���� Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CONTi�iIT'I'EE + Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date On Sa1e Liquor Licenses - Page 5 E.S.W., Inc. 616 Como Avenue Restaurant Appn. Q18089 Renewal St. Paul Council P�To. 397, Knights of Columbus 1026 T�J. Seventh Street Club " Q�.�095 " James C. Toner 880 E. Seventh Street Restaurant " Q18099 " Blarney� Inc. & J. J. White, Inc. 719 r�. Da1e Street :�estaurant " Q18101 " Howard Johnson Compar�y 1825 Suburban Avenue Restaurant � Q,18106 " Eernard l�i. Berke 371�-76 St. Peter Street Restaurant " Q�8111� " SPH Hotel Co. & Capital Hospitality Corporation 11 E. Kellogg Blvd. Hotel " Q18126 �� SPH Hotel Co. & Capital Hospitality Corporation l�11 Minnesota Street Hotel " Q18131 " McTeague's Bar, Inc. 1LG1.5 University Avenue Restaurant " Q18118 " Elsie C. Johnson & Carol J. Sabo 13�.7 �ur'ns Avenue �staurant " Q18123 " Victor Iiasanz, Jr. and Jeanne l�iasanz 1567 University Avenue R,estaurant " f�18135 " �ro D, Inc. 1638 �.ce Street Restaurant " Q181l�0 " Awada, Inc. 199 �. Plato Boulevard �staurant " Q1811t6 " Jerry Belgea Enterprises, Inc. 605 Front Avenue Restaurant " Q181l�9 " (15) Ace Bax Bar, Inc. 2162 University Avenue Restaurant '� Q18151 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snoWaite� __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by 1Aayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - BY �WMITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl1IlC11 �� s � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F SA I N T PA U L File N O. - � s��� BLUE - MAYOR Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COI�TT� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date On Sale Liquor Licenses - Page 6 Walmont, Inc. 2051 Ford Parkway Restaurant Appn. Q18151� Renewal Whoopee, Inc. 173 S. ��obert Street Restaurant '� Q18159 " Le�d-Front� lnc. 991 N. Le�dngton Avenue Restaurant " Q18176 " Leo H. Gadbois 96 N. Dale Street Restauxant " Q�.8186 " Beaver Lounge, Incorporated 756 Jackson Street Restaurant " Q18192 �t George's Bar, Inc. 537 Greenwood Avenue Restaura� " Q18201t " Rand.-Spot, Inc. and i�obert L'. Koehnen, Inc. 85q F'candolph Avenue Restaurant " Q18161t " Kenneth A. '1�ompson and �i'iola I�i. `l'ho�son 866 University Avenue Restaurant " Q18169 " Boca Chica, Tnc. 11 Concord Street Restaurant " Q18183 " Cap'n Kidd� Inc. and Ha.fiz, Inc. 175 N. Western Avenue t�estaurant " Q7.8199 " Paxrish's, Inc. 2176 bJ. Seventh Street Restaurant " Q18218 " Thomond R. O�Brien 79 N. Western Avenue Restaurant '� Q18222 " S & J, Inc. 9i�9 W. Seventh Street Restaurant '� Q18235 " Hafner's, Inc. 1560 White F3ear Avenue Restaurant " Q1�239 " Joe's Place, Inc. 721 �ackson Street :-�estaurant ►t Q18253 " (16) Highland Inn, Inc. 1FS70 Old Huds on Road Hotel " Q�.8258 " COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B Showaiter A gai n s t Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By —_ Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ BY WHITE - CITY CLERK vd PtNK - FINANCE l �� dANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L COUflC1I � / �� BLUE - MAYOR r� File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By �CENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date On Sa1e Liquor Licenses - Page 7 St. Paul Athletic Club 31�0 Cedar Street Club Appn. Q183o3 t�newal B.A.T., Inc. 755 Jackson Street Restaurant " Q18288 " MCJ, Inc. 67l� �odd �oad R,estaurant �� Q�,8310 " Albert's of St. Paul� Inc. 380 Cedar Street Restaurant " Q1831l� " T•iayville, Inc. 1355 University Avenue l�staurant " Q18329 " Gege, Inc. ],I�20 W. Seventh Street Restaurant " Q18335 'r E & E ?�iquors, Inc. 91�9 E. Seventh Street Restaurant " Q18339 " Don-Lou, Inc. 1220 Pice Street Restaurant " Q1831�5 " H-M Liquors� Inc. & Gene-riont� Inc. 7l�1-3 Edmund Ave. 13estaurant " Q18359 " J. J. 'r�hterprises, Inc. 255l� Como Avenue �staurant " Q18363 '� Taney-Troye� Inc. 1091 Rice Street Restaurant " Q18367 �� Munzen�s F�ar, Inc. 2516 W. Seventh Street Restaurant " Q18372 " Ma.ngini, Inc. 131�5 E. Rose Avenue Restaurant " Q18375 " E & K Corporation 1066 E. Seventh Street Restaurant " Q18382 " Bolands' Liquor � Foods� Inc. 685 E. rl'hird Street R,estaurant " 4a.8386 " R.B.S., Inc. 857 Grand Avenue N�staurant " Q�8391 '� 1 R. Brennan Inc. Unive sit venue Re �� " COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon snowaite� __ Against BY Tedesco �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by :Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - — BY WHITE - CITY CLERK ,�Jy PINK - FINANCE �,/��� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L COUfICiI ��� s �� BLUE - MAYOR File N . Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COM2•�T1E� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Un Sale Liquor Licenses - Page 8 Clayton Club� Inc. 615 University Avenue �staurant Appn. Q181�09 Renew�. Cusick�s, Inc. 816 Payne Avenue Restaurant 't Q�8�26 " Clay Enterprises, Inc. 721 Payne Avenue Restaurant �� Q181t30 " B.H. & M.� Inc. 899 t�i.ce Street P�estaurant �r Qlgl�35 �rr Andchi, Inc. 1112-11� Arcad.e Street R,estaurant �� Q181�50 �� Gentile's, Inc. Lt97-9 Payne Avenue Restaurant " �8l�55 " Sha-Ray, Inc. 111-15 W. Sixth 5treet R�staurant t� Q181�62 " J. Haxold, Inc. 1183 University Avenue �estaurant �� �18466 " DuSharr, Inc. and GAG, Inc. 21�17 tiu. Seventh Street Restaurant �� Q1$la19 �r Hello Dolly, Inc. 7-9 �i. Seventh Street Restaurant " Q18470 " Ra1ph-Doyle Corporation 919 Randolph Avenue Restaurant �� Q181�l�2 " H.K.K., Incorporated 108l� �d. Larpenteur Ave. Restaurant " Q18l�It6 " Loucas I1. Arvanitis 1.�la.1+-�#8 St. Peter 5tr. Restaurant " Q,181�7l� " Dawn�s Downtown,, Inc. 55 �. Fifth 5treet i�estaurant " Q181�79 r' Rowe, Inc. 995 W. Seventh Str. Restaurant �� Q18486 " Midway Enterprises, Inc. 1553 University Avenue Restaurant " Q].81�91 " (17) Dacotah Corporation 37l� Selby Avenue Resta�rant �� Q18l�96 " COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In FavOr Maddox McMahon B Showalter _ Ag81nSt Y — Tedesco wlson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By _ Approved by :Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ BY WMITE - CITY CLERK PtNK � - FINANCE P ~ � �ANARY - DEPARTMENT C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COURCII +. 'J �� BLUE - MAYOR File N O. S Council Resolution Presented By ��`�SE COMi�ffTTE� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date On Sa1e Liquor Licenses - Pa,ge 9 Knoll & Davison, Inc. � 870 Payne Avenue Restaurant Appn. Q18500 Renewal E & E, Inc. 859 Thomas Avenue Restaurant " Q18501� " Top Hat, Inc. and Top Hat Collateral� Inc. 13�t E. F`ifth Street i�estaurant �' Q�,8508 " Bravo� Inc. 1181 Clarence Street R,estaurant " �.a512 " N.T.J.� Inc. and Armand DelNonte,, Bernice De7.Ivlonte and Terence Deli�lonte 1199 Rz.ce Street Restaurant '� Q18516 " D J N, Inc. 101�5 Hudson Road R�staurant �� Q18520 " 1�arf Club, Inc. 1601 University Avenue :�?„estaurant " Q18521� " , Max=�ta1, Inc. 1179-81 E. Seventh Str. Restaurant " Q18531 " Bourbon Bar � Cafe Corporation 691 N. Dale Street !�estaurant " Q,18535 " Beau-Kel-Stock, Inc. 469 N. Snelling Avenue Restaurant " Q185�t2 " P.J.R., Inc. 992 Arcade Street ��estaurant " Q185L�6 " Intermode, Inc. 1t90 i4. i3obert Street Rsstaurant " �8551 " Horatio hornblower, Inc. 31.t5 N. i°.abasha Street Restaurant " Q18578 " V.�.P. Productions, Inc. 400 Sibley Street Rastaurant " C�7..8l�12 " Night Train, Inc. 289 Como Avenue Rsstaurant " 4]�8555 " lb Pub East Inc. l�ioren Ko & Antho J. Ko Sr. Rastaurant 'T 8 62 " COUNCILMEN • e n ree Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B Showalter __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By —_ Approved by 1Aayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - – BY WHITE CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COUIICII BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Council Resolution Presented By LICE:VSE COI��TT� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date On Sale Liquor Licenses - Page 10 Old Oak Room Bar, Inc. 380 Selby Avenue Restaurant Appn. Q18568 Renewal Ftiil.ton Street Associates, Inc. 825 Jefferson Avenue R,estaurant " Q18572 " William C. Heine and Joel T. Koehnen 315 Fort Road Restaurant �� Q�8583 " Prom Catering Co., Inc. 1170 University Avenue R,estaurant �� Q185$7 " Ronald ?°l. Anderson 760 Payne Avenue Restaurant " (�18591� " Peter Jay, Inc. 1�80 S. Snelling Avenue ��,estaurant " Q18601 " Shaul Enterprises, Inc. 981 University Avenue Restaurant '� Q18608 '� Joe-Art, Inc. 2�9 W. 5eventh Street l�staurant �� Q18615 " 0'Connell's, Inc. 656-56�2-.60 Grand Avenue Restaurant �� q�8619 " Ricom� Inc. 57l� Ri.ce Street Restaurant " �18627 �� Boe-Evans, Inc. l�60-6 N. Le�dngton Ave. Nastaurant �� Q18633 " The UrLiversity Club of St. Paul, Inc. 1�20 Summit Ave. Club " Q18640 " Por-Du, Inc. 1080 Payne Avenue Restaurant " �.8655 �' Max-Ja, Inc. 1201 Jackson Street Restaurant " @a.8659 " The Lost oc round� Inc. 351 University Ave. Restaurant " Q�8666 " 0'Connell's Clover �lub, Inc. 501 University Avenue N�staurant " Q18670 �� (17) Engine House Associates, Ltd. �.98 Selby Avenue Restaurant " Q18678 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favo[ Maddox McMahon �,�i�� __ Against BY Tedesco �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by 1�layor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - BY WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - ' - FINANCE OAAARY - DEPARTMENT � G I TY OF SA I NT PAU�L COUIICII . ['J� BLUE - MAYOR FIIe N O.�Pr�,--60 Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COI�IITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date On Sa1e Liquor Licenses - Page 11 Sonr�r�s Bar, Inc. �83 Payne Avenue R�staurant Appn. Q1801�3 Renewal H & B Wong Corporation 1910 Suburban Avenue Restaurant " Q�8317 " Albert & Gesella B. Baisi 1�57 ti�labasha Street Restaurant " Q18691 " David A. & Ernest F. Yarusso 635-7 Payne Avenue Restaurant " Q18700 �� Schernbeck, Inc. 368 Jackson Street Restaurant " Q18707 " Doerfler Construct�n Co., Inc. 31�5 6Jabasha Street ��staurant " Q18715 " Bon-Le, Inc. 1171�-76 Arcade Str. Resta�rant " Q18726 " Restaurant No Limit, Inc. 276 S. .r.xchange Street Rsstaurant " Q�8721 " Alro, Inc. 3b9 Ceda.r Street Restaurant " Q18731 " Dangel� Inc. 572 N. llale Street r?�estaurant " Q18758 " Ward Praperty Management, Inc. 892-99 Payne Avenue P�estaurant " Q�.8762 " The Ale Room� Inc. 395 N. Robert Street Restaurant " Q�8771 " T.R. Enterprises� Inc. & Arline Viner 201-5 E. Fourth Street Restaurant " Q18776 " COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox �i°° � Against BY �I+eweker ' n JAN 2 7 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Ado ed bv Counci . Date — ertified P� ed by Co ci etJty BY Y 1.p Appr ve 1�lavor: `�„N 2 g ��t Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - BY 1d�u�t�D �E B 7 19 81