276250 ����0
By ,
File No.
�n the Matter of lu��aaw�nt !or r�coastr�tion ef si�alkr snd vozk iaeid�entai
S 107�7 North sids ��`Q�f �►'Vli. �re� Cliit �c. to i�at 110' .
� 107T8 w�at sid� vt XLD�lMR� St. f�c+�w Cc�k A+r+a. to 3t�sawiat 11vs..
abu�ti�g 1li89 b 1A�� Albaa�r2i i�.
8 1077�1 �orrh •ide ef�!►tt� t'�C. ts� f3�lti�r Bt. to ii�rit it�' �ai
li�st sid� ot �►T�t1i� �?. lica� 1►re�ct Aw�. to NFouth 190'
� 107a0 SouEh sii�e ol�MAl�t�L�. AIR. ;hra� �+�ellia►g /►we. ta ��rY �t.
i 1Gy81 East sid• �t YI4"'�ORx1► �'. lrorr Ja�o A�vs. to 27t0• lterth.
� 1038� Ms�t •l�i� ot '!�'.!'OM it?. ts�aa ls�a�t Arr�. t� Morth l�0' aad
�r� lbrth si�dt ot��►L�R� /t1R. tra� T�iton St. to riator� St. �+�d �
, �°` i+�s t sid� o! '�IC'ndR�'iA �'. �xo� i�rlsae A». to ��. 100'.
S 10T83 �o+�th s�.dt o�"CA1'1`I� A�.;�_!rw ��nd Aw. t� Kt�rt 2t�tt'. _
i ZOf84 loutlr sidt f CAR?�R A1R. �ra� Aordoa Aw. to lasria S�. ac �2376,
�` l�366, #33� an� f29S6 Cazttr.
:. � 10785 i+irst sid� oi 11p11 �'t. lra� ivbi� �t. to :: .iti�it�r� �t.
under Administrative Order � approved
under Preliminary Order Q? �(2��� approved �� — ��—��
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and �
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCILMEN Ado y the Co ncil: Date
JAN 2 7 1981
Yeas Nays
Certified P Counc'1 Secretary
Hozz� —
Unt Levine In Favor
� V1fl� Maddox N 2 8 1981
�a � � � Against
M hon s��
C�10 alter Tedesco r 19a�
,,a�„� p���:"'azi�A ►- L-6 7
, ����,,�:' - .
� ST PA �JL Ci �TY COUI� CiL �: �� ���
F I L E N 0. s i o�s2
PAGE � -
PUR P 0 SE To decide on whether to proceed with public s�dewalk construc-
t ion
. LOCATION west side of FULTON STREET from Palace Ave. to North 120 ft,
North side of PALACE AVENUE from Fulton St to Victoria St,
East side of VICTORIA STREET fran Palace Ave. to So. 100 ft.
HEARING Tuesday, ,7anuary 27, 1981 at 10:00 AM
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
A S S E S S AIIE N T If the Council approves the project, a portion of the costs
may be assessed against benefitted properties. The estimated
INFORMATION assessments are as follows:
RECONSTF�UCTION (replace existing walk)---NO ASSESSMENT
FIRST TIME CONSTRUCTION of S` walk (where none exists)
For 1 and 2 family property------$5.00 per foot
For all other property-----------$8.00 per foot
In addition, charges for extra work, such as additional side-
walk width, driveway construction, etc. will be added to the
assessment for the '�enefitted property.
if this is a first time construction, the Cit� Council will
hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is completed. The
ourpose of that hearing will be to ratif� the assessments �
for the project. You will receive a notice at that time
advising you of the amount vou will be required to aay.
�i U� ST I�N .7 CONSTRL'CTION - 298-4255 ASSESSMEtiT - 298-5125
Also, City staff will be available to answer anv l.ast minute
questions on this proiect in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the same day as the hearing.
?:otice sent January 9, 1981 �' ��' the Valuaticr. and Assessment Divisicn
Department o` I'ir.ance and Management Services
Room 2i8 Citv I?a" - Court House
St. Paul, '�`.innesota 5510'_'
. - J "I:' J �r!" ,�'.
• �...,
SZ. Pa4UL � 1i° '� CC3UIVCIL ��a �� °`�-- `'
PU6L1C H � A�tlNG �U4TI � E
FILE N0. s 10�85
PU R P 0 S E '�'o decide on whether to �roceed with public sidewal� construc-
t ion
LO C AT 10 N Ease side of ADA STREET fram Robie S treet to Winifred S t.
H E A R i N G � Tuesday, January 2�, 1981 a t 10:00 A�'�
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
ASSESS�IIIElVT If the Council approves the project, a portion of the costs
may be assessed against benefitted properties. The estimated
1NF�RMATiON assessments are as f_ollows:
RECO\STRUCTION (replace existing walk)---NO ASSESSMENT
FIRST TZME CONSTRUCTION of 5' walk (where none exists)
For 1 and 2 familv property------$5.00 per foot
For all other pronerty-----------S8.00 per foot
In a�'dition, charges for extra work, such as additional side-
walk width, driveway construction, ete. will be added to the !
assessment for the benefitted property. �
If this is a first time constructior., the Cit� Council will
hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is comrleted. The
purpose of that hearing will be to ratif� the assessments
for the project. You will receive a notice at that time
advising vou of the amount you will be required to pa�.
Q U E S T i 0 N S CO\STRtiCTION - 298-4255 ASSESSMEtiT - 298-5125
Also, Cit� staff will be availa�le to answer anv last minute
questior.s' on this proiect in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 -
10:00 AM tne same dav as the heari.ng.
:otice sent January 9, 1981� b� the �'aluatior. and Assessment D�vision
Department a` Finance and Management Services
Hoom 218 Cit�� I'.all - Court ciouse
St. Paul., '•.innesota 55102
, .�,��,� ���.
ST. PAUL CI �' °� � OUI� � 1L �� ,� �������
F � L E N 0. s io��8
PUR P 0 S E To decide on whether to �roceed with public sidewalk construc-
LO C A T 10 N Wes t side of ALBEMARLE STREET from Cook Ave to Jessamine Ave.
abutting 1089 and 1091 Albemarle Street.
H E A R o N G Tuesday, January 27, 1981 at 10:00 A:�I
City Council Chambers, 3rd F1oor City Ha11
AS SESSMENT If the Council aporoves the project, a portion of the costs
may be assessed against benefitted properties. The estimated
' INFORMATlON assessments are as f_ollows:
RECO\STRUCTION (replace existing walk)---NO ASSESSMENT
FIRST TIME CONSTRUCTION of 5' walk (where none exists)
Fer 1 and 2 famil�� propertv------$5.00 oer foot
For all other property-----------58•�� ner foot
In addition, charges for e�ctra work, such as additional side-
walk width, drivewav construction, etc. will be added to the
assessment for the benefitced propertz�.
if this is a first time constructior., the Ci��- Council will
hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is completed. The
purpose of that hearing wi?1 be to ratif.v the assessments
for the project. You wi11 receive a notice at that time
advising you of the amount vou wi11 be required to pay.
Q V G J T f 0 N S CONSTRLCTION - 298-4255 ASSESSMEtiT - 298-5�25
Also, City staff will be available to answer an�a last minute
questions on this proiect in Room 218 City Hall from 9: 30 -
10:00 AM the same day as the hearing.
`+otice sent January 9, 1981,� b� the Valuatior. and 9ssessment Division
Department of Finance and �anagement Servi�es
Roo;n 218 Cit}� Hall - Court nouse
St. Paul, ".innesota 5510�
• �.,.�,��/ . ��_
ST. PAUL CITY CaUIVClL ` a ��� ��
FILE N0. s io�s3
PAGE 1 -
PU R P 0 S E To decide on whether to oroceed with public sidewalk construc-
LO C A T 10 N South side of CARTER AVENUE from Raymond Ave. to Wes t 200 f t.
HEARING Tuesday, January 27, 1981 at iC:00 A.�'1
Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
AS SESS�111ENT If the Council approves the project, a portion of the costs
may be assessed against be�efitted prooerties. The estimated
' INFORMATION assessments are as follows:
RECONSTRUCTION (replace existing walk)---�0 ASSESS�fE�T
FIRST TIME CONSTRUCTION of S' walk (where none exists)
For I and 2 familv property------�5.00 per foot
For all other property-----------$8•�0 per foot
Zn addition, charges for extra work, such as additional side-
walk width, drivewav construction, etc. will be added to the
assessment for the benefitted propert�,�.
if this is a iirst time constructior., the Ci�� Council ,will
hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is corpleted. The j
purpose of that hearing will be to ratifti� the assessments �
tor the project. You will receive a notice at that time
advising you of the amount vou wi11 be required to Aa�.
Q U E ST I O N S CO'�'STRL'CTION - 298-4255 ASSESSMENT - 29$-5125
Also, City staff wi11 be available to answer anv last minute
questions on this proiect in Room 21$ City Hall from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the same day as the hearin�.
tiotice sent January 9, 1981 , bv the Valuatior, and �ssessment Di`�ision
Department o` Finance and Man�agement Services
Room 218 Citv Hal� - Court ciouse
St. Paul, �`.innesota 5�10�
,'j ',�: /1 i
� ,' ,�'✓' �<� ��r
ST.� PAUL ClTY � OUIVCIL �� � ����' =� �
FILE N0. s io�s4
PUR P 0 S E To decide on wnether to nroceed with public sidewaln construc-
LO C A T I 0 N South side of CARTER AVENUE from Gordon Avenue to Eus tis
Street at �2376, #2366, �2362, and�4�2356 Carter.
HEARING Tuesday, January 27, 1981 at 10:00 AI�:
Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
A S S E S S�1IIE N T If the Council approves the project, a portion of the costs
mav be assessed against benefitted properties. The estimated
' INFORMATION assessments are as .f.ollows.:
RECONSTRUCTION (replace existing walkl---�0 ASSESSME\T
FIRST TIME CONSTRUCTION of 5' walk (where none exists)
For I and 2 familv property------55.O�J oer foot
For all other property-----------$S.pp ner foot
In addition, charges for extra work, such as additional side-
walk width, drivewav construction, etc. �oi11 be added to the �
assessment for the benefitted propert�.
If this is a first time constructior., the Cit� Council wi1l
hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is completed. �he
purpose of that hearing wi11 be to ratif� the assessments
for the project. You will receive a notice at that time
advising you of the amount vou will be required to oa�.
Q U E S T 1 0 N S CONSTRLiCTION - 298-4255 ASSESSMEtiT - 298-5125
Also, City staff will be available to answer anv last minute
questions on this proiect in Room 218 City Hall from 9: 30 -
10:00 AM the same dav as the hearing.
?dotice sent January 9, 1981 '��' the �'aluatior. and �ssessment Division
Department o` I'inance and `;anagement Services
Room 21R Citr Hal' - Court iiouse
St. Puul, �`.inneso�a 551Q2
• � �,/ ��° '.�'
�"� � >G �� S�
Fi � E No. S l0»9
Pu 1� P o SE To decide on whether to aroceed with public sidewalk construc-
t ion
LOCATION North side of FRONT AVENUE from Galtier St to West 60 feet
West side of GALTIER STREET from Front Avenue to North 130 fe t
NEARlNG Tuesday , January 27, 1981 at 10:00 A:'�
CitL Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
AS SESSAAENT If the Council approves the project, a portion of the costs
may be assessed against benefitted properties. The estimated
� iNFORMATiON assessments are as f.ollows:
RECONSTRUCTION (replace existing walkj---ti0 ASSESSi1EtiT
FIRST TIME CONSTRUCTION of 5' walk (where none exists)
� For 1 and 2 familv propert��------�5.00 per foot
� For all other property---- ------��•�� per foot
In addition, charges for extra work, such as additional sic'e-
walk width, drivewav construction, etc. ��ill be added to ti:e
assessment for the benefitted property.
�f this is a first time constructior., the Cit�- CounciZ will
hold a public hearing after the sidewal�c is comaieted. The
purpose of that hearing �ill be to ratif.� the assessments
for the project. You will receive a notice at tnat time
advisir.g you of the amoun*y ouu wi1l be required to pa�.
QV E S'���� S CONSTRUCTION - 298-4255 ASSESSME:�T - 298-5125
Also, City staff will be available Co answer anv last minute
questions on this proiect in Room 21�3 Citv Hall from 9: 30 -
10:00 Aiyl the same day as the hearin€.
'+otice sent January 9, 1981,� bv the Valuatior, an� �ssessment Division
Denartment o.`. Finar.ce and `1ar.agement Services
Room 218 Cit�� I;al�. - Court house
St. Paul, "i�nesot� �;10`'
. ,: �
,�J ;`� r�;; i,'
� `"'f'r .
� ry...,
. UL Cll' Y � � U [VCIL �����
ST � A
F I L E N0. s 10��7
PU R P 0 S E To decide on whether to proceed with public sidewaln construc-
North side of GOODHUE AVENUE from Cliff St. to West 110 feet,
HEARING Tuesday� ,�anuary 27, 1981 at 10:00 ��1
Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
ASSESSlNENT If the Council approves the project, a portion of the costs
may be assessed against benefitted properties. The estimated
INFORAIlATION assessments are as follows:
RECCNSTRtTCTION (replace existing walk)---�0 ASSESSMEtiT
FIRST TIME CONSTFUCTION of 5' walk (where none exists)
For 1 and 2 family property------55.00 per foot
For all other property-----------$8.00 aer foot
1 In addition, charges for extra work, such as additional side-
wal�: width, drivewav construction, etc. will be added to the
� assessment for the benefittec' property. `
�f this ls a tirst time cons�ruction, the Ci�� Council will
hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is comnleted. The
purpose of that hearing will be to ratif.♦ the assessments
for the project. You wi11 receive a r.otice at that time
advising you of the amount vou will be reauired to oa�.
Q lJ E ST I 0 N S CONSTRUCTION - 298-4255 ASSESS'.`�E`T - 298-5125
Also, Ci*_y staif :.�ill be available to answer anv last mir.ute
questions or. this proiect in Room 218 City Hali `rom 9: 30 -
10:00 AIVI the same dav as the hearin�.
tiotice sent January 9, 1981, � h�- the �'aluati.cr. and Assessment Division
DepartmenC o` Finance and '.Vtanagement Services
Room 218 Citv I��11 - Court House
St. Paul, ".innesota 5510"'
c�.� '��. �=-
� .�
'T. PAUL CITY COUIVClL `i�f ��� a��
� F I L E N0. s io�8o
PUR P 0 S E To decide on whether to �roceed with public sidewal'�c construc-
�O�Q��oi� South side of MARSHALL AVENUE from Snelling Ave. to Fry St,
HEARING Tuesday , January 27, 1981 at 10:00 AM
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
AS SESSAAENT If the Council approves the project, a portion of the costs
may be assessed against benefitted properties. The estimated
� INFORMAT�ION assessments are as f_ollows:
RECONSTRUCTION (replace existing walk)---�0 ASSESS�fENT
FIRST TIME CONSTRL'CTION of 5' walk (where none exists)
For 1 and 2 familv property------55.Od per foot
For all other nroperty-----------$8•�� per foot
In addition, cr,arges for extra work, such as additional side-
wal�: width, driveway construction, etc. will be adcied to tne
assessment for the benefitted property.
If this is a first time construction, the Cit� Council will
hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is comoleted. T_he
purpose of that hearing �aill be to ratif.v the assessments
for the project. You wi11 receive a notice at that time
advising you of the amount vou will be required to pa�•.
Q U E S T I 0 N S CONSTRLTCTION - 298-4255 ASSESSMEtiT - 298-5125
Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this proiect in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the same day as the hearing.
Notice sent January 9, 1981,� b�- the Valuatior. and Assessment Di��ision
Deaartment o` Finance and Mar.agement Services
Room 218 Cit�r Hal1 - Court fiouse
St. Paul, �`.innesata 55'02
. ' . ,. ' '�,'=�
� S �: �' AUL C � TY � � U (� � lL �����
FILE N0. S 10�81
PAGE 1 -
PU R P 0 S E `?'o decide on whether to proceed with public s-�dewal� construc-
Lo C~T l0 N East side of VICTORIA STREET fran Juno Ave. to 120 ft. North
HEARiNG Tuesdav . January 27, 1981 at 10:00 AM
Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
A S S E S S AIIE N T If the Council approves the project, a portion of the costs
may be assessed against benefitted properties. The estimated
� ' 1 N F 0 R M AT 14 N assessments are as follows:
RECO?�STRUCTION (r2place existing walk)---NO ASSESSMENT
FIRST TIME CONSTRUCTION of S' walk (where nor.e exists)
ror 1 and 2 familv property------55.00 oer foot
For al1 other property-----------Sg•�� per foot
In addition, charges for e�tra werk, such as additional side-
walk width, driveway construction, et�. will be added to the
assessment for the oenefitted propert�.
If this is a Yirst time construction, the Cit� Council saill
hold a public hearing after the sidewalk is completed. The
purpose of that hearing will be to ratifv the assessments
for the project. You will receive a notice at that time
advising you of the amount you will be required to pa�;.
Q U E�T��� S CO:�TSTRL'CTION - 298-4255 ASSESSM£�T - 298-5125
Also, Citv staff will be available to answer anv last minute
questions. on this proiect in Room 218 City Hall from 9: 30 -
10:00 AM the same day as the hearing.
`:otice sent January 9, 198� b�•- the Valuatior. and Assessment Division
Department o`_ Finance and '�anagement Services
Room 218 Cit�r Hal� - Court House
St. Paul, �:innesota 55!0�
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